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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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KC has a very perplexing history with cons. Last season should've been the best time for her to make the most of con appearances, talking up her "rise" to BC, but she kept booking cons and cancelling last minute. I think she only made it to one last spring, in Philly. But then this season, when Laurel didn't have much of a storyline (at least not one that focuses on herself, rather than Sara) she's attending pretty much every one.

I'd be curious about what she has to say during her solo panel at the Dallas con. So far she's only been on panels with other people and she doesn't get many questions directed at just her.

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KC was cancelling con appearances all the time when CL showed up as Canary. Last year KC was showed up at all the cons in Chicago. I couldn't tell if you if she was popular or not because I had no desire to see her. Although she was placed next to John Barrowman and Norman Reedus and those two have lines that would make most people's lines look empty. 


I don't blame anyone for being upset or angry after being let go. And I couldn't imagine having to talk about my job knowing I didn't have it anymore. That's why I gave props to CL, I couldn't tell at all that she got fired from Arrow, let alone was filming her death episode right before showing up to SDCC. A little bit of bitterness came through after that but kudos for keeping professional until the episode aired. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm starting to feel sorry for her in a way because I wonder if she knows #no one #cares. 

Edited by Guest
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I'm starting to feel sorry for her in a way because I wonder if she knows #no one #cares. 

I know right. I know she's excited to be cast in this role and to be a part of the show its unfortunate that the FBs suck this season and no one is really giving to much of a damn about Oliver's time back on the island. Oh well hopefully no one will be rude to her in the comments and she can enjoy her brief moments in FB heaven with Stephen. (Seriously, I don't think any of her self-involvement in a FB scene has been more than a minute tops! 

Adventures from the set with Emily, Charlotte and Echo.


Charlotte with the stabby banana is hilarious. That really didn't even look like Charlotte to me, but she confirmed via a tweet post that it is!

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Nothing spoiler just a cute picture of Charlotte and Emily titled "Role reversal"






Think I might need to stop going directly to the end and scroll back before I post hmm gonna give that a try from now on lol!

Edited by Ann Mack
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EBR/Felicity can get away with deep cleavage tops and still look cute. I really liked her blue top in 4.1. I would have looked RIDICULOUSLY inappropriate in that, but she looked adorable.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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EBR/Felicity can get away with deep cleavage tops and still look cute. I really liked her blue top in 4.1. I would have looked RIDICULOUSLY inappropriate in that, but she looked adorable.


Ditto. I just find it funny how apparently Felicity is suddenly very buttoned up when Donna's around. The red and white top in 4x03 was also very low cut. And that's just this season and off the top of my head.

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Sounds like BS. Honestly, I don't get the reasoning behind it. Why would the network go for it? Also, his social media presence can be problematic, but I feel he comes off well in the interviews.

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Perhaps he just means that his shooting schedule doesn't allow him any time for other interviews but it's easy for him to do five minute videos on Facebook without leaving his trailer?

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Perhaps he just means that his shooting schedule doesn't allow him any time for other interviews but it's easy for him to do five minute videos on Facebook without leaving his trailer?

Eh, if he has time for Turtle interviews, I think he can find the time for Arrow interviews. Especially since they often bring in a ton of reporters at once and have them interview the cast all together. If anything considering the amount of masks now on the show, he should have even more time for interviews since he isn't the only one doing the stunt scenes. 

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Sorry I'm going to have to put on my Vulcan thinking cap and try and find the logic in Stephen's statement about promoting TMNT but not the show that has provided him the visibility and opportunity to get to promote TMNT? I'm not upset so I hope it doesn't come off that way I'm  just a bit puzzled by his response. He is the "leading man" for Arrow hmm?

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I think SA likes answering FB Q&A more because he can choose which questions he wants answer whereas interviews already have set questions they want to ask. These questions from reporters usually involve click bait questions regarding Olicity/Loliver which is he tired of by now. 


I mean I just saw DC all access asking EBR questions about Ray? WTF!

Edited by TwistedandBored
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Well, he might not actually have time for turtle interviews, but I assume he will in a month or two, but I'm sure he's contractually obligated to do press for TmNT just the same way he was forced to go to paleyfest last year.

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If it turns out he's pouting bc they made Oliver lie to Felicity I will LOVE HIM FOREVER.


I'm sure it's not that, though. Could he be mad about who they're killing? Yikes! That would imply it's an actor/character he really likes!

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I'm sure it's not that, though. Could he be mad about who they're killing? Yikes! That would imply it's an actor/character he really likes!


I don't recall Stephen doing any interviews this season apart from comic con... So I don't think that's it.

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Who knows with him?


It could be in response to the party that is being let go. It could be in response to the negativity around the EBR and KC interview. Some fans wanting one type of interview and he decided to 'defend' them by not doing any.


It's mute point anyway, if they networks arranges it I'm pretty sure he has to do it.

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Maybe Stephen is putting it out there well in advance that he won't be doing interviews so when the onslaught of requests comes for an interview after the Olicity break-up his stance on doing them has already been established.


I think most of know all kinds of shit is going to hit the fan and everyone and their mother is going to want an interview after the show blows up Olicity (especially from the reviewers who have already called BS on the contrived reason as to why the show is heading toward a breakup between them to begin with).


This is just my opinion.

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If it turns out he's pouting bc they made Oliver lie to Felicity I will LOVE HIM FOREVER.


I'm sure it's not that, though. Could he be mad about who they're killing? Yikes! That would imply it's an actor/character he really likes!

I believe there is something behind this... or at least something similar. I'm not sure, but the feeling I get is that he is disappointed with how some things have turned out on Arrow. First his big fatherhood plot has been diminished to angst fodder. Secondly, his "ship" (because I do think he ships Olicity) is headed for the skids for stupid & probably unnecessary plot points. And Thirdly, he's been replaced as the main action star of his own show by this new group only action scenes.


So part of me believes that SA is pouting about how his little show is going. I think he still loves Arrow & being the GA. But like last year, I think he is drawing lines in the sand to try to get his way or at least make his point. He'll do his own personal social media because he can control that. He'll do interviews for TMNT because why not, it's promoting a major summer flick. He'll do cons because he likes them, and now with HVFF he seems to have a financial investment as well. But he won't do interviews and media for ARROW he is not contractually forced to do.


Part of me respects that line in the sand drawing, since he is in the position to do it. He's giving back to his fans in his way and perhaps trying to make a difference for his show & character. Let's face it, if his behavior BTS around PaleyFest helped make some of the minimal improvements in s3b & 4a than perhaps he might make a difference in s5. And if anyone can get the ARROW writers to minimize their tendency to press the angst panic button or perhaps inspire them to be more creative, than I can get behind that. However, part of me hopes that it doesn't negatively impact the show.

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I also find it weird, but I am not in PR. We all know the CW PR Dept is an intern who's probably paid in bagels so I can see official interviews not being set up except for the premiere, finale, and Comic Con. Maybe since he is so active on social media, no one is pushing for "real" interviews, since half the interviews are coming from randos blogs nowadays. (That's not a criticism, just an observation.) 


I have no doubt he is contractually obligated to promote TMNT. I don't know of any movies that don't put promotion into contracts. 

Edited by calliope1975
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If it turns out he's pouting bc they made Oliver lie to Felicity I will LOVE HIM FOREVER.

That reminds me of the last time a big relationship twist blew up in the writers faces (ie. The Lunge) and they trotted out Stephen, Marc and Caity to do interviews afterwards (to justify the relationship between the two characters) but when The Lie blew up the only person defending it in the media was Marc. Maybe that, coupled with his dissatisfaction with Oliver getting beat up by every villain of the week, has led him to put the brakes on doing press - so he doesn't get stuck having to defend or rationalize the dumb writing.

Or maybe he just doesn't like doing it and is in a position now where he can say 'no' if he wants to. I'm sure if Entertainment Weekly wanted to a print piece or if someone from the Tonight Show wanted to book him for Arrow promotion he'd do it. Maybe he's just avoiding doing the little IGN, TVLine, etc type interviews for now.

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Pretty sure this has been going on for a while. I've been aware of Steve not wanting to do promo since the Larry King people were trying to get that Oliver/Felicity follow up interview with him and EBR, and got noped hard.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is a Nickelodeon film distributed by Paramount Pictures, both subsidiaries of Viacom.  Most Viacom contracts contain some sort of clause where the creative (writer/actor/director and in some cases art directors/costumers) agrees to only promote the Viacom work for a set period before and after release, or, if bound by other promotional contracts, focus promotion on the Viacom work, something Viacom tries to enforce even when they change the release date, causing publicity conflicts.


Given that the dates here aren't moving around, and Viacom knew Amell was on Arrow before casting him in this, my guess is that this is a compromise they worked out well in advance -  Amell will participate in the Viacom publicity through interviews set up through his management and Viacom, and his Facebook/Twitter will do TMNT and Arrow. By well in advance, I mean that this was almost certainly contracted at least a year ago. I love conspiracy theories, but I really  don't think it has anything with what's happening or not happening on Arrow. It's fairly standard Hollywood/New York practice, and I'm seeing it in European Union contracts as well.

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I also find it weird, but I am not in PR. We all know the CW PR Dept is an intern who's probably paid in bagels so I can see official interviews not being set up except for the premiere, finale, and Comic Con. 

With schmear or without schmear? Lox? Because I'd totally do their PR for some NYC bagels with schmear and lox.

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You think it would prevent SA from doing SDCC 2016 for Arrow? He'll probably be there for TMNT2 anyway since it hits theaters in August.

That would be seriously messed up, IMO (if that's the case)

Doesn't it come out in June?

Edited by apinknightmare
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Oh, there is no way that Arrow wouldn't have made sure to keep him for comiccon. That's like their one huge event. Specifically for DC comics, they wouldn't let one of their stars be absent.

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You think it would prevent SA from doing SDCC 2016 for Arrow? He'll probably be there for TMNT2 anyway since it hits theaters in August.

That would be seriously messed up, IMO (if that's the case)


I doubt it, though he may end up needing to promote both, and he'll probably have to attend both the Paramount and WB parties. SDCC 2016 is important enough that was also almost certainly spelled out in the contract. 

Edited by quarks
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I believe there is something behind this... or at least something similar. I'm not sure, but the feeling I get is that he is disappointed with how some things have turned out on Arrow. First his big fatherhood plot has been diminished to angst fodder. Secondly, his "ship" (because I do think he ships Olicity) is headed for the skids for stupid & probably unnecessary plot points. And Thirdly, he's been replaced as the main action star of his own show by this new group only action scenes.

I can see how he might be disappointed that the fatherhood storyline seems to be blowing up.  But while he likes Olicity, he's an actor and Olicity on the skids gives him much more meaty stuff to work with. So unless Oliver becomes a total idiot again, I think he might be looking forward to what's coming up.

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