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After The Tap-Outs, Inside The Show: Give Us The Dirt

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Last night, I heard Alan say he got the blue tarp on top of his shelter from a camera guy, and used it as a rain catch. I know they came out once a week to bring new camera batteries and storage cards, but wouldn't it be cheating to get another item. Now he's got 11 items, and is using his 11th item for a very real benefit. Does anybody know anything about this?

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Last night, I heard Alan say he got the blue tarp on top of his shelter from a camera guy, and used it as a rain catch. I know they came out once a week to bring new camera batteries and storage cards, but wouldn't it be cheating to get another item. Now he's got 11 items, and is using his 11th item for a very real benefit. Does anybody know anything about this?


I replayed my copy several times and used closed captioning to get exactly what he said. He said "the one that was with the camera guy, I put on top...."


I think he's referring to the tarp that was protecting his own camera equipment. I cannot imagine one of the crew would give him something extra.

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I had the same interpretation as cooksdelight -- that it was the tarp that was protecting his camera gear. I think I heard "box" rather than guy, but I defer to the closed captioning.


I had forgotten about Sam's prayer. I liked that. I can imagine I would be doing quite a bit of praying myself.


When they showed Lucas's amp all broken down, I had assumed he stuck around and helped them do it. I didn't realize they had done it after he left. It's good that they do that -- very "leave no trace" -- but I felt for him when he realized his canoe had been dismantled. Poor guy.

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I sure hope it's something like that. I've loved this show from the moment I started watching it. The cool part is that my wife loves it just as much as I do.

I'll watch it again tonight, but either way I'm wondering why it seemed to appear partway through the show. I would think he would have been using it all along if he had it all along. Like I said, I'll watch it again tonight in the hopes that I am wrong.

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From the article:


While Kay knows when he tapped out, he has no clue how the other guy, 22-year-old Lincoln, Neb. man Sam Larson did.


Wow, that's interesting. They have no idea which one of them won yet?


And this is a guy who doesn’t own a TV, doesn’t text and still owns a flip phone.


I guess he's not been watching himself on TV.


Oddly, he said he had trouble sleeping in the cabin they gave him that first night back to civilization. “I had become so accustomed to total silence and sounds that were mellow and natural. Electric hums and ambient light bugged me,” he said. “I had dropped to such a low gear, this was like sensory overload!”


I hadn't thought about that, but I bet it was really, really strange to be back in a bed with electricity humming all around you.

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Wow, that's interesting. They have no idea which one of them won yet?


I guess he's not been watching himself on TV.


I love that. Having to wait until Thursday I guess. Unless Sam is still out there. No chance right? He would be about 90 pounds at this point. lol.  Interesting that Mitch is the same way, no TV, but on a popular TV show. 

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I just read the article fivestone posted about but I can't seem to find it here in the forum.  hmmmm, it arrived in my digest email.  Anyway, it is from the AtlantaJournal and about Alan.  Some decent insight and a nice read.  Alan is my favorite and has been for more than a few weeks but in truth, Sam and his wacky attitude was initially impressive to me.  I will say again how much I have thoroughly enjoyed this program and hate to see it end, but looking back I can surely see the producer/editors hands in it.  Just based on the amount of screen time the various fellows were given week to week I was 'led' so to speak to root for Alan and dismiss so many of the others.  It's hard to say from my perspective if perhaps some just presented the editors with much more 'entertaining' and a sheer amount of footage to work with or was it them leading us to the winner they had chosen.  On most reality shows that is the case as one can quickly see who is staying or going just by that episode's first five minutes or so.  Regardless, no real harm or foul and I have so enjoyed the presentation and the uniqueness of it all.  It's been such a fun summer ride and I am anxious to see who wins.

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I just read the article fivestone posted about but I can't seem to find it here in the forum.  hmmmm, it arrived in my digest email.  Anyway, it is from the AtlantaJournal and about Alan.  Some decent insight and a nice read.  Alan is my favorite and has been for more than a few weeks but in truth, Sam and his wacky attitude was initially impressive to me.  I will say again how much I have thoroughly enjoyed this program and hate to see it end, but looking back I can surely see the producer/editors hands in it.  Just based on the amount of screen time the various fellows were given week to week I was 'led' so to speak to root for Alan and dismiss so many of the others.  It's hard to say from my perspective if perhaps some just presented the editors with much more 'entertaining' and a sheer amount of footage to work with or was it them leading us to the winner they had chosen.  On most reality shows that is the case as one can quickly see who is staying or going just by that episode's first five minutes or so.  Regardless, no real harm or foul and I have so enjoyed the presentation and the uniqueness of it all.  It's been such a fun summer ride and I am anxious to see who wins.

It was moved to the spoiler thread because the article contained information not yet revealed on the show. :)

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Unless Sam is still out there. No chance right? He would be about 90 pounds at this point. lol.

And there's probably not a mouse left on the northern half of Vancouver Island!


I will say again how much I have thoroughly enjoyed this program and hate to see it end, but looking back I can surely see the producer/editors hands in it.  Just based on the amount of screen time the various fellows were given week to week I was 'led' so to speak to root for Alan and dismiss so many of the others.  It's hard to say from my perspective if perhaps some just presented the editors with much more 'entertaining' and a sheer amount of footage to work with or was it them leading us to the winner they had chosen

I look at it differently. There's no question that editing is a huge part of this show, and I give the editors credit for making a cohesive and captivating narrative out of who knows how many hours of footage from 10 different people. I think TPTB realized early on that they had a goldmine in Alan. He's a tremendously entertaining personality. I don't think his amount of screen time is indicative of anything else but that. (If there was anybody they 'wanted' to win, it was probably Chris, who got a plum job as one of the 3 commenters when he tapped out after 36 frickin' hours.)  Once we were down to four, I got invested in all of them, I think Lucas got as much time as Alan, again because what he was doing was just plain interesting. Sam got very little screen time early on (it was not unusual for it to be 35-40 minutes in before he even appeared), and really only got interesting once he started mouse-hunting.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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If I never see another skinned mouse carcass, it will be too soon. It's bad enough I have two cats who take great pride in their kills.

Being presented with a dead one is slightly better than being presented with a live one.

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I watched it again tonight. It gets harder and harder every time watching Sam. That poor kid is just getting torn-the heck-apart. And just keeps on refusing to quit. He's my favorite, and Alan is a very close second.

After listening to it a few times, I think cooksdelight has the right of it. So relieved. I really did not want to find out that this show was less, or other,than depicted.

So tell me, is it Thursday yet?

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I was happy to see how supportive the other guys are of each other.  They felt compassion for Mitch, felt bad when Lucas tapped out, and were rooting for Sam to stay in.  Not a peep about how each tap-out brings them closer to $500k.  I love that it's not about the money for them.  Alone >>>>>>>infinity>>>>>> Survivor.   

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I do think they may have played fast and loose with the 1 tarp = 1 item rule in some way. Perhaps they were allowed to scavenge things like the tarp that covered the camera gear.  Both Lucas and Sam appear to have multiple tarps of different colors and I don't think they can all have washed up off the shore.

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I wondered the same thing quilt fairy....thinking back on Lucas' yert, he had at least 3 there....a black one, a 'clear' one and a gray or blue one didn't he?  And yes, Sam seems to have 2 or 3 on his shelter.  I don't care but wish they would be up front about what they have or what they found to use.  I have a feeling Sam is going to win this thing just based on the fact we have yet to see him in any of the 'extra' insider shows.  Or....maybe he is not able to appear due to be home helping with the new baby??  

Edited by dustoffmom
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I was rewatching the original trailer to this show and saw two things, 

1. Brooke collapsing on the beach, , just dropping

2. Pete cutting his thumb badly. 

3. someone being taken off the island on a stretcher, I don't think I saw anyone else being taken off on a stretcher before, they always were half carried, now it looks wintery, and i don't know who it is, but there is a tent on the shore, that really does not look like anyone here,  I think that two  earlier tap outs brought tents or it could be set up by the medical group for bad weather. . 

here is the video.


if anyone knows where the next preview is located, please let me know, I wanted  to watch it again, but did not DVR Alone and don't know where to see it.  

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The stretcher could have been Shannon. With the way he injured his back, they brought in a stretcher to evac him.

You are much better at noticing things in trailers than I am. Where is the shot of Brooke dropping?

The cut thumb is definitely male. They don't show the face, but the hand does look a bit weathered, so I'd say either Pete or maybe Dave. (Of course, I'm not sure anyone has hands that don't look old in those conditions.) I'm not as familiar with Dave's weather gear as Pete's, but they're both dark. So my best guess is Pete with a possibility of Dave.

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13 hours ago, simplyme said:

The stretcher could have been Shannon. With the way he injured his back, they brought in a stretcher to evac him.

You are much better at noticing things in trailers than I am. Where is the shot of Brooke dropping?

The cut thumb is definitely male. They don't show the face, but the hand does look a bit weathered, so I'd say either Pete or maybe Dave. (Of course, I'm not sure anyone has hands that don't look old in those conditions.) I'm not as familiar with Dave's weather gear as Pete's, but they're both dark. So my best guess is Pete with a possibility of Dave.

I've seen that, too.  And mentioned last week, that we've yet to see Brooke faint (unless this is a 'gotcha' like the wolf attack in S2).  

I think the stretcher was Shannon.  It was a blustery, gray day when they came for him.

Could the hand slice have been Jim, when he cut wrong?  He's spent quite a bit of time in cold environments, and that can weather your hands.

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I don't think it was jim because the beard is grey with a little bit of black, Dave's beard seems too dark.  Brooke collapsing was jsut before they show the bloody hand.  

last week in the trailer, I cracked up with Jim? saying it was getting cold. Yep, winter will do that. I think I saw icicles.  would like to see some of the other trailers. but they seem to disappear. 

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Wait. Are we looking at the same trailer? The one that's embedded in this thread? It goes from Jesse yelling for Shannon/ to a shot of blurry greenery with some coastline vaguely viewable/ to a profile of Brody's (?I think?) face on the side of the screen with more greenery/ to the words "survive as a team"/ to side-by-side shots of a Baird tossing the crab trap out of their boat and someone male fishing/ to the Bairds celebrating by the fire post duck-kill/ to the words "outlast the others"/ to nightvision Jim cutting his thumb by carving towards himself/ to dayvision bloody thumb head-off-screen man/ to men carrying what looks like a stretcher and onward...

I see no Brooke collapsing in there. Am I somehow missing it despite my obsessive attempts at rewatching frame by frame or is there another, similar trailer?

My God, I need a life.

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I must have put in the wrong link, it wasn't in that one, but everything else was. I wonder if they edited it and replaced it or I just copied something wrong? 

I have to start saving trailers myself.  It was there, it is gone now. 

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so I went to bushcraftUSA and was reading about season 5.  Is it really called redemption? then it would be all repeats.  people claim to ahve hear voiced of Jose, Lucas, Nicole and Megan, and that Sam's youtube channel which is usually up dated has fallen silent. 

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the long term shelter thing is bs, cause wasting time and calories on building it is what causes them to starve out before the weather even gets really bad. That time and effort should be spent on making netting. Once you have a secure food source, lots of it, then you worry about the long term shelter.

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Mitch is one of the biggest bsers ever. He claimed to have lost only 12 lbs, when it was obvious on the show that he lost more like 50 lbs. He lost his net in a storm , yet claimed to have gathered/caught more food than the others. Sam lost like 80 lbs in 55 days. Wow.  Carleigh, in season 3, caught/gathered almost nothing, but lasted 50% longer than that, just by knowing to stay in her sleeping bag and conserve calories. If you're going to be out in the wind, rain, cold, you'd better be getting back more than the  2000+ calories per day that you are expending (beyond the  2000 calories that you burn just lying around. Fish, with the exception of salmon and lean meat offer only 800 calories per lb (ready to eat). So catching a lb sized fish once a day just does not cut it. Not even close, cause half of the fish (or animal) is not edible flesh. 400 calories per day, when you burn  4000?  You'll lose over a lb per day, cause some of the lost weight will be muscle. A lb of fat is  3500 calories, while a lb of muscle is only half that many calories.

in Patagonia, they got only the 10x10 tarp, so they were forced to use up a pick on the 12x12. Because Vancouver has so much more wind and rain, they are given a 20x20 and a 10x10, which is a major advantage. they are not allowed to cut up the 10x10, nor make it a permanent part of anything. It's supposed to be reserved for protecting the camera from rain, while you are filming. You can and should cut up the 20x20, tho.

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