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19 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

I don't blame Sophia for sharing the story, but she should've named names. I agree that there needs to be change in the way women are treated in Hollywood but that change won't happen unless people have the guts to name the sexist pricks. Complaining about your treatment and then not naming names makes it seem like her interest in changing the treatment of women stops when it might have repercussions for her, or that her concern is phony. It did come across as a dig against the show and all of her male co stars, which I have a feeling caused tension on the set. It wasn't right to paint all of the men on the show as a potential sexist douche. 

I wasn't under the impression that she was complaining. She was asked a question and she answered it. She also said that it was only one male co-star. Yes, she didn't name a name but we do know that it's not all of them, just one. Since she was dating Soffer, I have a hard time imagining that it was him, and she seemed to be really sad to see Seda go, so that's also an actor I would rule out. And if memory serves, LaRoyce Hawkins was in photos she posted when some of the cast watched episodes together. So, I would think that if any of these three had done it, they wouldn't have done so in a condescending but a teasing sibling kind of manner and I think she would know the difference.


19 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

The whole thing is bizarre, I can never remember a show/network just ignoring the exit of a star and pretending like nothing is going on. I really wonder how they will handle her departure. 

Probably in an unspectacular manner. If they pick up where they left off, then Jay might get a text message or will find an empty apartment, if they do a time jump then there might be a mentioning of her moving to New York and then everyone moves on and no one will mention her again.

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9 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

I wasn't under the impression that she was complaining. She was asked a question and she answered it. She also said that it was only one male co-star. Yes, she didn't name a name but we do know that it's not all of them, just one. Since she was dating Soffer, I have a hard time imagining that it was him, and she seemed to be really sad to see Seda go, so that's also an actor I would rule out. And if memory serves, LaRoyce Hawkins was in photos she posted when some of the cast watched episodes together. So, I would think that if any of these three had done it, they wouldn't have done so in a condescending but a teasing sibling kind of manner and I think she would know the difference.


I think that is people's issue with it, people are now speculating about who it is and that's not fair to the ones who had nothing to do with it. Call out the person who did it but don't throw everyone under the same bus for your own personal agenda.

Maybe that's why she is no longer dating Soffer, maybe that's why Seda left, she also posted a video of Paddy on his birthday. It's all just speculation and interpretation.

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13 hours ago, Guildford said:

I think that is people's issue with it, people are now speculating about who it is and that's not fair to the ones who had nothing to do with it. Call out the person who did it but don't throw everyone under the same bus for your own personal agenda.

I'm not really seeing a personal agenda. I see it as calling attention to an issue that is usually ignored. And as Wendy has pointed out, she probably couldn't name names.


13 hours ago, Guildford said:

Maybe that's why she is no longer dating Soffer, maybe that's why Seda left, she also posted a video of Paddy on his birthday. It's all just speculation and interpretation.

From what I read on twitter, she seemed to really miss him but, of course, we don't know. I'm just saying that there may be clues that narrow down the "suspects". I also think that it's our choice to think that she threw everyone under the bus or not. Yes, it could be every one of them. But that's the thing, it is only one of them. And if the rest of the male cast is bothered by it, how about they do something about it?

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That article also continues to report that Sophia Bush is leaving. But I'm happy to see Seda back. He will help ease the sting for me. 

ETA: This news is also all over social media, confirmed on both Instagram and Twitter by the show's accounts, Derek Haas, and Jon himself. So it must be true. 

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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2 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

That article also continues to report that Sophia Bush is leaving. But I'm happy to see Seda back. He will help ease the sting for me. 

ETA: This news is also all over social media, confirmed on both Instagram and Twitter by the show's accounts, Derek Haas, and Jon himself. So it must be true. 

TV Line reported it as a fact after the original Deadline article was published (the one that included all the "I hear"). I don't doubt that she is leaving, just pointing that out. :-)

Sooooo unbelievably thrilled that Jon Seda will be back!! As much as I love the other characters, I absolutely see Antonio as the heart of Chicago PD (much like Herrmann is the heart of Chicago Fire).

9 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

TV Line reported it as a fact after the original Deadline article was published (the one that included all the "I hear"). I don't doubt that she is leaving, just pointing that out. :-)

To be fair, TVLine didn't actually report it as fact, they just referenced the original Deadline article (Deadline is their sister site). We won't get any confirmation from NBC/ChicagoPD/Sophia Bush until the new season. I'm certain it's the truth at this point, but still worth noting that technically it's still a rumour at this point.

Not only is Jon Seda invaluable to the show, he is literally the only person that could soften the blow from the loss of Sophia Bush.

4 hours ago, Chas411 said:

At least Seda is back. Maybe they'll leave it until midseason to introduce a new female. There's no actual room on the squad right now so.

I absolutely think balance is important on a show, but at the same time, there's something to be said about balance just for the sake of having balance (does that make sense?). Do I wish there was more representation of female characters on this show? Absolutely. Am I happy with the cast itself? Absolutely. If they feel a need to add another female, I honestly don't see how she would fit in. It's going to be pretty crowded upstairs!

Also, I sincerely hope that with Seda's return and Bush's inevitable departure, the powers that be will partner Jay and Antonio. Absolutely the best pairing they could possibly do!

If I can't have Linstead back, Jay/Antonio is my ultimate duo. As much as I love the Linstead romance, I will miss their partnership even more. It was so great to see a male-female team working together as equals (if anything, with her being superior). It's refreshing to see that -- even when they were dating Halstead didn't throw himself in front of Lindsay to protect her or anything (which is absolutely something other shows would do). They were hands-down the best team.

11 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

That article also continues to report that Sophia Bush is leaving. But I'm happy to see Seda back. He will help ease the sting for me. 

ETA: This news is also all over social media, confirmed on both Instagram and Twitter by the show's accounts, Derek Haas, and Jon himself. So it must be true. 

It's definitely true, which is amazing news. 

It also further confirms that we will not get any confirmation about Sophia until the fall -- if they made all of these statements this quickly about this situation (albeit a different set of circumstances), they would have made a statement about that too (if not for the "cliffhanger")

15 hours ago, quesera1 said:


To be fair, TVLine didn't actually report it as fact, they just referenced the original Deadline article (Deadline is their sister site). We won't get any confirmation from NBC/ChicagoPD/Sophia Bush until the new season. I'm certain it's the truth at this point, but still worth noting that technically it's still a rumour at this Point.

Yes, they included a reference but the wording was a lot more matter-of-fact than TV Line's. The headline alone states that Bush isn't returning and apart from the "Looks like" in the first sentence, they're using matter-of-fact words. But such is TV Line and as many of us have said, we're not doubting it anyway :-)

10 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:


So Elias posted this on Instagram and tagged Sophia. Does it mean anything?

I saw this as well. He also tagged Tracy Spiridakos (Upton). And didn't tag Jon Seda.

At this point my gut is telling me that Sophia will probably be back for an episode or two to "wrap things up" (or maybe that's just wishful thinking again). Then she will get a real send-off moment that's not just a question mark cliffhanger scene. Whether the premiere picks up immediately following what we saw in the finale (so we will actually see the chain of events), or jumps ahead a few weeks/months (so we will see the fallout a bit). I presume it will be the latter, because I don't think any of their previous premieres have flowed directly from the finale?

Anyway, I think she'll be there for a little bit, then go. Maybe she'll be back at some point? I mean, there's all this speculation that she's leaving because of behind-the-scenes issues (myself included), but maybe she just really needed a break and wanted to focus on her activism or be closer to her family/friends in LA?

This interview was really interesting/inspiring to me (https://build.aol.com/video/5967c724b90afb79a264e574/), but I am a huge fan of her and her activism, so others may disagree/not care. But she makes several references to her show. I know she's an actress so she can pretend, but she continues to bring it up, say she loves it, etc. (when realistically she could just not mention it at all).

Sorry for another rambling post from me to start the day off

Oh, one more thing ---

I'm pretty sure they start filming in the next week or so, so we might see some answers on social media? Most of the cast is pretty active with Insta.

9 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Just want to reiterate that Deadline is an industry site, like Variety. Meaning casting, future shows, etc. If it says an actor or actress is coming or going, it's legit. I wish Sophia Bush well going forward. It'll be interesting to see where she lands next.

I don't think any of us believe that she's NOT leaving, it's just that a few things keep popping up from the cast or wherever that show that TPTB are really trying to run with their will-she-or-won't-she "cliffhanger."  


Right now I'm not sure she's leaving--just putting that out there. She still includes PD in her Instagram description of what she is active it, for example. I'm not seeing anything else she is working on instead of PD. Perhaps she is renegotiating her contract so the cliffhanger is a "just in cases" (why yes Love Actually is one of my favorite movies) cover-her-leaving-if-the-numbers-don't-work move or a way to cool down the whole Halsted relationship once and for all.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
1 minute ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Right now I'm not sure she's leaving--just putting that out there. She still includes PD in her Instagram description of what she is active it, for example. I'm not seeing anything else she is working on instead of PD. Perhaps she is renegotiating her contract so the cliffhanger is a "just in cases" (why yes Love Actually is one of my favorite movies) cover-her-leaving-if-the-numbers-don't-work move or a way to cool down the whole Halsted relationship once and for all.

Unfortunately I'm 99% sure she's leaving. I still have that last 1% uncertainty (*cough*hope*cough*) because of the little things we've seen happening. Put it this way... it's possible that she's staying,  but definitely not probable based on the articles, the lack of reference to her on social media, the behind-the-scenes things we've heard, etc., etc.

At this point I think it's basically a done deal and they are trying to keep their stupid cliffhanger intact. It's just a matter of (a) how they handle it, (b) when she will leave (if she's done already, or if she'll be back for a wrap-up arc or what), and (c) if she's absolutely done forever, or if she'll be back at some point.

Again, I'm sure we'll find out soon (not soon enough for my liking though!)

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If she was staying then i don't think they'd have written the Lindstead relationship into the wall as its one of the most publicised relationships on the show. I think it would have been handled better. No cliffhanger is worth writing everything as quick and hammy as they did. 


I think she could be back for an episode pending negotiations but with the gag order etc I don't know that I buy things are all that friendly with NBC.


Edited to add that she's removed Chicago PD from her Instagram handle so maybe a statement will be made soon.

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 1

I don't think things are friendly at all. Personally I think some major bridges have been burnt.

I thing with the cliffhanger is they are not talking about it at all. Compare that with Chicago Fire, there is lots of chatter of 'who makes it out' but with PD they are not even acknowledging it. Surely they would be talking up a 'will she go, will she stay' arc if things were peachy. So all this 'I can't ruin a cliffhanger' innuendo has basically come from one comment Bush made and I took that as more of a throw away line.

And if they have got my hopes up for nothing, I will be seriously gutted.

22 hours ago, Chas411 said:

If she was staying then i don't think they'd have written the Lindstead relationship into the wall as its one of the most publicised relationships on the show. I think it would have been handled better. No cliffhanger is worth writing everything as quick and hammy as they did. 


I think she could be back for an episode pending negotiations but with the gag order etc I don't know that I buy things are all that friendly with NBC.


Edited to add that she's removed Chicago PD from her Instagram handle so maybe a statement will be made soon.

The writing for this relationship was absolutely horrible the back half of season 4. There HAD to be a better way for them to handle it, even if the writers didn't know if Sophia was leaving. There would have been much better ways to break up this partnership than the crap we saw. It still depends on how they wrap things up on-screen, but at this point they have basically un-written everything that we know to be true about these two central characters.

From day one, Halstead has been steadfast, loyal, honest (sometimes to a fault), supportive and compassionate. He's still a flawed character (they all are, that's what makes them interesting and keeps people coming back to root for them), but absolutely everything we have ever seen about him has supported those qualities (his history with Ben Corson, his military background, etc.). To have a "secret wife" changes everything. In one episode the writers turned everything we knew about Halstead upside down. Suddenly he was deceitful and dishonest. Suddenly he was less caring to the woman that we have watched him fall for over the course of the show. Suddenly his unconditional support and unwavering loyalty vanished. Jay Halstead deserves so much better than that.

Lindsay's character also did a complete 180. She is absolutely a more flawed character than Halstead, with her bumpy history with drugs, her toxic relationship with her mother, her deep-seeded connection to Voight. But we have watched her grow for four years. She found a way to accept her history while still finding a way to move forward and be a stronger person and cop. Season 4 opened with her confessing to Jay that she was "completely in love" with him; it closed with her (likely) leaving him without so much as a goodbye. It makes no sense. Even with the secret wife plot, she was still supportive of him. Everything we saw was a complete disservice to the Erin Lindsay that we have rooted for for so long.

Something clearly changed toward the end of the season -- the "break" in 4.17 was suddenly a "break-up" in 4.23.

I'm just so unbelievably disappointed in the writing for two of my favourite characters on TV. I sincerely hope they can find a way to truly wrap things up in a way that is more true to these characters.

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Re: the whole Instagram handle thing...

It does strike me as odd for her to remove that now though. I know lots of people have been clinging to that as meaning she was still on the show, but I sort of assumed she wouldn't change it until after an official acknowledgement was made. (To be fair, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Jesse and LaRoyce are the only others to mention the show in their profiles. Not saying she's not leaving, just that it's not really a official admission of her departure.)

At some point someone official has to say SOMETHING. Regardless of how things played out behind the scenes, people clearly have questions. Right now it's just people who have read the articles or are on social media. But after the show starts airing it will be their entire viewership. It would be utterly ridiculous (and truly impossible) for them to just ignore her disappearance from the show forever.

16 hours ago, Guildford said:

I don't think things are friendly at all. Personally I think some major bridges have been burnt.

I thing with the cliffhanger is they are not talking about it at all. Compare that with Chicago Fire, there is lots of chatter of 'who makes it out' but with PD they are not even acknowledging it. Surely they would be talking up a 'will she go, will she stay' arc if things were peachy. So all this 'I can't ruin a cliffhanger' innuendo has basically come from one comment Bush made and I took that as more of a throw away line.

And if they have got my hopes up for nothing, I will be seriously gutted.

That's a good point. I didn't follow things as closely back in season 2 when they last used the "Lindsay might leave" story, but I presume they didn't just stop talking about her then like they have now?

5 hours ago, quesera1 said:

At some point someone official has to say SOMETHING. Regardless of how things played out behind the scenes, people clearly have questions. Right now it's just people who have read the articles or are on social media. But after the show starts airing it will be their entire viewership. It would be utterly ridiculous (and truly impossible) for them to just ignore her disappearance from the show forever.

But that may not be true. Again, that's how Chris Meloni's exit from SVU played out. An article, followed by the premiere with a few words about Elliott retiring. As that was also a Dick Wolf show, I can see the same happening here.

Sometimes, the logistics just don't come to light, be it for personal or legal reasons. Time will tell how this goes.

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

But that may not be true. Again, that's how Chris Meloni's exit from SVU played out. An article, followed by the premiere with a few words about Elliott retiring. As that was also a Dick Wolf show, I can see the same happening here.

Sometimes, the logistics just don't come to light, be it for personal or legal reasons. Time will tell how this goes.

Fair enough, I'm bored (it's raining and I'm knee-deep in laundry) so I did some searching. Christopher Meloni's exit was a bit different: (1) there appears to have been ongoing negotiations happening that were vaguely shared with the media -- as in, people knew there was a possibility of him (and at the time, Mariska Hargitay) not returning. (2) There was an article http://tvline.com/2011/05/24/chris-meloni-exits-law-order-svu/ that didn't include any official comments. (3) A few days later, Mariska made a comment about his departure http://tvline.com/2011/05/27/mariska-hargitay-chris-meloni-law-order-svu-exit/. (4) NBC made comments about how they would be handling the loss of Stabler on-screen (looks like this didn't happen until August). And clearly if contract negotiations were the reason for Meloni's departure, things were certainly acrimonious. 

On the flip side, Chicago PD's last significant departure, Brian Geraghty, was handled WAY differently. Obviously the situation was different (they always knew he would just be around on a year-by-year basis; things were clearly amicable), but the article still included an official statement from the powers that be (http://tvline.com/2016/05/25/chicago-pd-brian-geraghty-leaving-season-4-sean-roman/).

The current Sophia Bush-Chicago PD situation is so so strange, and it's been handled so poorly. I get that we don’t know (and won't know) everything that has happened, is happening, will happen, but at this very moment I am beyond disappointed. It's kind of a slap in the face to the fans; we deserve better than this.

And love her or hate her, Sophia Bush deserves better than this too. She has given four years to this show, yes. But she’s given more than just time. There is no question that many  viewers tuned in to the show because of her (I know that was my initial draw to the series… though not the reason I stayed). Sophia supported and promoted this series for four years, arguably more than anyone else involved. To dismiss that without a word of acknowledgement, of appreciation, of thanks… it’s disheartening to say the least. 

Beyond that though, the characters deserve better (yes, they are fictional, but isn’t that the whole point of creating a world and the people in it? You want people to care about them and root for/against them). Love her or hate her, Erin Lindsay is someone that we have watched grow over the past four years. But the “ending” that has been served is just awful. This character has basically lost everything – her love, her city, her career, life as she knew it, everything she has worked so hard for – all for her garbage mother. If the finale was truly the last rodeo for Erin Lindsay, well, that’s a colossal disappointment and a massive disservice to four years of history and character development.

But yes, time will tell....

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

Tracy Spiridakos has been promoted to series regular https://tvline.com/2017/07/25/chicago-pd-season-5-tracy-spiridakos-series-regular/

Aaaaaaand the award for least surprising casting news of the season goes to.....

Glad they finally said something about this (since there's been pictures of her on set already). Now they need to actually address the elephant in the room...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, quesera1 said:

Aaaaaaand the award for least surprising casting news of the season goes to.....

Glad they finally said something about this (since there's been pictures of her on set already). Now they need to actually address the elephant in the room...

Well, the TV Line article definitively states Bush is gone. I don't think it'll be more than what has already been reported. But for your sake, I hope it is settled to your satisfaction down the road.

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I guess at this point I'm kind of hoping that Voight still gets in trouble for something, and while he's sorting that out and is demoted, Antonio is now in charge.  And if that doesn't happen, then it's Antonio that teams up with Jay.  But I feel like partnerships should have one experienced detective, and one "rookie" and that won't work if the only "experienced" people left are Antonio, Jay, and Al.  Ugh.  (None of the others are even "Detectives" yet, either.  Unless Upton is actually a Detective?  So maybe she gets Ruzek, haha.)  

2 hours ago, Chas411 said:

Disappointed by the above news but not surprised. I wonder who they'll partner her with though of Antonio is also back. They'd hardly go full Erin Lite and partner her with Jay would they? I don't get the impression that these writers have the imagination to do much more though.

I read that the new showrunner isn't a fan of relationships, so hopefully it's true.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Guildford said:

I hope whoever they partner her with the writers are smart enough to show that a male and female can work together as partners & not jump into bed together. They haven't been able to control themselves so far, what with Lindsay & Halstead & that horrible abomination that was Burgess & Roman. 


FFS men and women can be friends *GASP*

23 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I guess at this point I'm kind of hoping that Voight still gets in trouble for something, and while he's sorting that out and is demoted, Antonio is now in charge.  And if that doesn't happen, then it's Antonio that teams up with Jay.  But I feel like partnerships should have one experienced detective, and one "rookie" and that won't work if the only "experienced" people left are Antonio, Jay, and Al.  Ugh.  (None of the others are even "Detectives" yet, either.  Unless Upton is actually a Detective?  So maybe she gets Ruzek, haha.)  

I think Upton is a detective if I'm remembering correctly. So Antonio, Halstead, Olinsky, Upton are all detectives, and Atwater, Burgess and Ruzek are just "officers" or something I guess? My greatest wish is to have Halstead and Antonio partnered up. 

Honestly at this point it's a little crowded upstairs, so I'm not sure what they're going to do... I guess Voight can be "partnered" with someone too?

I wasn't mad on her and don't think the addition was necessary except for just to ensure there's another female but I guess st this point I'm open to change and hoping Erin's departure may benefit other characters but if it's just all her screentime/angsty past/relationship with Halstead getting transferred to Upton then I'm out.

  • Love 2

Even with Jon Seda returning, I may be done with this show. When it starts feeling like a chore to watch the show week to week it's time to go, and that's what happened over the course of last season. I still like the cast overall, particularly the older members - Jason Beghe, Elias Koteas, Amy Morton. I continue to be disappointed that they don’t use LaRoyce Hawkins as Atwater more (lots of possibilities for him in a Chicago police show). I’m not a huge fan of Sophia Bush but that’s probably due more to the writing than to the actress. She did a solid job of playing the role of Erin Lindsey and ably did her part of helping to build up the show, even if the Erin-Hank-Bunny triangle got tiresome. With her leaving now, it seems lame that what casting seems to be doing is substituting a Sophia Bush sorta lookalike in Tracy Spiridakos. Come on, can’t they explore more possibilities?

  • Love 4

I didn't mind her but I didn't pay any real attention to her because I thought she wasn't going to be around for long (she certainly had more personality than that boring Rixton they bought in)

I really don't think they are going to throw her into a relationship with Halstead. I know people think the writers are stupid but not I don't think they are that stupid. As long as she doesn't have a miserable upbringing that we have to hear about week in week out then I'm happy to give her ago.....that being said I am far more excited by the prospect that we may actually get some decent storylines for Ruzek & Atwater that does not just revolve around their personal life, and perhaps we may even get to see happy likeable Halstead again.

2 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Upton does have tragedy in her background though, so they can easily go there.  Remember when she told Platt that they had met before when Upton was a child, and Platt inspired her to become a cop? Yeah... great... nice story, but more tragic childhoods...

Kind of sounds like Voight and Lindsay 2.0

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