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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

That was the one where Slade showed up at the House 'o Queen and planted all the cameras. 

I remember the team assembling to help Oliver. I love that sequence. That's how you do team work.

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I remember The Promise being Oliver/Slade/Sara in the present and Oliver/Slade/Sara in the flashbacks.  Felicity had two lines in it, including the cringe-worthy "Please save Oliver".  It was an episode I didn't get through the first time much less re-watched. I find SA's favourite episodes and mine often have little in common.  He likes big Oliver action episodes and I like ones that move the show dramatically.

The Odyssey worked for me for precisely the reason The Promise didn't -- the Odyssey covered a different story in the present than in the flashbacks and it told me things about the characters that I didn't know as opposed to plot points.  (That there were lots of good Diggle/Felicity didn't hurt either.).

12 hours ago, looptab said:

He also received the "2 truths one lie" question about 501, and said he hasn't thought about the episode that much to be able to do that -ok, then.


5 hours ago, tv echo said:

 I've now read three scripts. I've had lots of discussions.  But I didn't reveal sh*t in any of those interviews, for the record."

So he's read 3 scripts, he's had lots of discussion but he hasn't thought enough about the episodes for the "2 truths one lie"?  It's time to stop promoting baseball players and start promoting the show that gives you the status.

I miss the days when he was excited to promote Arrow over the long summer.

Edited by statsgirl
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17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So he's read 3 scripts, he's had lots of discussion but he hasn't thought enough about the episodes for the "2 truths one lie

Maybe the start of the season is as exciting as the rest of last season. Therefore there is literally nothing there to get anyone excited. Not even him. Who knows...

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The Promise was meh, but the cliffhanger in 2x14, with Slade waiting for himat home? Awesome.

I'm laughing at the twitter thing because, remember when he retweeted that dude who said he was going to get that tattoo? That reached the goal very fast. :D Bwahahahaga

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2 minutes ago, looptab said:

I'm laughing at the twitter thing because, remember when he retweeted that dude who said he was going to get that tattoo? That reached the goal very fast. :D Bwahahahaga

That was honestly one of my favorite SA moments ever.

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I honestly don't know what to make of SA's responses since S4 ended - it seems like he just keeps repeating how the show is going back to its tough vigilante action roots, while remaining mum on or downplaying anything Olicity-related. It's almost as if he's going out of his way to appease... nope, not going into forbidden talk.

Yes, he doesn't want to spoil anything, but I don't believe that he doesn't know anything. IIRC, other cast members have said that he's almost at the level of the producers in terms of his involvement in the show. Also, SA had told us - before he went on his globe-trotting TMNT2 promo tour - that he was meeting with GB and the Arrow writers, so I can't believe that they didn't tell him anything about what to expect in S5 - even if it was just broad strokes of the season arc for Oliver. 

Edited by tv echo
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My two cents: He knows more than he is saying but he was told to only talk about certain things. He is following the company line now and instead of just saying he can't talk about x x and x, he is playing stupid. Which just makes him look stupid. 




Not like it's hard at this point. 

Edited by Chaser
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Regarding SA's tweet that 1.01, 1.09, 2.09, 2.15 and 3.09 are his fave episodes so far, here are some Olicity-related moments from those episodes...

101 (Pilot) - None:
[Felicity did not make an appearance until 103]

109 (Year's End) - Oliver gives another lame excuse to get Felicity's IT help:
Oliver: "Hey."
Felicity (gasps): "Don't you knock?"
Oliver: "Felicity, this is the I.T. department. It's not the ladies room."
Felicity: "Right. What can I do for you?"
Oliver: "My buddy Steve is really into archery. Apparently it's all the rage now."
Felicity: "I don't know why. It's looks utterly ridiculous to me."
Oliver: "Mm-hmm. Anyway, it's Steve's birthday next weekend, and I wanted to buy him some arrows. The thing is, he gets these special custom-made arrows, and I have no idea where he gets them. I was hoping you could find out where this came from. (Hands her the arrow) Careful."
Felicity: "Yeah. The shaft's composite is patented. And that patent is registered to a company called Sagittarius. That's Latin for The Archer."
Oliver: "Really? Could you find out where and when this was purchased?" 
Felicity: "According to Sagittarius company records, that particular arrow was part of a bundle shipment. 200 units. (Scribbles on note) Sent to this address."
Oliver: "Felicity, you're remarkable."
Felicity: "Thank you for remarking on it."
Oliver: "And Merry Christmas."
Felicity: "I'm Jewish."
Oliver: "Happy Hanukkah."

209 (Three Ghosts) – Oliver berates Felicity for revealing his secret identity to Barry:
(Oliver suddenly comes awake and starts choking Barry.)
Diggle: "Oliver, let him go."
Felicity: "Oliver!"
Oliver: "What the - what the hell is going on?" 
Felicity: "You were injected with a strong-acting blood coagulant." 
Barry: "You would have stroked out, but fortunately you had a very effective blood thinner handy. Warfarin. Better known as rat poison."
Diggle: "Kid saved your life, Oliver."
Felicity: "This is the point in a life-saving emergency where you thank the person that did the life-saving."
Oliver (to Felicity): "You told him who I am."
Felicity: "Yeah, I did."
Oliver: "That's not your secret to tell, Felicity. I decide who finds out my identity."
Felicity: "Well, we didn't have time to get your vote, what with you unconscious and dying."
Oliver: "What happens if he leaves here and goes right to the police?"
Felicity: "He wouldn't do that."
Barry: "I wouldn't do that."
Felicity: "I trust him."
Oliver: "I don't!"
Felicity: "What are you going to do? Put an arrow in him?" 
Oliver: "I am considering it."
Felicity: "Don't worry, he's kidding! How is this any different from when your mother shot you and you came to me for help?"
Barry: "Your mother shot you?"
Felicity: "Or when you brought Dig down here when he was poisoned with curare?"
Oliver: "The difference is that I did my homework on both of you! I don't just tell people easily."
Barry: "I'm not going to tell anyone. And you don't have to thank me, but you should thank her instead of being kind of a jerk. (Oliver stares at him)  Mr. Queen." 
(Oliver's cell phone beeps.)
Oliver: "I have to go home. That man that I fought in the bunker, he has what he needs to mass produce the serum from the island. And we have to stop him."
Barry (to Oliver): "He touched your skin when he grabbed your neck. I was able to absorb the residual oils from his skin, which, when added to a gel-based polymer, might be able to recreate his fingerprint." (Oliver leaves)
Felicity (to Barry): "Never meet your heroes, right?

209 (Three Ghosts) – Oliver has been hallucinating, and Felicity shows some jealousy:
Oliver: "Barry! The rat poison that you gave me - are there any side effects?" 
Barry: "Um, yeah, I think hallucinations, maybe. And excessive sweating. Are you sweating excessively?" 
Felicity: "You're hallucinating? What are you seeing?" 
Oliver: "A girl named Shado that was with me on the island."
Felicity: "Shado. Sara. How many women were you marooned with? Are you sure this wasn't Fantasy Island?"

209 (Three Ghosts) – Felicity asks Oliver to promise to come back:
Felicity: "Where are you going? You can't go out there in your condition." 
Oliver: "I have to stop this."
Felicity: "Oliver, Gold left you half dead, which is 50 percent better than how he left Detective Hilton."
Oliver: "Felicity I don't have a choice. I'll come back."
Felicity: "Promise me."
(Oliver looks at her but says nothing.  Later, Oliver returns safely and receives a hug from Felicity.)

209 (Three Ghosts) – Slade threatens Oliver's loved ones:
Blood: "You know who he is under that hood, don't you?"
Slade: "I know exactly who he is. He's my friend."
Blood: "That's why you don't want him dead." 
Slade: "Death would be a release from this life, and his sentence is yet to be carried out. (Cut to Quentin) I am going to tear everything he cares about away from him. (Cut to Roy) Destroy those who choose to follow him. (Cut to Felicity) Corrupt those he loves. Once he has lost everyone and everything he values, I will drive an arrow through his eye."

209 (Three Ghosts) – Felicity puts the new Arrow mask on Oliver:
Diggle: "Even the Arrow deserves a Christmas present."
Felicity: "Here."
(Felicity puts the mask on Oliver.) 
Oliver: "How do I look?"
Felicity: "Like a hero."

215 (The Promise) – Felicity asks the others to save Oliver, who's at the Queen Mansion with Slade:
Sara: "We have to move. Now." 
Diggle: "Are you sure it was Slade Wilson? I thought he was dead."
Sara: "I'm sure. That's not a voice I'd ever forget. What's the biggest gun you got down here? That might work."
Roy: "Might?" 
Sara: "He has the Mirakuru in him." 
Roy: "So do I."
Sara: "Can I trust you?" 
Roy: "I'll be fine." 
Sara: "Slade was a trained killer even before he was injected. You get the chance, you get a shot, you put him down."
Felicity: "Please save Oliver."

309 (The Climb) – Oliver tells Felicity he loves her for the first time (for real) right before he leaves to duel Ra’s al Ghul:
Felicity: “So you're going?” 
Oliver: “Mm-hmm.” 
Felicity: “To Nanda Parbat?” 
Oliver: “No, it's a neutral site. It'll be fine. I'll come back. Thea will be okay.”
Felicity: “I wish that sounded more convincing.  And I wish you wouldn't go, but I know you better, so I'm not going to ask you to stay.”
Oliver: “I appreciate that.”
Felicity: “But there is one thing I need to ask you to do. And you're not going to want to.” 
Oliver: “Well, if it's you asking, I'll do it.” 
Felicity: “Kill him. You have to kill Ra's al Ghul. This is a duel, Oliver, with one of the most dangerous men that has ever walked the earth.” 
Oliver: “I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't think I can win.” 
Felicity: “I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that you can beat him. I am terrified that you won't kill him. Because that's not who you are anymore. And I am so afraid that Ra's al Ghul is going to use your humanity against you.” 
Oliver: “Felicity, I honestly don't know if I'm a killer anymore. But I do know two things - the first is that whoever I am, I am someone that will do whatever – whatever - it takes to save my sister.” 
(Oliver kisses Felicity on the forehead and starts to walk away.)
Felicity: “And the second thing?” 
Oliver: “I love you.” 

309 (The Climb) – Oliver is defeated by Ra’s al Ghul and his last thoughts include Felicity:
Ra’s al Ghul: “You should take pride. You survived longer than most. Don't be afraid, my son. Death comes for us all. We can only evade it so long. Consider this an honorable exit.” (Stabs Oliver through the chest) [Speaks Arabic]
(After Ra’s stabs Oliver, Oliver’s last thoughts before falling off the cliff are of his parents first, then Thea, and finally Felicity.)

Edited by tv echo
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50 minutes ago, tv echo said:

209 (Three Ghosts) – Oliver berates Felicity for revealing his secret identity to Barry:


(Oliver suddenly comes awake and starts choking Barry.)
Diggle: "Oliver, let him go."
Felicity: "Oliver!"
Oliver: "What the - what the hell is going on?" 
Felicity: "You were injected with a strong-acting blood coagulant." 
Barry: "You would have stroked out, but fortunately you had a very effective blood thinner handy. Warfarin. Better known as rat poison."
Diggle: "Kid saved your life, Oliver."
Felicity: "This is the point in a life-saving emergency where you thank the person that did the life-saving."
Oliver (to Felicity): "You told him who I am."
Felicity: "Yeah, I did."
Oliver: "That's not your secret to tell, Felicity. I decide who finds out my identity."
Felicity: "Well, we didn't have time to get your vote, what with you unconscious and dying."
Oliver: "What happens if he leaves here and goes right to the police?"
Felicity: "He wouldn't do that."
Barry: "I wouldn't do that."
Felicity: "I trust him."
Oliver: "I don't!"
Felicity: "What are you going to do? Put an arrow in him?" 
Oliver: "I am considering it."
Felicity: "Don't worry, he's kidding! How is this any different from when your mother shot you and you came to me for help?"
Barry: "Your mother shot you?"
Felicity: "Or when you brought Dig down here when he was poisoned with curare?"
Oliver: "The difference is that I did my homework on both of you! I don't just tell people easily."
Barry: "I'm not going to tell anyone. And you don't have to thank me, but you should thank her instead of being kind of a jerk. (Oliver stares at him)  Mr. Queen." 
(Oliver's cell phone beeps.)
Oliver: "I have to go home. That man that I fought in the bunker, he has what he needs to mass produce the serum from the island. And we have to stop him."
Barry (to Oliver): "He touched your skin when he grabbed your neck. I was able to absorb the residual oils from his skin, which, when added to a gel-based polymer, might be able to recreate his fingerprint." (Oliver leaves)
Felicity (to Barry): "Never meet your heroes, right?

This will forever and always be the "I swear to God, Larry" scene to me. Can't watch without laughing. (And I watch it a lot more now than I would otherwise.)

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What am I missing?

ETA (sees @Velocity23's post) Ahhh. You'd think the number of people who get smacked down after using the #ALM would clue in the rest of the populace that you will catch heat for using that phrase.

Edited by calliope1975
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Deleting her account after someone was trying to educate her on why the #blacklivesmatter movement is so important is just so dramatic though. FFS get a grip. Or learn from it!

I'm waiting for numbered tweets from SA though. *hides*

This week has been messy as hell.

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Stop shooting "us," said by a wealthy white woman whose father has extolled pure Aryan blood, right after Dallas, when she's been nothing but silent on the issue of police shooting black people...

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I thought the thread was great. Very informative and passionate, but not at all nasty.

TBF, I very much doubt Ms. Amell meant it in a bad way, but she is, like her husband, not a very deep thinker, and not overly willing to learn. 

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This is a legit question going back a few pages before all the messy SA stuff.

Did we get actual confirmation that the photo line-up in the production office coincides with billing order? Or is that speculation?

I just want to know the answer.

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25 minutes ago, kismet said:

This is a legit question going back a few pages before all the messy SA stuff.

Did we get actual confirmation that the photo line-up in the production office coincides with billing order? Or is that speculation?

I just want to know the answer.

It's most likely billing... So congrats David for getting paid! EBR has always been the last one. I'm not surprised. 





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23 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It's most likely billing... So congrats David for getting paid! EBR has always been the last one. I'm not surprised. 

I don't see it, they don't line up.

S1: SA, KC, CD, DR, WH, ST, PB (or vice versa)

S2: SA, KC, DR, WH, EBR, CH, MB, ST, PB (Or vice versa)

S3: SA, KC, DR, WH, EBR, CH, PB, JB (or vice versa)

S4: SA, KC, DR, WH, EBR, PB, JB (or vice versa)

In all but the most recent, WH is ahead of DR (not so in billing). CH always appears ahead of EBR where he's listed behind her in the on screen billing order.

Now, while i have no doubt that DB will appear 2nd in billing order (Arrow has traditionally just moved people up 1 spot to replace the missing actor). I can't see how those pictures represent billing order since (with the exception of SA & KC) they're off...heck, even KC came in 3rd in S2...behind what looks like ST.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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You have the star of the show basically going "eh" on the EW Cover Battle while the Arrow writers account FINALLY jumped on board is now all "we need this." Meanwhile, the official FB or Twitter accounts have been very quiet. Ugh.

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Why use your twitter to promote your show when you can use it to promote MLB?

Seriously, as much as I like Arrow - I'm done voting for them in social media platforms. They never appreciate it, so why bother?

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If Stephen doesn't want to do a cover and Arrow actually wins, I'm happy with David taking that spot... or better yet, David & Emily. But lets be real, if fans can unite to win the EW fall issue, he isn't about to let that go to anyone else. Hell, he'd probably demand to do it solo. lol

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Is it me or does that Rick Gonzalez look tiny in that pic? Aw, SA should be happy. He won't be taller than him in scenes. 

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Well, I was busy getting ready and celebrating Eid this week and didn't even catch all this drama. Thank y'all for keeping me in the loop. Looks like douche SA was out in full force. 

I think the resentment most of the fans feel for the network and the show is really getting worse than ever. Fans have been trying to campaign and win polls for the show and all they have gotten in return in silence. It is bound to decrease their enthusiasm for the show. 

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3 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

Stop shooting "us," said by a wealthy white woman whose father has extolled pure Aryan blood, right after Dallas, when she's been nothing but silent on the issue of police shooting black people...

Technically though it wasn't Cassandra who said that.  What most people failed to see is that she reposted what Kid Conrad--a black man--had posted which included the "us".  People just took what he said as her words rather than see that it was a repost.  I get that emotions are running high but I can't really jump on her in agreeing with what a black person posted.  Nuance, people.

Edit:  Also I wish people wouldn't be so quick to hold her accountable for her dad's idiocy.  How many people have parents who say racist things that they don't agree with?  I certainly don't agree with some of the things my dad says.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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24 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

The network barely cares about the show so the people working the show barely caring about a magazine or anything entertainment wise is not a surprise to me.

Oh, I'm pretty sure the CW cares about Arrow (and the rest of their shows). They just don't have much of a budget to show that caring, either on a per episode basis or for marketing.

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41 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Technically though it wasn't Cassandra who said that.  What most people failed to see is that she reposted what Kid Conrad--a black man--had posted which included the "us".  People just took what he said as her words rather than see that it was a repost.  I get that emotions are running high but I can't really jump on her in agreeing with what a black person posted.  Nuance, people.

While you do have a point, I think some people (myself included) side-eyed her when she only posted that after the events in Dallas happened. I think the silence before then says a lot more than people realize. Just IMO. 

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8 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Edit:  Also I wish people wouldn't be so quick to hold her accountable for her dad's idiocy.  How many people have parents who say racist things that they don't agree with?  I certainly don't agree with some of the things my dad says.

Unless she publicly disagreed with him, I do hold it against her. Silence is not an acceptable response to a statement like that.

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8 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Technically though it wasn't Cassandra who said that.  What most people failed to see is that she reposted what Kid Conrad--a black man--had posted which included the "us".  People just took what he said as her words rather than see that it was a repost.  I get that emotions are running high but I can't really jump on her in agreeing with what a black person posted.  Nuance, people.

I think it's perfectly all right to be disappointed in an "all lives matter" stance, regardless of who she's agreeing with. 

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2 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

Unless she publicly disagreed with him, I do hold it against her. Silence is not an acceptable response to a statement like that.

You think she was going to publicly call out her own dad on Facebook?  I wouldn't do that to my father.  You're way tougher than I'd be, LOL.

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think it's perfectly all right to be disappointed in an "all lives matter" stance, regardless of who she's agreeing with. 

Disappointment is absolutely fine but in this case people were going far beyond that.  Personally I think it's a bit disturbing that we're so petty that we keep a scorecard of who is supporting _______ cause at one point in time.  Who gives a damn that she hadn't been posting up a storm before last night?  She made an attempt to provide sympathy to a black person and people jumped on her.  I'm glad she at least cares...now is as good a time as any, IMO.

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Very late to the party but I think it's interesting that he has no S4 favorite episodes not even 4.08 when he got to shoot scenes with the kid.  His last favorite is 3.09.  

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2 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Disappointment is absolutely fine but in this case people were going far beyond that.  Personally I think it's a bit disturbing that we're so petty that we keep a scorecard of who is supporting _______ cause at one point in time.  Who gives a damn that she hadn't been posting up a storm before last night?  She made an attempt to provide sympathy to a black person and people jumped on her.  I'm glad she at least cares...now is as good a time as any, IMO.

Not going to fight with you over it - I'm not a POC so this issue doesn't affect me on a day-to-day basis, but I'm not about to tell someone that does experience it how and what to feel. I think the problem that people had with it was that her post didn't come off as providing support to a black person or to the BLM movement, it came off as a paraphrased "all lives matter" sentiment that she was agreeing with - which...isn't supportive at all, and in fact undermines the issue of police brutality and misconduct that is an epidemic. Given some of her past posts on social issues, she seems to be a very "equality for all" kind of person, not wanting to be labeled a feminist, etc. This is absolutely not the right time to assert that particular point of view, IMO. 

I mean, the same thing happened when SA went on his Not All Texans rant - if you're gonna express your opinion on social media, you've got to be prepared to take the heat for it. I think her deleting her Twitter came down to just not using it very much, and not wanting the hassle of people's notifications on there. The backlash clearly didn't bother her that much - the post is still up on her Instagram.

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20 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

You think she was going to publicly call out her own dad on Facebook?  I wouldn't do that to my father.  You're way tougher than I'd be, LOL.

I have publicly called out every family member and friend who says stuff 1/10th as offensive as that. I defriended my dad for less than that, then I defriended his account with my stepmother for less than that. The thought of NOT calling out a statement like that utterly horrifies me.

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S4 marginalized a lot of OQ's character and story in favor of other characters. And the major beats they gave him were either repeats of s3 or craptastic plots like BMD. I think he wants to have a blend of good character beats and action. But if forced to choose, he seems to lean towards action. And there was very little of good action for OQ in s4.

But I do think its not necessary for him to have to list his favorite episodes. It just doesn't mean as much to me. I think a season is more than a total sun of their episodes, so for me that is a bigger indicator of what someone likes. I would be curious to see how he ranks seasons.

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