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S17.E20: Episode 20

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Well, if the studio audience were like the folks at Jokers, I'd be really worried.  I'm told their "favorite HG" poll actually ranks Vanessa below Jeff, fer Pete's sake.  ("Below Jeff" sounds like it should be an oxymoron by definition…)  Based on that result, I assume the Jokers crowd is not only less intelligent than the "sheep" in the studio audience, but less intelligent than actual sheep, as well.


It might possibly be because the people at Jokers Update actually watch the hamsters around the clock, and things that aren't shown on the 'show' are seen by the feedsters.  Maybe someone who is really annoying on the feeds is given a 'quirky and playful' edit on screen.


There are a lot of examples where a person was viewed as being one thing to the people who watch live, and was portrayed completely different on TV.  Google what Evel Dick really did in the house, versus what he did on screen.


edited for clarity

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 3

I wonder if maybe Clay's family isn't too keen on his showmance with Shelli and that's why we didn't get any back-home footage from his family. His parents maybe aren't too thrilled with him dating a divorced woman that older than him. I realize whatever feelings Clay and Shelli have for each other are heightened by the bizarre circumstances of living together on a reality show so I think when they actually get back to their old lives they'll go on one date and realize they have nothing in common. 


Did CBS not get the message that the "Hit Men" of last season actually weren't all that popular or am I in some kind of weird minority that thought they ruined the whole show? What a big fat waste of time. There was always something hinky about Derrick's claim to be an "undercover" cop because . . . now he's a TV celeb. That kind of blows up any undercover assignment he'd get from then on, right? He even said people recognize him. I wonder how "undercover" he ever really was - I'm thinking he was more of just a regular beat cop who maybe trained for undercover work, or was a small part of some kind of sting. I think the whole "undercover" thing was blown out of proportion and played up for the show.


I see Cody has gone back to modeling and I would guess his brother does the same thing. They both look so much alike. I remember how strangely connected he seemed to be with his father so it cracked me up he brought him along for the segment.


I can also live without the viewer videos telling us who they're rooting for. I don't care.

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I think Derrick was 30-ish on BB, and had done the undercover work when he was first on the force, i.e., young enough to pass for high school/college age and mix in with people in that demographic.  And then he grew up and they probably moved on to using younger guys.  


Not to mention, Rhode Island is a very small state, and once his first cases went to court his cover would have been blown anyway.  

Edited by kassa
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It might possibly be because the people at Jokers Update actually watch the hamsters around the clock, and things that aren't shown on the 'show' are seen by the feedsters.  Maybe someone who is really annoying on the feeds is given a 'quirky and playful' edit on screen.


There are a lot of examples where a person was viewed as being one thing to the people who watch live, and was portrayed completely different on TV.  Google what Evel Dick really did in the house, versus what he did on screen.


edited for clarity


You mean Vanessa is really a brain-dead jock-tugging jackass and Jeff is a neurotic over-thinking paranoiac?  Who knew?  Seriously, I watch BBAD, I read feeds threads (after the fact), I know there's a difference between the eps and the feeds, thank you.  I know Vanessa would be less annoying if she'd stop talking in circles, but I can't conceive of ranking her below somebody who had the mainstream press asking him to be expelled for possible sexual assault.  Or, more simply, putting the season's top power player below the clod she blindsided in Week 3.


And yes, I know Jeff did not actually smear his jizz on Julia, but he's still gross, he's still a fool who needed Jason to point out that Austin's "shocked face" was a fake, he still self-destructed by campaigning against both Austin and Shelli when their allies were in power and there was a renomination due, and he did actually masturbate next to a sleeping houseguest on at least one occasion.  (It was Johnny Mac, before the Julia incident.)  And for that matter, stupid guitars and "heart-tugging" scenes with Daniele aside, the broadcast episodes still made it clear that Dickless looked like a scrotum and smelled like an ashtray, that he was an impotent bully who overcompensated by spewing foul insults around the clock, and that the show was letting him get away with violent assaults (the iced tea, the cigarette burns) that should at least have gotten him the same heave-ho that Season 4's Scott got for tossing a chair in an empty room, for crying out loud.


So no, I don't think the Joker's folks are showing deep feed-watching brilliance by ranking the likes of Jackie, Jason, Meg, and Da'Vonne up at the top.  They're just showing their preference for jerkoffs (hi, Jeff!) who sit around spewing venom rather than playing the game.  You don't have to be deeply analytical to like mean, stupid people.  Just a little pathetic, perhaps.  But JMO.


(And I spoiled myself for the HoH by looking at the goddamn chart!  I knew to cover the top of the page, where they usually have that info, and they had the fucking tags on the pictures themselves. Sigh. Just because I wanted to be sure of my hunch that those bozos thought freaking Da'Vonne was a player worth supporting.  Ugh. When will I ever learn, when will I evvvvver learn?)

Edited by DAngelus

I felt bad for Meg, ole Jelly Legs was just not a good candidate for a greased playingfield. I did like how she self effacingly declared to everyone that she was 'killing it'. I give her credit for the effort. I feel worse for her that she made that spectacle of herself with Clay who then called her a run-about on national TV. BB loves any sniff of people pairing up and would have been all over it were it true.

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So glad that Clay is finally out of the house and away from Shelly's evil vice grip. Now he can have sex with a multitude of much younger women like he deserves.


Meg and Clay? Eh. He couldn't have looked less interested. He asked her to vote out himself over Shelli while she tried to get all flirty with him! Didn't seem like he was trying too hard to get with Meg at that moment.


Depending on what year they each were born, JMac and Meg should just showmance and call it a day.

Edited by Granimal
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Or she had lasik or some other eye surgery or was coming off a migraine or something. I thought they were becoming, at any rate.


Same here.  Chenbot Librarian Look we kinda like.


I wonder if maybe Clay's family isn't too keen on his showmance with Shelli and that's why we didn't get any back-home footage from his family.


Am I mistaken in thinking some of the teaser ads earlier in the week had suggested a Clay-centric family-back-home montage?

Made me wonder if Clay's family had pulled their releases.

  • Love 1

As many have said....Enough with the heartbroken tears, Shelli.  Clay is just going home, they didn't pull the plug on his life support.  Yeesh!  Shelli, you flat out said in your incoming segment that you planned to hook up with a young boy toy.  Gee, sorry if I don't buy that the furless bat "has your heart" or that you "can't imagine doing this without your rock."  Bleh!  I really wish Shelli had gone home this week because I think the competitors as a whole should have seen the wisdom in sending home the strategic player who has been running the house since day one, but maybe I will get lucky and Shelli will end up on the block again next week....sitting next to Vanessa, hopefully.


I think Meg is a cutie who loves to flirt (see "James-y, take ME to the Outback dinner") and the furless bat was a total dick for implying she was sleeping her way through the BB House.  Even if it was true (which I don't believe as I think the cameras would have been all over that crap), Clay could have deflected the question like a gentleman.

  • Love 5

Amen to that.

Reading Jeff Alexander's recap reminded me of another irritating scene: James explaining to a roomful of women that he agrees with the old sexist cliché that there is no fury like a woman scorned. Annoying, and a misunderstanding of the cliché anyway, because it refers to the wrath of a woman scorned by her lover, and he was using it to justify keeping Clay in the house over Shelli because she'd be out for vengeance on the group who voted Clay out. Not the same thing, James. And Clay was the one who tried to pick a fight with James after nominations before Shelli shut him down.

Anyway, it bugged, especially when Austin's in the house, who would not take it well we're Liz to be voted out.

This paragraph from the recap perfectly summed up Julie this week:

Julie's rocking a pair of glasses tonight; must be a problem with her photoreceptors. Later, when tonight's evictee makes an injudicious comment during the exit Chenterview, her CPU goes briefly into vapor lock. More on that later.

Edited by Kris117

I felt bad for Meg, ole Jelly Legs was just not a good candidate for a greased playingfield. I did like how she self effacingly declared to everyone that she was 'killing it.'

And in spite of being mad at James for his "woman scorned" nonsense, I did enjoy him saying, "You've got this, Meg," and "You're all over this, Meg!" He was teasing her in the same spirit she was teasing herself.

  • Love 2

Frankly Shelli's Svengali act on him was already wearing off. She's very attractive, but a 23 year old barely-not-a-boy is not going to stick with a 33 year old reality TV hookup.  It's not clear to me if Shelli actually believes it will stick, but she's doing a good impression of doing so.


I figure Shelly talked Clay into playing 'Rachel and Brendan' with her, to try to get invited on TAR and future BB seasons.  She probably also told him falling on his sword is what Brendan would do, so it's in Clay's best interests in the long run if he wants a reality tv career.  Shelli even says in her CBS bio that Brenchel and Jeff/Jordan are favorites of hers.


The 'first kiss' thing baffled me, too.  How do you sleep in the same bed with a person you're practically claiming to be in love with for two months and never kiss?  It's almost like they had to wait til the show choreographed it for them, like the cute little 'passing actions' they have them learn for those hall segments between votes.  

I figure Shelly talked Clay into playing 'Rachel and Brendan' with her, to try to get invited on TAR and future BB seasons.  She probably also told him falling on his sword is what Brendan would do, so it's in Clay's best interests in the long run if he wants a reality tv career.  Shelli even says in her CBS bio that Brenchel and Jeff/Jordan are favorites of hers.

Problem is, Jeff and Jordan and Brendon and Rachel had a certain likability with fans (even if I didn't like either couple personally, I know many others did).  Clay and Shelli, quite plainly, do not.  Their fans are minimal, at best, and nonexistent, at worst.

I don't have a problem with the "first kiss", and I don't disbelieve it.  Jordan was adamant about not "making out" with Jeff on camera, and I think they were caught having a first kiss in the dark.  I much prefer it over full blown under the cover, don't care if my significant other, parents, grandparents, pastor, see me having sex with a stranger.


I interpreted Clay's Meg comment completely different.  A showmance (to me) is fake, and it involves manipulation for your game.  Meg is flirty with her "Jamesy" crap, sleeping with Jeff, and teasing some of the other guys.  I think it's harmless and perhaps a result of hanging around with gay men.  Meaning, lots of harmless flirting with no consequences.  She was shamelessly open about her feelings for Clay - drunkenly proclaiming her jealousy to Shelli, and her romantic interest to Clay.


I'm sure I'm wrong, but I thought Clay deflected Julie's question by explaining it's just Meg's typical flirtation.  I didn't find it nearly as offensive as Liz's increasing participation in the Austin fondling/pawing, while continuing to trash him behind his back.  And I despise Austin.

  • Love 5

Did CBS not get the message that the "Hit Men" of last season actually weren't all that popular or am I in some kind of weird minority that thought they ruined the whole show? What a big fat waste of time. 


Remember, this is the same group that thought Battle of the Block was such a fan favourite that they brought it back again this season. Next season will probably be double the amount of Have Nots because the viewers love watching the Have Nots struggle, right?

  • Love 1

Problem is, Jeff and Jordan and Brendon and Rachel had a certain likability with fans (even if I didn't like either couple personally, I know many others did).  Clay and Shelli, quite plainly, do not.  Their fans are minimal, at best, and nonexistent, at worst.

Yes, but Shelli doesn't know viewers don't like her, or possibly doesn't care.  I recall Rachel and Brendan being fairly insufferable (at least to me) on their BB season.  Rachel particularly.  I think these fame hos know you can be remembered either for being lovable or for being an obnoxious, over the top character on this show, and the latter is probably a lot easier to fake and have the editors participate in.


I don't have a problem with the "first kiss", and I don't disbelieve it.  Jordan was adamant about not "making out" with Jeff on camera, and I think they were caught having a first kiss in the dark.  I much prefer it over full blown under the cover, don't care if my significant other, parents, grandparents, pastor, see me having sex with a stranger.


I interpreted Clay's Meg comment completely different.  A showmance (to me) is fake, and it involves manipulation for your game.  Meg is flirty with her "Jamesy" crap, sleeping with Jeff, and teasing some of the other guys.  I think it's harmless and perhaps a result of hanging around with gay men.  Meaning, lots of harmless flirting with no consequences.  She was shamelessly open about her feelings for Clay - drunkenly proclaiming her jealousy to Shelli, and her romantic interest to Clay.


I'm sure I'm wrong, but I thought Clay deflected Julie's question by explaining it's just Meg's typical flirtation.  I didn't find it nearly as offensive as Liz's increasing participation in the Austin fondling/pawing, while continuing to trash him behind his back.  And I despise Austin.

I figured Clay meant Meg loved all her castmates and cried a river over each of them.  Though I don't really recall how she reacted to anyone's ousting besides Jason's and Clay's, which were both with tears and drama.  

Clay deflected Julie's question by explaining it's just Meg's typical flirtation

But that's not something Clay would need to explain to Julie since presumably Julie is read in on Meg's behavior in the house. I think he meant exactly what it sounded like--that he was calling Meg a tramp--because he knew at some point Shelli would see the video of him and Meg pretty much making out. He needed to have his excuse already in place in order to mollify Shelli later on. Now I don't think he actually gives a rat's heinie about Shelli but if she wins the $500k he could probably do a good imitation of someone who does. Odds are he's got student loans to pay and she could help if she were so inclined.

  • Love 1
I'm sure I'm wrong, but I thought Clay deflected Julie's question by explaining it's just Meg's typical flirtation.


Even if he did just mean harmless flirting and nothing more intimate than that, it was still like he was putting the situation entirely on HER. And I just find that annoying, given that he was the one who asked for a hug and had his hands all over her, just as much as she did with him.

  • Love 7
I think he meant exactly what it sounded like--that he was calling Meg a tramp--because he knew at some point Shelli would see the video of him and Meg pretty much making out. He needed to have his excuse already in place in order to mollify Shelli later on.


Yeah, it was typical dude-bro, "hey, she was the one all over ME" excuse-making. Meg wasn't just throwing herself at an unresponsive Clay. He was into it. And without the excuse of being tipsy like she had. 

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