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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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I noticed, just now, that her instagram pic is different now as well, it used to be the Black Canary pic. I'm not sure when she changed it though.

Her Instagram profile pic has been different for a while, since at least Christmas break, I think.


I'm afraid to get my hopes up! She's still favorite-ing BC related tweets.

Edited by lemotomato
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Isn't there a Comic Con or something coming up real soon? Maybe Katie's attitude will dictate something. I think if its her she's probably under contract to remain silent so changing her personal pictures on SM might be her form of rebellion, or she can just be playing folks. It is interesting but I'm convinced they will (the show, EPs, maybe even the actors) do things to make it hard to determine who might actually be killed off this season! 

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Isn't there a Comic Con or something coming up real soon? Maybe Katie's attitude will dictate something. I think if its her she's probably under contract to remain silent so changing her personal pictures on SM might be her form of rebellion, or she can just be playing folks. It is interesting but I'm convinced they will (the show, EPs, maybe even the actors) do things to make it hard to determine who might actually be killed off this season!

There's one in Dallas this weekend. I don't know if she's set to attend.
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I am definitely interested to see if this twitter theory is correct or not and I would have to give serious props for people calling it if it turns out to be her getting kicked off the show. 

Was there something specific that happened Twitter that would lead to her getting kick off the show? Only thing recently I saw was "her" mother's account, and that is nothing.


Or are you simply referencing the theories here that a change in her social media pages/profiles would indicate that she will be in the grave or at least off the show?

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LOL total trolling. Nice one, KC.

I feel like you're all getting your hopes up and I don't want to see them crushed guys!

You're absolutely right. We should keep our hopes WAY low so when it actually happens, we'll flip our shit over shock and excitement ;)


*Shhh let us have this :p It's been a rough week and my birthday is coming up and I'm turning 30 so I need this as a little present. 

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There's one in Dallas this weekend. I don't know if she's set to attend.

She is on the schedule for Dallas.


LOL. It might be trolling or she may have just decided to update her look or she may be the one out. 


I'll be honest, the timing is a little too perfect for me. She posts an oddly appropriate meme and that Monday the EPs are up in Van City. We talked about hints happening in Feb and in the first week she changes her Twitter profile removing references to BC/Arrow. I'm raising an eyebrow, but I am also enjoying the possibility that it could happen. I like that possibility, that possibility makes me happy. 


Still, I will not be surprised if it doesn't happen. 

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It's all tea leaves as to why the numbers dropped for 4x12. The twitter numbers are interesting to me though. They took quite a drop. No one really seemed to care that much. 


Arrow and Felicity managed to trend at some point during the East Coast showing, but yeah, Twitter numbers were way down. I'm guessing unless they deliver a real "shocker" tonight (my gut says no), the numbers will stay down. I don't see the usual buzz before an ep. People are tweeting about the Smoaks but with no teasers, not even a line in the TV summaries, there's nothing new to talk about. 

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I'm guessing jewelry or something valuable. I know that for awards shows, security details are sent with the jewels. So maybe they borrow something from the Dearden/Queen Vault for the




I don't know what other valuable relics would be of use on ARROW. But perhaps there is something they need for one of the stories - maybe something related to DD.


ETA - @Ann Mack may be right, it's probably the Slammy Award, although why it would need a security detail is beyond me...

Edited by kismet
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While I think Laurel should be gone, if it turns out KC is trolling, it will make my aprreciation for her go up. I'm really neutral on her aside from thinking she's not doing a good job in this role, but yeah, I'd put this in the plus column,

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People ARE talking about how they're annoyed that the LoA crap is back! So that's something lol

I hope those people are being extremely vocal cause this is stupid. When I think about these writers all I get are:




If I have said it once, I've said it several times they ARE NOT very creative on Arrow AT ALL! I mean they're pretty much rehashing the S3 Thea/LOA story line again, only change is Oliver is actually talking over his plan of action this time. Why the hell can't any of these League folks (Malcolm, Nyssa) do their own assassinations? I mean c'mon you are a member of the League Of Assassins but you can't kill anyone, REALLY show REALLY!!

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If I were BC I would think "why am I still on this show. I get hardly any love from reviewers/critics and so on." I don't know why she stays. It's not like she puts her all into acting even. Same stance and facial expression. Meaning no facial expression or body language. All the others use their bodies to act also. She never does.

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At any given moment during the course of a season, there are six stories that have to be minded: the story in development on the board in the writers room, the story in outline, the story being scripted, the story being prepared for production, the story in production, and the story being completed in editing and post production.


This was in the article about 11 Rules a Showrunner should follow (really insightful stuff about management actually that could be applied to a lot of jobs).    I found this quote interesting because we are always wondering what episode they are writing and when. 

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You're absolutely right. We should keep our hopes WAY low so when it actually happens, we'll flip our shit over shock and excitement ;)


*Shhh let us have this :p It's been a rough week and my birthday is coming up and I'm turning 30 so I need this as a little present. 


As it's your birthday coming up, I won't say anything more. ;P

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Yes, there is still things to tell and talk about Black Canary (BC) unfortunately most of those things are BAD. IMO I really don't want to lose a better character to a mediocre one like her. She has her fans and that's good but really right now she brings mostly negativity, non-engaged acting, and RBF to almost every scene she's in. She may not be in the grave and if she isn't it's NOT because IMO she's an asset to the show but more because she got lucky enough to have the name "Black Canary" given to her. This in itself MAY continue to be Katie/Laurel's saving grace.

Edited by Ann Mack
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laurel is not in the grave, MG has denied rumors that KC was leaving arrow. She just put her twitter update

 Why are you taking MG answer as proof she isn't in the grave? I'm honestly just curious.


The anon was asking if KC had decided to leave Arrow, MG said that she hadn't. He confirmed that was a false rumor. That is all he did. He did not say that she was staying on Arrow or that she wasn't told she was leaving. Just that she had not asked to leave Arrow. 


If she is not the one leaving, than there is nothing wrong with the answer. If she is the one leaving, MG could have given her a courtesy and avoided answering the ask given it's wording. I personally think he answered the question because he didn't want anyone to think that an actress was trying to leave the show, especially with the grave speculation so open he wants everyone to be a possibility until the show itself takes them out of the running.


But really, why would he label a character safe on Tumblr? It completely defeats what they are trying to do on the show. 

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You're absolutely right. We should keep our hopes WAY low so when it actually happens, we'll flip our shit over shock and excitement ;)


*Shhh let us have this :p It's been a rough week and my birthday is coming up and I'm turning 30 so I need this as a little present. 

Happy Birthday!


BTW - I have no idea why KC changed her twitter account the most I can say is that it's interesting.  However, I highly doubt KC is trolling fandom.

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But really, why would he label a character safe on Tumblr? It completely defeats what they are trying to do on the show. 


Lol this is the same guy that was pushing that Oliver was dead on his tumblr account last year...

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 Why are you taking MG answer as proof she isn't in the grave? I'm honestly just curious.


The anon was asking if KC had decided to leave Arrow, MG said that she hadn't. He confirmed that was a false rumor. That is all he did. He did not say that she was staying on Arrow or that she wasn't told she was leaving. Just that she had not asked to leave Arrow. 


If she is not the one leaving, than there is nothing wrong with the answer. If she is the one leaving, MG could have given her a courtesy and avoided answering the ask given it's wording. I personally think he answered the question because he didn't want anyone to think that an actress was trying to leave the show, especially with the grave speculation so open he wants everyone to be a possibility until the show itself takes them out of the running.


But really, why would he label a character safe on Tumblr? It completely defeats what they are trying to do on the show. 

he could have found a better response, but he said that it is a total rumor, we must read what he wrote, but I do not claim to know who is in the grave, but I think maybe it is Diggle or samantha

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he could have found a better response, but he said that it is a total rumor, we must read what he wrote, but I do not claim to know who is in the grave, but I think maybe it is Diggle or samantha


He wrote that Katie asking to leave is a rumor, not that she hadn't been asked to leave because they're killing off Laurel. Now, I don't think Laurel's getting killed off, but all he confirmed with that response was that she hadn't asked the producers to be released from her contract. 

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I'm a little behind on the thread but re KC's mom's alleged twitter account. 


I would laugh my ass off if that was her mom's actual account and it was KC herself tweeting from that account. (I don't really think that's the case but man it would be so amusing to me) .



Re: Guggenheim


The question from the anon was framed as "KC has decided to leave".  To me that's a question about KC making her own decision to leave the show of her own volition. MG saying that is not true is not a lie if she is being fired.  

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EntertainmentSports ‏@opinions24  13h13 hours ago

Are you not going according to the comics bc you are listening to the tumblr/twitter fans or bc you have your own story to tell @mguggenheim

Marc Guggenheim‏ @mguggenheim

@MyOpinions24 We have our own story to tell.

10:29 PM - 9 Feb 2016



EntertainmentSports ‏@opinions24  13h13 hours ago

@mguggenheim Why do you barely answer questions about Laurel? Don't you guys like her character?

Marc Guggenheim‏ @mguggenheim

@MyOpinions24 We do, but all the Laurel questions I get are "Why are you treating Laurel so badly?" and I don't accept the premise.

10:29 PM - 9 Feb 2016


Edited by tv echo
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Marc Guggenheim‏ @mguggenheim

@MyOpinions24 We do, but all the Laurel questions I get are "Why are you treating Laurel so badly?" and I don't accept the premise.



You mean, you put her in the mask and costume like "everyone" wanted, but people STILL aren't responding favorably?  Welp, that's got to suck for someone like MG who believed putting Laurel in some leather would magically fix her.

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We do, but all the Laurel questions I get are "Why are you treating Laurel so badly?" and I don't accept the premise.

This is legit the funniest shit I've heard during the entire run of this show.

It also explains EVERYTHING.

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