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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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To be brutally honest, I've never found Dany's story, to be all that interesting on either the page or the screen until this season after she met Tyrion.  So while it's possible that whatever's happening with the Dothraki could be great from a character/thematic perspective I doubt it'll be my favorite part of next season at any rate. 


I am however super hyped for the Tower of Joy and the battle  Kit's filming.  We're finally getting the Big Reveal.  FINALLY!!!


Also eagerly anticipating Horn Hill and the Tarly family.  With Tywin gone, and Roose likely to soon follow, it will be up to Randyll to take up the banner of Cold, Ruthless, Bastard Patriarch on the show.  Have always imagined though, that Sam's mother was actually a very kind, wonderful person, (he had to get it from somewhere,) and that his sisters were nice people too.  So I look forward to the family reunion and everyone's reactions to Gilly.

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Game of Thrones casting for another season six lord


Thanks to our sources, we’ve received another new Game of Thrones casting notice, for a season six character referred to as “the best remaining part this season.”

This newest casting breakdown is for a haggard-looking lord in his fifties. He’s the lord of a noble house, described as intelligent, wry, incisive and articulate. He’s “a hard man and a realist.” Game of Thrones is searching for an actor who is “great with language and who has a lot of wattage.” They mention that he has a good and long scene in which it’s mostly the haggard-looking lord talking the entire time.

The character is scheduled to shoot the first two weeks of December in Northern Ireland. They did specify appearance as “white” for the character, so it’s safe to guess he is from Westeros, north of Dorne.


Despite the long speech, I don't dare hope it's Manderly. The other guess is Howland. I hope it's not the Reader, as some are saying in the comments, since Euron/Aeron/Theon/Yara is more than enough Ironborn screentime IMO.

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From Maisie's interview here, she's almost done filming, due to some sort of technical hitch with a set(?).


A blogger/friend of Sophie's said that, per a conversation they had in London the other day, she's not filming in Belfast for the next two months.  So whatever she has left to film will be in December.  Given that Yohn Royce's actor is also filming then (after filming in July), that's another possible link between her and the Vale characters (whatever they're doing).

HOLY CRAP!!!! I knew he would come back but seeing him actually filming made me teary eyed, LOL. I'm so relieved to see him out of the Night's Watch uniform. I was expecting Jon to be dressed in Wildling gear after his resurrection, so seeing him in Stark clothing is a shock. That outfit screams 'Ned Stark!'. Now I wonder where he came across this outfit. Did Sansa, Rickon, or Northern loyalists give him his 'father's' colors or did he pack that outfit with him way back when? I have sooo many questions and April 2016 can't come soon enough.

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Wow, ok, I have to admit I wasn't expecting Jon Stark.  I mean, it makes a certain amount of sense since it was Starks/Northern Kings who first defeated the Others, but I still expected something else from the Prince that was Promised.


If he is adopting the Jon Stark persona rather than Jon Targaryen, I wonder if this means that Robb's will naming him Jon Stark and his heir will factor in (that is how it went right?).

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If he is adopting the Jon Stark persona rather than Jon Targaryen, I wonder if this means that Robb's will naming him Jon Stark and his heir will factor in (that is how it went right?).

The will never happened on the show, Talisa was already carrying Robb's heir. Wouldn't make any sense to introduce it retroactively.

Bring on Snowbowl, the Battle of the Bastards!

Edited by Lady S.
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The will never happened on the show, Talisa was already carrying Robb's heir. Wouldn't make any sense to introduce it retroactively.

Bring on Snowbowl, the Battle of the Bastards!


Well the show runners were SO adamant that Jon "Snow" was dead that I honestly believed when he came back it would be with a different name.  I don't really like the R+L were really married theory because it just feels like a stretch to make Jon legitimate and capable of taking the Iron Throne***.  So I didn't think he would be Jon Targaryn, but I'm not sure how he could be Jon Stark. Unless this is an instance when the show is going to take a plot from the books and twist how we get there (like maybe the will is important in the books but here they just use Stannis' signature to make him Jon Stark or something like that).


***I really don't know how I feel about Jon taking the Iron Throne at all.  I want Rickon to rule Winterfell for some reason, but I suppose I would be ok with Jon ruling all of the North if it came to it.  I just don't want the poor man to have to deal with all the BS of ruling seven kingdoms. 

Well nksarmi, I suspect Jon doesn't want the BS of trying to rule all of Westeros either-but he may have it thrust on him whether he likes it or not.  As The Prince That Was Promised, Jon's probably gonna have to unite not just the Northern but Southern forces behind him to fight the White Walkers after all.  Sure can't count on Bolton's or Lannister's to do the job so if/when he goes to war with them at this point, it's not gonna be about revenge but about saving the Seven Kingdoms. 


For instance I agree Rickon HAS to go back and claim his right to Winterfell-but that's in great part because I'm of the theory that Winterfell was made with certain magical other worldly protections to make it a holdfast and battle point for when the White Walkers returned-but that those spells only work properly with a *Stark* in command of Winterfell.  Thus the saying "There must always be a Stark at Winterfell."  This means these last few seasons we haven't just been watching the tragedy of one family but something with grave significance to the future of everyone over keeping a crucial strategic safe haven and maintaining a bloodline needed for the war ahead-a bloodline that's come this close to being extinguished.


I agree I like seeing Jon in Stark garb too-but I suspect at some point he's going to become Jon *Targaryen*.  (Though that may not be until AFTER his big battle with Ramsay.) Of course even if/when he does I could see Jon favoring the Stark/Northern look over the famous excesses of the Targaryen kings for obvious reasons. But yeah, it sure looks like being dead for a time got him out of his vows.   That final lord they're casting?!?  I'm betting it's Howland Reed come to Reveal All.

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Well nksarmi, I suspect Jon doesn't want the BS of trying to rule all of Westeros either-but he may have it thrust on him whether he likes it or not.  As The Prince That Was Promised, Jon's probably gonna have to unite not just the Northern but Southern forces behind him to fight the White Walkers after all.  Sure can't count on Bolton's or Lannister's to do the job so if/when he goes to war with them at this point, it's not gonna be about revenge but about saving the Seven Kingdoms. 


For instance I agree Rickon HAS to go back and claim his right to Winterfell-but that's in great part because I'm of the theory that Winterfell was made with certain magical other worldly protections to make it a holdfast and battle point for when the White Walkers returned-but that those spells only work properly with a *Stark* in command of Winterfell.  Thus the saying "There must always be a Stark at Winterfell."  This means these last few seasons we haven't just been watching the tragedy of one family but something with grave significance to the future of everyone over keeping a crucial strategic safe haven and maintaining a bloodline needed for the war ahead-a bloodline that's come this close to being extinguished.


I agree I like seeing Jon in Stark garb too-but I suspect at some point he's going to become Jon *Targaryen*.  (Though that may not be until AFTER his big battle with Ramsay.) Of course even if/when he does I could see Jon favoring the Stark/Northern look over the famous excesses of the Targaryen kings for obvious reasons. But yeah, it sure looks like being dead for a time got him out of his vows.   That final lord they're casting?!?  I'm betting it's Howland Reed come to Reveal All.

I have long believed that the line "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell" meant something as well.  Since it's hard to believe that Bran will come back and rule, I agree that is has to be Rickon.  It's just that Jon seems to belong to the North so much that making him have to take on his Targaryen persona feels wrong.  But the dragon must have three heads, so something has to give at some point (I'm still very confused about Aegon not being in the show - I really thought they were going to switch things up and make Trystane Aegon).

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I always though nksarmi that Tyrion was the final dragon rider and that Aegon's a phony. 


ITA on how "Northern" Jon is-but after the excesses of Targaryen's, Baratheon's, and Lannister's the Seven Kingdoms might just need some more austere Northern style management and the egalitarianism of the wildlings and NW. Besides, one thing in Jon's favor-he's definitely more Westeros than Dany is.  She feels so Essos and that's always been a problem for me about her getting the throne. 

Edited by Winnief
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As we’ve reported recently and as the new image above from Imgur confirms, there is going to be a battle sequence for control of not only Winterfell but the entire North.  WotW sources are indicating that this battle will occur in episode 9 and it will be massive!  They are also saying that many in the production crew are calling it the “Battle of 6 Armies”.  Yes, you read that right.  Game of Thrones is going to stage an epic battle heretofore unseen on either the big or small screen (eat that Hobbits!).

The photo shows several banners in this group and we have been able to identify at least two with speculation on a third one.


WOTW has identified Stark, Mormont and Hornwood banners, then there's the Boltons, the wildlings, the Vale and they're casting Smalljon Umber. Could one of the new northern lords be a show-only Hornwood? I'd love it if they'd quietly cast a Lady Mormont. Maybe the doomed Frey son leads an army that joins the Boltons. So perhaps... 1. Jon and the wildlings, 2. Sansa/Rickon and northern lords, 3. the Boltons, 4. the Vale, 5. the Freys, and 6. ??? Karstarks who seem to have showed up to support the Boltons but turn on them instead?


Tower of Joy:


The biggest news is, it’s been confirmed that Isaac Hempstead-Wright is there, giving the impression that the Tower of Joy will likely be presented as part of one of Bran’s visions. It makes sense to tie in the story with another major character like Bran, and the story is of course deeply tied to House Stark.

L7R has also learned two actresses will be involved in filming, but have not yet learned who will be playing Lyanna Stark.

Another question that remains, who is the other female character? L7R speculates Ashara or Ellaria. We’d suggest Wylla as a possibility, the woman said to be Jon’s mother in future references.

More details from Teruel: fourteen horses have been booked for the scene, and several fighters or stunt performers are present in the hotel in Teruel, identified by L7R‘s Javi.

Some unconfirmed rumors Los Siete Reinos are sharing,  but take with a big grain of include that Jack Bender may be the director of the scene, and that a younger Barristan Selmy might be part of it.


I think the other woman is Wylla, and it sounds like the fight won't just be Ned vs. Arthur.

Edited by ElizaD
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The biggest news is, it’s been confirmed that Isaac Hempstead-Wright is there, giving the impression that the Tower of Joy will likely be presented as part of one of Bran’s visions. It makes sense to tie in the story with another major character like Bran, and the story is of course deeply tied to House Stark.


If the Tower of Joy is shown in a Bran Tree-o-Vision, why does IHW need to be on-site?  Is he going to be like Forest Gump, spliced into the footage of an historical event?


And yes, I realize I made a horrible pun there. 

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If the Tower of Joy is shown in a Bran Tree-o-Vision, why does IHW need to be on-site?  Is he going to be like Forest Gump, spliced into the footage of an historical event?


I think it will be more like Scrooge with the Ghost Of Christmas Past-you're just seeing the shadows of what was but they can't see or hear you.


Am really excited about the filming at the Tower of Joy and am panting for a glimpse of Lyanna.

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 I'd love it if they'd quietly cast a Lady Mormont.

I have good hope for Lyanna Mormont, since they included her lovely message in S5. I seem to recall that they named her. Maybe they can call back the actress from S1 (she was on, wasn't she?) and it would be even easier to keep it quiet, since they'd need no casting call.

I know it won't happen because it would be too awesome and it already seems I'm going to get nice things this season, but a Brienne (as Sansa and Rickon guard)/Mormont lady (as a Stark bannerwoman) encounter while slaying Boltons or WW, and then slaying them together, would allow me to enjoy a major, major fangirl and girl power trip.


Am really excited about the filming at the Tower of Joy and am panting for a glimpse of Lyanna.

I can't wait. My Jon's mommy, aww.

I really wonder if Howland Reed is in or not. 

Anyway, the more I learn, the less I can wait for next season.


Edit: Now, if Santa is anywhere around, for Christmas I'd like good Gendry news. Like, he's slaying Freys and evil BwB in the Riverlands with the Black Fish. Or smithing in Braavos.

Edited by Happy Harpy

I'm just catching up on all the Tower of Joy videos posted today. WOW, I am totally geeking out here. I'm also LOLing wondering just how many fans were up on that mountain spying on the filming. 


The latest covert video from the guy who hiked 3 miles (!) to get right on top of the ToJ set was super duper spoilery. Sean Bean's fighting style has been etched in my mind since his LOTR days and whoever is playing Ned stands, walks, and fights just like SB. If that's not Sean Bean outside the ToJ, then major kudos to whoever they cast because he's got the moves down pat. But if that is "Beanie" swinging the sword then major props to him for still being in fighting shape.


I really hope the man who appears right at the end of the Arthur/Ned fight and basically puts an an end to it is Howland Reed, and not some nameless Stark soldier. It's already been stated by Jojen (or was it Bran?) that Howland saved Ned during the war and that looks like that's exactly what's happening in the video. It would suck if the show suddenly changes it to some random nameless guy. 


If we get a video of Ned walking out of the tower with Lyanna's body or baby Jon in his arms, I may just die with glee before I ever get to see on the actual show.

The latest covert video from the guy who hiked 3 miles (!) to get right on top of the ToJ set was super duper spoilery.


That's dedication! WOTW has photos and a video, and the more spoilery video is in the comments: it really looks like Ned might be getting saved by Howland.

Edited by ElizaD

Robert Aramayo joins the cast:


On August 28th, a WOTW reader claimed that Luke Roberts was playing the Legendary Fighter (believed by most to be Arthur Dayne), and also said, “Luke Roberts has been in training for weeks and was joined last week by Eddie Eyre and Rob Aramayo.”

As we’ve since learned, Eddie Eyre is also cast and filming in Spain at the moment. With Aramayo’s casting announced, does that mean Luke Roberts is also on board as Arthur Dayne? While Aramayo’s casting is official, Roberts remains unconfirmed.


I think he looks like Jojen but others are saying Sean Bean. Roberts = Dayne, Eyre = Ned and Aramayo = Howland is my current guess, and the inclusion of young Howland in the fight makes it possible we'll see old Howland on TV before he shows up in the books.

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The report brings us new photos of season 6 scenes being filmed, but the most exciting piece of information is that L7R’s cameras have captured a scene filming new cast member Melanie Liburd. The actress is performing a scene as a red priestess, confirming her role in season 6.



L7R reports that Tyrion and Varys filmed another scene in the afternoon near the Plaza Santa Maria, involving a green scene that’s believed will be used to create a port. In the scene, Varys says goodbye to Tyrion and calls him “The world’s most famous dwarf.”

Additional filming was done with Tyrion and Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel), and a handful of extras, in the same gardens used on Monday.

L7R has also heard that scenes will be filmed involving extras playing hungry characters, confirming the information we’ve received recently hinting that Meereen may be experiencing a famine.


Looks like Varys will be returning to KL to kill Kevan/Pycelle.

Edited by ElizaD
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This is a surreal spoiler:

Sibel Kekilli was seen today with Conleth Hill exiting the Plaza Santa Maria, this time in costume! Sibel was wearing clothing similar to the ex-slave peasant costumes. Does this mean Shae will turning up in season 6 after all? Perhaps as a vision, a hallucination or a memory in Tyrion’s mind combined with the sight of a Meereenese woman?


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Update on Dany's Dothraki adventures:

Daniel Sackheim is directing these scenes, placing them into episodes 3 and/or 4 of season six. L7R mentions one person saw slates for episode 6, as well, but that’s not confirmed.
The photo above? That’s a Dothraki temple that’s been burnt, and as you might guess, it was Drogon doing the burning. The Dothraki will be impressed by Drogon’s firepower.
Edit: A possibility, though it sounds as though the witnesses are unclear on this: Dany may have been in the fire, and come out unscathed, which causes the Dothraki to adore her.
More spoilers!

  • Jorah and Daario will be spying on the camp, plotting to rescue their queen.
  • Some type of large celebration was filmed.
  • There was a meeting of khals.
  • Khalasars are differentiated by colors- for example, Khal Drogo in season 1 wore blue paint. Other khalasars will wear red, yellow, etc.
  • There’s a scene with over 400 extras, with a battle/brawl of some sort.
  • Filming tomorrow and possibly the 17th will be involving slaves.
Edited by Lady S.

I think Dany will end up being the Khal of Khals and she'll get the Khalasar promised to her brother upon her marriage to Drogo.  Then she'll march to Mereen, where she'll end the war and be ready to depart to Westeros by the end of the season.  I'm willing to bet one of the final scenes of this season will be Dany flying Drogon while ships loaded with her army, under Tyrion's command, are sailing toward Westeros right below her.

Edited by WearyTraveler
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I think Dany will end up being the Khal of Khals and she'll get the Khalasar promised to her brother upon her marriage to Drogo.  Then she'll march to Mereen, where she'll end the war and be ready to depart to Westeros by the end of the season.  I'm willing to bet one of the final scenes of this season will be Dany flying Drogon while ships loaded with her army, under Tyrion's command, are sailing toward Westeros right below her.


That would be amazingly awesome but the other dragons need to be flying beside her.  But yea, that is the moment I have been waiting the entire series for - for Dany to became a powerful dragon riding Targ who I could believe Westerous would bend the knee to. I don't yet know if I will want her to win, but I at least need her to become truly powerful so it will be interesting.

I see Tyrion flying to Westeros before he sails back.

I'm on the fence as to how Rhaegal ends up getting to Westeros.


While I'm not convinced Tyrion is a secret Targaryen, I really want to see him ride one of the dragons. Just the idea of grown up Tyrion doing something young-emotionally-abused-Tyrion probably dreamed of doing hits me right in the feels. The half-man riding Viserion back to Westeros has got to happen. And hopefully Cersei get to see it.


As for Rhaegal (who I do believe will be Jon's), maybe Bran wargs him or he just follows his siblings as they head west. Or maybe he'll go solo for a while until he feels the pull of Jon calling him?

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While I'm not a fan of the theory of Tyrion as a secret Targ, it would be awesome to see Cersei's face if she were ever to see Tyrion riding a dragon.


I think this is likely to happen in the show too, even if they decide to skip the Tyrion as a Targ story, as there really are no other characters on the show that have the weight of story to be a dragon rider (while in the books, many could fit that bill).  IIRC, the show had the first Daario being liked by Dany's dragons, didn't it?  So, they really don't need the whole Targ blood thing to make someone a dragon rider.


Or maybe Daario gets to ride a dragon until he meets his end and Viseryon flies to his rightful owner, Jon.

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