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6 hours ago, Chas411 said:

Honestly - I just think it's too quiet at the moment. Nobody had said anything about the finale. I understand they're in the process of switching writers and showrunners etc but Derek Haas gave an interview right after the Fire cliffhanger whereas he has been kept very quiet about PD. Tracy Sprikados (sorry I don't think that's right but I can never spell her last name) seems very Erin Lite and i could see her slotting into The characters place if she were to be gone. Also the finale switched the history of Lindstead from them being a solid supportive couple (until Jay bailed) to them suddenly being a train wreck because Erin "doesn't want to be saved". It's possibly bad writing but gIven the Lindstead are such a big audience draw it doesn't make sense to me that the writers would be trying to alienate them from the audience unless something was due to change. Couple that with Beghe saying it's going to be a whole new show next year etc and I just think something is up...

Interesting take.  I didn't see it this way.  I just saw it as a whole bunch of miscommunication, and Jay not being able to talk to Erin because she wasn't supposed to be at the station or around them.  I never heard anyone say or get the impression that Erin doesn't want to be saved.  Maybe the opposite, in fact, because if she does leave, she's letting Voight and the FBI "save" her?

But, anything can happen, so we'll just have to see who is right!

4 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Again with the expectations! stop being so positive! :P

Is it officially cancelled?

A girl can dream...

And yes - http://tvline.com/2017/05/22/chicago-justice-cancelled-no-season-2-nbc/  Justice was just cancelled.  I really hope both Sophia and Jon go back to PD.  

I have an idea... that's how the Intelligence Unit can be saved.  Everyone liked and respected Antonio, right?  The Chief has issues with the unit?  He can bring in Antonio to fix it.  Cut a deal - make Antonio sergeant and in charge, demote Voight to detective, and send Erin to anger management training and to patrol.  

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54 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:


I have an idea... that's how the Intelligence Unit can be saved.  Everyone liked and respected Antonio, right?  The Chief has issues with the unit?  He can bring in Antonio to fix it.  Cut a deal - make Antonio sergeant and in charge, demote Voight to detective, and send Erin to anger management training and to patrol.  

I think that would work about as well as the whole Linstead drama they cooked up ;-)

20 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

Is that not what Will said to Jay when they were talking about the proposal?

I would love them to bring back Antonio in some capacity. I really hope that they do given he was the original anchor.

Oh, well... yeah, Will.  Sorry, but what does he know?  I don't put much stock in what he has to say. ;-)

5 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

I think that would work about as well as the whole Linstead drama they cooked up ;-)

True, but it could be worth a shot?  Might be interesting, to say the least.

9 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:


True, but it could be worth a shot?  Might be interesting, to say the least.

It's not something that I'd like to see mainly because I'm not that much of a fan of Antonio. He's grown on me, but there were a lot of character traits that he showed in early episodes that I didn't like. Also, Voight had/has a deal with the brass, so I'm not sure that would work but, hey, they ignored a lot of Linstead stuff, too, so you never know what they come up with.

6 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

It's not something that I'd like to see mainly because I'm not that much of a fan of Antonio. He's grown on me, but there were a lot of character traits that he showed in early episodes that I didn't like. Also, Voight had/has a deal with the brass, so I'm not sure that would work but, hey, they ignored a lot of Linstead stuff, too, so you never know what they come up with.

Oh, I gotcha.  But I like Antonio (for the most part), so I guess that's why I'd like to see him back and if they need to contrive a way to fix things, he could be it.  

Al sure doesn't want to be in charge. :-)

37 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:
58 minutes ago, Chas411 said:


Oh, well... yeah, Will.  Sorry, but what does he know?  I don't put much stock in what he has to say. ;-)

Ha that's true - especially given his own romance choices. Still though - in that moment I thought he was supposed to be the voice reason in the whole thing. It's open to interpretation of course but it's how I took it. 

I would like to see Antonio back but not sure where he'd fit in now that Burgess is in Intelligence... I'm not sure if they're upping Upton to a regular but if they are it doesn't leave much room..

18 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

Ha that's true - especially given his own romance choices. Still though - in that moment I thought he was supposed to be the voice reason in the whole thing. It's open to interpretation of course but it's how I took it. 

I would like to see Antonio back but not sure where he'd fit in now that Burgess is in Intelligence... I'm not sure if they're upping Upton to a regular but if they are it doesn't leave much room..

Yikes, if Will is the voice of reason, then these shows are in worse shape than I thought... ;-)  (Just kidding - I totally understand where you're coming from, and that could easily be the case.)

I think Upton is set up to be an easier fix.  Voight was very specific that he just had an officer out on furlough, and Upton could take her place while Burgess is out if she wanted.  I think that's temporary and the job is Burgess' whenever she's ready to come back.  As for Antonio, he could "replace" Erin, whether Erin stays or goes.  If she stays, she'd need a babysitter.

It was just two days, Saturday and Sunday.  But sometimes celebs don't post pictures in real time (they either have to wait until they have the time, or they do it purposefully so that crazy fans don't know where they are).  I know that Caitriona Balfe (Outlander) won't post vacation photos until she's home so that people don't know where she is and when.  I think that's pretty smart, actually.


Sophia Bush not returning for S5.


There's also an article on Deadline. Interesting part: "The Chicago P.D. set had been described as a tough environment for a female performer."


Edited by Happy Harpy
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1 minute ago, CheshireCat said:

Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I'm wondering if Hollywood screwed yet another actress over. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised.

I guess that goes along with the interview that she did not too long ago that described two instances where male co-stars/colleagues were rude to her.  At the convention this weekend though, she described her co-stars as "family."

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3 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I guess that goes along with the interview that she did not too long ago that described two instances where male co-stars/colleagues were rude to her.  

Yes, that is what I was thinking of. Plus that there is the possibility that she was in contract negotiations of some kind.

It'll be interesting to see how the show fares without her. (Although I'm not sure I'll be watching)

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55 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

Yes, that is what I was thinking of. Plus that there is the possibility that she was in contract negotiations of some kind.

It'll be interesting to see how the show fares without her. (Although I'm not sure I'll be watching)

I definetly think she was disillusioned by NBC and the show as of late going by her tweets. Add the apparent drama with sexist costar and all must not have been as well behind the scenes as we'd have think. 

I'd say they only decided this lately. I'd say the cliffhanger was written on the offchance she'd stay. 

I hate being ~that kind of fan but I'm not sure I'll watch without her. She was the main reason I started watching and it was her relationships with everyone that kept me interested. I don't have much interest in seeing a new female come in (possible Upton) just to take over her storylines. 

On another note Guilford you must be delighted :)

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13 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I definetly think she was disillusioned by NBC and the show as of late going by her tweets. Add the apparent drama with sexist costar and all must not have been as well behind the scenes as we'd have think. 

I'd say they only decided this lately. I'd say the cliffhanger was written on the offchance she'd stay. 

I hate being ~that kind of fan but I'm not sure I'll watch without her. She was the main reason I started watching and it was her relationships with everyone that kept me interested. I don't have much interest in seeing a new female come in (possible Upton) just to take over her storylines. 


But why not? I don't think there's any "harm" in being that kind of fan. We all have our reasons for watching a show. For me, it was the dynamic, Voight and his relationship with the others as well as Lindsay and Halstead and Lindsay's story/her relationship with Voight. Now that most of what drew me in is gone, I don't see a reason to keep watching and I think that's okay.

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12 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I just meant it as an expression. I think a lot more people tuned in for her character then they do others and it will show in September.

I guess we'll see. It's why I said it will be interesting to see how the show does without her - how many Lindsay fans are there in relation to haters, how many will leave, how many Linstead fans will leave? And what will the new showrunner do. He wasn't very popular with the L&O SVU crowd.


12 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

The One Chicago bubble may burst.

It could happen. Now I'm curious if there are any exits over on Fire and who.

I am actually alright with her leaving. I did like the character and her relationships with Voight and Halstead, but I kind of look forward to others getting more chance to shine and a new dynamic between the team. I will still be tuning in and seeing how it all works out. I can understand those who will not be watching, because I have done the same on other shows when my favorites leave.

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Well, this is a bummer.  Gotta say that I never quite saw Chicago PD as precisely "prestige" television, and Sophia Bush was maybe 80% of the reason why I watched.  It'd be interesting seeing where the show and Bush go from here.

Also, I've only ever known Tracy Spiradakos from the abysmal first season of Revolution, where she was a less than quality actor, so I don't think I'd be too happy seeing her becoming a regular here.

This also sucks because Erin and Jay were the primary romantic pairing.  I don't know what would be more annoying, him being super mopey or him whoring it up as a newly single man.  

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I have no idea but the reports are saying it was her choice to leave. 

Well, it could be her choice either way - if her contract was up, she could have chosen not to renew or she could have chosen to leave early.


26 minutes ago, flickers said:

Do we know how long SB's original contract was for? I'm curious if she's leaving early.

Chances are she is. Contracts usually run for 6 or 7 seasons, as far as I know before they're up for renewal. Doesn't mean there isn't negotiating going on before then though.

Just now, Chas411 said:

The network can also cut the contract early if they so wish. I don't think it would have been the case here though.

Sure, they could have. But I meant that that it was her decision doesn't tell us whether she's leaving early or if her contract was up because it could have been her decision either way. :-)

I find the timing of the announcement intriguing since it seems that Bush is currently off the grid social-media-wise. I wonder if it was supposed to happen like that. My guess woud be no.

17 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

This tweet from Derek Haas made me laugh. It's funny how much he 180'd from being their biggest fan.


What makes you think he 180d? I think he genuinely believes that there needs to be drama for a couple hence the split and I think his tweet is an acknowledgement of the Linstead fans. It's just in his own way.

Edited by CheshireCat
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I must be in the minority because I will miss Erin but it has absolutely nothing to do with Linstead.  I barely noticed they were a couple when watching - their union had absolutely no bearing on whether I enjoyed an episode.  I did note their breakup IRL however and wondered how long can the current situation last.....I got my answer today.  Even if they are still on friendly terms it's gotta be awkward and emotionally draining to work the kind of hours they do with an ex....

I loved his tweet, he has a wicked sense of humour......not sure it will do much for all the threatening tweets he got though. He's just put a bigger target on his own head.

I do feel that they let Linstead get away from them a little bit and tried to rein it in at the end. Maybe too little too late.....

I will agree that it was a horrible cobbled together end of the season obviously to set up SB leaving. I feel a little better knowing that was the reason for such a terrible last few episodes now rather than then thinking it was actually an interesting storyline. They don't seem to do well when they have to think on their feet, I mean look at the mess they made of Roman's character and that stupid Burgess thing when they needed to write him out.

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 And I guess we now know why Jesse said he didn't think Jay would propose next season...

SB had to turn off her comments on Instagram too, because she was getting bombarded and harassed. I don't see her taking to Twitter any time soon either. Her publicist will probably put out a statement first. 

Edited by FnkyChkn34
5 hours ago, BellyLaughter said:

I must be in the minority because I will miss Erin but it has absolutely nothing to do with Linstead.  I

I don't think you're in the minority at all :)

I do think it's weird that only Derek has confirmed it. NBC and Sophia have declined to comment and other then Jesse liking Derek's tweet no other cast mates have commented. I get she's on holiday but it doesn't feel like a normal exit with interviews, a goodbye tweet or Instagram post and love for the cast/crew etc etc. Unless maybe she's coming back for the premiere to wrap things up..

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I'm guessing Erin's story will wrap up either in the premiere or during sweeps.  Then we'll have Sophia's official exit interview.  Plus, if she's leaving due to behind the scenes tension (the article about the guest actor and cast member suggests there was some) then they might want her and NBC to say similar things to avoid gossip.  I expect both to be professional but discrepancies, no matter how small, can get blown out of proportion.  Also, they may want Sophia to do rare guest appearances, which I'm not holding my breath on, but that could explain why there's little press.

I expect Jay to hook up with the new detective but I think it would be interesting if they leave his love life alone and, if Jesse were to leave in the next couple of years, they pull a Doug/Carol and have him go be with Erin in New York or wherever she ends up.  Let Jay's PTSD be brought on the show rather than in cut scenes and that can be his story. 

If Seda was telling the truth, then I expect to see Dawson back and he'll take Erin's desk.  He can be Voight's new favorite.


It's possible that nobody is commenting as they're still negotiating how long she'll be back for next season if she's going to do a wrap up story guest arc. I guess we'll see. 

If she's coming back for the next one Chicago crossover then she'll be toast since a PD family member always gets killed off during that :)

Edited by Chas411
6 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

If Seda was telling the truth, then I expect to see Dawson back and he'll take Erin's desk.  He can be Voight's new favorite.

I would love this, but rather for Dawson to become Voight's nemesis--I would love Dawson's role to expand so he is the main counterfoil to the old-style cops of Voight and Olinsky's way of handling suspects. The unit's loyalties could be divided. Dawson could also go after Bunny against Voight's unspoken wishes, because Markie Post, in a spectacular goodbye Bunny storyline complete with Erin returning to testify against her. And Voight could have Gabby in Fire knocked off in return but I guess that is too much for me to hope for.

Mr MML is not at all happy about Sophia leaving.

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