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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Yep, I just met him. :) I told him I knew he was shooting yesterday and thanked him for giving up a day of his weekend. He was in really good spirits though. He threw his head back and reenacted what he looked like in the Seattle airport last night (i.e. falling asleep sitting up). His panel is in an hour so I'm in the ballroom waiting.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I got the entire panel on video which I'll post a little later after Barrowman's panel but I'll just leave this little tidbit...Stephen wants to have a Tony Stark moment so he can tell the world "I am the Arrow...what the hell are you gonna do about it?".

It was all good stuff.

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lmao! @NumberCruncher, I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for taping it! I love how excited he is about the new season! I also love how he also seems really excited for Oliver and Felicity. I couldn't watch the entire thing, but is it true that the moderator said that Oliver and Felicity dating wouldn't work??? O_O Damn.

lmao! @NumberCruncher, I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for taping it! I love how excited he is about the new season! I also love how he also seems really excited for Oliver and Felicity. I couldn't watch the entire thing, but is it true that the moderator said that Oliver and Felicity dating wouldn't work??? O_O Damn.

Oh no! That's perfectly fine that you posted it--I didn't even realize it had finished uploading because my phone was being stupid so I'm happy you beat me to it. No worries. :)

No, the moderator didn't really mean it that way. I took it more that he was worried about pairing them because Oliver is such a man-ho. The mod did say he loves Felicity and he loves Oliver so I interpreted it more that he didn't want to see it end badly for them.

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...and if John Barrowman wasn't already my gay boyfriend, he certainly is now. I heart that man, seriously.


Some of those pics are great - there's one where Amell's holding a baby and the camera is exactly aligned so that the speech bubble of Oliver saying "YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY" looks to be coming out of the baby's head.

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Stephen Amell and John Barrowman witnesses to an engagment at Salt Lake Comic Con



Images of Stephen, John and Manu from Salt Lake Comic Con:


I have to point out the photo of Manu holding the little girl with the mask because he did a great thing for her by spontaneously donating the first $1,000 he earned at the con to her and her family. I talked to him after it happened and you could tell he was really touched by her. Thought that was pretty cool.

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Oliver's not just kind of a manwhore and then a Lord Varys, GoT shoutout by Stephen Hee!


That cracked me up. At some point later in the season, for Felicity's sake, I hope he won't quite be like Lord Varys, LOL.


Also, I loved the way he corrected the fan about Oliver being "kind of" a manwhore. It's nice he can still have fun with that, even though he wanted Oliver to move in another direction.

Edited by KenyaJ
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Thanks for the pics!  Looks like a great time had by all!


And JB is such a talented, passionate and fun person - his enthusisam is contagious. and quite possibly exhausting.


Lovely story about that little girl and Manu Bennett.  Gave my heart a bit of a tug. 


I get a kick out of how good the men in this cast are with babies and young kids - very charming all around.

The Fug Girls don't care for Katie Cassidy's outfit at some Fashion Week event.


yea together the outfit is too black and bland (i hate outfits that are all black, it's depressing- and only works if you are a goth- i need color in my clothes!), however separately? i actually love each item. i would so wear that skirt both to work, classes and for a night out. the top is actually pretty cool but i feel like it needs to be worn with a pair of multi colored or semi-light blue jeans or something. the print on the shoes is nice, but i don't really do stiletto... anything. and not digging the wallet it adds nothing to the whole outfit.

yea sorry, i like fashion.

Edited by foreverevolving

Thanks for the video uploads. You know, between this and SDCC, I'm pretty sure SA is a little bit in love with Felicity. Not EBR. Felicity. It's kinda cute.

I had the same thought when I saw this last weekend, LOL.

But it kinda makes sense to me why he would be a little bit in love with Felicity. Diggle and Felicity are the only two people with whom Oliver can be completely honest. But emotionally, there's a certain line he and Diggle still don't cross with each other. (E.g., "You know, we're dangerously close to hug territory, so I'm gonna fall back.") OTOH, he can be completely honest with Felicity without worrying about that "brocode" emotional barrier. Considering the way Oliver is either lying to or emotionally holding himself back from almost every other character on the show, Stephen probably loves getting to play the unique emotional beats he gets to play opposite the Felicity character. So the way he always gushes about Felicity makes total sense to me.

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Greg Berlanti is really spreading himself thin... I wonder if he'll really have that much time for Arrow.


CBS Nabs Drama From Greg Berlanti & Seth Grahame-Smith Based On Stephen King Story As Put Pilot

by Nellie Andreeva September 9, 2014 12:23pm


I had the same thought when I saw this last weekend, LOL.

But it kinda makes sense to me why he would be a little bit in love with Felicity. Diggle and Felicity are the only two people with whom Oliver can be completely honest. But emotionally, there's a certain line he and Diggle still don't cross with each other. (E.g., "You know, we're dangerously close to hug territory, so I'm gonna fall back.") OTOH, he can be completely honest with Felicity without worrying about that "brocode" emotional barrier. Considering the way Oliver is either lying to or emotionally holding himself back from almost every other character on the show, Stephen probably loves getting to play the unique emotional beats he gets to play opposite the Felicity character. So the way he always gushes about Felicity makes total sense to me.

I think that's where the intense name saying comes from. The many times he says "Felicity" in the show is seriously adorable. I love all the intonations as well. He really likes the character.

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Greg Berlanti is turning himself into a Dick Wolf person. Enjoy it while it lasts, although it must be bizarre having Mysteries of Laura and Arrow competing against each other at 8 on Wednesdays..


This sounds like it's mostly going to be Seth Grahame-Smith running it, with Berlanti's production company.

Given some of the noise from the haters and the comic canon crew, I find it really funny that DC Comics is backing Olicity. I really do.  And the amount of likes and comments on that Instagram photo is telling, particularly when you put it up against some of their other photos from comics and stuff.

There are three EPs, although they may add some on this season as people are getting stretched thin.


Greg Berlanti is the big poobah.  It's his production company that is making the show and probably the reason the show got made in the first place because he's got the TV track record.  He's got a lot of other irons in the fire so he's not as hands-on as Andrew Kreisburg and Marc Guggenheim.  I think Kreisburg is going over to The Flash to run that show while Guggenheim stays with Arrow but they're probably keeping in close touch since it's the same universe and the lots are across the street from each other.

From what I understand, Berlanti is the guy that brings in the money/does most of the major negotiations with the networks and, with Arrow, CBS and WB. He's generally only been credited with "Story" on the scripts. Kreisberg and Guggenheim frequently have or share script credit, and they've talked about working directly with the actors and the directors, so they seem to be more hands on. AK and MG also continue to write for DC, so they stay in close touch there as well. 

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