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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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What? That's not how it looked it to me. It looked like Slade didn't really like Sara showing up. That would've been a ton more interesting. But I guess he was supposed to suddenly be in madly love with Shado.

I do love that now that Bennett and Lotz are not on the show that much they are not afraid to say the writers are making it up as they go along and they have to keep changing the way they play the character. I know I shouldn't bring up KC but I think that's where she's failing, she's not adapting to the random changes that the writers throw out like the other actors are able to do.

I can see that.

Wasn't Slade also slightly "hostile" to Shado in the beginning?

I think the the Slade character tends to be slightly "hostile" or "aloof" to a woman he likes.

There is a recent pic of SA with two young fans (during his Christmas vacation on Hawaii) that was reblogged many times on tumblr - apparently because of some detail of Stephen's body that caught the bloggers' special attention...




BTW: I can only put the link to the tumblr page in here, because I don't know how to repost the pic itself. Whenever I try, the program of the forum keeps telling me that: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community". Could anybody possibly explain to me how to add pics from social media to this thread?

Edited by Kordi
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A new tweet by @amellywood (Stephen Amell):

"Just got ordained through universallifechurch.org [http://t.co/ruNKnFeOM9] because I plan on officiating several weddings in 2015 and beyond."

So, is there anybody who wants to get married soon and is still looking for a minister to officiate the wedding :-) ?

Edited by Kordi

There is a recent pic of SA with two young fans (during his Christmas vacation on Hawaii) that was reblogged many times on tumblr - apparently because of some detail of Stephen's body that caught the bloggers' special attention...




BTW: I can only put the link to the tumblr page in here, because I don't know how to repost the pic itself. Whenever I try, the program of the forum keeps telling me that: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community". Could anybody possibly explain to me how to add pics from social media to this thread?


I right-clicked on the picture, copied the image location and then pasted it in the URL box that appears when you click on the image button above the comment box. Hope that helps.



I decided to try adding the image. Is it the angle or are his legs skinnier than is permissible for a big and handsome man? I judge with Tom Selleck and Daniel Craig in mind ;)


Four things: (i) Thank you so much for adding the pic! (ii) How did you do this? Because I've tried and failed. [saw your comment, thanks!] (iii) Yes, SA has rather thin legs compared to the rest of his hunky body, and fans commented several times on this on his FB page. SA gave two responses to these comments: On one occasion, he referred to his legs as "runner's calves" (thereby trying to justify their size and shape). Later on, he posted various workout scenes of himself doing leg exercises and added: "Never skip leg day!". (I take it this means that he somehow acknowledges that his fans were right to a certain extent.) (iv) According to the rebloggers on tumblr, the pic caught their attention not so much because of SA's legs, but because of some other part of his body that - unlike his legs - seems to be above average in size... (Hint: Take a close look at his pants, and please forgive me for being a shallow person with indecent thoughts!)

Edited by Kordi
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I right-clicked on the picture, copied the image location and then pasted it in the URL box that appears when you click on the image button above the comment box. Hope that helps.


Thank you, @pothunter, for your help! My problem was that I couldn't find the image location on Internet Explorer. When you right-click the image, you don't find "Copy Image Location" (like in Firefox) or "Copy Image URL" (as in Chrome). Instead, you have to right-click the image and select "Properties." Then highlight the URL displayed in the "Properties" window after "Address." Right-click the URL and select "Copy." O.K., now I got it. Every day you learn something new :-) !!!

Four things: (i) Thank you so much for adding the pic! (ii) How did you do this? Because I've tried and failed. [saw your comment, thanks!] (iii) Yes, SA has rather thin legs compared to the rest of his hunky body, and fans commented several times on this on his FB page. SA gave two responses to these comments: On one occasion, he referred to his legs as "runner's calves" (thereby trying to justify their size and shape). Later on, he posted various workout scenes of himself doing leg exercises and added: "Never skip leg day!". (I take it this means that he somehow acknowledges that his fans were right to a certain extent.) (iv) According to the rebloggers on tumblr, the pic caught their attention not so much because of SA's legs, but because of some other part of his body that - unlike his legs - seems to be above average in size... (Hint: Take a close look at his pants, and please forgive me for being a shallow person with indecent thoughts!)


Oh, I noticed the first time around! Difficult to miss in the pastel clothes and the light.


You're welcome!

Edited by Pothunter
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(iv) According to the rebloggers on tumblr, the pic caught their attention not so much because of SA's legs, but because of some other part of his body that - unlike his legs - seems to be above average in size... (Hint: Take a close look at his pants, and please forgive me for being a shallow person with indecent thoughts!)


That's what I noticed too and was surprised to find people discussing his legs. :D

Edited by Sakura12
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Katrina Law @Misskatrinalaw  ·  23h 23 hours ago

Happy Birthday @caitylotz !!!!!




Caity Lotz @caitylotz  ·  32m 32 minutes ago

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! xoxo it was such an amazing day and now its time for NYE!


Edited by tv echo
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EBR was at the Inside Acting: Acting for TV panel at SCAD Atlanta on February 7, 2014, but I was unable to find any video or summary of it (just some pics)...






Edited by tv echo

How ironic...

Marc Guggenheim retweeted
Rosey Tyler ‏@RoseyTyler    15h 15 hours ago
@mguggenheim I love how the 2.5 comic is building the story alongside the season 3 arc, providing us extra info just at the time we need it!
Marc Guggenheim retweeted
artemis @mCn8229  ·  16h 16 hours ago
@mguggenheim is the doctor and #Arrow2.5 is his prescription for winter hiatus problems #Arrow #itsSOgood @DCComics



To quote Maximus, are you not entertained?

Arrow ‏@CW_Arrow   19h 19 hours ago
Nothing is impossible with Ray Palmer. #Arrow returns with all new episodes Wednesday, Jan. 21! @BrandonJRouth #MCM


Edited by tv echo
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Responding to questions this way just opens the door to bashing. He has to know there's a very, very good chance whoever is asking about Diggle/Felicity is not interested in Diggle/Laurel, otherwise they would have asked. *sigh*


Plus, he uses the word "epic" when chances are we will be left asking, "What epic scene was Guggenheim talking about?" after the episode ends.  Why can't this guy accurately sell anything?! 

  • Love 2

He's hoping you'll watch because you like Diggle so much, and now you know he's got scenes with at least two different characters in 310.  


It's the likeability-by-association strategy.  Put disliked character together with liked characters - or even just their names together - as much as feasibly possible, and hope the likeability rubs off.

Edited by tv echo

Can I just say, in general, I hate it when show runners/eps/cast/reporters/etc.do that.  Answer the direct question. That is what the fan is interested, thats what they want to hear about. Don't highjack it to promote something else. Just send out a separate tweet. Or wait for someone to ask the right question, are there really no Laurel fans asking about her time in 3x10? 


That practice just bugs me.

  • Love 4

He's hoping you'll watch because you like Diggle so much, and now you know he's got scenes with at least two different characters in 310.  


It's the likeability-by-association strategy.  Put disliked character together with liked characters - or even just their names together - as much as feasibly possible, and hope the likeability rubs off.


Oh, I totally get the likability-by-associated tactic; they're also doing that with Felicity and Laurel (wasn't that mentioned just yesterday?). But nothing good is going to come out of inserting Laurel in questions about Diggle and Felicity. It just encourages comments like those found in that Twitter convo. It's like he's totally oblivious to fan reaction. ... Oh wait ... :P

Edited by SmallScreenDiva


Roy ‏@TheHeroesWriter  Jan 4

Just curious. How long does it take for the tea. to make a script for just one episode of Arrow?


mguggenheim @TheHeroesWriter @ARROWwriters About 3-4 weeks, start to finish. #godhelpme

I thought that was interesting. The director gets the script one or two weeks before they start shooting, so it sounds like they start writing the script about 6 weeks before they do the actual shooting, and shoot a month to three (in the summer) before it's aired.


Kind of confirms that there's no time to make any real changes this season in response to feedback for the Oliver-less episodes, although they could do some tweaking.

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Responding to questions this way just opens the door to bashing. He has to know there's a very, very good chance whoever is asking about Diggle/Felicity is not interested in Diggle/Laurel, otherwise they would have asked. *sigh*


Yeah, that's just painful. Personally, it bugs me when I'm buying something in a shop and the assistant tries to foist some impulse buy chocolate or chewing gum on me as I'm paying. That's pretty much the equivalent of what Guggenheim is doing, here. 'You're interested in that thing? Okay, well how about I try to sell you this thing that you haven't expressed an interest in as well?'


Plus, he uses the word "epic" when chances are we will be left asking, "What epic scene was Guggenheim talking about?" after the episode ends.  Why can't this guy accurately sell anything?!




I'm still not sure what scene it was that was supposed to be "Emmy-worthy" last season. I'm assuming that it was the scene where Oliver tells Laurel to stop being a bitch, because I remember that it was a SA & KC scene that Guggenheim was spouting off about. But that scene was not even in the same galaxy as any Emmy-worthy moment there has ever been. Okay, Stephen Amell was good in it, but he always looks like he'd rather walk barefoot through dogshit than act opposite Katie Cassidy, such is their anti-chemistry, so it wasn't his best work. And Katie Cassidy was... the same as she is in every other scene.

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That was just so unnecessary. He knows how upset and annoyed the fans can get, and he knows how ugly it can get. The best way to protect your cast? By not baiting fans who will take it too far. 


I'm sure that someone would have asked him about Laurel, and he could have easily replied to that rather than a tweet that didn't mention her at all.


I'm already seeing a seeing people annoyed by it and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if it blew up soon. There are better ways of getting fans excited and talking rather than pissing them off. 


Maybe someone bought him a spoon for Christmas...

  • Love 4

Yeah, I'm well past the point of being amused with Guggenheim.  I'm a good sport and I have a sense of humor, but most of his comments in interviews and such just serve to infuriate me.  And he does it often enough that people refer to him as "Guggentroll."  Does anyone even trust anything that comes out of this guy's mouth anymore?

  • Love 4

Plus, he uses the word "epic" when chances are we will be left asking, "What epic scene was Guggenheim talking about?" after the episode ends.  Why can't this guy accurately sell anything?! 


For a writer, his vocabulary is rather limited when it comes to selling his product. Anything to do with KC is always epic (which it never is).

  • Love 1
Kind of confirms that there's no time to make any real changes this season in response to feedback for the Oliver-less episodes, although they could do some tweaking.



Doesn't it confirm the direct opposite?  The Oliver-less episodes are

apparently in late January/early February (Left Behind, January 21; Midnight City, January 28; Uprising, February 4) with Oliver possibly returning at the end of the February 4th episode, or in the next one, Canaries.

Also, international networks/affiliates have already received the episode, so the show may already have some feedback. They'll be doing final shooting in April, which means that they'll be writing scripts throughout February - after that initial feedback - and tweaking in March. 


Doesn't mean that they will make changes, just that they could. 

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Now, I don't think that MG referencing Laurel in answers to questions that don't involve her is that big of a deal, and I don't think it really upsets that many people. But this? 




Tweeting something like that and attaching a video where only SA, DR, and KC are in it? That's going to irritate people. And it already has, based on the replies, haha.

  • Love 2

Now, I don't think that MG referencing Laurel in answers to questions that don't involve her is that big of a deal, and I don't think it really upsets that many people. But this? 




Tweeting something like that and attaching a video where only SA, DR, and KC are in it? That's going to irritate people. And it already has, based on the replies, haha.


because the channel is so cheap, they are still using footage shot sometime in May 2013.

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