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Love (2016) - General Discussion

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  On 8/10/2017 at 3:22 AM, hincandenza said:

That said, I'll give it a chance if a third season comes out, because it is at times funny, insightful, and nostalgic. But I totally get your "done with it" attitude, as I pulled the same thing with "Silicon Valley".  Too much amazing TV and too little time means making those cuts quickly and decidedly. :)


I'll stick with Silicon Valley since T.J. Miller left. In my mind it can only get better now.

Gillian Jacobs played her part convincingly, and in a way it was too convincingly for me. I find it hard to laugh at a person who is struggling with serious problems with addiction and self-control. And it seemed to me that Paul Rust wanted to be the Woody Allen of our generation.

  • Love 3

I hate Gus, and he is the most unrealistic character ever. He looks the way he does and act the way he does, yet beautiful women are falling all over him at every turn? Yeah, I'm calling BS on that. And I hate that we're supposed to buy that he's some nice person. He is a complete douche canoe.  Nice Guy (tm) indeed, all he needs is a fedora. 

  • Love 1
  On 8/31/2017 at 5:54 PM, scowl said:

Gus actually gets worse in the next season. It's hard to see how the audience was supposed to sympathize with a character that is childish and selfish. Oh yeah, because he's a Nice Guy (tm). Everyone loves the Nice Guy.


Oh God, do I even want to keep watching? Just finished the season today. Lol...

Gus is the literal worse. Mickey is bad too, but she admits to being bad. Everyone thinks she's a crazy mess.  Gus is built up as this awesome guy who everyone loves, and attractive women just can't stop throwing themselves at him...yet, he's a complete asshole to every single person, his personality sucks, and he is really hard on the eyes.  I think I'm hate-watching at this point. If something really bad doesn't happen to him, I'm going to be very upset. 

I agree with everyone with regards to in what universe is guy like Gus just getting ass handed to him everywhere he turns. It makes the show so off-putting to me that I question whether I want to continue watching because it is so unbelievable.  I am a strong believer that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however, if we are being honest, the actor is not easy on the eyes (which I hate saying) and such a horrible personality on top of that.  Which is why its soooo hard for me to understand why such beautiful women are throwing themselves at him to the point that he is turning them away.  I have a cousin the during his teen years was pretty awkward, kind of dorky and had problems talking to girls, and my other guy cousins would tease him but they would also and try to help him because he was cute!!!  6'2, really smart, nice body he just couldn't get the courage to talk to girls.  He is now happily married to his beautiful college girlfriend who we suspect is the only woman he's ever slept with. (which I think is so sweet btw)  But Gus on the other hand has mickey going crazy stalker on him, his insanely rich and successful and very attractive boss who seamed to loath him is asking to sleep with him when she can sleep with ANYONE she wants, and gorgeous Heidi couldn't resist him that she had to give him a blow job at work, lets not forget the pretty girl at the bar that was dying to buy him a drink and he turned her down.  Its like COME ON!!!!! It pretty obvious that although the actor is married, he is living out some fantasy about how he wishes his life was growing up, but sadly we the viewers know that its bullshit.  Ok rant over!  lol

  • Love 1

Agreed.  I can buy Mickey's interest and even Heidi's ( a young Canadian, away from home, just trying to connect with someone) but the proposition of his boss is not believable, high or not.  With scenes like that, it is obvious that Paul Rust is writing the whole thing.  

In general, I do like Gus.  He seems like a bit of a poor thing that I want to root for.  And his relationship with Mickey intrigues me.  But please stop pretending every girl wants to sleep with him.  

  On 10/19/2017 at 3:24 PM, cr8zycoach said:

In general, I do like Gus.  He seems like a bit of a poor thing that I want to root for.  And his relationship with Mickey intrigues me.  But please stop pretending every girl wants to sleep with him.  


I'm a nerd who roots for nerds, but Gus's childish behavior (which was supposed to be humorous) made me dislike him. At times it seemed like Gus didn't care if he pissed off Mickey because he had no trouble getting ass before he met her. 

I found myself really feeling for Birdie in this episode, in a bit of an "I've/I'm there myself" way.  I'm that nice girl who would cancel plans to help a sick coworker.  I wonder if Birdie will confront that coworker or just vent like she did to Juice-man.  She seems to be growing a spine of some sorts, telling Mickey off that one time when they went on the studio tour just to see Gus.

As for Randy... ugh, I just want to kick him in the balls.  I am always surrounded by people like him- those who have all the reasons of why they cannot make money/life is hard, but also just have no self control.  Seeing him wheel that stupid file cabinet around or seeing how he was eating like a fucking pig got me so ragey.  But, like Birdie, I wouldn't have listened to anyone who tried to give me any advice.  I was actually pleased with Mickey for laying into Randy, though it didn't seem to have much effect on him.

I really don't like Gus at all and cannot fathom how so many women want to have sex with him. 

  • Love 2

Randy pressures Mickey, Gus and Bertie into a couples' weekend at his cousin's sweet Palm Springs pad. But nothing about the house is as advertised.


Hey, hope I am doing this right - never started a topic on this board before. In this episode it appears Gus and Mickey have calmed down a bit and are maybe slightly better people than in previous seasons. They even go along with the trip to "Palm Springs" when they clearly don't want to go. I thought it was odd that Mickey's affair with Dustin from the last season while Gus was away working was never discussed - I assumed this season would be dealing with the fallout of Mickey's self-destructive behavior but that doesn't seem to be the case. I wondered, knowing this was the final season, if Mickey and Gus would end the series still together. Before seeing this episode I would have said definitely not, but then I remembered that it is based on Paul Rust's relationship with his real-life wife, so who knows. It is hard for me to imagine two people who both have so much growing up to do would be able to make it long-term without driving each other crazy.

In this episode Bertie, who IMO is the least neurotic and most normal character on the show, has a sort of meltdown at the end and tells everyone off as everyone has started fighting over the poor conditions of the house Randy had billed as being so wonderful. (I don't actually think Randy is such a bad person, but Bertie probably does deserve better.) There are some funny moments like when Randy insists on pretending the pool (with its black water) is swimmable, when the gang crash a party and Gus and Mickey pretend to be siblings and when the Asian porn Gus is watching on his phone is accidentally broadcast throughout the whole house. There seems to be building tension with the two couples both spending so much time in Mickey and Bertie's apartment, so maybe Gus and Mickey will end up living together at the end of the season. Though we are in season 3, Mickey and Gus have only known each other five months. Did anyone else watch this episode yet?

Edited by brokenwing29
  • Love 5

Thank you for starting the thread @brokenwing29  I couldn’t believe that Randy actually got into the pool. The water looked yucky, as did the house. I thought that Gus and Mickey were trying to be good sports by staying there. I got a laugh at them setting off the fireworks as they left to rattle the neighbor. He could be the reason that the place looked abandoned in a hurry. 

  • Love 2

At first I thought that the tour bus guide was Gary Sinese (from a distance).

 That was sweet of Gus to get her supplies to make her feel better when she was sick. Sadly Gus caught the bug. What was lime green that he ate? His puke was an unusual color. I related to him not wanting her help/to see him being sick. I get uncomfortable with that too. 

Was that really the actor who played Mike Meyers? Like Randy I don’t do horror movies. 

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