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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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ligapimenta asked:

The authors and also the cast told that the character of Emily Bett Rickards, Felicity, was not in the script, she would be in one episode. What changes in the script and in the history of the show you had to do? She “stole” the place of a other character that would be part of team Arrow? I will be very happy if you answer my question. Arrow is a success here in Brazil!

She didn’t steal the place of any other character.  We didn’t have anyone else doing what Felicity came to do, serving the role she came to serve.  We just liked Emily and the character of Felicity, so we kept writing scenes for both.


IDK about you guys, as much as I hate Malcolm, I think his scenes with Felicity are golden. I love how Felicity just looks and feels stronger when she's around him. So I approve of this:


Awww... I love JB.

Malcolm is still a lying villain who lies,though. :)

Arrow writers and their "noted" tweet. I hope they don't go and make Malcolm Felicity's uncle or something. #sigh :(

Edited by Chiny11
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Or worse her father!!!

Man that would be messed up!

I adore Barrowman no matter what and I love that he loved my girl felicity. Malcolm has never kidnapped her, right? I think that could happen. (As long as she) gets to save herself, or even Thea would work.

Edited by Shanna

From the spoiler thread:

Asked if they would ever let KC's hair be that blonde and long as on A Nightmare on Elm Street, with the asker saying it's the perfect BC hair to the perfect BC, MG says: "Yeah, we’d certainly consider it.  Depends on what Katie wants to do."

Well that answers my question as to who is steering the boat.

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Well, they're talking here about her actual hair, and she'd have to keep that style (cut and color at least) for 10 out of 12 months of the year. I actually think it's fine in this case to let her decide whether she'd want to do that or just keep wearing the wig.


I think she'd look generally terrible with that color hair on a full-time basis (she looks much better as a brunette IMO), but between the head-to-toe leather, the wig and the mask, I cannot imagine how hot that costume must be. I might bleach it just to get some sweet, sweet relief.  

Edited by apinknightmare

wowwwww, I'm in love with this dress Felicity is wearing... To be honest she looks more like Emily than Felicity here :p She's still gorgeous:




Damn, Felicity has been rocking the coat game in the last few eps. This is gorgeous, as was the camel one she wore in "Left Behind" and "Midnight City" and the red one from last night. (I'm on the East Coast; and I have a coat fetish)

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Ya'll? I submitted Diggle's one-liners for a King of Disparate TV Things vote and it is up NOW!

If you love Diggle, please vote!




(This has been a shameless vote grab. )

Edited by Actionmage
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Thanks, Velocity23!  I wonder if some things - like Oliver stepping forward and Felicity stepping back - were done by SA and EBR or directed by the director.


Scene movement can be thought out by the actors, sure, but they can't move in scene without telling the director they will move. And the DP. And the cameraman. That's what "blocking" the scene means. All of the movement has to be rehearsed, not so much for the actors [although they have to know where to go], but for the camera. That's why the camera crew puts down marks for the actors to know where they start moving, stop moving, etc. The camera needs to be constantly adjusted for each of those points.

Edited by dancingnancy
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Haha, not really. I mean, sure, actors ad-lib, but in rehearsals. If the camera is moving and/or the actors are moving, that had to be blocked.


This is why actors have stand-ins, btw. The stand-ins are on set rehearshing the camera movements with the director and the camera crew, while the actors are in makeup/wardrobe, etc. 

Nothing spoilerish about this, I don't think...

Stephen Amell @amellywood  ·  17h 17 hours ago

Everyone is in for a real treat with Eps 313 - 315 of #Arrow -- There's no slowing down from now until the season finale.



SA is certainly a team player.

Edited by tv echo
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MG's tumblr answers are so stupid.  "I liked this scene because it was a powerful scene with two people.  We wrote that scene for dramaz!  We did that because it looked cool."  It's worrisome just how much little thought is put into many of the things they write into the show. 

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ArrowWritersRoom @ARROWwriters  ·  Feb 4

We know it hurts but can we get a round of applause for @EmilyBett's performance this episode? #Arrow #TheEmeraldArcherRises

ArrowWritersRoom @ARROWwriters  ·  Feb 4

"I'm glad you're not dead." OUCH. #Arrow #TheEmeraldArcherRises


Edited by tv echo

If anyone follows William Shatner on Twitter, he live tweets about Arrow and his comments are hilarious.  My favorite tweet this week was about Roy and from now on I will only refer to him as Lil Hoodie.


#Arrow Again punching people while holding a bow... Someone needs to talk to lil hoodie

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
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Thank you, JenMcSnark!


I think Dig's vote plateau'd at 45%. Diggle lost by 6%; it was closer than I thought it would be. I submitted it before "The Secret Origin  of Felicity Smoak", though. I think we might have gotten a few more votes with the "Who's she going to tell, Oliver?" scene in that montage.


::dusts off:: Time for us to find more Arrow to nominate.


eta: Proper tense costs nothing.

Edited by Actionmage
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HAHA. That tweet. I thought Olicity and the fans was bullshit?

Did she really call the fandom bullshit? (I looked but I can't find that anywhere.) I guess I can see why she would think so, but I'm really surprised that she would put that out there in any official capacity considering how much free promotion fandom gives the show (and especially since I'm assuming she wants the fandom to warm up to Laurel.)

Did she really call the fandom bullshit? (I looked but I can't find that anywhere.) I guess I can see why she would think so, but I'm really surprised that she would put that out there in any official capacity considering how much free promotion fandom gives the show (and especially since I'm assuming she wants the fandom to warm up to Laurel.)


She didn't outright call the fandom bullshit, but she said "you have to ignore the bullshit" when asked about Olicity shippers and their online presence, IIRC.

Did she really call the fandom bullshit? (I looked but I can't find that anywhere.) I guess I can see why she would think so, but I'm really surprised that she would put that out there in any official capacity considering how much free promotion fandom gives the show (and especially since I'm assuming she wants the fandom to warm up to Laurel.)


I usually don't pay much attention to things like that and often think people read way too much into certain things but yeah…it was very heavily implied, like obviously so.

Edited by Guest

Haha, okay then. Sometimes I wonder if her PR people have ulcers lol. No offense to her personally, but she's been in this business long enough to know better than to answer questions the way she sometimes does. I had no idea who she was before Arrow but I know she's been a CW roster actress for a while now. So, maybe this is a PR thing, promoting Olicity - smarter to get the fandom on your side than it is to provoke them.

Get your tomatoes ready (just kidding!) - MG is going to be at the Long Beach Comic Con (along with wife Tara Butters), Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, per his Twitter page (https://twitter.com/mguggenheim)...

Long Beach ComicExpo ‏@LongBeach_CC  Feb. 5

.@CW_Arrow Exec. Prod. & OVERWATCH author @mguggenheim coming to 2015 #LBCE - 2/28&3/1! Tix @ http://bit.ly/LBCExpo




Edited by tv echo

she didn't call the fandom bullshit She was referring to all the hate as bullshit


I think it's pretty obvious from that answer she was talking about shippers/shipping.

I'd be more interested in talking to his wife about Agent Carter tbh


Me too. I find it so interesting that one half of a marriage could be responsible for that glorious piece of entertainment, and the other could be responsible for this. 

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Last thing: How do you deal with the fans? The shipping community on this show has gotten so crazy that we now have Jimmy Kimmel having said "Olicity" on the air. Do you just kind of black all that out and work?

[Laughs] Um...yes! Because I think the worst thing that you can do as an actor is to get caught up in the bulls--t. And I'm sorry for saying that word, but I ignore...you can't compare yourself to other people, you can't get caught up in all the drama. The best way that I've been able to deal with it is to just ignore all of it. I'm here to do a job and I'm passionate about it and I love it and I want to make the fans happy but I don't need to be hearing or reading or seeing negative things because that's not going to help me or my character in any way.

http://comicbook.com/2015/01/28/arrows-katie-cassidy-on-legacy-heroes-training-at-5-a-m-and-olic/ Edited by Morrigan2575

It seems obvious to me that she's talking about the Olicity fans that send her hate, not Olicity as a couple or the "sane" Olicity fans. I say this as a shipper and someone who dislikes Laurel - I don't see anything to get offended about in her reply.

I don't see anyone getting offended, just noting that that was probably not a smart thing to say, which it wasn't.

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I dunno. She seems really defensive. Like she could have answered it with something like "a lot of people watch the show for different reasons, the action, the different relationships, different characters. And I'm happy for that. I'm excited about laurels journey and I hope the audience will be too".

It addresses the shipping question as part of why people watchnd doesn't demean anyone even if she didn't intend to and doesn't give those that don't like her anymore ammo". It puts the focus back on laurel and not shipping.

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Arrow - Stunts: Arrow Vs. Wildcat
Published on Feb 6, 2015, by The CW Television Network
"The boxing glove arrow is definitely a knockout. Go behind the scenes with this exclusive inside look at Arrow vs. Wildcat! Arrow is all new Wednesday!"



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