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I just want to remind everyone that @AyChihuahua--SWORE she'd eat her hat if LL is the one in the grave.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to want proof of the delectable crow, er, hat dish! ;-) 

I'd eat it and swear it was delicious if she died. I don't actually hate LL as, like, a person, but her character is boring, inconsistent, and takes up too much time, and she's IMO one of the reasons the fight scenes suck now. 

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Just think about maybe she just got the script about whose in the grave and ages trying to cheer herself up.

I'm not taking that tweet as anything, but if she isn't in the grave and that is in reference to a co-worker leaving that would be very Laurel of her. "Someone I work with got fired, I need to talk about how it affects me."

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Laura Hurley's non-spoilery comment about 411 on her tumblr.


Okay, I'm not asking for spoilers for AWOL but I got to ask how was the pacing? And did you feel like they respected both Digg and Felicity's stories this episode because I have been super worried about that


laurawritesabout said:
Excellent question! It’s just the sort that I’ll actually answer. :)

1) The pacing was pretty good. The big problem of 4x10 for me was pacing, and I didn’t have that problem at all with 4x11.

2) Yes, I felt that Digg and Felicity’s stories were by and large respected.

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Tomorrow's #Arrow is one you shouldn't miss: a lot of great Diggle action & the #Olicity moments (there's one in particular) are exquisite.




Most screeners are speaking very favorably about this episode (4x11). Go figure an episode heavy with Diggle and Felicity moments is getting rave comments color me NOT surprise at all!!

Edited by Ann Mack
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My head says Mama Smoak is in the grave, heart says Laurel. How much longer will they try killing popular supporting characters and leave Laurel untouched? God help them if they ever do kill Dig before Laurel. 


As for the O/L quote, I think it's inevitable if Laurel is around, there's always the possibility of them going back to it at some point. I think Oliver and Felicity is absolutely endgame, but a show that runs for seven seasons or more are usually going to hit about every possible romantic pairing/triangle they can. Especially this show which thrives on the DRAMA. So Oliver and Felicity will break up, Oliver and Laurel will hook up, everybody will hate it, they'll go back to Oliver and Felicity. Rinse and repeat until the show becomes a shell of itself and is mercifully put down. 

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I'm confused why that's badmouthing Arrow? Also, didn't Stephen say he would love to have Manu back? I feel like I missed something major here.


It's not this, there was a prior circumstance how he said he didn't like how the show handled Slade and how he didn't like his motivation... He also implied that it was stupid that Felicity beat Slade in S3 (when he actually meant Thea). 


He's not wrong. But you don't just say that... No professional actor would. 


So whenever he talks about Arrow and it sounds sort of shady I get irked :p


I'm not really a fan of Manu right now lol

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Haha. There you go then. I don't really see that as shady. If it was it was weak. LOL.


Lol one of my pet peeves is people acting unprofessional so I tend to get really bitter when people do that.




Must stop talking about things I don't know. Must not let bitterness ever take over :p

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I appreciated his thoughts on the flaws of Slades motivations and how he shaded them on their treatment of the female characters. I agreed with him. But he lost points with me when he seemed to agree with a Facebook poster about how he should be glad he isn't on Arrow because he would be used to prop Felicity. He has a problem with the treatment of female characters, but he rejects being used to further a female characters arc? He was a guest star; guest stars are props. He played a villain, villains are beaten by heroes. 


Manu once talked about how every actor wanted a role like Felicity. In the sense that they came on as a guest star and got such a response they changed the show. I always got the feeling Manu wanted to stay on show and that was part of his frustrate with Slade's arc. I got the impression Manu really did believe Slade was a hero in his own story. 


At least thats how I read it.

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I don't think he has a problem to further a female characters arc if it makes sense or being beaten, he probably just wants it to make sense. He may not want Slade to be used to further a Felicity arc. He went from being a reoccurring character in S1 tp a series regular for  season 2 to a one off that got beat fairly easily after spending so long being a complete badass. What he complained about with his character is the same thing that many complain about is being done to Oliver. 

Edited by Primal Slayer
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Because Laurel is the only new person to the team? Last time I looked, Thea is there to. I don't think it matters that Oliver is the main character, if they dumbed down Felicity for Ray, would it not matter then since she isn't the main character and the show isn't about her? If they dumbed down Diggle? 

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I don't think he has a problem to further a female characters arc if it makes sense or being beaten, he probably just wants it to make sense. He may not want Slade to be used to further a Felicity arc. He went from being a reoccurring character in S1 tp a series regular for  season 2 to a one off that got beat fairly easily after spending so long being a complete badass. What he complained about with his character is the same thing that many complain about is being done to Oliver. 

If that's the case then I wish he would have phrased it differently or expanded on it. IMO If you are going to raise a very valid issue like the treatment of characters like Shado/Sara/Moira, don't undermine your argument by mocking the thought of Slade being brought down Felicity. 


Slade was an important character in the narrative and easily one of the best villains this show has ever had, but the number one role of the villain is to be *beaten by the hero. Or heroes. That's the story. If Manu didn't like that Thea would be able to go toe-to-toe with Slade, he should have turned down the offer to come back. 


To clarify something, I will call BS on Laurel's abilities all day. I'm comfortable with that as a viewer. But I would be annoyed if the actor who played Brink was mad about it because he signed on to play a bad guy.


* Unless you are Malcolm Merlyn.

From PB's Twitter.



I'm not a hugger, but I want a hug from that man. Just once. I won't be greedy.

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Because Laurel is the only new person to the team? Last time I looked, Thea is there to. I don't think it matters that Oliver is the main character, if they dumbed down Felicity for Ray, would it not matter then since she isn't the main character and the show isn't about her? If they dumbed down Diggle?

I can believe Willa in the role. The problem with Laurel that a lot of people have is they don't believe in KC as Laurel. For good reason also. They both use stunt doubles but KC just looks awkward and her stunt double is way to obvious. The hair flipping that KC does is also way too much.
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Just as there are problems with Laurels abilities, obviously Manu had a problem with Thea's. Of course we don't know if he read a script before agreeing to return or if he was pitched something that didn't quite live up to what he thought it would be. It wouldn't be the first time they tell the actor something and change thing up. It's been in the shows dna since it's conception.

I can believe Willa in the role. The problem with Laurel that a lot of people have is they don't believe in KC as Laurel. For good reason also. They both use stunt doubles but KC just looks awkward and her stunt double is way to obvious. The hair flipping that KC does is also way too much.

That has nothing to do with dumbing down Olivers fighting abilities though or the stunts in general.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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If he had so many problems with how they handled his character, then he should have asked or simply not done it. Instead of doing it and then having an attitude about the result. 


But that's just how I see it. Agree to Disagree.

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Gotta to make the point that a LOT of people were way more angry about Caity Lotz coming back during "Canaries" to prop up Laurel. And after that episode, I think I remember Lotz not exactly sounding thrilled about returning to the show in any future appearances, although I don't know when LoT's premise started to take shape and when she might have gotten involved. I'm just saying, Manu defending his character doesn't sound that bad to me, especially if the writing kinda sucks. 

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Just as there are problems with Laurels abilities, obviously Manu had a problem with Thea's. Of course we don't know if he read a script before agreeing to return or if he was pitched something that didn't quite live up to what he thought it would be. It wouldn't be the first time they tell the actor something and change thing up. It's been in the shows dna since it's conception.

That has nothing to do with dumbing down Olivers fighting abilities though or the stunts in general.

Oh the countless arcs they give to Laurel and all of them fail? She's the only one who has had arcs that have the main character go away ("die") just to prop her up. Don't get me started because I will be here all night. Those are just the few and there are more.
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Just think about maybe she just got the script about whose in the grave and ages trying to cheer herself up.

It's the timing of the tweet that is interesting to me. Jan 25th at 4:03 AM.  So Monday but is the 4 AM her real time or some other time zone?  If the time is right, four AM seems too early for her to have gone to work and been told in person, nope, Laurel isn't coming back.  Four AM seems more like her being tired after flying back from New York (or not being able to fly back in a timely manner because of weather)

Edited by BkWurm1
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Haha, sorry! I saw you mention it in a post yesterday and now I want to refer to all my show-related freakouts this way.


Honestly, it was exhausting being at DEFCON 1 after reading spoiler after spoiler that I am just glad to be at D-2 for now too.  

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Didn't someone say that SA insinuated at the con that he knew? Wouldn't that be just a very not nice thing to do to the rest of the cast? Tell the lead but not the rest... 

I'd have a hard time working with that person if I knew and they didn't.

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From what I understood he was asked about the death and his response was "we can't talk about that, ask another question".  I don't know if that means he knows and didn't want to slip or that his poker face sucks so bad he'd give it away.  He could have just not wanted to deal with the question since he had no answer to give (because he didn't know).  Or he's just tired of getting a question that he obviously can't answer even if he did know.  Or maybe the EPs told him not to field any question because this was right after the winter premiere

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It's the timing of the tweet that is interesting to me. Jan 25th at 4:03 AM.  So Monday but is the 4 AM her real time or some other time zone?  If the time is right, four AM seems too early for her to have gone to work and been told in person, nope, Laurel isn't coming back.  Four AM seems more like her being tired after flying back from New York (or not being able to fly back in a timely manner because of weather)


She pre-programs images to go up on Instagram, and then uses a social media management tool to replicate them on Twitter, so timing can actually mean nothing.


However, she edited the Tweet, and now it's a different text quote: https://twitter.com/MzKatieCassidy/status/691561975701180417. The first quote is still up on Instagram.


People are so weird on social media.

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By pic you mean the meme? "sometimes when things are falling apart they may actually be falling into place"  Because I still see that on twitter. https://twitter.com/MzKatieCassidy I also still see the "flow with the go - Rickson Gracie"  comment as well.



Yes, that's what I mean. I see the "flow with the go" tweet, but the meme or pic or whatever you want to call it is no longer attached when I look at it. 

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