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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I could maybe Johnny Mac or James as extras in a scene at Bikini Beach bar.

Yep. Frankly, I could see pretty much any of them except Austin. If they could find a place for Donny and his Duck Dynasty look last year they could work in this bunch too. Austin however stands out too much, IMO.

I'm watching that Austin/Jeff interview right now. He told Jeff that he wants to be the next Jeff and Jordan, with Liz. Lawd this guy.


I also love that he truly thinks he can poison the jury against Vanessa. 

"If Liz goes out at Final 3, it's once again a Final 3 Big Brother letdown. It seems like some of these people you don't wanna see in the finals always get in the finals of Big Brother."





Hysterical.  One thing you should know before undertaking the adventure that is BB, is be humble and unassuming.  Wait until you are out to see how you have been perceived.    Frankie learned this and though we heard nothing about it, I am sure he was dashed.   It hurt June a lot and she said so but she did not 'verbally' assume she was popular.  She kept that to herself but you could tell she thought she was going to be loved. 

Yep. Frankly, I could see pretty much any of them except Austin. If they could find a place for Donny and his Duck Dynasty look last year they could work in this bunch too. Austin however stands out too much, IMO.


B&B is not looking at how any of them are perceived by fans.  They don't care.  CBS says you have to use one or some of them for the crossover viewing possibility (face palm to this).  I am sure the producer/writers are not pleased with this dictum. 


Last years Halloween party was a reasonable idea though it did not look good to me (don't watch the soap).  Random party guests are an easy way to satisfy Les.  I would not be surprised to see a party again with them as extras.  But they have to write a party into the plot line.  Or, as I said, Austin would be a good bartender in the background or a thug skulking around.  I could also see a casino party with Vanessa at one of the tables.   


They will choose whoever looks the part for what they need regardless of who we might prefer.  

  • Love 1

If Vanessa eliminates Liz, I will be shocked. Absolutely shocked.


I realize that she wants to win, but to win, you have to get into an end. Having the choice to paint yourself into a corner is just ridiculous. She is a smart girl. Taking John to F3 only helps Steve.


My jaw will hit the floor if she votes out Liz. I just cannot imagine a scenario where Vanessa, who love her or not is pretty good strategically, votes out Liz.


To win the game, you have to get to the end. If she has any faith in her game, the first step needs to be getting there.

B&B is not looking at how any of them are perceived by fans. They don't care. CBS says you have to use one or some of them for the crossover viewing possibility (face palm to this). I am sure the producer/writers are not pleased with this dictum.

Last years Halloween party was a reasonable idea though it did not look good to me (don't watch the soap). Random party guests are an easy way to satisfy Les. I would not be surprised to see a party again with them as extras. But they have to write a party into the plot line. Or, as I said, Austin would be a good bartender in the background or a thug skulking around. I could also see a casino party with Vanessa at one of the tables.

They will choose whoever looks the part for what they need regardless of who we might prefer.

Maybe my post was vague. But I didn't say anything about what I preferred. I did mention my perceptions as a viewer of that soap and knowing their casting and storylines of Austin's chances being on or fitting into what I see onscreen daily for years.

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Austin spent weeks talking smack about Vanessa, created the Brass Tacks alliance to evict Vanessa and he's going to try and go to jury saying that Vanessa scum bagged him. So bitter. He's going to go to jury and try and take credit for all of Vanessa's moves that brought Scamper Squad to F6. No one in her alliance made a move without running it past her first. When they tried to go rogue they messed themselves up.


She tried to evict John the only non-member of the group but he won veto. So she took out the biggest threat to her game because this is what a smart player would do. Austin seriously thought he was going to sit back and let "Austin's Angel's" fight for the privilege of taking him to F2. I'm so glad he's done. I need to go watch his eviction again.

  • Love 12

Underneath all the hair and the beard Austin is a great looking guy IMO, I don't think he's out of pace with the "beautiful' of B&B, what makes Austin unattractive and disgusting is A) his personality B) his hygiene. I'm sure he cleans up well and if he was styled by B&B could be a perfectly acceptable background extra. The reason he shouldn't be and probably won't be considered is that production hates his ass and I still remember that day the Big Brother voice was like "Austin, What part of STOP do you NOT understand?" and something else about his inability to follow instructions. Nobody needs that kind of self aggrandizing no talent asshole on a soap set, where they work fast, cheap, and  super efficient. 

Edited by blixie
  • Love 6

I was wondering if there was a way to legally watch BB Canada episodes.  I would love to get a chance to watch them.


I recently watched all of season three on YouTube, but I'm not sure where you could watch new episodes. If you find out, let us know!

Austin is really The Worst. His false belief that he's some sort of intellectual, his completely misguided notions of love and hygiene, his constant spouting about he and Liz being some great showmance, everything about Judas - that was all bad enough. But now he's spouting all this bitterness that Vanessa betrayed him, as if he has actually fooled himself in to believing that he would have taken Vanessa to F2 over Liz, and can't believe Vanessa didn't take him. He and Vanessa are both so crazy delusional that it makes sense they got along so well.

I think Vanessa is in a tough spot tonight. I think she thinks that beating John in the finals will be easier, but that beating Liz in the F3 HoH comps will be easier. It's a pickle.

  • Love 1
Last years Halloween party was a reasonable idea though it did not look good to me (don't watch the soap). 

I do watch the soap and let me assure you, Austin would stick out like a sore thumb even in a Halloween scene. Oddly, I think he might work on Y&R (for reasons) but that's even less likely to happen, IMO, since it's considered the flagship soap on CBS.


They will choose whoever looks the part for what they need regardless of who we might prefer. 

It's not about what I prefer, it's about my knowledgeable judgement based on decades of soap viewing and several years viewing B&B. I've seen what they did with BB15 and BB16 people on B&B and not all the houseguests were involved. So I stand by my opinion that Austin won't be on because he doesn't fit the show's look even in Halloween-type scene. I'm prepared to be proven wrong.


an easy way to satisfy Les

I see no reason to think Austin has Les Moonves' personal support. Besides, Austin went out showing his ass and apparently was still being a douchenozzle about his eviction in interviews. Nobody likes a sore loser.


Otherwise,ditto what Petunia13 said.

  • Love 4

John will probably be gone in an hour or so, and I'd like to commemorate him with my favorite John moment:

When he told Vanessa how much he hated Potball.

If he's still there after tonight, my least favorite John moment was when he took a nap while everyone talked game. So pretty much at least half the season.

  • Love 3

If he's still there after tonight, my least favorite John moment was when he took a nap while everyone talked game. So pretty much at least half the season.

I thought it was kind of weird that neither Liz nor John were campaigning to Vanessa at all last night or today. Or, at least not that I saw. I know that Vanessa likely already had her mind made up, but she loves deals. I don't get why they weren't promising to take her to the F2 with them, if they win.

I thought it was kind of weird that neither Liz nor John were campaigning to Vanessa at all last night or today. Or, at least not that I saw. I know that Vanessa likely already had her mind made up, but she loves deals. I don't get why they weren't promising to take her to the F2 with them, if they win.

To be fair, as far as I understand, John did ask if there was anything she wanted to talk about this afternoon and she said she had her mind made up.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 3

To be fair, as far as I understand, John did ask if there was anything she wanted to talk about this afternoon and she said she had her mind made up.

Well...4 hours before the show, yeah she probably did.


I just think about what Vanessa or Steve (or Austin) would be doing in John and Liz's position, and I think they'd be busting their asses to ensure they're going to F3.

  • Love 1

Actually Les said "in every season of BB there's 2 or 3 disappointments... This year there were 6." And made another comment about being unhappy with the cast this year. I think this was in Newsweek recently.


I saw that,too. I think the regret is with recruits.  That could be my projection. 


I thought it was kind of weird that neither Liz nor John were campaigning to Vanessa at all last night or today.


Because still after all this time they don't know how to play, or are too damn lazy to play the game. 

Man Johnny Brak's stans on Twitter are like a chorus of Teen Beat subscribers. That guy? I don't see it. HIs chaos game play has been entertaining to watch, as have his few cogent strat sessions with Vanessa, but the loud talking spaz is not for me.

John will probably be gone in an hour or so, and I'd like to commemorate him with my favorite John moment:

When he told Vanessa how much he hated Potball.

If he's still there after tonight, my least favorite John moment was when he took a nap while everyone talked game. So pretty much at least half the season.


My favourite John moment was on BBAD.  One of the twins was happy that some food product they had been given was gluten-free, and John muttered, "Yeah, fuck gluten."


Season 4 of BB Can doesn't start until next February or March.

  • Love 2

If Steve isn't the one to get Vanessa out I am not sure what leg he would have to stand on really.  He would have to make up 2 votes right away against Liz and everyone would know that Vanessa carried him all game.  His only hope would be to win at F3 and send Vanessa home but even that wouldn't be such a mastermind move at that point as it would have been earlier.

  • Love 3

John confirms he would have evicted Vanessa too. He won't be bitter. He's had a front seat the last couple weeks of Vanessa working her mojo. I think he will vote on game play for whoever is in F2.


John realized he should have evicted Steve and forced Vanessa's hand to take him over the showmance. Guess he didn't read the skittles.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 6

Whoa whoa whoa, Jun thought she was gonna be loved? Or is this a different Jun, one with an actual e on the end of her name? Because S4 Jun reveled in her abrasive fuck you-ness. She still seems to.

I loved Jun and her abrasive fuck you-ness.  The way she played her love-starved ex-husband was awesome.

  • Love 2

John realized he should have evicted Steve and forced Vanessa's hand to take him over the showmance. Guess he didn't read the skittles.

That's assuming Vanessa still would have won the Veto in that case. It made sense at the time.

The jury saying they knew what Vanessa was doing and Shelli answering with - well look where we are sitting now and look where she is now - was pretty good. Austin is going to try and make his mark on the game by saying he influenced jury. So glad we didn't have to listen to that fame whore in Final 2.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 7

I loved Jun, I just loved Allison even more. 



He won't be bitter. He's had a front seat the last couple weeks of Vanessa working her mojo.


My favorite part of the Jury House footage (other than Shelli shutting Austin the fuck down, a Jackie as well) was Julia explaining how Vanessa "got in her head" and controlled her mind. No way on earth does she NOT *deserve* to win. 


Austin, DIAF you bitter bullying bitch.

  • Love 7

Vanessa may have had a F2 with Austin from early in the game, but he pushed her out to #4 when he hooked up with Liz. He's just being bitter thinking she should have just went along as the odd person out to then fight Liz or Julia to take him to F2. I can't wait for him to get out of sequester so he can see how people really perceive him.

  • Love 5

Having watched the episode, no way that Steve threw the veto competition, he just flat out did poorly and placed third.

I agree. I don't really understand him lying on the feeds about it while he was alone. Maybe he says he "threw it" because he only thinks he lost because he felt so comfortable? 'Cause that's stupid.

Steve confirms with the camera he's taking Liz over Vanessa to F2. 1) I'll believe it when I see it, 2) I still think it's asinine to take someone with guaranteed 2 votes over someone who's pissed off everyone, despite her great gameplay ...


Liz will most likely only get those two votes tbh. I don't think she has a chance in hell of beating Vanessa or Steve. If Steve didn't boot Vanessa he'd be a straight-up idiot. So, he'll probably boot Liz!


I think Steve would boot Vanessa and Liz would boot Steve. I'm not sure what Vanessa would do.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Liz will most likely only get those two votes tbh. I don't think she has a chance in hell of beating Vanessa or Steve. If Steve didn't boot Vanessa he'd be a straight-up idiot. So, he'll probably boot Liz!


I think Steve would boot Vanessa and Liz would boot Steve. I'm not sure what Vanessa would do.

We know it's a bad idea to evict Liz over Vanessa. I'm just saying from Steve's perspective, he knows he's already in the hole 2 votes, and Liz survived having a twin and having a showmance, and she won 3 HOHs. Meanwhile, with Vanessa, he at least isn't starting at -2 votes, and he can play up how much she betrayed Austin and everyone else or whatever.


I think Vanessa will take Steve to the F2.

  • Love 2

Yeah, Steve will definitely take Liz. He knows Vanessa can top any strategic moves that he's made. I think he might win over Liz also, unfortunately.


Liz would probably take Vanessa. 


And I have a feeling Vanessa would take Steve. She said the words, "You have my word" to him this afternoon. I'm pretty sure you have to hear that exact phrase verbatim for a deal to stick with her. I'd rather her take Liz and win over Liz - half to see Austin go hulk.

  • Love 3

I think Vanessa's ego and affection for Steve would have her voting for Steve, since she largely carried him the whole way a win for him is still evidence of how great SHE played. Heh.


I agree. I would be shocked if Vanessa didn't vote for Steve.


I think in a Liz/Steve F2 the votes would go Austin/Julia for Liz and Vanessa/Becky/Jackie/Shelli/John for Steve. I'm not sure how James/Meg would go, but I definitely think they'd vote together.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I thought everyone knew Steve was a virgin.


Hm. Maybe he's said it before. I only thought it was The Secret because Vanessa was like, "I can't wait to talk to you about it." 


Ha! Steve was worried how Big Brother would change his chances at grad school. Vanessa said it's unique and will probably be good unless they see too many gifs of him hugging a teddy bear.

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