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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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My boss is back from vacation. I haven't seen her yet. Hopefully she doesn't bother me today. 

When I spoke with H.R., he said that she treats everyone the same way and that is her personality. That made me fume. I don't give a fuck if she treats you badly and you don't care, she treats me badly and I give a fuck. 

I told H.R. if any other person in the building acted the way she does, what would happen? He said that the person would get spoken to. Then why hasn't anyone spoken to her about her behavior??? She makes coming into work miserable. I hate coming here and getting surprised as to what mood she is in. People here take her shit and it's so annoying. 

I don't really hate people, but I don't hesitate when I say that I hate her. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, ABay said:

@bilgistic, is there any way you could expand your job search out of your immediate area? It would mean moving unless you could work from home, but it would increase your options.

My fingers are crossed for you. Job hunting is one of the worst life experiences there is. 

I have considered it, but I don't think I can manage it with my mental health. I certainly can't do it financially (coming up with a rent deposit and first month's rent, hiring movers, etc.). I would love to move to a more progressive city, but I'm going to get more stable here and then look into it in another year or so.

Edited by bilgistic
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When I spoke with H.R., he said that she treats everyone the same way and that is her personality. That made me fume. I don't give a fuck if she treats you badly and you don't care, she treats me badly and I give a fuck. 

I told H.R. if any other person in the building acted the way she does, what would happen? He said that the person would get spoken to. Then why hasn't anyone spoken to her about her behavior??? She makes coming into work miserable. I hate coming here and getting surprised as to what mood she is in. People here take her shit and it's so annoying. 


Is she related to someone in the office or having an affair with someone in power?  If so that could be the problem.  

Is she a member of a "protected class" who the company is afraid of taking action against (even when warranted) because they fear a lawsuit?

Do you live in a right to work state?  I do and unfortunately, it allows workplace bullying (either take it or quit) unless YOU are a protected class.   

I have since purchased a device that can be helpful to you - all you have to do is carry it with you and wait until you strike gold:

This.   I know that some state laws won't allow you to use recordings that didn't have the other party's permission, but if you got her recorded, you can nail her ass to the wall in various ways.  


Also, keep a written diary of the times she abuses you - dates, times, places, what was said and anything else.  That helps set up a pattern.  Keep that diary hidden from her (and everyone else at the office - just in case there's a spy) and record as needed.  Maybe you can sue the jerks at the company - don't rule out a consultation with an attorney who deals with workplace bullying.

Edited by magicdog
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58 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Grocery stores are rough, @bilgistic. Can you pick up extra hours working at the front as a courtesy clerk or be cross trained into the deli department?

I asked management (and the department manager) again yesterday after asking management last week to get some hours in another department. Grocery (shelving/stocking) is the only one that can use help. I'm waiting to hear back today. I'm not holding my breath.

I plan to apply in person (they don't do online applications) at another grocery store that's nearby and supposedly hiring. It's far from ideal work, but absolutely nothing else has worked out.

8 hours ago, magicdog said:

Is she related to someone in the office or having an affair with someone in power?  If so that could be the problem.  

Is she a member of a "protected class" who the company is afraid of taking action against (even when warranted) because they fear a lawsuit?

Do you live in a right to work state?  I do and unfortunately, it allows workplace bullying (either take it or quit) unless YOU are a protected class.   

I have since purchased a device that can be helpful to you - all you have to do is carry it with you and wait until you strike gold:

This.   I know that some state laws won't allow you to use recordings that didn't have the other party's permission, but if you got her recorded, you can nail her ass to the wall in various ways.  


Also, keep a written diary of the times she abuses you - dates, times, places, what was said and anything else.  That helps set up a pattern.  Keep that diary hidden from her (and everyone else at the office - just in case there's a spy) and record as needed.  Maybe you can sue the jerks at the company - don't rule out a consultation with an attorney who deals with workplace bullying.

She was appointed to that position. So, she doesn't answer to anyone who is in the building. Her superiors don't work in the building. This is what is making it difficult for everyone to make her accountable for her actions. 

1 hour ago, Hero said:

She was appointed to that position. So, she doesn't answer to anyone who is in the building. Her superiors don't work in the building. This is what is making it difficult for everyone to make her accountable for her actions. 

Is there a way to find out exactly who her superiors are?  If yes, perhaps an anonymous person could upload a recording of her abuse to them.

Where to begin? I guess I will give you all the super condensed version since I don't want to write pages worth of material as I've been avoiding talking about the crap at my job. Its just so tiring to think about.

Basically, my new boss changed our schedule from having a day and night shift to everybody working between 9-5 and 10-6.  There was only one position available at night (2-10), and the instructions were that this person was to answer the after hours dispatch line and run emergency calls. Two other officers would also be on standby from 5pm-9pm in case I got inundated with emergencies.  No other calls were to be ran until the next day.That started on Oct 1st.

Well, despite all the staff being on one shift, calls aren't being ran and are backed up. Someone went and complained that I'm not doing any work and it is my fault that the calls are backed up. This person also allegedly feels that they should get paid for being on call, but not required to come and assist me if I need them (I've called people less than 5 times in the past few months) I heard this from my other boss, who is retiring. Old boss said new supervisor gave this person the green light to confront me during a meeting.

So now I had to print the call log showing all the calls ran in the past two months to show that I have been working in case anyone comes at me.

I am doing the shift exactly as directed, and this new supervisor is trying to throw me under the bus because he now apparently feels I should be doing everything when I am alone on my shift while the people who work all day sit around and do nothing and get paid for it. He also apparently believes he should pay people for being on call, but that they shouldn't be used as a resource if needed. He created this mess by changing the schedule and now wants me to answer for it.

I am trying to apply for two other positions that will be posted internally so I am trying to handle this in the most professional manner. This meeting is supposed to be next Wed. I am a defensive person by nature, so I am really hoping I can keep my cool if this turns into a me vs them scenario.

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I'm glad your old boss who's retiring gave you a heads up about what new supervisor and their minion have planned @AgentRXS. That gives you a little bit of time to plan and gather all the proof you can. I'm sorry you seem to have become their target as someone to use as a scapegoat for the supervisors stupid decisions. Will be hoping that one of the other two positions you applying for works out. If you start to feel overly defensive during that meeting try to remind yourself that's the reaction supervisor/minion are hoping for and not playing into their plan will make them angrier. Would the HR department there be of any use to you in regards to this mess?

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Write things out beforehand so you have notes to help keep you on track.  It is hard when it is such a personal attack not to get “emotional “.  

Grind some stats on the day shift calls - # employees, # calls per day, # calls still outstanding at shift change...

visible take notes during meeting, even if you have to tell them to wait.  Alternatively, ask if you can record meeting so as not too slow things up w note taking.  

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@AgentRXS, that sucks. I can only reiterate the advice to stick to facts and figures when somebody confronts you. If you can manage it, a calm and slightly amused tone of voice (amused at their stupidity, that is) will do a much better job of convincing anyone that you are in fact doing more than your fair share of the workload, than will allowing yourself to get emotional/ flustered/ defensive. I can share a couple of examples of similar situations:

  • Back in the dark ages, when I was in grad school in English and was a teaching assistant, the dean's office ran a report that showed some probable grade inflation for the first two English composition classes that all students were required to take. Essentially, there was a much higher percentage of A's than would be expected. And of course, during the ensuing faculty meeting to discuss this, several of the professors began pointing fingers at the director of the TA's, and at us TA's, claiming that obviously we were giving too many A's because we weren't enforcing department standards, etc. The director of TA's had seen this coming, and had gotten a customized report run that showed the breakdown of grades assigned by regular faculty versus grades assigned by TA's. She presented those results and did so using a tone that made her seem as if she were about to burst out laughing any second. And it was just the opposite of what some of the professors were claiming; the grades we TA's were assigning aligned with expectations (not a perfect bell curve, but no major anomalies), whereas the grades the professors were assigning showed some alarming trends toward grade inflation. So those profs who were pointing fingers had to STFU, and then suffer embarrassment as one of their colleagues (who taught creative writing and tended to be somewhat loose in grading standards anyway) offered the rationale to the entire faculty meeting (professors plus TA's) for his own high rate of A's as "All my students love me, so I give them A's."  Yes, professor ABC, there's probably a causal relationship there, but I think you have it backwards. 
  • More recently, my current manager didn't bother to read all the information I had submitted regarding an expense report for a trip she had required me to make for an onsite meeting that was in no way necessary. I don't fly, so I rented a car (per corporate travel policy, you have to rent a car versus using your own car if you will drive more than 150 miles or so during one day, and that policy obviously applied here as I drove from TX to NC). To be fair, she initially approved the expense report, and then it was kicked back from higher up with a request for more details on the rental car charges. I put together additional documentation showing cost comparisons and showing that the rental car was less expensive than flying would have been, and keeping the rental car for the entire week was cheaper than it would have been to drive it one way to NC and then rent another car and drive back to TX. I emailed her the information, but instead of actually reading it, she completely lost her mind and began threatening me with being written up and that her manager would probably want to have a serious discussion with me about excessive charges, etc. I emailed her again to essentially ask WTF she had a problem with (worded a little more nicely than that), but she's more of a phone person than email person, so we had the following discussion on the phone:  

    Me: I am not understanding why you are saying the rental car charges are excessive. I used the corporate travel site to book the car and went with the preferred vendor and the preferred model size.  
    Manager: You didn't need a car while you were in town. You should have just taken a taxi or Uber from the airport to the hotel, and then back again. I saw you walking one day from the onsite office site back to your hotel, so you obviously didn't need a car to get from the hotel to the office. Did you use the car for personal trips?
    Me: I didn't use the car for any personal trips; it sat at the hotel the entire time I was there for the onsite meeting. 
    Manager: It's excessive because you have both the airfare and the rental car for a week when you didn't need ground transportation.
    Me (sounding as if I am obviously dealing with a fucking idiot, and so in the snarkiest tone I thought I could get away with): Can you please pull up the expense report and show me where you are seeing an airfare charge? Because there. is. no. airfare charge, because I did not fly. As noted in the attached documentation, I drove from TX to NC, and back again, as I had mentioned to you roughly a month before the onsite meeting, when I notified you I had finalized my travel arrangements. 
    Manager: Oh, I forgot you were driving. 

I'm hoping things work out for you and you are able to transfer positions. Your new boss sounds like an idiot. 

Edited by BookWoman56
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I came into work today--my ONE day of work this week because my hours have been cut so drastically--only to see that I'm not on the schedule AT ALL next week. I was like, "Am I fired?" AND two of the three people hired since me are on the schedule. One of them is working in another department, which I've asked to be put in for two weeks since we were overstaffed in my department. I was furious.

I talked to two managers (again) who have "promised" that they are going to fix this. I'm really just over it at this point. They all have shown me how they are going to treat me, and they'd rather have people who do a half-assed job and text the entire day than me, who has a good work ethic and is conscientious. I've vowed to myself to not give my energy to people and places that don't deserve it. If you want to know the store name so you can no longer patronize it, PM me.

I've been applying and applying for full- and part-time work and just nothing has worked out yet.

I have an interview at another grocery store tomorrow. I'm so excited to continue my career in the grocery arts. :|

I've continued to apply to more full-time jobs that I'm actually interested in, and that will use my skills/degree, and that will pay more than $9 an hour. I've contacted recruiters and staffing agencies to no avail.

I am really, really discouraged and depressed.

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5 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I have an interview at another grocery store tomorrow. I'm so excited to continue my career in the grocery arts. :|

I've continued to apply to more full-time jobs that I'm actually interested in, and that will use my skills/degree, and that will pay more than $9 an hour. I've contacted recruiters and staffing agencies to no avail.

Are you willing to relocate?  Not to uber expensive areas like NY or LA or Chicago, but maybe Texas, Florida, Nevada, etc.  Maybe you need to cast a wider net. 

2 hours ago, magicdog said:

Are you willing to relocate?  Not to uber expensive areas like NY or LA or Chicago, but maybe Texas, Florida, Nevada, etc.  Maybe you need to cast a wider net. 

I answered this question upthread (see below). I don't mean for that to sound snotty. I am currently not making ends meet nor keeping the depression and anxiety at bay, so interviewing out of city/state and then the overwhelming stress of relocating is just not doable for me.


I have considered it, but I don't think I can manage it with my mental health. I certainly can't do it financially (coming up with a rent deposit and first month's rent, hiring movers, etc.). I would love to move to a more progressive city, but I'm going to get more stable here and then look into it in another year or so.

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9 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I am really, really discouraged and depressed.

Hang in there, Kiddo!  For weeks, I hadn't heard a peep from any of the applications I'd submitted, but suddenly, I have an interview tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon, and a second one next week - date and time yet TBD.  Remember, all you need is one to come through!

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My interview this afternoon went well - it was with a large manufacturer of commercial explosives, and I think I blew him away!  Seriously, though, I managed to avoid any bad puns (It must be a blast to work there!)  He liked my background, said I was a good fit to what they were looking for, and it sounds like the corporate culture is a good fit as well.  Dollar wise, I'm right in the middle of the range they have in mind, and they have a built-in career path for the position.  The office I would work at is about an hour away, but they are good with working remotely half the time.  I appreciate any good thoughts you could send my way!

Edited by Moose135
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I just found out I got the part-time cashier job at the other grocery store with which I interviewed Thursday! It's only 24 hours a week max, but that's more than the zero I got last week, eight the week prior, and the 13 I'm getting this week at my current store. The pay is slightly less than my current pay, but still...better than nothing. I'm going to try to stay on at my current store, but I'm done with them screwing me (and others) over with cutting hours. It's unethical (specifically to cut people's hours entirely and not tell them); I've said so and that I expected better from this so-called "family company".

Anyway, let's hope this is another sign of better things ahead...

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Here's a cute little story:

My job has morphed from being an Animal Control Officer to being an Animal Control officer/PM dispatcher. The excuse was they didn't have the money in the budget to hire a nighttime dispatcher. The really great thing is at full-staff we've always had 14 field officers, and when fully staffed, their isn't enough work for everyone to do.

At our last meeting, New Supervisor says that they got budget approval to hire a 15th officer and chose to hire for that instead of hiring a dispatcher. We don't even have enough trucks for 15 people. He also made the new shift schedules as such that the only schedule that offers the days off that I need is the one I am working now. When asked why he did that, he said that he could just assign me any shift he wanted instead of going by seniority like we've done historically.

So anyway, on the weekends, our call center is closed so their is an officer playing the role of AM dispatcher and another playing the role of PM dispatcher. On Saturday AM, there was a glitch in the technology that transfers the number over from the Friday PM officer (me) to the AM officer. Since I was on call, I was woken up at 9am (on-call ends at 7am) to calls pouring in on the line. NS was off and Old Retiring Supervisor was in. ORS told me to forward all important calls to the AM officer until the glitch was resolved, and that he would ensure that I got paid for my time. He said to send him and NS an email for when the first call came in and the last call came in. The glitch was resolved at 11:30am, so I did so. NS is the supervisor in charge of entering my time, and ORS has the same days off as me, so he finishes his payroll on Sat, while NS does his on Monday.

Well, payroll is due today and I don't see the adjusted time on my time sheet. I forward the email to Payroll Processor who informs me that NS was unwilling to pay me for the time because I was "volunteering to work". Payroll Processor was like I'm pretty sure that isn't the case and they went back and forth until NS spoke with ORS to confirm that he promised I would be paid for my time.  What in anyone's pea-brained mind thinks I would volunteer to do anything for a place who doesn't see my worth? I did what was right for the animals but no way in hell am I not going to nickel and dime them for any tasks I have to do on my off time because their failing system. GTFOH.

Edited by AgentRXS
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13 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I have an interview with the hiring manager of the explosives company on Friday afternoon. Hope it goes well!

The first interview must have gone well!

@AgentRXS - NS sounds like a joy.  So sorry to hear that story.

@Mindthinkr - it appears our posts from yesterday were migratory!

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I got a good laugh of sorts today.  I went in to work and while buying something in the break room, I lost about 50 bucks, which had fallen out of my pocket.  I realized it about a half hour after I left the break room and went to check if it was still on the floor somewhere between there and my desk. 



I went over to my co-workers (producers all) and politely asked if any of them had found the money I had lost (at that hour of the night there are only 4 people present in the newsroom and it wouldn't take long to figure out the money had to belong to since they came in shortly before I did).  One of them reached into her back pocket and handed the money back.  I had a hunch who it was because before I asked for the money back, she had this s**t eating grin on her face, like it was the best day of work ever!  Of course I managed to turned it into the worst day ever in less than 30 minutes flat!

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1 hour ago, magicdog said:

I went in to work and while buying something in the break room, I lost about 50 bucks, which had fallen out of my pocket. 

Back when I worked at the newspaper, one of the folks who worked the insert collating machines came into our office (we were right off the collating production floor) with some paperwork.  After he left, I saw a wad of cash on the floor - the only other people in the office were me and the boss.  I grabbed the money and saw him head into the cafeteria.  I came up to him, said "You getting a sandwich for lunch?  How do you plan on paying for that?"  He patted the pockets of his pants, his eyes got big and wide, then he broke out into a big smile when I pulled out his money.  Made his day!

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@Hero, sorry to hear about not getting the job, but as noted, it did give you some interview experience. I used to make it a habit to apply for a few positions every year, even when I wasn't really looking or thought the job wouldn't be a good fit anyway, just to see if I could land at least one interview so as to practice my interview skills and sometimes see what the latest interview techniques were. It helped prep me for interviews down the road, but also gave me insight into how (and how not) to conduct interviews if I was the hiring manager. If one of those practice interviews had materialized into a real job offer that was a better fit than my current situation, I'd have probably accepted it even though I wasn't actively looking. 

In other work news, I'm feeling somewhat bad right now for recommending my friend/former colleague for a job on my team. She got the job and things went well at first. But with our real manager out on medical leave, the other senior person on the team has more or less been acting as if she is the manager, and making my friend's work life pretty hellish. The other senior person is notoriously difficult to work with, and it's no surprise that within the 3.5 years I've been on this team, every other person who was previously on that team or joined that team has since left with very negative feelings about this senior person. She wants to become an actual manager, and I cringe at the idea that she would have that much control over anybody else. I've advised my friend to try to get her reporting line changed (which is what the manager of an adjacent team wants) or if that doesn't pan out, just hang on until she hits the one-year point and can post for other internal positions. Or if an external position pops up that sounds good, to go for it. Essentially, senior person has dumped a bunch of administrative work on my friend, in addition to not really responding to questions and so forth when needed; her attitude is that she "trained" my friend several months ago and shouldn't have to tell her again how to do stuff. And that's true, if by training, you mean showing someone a screen for half a minute of a system they don't yet have access to, giving very vague instructions such as "Oh, you'll need to input this information," without explaining what that information is and where to obtain it, and not being bothered by the fact that you're barely giving someone a very high level run-through of something that the person won't actually be doing for another 3-4 months. So my friend of course is trying to do things for the first time since her training several months ago, and now she's in the system itself, has questions and is being told by senior person, "I don't have time to do your job for you," when asking for clarification on things.  Sorry, but when every single person you have trained in the past 4 years has had problems and complained about the same things, the problem isn't them; it's probably you. Not helping anything is that senior person buys into the concept that the way to make yourself look good is to try to make everybody else look bad. 

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I spent almost six hours at my new grocery store job watching orientation videos today. It is freezing in the store (I was sitting on my hands to keep them warm) and there is no real coffee to speak of, but I have no other complaints. Pretty easy money today, even if my teeth were chattering. The store is 30 years old and looks every bit of it. It's quite a contrast from the shiny, new store I work in at my other job.

Between the paperwork/intake session Thursday and videos today at my new-job store (let's call it Job B) and the two short shifts in grocery at my other store (Job A), I managed to get ~20 hours of work this week, which is more than I've had in a week since the calendar week before Christmas.

Oddly, I'm scheduled to work back in the bakery Monday at Job A. This is after being mysteriously dropped from the (bakery) schedule for two weeks. I'd only ever worked in the bakery until this week. Also, I'm scheduled Monday for only five hours; my shifts have always been eight.

I spoke with a regional(?) manager who was in the store yesterday when he asked me how things were going. I only talked to him because he asked me. I told him the whole schedule situation and he's "going to talk to the store manager find out what's going on." Yeah, you and 14 other managers.

I'm just tired of getting dicked around.

Edited by bilgistic
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A coworker recently left for a job in another state. Until her position can be filled (if we get permission to do so), her duties are going to be spread out among several people. I get some of them. I know what she did, but I don't know exactly how she did it and what her plan was. (Hers was a new position for us, so she basically created it.) Instead of leaving some kind of document detailing what she did and how, she got with some of the video people, who proudly told us today that they had two hours of video of her telling what she did and how she did it. So to find out what I'm supposed to do with one part of what she did, I have to watch a two-hour video detailing all of it.

And then they scheduled a meeting to discuss all of it for a time that they knew was after my work hours. I did not stay for it. I told the woman who scheduled it (not my boss, just another coworker) that I could come in for it, but I'd be bringing my son with me because it's after school hours. I tried to get them to reschedule it for the morning, but the guy whose idea it was to make the video never looked at his email. (Also, even though I wanted to do it at 10 a.m., he probably wasn't going to be in by then. He's supposed to be, but he probably wasn't.)

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So today, I get back to the work building with a company vehicle to find that they still didn't plow the parking lot, so all the spaces are still buried in a foot of snow.  I had to dig it out in the morning in order to use it. I decided after a few minutes after trying to get over a snowbank, to park in an open cleared space. However, about a hour later, my co-worker came to me saying another department was annoyed I parked in their "space", there aren't assign spaces, it is just where they like to park as it's closer to the door. I was going to move it but got pulled into a meeting. I honestly, just left as it was the end of the day and left the vehicle where it was.  If they really wanted to move it, they could get the keys out of the office. It just really annoys me that nobody plowed the lot, where else was I suppose to put it.  Anyhow, something that is annoying me, so I thought of this thread. I do plan on moving the vehicle first thing tomorrow, as I'll need it again.

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@auntlada, I can't even comprehend the mindset that would decide the thing to do when leaving is create a 2-hour video explaining how to do various tasks. Even if everything was being transitioned to only one person rather than different tasks being farmed out to various people, did it not occur to the person leaving that someone watching the video would need to watch the video and take notes, rather than relying on the video every time for the first few times they have to do task ABC? That's just making work for other people. Maybe this person really sucked at writing instructions, but even an attempt to do so would have helped. In essentially every job I've ever had, if there was no existing documentation for how to do certain aspects of my job, I created the documentation myself, on the assumption that if I got run over by a bus, somebody else would have to come in and do what I was doing. In my current job, I write a lot of procedures explaining how people are supposed to do certain functions. And I have on occasion complained that I would really like to be able to get software such as Adobe Captivate, that allows you to capture not only screenshots but also cursor movements and so forth, so that when you're having to navigate through some weird software, a newbie can see what has to be done. But that would be in addition to the written instructions, as an enhancement, not a replacement for the documentation. 

@blueray, if there are no assigned spaces in the parking lot or any adjacent cleared area used for parking, then the other department can just suck it. You got there, the lot wasn't plowed, and you took the available space. Again, unless there's assigned parking, it's supposed to work on a first come basis. Does the other department expect you to shovel snow to be able to park the company vehicle? I live in an area where it snows maybe once every five years or so, and even then not enough to have to plow the parking lot, so I'm not familiar with the business etiquette for a snowed-over parking lot. But this sounds like the equivalent here of having a parking lot where there are a few spaces with shade, and the rest of the spaces are in direct sunlight so your car will be an oven when you get off work. I no longer work onsite, but when I did, I made damn  sure to arrive early enough to get a parking space in the shade. I had a space I usually parked in that faced a steep hill and so blocked almost all of the sun, but it wasn't "my" space because there was no assigned parking. On the few occasions when I didn't get there early enough to park where I wanted, I just had to deal with it and find another space. It's not like you took a handicapped space; the other department just likes the convenience of parking close to the door and they are being jerks about it.

Edited by BookWoman56
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I'm at work and I'm bored out of my mind as I have been pretty much every day since January.   I have maybe less than an hours worth of work to do each day.  There are some perks, like being able to leave early each day and all of the upper management work in a different office in NJ(I work in nyc).  There are maybe 4 other people in my office every day(this time last year there would have been around 40, lots of empty desks).  I'm just frustrated because I have a lot of down time and I can't figure out how to use it to actually get a new job, I do apply to things but I never hear back and it's frustrating.

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8 hours ago, partofme said:

do apply to things but I never hear back and it's frustrating.

Have you brushed up on your applicatant tracking system (ATS) knowledge? So many resumes are screened by AI before reaching a recruiter you really have to know how to stack the deck.


The other suggestion is to apply directly on the company website whenever possible.

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I'm home sick today because no amount of handwashing is going to prevent a cold when college students don't know enough to cover their damn mouths when they sneeze and cough. And the faculty aren't much better. Just stay home already! And if you can't stay home, learn to cover your mouth, use kleenex, and wash your hands.

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2 hours ago, partofme said:

I knew that I'm supposed to have key words in my resume, but I just found an article on line when I googled ATS that made me think I need to re-read my entire resume and see what I can fix.

I completely reformatted my resume after studying up on ATS. The hoops to just get a resume seen are insane.

Was working my part time cashier job at the restaurant last night.  We were in middle of a lovely snow storm with a touch of freezing rain.  A guest came in 10 minutes before closing.  We can’t leave until last guest leaves.  Guest stayed till 10:30 then left the server $1.89 tip.  Got into his Mercedes and got stuck in parking lot. 

It was a stressful scary ride home. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, tribeca said:

Was working my part time cashier job at the restaurant last night.  We were in middle of a lovely snow storm with a touch of freezing rain.  A guest came in 10 minutes before closing.  We can’t leave until last guest leaves.  Guest stayed till 10:30 then left the server $1.89 tip.  Got into his Mercedes and got stuck in parking lot. 

It was a stressful scary ride home. 

I try not to judge people based upon what they drive, car could have been purchased during better times, etc... but getting stuck was massive karma for coming in, staying past closing and being a poor tipper. I don't care what you order, if you are going to put the staff in that situation you better be tipping well.

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