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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Apparently MG released the second page of the hangar scene, and Laurel asks Oliver how long he will be gone.  He replies that he doesn't know.  I'm not sure that makes sense since he knows that he's going to Nanda Parbat to become the new Ra's, meaning that he may never return to Starling City ever again.  Felicity even says that "assuming that this works, someone's going to need to bring Thea back home."  He knows that he's not coming back, and Team Arrow knows that he's not coming back, but he tells Laurel that he doesn't know how long he'll be gone.  Huh?

Non-spoilery MG comments at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/

lovingkaybreon asked:
Following 3x20 I have to say that my heart is broken but yet totally satisfied. Thank you for that. However here is my question: do you ever feel like Olicity is fan service, because as a fan of the show I think it 100% helps progress Oliver.

We make our story choices based upon what we think is best for the show and what’s best for the characters.  That’s the honest truth.

silvermoondancing asked:
Via Laura Hurley (Cleveland Examiner): "The show needs to produce a series of webisode confessionals over the hiatus of random League of Assassins minions sitting down and complaining to the camera about the Demon's Head bringing bid dumb outsider Oliver in to be Heir while they toil away for nothing. Ideally, there should be one particularly sassy assassin who goes on a diatribe about Al Sah-him being unable to pronounce "Ra's al Ghul" properly." PLEASE?

That’d be awesome.

Edited by tv echo

He's definitely drunk. It's from a Nocking Point party last night.

All I could think about was: Your wife is probably right there! tone down the excitement man, this is the sort of stuff that feed the lunatic who ship you and Emily romantically..

hopefully his wife is understanding and cool that apparently her husband has a major crush on Felicity Smoak. I mean if i was his wife i wouldn't say no to a threesome with Emily.. but i'm not her.

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So the body shaming/hate account set up to target EBR is back. This time telling her she should commit suicide. KC has already blocked this person apparently so I'm guessing EBR herself has seen some of the tweets... It would be great if everyone could go report the person (again). 

So the body shaming/hate account set up to target EBR is back. This time telling her she should commit suicide. KC has already blocked this person apparently so I'm guessing EBR herself has seen some of the tweets... It would be great if everyone could go report the person (again). 

I'm wondering if the Drunk!Stephen video inspired them to open up another account. It made an impression on twitter and tumblr. 


JB tweeted something about blocking spam. I think he was referring this asshole.


I don't what is worse. Someone making an account like this or people actually RT/FAV some of this hate.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 1

So the body shaming/hate account set up to target EBR is back. This time telling her she should commit suicide. KC has already blocked this person apparently so I'm guessing EBR herself has seen some of the tweets... It would be great if everyone could go report the person (again). 



  • Love 6

I've been thinking about this lately given some debate going on in the episode thread. I bristle a little (ok, more than a little) whenever someone refers to some events on the show as "fanservice"- I'm sure this is a topic discussed ad nauseam already, I even read posted here some fans asking MG himself on tumblr about it but I can't find it- but, aren't some declarations made by the actors kinda ambiguous on that? I mean, when various actors say that the EPs value the opinion of the fans and that they take it into account, doesn't that support the " fanservice" stance?

I think of "fanservice" as doing something only because a group of fans want it.  When it fits into the show organically, when the writers and producers want it, and it is something generally popular that brings a lot of attention to the show, I don't think of that as fanservice but as part of the show's development.


I guess we'll see where the Canary Cry fits in..

  • Love 12

I'm not on Twitter, so I don't know how it works, but this person is actually sending her messages to EBR, right?


Isn't it akin to stalking, or at least harassing, especially considering the number of tweets sent in so little time (and it isn't the first time)?

Can't this person be identified, and some legal action taken against them?


Gosh, I'd never want to be famous. It makes you a target for all the looneys of the world.

Edited by Happy Harpy
  • Love 2

I'm not on Twitter, so I don't know how it works, but this person is actually sending her messages to EBR, right?


Isn't it akin to stalking, or at least harassing, especially considering the number of tweets sent in so little time (and it isn't the first time)?

Can't this person be identified, and some legal action taken against them?


Gosh, I'd never want to be famous. It makes you a target for all the looneys of the world.


It's not so much messages directly to EBR but they are messages that anyone can see. Similar to a Facebook status- but everyone can see it and not just your confirmed friends. But the person is tagging EBR as well as other cast members which means that the cast members will see them because Twitter would notify them of those mentions. If that makes sense? 


This is the third time this person has done it, and the cast members are well aware of it (as are the show runners) because John Barrowman and KC have both blocked this person this time, and MG replied and muted the person the previous time. So it makes be believe that EBR is well aware of this person and has probably seen some of the tweets. I don't believe any legal action can be taken, unless EBR herself does it. But the world is weird with what is considered "abuse/harassment" and since the person is only doing it on the internet and isn't physically harming EBR I don't believe anything can be done. 


I think all that can be done is continuing to report the person every time they pop up in hopes that Twitter will deactivate the account. 

Edited by HighHopes
  • Love 1

So the body shaming/hate account set up to target EBR is back. This time telling her she should commit suicide. KC has already blocked this person apparently so I'm guessing EBR herself has seen some of the tweets... It would be great if everyone could go report the person (again).

I wonder how long it would take to find and report all the vitriol pointed at KC.

  • Love 2

I wonder how long it would take to find and report all the vitriol pointed at KC.


Wow. I said before when this happened the second time that it would be terrible and disgusting if it was a twitter dedicated to body shaming KC and telling her that she should kill herself too. I may have issues with Laurel Lance, and how KC portrays her- but that doesn't mean I wouldn't defend KC (and any other female celebrity) from something like what that guy was doing. 

Edited by HighHopes
  • Love 10

Maybe the person is like a stalker of KC, someone who thinks they have a connection with a famous person and will do anything for him/her.  Could be a real mental illness rather than just a troll.  EBR is targeted because she's taken over the place of the rightful leading lady.

  • Love 4

Here's MG's tumblr response to the "fan service" question:

lovingkaybreon asked:

Following 3x20 I have to say that my heart is broken but yet totally satisfied. Thank you for that. However here is my question: do you ever feel like Olicity is fan service, because as a fan of the show I think it 100% helps progress Oliver.
We make our story choices based upon what we think is best for the show and what’s best for the characters.  That’s the honest truth.

"Fan service" is something that is thrown into an episode just to please fans and isn't really necessary to the plot or the character.  For example: putting a character in unnecessarily skimpy clothing or throwing in an obscure reference to an external work  (source)  


The term apparently originated from the anime and manga fandom, and can include gratuitous nudity or sex, long fight scenes, and violence. (source)  "Basically, if it has little plot-redeeming value, but makes the viewer sit up and take notice, it's probably fan service in one form or another."  (source)


Based on those definitions, I don't think that the Oliver/Felicity sex scene in 3x20 was fan service, nor do I think that making Felicity the love interest for Oliver is fan service.  We've seen their relationship grow organically from ally to friends to partners to lovers over the course of three seasons, aided by the incredible chemistry between the actors.  Having sex on the eve of what they believed to be their permanent separation was a natural progression of both the plot and the characters as developed on the show.


IMO, an example of fan service on Arrow would be something like Oliver using the boxing glove arrow.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 17

I thought orignaly all the shirtless Oliver scenes were because Amell wanted to do as many scenes as possible.  You can use a stunt double but you can't do a body double.  (His words at a con, IIRC.) He also said he asked not to do shirtless scenes this year unless absolutely necessary because of the time involved in applying/removing tattoos.  Guess his life priorities shifted. 

  • Love 1

Maybe I've been misunderstood. ITA, I didn't say that the show panders to fans or that O/F is fanservice, I was merely considering how some actors on the show declaring that the writers and EPs take into account what the fans want and ask for can be misconstrued as an admission that there is fanservice behind some decision (beside the free abs-showing). 

I thought orignaly all the shirtless Oliver scenes were because Amell wanted to do as many scenes as possible.  You can use a stunt double but you can't do a body double.  (His words at a con, IIRC.) He also said he asked not to do shirtless scenes this year unless absolutely necessary because of the time involved in applying/removing tattoos.  Guess his life priorities shifted. 

I don't understand your point.  


However, the reality is there's no need for Shirtless work outs, most men don't (including SA which we've seen from his training videos).  The Shirtless workout scenes of all the men (Roy, Diggle, Oliver and even Ray) are obviously done for titillation, hell The CW even ran an entire ad featuring all of the S2 men shirtless.


First definition of Fan Service


"Fan service" is something that is thrown into an episode just to please fans and isn't really necessary to the plot or the characterFor example: putting a character in unnecessarily skimpy clothing or throwing in an obscure reference to an external work  (source)


Edited by Morrigan2575

I think Stephen actually asked for less shirtless scenes because he didn't want to have to be on a crazy diet all the time.

I think the shirtlessness are a kind of fan service to be honest. It's no secret that we love naked Stephen abd there's at least one reviewer who keeps track of when the last time he was shirtless.

  • Love 2

looptab, I didn't think you said that.  I was addressing the issue of what constitutes "fan service".  IMO, just taking into account what fans want and ask for does not constitute fan service if what fans want coincides with what the EPs/writers want to do and is connected to the plot/character development.  It's only fan service if it's completely gratuitous/unnecessary/irrelevant to the story.


ETA:  I don't think all fan service is bad.  The boxing glove arrow was harmless fun.  I also don't think all shirtless Oliver scenes are fan service (for example, shirtless Oliver for the sex scene was kinda necessary).

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 5

I think Stephen actually asked for less shirtless scenes because he didn't want to have to be on a crazy diet all the time.

I think the shirtlessness are a kind of fan service to be honest. It's no secret that we love naked Stephen abd there's at least one reviewer who keeps track of when the last time he was shirtless.

Oh yeah, I'm not complaining just pointing out that it fits the classical definition of Fan Service.  I should also clarify not ever single Shirtless scene is fan service, for instance there were a couple of scenes in S1 where Oliver being shirtless was a plot point, 

Edited by Morrigan2575

I don't understand your point.  


However, the reality is there's no need for Shirtless work outs, most men don't (including SA which we've seen from his training videos).  The Shirtless workout scenes of all the men (Roy, Diggle, Oliver and even Ray) are obviously done for titillation, hell The CW even ran an entire ad featuring all of the S2 men shirtless.


First definition of Fan Service

Sorry, tone doesn't always come across in posts. It was meant to be more snarky than anything since SA said he asked to do things like the salmon ladder in S1 shirtless so he could do them and not the stunt double. I wasn't actually disagreeing with you.

Sorry, tone doesn't always come across in posts. It was meant to be more snarky than anything since SA said he asked to do things like the salmon ladder in S1 shirtless so he could do them and not the stunt double. I wasn't actually disagreeing with you.

No worries.  I just couldn't understand how Shirtless scenes equated to SA wanting to do all as many scenes as possible.  Now, I get it.

He says that in every interview/con appearance.  While I 100% agree with him, I think TIIC get too wrapped up in shiny new toys.


They do, but when it comes to episodes that matter, they remember them, dust them off and trot them out again. Like the big Flarrow crossover. Or the last 3 eps of Season 2. Or the first episode of Season 3.

  • Love 2

TIIC are still promoting that fight club promo on the CW Arrow facebook and twitter pages, now with this message (incidentally, would Sara really be happy about Laurel becoming the Black Canary?)...

Arrow  23 mins ·
Sara would be proud of what Laurel has become. Black Canary and Arsenal team-up to face Al Sa-Her: http://bit.ly/SuperheroClub
‪#‎Arrow‬ is new Wednesday. There are only 3 episodes left in the season!


Edited by tv echo
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