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Yes but i dont think neither Paramount and Stephen liked that the show and the ship had a lot of attention during the promo tour for his movie.

1 minute ago, looptab said:

 What usual Arrow promo?

Not much interviews. He basically said most of Arrow stuff will be through his facebook page.

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I think it was obvious that SA didn't want to answer Arrow/Olicity questions on his TMNT promo tour. He wanted questions about that. Too bad it was a movie about turtles.

How's he gonna feel when the Arrow questions stop though? At least some people are still interested enough to ask, although I'm not sure why at this point. 

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On Monday, July 04, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Midnight Lullaby said:

think after the character that actor plays dies or leaves it stops making sense for them to at least do panels at cons

I'm kind of the opposite on this.

Personally, I find it interesting to hear an actor's take on their character or their motivations when playing a particular scene, or opinions on their character's arc regardless of how much time has gone by. Maybe they have new things to offer as they get furtherway and they feel they can speak more freely about their character or share more BTS things. IMO, even if a character/actor has left a show, that shouldn't diminish their relevance to the show as a whole and that oughtn't mean their opinions are no longer interesting or valid especially a main character who was important to the show even if their arc was short lived, like Tommy/Colin Donnell.

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I'm kind of the opposite on this.

Personally, I find it interesting to hear an actor's take on their character or their motivations when playing a particular scene, or opinions on their character's arc regardless of how much time has gone by. Maybe they have new things to offer as they get furtherway and they feel they can speak more freely about their character or share more BTS things. IMO, even if a character/actor has left a show, that shouldn't diminish their relevance to the show as a whole and that oughtn't mean their opinions are no longer interesting or valid especially a main character who was important to the show even if their arc was short lived, like Tommy/Colin Donnell.

Colin is actually the person I was thinking about. Because during his panel he was asked questions about the show, not when he was on, but how it is now and it was pretty clear he didn't really know what was or could happen. Which is normal, but makes questions pointless.

Another example obviously is KC that keeps saying "anything can happen" to her fans which is giving them false hope.

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2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I think it was obvious that SA didn't want to answer Arrow/Olicity questions on his TMNT promo tour. He wanted questions about that. Too bad it was a movie about turtles.

How's he gonna feel when the Arrow questions stop though? At least some people are still interested enough to ask, although I'm not sure why at this point. 

Yes, I get that he doesn't want to answer only Arrow related questions when promoting a movie but then again he doesn't have to answer them. He has a team for interviews, don't they pre-approve questions? 

Also, can you really blame people? The movie wasn't something people seemed to be terribly interested in. Additionally, people who know him only know him as GA, so maybe he should be glad they recognize him at all, because in all seriousness, he isn't Tom Cruise. 

Once he wants the people to ask him Arrow stuff again, he will let them know because he loves the attention. 

Edited by Belinea
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43 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I just wonder if Steve is in that list of celebs Facebook is throwing money at to produce video content, that Forbes reported on a couple of weeks ago, but only really talked about companies and A+++ listers.

SA and The Rock were my 2 obvious paid FB shills as soon as i saw that article. 

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I already told this to someone in PMs, but at this point I would laugh and laugh if they kill Olicity, stick Felicity with, say, the hot DA and Oliver with the reporter chick. Felicity and the DA have smoking chemistry and get tons of press, Oliporter have zero or negative chemistry, as has been the case with most of his love interests. SA starts talking up Olicity again, he begs Guggie to bring back Olicity, but Guggie tells SA that his friend-zoning comments have totally convinced the EPs that they should move on from Olicity, permanently. (I don't think Olicity is permanently dead, but I do think there's a good chance it's at least mostly dead for most of S5.) 

The more I think about it, the more the condescending friend-zoning comments piss me off. Especially the stuff about that being real life. That's nuts. I would love to ask him, if that's real life, why he's not besties with his ex-wife. The one he can barely stand to acknowledge. THAT'S real life. And I don't think he gets that once something like Olicity is broken it can't really be put back together, and man, friend-zoning is a very efficient way to break a once-romantic relationship.

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1 minute ago, AyChihuahua said:

I already told this to someone in PMs, but at this point I would laugh and laugh if they kill Olicity, stick Felicity with, say, the hot DA and Oliver with the reporter chick. Felicity and the DA have smoking chemistry and get tons of press, Oliporter have zero or negative chemistry, as has been the case with most of his love interests. SA starts talking up Olicity again, he begs Guggie to bring back Olicity, but Guggie tells SA that his friend-zoning comments have totally convinced the EPs that they should move on from Olicity, permanently. (I don't think Olicity is permanently dead, but I do think there's a good chance it's at least mostly dead for most of S5.) 

The more I think about it, the more the condescending friend-zoning comments piss me off. Especially the stuff about that being real life. That's nuts. I would love to ask him, if that's real life, why he's not besties with his ex-wife. The one he can barely stand to acknowledge. THAT'S real life. And I don't think he gets that once something like Olicity is broken it can't really be put back together, and man, friend-zoning is a very efficient way to break a once-romantic relationship.

I also want to know if in real life how he would feel about someone lying to their fiancee about a secret kid they have. And then going to go visit that kid, possibly using the fiancee's money. And then not visiting their fiancee in the hospital when she became paralyzed. Because in real life, a lot of people would tell that girl to run. He is very...selective in what he picks to be 'realistic' and what is okay because it's a show haha. 

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19 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Colin is actually the person I was thinking about. Because during his panel he was asked questions about the show, not when he was on, but how it is now and it was pretty clear he didn't really know what was or could happen. Which is normal, but makes questions pointless.

Another example obviously is KC that keeps saying "anything can happen" to her fans which is giving them false hope.

That's not on the actor, though.

What I'm saying is that a former cast member should not be excluded from cons because fans/moderators ask some stupid questions. There is plenty more they can and do discuss. JMHO

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It wouldn't be unreasonable that Felicity has smoking chemistry with next dude because EBR seems to have chemistry with everyone. 

If they completely dial back on Olicity for an extended period I would be super mad. Simply because why give me a season of almost married-married, only to pull back and try the friends thing? I'm not that worried yet because I feel like we really don't know much, but if they do dial, it would thoroughly annoy me. 

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1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

That's not on the actor, though.

What I'm saying is that a former cast member should not be excluded from cons because fans/moderators ask some stupid questions. There is plenty more they can and do discuss. JMHO

On the fans more than on the moderators because there were none. From the panels I saw fans seem to be interested in what is going on now or what might happen on the show, not what happen three-four years ago. It's nobody's fault but I don't see the point of having a panel with someone that cannot satisfy people's questions.

I don't see the point, like I don't see the point of the FBs for example. That doesn't mean that because I'm not interested no one can be.

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Well, the whole ordeal made it to the 'press' and ET wrote an article on Amell "slamming" the Internet trolls. The article includes the original Instagram post about the Facebook comments. Funny how he blames Twitter for this and not you know, Facebook. 

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17 minutes ago, looptab said:


He has an ex-wife. Wait, you mean you didn't know about her? But, he told us that being besties with exes is "real life," so I'm assuming you saw all the pics of him being super-friendly with her and heard about him talking about her all the time, in a really respectful way, because there are other kinds of relationships bw men and women than romantic ones?

Please note, sarcasm aimed at SA, not at all at you.

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12 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Well, the whole ordeal made it to the 'press' and ET wrote an article on Amell "slamming" the Internet trolls. The article includes the original Instagram post about the Facebook comments. Funny how he blames Twitter for this and not you know, Facebook. 

I don't care enough to read.the article, but they really could have pulled a better photo. Her make up is terrible.

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The ex-wife thing is so weird to me - maybe because I know a boatload of divorced people and some are friendly with their exes, some hate them, but none of them never mention they were previously married. He called it a "long-term relationship" on Alsha Tyler's podcast. 

Whatevs, dude, you do you, I suppose.

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40 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

 Felicity and the DA have smoking chemistry and get tons of press, Oliporter have zero or negative chemistry, as has been the case with most of his love interests.

I'm sort of hoping it happens, just so we can use the Oliporter portmanteau.

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25 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Well, the whole ordeal made it to the 'press' and ET wrote an article on Amell "slamming" the Internet trolls. The article includes the original Instagram post about the Facebook comments. Funny how he blames Twitter for this and not you know, Facebook. 

Someone should tell SA about the "Barbara Streisand Effect". Very few people even knew about the troll account until he brought it to everyone's attention.

Maybe now he'll realize that engaging with/trying to publicly shame trolls doesn't stop them from being vile and only gives them the attention they crave? 

Edited by lemotomato
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I get second hand embarrassment from panel so normally I would like to keep them positive but I'm not feeling particularly friendly at the moment.

I want someone to confront his SM attitude at a panel. His take on polls (baseball is okay but fandom is not). Point out this ridiculous Facebook v Twitter view. Someone could read him examples of the hate and ask him if it came from Facebook or Twitter and why one is expressing their opinion and the other is hate. Read an example of the language directed at woman and the accounts of cyber stalking and ask him if he blames them for opening an anonymous account.  

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14 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I don't care enough to read.the article, but they really could have pulled a better photo. Her make up is terrible.

They NEVER pick bad pics by accident. Hee.

Also, women everywhere, for the love of all things holy, check our setting powders for 1. mica 2. titanium dioxide 3. silica 4. zinc oxide. They can all make you look like a panda with flash photography if you're not careful.

Edited by dtissagirl
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 How did I not know this? I remember him talking about this 'long-term relationship' , but I had no idea he had an ex-wife. Or maybe I did and forgot in the meantime haha. Anyway, weird. 

2 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

They NEVER pick bad pics by accident. Hee.

Also, women everywhere, for the love of all things holy, check our setting powders for 1. mica 2. titanium dioxide 3. silica 4. zinc oxide. They can all make you look like a panda with flash photography if you're not careful.

I thought it was a sunglasses line, hahah.

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14 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Someone should tell SA about the "Barbara Streisand Effect". Very few people even knew about the troll account until he brought it to everyone's attention.

Maybe now he'll realize that engaging with/trying to publicly shame trolls doesn't stop them from being vile and only gives them the attention they crave? 

I was so better not having read that. For a minute I wondered if it was for real or a troll trying to shame the trash fandom.

Anyway, ET still thinks that Robbie is his brother, hahahha.

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7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

The well-fed artist in his bio was in reference to something his ex-wife told him.

Really?? Wow I didn't know that.

He also mentioned her during the Larry King interview and he cringed. Nobody should take notes from him on how to let things go probably.

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38 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Really?? Wow I didn't know that.

He also mentioned her during the Larry King interview and he cringed. Nobody should take notes from him on how to let things go probably.

You mean to tell me he didn't he speak at length and really respectfully about how they're besties and spend tons of time together and giggle on the phone together? Because men and women who were once in really serious romantic relationships are often besties a couple months afterwards. I mean, that's just real life, right?

I've kind of had it up to here with his douchiness right now.

(TBF, James Gunn and Jenna Fischer really are like that. But I find it HIGHLY hypocritical of him to speak as if fans are being totally immature thinking that O/F as besties is absurd considering his NOT-friendly relationship with his ex.) 

@looptab, the "long-term relationship" is the ex-wife. Who he can barely stand to mention or admit was his actual wife. But we're the immature [shipper] babies who think O/F being besties is weird.

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1 hour ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I'm sort of hoping it happens, just so we can use the Oliporter portmanteau.

I can pretty much promise that I am not going to care enough about her or them to learn her name. (Note, Oliporter is spec, not a spoiler.)

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In addition to going to such lengths to celebrate July 4th instead of Canada Day, Stephen has posted several "I Love America" posts over the last few months, including mentioning that he is going for US citizenship. I think that the reason that he travels to see his family (and not the other way around) is that he is trying to meet residency requirements for US citizenship and can't have it look like their primary residence is in Vancouver.  A friend of mine married a guy from Japan who was a banker who traveled internationally for business, and when they were going through the citizenship process he had to rejigger his work arrangements so he spent more time on US soil.  I'm in no way implying that he married Cassandra for the green card, but do think their living/travel arrangements might be dictated by his desire for citizenship.

I knew about his ex-wife, and once in a comments section of an article someone posted all her information.  She has a semi-public role as the CEO of a nonprofit that advocates for women in the workplace, and I sometimes wonder whether she insisted on anonymity. I couldn't tell you her name or the name of the organization at this point, but needless to say she is much cooler than he is.

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Just now, DrSpaceman10 said:

If SA is making friend-zone Olicity comments, that's the direction the show is going. From my perspective he tends to toe the company line when it comes to Olicity (see Season 2B). 

Oh, he friend-zoned the crap out of them. I have never seen anything like it with a major canon ship that wasn't going away (admittedly, I'm not as widely into shipping as some, so people please feel free to correct me).

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3 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

In addition to going to such lengths to celebrate July 4th instead of Canada Day, Stephen has posted several "I Love America" posts over the last few months, including mentioning that he is going for US citizenship. 

I could be wrong, but I thought he said he wasn't trying to become a citizen when he was talking about getting his permanent residency? I suppose he could've changed his mind, I just remember him saying he wasn't gonna do it. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I could be wrong, but I thought he said he wasn't trying to become a citizen when he was talking about getting his permanent residency? I suppose he could've changed his mind, I just remember him saying he wasn't gonna do it. 

I must have missed that.  Oddly, I'm kind of disappointed to hear it because I would hope that would be able to spend more time together if there was not this legal dictate.

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7 hours ago, Belinea said:

I don't want to get into SA and his personal life all that much and hopefully it doesn't offend anyone: Does his wife have an actual job? Does she still act? Because if she doesn't, couldn't she just travel with him? That way he could spend all his free time with his family and wouldn't have to post on facebook all that he has to go through. 

Obviously it is none of my business and everybody should life the way they want to. I just don't get why he gives people so much inside in his life and then cannot handle if they react to it in an unexpected manner. 

These were my thoughts too.

From what little I know about his wife it seems like she got what she wanted out of life - long hair, an adorable kid, a handsome husband and comfortable money to spend. I don't know if she has a job. I'm curious but it's not critical information. Even if she is auditioning, she could do that in Vancouver. But its her life and she is living it the way she wants to. And hopefully if she is not, she could make different choices to change it.

I don't know about their marriage, like I said earlier in the week - nobody knows what goes on insides someone's marriage. It is their lives, their choices. And maybe this arrangement is working for them. The fact that he shares so much and then gets upset is a little immature - especially considering he does it time after time with the same result. If you don't want people commenting or speculating about your private life, keep it quiet. If not, its fair game when you openly post about them on a regular basis.

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I could be wrong, but I thought he said he wasn't trying to become a citizen when he was talking about getting his permanent residency? I suppose he could've changed his mind, I just remember him saying he wasn't gonna do it. 

I can't remember all of the information, and I have no idea if it applies here-- but he might be waiting until after Arrow ends to become an American citizen. I took a class recently and it covered shows/movies being filmed in Canada and how there is a point system. Different things get different amounts of "points" and having the star be Canadian is one point towards the show (I believe). So as long as he stays Canadian, they get that point (and you need 6 for the show to count as Canadian content, and 10 to receive financial assistance from the Canadian Television Fund). Again, this might not apply to Arrow at all, and someone more in the know please correct me! But it might be a reason he is staying Canadian right now? (You also get 2 points for a Canadian director, and James Bamford is Canadian...). 

Edited by HighHopes
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34 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

sometimes wonder whether she insisted on anonymity.

I just always assumed that he wants to have the perfect image. I truly believe that he does love his kid a lot. But I also believe that the image of perfect dad and husband is very, very important to him. 

So maybe it is a bit of both. 

Edited by Belinea
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These were my thoughts too.

From what little I know about his wife it seems like she got what she wanted out of life - long hair, an adorable kid, a handsome husband and comfortable money to spend. I don't know if she has a job. I'm curious but it's not critical information. Even if she is auditioning, she could do that in Vancouver. But its her life and she is living it the way she wants to. And hopefully if she is not, she could make different choices to change it.

I don't know about their marriage, like I said earlier in the week - nobody knows what goes on insides someone's marriage. It is their lives, their choices. And maybe this arrangement is working for them. The fact that he shares so much and then gets upset is a little immature - especially considering he does it time after time with the same result. If you don't want people commenting or speculating about your private life, keep it quiet. If not, its fair game when you openly post about them on a regular basis.

Thank you for mentioning the hair.   I know how much the hair is a selling point for her.   #antmneverforget

Edited by Delphi
Quoting wrong people like a pro
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Beth Schwartz runs the Arrow Writers Room twitter account.

IIRC, Bamford is the only Canadian director they have so they won't be getting too many Canadian points for directing. And other than SA and EBR, the cast is all American as are all but one of the writers.

2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Personally, I find it interesting to hear an actor's take on their character or their motivations when playing a particular scene, or opinions on their character's arc regardless of how much time has gone by. Maybe they have new things to offer as they get furtherway and they feel they can speak more freely about their character or share more BTS things. IMO, even if a character/actor has left a show, that shouldn't diminish their relevance to the show as a whole and that oughtn't mean their opinions are no longer interesting or valid especially a main character who was important to the show even if their arc was short lived, like Tommy/Colin Donnell.

There are some actors i would like to hear from even if the shows are long gone.  Mira Furlan or Peter Jurasik from Babylon 5, or Claudia Black on anything.

But the thing about SA is that most adults are interested in hearing from him because of Arrow, not TMNT2 (which got pretty bad reviews).  Don't bite the hand that feeds you, and Olicity is a big part of that hand.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

ut the thing about SA is that most adults are interested in hearing from him because of Arrow, not TMNT2 (which got pretty bad reviews).  Don't bite the hand that feeds you, and Olicity is a big part of that hand.

I'm speaking in general terms about cons overall and the idea of irrelevancy because an actor is no longer with the show.. I was using Colin as an example.

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I believe that SA loves his daughter unconditionally and is proud to be her Dad. That is the one truth I can believe about all of his social media posts.

I have no clue where he stands on actual feelings for his wife. I know he defends his marriage, but it seems more generalized than specifically about his actual wife. But whatever works for him.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Everyone needs to lighten up...says the man who threw a hissy fit over Twitter. To know him is to know that nothing bothers him...says the man who just called out an account accusing his marriage of being fake. 

I'm so done with him tbh.

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9 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Getting Beth's attention is the easiest way to getting the @ArrowWriters account to tweet about something.

Ah!  That makes total sense.  That was totally not the way I read that. :) Lol.

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