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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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 some junior Goldmanites claim that they are being “bullied” into showing up in person “5-0” — meaning five days working in the office, zero from home — and that the bullying is being orchestrated by top managers armed with spreadsheets.

This doesn't surprise me.  Some of my co-workers wanted to continue working from home but were denied (save one who apparently must be a favorite).  They got the work done (if not being more productive) but now TPTB insist they must be in person.  It's a control issue IMO.

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5 hours ago, magicdog said:

This doesn't surprise me.  Some of my co-workers wanted to continue working from home but were denied (save one who apparently must be a favorite).  They got the work done (if not being more productive) but now TPTB insist they must be in person.  It's a control issue IMO.

This terrifies me.  I don’t want to ever go back to the office.  Everyone or at least most in my department don’t want to go back and my boss has stated in the past she sees no need to force us to, hope this won’t change.  It worries me that the CEO is always talking about going back at some point on a hybrid schedule, I wouldn’t mind a policy where people who want to go in can, but I don’t want to be made to.

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If I never had to go in, I would be thrilled. I split my time in the office with my coworker. She and I and one other person are the only people required to be there, but a few others choose to come in. I hate going in. I took off two "mental health" days this week. I just couldn't get up and do the whole thing, driving across the county. 

As I've mentioned, my boss is a complete fucking maniac. She's started emailing me every time I do something wrong (or "wrong"). Basically, she reviews every single invoice that my coworker and I have already processed. If we've done something "wrong," she emails us and tells us what we did. It's great for the self-esteem, let me tell you.

I want to ask her why we need to do the work in the first place if she's going to pick apart everything we do, but I know that won't go over well. Thankfully, about half of my work overall is for other people who are way less insane than she is.

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On 3/31/2022 at 7:17 PM, theredhead77 said:

Nearly 100 resumes sent out, nearly a year of searching for something, anything so I can get out of this godforsaken state and move home, and nothing more than a few interviews with "they really liked you but they decided to go with another candidate".  Today I had a phone screening for a job I was so perfect for they had sent it to the hiring manager before we even spoke, but, despite the website saying they have remote options, they want someone in the office, which is 2 miles from where I currently live. Fuck that. This afternoon I received an unsolicited call with a recruiter who basically wanted me to do her job for her, by sending her anything I find so she can  get the referral fee for submitting me introduce me to the hiring manager, because they have direct lines to hiring managers. Pass.

I had to tell my therapist "I can't believe you haven't found something yet" is not helpful. The job market has a ton of "openings"* in the service industry but the corporate side is full of highly qualified, highly experienced individuals competing for positions at companies that are less shitty than their current ones.


The corporate hiring process is very broken. And everybody loves to automatically assume something is wrong with you or your resume and the employers are always doing everything right. 

On your second paragraph, I find a lot of job search advice and platitudes to be honestly pretty bad or even insulting. (Not directing that at anyone here who has replied to my posts.) I posted in an industry-specific group on Slack that I was having a hard time getting past the first phone screen lately and someone posted a long condescending explanation to me of what an interview entails. Things like “the first thing a recruiter will ask is tell me about yourself.” The next person was saying “interviewing is a two-way street; remember that you’re interviewing them too!” Then the third person was praising the other two for giving me such great advice and saying “just be yourself!” I felt so condescended to and disgusted that I haven’t posted since. I am in my mid 30s and have worked full time for several years. Do you really think I’m not getting jobs now because I don’t know what an interview is and what questions are asked? 

I also had someone send me an article on “how to answer tell me about yourself in an interview.” I’ve had people tell me an employer would be lucky to have me. So why is seemingly everyone else getting a new job if I’m such a great hire? I’m so over people assuming that I have no communication skills and no manners. 


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I am almost to the breaking point. Maybe that’s what management wants. 
New laptop is in the office and Lazy Ass tells me to make arrangements to pick it up. It has to be configured first, which local desktop guy said he’s working on it. I asked when I could get it after he’s done. Very noncommittal, so I pressed it. No response of course. Every response came from his phone, so he wasn’t online, just like LA. LA is super skinny btw, chain smoker who lives on cigarettes and Red Bull. LA is on vacation next week, so already in vacation mode. 
One project that was dumped in my lap, told I gave too much data, after being told that’s what they needed. Fine. I now have to condense it to a first grade reading level. 
Some other shitty project, redesigning a form, which my area uses, landed in my lap. It’s been redesign by committee, resulting in a cluster. I told one person, this is our internal form.  That person got all hot and hung up from the call. Person is known for their outbursts and anger issues; saw yesterday they were promoted. If you ask, response is well you know it’s just Jane. Say what? A former employer wrote her up for her (same) attitude, but no, we don’t care now. 
Anyhow, this form is up to revision 10. People have been randomly updating it. Last one has a laundry list of items, including “used less bold colors”.  The bold colors were always used to indicate required fields; the amount of garbage information we have gotten submitted on this form is just mind blowing. I am sure it’s because of the bold or harsh colors. 
Now LA is getting into my tickets and updating and closing as she sees fit. 
I am about ready to ask, is this all geared up to get me to quit? The thing is they would be up a creek, as when there’s problem, I am called. 
I would love to just say well, I quit, effective immediately. Just not financially possible now.

 I have actually slacked on doing stuff, which is totally not in my character.

 I may hit up an old boss at another company, but that place is no better tbh. I would just have a little satisfaction in walking out on these clowns.

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@hoosier80 I know this thread is for venting, but I think you would feel better if you didn't let everything about your job upset you so much. As you said, you need the income from this job, and even if you could get another one, things probably wouldn't be much better. So why not focus on making your day-to-day life easier by letting some of the less important things go? For example, if the new laptop took longer than expected to configure, just let the boss know that you missed X days/hours of work because of that so your projects will be delayed accordingly. If she's lazy like you say, she won't care about the loss of productivity, so why should you? 


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@hoosier80, I feel you. It's like it's my boss's singular goal to make me miserable. She's an extreme narcissist and therefore thrives on attention. I have to actively not engage her, which is really tough for me because I have a hard time not calling people on their bullshit. She sends me an email literally EVERY time she finds a mistake I've made.

There's nothing I can do about her or my job, so I just try to remind myself that she's the problem, not me. When she "scolds" me in our group chat with my coworker, I just say, "OK." I get extremely frustrated and angry that she's allowed to be a bully, but being angry all the time doesn't serve me. She's a shitty person and a terrible "leader," and none of that reflects on me.

I am also struggling with an old laptop that's dying a slow death. I've asked for a newer one. I was deflected. OK, fine. When this one dies, I'll be sitting here unable to work. Who's that going to hurt? Not me. I'll charge the company for the time I'm waiting for them to give me a newer computer.

My boyfriend got a new job, and today is his last day. They've been telling him since he gave his notice how much they hate that he's leaving. He's told them he will stay if they give him more money. They're just like, "We'll miss you! Come back anytime!" FUCK. YOOOOOOOUUUUU.

Fuck companies that don't care about their employees—and it's all companies now. Give them the same energy they give us. Do your job to the best of your ability but don't kill yourself over it. We're "human capital."

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Is anyone else seeing a bunch of weirdness with recruiters lately? I've had several reach out to me on LinkedIn and they seem to fall into two categories:

1. They are very excited to talk to me about a job opening they're recruiting for but the second I reply, I never hear from them again.

2. I reply back and they go nuts messaging me. I had one today reply to my LinkedIn in-message within 5 minutes, while also calling and leaving a voicemail, and texting me. Like dude, calm tf down. 

Job hunting is such a drag. 

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34 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Honorable mention goes to recruiters sending me a job that is in no conceivable way related to anything I've ever done.

Even worse is when they're offering a role that pays much less than I'm making in my current one, as if anyone ever quit their job because they were making too much money.

A couple of years ago I worked for a big famous tech company with a very toxic culture. I was terminated in retaliation for making a discrimination complaint, and while I was still in arbitration with them, one of their recruiters sent me a LinkedIn message asking if I was interested in coming back to "the [company name] family." I ended up winning a six-figure settlement from them, so I can laugh about it now.

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A bit of good news. We are going to full time remote permanently. If we need to, we can go into the office. Plan is to significantly reduce the office space. Yahoo. Now I need to find speedier internet. I am in a large metro area, but this little corner seems to be last to get any updates. 
Got new laptop and techie said oh keep the old one until you make sure you have everything you need. This after he said he needed more time to configure it. He didn’t have the date or time set up and I went into the office, had to wait 3 to 4 hours on it. Old laptop had some small issues even when on office network. I get home and new one won’t respond timely with any internet app. Co-worker said I use the other vpn app; yeah new laptop doesn’t have it. Tried with old one and it’s much quicker. 
Cannot access some apps with that as it’s still being updated for all apps to be compliant but it helps.

The Dip was sad about no return to the office. Literally the only person. Told she could go in, but she was going for the social aspect, of course. There were maybe 10 people when back in the day 200+.

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So tired of people pinging me to ask when I'm available for a meeting. The entire company uses Google calendar so my availability can be easily looked up without asking me. Even worse is people pinging me to ask if my calendar is really as full as it appears. No, dude, I just like scheduling many fake 30-minute meetings back-to-back for the fun of it. 🤦‍♀️

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22 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I just like scheduling many fake 30-minute meetings back-to-back for the fun of it.

I schedule fake meetings when I want some "alone" time, although my current company encourages us to schedule "focus time" on our calendars, and blocks out a couple of hours every Wednesday afternoon for people to work undisturbed by meetings.

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5 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

I schedule fake meetings when I want some "alone" time, although my current company encourages us to schedule "focus time" on our calendars, and blocks out a couple of hours every Wednesday afternoon for people to work undisturbed by meetings.

I mark my calendar as "out of office" for when I have non-work errands or appointments, but all the meetings I have on there are real meetings. On rare occasions I block off an hour or two for focus time - usually when there's a hard deadline to submit performance reviews or compensation changes for my org, and my schedule is otherwise packed - but that also means I'm busy and not available for any more meetings that day. If someone has something urgent to discuss, they should just tell me that, and I'll try to reschedule another, less urgent meeting and free up some time. But don't question whether I'm really as busy as I am.

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I block off huge chunks of my calendar so I can get work done. I’m flexible as needed, but have pretty good boundaries. It’s the nature of my work, lots of preparing slide decks and communications, or doing research, so I need blocks of time to really focus. I do tell people what days I can fit them in (some days I really can’t), even if my schedule is full.

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2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

I block off huge chunks of my calendar so I can get work done. I’m flexible as needed, but have pretty good boundaries. It’s the nature of my work, lots of preparing slide decks and communications, or doing research, so I need blocks of time to really focus. I do tell people what days I can fit them in (some days I really can’t), even if my schedule is full.

I run an org of 20+ people and growing, so most of my day is spent in meetings or interviews, and if I do have to prepare a document or slide deck I usually do that in the evenings. Most of my meetings are 30 minutes in length, but I have many of them back-to-back, so it should be clear to anyone looking at my calendar that I'm not just blocking off large chunks of time. All they have to do is look at the following week, and usually I have more availability then. It's the need to message me about something that's self-evident that bugs me.

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Well, my supervisor did it again.

He strolls by and demands my partner's and my attention - it seems we're shorthanded and because the news desk personnel are just so busy, he wants us to "share the load" and have us upload video clips for the website.  Essentially, we would prep them while someone else does the actual web uploads.  He said it would concern the nightside videos (stories from the 10and 11pm shows).  I asked him why nightside editors couldn't do it.  He said they leave at 11:30pm and since I come in at 12:30am, the timing is perfect!  He said it wouldn't take long and it's something we can do when we first get in while waiting for the show to be written. Plus, my edit partner could help me!  

Except, I come in at 12:30, while my partner comes in at 3am.  He dives immediately into the 4am show (light editing since half of that hour is a retread of the 11pm broadcast) while I'm editing the 5 and 6 am hours (when Producer M is in, that show is already prepped and ready to go, so I'm not "waiting around").  Guess who will be doing all that work alone?

To top it all off he gave us instructions on how to do this, but the application isn't where he said it would be!


 My attitude after this:




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So I feel embarrassed. I had a helpful Redditor (yes they do exist) offer to look at my instructional design portfolio. I definitely was happy for the help since my job search is about to head into month eight and I still haven’t been offered anything full time, and it turns out my portfolio is just not good. I know it’s only one person’s opinion and suggestions (for example, there’s nothing I can change about the UI of the organization’s website where I volunteer) but I could’ve put in a lot more effort than what I did. I don’t have a lot of design sense to begin with but I thought what I put out was a decent effort. Needless to say I’m now redoing the whole thing, and redoing samples to look nicer, and I wish I had been more proactive from the start. I’m kicking myself right now but at least I am starting to improve and do something about it. 

It does seem like I’m going to get a project on Upwork, though (say what you will but I need the experience and the hourly rate is still more than what Current Job is giving me), so that will help my resume and possibly portfolio. I also am waiting to schedule an interview for a technical writing role, which is also a hot field right now. I’m still hating Current Job, sadly, and I have eight months left to fulfill my goal of landing in a new job before the end of the year. I just hope there’s hope.  

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44 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

So I feel embarrassed. I had a helpful Redditor (yes they do exist) offer to look at my instructional design portfolio. I definitely was happy for the help since my job search is about to head into month eight and I still haven’t been offered anything full time, and it turns out my portfolio is just not good. I know it’s only one person’s opinion and suggestions (for example, there’s nothing I can change about the UI of the organization’s website where I volunteer) but I could’ve put in a lot more effort than what I did. I don’t have a lot of design sense to begin with but I thought what I put out was a decent effort. Needless to say I’m now redoing the whole thing, and redoing samples to look nicer, and I wish I had been more proactive from the start. I’m kicking myself right now but at least I am starting to improve and do something about it. 

I think it's great that you're receptive to feedback! Having been a manager for a decade now, I can tell you that there are many people who refuse to accept that they need to improve at anything and end up stunting their career growth that way. Is there an online community (other than Reddit) for instructional design where you could get even more feedback from people who are successful in the field? Perhaps somewhere where you can post one sample at a time, and folks can comment? I know this sounds very daunting, but peers will give you honest feedback in a way that recruiters or hiring managers never will.

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13 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I think it's great that you're receptive to feedback! Having been a manager for a decade now, I can tell you that there are many people who refuse to accept that they need to improve at anything and end up stunting their career growth that way. Is there an online community (other than Reddit) for instructional design where you could get even more feedback from people who are successful in the field? Perhaps somewhere where you can post one sample at a time, and folks can comment? I know this sounds very daunting, but peers will give you honest feedback in a way that recruiters or hiring managers never will.

There are a couple of Facebook groups I’m in for instructional designers. I’m on LinkedIn too but I find most of the groups and mentoring there are geared to teachers looking to change careers. I’m not a teacher so I feel kind of excluded over there. So I will stick to Facebook probably because I don’t necessarily want feedback from other career changers who aren’t established yet.

There is a Slack group as well where I can ask. 

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Still not happy about having to clip videos but I'm trying to make it work. 

NFL Draft begins tomorrow and I'm dreading the fallout from that.  My partner and I will probably be about as busy as we are when it snows here - every other tease will be a viewer's pic of the event.  I think nightside will be busier though because it will have more going on live. 

3 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I had a helpful Redditor (yes they do exist) offer to look at my instructional design portfolio. I definitely was happy for the help since my job search is about to head into month eight and I still haven’t been offered anything full time, and it turns out my portfolio is just not good. I know it’s only one person’s opinion and suggestions (for example, there’s nothing I can change about the UI of the organization’s website where I volunteer) but I could’ve put in a lot more effort than what I did

Nothing wrong with getting an alternate opinion.  It's good because now you may know what's been hampering your job efforts.  At least you can open yourself up to improvement.  That's most important.  I've been trying to do tech writing myself but had trouble finding work locally.  I tried upwork but I didn't have much luck with it.  Maybe you should try creating your own website and go independent.  Plus, you can showcase your work there once you give it some polish.

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I have considered freelance for a while but I don’t want to head out in the world without any polish and while I’m still looking for experience. I am still reaching out to contractors on my own though so hopefully something breaks soon! I’d feel more confident going freelance once I gain experience and a solid website. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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Been an interesting morning to say the least - mostly related to some editing issues.

First a family boating on Lake Mead was pulling their boat out when they noticed a rotten barrel had become hooked to the trailer - the barrel had a skeleton in it!  We had to blur every gory detail.  Can't wait to hear about this story further.

Then there was a story in which a couple got married on board an airplane on its way to Las Vegas, and the bride had a wardrobe malfunction with her tacky Pnina Tornai gown. (I wish I was kidding) and we had to make sure all repeats of the story video was censored properly.

Finally, I found out my edit partner's one year anniversary is coming up!  I was thinking of stopping by Pink Box and bringing some pretty donuts to celebrate. 

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2 hours ago, magicdog said:

Been an interesting morning to say the least - mostly related to some editing issues.

First a family boating on Lake Mead was pulling their boat out when they noticed a rotten barrel had become hooked to the trailer - the barrel had a skeleton in it!  We had to blur every gory detail.  Can't wait to hear about this story further.

Then there was a story in which a couple got married on board an airplane on its way to Las Vegas, and the bride had a wardrobe malfunction with her tacky Pnina Tornai gown. (I wish I was kidding) and we had to make sure all repeats of the story video was censored properly.

Finally, I found out my edit partner's one year anniversary is coming up!  I was thinking of stopping by Pink Box and bringing some pretty donuts to celebrate. 

Ooh, now I want to know more about the skeleton in the barrel! 

Edited by MargeGunderson
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7 hours ago, magicdog said:

the barrel had a skeleton in it! 

I heard about that. One theory is it may be mob related, and they may find more as the level of the lake has reached record low levels.

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More people are coming back to my office for at least two days a week starting this week. Not many people yesterday, but more came today. I am one of maybe two people (as far as I know) wearing a mask, so I'm a little frazzled.

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Had a little celebration for my edit partner - it's his 1 year anniversary this week!  I bought some Pinkbox donuts for the crew and a special Leia donut for him (he's a Star Wars geek so I knew it would be appreciated).  Pinkbox has been doing a SW promotion all week celebrating the films and making various characters out of donuts!



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4 hours ago, magicdog said:

Had a little celebration for my edit partner - it's his 1 year anniversary this week!  I bought some Pinkbox donuts for the crew and a special Leia donut for him (he's a Star Wars geek so I knew it would be appreciated).  Pinkbox has been doing a SW promotion all week celebrating the films and making various characters out of donuts!



Those are great!  I love the Leia ones.  

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5 hours ago, magicdog said:

Had a little celebration for my edit partner - it's his 1 year anniversary this week!  I bought some Pinkbox donuts for the crew and a special Leia donut for him (he's a Star Wars geek so I knew it would be appreciated).  Pinkbox has been doing a SW promotion all week celebrating the films and making various characters out of donuts!



Soo cute, and so thoughtful of you! I'm sure you made your edit partner's day with these. I love the Princess Leia ones with Oreo "hair."

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2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm sure you made your edit partner's day with these.

I did!  He couldn't stop thanking me!  Little happy moments like this make life sweeter.

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My coworker with whom I switch days in the office tested positive for COVID. She presumably contracted it from her daughter, whose school sent home a note saying one of her classmates tested positive. I have not been made to go in on my days I'm not scheduled to go in, thankfully. I was in yesterday and will go in Wednesday and Friday. It took me an hour to get to my exit yesterday because of traffic. Have I mentioned how much I hate my commute?

When I finally got to my exit, I went to the grocery store, and I was one of four people wearing a mask.

In other work happenings, I edit the quarterly reports because the people who supply the copy (info about trends during the quarter) cannot write any better than a high school freshman. For some reason, one of the accountants gives me hell about every little change. It's extremely tiresome. She had sent me a Teams message before I even logged on this morning, asking me if so-and-so had asked for the changes in one report. I didn't respond to her. I'm tired of going back and forth over this shit. She questioned me last week about another project her boss gave me for the reports.

She had gone in to this one report and removed my edits. I went back and put them back in and tagged the guy who she thinks is supposed to "approve" the changes (he's not) to ask him if they were OK, which she COULD'VE done instead of removing/rejecting my edits. The fucking gall.

Imagine if I went into the financial spreadsheets and changed ANYTHING. It's so fucking disrespectful.

Edited by bilgistic
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8 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

My coworker with whom I switch days in the office tested positive for COVID. She presumably contracted it from her daughter, whose school sent home a note saying one of her classmates tested positive.

I wouldn't take too much stock in those.  They're often false positives.  

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8 hours ago, magicdog said:

I wouldn't take too much stock in those.  They're often false positives.  

If you're talking about the antigen tests ("at-home" tests), false positives are actually rare (and generally caused by user error).  False negatives are more common, though, so negative results need to be double-checked by a PCR test in anyone with symptoms.

There are a lot of scientific articles on all this that can be hard to digest, but here's a CDC article and this article from Prevention is probably even more accessible; it has a good overview of sensitivity - a test's ability to identify an accurate positive - and specificity - a test's ability to identify an accurate negative:


All rapid tests currently authorized for home use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have high sensitivity and specificity, meaning they have a high accuracy rate. For example, Ellume reports 100% specificity in symptomatic people and 96% specificity in asymptomatic individuals. Flowflex demonstrated 100% specificity during FDA testing. And BinaxNOW antigen tests had up to 99.7% specificity during real-world testing.

The “gold standard” of COVID-19 testing is PCR, also known as molecular testing, Gronvall says. However, antigen tests can be just as sensitive as PCR ones when you’re experiencing symptoms, she explains. Although some kits allow you to perform PCR tests at home, often with the option of sending samples to a lab, you’re more likely to have access to rapid antigen tests given the current barriers to testing.

“Despite the high specificity of antigen tests, false positive results will occur,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) writes. “In general, for all diagnostic tests, the lower the prevalence of infection in the community, the higher the proportion of false positive test results.” Put another way, false positive results will always occur—there’s no way around it, Dr. Baird explains. But again, they are not common.

“The specificity isn’t the problem right now,” he continues. “The problem with [at-home tests] is actually the other side, the false negatives, the fact that they’re not very sensitive.” Antigen tests are most accurate when you have symptoms, Dr. Baird says, since that usually correlates to having “a lot of virus” in your body—it’s easier for the tests to detect.

Bottom line: If you have a positive antigen test result, it's very likely you indeed have COVID, while if you have a negative antigent test result yet have symptoms, you should behave as if you are positive until you get PCR test results to find out for sure, as the false negative result is not as rare (and obviously has greater potential consequence).

Edited by Bastet
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One of the accounting managers left two comments and then tried calling me via Teams when I was working on "her" quarterly report. She finally messaged me, saying, "Can you let me know in the morning when the [Fund Name] About the Portfolio has been updated?  I'm 2 days late at this point."

My response was, "I asked [the controller] for the [portfolio 1] narrative on the 2nd and didn't get it until yesterday. I just got the new [portfolio 2] info today. I've now added it all to the quarterly report.

I moved all of the portfolio descriptions into the quarterly reports so that we don't continue to have to pay [graphic design firm] thousands and thousands of dollars anymore. This was all at [controller's] behest and go-ahead. I have years of experience in document design and layout, so there's zero reason to pay an outside graphic design firm for work I can do.

With all due respect, I cannot keep having the discussion about my editing the writing. I have an English degree and over 20 years of editing experience. The narratives need work when we get them. I'm not making material changes but am fixing grammar, syntax, punctuation and the structure of the writing for better flow. A large block of text is simply not legible.

I'm not sabotaging anything. I'm trying to put out a quality product that investors are going to think is intelligent and well written."

This is all so fucking tiresome.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

If you're talking about the antigen tests ("at-home" tests), false positives are actually rare (and generally caused by user error).  False negatives are more common, though, so negative results need to be double-checked by a PCR test in anyone with symptoms.

There are a lot of scientific articles on all this that can be hard to digest, but here's a CDC article and this article from Prevention is probably even more accessible; it has a good overview of sensitivity - a test's ability to identify an accurate positive - and specificity - a test's ability to identify an accurate negative:

Bottom line: If you have a positive antigen test result, it's very likely you indeed have COVID, while if you have a negative antigent test result yet have symptoms, you should behave as if you are positive until you get PCR test results to find out for sure, as the false negative result is not as rare [and obviously has more potential consequences]).

I need to scroll before finding links. Thank you for your in-depth and clear post about home tests and their low false-positive rate.

On the job front, I'm still getting interviews but no offers. I have one really positive lead that would be a pay cut. When I met with the recruiter we discussed it and some upcoming openings with a higher range but over the weekend I realized I would be OK with the pay cut since it's still a fair and living wage, so another recruiter friend helped me compose an email to her letting her know I'd like to continue with the process.

Edited by theredhead77
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I haven't posted in this thread before, but I am looking for some opinions. I've worked at a small company for 5 years, and have always been valued and have legacy knowledge. Recently the company started hiring big time. A new high up manager was hired, who has brought in literally 5 people in two months, including two they have worked with before. Our team used to be 3-4 people, now it's like 12 people, including a couple who joined from other teams.

The new manager has taken everything back to basics. Much of what I've done in the last 5 years has been scrapped. Other work is on hold. And one of the new people they brought on has taken on some of what I do. But not all, and I feel like more may come down in the next few months. Maybe. But it's so annoying getting "allowed" to do some of what I've done for 5 years, while she does some of it now too. I've reminded her that I'm always ready to jump in.

But it is depressing not having much ownership anymore.

Is it wrong to approach the new bigwig and in a nice way of course, ask if there is still a role for me? What is my job now? Is that forcing their hand? "Well, we were going to lay you off, but not yet. But since you asked, see ya..." lol.

I feel like it's not a given that my job is going away, but I certainly don't feel secure, and it's incredibly stressful. I am looking around, but that's a whole ball of stress too. Ugh.

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On 5/3/2022 at 9:14 AM, Spartan Girl said:

More people are coming back to my office for at least two days a week starting this week. Not many people yesterday, but more came today. I am one of maybe two people (as far as I know) wearing a mask, so I'm a little frazzled.

Sorry to double post, but I sympathize. I live in an area that's been pretty pro mask and vaccine, but I'm literally the only person still masking in the office. I definitely feel awkward at this point, and try to WFH as much as possible. 

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@CrazyDog,  that reminds me very much of a situation I found myself in once. I ended up being relegated to part time and I quit soon afterwards. I hope it's a better outcome for you but based on my experience,  it does not sound promising. 

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1 minute ago, CrazyDog said:

Sorry to double post, but I sympathize. I live in an area that's been pretty pro mask and vaccine, but I'm literally the only person still masking in the office. I definitely feel awkward at this point, and try to WFH as much as possible. 

Not only am I my company's only employee still wearing a mask, it seems I'm the only person on the Eastern Seaboard still wearing a mask.

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1 hour ago, supposebly said:

@CrazyDog,  that reminds me very much of a situation I found myself in once. I ended up being relegated to part time and I quit soon afterwards. I hope it's a better outcome for you but based on my experience,  it does not sound promising. 

Thank you, I'm kind of leaning that way. Maybe I'll approach it with them anyway, I don't know. Or just enjoy less work for the same salary for now, while I try to get more skills and look around.

I just hate looking for a new job when my work self-esteem is super low. And trying to protect my bad lungs from COVID if I have to be back in an office. Ugh. Thanks for letting me vent here :)

Edited by CrazyDog
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46 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Is it wrong to approach the new bigwig and in a nice way of course, ask if there is still a role for me? What is my job now? Is that forcing their hand? "Well, we were going to lay you off, but not yet. But since you asked, see ya..." lol.

If you ask like that, then the outcome is probably going to be what you predicted. A more effective way would be to ask her about her "vision" for the department and how you can help her implement it. If she gives you work that's different from what you're used to, but seems valuable, decide whether that's the kind of work you want to do. If she gives you pointless busywork, that probably means you're not part of the "vision" and she wants you to get bored and quit on your own, but at least it wouldn't be an outright termination.

5 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I just hate looking for a new job when my work self-esteem is super low. And trying to protect my bad lungs from COVID if I have to be back in an office. Ugh. Thanks for letting me vent here :)

Depending on the job, they may be able to interview you completely remotely. My employer is a "work where you want" company, so even though our offices have re-opened, we're still doing the majority of our interviews via Zoom, due to the location of the candidate and/or the interviewers.

And I hope it doesn't sound cheesy, but interviewing for another job is a clean slate. The interviewers don't have to know how you feel about your current job. It's up to you what kind of story to tell. "I've been in my job for five years, and while I love the company and am proud of the work I've done, I feel that my growth has stagnated. I'm ready for a new challenge." 

Edited by chocolatine
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2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

A more effective way would be to ask her about her "vision" for the department and how you can help her implement it. If she gives you work that's different from what you're used to, but seems valuable, decide whether that's the kind of work you want to do. If she gives you pointless busywork, that probably means you're not part of the "vision" and she wants you to get bored and quit on your own, but at least it wouldn't be an outright termination.

I agree with the phrasing of being part of the "vision" of the company.  At least you'll have a better idea of where you stand.  However, if it turns out they are trying to get you to quit, do NOT give them that satisfaction.  You keep working with a smile and get paid until you find a better option.  If they fire you at least you can collect unemployment until you have a direction.  The worst thing you can do it quit.  

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18 minutes ago, magicdog said:

I agree with the phrasing of being part of the "vision" of the company.  At least you'll have a better idea of where you stand.  However, if it turns out they are trying to get you to quit, do NOT give them that satisfaction.  You keep working with a smile and get paid until you find a better option.  If they fire you at least you can collect unemployment until you have a direction.  The worst thing you can do it quit.  

Completely agree, I was just telling it from a manager's perspective. Some managers, if they don't want a particular employee to stick around but want to avoid the liability of terminating them, will give them boring, meaningless work, the kind that will never lead to a promotion, to get them to leave. Whether or not the employee lines up another job first before leaving is not the manager's concern. 

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Thanks all, I agree with all of that - I would never have the guts to quit without another job lined up (as much as I enjoy fantasizing about it, lol). At worst, I can collect unemployment for awhile if it comes to that. I had my very outdated resume professional redone, so that makes me feel a bit better. I'll either find something else, or make them let me go.

I'm still waffling on the conversation. I have to go in tomorrow, so I might just see what the vibe is like.

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