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Love (2016) - General Discussion

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On 2/8/2017 at 11:57 PM, BetterButter said:

I still have two episodes to go in season 2, but glad to sees this because I think the show has stepped it up in the second season.  The show can be bitingly funny at times, and while the characters are still at times infuriating, that's part of what makes them interesting: they reflect our own stupid youthful folly.  

It's a great show for making older people feel good about being old. :)

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Gus can be so frustrating; in that scene in the trailer when he brings the gift, I actually shouted at my TV "Oh my god, just fucking leave you spaz!".  He's a decent person, but he *is* passive-aggressive at times, and not nearly aggressive enough at other times.  It plays for laughs but absolutely kills him in the work world, where no one is damaged enough to care about his bullshit like Mickey can (in fits and spurts).  Looks like Al-Anon, in a round about way, is making him realize that.  

Meanwhile, my god... Mickey is just such a terrible person!  Well, I mean she isn't terrible, but she is so disastrously lacking in self-awareness, it's painful to watch as she fucks up, and then deflects, deflects, deflects.  I've sadly known people like this- we all have, and more or less times, have all been- and they just can't see their own flaws or bad subconscious loops.  She's proof of the old saying, "The only common denominator in all your failed relationships is you".

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So, that... happened?  I'm confused by the way this season ended; the show did such an effective job of dissecting their emotional damage and inability to function healthily in a relationship, and yet at the end they're right back at where they started the season (with Mickey and Gus making out despite a laundry list of reasons they should be running screaming in the opposite direction) only now we didn't even get the catharsis of the giant shoe that's been waiting to drop.  Are we supposed to root for a couple that has repeatedly been shown to be hopelessly flawed?  On top of that, Bertie and Randy are back together as well, which also makes no sense as the character even wailed at how stupid that is.  What's the point of the show, then?  While true to life, why watch a show that has in two seasons not really progressed the development of their main characters and can't finish strong on the emotional arcs?  I thought when Gus sort of abruptly left when they were having coffee and Dustin was texting her that he'd finally gotten a clue, but they didn't even give us that.  I don't know how he missed the warning sign of her using the phrase "the non-exclusive period ends", or the several other hints, or are we supposed to think he knows and just decided he doesn't care.  I guess, if we stick around for season 3, we... might find out?  Or will poor Dustin spend 12 episodes hiding on the balcony, delaying the inevitable?

Not that the show is about who's worse, but if there was any doubt before then Mickey can be crowned champion.  Her behavior is literally like that of a child, which in the context of S02.08- when we meet her dad- makes sense since she's behaved like a little kid since that episode.  Her running around the flea market, knocking over stalls, and all the other little grievances, lies, and deceptions are pathetic in a 16-year-old, much less the... did she at one point say she was 35?!?  Yeah, even a crappy dad doesn't explain remaining this childish well into your mid-30's...

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Incredibly sweet. Loved the texts at the end. 

It is interesting how Mickey keeps downplaying Gus to everyone she talks to ("I spent the night with this guy last night...).

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On ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 4:28 PM, hincandenza said:

This was a good episode.  A "shoe is about to drop" episode, but a good one nonetheless.  I'm curious how this show comes off at different stages; in my early 40's, I can be both enchanted by the "younger people spend the day together doing random stuff" scenes, and also knowing how forced whimsy that can be, and how hard that is to sustain if it's the only fuel in your relationship.

I think this episode was supposed to show how they actually are getting to know each other on a level deeper than sex/intimacy.  Also keep in mind that these characters are not that young.  They are around mid 30s.  

 I thought it was a fairly realistic portrayal of that honeymoon stage where you realllllly like the other person - but it's not love yet, or even a legitimate boyfriend/girlfriend situation -- and just want to spend all day and all night with them.

It's definitely my favorite episode out of the whole series.  Although the preceding shrooms one is a close 2nd.  (and this is from somebody who mostly hate-watched season 1!)

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Agree this episode was pretty damn funny.  The moment near the beginning when Gus grabbed Mickey and kissed her was the first time I saw any real spark of chemistry between them.  The ending scene in the bedroom between them was very sweet, too. 

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7 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I think this episode was supposed to show how they actually are getting to know each other on a level deeper than sex/intimacy.  Also keep in mind that these characters are not that young.  They are around mid 30s.  

In my defense, I have to keep reminding myself they are in their mid-30's, because they sure don't act like it. :)

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This relationship has an interesting dynamic. I think that Mickey is wrong she's not the one who would destroy Gus, he's the one who could destroy her. Just looking at this past episode, when he thought they were broken up, he was fine with it. A little sad, perhaps even a little needy, but he eventually got over it. Now look at what happened in season one, she practically fell apart once he put her on ignore.

I was a bit disappointed in the lack of character movement for Gus. He's had two huge opportunities to move on in his career and he's blown both of them, he's basically at the mercy of a teenage girl who doesn't even want to be in the business. He's still passive as shit, manipulative ( or at least as manipulative as Mickey lets him be), and likely gets off a bit too much on building up Mickey. That being said, at least he knows what Mickey is and he basically recognizes the relationship for what it is.


Mickey on the other hand is pretty successful career wise and spent the majority of the second season building herself back up/ in control of the relationship. Even going so far as to get off on the fact that she had Gus at her Beck and call.  I wouldn't fault her for going back to her ex boyfriend, if she had stayed in that relationship. She pretty much called off her relationship to Gus and he got to the point that he wasn't even bothering with her anymore.  Yet she went back to Gus, and she'll deserve everything she gets in season three for being dumb. 

I imagine that Bertie and Randy got back together to set up the inevitable Randy-Bertie-Chris triangle that nobody's been asking for. 

Other season three predictions, Gus finds out about Dustin fairly quick, I'd guess end of episode one, Gus's friends know about him they can only delay that for so long.  I'm going to guess that at some point Gus will screw up at his job (  what else is new) tutoring  Arya on the set of her independent film by sleeping with the mother and getting himself fired by Arya in the process, likely as a way for the writers to jump start Gus's floundering writing career,  Mickey will likely regress shortly after getting dumped.


Not a great show by any means, but it's a decent time waster.

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On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 3:10 PM, hincandenza said:

In my defense, I have to keep reminding myself they are in their mid-30's, because they sure don't act like it. :)

Heh, I keep having to remind myself that the main characters are at least 6-8 years older then me! It makes me feel like I have my life together :)

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I actually really like Gus and Arya, and I'm glad he will be following her to her next job. I still think Gus is pretty self involved, but he's much less of an asshole this season so far, and while he does have an interest in keeping a job, I think he does care about Arya. I've also just always liked Gus`s job. Its not the kind of thing you see TV characters doing very much, but it has to be somebody's job!

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A few things......

Loved, loved, loved the Carole Lombard reference (movie star from the 30's who died in an airplane crash) although I don't think it's entirely accurate.  That being said, I have no doubt that Gillian dresses like her character in real life.  The cast of Community dropped in on The Soup a few times and she was totally slobbed out - no makeup, hair in a rubber band pony tail, sweats, etc.

Related, her eyebrow move when Gus was talking about her being in a old time movie, and if she was in a crowd, like in the background, he would recognize her and say she's beautiful.....perfection.  Sublime perfection.

KyOhTay - "Definiitely back off 'cause his teeth could, like, rip at your flesh".  "No, No, he's one of the good ones".

"You are covered in fur, and I in flesh." "And neither of you have jobs."  LOL.

I love this show.

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I kept waiting for him to get the child actress to do her schooling but then he finished her test. What? Well he just set the pattern of getting walked all over in the future. Doormat. That child was the epitome of a Prima Dona  starlet who's acting includes making up excuses and telling fibs (her parents arguing thru the wall...I didn't believe that one) and redirecting his attention onto anything to get out of her responsibilities. Perhaps this mimics real life and why so many child actors become out of control in their later years i.e. addicts and alcoholics. 

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I was so amused at the texting antics that went on between the group while two of them were on a date. Lol. Great episode. So sad I came to this so late but the good news is that once I've finished season one, I have season two after no waiting!!!! 

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I have gotten to the point where I don't like Gus or Mickey. Yet I will keep watching because I am the type who once they start a series has to see how it ends up. I just find Gus's face so punchable. I do like Bertie and Gus's friends he sings with, but his work people are also obnoxious.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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Damn, I was hoping that Dustin would bust her in front of Gus. Since they made a big deal out of Gus and Mickey having the same rug, maybe it will be the stain that will get her in trouble if Gus says something to Bertie about her spilling the wine.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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On Sun Mar 12 2017 at 5:16 PM, hincandenza said:

Mixed on this episode; it was definitely funny, but Truman is in a physically abusive relationship, whether he is also a lazy boyfriend and liar to Mickey or not. The twist of the lying thing and the cunninlingus punchline seemed like copouts to me, but eh, I'm not going to lose sleep on it.

The Wichita scenes were gold; Gus constantly flubbing every one of his work relationships remains one of the funnier recurring gags they do. I don't remember Heidi being quite so out of touch narcisstic last year, but it's good to see the actress back. I mean, really good. I mean, holy cow that woman is gorgeous.

Not sure where the Wichita boss sex offer came from. She'd only ever shown contempt for Gus, but I guess it was some strong weed? I assume the point was to show that Gus is getting plenty of offers  (like the girl at the bar last episode) and is going to foolishly push everyone away while pining for a Mickey who will probably flake out on him soon enough. It's interesting that both the bar girl and the show producer made more or less blatant offers, and yet when rejected both denied that it happened or was sincere.

I'm new to the show and currently binge-ing. Just looking through some past threads I see Gus is not well liked. I actually like Gus and like the relationship between him and Mickey but this ep broke the already strained credibility of women who are attracted to Gus. First the AT&T girl, then Mickey, Heidi (who I agree is absolutely gorgeous and actually has some meat on her bones), the bar girl seemed more believable but still, and now his incredibly wealthy boss! Come on, show. Even without the credits it would be clear that Paul Rust is the creator, writer, and executive producer lol. Hey if I had a show it would be a stream of Idris Elba's and Morris Chestnut's running through.

The only female equivalent I can think of is My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I'd like to see more though. Can us average ladies get to see our fantasies of a bevy of hot guys being attracted to the regular, but interesting girl? Lena Dunham not withstanding.

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On 2/22/2016 at 1:35 PM, Lone Wolf said:

Andy Dick??  Just wow.  OTOH, where else is he going to find work...That night out with him was probably more based in reality than parody.

Sorry as I'm a late comer to this series. 

I agree with your statement about where else he is going to find work but after watching him in this episode I see why he must be a casting nightmare. He can only mimic his real life. No depth left. 

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On 8/13/2016 at 8:28 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


I did love the one guy's explanation about how Canada's healthcare system is what makes Canadians so happy and friendly. I was fine with Heidi (who seemed like a perfectly nice person) until the last ten seconds of this episode. Her dirty talk was horrifying, as were her fake sex noises.

I also could have enjoyed her character until that sex scene. Agree with you about what came out of her mouth..and why was she sleeping with him to begin with. It's not as tho he looks like a stud muffin. Was it a thank you for his pointers and reading lines (grateful?) or did she think that he could further her career? She was pretty enough to get out there into the singles scene and have better prospects. Could it be because she felt comfortable and at home having fun singing? That she felt appreciated by the rest of Gus's group (that she was trying to buy her way into...the big bag of snacks and willingness to treat all of them to Thai food)? 

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I thought that they just latched onto each other because they didn't know other people at the party. I think they began a rapport as they began to talk and it alerted Bertie to the difference between talking to Chris,who was motivated (even tho he wasnt securing any stunt jobs), and Randy who didn't have any apparent future in mind (other than his next meal). She noted that Randy also became scary when he took the mushrooms. I almost thought that they were going to have some chemistry but then they each fed into each other's scary deep parts and needed to go and reflect on their conversation and themselves. They depressed each other but hopefully out of these realizations will come growth. I think ''tis over between Randy and Bertie   She's cute, cheerful and now hopefully starting to see her own self worth. 

Poor Mickey. She was having a tough balancing act between her co-worker the radio psychologist and her lady boss who was frightened about losing her job. It's sad because her boss thought that to make themselves known to the mergers might save their places in the workforce but I got the feeling that these men have seen this before and wanted no part of the ass kissers suck ups. We know this wasn't Mickeys idea to try to endear herself, she actually was more scared about what delusional Dr Greg was saying to Gus. That was funny for a few minutes when they were bonding. Alas, nothing lasts forever. Dancing makes everything alright. 

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I didn't like seeing her displaced anger directed at Gus but I don't think he could that he could have answered her any better than when he told her that he didn't want a break from her. I wonder that the consistency of his love will help her become more confident and therefore not need the approval of her Dad (or anyone else for that matter). 

@hincandenza Are we the only people watching this? 

Who does leave half eaten yogurt cartons in the frig? I got a chuckle when Gus played dumb when Bertie asked about it. 

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First, I loved the house the Gus was babysitting. Mostly the outside, the inside and furnishings not so much. I was surprised at how well behaved the dogs were in general. Weimaraners are a breed know for needing copious amounts of exercise and have a tendency to get destructive if they aren't stimulated or worn out. Mickey letting them out of their room without letting them go outside to do their business shows me that she's just selfish and has no clue to care for something or someone other than herself. She isn't fit to own a goldfish. 

I was horrified to see her allowing Bertie to try on the clothes and jewelry of the owner Linda. Those pink silk/satiny pajamas had not one wrinkle when Gus noticed her in the new bedwear. Why didn't he put his foot down then that the owners stuff was off limits?  How's Gus going to hide that? The aren't wash and dry looking candidates. I kept waiting for Mickey to set the bed on fire with her smoking and marveled that she thought she could cover it up with a spray or two of Febreeze. 

The funniest thing is when the craft services guy showed up in the kitchen in the am with his hook up not far behind. Neither Gus nor Mickey even knew there was a hook up going on in another room! Then the guy didn't even want to drive her to Westho because he was from North! 

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12 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I didn't like seeing her displaced anger directed at Gus but I don't think he could that he could have answered her any better than when he told her that he didn't want a break from her. I wonder that the consistency of his love will help her become more confident and therefore not need the approval of her Dad (or anyone else for that matter). 

@hincandenza Are we the only people watching this? 

Who does leave half eaten yogurt cartons in the frig? I got a chuckle when Gus played dumb when Bertie asked about it. 

There's only a few of us on this forum; it's a good show (although frustrating at times) but not really the kind of appointment television, talk with people kind of show.  Plot driven shows have Big Events we can talk about, did-ya-see-that kind of way.  With this show, things don't so much happen as we get to know these characters better, and watch as they struggle and grow (in little tiny baby steps) in relatable ways.  I was kind of Gus-like in some ways, and Mickey-like in some ways, when I was in my 20's, and can relate to their mistakes while also shaking my head at how easily we fool ourselves.

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It didn't surprise me that the director Victor bought the article about the artic to use as a movie in the future. I always doubted that the assistant who was translating was being honest. I've heard that happens a lot in the cinema world. An innocent discussion becomes someone's next big project. Then the original person who discussed it is thinking "What?"

Poor Bertie. She seems so likeable so I don't understand why her circle of acquaintances is so small and she was going to resort to Tinder. Then she goes back to Randy. Low self esteem? Why was he out of breath when she came over to his place and he got up from his lounge chair huffing and puffing? Is gaming that exertive? It's probably his weight issue and the fact that he's a couch potato. 

I thought the scene was funny when Arya's Dad and Natasha came over to Gus's. I half expected the Dad to ask Gus to leave so he could get him some nookie.  Side note: Did anyone else think that the actress playing Natasha looked a wee bit like Kyra Sedgwick? 

I wonder what kind of a balancing act that Mickey is going to have to have now that Gus is home and she's been sleeping with Dustin (who appears to be reattaching). 

One show left. Hmm...I wonder how I'm going to feel at the end about Love? 

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It didn't surprise me that the director Victor bought the article about the artic to use as a movie in the future. I always doubted that the assistant who was translating was being honest. I've heard that happens a lot in the cinema world. An innocent discussion becomes someone's next big project. Then the original person who discussed it is thinking "What?"

Poor Bertie. She seems so likeable so I don't understand why her circle of acquaintances is so small and she was going to resort to Tinder. Then she goes back to Randy. Why was he out of breath when she came over to his place. Is gaming that exertive? It's probably his weight issue and the fact that he's a couch potato. 

I thought the scene was funny when Arya's Dad and Natasha came over to Gus's. I half expected the Dad to ask Gus to leave so he could get him some nookie.  Side note: Did anyone else think that the actress playing Natasha looked a wee bit like Kyra Sedgwick? 

I wonder what kind of a balancing 

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On 3/14/2017 at 6:51 AM, hincandenza said:

Or will poor Dustin spend 12 episodes hiding on the balcony, delaying the inevitable?

Dustin snuck out whilst Mickey and Gus were necking on the bathroom vanity. 

Odd thought: In the opening when Dustin was chatting with his therapist, the decor of the room shocked me. The Jacobean paneling and darkness seemed out of place and depressing. Not exactly where someone would want to go to lighten their load. 

The character of Dustin keeps reminding me of another actor. Richard something. He's older and has appeared in many sitcoms but I just can't bring his name (or the above aforementioned comedies) up. Anyone know? 

It make take me a few days to digest this ending. I don't think that I liked, as an above poster mentioned, that nothing has really changed in the two seasons of these characters. They all seem stuck in a time warp. 

Thx to IMDB I just realized that Dustin looks like Richard Kind. Gosh that's been niggling me for two days. More relief from figuring that out that than this series! 

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I'm finally catching up on this show, and I still like it, but it really is rather hard to watch. Its just a series of painfully awkward social situations, many of which are very recognizable, but so damn painful to watch.

I know last season I had decided that Gus was actually a shittier person than Mickey, but this season is really making me change my mind. This whole episode Mickey acted like a totally selfish asshole, and while Gus can be rather condescending, he didn't really do anything wrong this episode, except, of course, inviting human disaster Mickey into a nice house. She lets the dogs run around where they aren't supposed to, ditches his show to talk to fellow human disaster Andy Dick (I know it was an AA thing, but still), and acts like a huge asshole to him for no reason, finally breaking a $2,000 bowl just because she felt like it. I would have been WAY more pissed off than Gus was about that.

I still like the supporting cast a lot, but I don't really get what they're doing with Birdie and Guses friend. Is he a psycho, or just quirky? On shows like this, you can rarely tell.

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That's part of the fun of this show (if there can be any). Trying to decide episode by episode who's the worst. It kind of goes back and forth. My vote is Mickey right now. 

I think the reason that he didn't go nuts about the dogs (although he did try to have a few words about it) lay rooted in his need for approval and co-dependency. You would have been angrier? I would have been livid. He was trusted to keep the house and dogs safe and Gus let his friends run rampant. Do we even think his friends brought all that experience booze into the house or did someone raid the pantry? Bertie playing with Linda's jewelry (the owner)? I'm just glad it wasn't someone who would pocket things. I'd have loved to see how Gus would have explained upon the owners returning the loss of the 2k bowl. That sort of stuff (consequences) fade into the oblivion in this series as it's more focused on the main characters relationships. 

Ill be interested to see what you think once you've completed the season 2 and who you thought was the better person. 

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I was wondering if Gus actually asked them before he invited his and Mickeys fiends over. I know he said that he watches their house frequently, so is it a standing "sure have people over just don't mess the place up" kind of thing? Or was he being an asshole too? If he was allowed, he should have been watching people more. Your right about his need to be liked. Its like Gus and Mickey are total opposites, in that Mickey is super hostile, and Gus is a total people pleaser.

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Yes ladies and gents, in the battle of Whos the Biggest Asshole, Mickey is the clear winner this week! Gus is a spineless jellyfish at work, although I'm still not sure what was going on with the translator guy and the director and if translator guy was screwing Gus over or screwing with him or what, but when it came to Mickey, he was being super nice and considerate. All he wanted was to text each other and Skype, and yeah he should have talked to Mickey about possibly going to New York, but he just wanted to commit to his relationship with Mickey (God knows why) and given how Mickey has been acting since she ran into her dad, she would have probably screamed at him and old him to fuck off for thinking about taking the New York job. Anything to push Gus away and act like the biggest asshole in a show full to the brim with assholes.

Also, the roses and the note were "vaguely threatening"? Really Mickey? Yes, how DARE Gus try to show his support for your sobriety, what a bastard! At this point, I have no clue why even a wimp like Gus would want to go back to Mickey, when it is clear she is an extremely messed up person who needs to get her life together before she can even think about being in a relationship. It was so painfully obvious that she was just desperately trying to get rid of Gus, and for as much as she likes to act like she's the superior one because "at least she admits she's an asshole" she was doing everything in her power this episode to act like GUS was being the asshole, and not her, apparent Queen of the LA Assholes. She was just super pissing me off this week, even more so than last week.

Her relationship with her ex is going to be a total disaster. Nothing says "I'm sure this relationship will end well" like a dying animal.

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Is it weird that I'm actually interested in seeing more of Arya's movie? It looks stupid as hell, but fun stupid at least. More fun than watching a dog dying, and Mickie being awful.

What isn't fun is watching Mickie being a horrible, awful person. I just cant stand people who get all pissed of when they're friends or family "judge" them for getting shitty, when its obvious that people aren't being judgmental, they just being shitty. If she really thought it was cool that she was sleeping with this guy while being with Gus, she wouldn't be freaking out about Birdie telling Gus. It was just depressing watching Gus trying to work to be there for Mickie, while Mickie cheats on him because he dares to give a shit about her. And being mean to Birdie is like being mean to a kitten.

Gus is just having a fuck of a time. His idea gets stolen, and he's hung up on some absolute mess of a person who treats him like crap. Dude really is the saddest adult around.

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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

And being mean to Birdie is like being mean to a kitten.

You nailed that one! She, IMO, is the most likable character on the show. The one who really has some semblance of normalcy. I absolutely loved your comment. 

I thought wow...that wasn't a stunt double...that was Ayra kicking butt. It did look good (and funny to see a little girl kicking a bad older guys butt!). I actually thought that Artic movie has some possibilities. It would be sci-fi come true as the polar caps are melting. People will be garnering for control of the land (more importantly the resources i.e. natural gas, metals and oil) and frankly something like this could happen in real life. I'd like to see a movies take on it. I would also hope that it wakes up those people who insist there is no global warming. Oops...forgot that's not PC now...climate change. I also liked her straight hair in the movie versus the curly do she had on Witcha. She IRL is a very pretty girl. 

I also felt sad for Gus. He was always trying to talk, text, Skype or not depending on her mood. I hated that she chose not to be honest with him...or actually herself. That must have been the sex addict in her but I thought she was seeking help for that.  I guess when you have so many issues you can only focus on fixing them one at a time. Definitely a double standard girl. 

Did you get the impression that the translator for Victor the director wasn't being entirely honest with Gus? He seemed like a slimeball...

Thx for the kitten comment. It was purrfect. 

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So, we basically end where we start, with Gus and Mickey ignoring the obvious, that they are totally not suited for each other, and making out some more. And Gus still has no idea she cheated on him and had a thing going with Dustin the second he went away.

This was a weird season, and I get that this show is basically just about these random people doing random things, it would be nice to see some actual momentum in the relationship, beyond just becoming Facebook official or something. Mickey managed to get her career going, but she is an absolute mess of a person outside of that. Gus seems to be less of an asshole this season, but his career is going nowhere fast. Does he have no plans beyond teaching this one teenager who doesn't even really want to be an actor, therefore no longer needing him? Both Gus and Mickie should really take some time apart to figure things out before they commit to a real relationship.

As for who is the worst of the two main characters, Mickie is by FAR the winner this time. Ever since her dad showed up she has become amazingly selfish and immature, and my sympathy for her dad issues and additions are kind of limited at this point. She's in her mid 30s at this point, at least 8 or 9 years older than me, and she's still knocking over fruit carts like a cartoon character to avoid a confrontation between her kind of boyfriend and the the ex she's pretending she didn't sleep with while he was out of town, while I cringe in second hand embarrassment. Gus has his faults, absolutely, but Mickie is just a mess. And not a fun mess. I really have no idea why these two are trying to hard to make this relationship work. As Mickie keeps saying, they've only known each other for two months, and they're already having these enormous, hurtful blow ups on a regular basis, and its clear that beyond having a similar sense of humor, they just don't have compatible personalities. Gus is a people pleaser who likes dorky or weird things, while Mickie is a misanthrope who likes cool of funky things, when she likes anything at all. I'm just saying, I know being in a relationship takes work, but if I had to deal with this much drama before even being officially boyfriend/girlfriend, I would be heading for the hills.

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You and me both. 

I thought that she kept saying that it's only been two months as an excuse for not delving deeper into the relationship and doing the work one requires. She's used to counting time...like when she got her 30 day chip at AA. She said in the programs you aren't supposed to commit to a relationship until you have a year of sobriety. That might be her get out of jail (relationship) clause that exists in her mind. She's free until then. 

If she tells Gus next season that she's cheated and he just gets hurt, pouts a bit, and takes it, I'm going to be disappointed and not into continued viewing. I'd like to see him grow a pair and call her out on her wrong doings. I too, wonder what type of a job he will find as he can't hope to follow Arya around forever. I think she'll keep working for awhile as her parents are money dependent on her employment. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that on this series either. How the child is impacted with work and to be the financial support (that might be a true fact and why so many child actors get into drinking and drugs..the pressures of being a breadwinner). Seems to me that Apatow would have seen this IRL and know quite a bit about the subject. Regardless she'll be out of school within 4 years and he's not employed by the studio. 

Ah well.  Pipe dreams. It's always going to be about Mickey and Gus and their 'are we together/not together' roller coaster. 

Thank you @tennisgurl for the thoughts. 

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This show is so much funnier without Gus. All he does is apologize and do more things that he'll have to apologize for later. He talks and acts like a teenager.

And once again a woman desperately wants to have sex with him, this time a smart woman who absolutely hates him. Yes, the women cannot resist this mumbling, confused and self-destructive man-child.

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I just binged it today. I barely got through season 1, but I"m liking season 2 a lot more.

I find Mickey intolerable-- she's fine when she's not being destructive, but she's llike a ticking time bomb and goes off too often. But at least she's been trying to work on herself, at least a tiny bit.

I can't remember which episode it's in, but she says she needs to actually work the steps, not just abstain from substances, and I have yet to see her do anything even remotely to make good on that idea

I don't need to like her, though, to find the show interesting. I like that the characters are all pretty believable types of people. I know people who are just like every single one of them.

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On 7/30/2017 at 9:08 PM, scowl said:

I hate them both. I have no more interest in this series.

I hope Gillian can find a decent series again.

I enjoyed season 2 at times, but with the way it ended, I can totally understand your resignedness.  They are awful people, but worse: one of them shows zero growth in two seasons with some signs of borderline personality disorder, and the other is so passive and weak you can't help but root against him even when he's in the right.

That said, I'll give it a chance if a third season comes out, because it is at times funny, insightful, and nostalgic. But I totally get your "done with it" attitude, as I pulled the same thing with "Silicon Valley".  Too much amazing TV and too little time means making those cuts quickly and decidedly. :)

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