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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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7 hours ago, Edith said:

Fixed it! Thank you! I forgot...

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Ohhh I didn't know that..I thought it was before, when they are recruiting the northern houses to their cause

Well then there goes my theory! 

It sounded like the idea was first brought up at Bear Island, but Truede wasn't really clear on a lot of these things.This was the original post he deleted, btw.



Hey, first post. In case some of you think this is BS, go through my history and you will see I posted some accurate True Detective spoilers a while back. Stop reading if you don't wanna learn what happens. Keep in mind I haven't read the books so I'm not too sure of the siginificance of some of this stuff or if it is already known. Don't wanna give away to much right away but here are some spoilers for this season:

Sansa will go to Castle Black and meet up with Jon. They will reminisce and Sansa will apologize for treating him badly. Sansa will also have a quick meetup with Baelish. Jon and Sansa will eventually team up to try and get their brother back. They have the Wildlings on their side and then travel around and try to recruit more people.

The Whitewalkers were created by the Children of the Forest.

You will soon learn how Hodor came to be. The Whitewalkers attack Bran and company and Hodor will be forced to 'hold the door' as they make their escape.

Uncle Benjen will come to rescue Bran and Meera. He will accompany them to The Wall before departing. Bran will have one more 'flashback' in the finale and we will see what's in the Tower.

Who else is still alive? The Hound. He is saved by some followers of some sort. They all get killed by some former Brotherhood Without Banners members while he is away. The Hound meets up with the other Brotherhood Without Banners and gets revenge.

Davos will find the little toy or whatever he gave to Shireen. He will confront Melisandre and she will admit to having her burned.  

Euron gets chosen to be the new king because of his plan to marry Dany and enter into an alliance with her to take King's Landing. Yara and Theon steal their ships instead and plan to enter into an alliance with Dany instead.

Jaime is forced to go to Riverrun and retake the castle from The Blackfish for the Freys. Brienne also goes to Riverrun to try and get the Tullys to join up and retake Winterfell. Brienne fails but escapes.

Edmure is forced by Jaime to enter Riverrun and give it up since he is the rightful owner. The Blackfish apparently dies in battle but we never actually see it happen.

Samwell's father doesn't approve of Gilly. Samwell decides he doesn't care and leaves. But not before stealing his father's Valyrian sword.

Arya will be asked to kill some actress. She refuses and The Waif is given permission to kill Arya.

Dorne will not be shown again until the finale.


His replies in that thread are still visible in his profile. The riverlands spoilers sound very scattered and weird. I don't believe any of the leakers actually have a handle on exactly what goes on there. DMT has said he only heard rumors. And where there are inconsistencies in the Snowbowl accounts, I trust DMT the most.

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2 hours ago, Lady S. said:

It sounded like the idea was first brought up at Bear Island, but Truede wasn't really clear on a lot of these things.This was the original post he deleted, btw.

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Hey, first post. In case some of you think this is BS, go through my history and you will see I posted some accurate True Detective spoilers a while back. Stop reading if you don't wanna learn what happens. Keep in mind I haven't read the books so I'm not too sure of the siginificance of some of this stuff or if it is already known. Don't wanna give away to much right away but here are some spoilers for this season:

Sansa will go to Castle Black and meet up with Jon. They will reminisce and Sansa will apologize for treating him badly. Sansa will also have a quick meetup with Baelish. Jon and Sansa will eventually team up to try and get their brother back. They have the Wildlings on their side and then travel around and try to recruit more people.

The Whitewalkers were created by the Children of the Forest.

You will soon learn how Hodor came to be. The Whitewalkers attack Bran and company and Hodor will be forced to 'hold the door' as they make their escape.

Uncle Benjen will come to rescue Bran and Meera. He will accompany them to The Wall before departing. Bran will have one more 'flashback' in the finale and we will see what's in the Tower.

Who else is still alive? The Hound. He is saved by some followers of some sort. They all get killed by some former Brotherhood Without Banners members while he is away. The Hound meets up with the other Brotherhood Without Banners and gets revenge.

Davos will find the little toy or whatever he gave to Shireen. He will confront Melisandre and she will admit to having her burned.  

Euron gets chosen to be the new king because of his plan to marry Dany and enter into an alliance with her to take King's Landing. Yara and Theon steal their ships instead and plan to enter into an alliance with Dany instead.

Jaime is forced to go to Riverrun and retake the castle from The Blackfish for the Freys. Brienne also goes to Riverrun to try and get the Tullys to join up and retake Winterfell. Brienne fails but escapes.

Edmure is forced by Jaime to enter Riverrun and give it up since he is the rightful owner. The Blackfish apparently dies in battle but we never actually see it happen.

Samwell's father doesn't approve of Gilly. Samwell decides he doesn't care and leaves. But not before stealing his father's Valyrian sword.

Arya will be asked to kill some actress. She refuses and The Waif is given permission to kill Arya.

Dorne will not be shown again until the finale.


His replies in that thread are still visible in his profile. The riverlands spoilers sound very scattered and weird. I don't believe any of the leakers actually have a handle on exactly what goes on there. DMT has said he only heard rumors. And where there are inconsistencies in the Snowbowl accounts, I trust DMT the most.


That's how I took it. But..

Had to google Northern Conspiracy. Not sure if it's a conspiracy, but Jon does become King of the North. This is after the teen girl who is head of some house (with like 60 soldiers) speaks up about how she trusts the Starks and was one of the only ones to follow them into battle. Then the other houses speak up and apologize about not following them and they don't care that he is a bastard.

It does sound is after the BOB because if a remember correctly every northern house followed Robb to battle, so why would they apologized if is not after this battle.

Also we know that there's only like 3 northern houses with Jon so it sounds logical that if after BOB and I really hope so! I don't want Stark vs Stark or Sansa betraying Jon or continuing being a pawn of Littlefinger 

7 hours ago, Hecate7 said:

"'A tear ran down her cheek. 'Tell him, you tell him, I'll do what he wants...or whatever he wants...with him...or...or with the dog or...please...he doesn't need to cut my feet off, I won't try to run away, not ever, I'll give him sons, I swear it, I swear it...'"
-A Dance With Dragons, page 768.

I'm inferring from this that Ramsey has threatened to cut off her feet before, which means he's already been at her with a knife. It's not hard to bring things like a flaying knife into a bedroom, and Ramsey could easily subdue a girl without any need for elaborate equipment or crosses. All he really needs is a bed and some straps. Remember when everyone "knew" Theon hadn't been castrated by Ramsey, because it's never explicitly stated in the text? Theon says "I have no..." but that sentence could end any old way, and later he does want to have sex with a girl, and this used to be taken as proof that Theon was intact. Plenty of other "incorrect" inferences have turned out to be correct.

Theon is oblique about describing his own past experiences, but there's nothing wrong his descriptions of other people.  Jeyne is naked when they find her, and he notes visible injuries, but says nothing about her missing toes.  When they move around, Jeyne walks just fine, as far as we're told; if she was missing toes she'd have the same loping gait as Theon does.  It's a false inference that because Ramsay has threatened to cut off her feet he has necessarily already started cutting off her toes.

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I think the whole point of this was that Ramsey hurt Sansa. Not just that he committed marital rape, but that the HURT her physically. Perhaps he didn't cut her, but he could have slapped and hit her. He could have tied her up. He could have had such violent sex with her that he broke her ribs. There are things he could have done to her that would leave her physically in pain still (she hasn't been away from him that long). I don't think he flayed her or left her physically deformed in anyway, but I'm sure he HURT her in way that goes beyond being forced to have sex with him.

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1 hour ago, nksarmi said:

I think the whole point of this was that Ramsey hurt Sansa. Not just that he committed marital rape, but that the HURT her physically. Perhaps he didn't cut her, but he could have slapped and hit her. He could have tied her up. He could have had such violent sex with her that he broke her ribs. There are things he could have done to her that would leave her physically in pain still (she hasn't been away from him that long). I don't think he flayed her or left her physically deformed in anyway, but I'm sure he HURT her in way that goes beyond being forced to have sex with him.

Sansa freely admits that he beat her, so it wasn't just rapes. The question seems to be whether there was any kind of lasting physical damage or physical mutilation of the type speculated about (removal of body parts, scarring, genital mutilation, etc.). I doubt it, for reasons I stated upthread.

Strictly from a meta perspective, would Sansa being physically mutilated add anything to the storyline? No. We already know Ramsay's a horrible human being (and if someone somehow believed after everything Ramsay's done that he's not such a bad guy, I don't see how Ramsay maiming Sansa would convince them otherwise). Sansa already has ample reason to want Ramsay dead and to be angry at Littlefinger for giving her to a monster. Jon already has ample reason to want Ramsay dead. Sansa being physically mutilated would add nothing, and I strongly suspect HBO warned the writers off inflicting sexualized violence against female characters after the Sansa rape debacle in Season 5. Having Sansa state or demonstrate that she's been physically mutilated on top of being raped would be the kind of exploitative, gratuitous material D&D seem to be actively trying to avoid this year (either to their credit or to HBO's, depending on whether their hand was forced).

Edited by Eyes High
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15 hours ago, Dev F said:

But intense physical memories can cause a physical sensation. That's what I assumed she was talking about -- the difference between feeling something like shame or sadness in her "tender heart" and feeling the memory of a physical agony.

Of course they can, and we've all been there I'm sure. But Sansa specifically said it was NOT something she felt in her "tender heart," but "in my body." She made a very clear distinction between emotional and physical pain, and between physical memories, and the here and now. She made it very clear that something Ramsey did to her still causes her physical pain in her body. I don't think it's just the feeling of Ramsey thrusting inside her body, because frankly I don't think she'd think about it. She's a very strong-minded girl and would refuse to contemplate it, which is why sadists like Ramsey always try to leave permanent marks on their victims.

Her book counterpart was whipped, bitten, possibly mutilated in several other ways, and did have to be carried by Theon at one point. I think an uninjured whole girl would probably travel faster walking, unless of course she is sporting similar injuries to Theon's. He lifted her up from where she was hiding, too. Sansa is complaining about some form of lasting physical damage, and I refuse to discount that.

Does it add anything to the story? How can we know at this point? The same argument was made about Theon's castration before the show clarified it and GRRM finally said yes, of course that's what that meant. At the time nobody thought it would add anything to the story, either, but ultimately it's relevant because he can't sire heirs and he can't win the Kingsmoot. For all we know, there's a later scene that clarifies Sansa's condition, and which WILL add to the story. If nothing else, Baelish is going to be a lot less eager to lift her skirt the first chance he gets, so that's something.

Edited by Hecate7
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28 minutes ago, Hecate7 said:

Does it add anything to the story? How can we know at this point? The same argument was made about Theon's castration before the show clarified it and GRRM finally said yes, of course that's what that meant. At the time nobody thought it would add anything to the story, either, but ultimately it's relevant because he can't sire heirs and he can't win the Kingsmoot. For all we know, there's a later scene that clarifies Sansa's condition, and which WILL add to the story. If nothing else, Baelish is going to be a lot less eager to lift her skirt the first chance he gets, so that's something.

I agree on the uncertainty of if it would add anything to the story or not.

One obvious possibility, particularly for more obvious injuries (ex. scars on her back) that I could foresee is that it could greatly reduce her options for a husband. If she backs Jon as King in the North then she has no claim to Winterfell to make her valuable, her virginity was taken by Ramsey and her beauty has been marred by the injuries she suffered.

Basically its the flip side of Beauty and the Beast... anyone who agrees to marry her would be doing so because they want to marry HER. Not her titles, not for a virgin bride, not for her beauty. That could either be very tragic or very uplifting depending on who that husband turns out to be.

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47 minutes ago, Hecate7 said:

Of course they can, and we've all been there I'm sure. But Sansa specifically said it was NOT something she felt in her "tender heart," but "in my body." She made a very clear distinction between emotional and physical pain, and between physical memories, and the here and now.

By "tender heart" she refers to emotional upset; lingering physical memory is not the same as that.  

There isn't any evidence in Sophie Turner's performance, this season or last, that Sansa has suffered any sort of lasting physical injury.  She carries herself quite normally.

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7 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

One obvious possibility, particularly for more obvious injuries (ex. scars on her back) that I could foresee is that it could greatly reduce her options for a husband. If she backs Jon as King in the North then she has no claim to Winterfell to make her valuable, her virginity was taken by Ramsey and her beauty has been marred by the injuries she suffered.

Basically its the flip side of Beauty and the Beast... anyone who agrees to marry her would be doing so because they want to marry HER. Not her titles, not for a virgin bride, not for her beauty. That could either be very tragic or very uplifting depending on who that husband turns out to be.

Nothing that happened would greatly affect her marriage prospects.  She's valuable for being a Stark; she doesn't need a direct claim to Winterfell, indeed, almost no brides have any sort of equivalent to that.  Even if she was scarred, prospective suitors wouldn't get the chance to see her naked before the wedding (unless she let them), and as she noted, her face is untouched.

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5 minutes ago, SeanC said:

By "tender heart" she refers to emotional upset; lingering physical memory is not the same as that.  

There isn't any evidence in Sophie Turner's performance, this season or last, that Sansa has suffered any sort of lasting physical injury.  She carries herself quite normally.

Exactly. Also, when Myranda threatens Sansa with the prospect of Ramsay mutilating all but her baby-making parts after her escape attempt at the end of last season, it's presented as a horrifying new threat that Sansa has yet to experience. Sansa's reaction would've been quite different if we were supposed to think that Ramsay was already doing what Myranda was threatening.

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36 minutes ago, Dev F said:

Exactly. Also, when Myranda threatens Sansa with the prospect of Ramsay mutilating all but her baby-making parts after her escape attempt at the end of last season, it's presented as a horrifying new threat that Sansa has yet to experience. Sansa's reaction would've been quite different if we were supposed to think that Ramsay was already doing what Myranda was threatening.

She didn't appear to react at all. Theon did, but Sansa had exactly the reaction she should have had, if it were old news. Myranda, however, would have been in the loop on any mutilations, so I guess her bringing it up probably means it hadn't happened. I'm convinced.

On 5/20/2016 at 2:15 PM, Eyes High said:

I think the most we can hope for in the show is a satisfying ending. The journey to that ending for the past two seasons and heading on in to the home stretch has been and is going to continue to be rough, though, in my opinion. Given the pace D&D have set for themselves, the number of storylines that have been changed dramatically or have been cut altogether, the estimate they have for 13 remaining episodes after Season 6 total (while GRRM hems and haws about needing more than seven books), and the kill count so far in Season 6 (and it doesn't take a spoiler source to predict that the kill count is going to be pretty crazy from here on in), we're probably going to get a Cliff's Notes version of the last part of ASOIAF. 

Going back and watching the earlier seasons, I really wish they could have filmed the early seasons with their Season 6 budget. Season 1 looks like one of those Xena-type fantasy series that aired in the 1990s. Season 6 looks like a moving painting: the lighting, the colour saturation... Throw enough money at the show, and Jon's resurrection winds up a Caravaggio homage.

Like most I'm happy to take HBO's ending g because I think it's the only ending we're likely to get, at least in any timely fashion. Martin can whine all he likes, but HBO was smart to get the ending from him before signing, even if they didn't get a clear path from here to there which is obvious given the way the writers are swinging the ax around in some places. 

A lot of the recent spoilers poisted feel organic based on where we are and seem legitimate given that some have already proven to be true. I will still read the books should they ever appear, but I will skim filler. 

@eyeswideshut...now I want to rewatch and compare the visual styles based on your post.

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12 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Nothing that happened would greatly affect her marriage prospects.  She's valuable for being a Stark; she doesn't need a direct claim to Winterfell, indeed, almost no brides have any sort of equivalent to that.

Yes, but those daughters are expected to be virgins. That was part of what made them valuable.

Look at what happened to Lysa when she was deflowered. She got pawned off to a two-time widower old enough to be her grandfather. Look at poor Lollis in the books after her rape, pawned off to a sellsword who was only interested because he was plotting to kill her older sister so she'd then inherit.

Actually that last example would be an issue for Jon if he becomes King, because lacking direct claim or virginity there is every chance anyone interested in Sansa's hand would also be interested in bumping off Jon so Sansa could inherit.

Then again, the risk of that could also be the perfect excuse for Sansa to be able to avoid marriage entirely if her experiences with Tyrion and Ramsey have soured her on a third attempt.

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7 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

Yes, but those daughters are expected to be virgins. That was part of what made them valuable.

Well, if we use real Medieval history as a blueprint, this isn't necessarily true.  The lands the bride brought to the union were more valuable than her maidenhead.  Eleanor of Aquitaine was married to two kings and Mary Queen of Scots was married four times.  Sansa has vast tracts of land that would entice any suitor.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

Yes, but those daughters are expected to be virgins. That was part of what made them valuable.

Look at what happened to Lysa when she was deflowered. She got pawned off to a two-time widower old enough to be her grandfather. Look at poor Lollis in the books after her rape, pawned off to a sellsword who was only interested because he was plotting to kill her older sister so she'd then inherit.

Lysa and Lollys (the latter was a dead-end marriage prospect even before that due to her disability; she only married because she was impregnated by one of her rapists) lost their virginity out of wedlock.  Sansa was raped, but by her husband, so legally speaking in this world she wasn't raped at all; once Ramsay dies, Sansa will be a widow.  There's no loss of status from being a widow (indeed, historically, widows were highly desirable brides because they often brought inherited property into the marriage; I guess in this case Sansa will probably have the best claim on the Dreadfort once the Boltons are exterminated, though I doubt she'd have any interest in living there, the lands would still be valuable, whether the show brings that up or not).

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25 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Graphic photo at /r/freefolk


Could be him. Could be something else. It reminds me of the dead Jon screenshot from last season. 

Hmm, well, the hair doesn't look like Tormund's but the beard does. There's something about the face that looks like him as well. But the screenshot is so damn grainy that one can't tell with certainty one way or another. Hell, it could be from a totally different tv show or movie. I'm still hoping it's not my beloved fucker of bears.

3 hours ago, bunnyblue said:


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Hmm, well, the hair doesn't look like Tormund's but the beard does. There's something about the face that looks like him as well. But the screenshot is so damn grainy that one can't tell with certainty one way or another. Hell, it could be from a totally different tv show or movie. I'm still hoping it's not my beloved fucker of bears.

It's blurry as shit, not proof of anything. 

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The first big casting news dump for Season 6 was posted on WOTW on May 26th, 2015, almost exactly a year ago. We should start to hear news about Season 7 soon. Speaking of which... (If this means that Dany is still fucking around in Essos in Season 7...ugh. It could be Dorne-related, though, I guess.)


There's a Dorne scene in 6x10 according to Truede's spoilers, so that could segue nicely into Dany's forces landing there, especially if Varys is in Dorne as rumoured in 6x10. 6x10 is usually where the setup for the next season happens.

I'm very interested in D&D's recent statements in April about having two shortened seasons (the number they mentioned was 13 episodes total, meaning Season 7 would have either six or seven episodes, I guess). Given that their planning for the next season usually starts in January, and that the scripts are written in the spring, I would have thought that by April they would have already decided how many episodes there would be in next season, just for planning and scripting purposes.

The directors for Season 6 were revealed at the end of June 2015. If that happens this year, we should know pretty early how many episodes there will be, and whether D&D are sticking to the six/seven episode number.

Edited by Eyes High

Does anyone know if there's a list somewhere of the season 6 characters we found out about before they were spotted in trailers/episodes? For example, we heard they were casting kids for the Winterfell flashbacks (though Lyanna was only rumored), but there have also been some nice surprises like the inclusion of young Rodrik, which I don't think I ever saw anyone suggest. It would be interesting to see how many of the minor roles were unknown until the actual episodes aired.

Most season 7 casting news will probably involve minor roles. Even if there are new characters in TWOW/ADOS, I'd imagine that with 13 episodes left the show would want to keep on combining plots and giving the important stuff to existing characters.

10 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

Does anyone know if there's a list somewhere of the season 6 characters we found out about before they were spotted in trailers/episodes? For example, we heard they were casting kids for the Winterfell flashbacks (though Lyanna was only rumored), but there have also been some nice surprises like the inclusion of young Rodrik, which I don't think I ever saw anyone suggest. It would be interesting to see how many of the minor roles were unknown until the actual episodes aired.

Most season 7 casting news will probably involve minor roles. Even if there are new characters in TWOW/ADOS, I'd imagine that with 13 episodes left the show would want to keep on combining plots and giving the important stuff to existing characters.

They managed to keep Lyanna Mormont under wraps. I don't recall seeing anything about her. They also managed to keep the young Lyanna we saw in 6x03 under wraps, although the "young stunner" we heard about is likely a 20something Lyanna. I'm guessing there will be a young Rhaegar, too, and we never heard about him. As for your question, there are aggregate lists of all the Season 6 information compiled from casting notices and such floating around fansites (set reports, leaks, etc.). 

I wouldn't imagine to see many significant new characters cast either, at this point. They seem to be culling the cast to make it more manageable for getting to the endgame, and swelling it with a bunch of new big parts would defeat the purpose. 

Edited by Eyes High

The most notable minor roles to date that we hadn't heard about prior to trailers, etc., thus far, are the young Rodrik Cassell and Lyanna Mormont (who we only found out about from Cunningham in an interview, though it could be inferred from the trailer).

1 minute ago, Eyes High said:

I'm guessing there will be a young Rhaegar, too, and we never heard about him. 

I'd say things are shaping up for there to be no young Rhaegar.  The backstory flashbacks are centered around only two places:  Winterfell when they were kids, which we now know was mostly about Hodor; and the Tower of Joy, where we'll apparently be returning twice more this season.

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From the Spanish article at Meridianews, if I'm reading it correctly, it seems that HBO is going back to Girona for Season 7 as well. Girona doubled for Braavos and KL this year. I'm not sure if it's doubling for Oldtown as well.


I'll be curious to see what they film when Arya ditches out on Braavos. Oldtown? KL?

Some 6x06 photos are out at WOTW and elsewhere. Nothing earthshattering, although I was amused by the photograph of Arya in a crowd (watching the play, I assume), showing Arya smiling at something while the crowd looks impassive. What is she smiling at, I wonder? "Joffrey's" death?


No whiff of Bran's storyline in the photos, so maybe that one's pretty spoilery. Pretty sure we'll get Benjen in 6x06. We'll also get to see Robert Aramayo's Ned briefly in a vision.

Edited by Eyes High
12 hours ago, Haleth said:

Some interesting speculation about Shireen's expected death in the book and how it will reveal Azor Ahai:


Well, I think I've said here before that I think Shireen's death paid for Jon's Snow's life. So, it wouldn't surprise me if this is revealed in the books and/or TV show.

1 hour ago, Edith said:

I wonder if there's actually a scene in the north in episode 6

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I remember a spoiler from L7R of a scene with Jon trying to convince the Wildlings to fight with him...

I remember that spoiler too. And we still haven't gotten Tormund's line from the trailer, "I thought he was the man to lead us through the Long Night", as well as a scene at the Wildling camp. Maybe 'recruiting the rest of the Wildlings' before heading to Bear Island will be the North scene in 6x06. If so, I welcome it if it means more Jon and Tormund. 

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I did this a while ago, but here's an updated list of material from the trailers that's unaccounted for (not in 6x01-6x05, not in 6x06 as known from promo, and not from BOTB since that's in 6x09). Guesses as to the provenance of the clips are in brackets:

Trailer 1 ("Red Band" trailer): Davos next to what looks like what's left of Shireen's pyre. Sansa at Bear Island. Tyrion VO: "You're in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying." Lancel/Cersei confrontation. Tommen walking out of the court room flanked by his KG. Cersei walking through corridors backed by Ser Gregor. Littlefinger in the godswood (6x10). Explosion just outside Dany's chambers. Cersei and Jaime getting ready to get busy. Arya's balcony jump in Braavos (6x08). Yara making out with a Volantene prostitute. Little birds stabbing someone. Dothraki charging Meereen (6x10).

Trailer 2: Ramsay VO: "Do you like games, little man?". Sansa in a black dress looking pissed (6x09?). Sansa VO: "It's all I think about (...) what was taken from me." Closeup of Sansa in a dimly-lit room. Walder Frey making a toast at a Frey/Lannister soldier gathering (6x10?). Littlefinger looking nervous, looks like godswood scene (6x10). Davos VO: "There's no hiding from this, we have to fight." Jaime riding through a Lannister camp (6x07 or 6x08). Silhouette of someone stabbing someone in the back. Davos at Bear Island. Sansa turning to look at someone (probably Jon). Sons of the Harpy looking up from corpses. Pod and Brienne at Riverrun (6x07 or 6x08). Ser Gregor getting ready to yank off some sparrow's head. Drogon flying overhead. Bronn grabbing Pod from behind (6x07 or 6x08). Arya's bloody hand trailing into darkness (6x08).

March madness promo: Everything accounted for, I think.

There's also that line from Tormund ("I thought he was the man to lead us through the long night...but I was wrong") which I don't think has appeared yet.

Edited by Eyes High
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2 hours ago, SeanC said:

That pretty much has to be in 6x06, doesn't it, since he's at Riverrun in 6x07?

I assumed as much.

DMT's back with some information, mostly a gloss on previous spoilers (under the cut):



1. BOTB: Smalljon yells "Who owns the north?", Ramsay's army responds "We do!", Smalljon yells back "Show me!" and Ramsay's army charges in. Nobody on set seemed to know who the two cross corpses were supposed to be. No sign of Mel at BOTB filming.

2. Post-BOTB: Wun Wun storms the gates of Winterfell, allowing Jon and the wildlings to get in and capture Ramsay. Jon decides to imprison Ramsay. Jon is battering him and then Sansa walks into the courtyard. Jon looks up and gets off Ramsay, ordering that Ramsay be put in chains as Jon walks away. DMT is 90% sure that Ramsay is later mauled to death by his dogs, though. Jon knew about the Vale forces arriving to help. He says something like "You were late/What kept you so long?" after the battle's done.

4. Cersei: Cersei has lost pretty much everything by the end of the season and will be taking drastic steps to cling to power.

5. Tommen: DMT previously believed that Tommen was going to die in a fiery explosion along with Margaery and Loras (and possibly Mace and the High Sparrow), based on information from sources, but acknowledges that the window death is possible.


Edited by Eyes High
8 hours ago, Eyes High said:

DMT is 90% sure that Ramsay is later mauled to death by his dogs, though.


In Seasons 3-5, Ramsay killing people with dogs was brought up only once, when they actually had a hunt in 402.  This season they've had him feed Myranda's corpse to the dogs, murder Walda and her baby with the dogs, and threaten to have Rickon killed by the dogs.  I'd be really surprised, at this point, if he's not being set up to be killed by them himself.

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8 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I assumed as much.

DMT's back with some information, mostly a gloss on previous spoilers (under the cut):

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1. BOTB: Smalljon yells "Who owns the north?", Ramsay's army responds "We do!", Smalljon yells back "Show me!" and Ramsay's army charges in. Nobody on set seemed to know who the two cross corpses were supposed to be. No sign of Mel at BOTB filming.

2. Post-BOTB: Wun Wun storms the gates of Winterfell, allowing Jon and the wildlings to get in and capture Ramsay. Jon decides to imprison Ramsay. Jon is battering him and then Sansa walks into the courtyard. Jon looks up and gets off Ramsay, ordering that Ramsay be put in chains as Jon walks away. DMT is 90% sure that Ramsay is later mauled to death by his dogs, though. Jon knew about the Vale forces arriving to help. He says something like "You were late/What kept you so long?" after the battle's done.

4. Cersei: Cersei has lost pretty much everything by the end of the season and will be taking drastic steps to cling to power.

5. Tommen: DMT previously believed that Tommen was going to die in a fiery explosion along with Margaery and Loras (and possibly Mace and the High Sparrow), based on information from sources, but acknowledges that the window death is possible.



So Sansa is going to act exactly as Littlefinger said in season 5, isn't it? Man that sucks...all these years waiting for a Stark reunion and this is how is gonna be...

14 minutes ago, Edith said:
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So Sansa is going to act exactly as Littlefinger said in season 5, isn't it? Man that sucks...all these years waiting for a Stark reunion and this is how is gonna be...


That would make Sansa an outright villain, so I doubt that.  That line isn't inherently accusatory.

Plus, Jon is apparently elected as king after this with Sansa's support, so if she's trying to undermine his support and seize power, she's not doing it right.

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19 minutes ago, SeanC said:
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That would make Sansa an outright villain, so I doubt that.  That line isn't inherently accusatory.

Plus, Jon is apparently elected as king after this with Sansa's support, so if she's trying to undermine his support and seize power, she's not doing it right.


But there's no certainty that the election is after the battle, so there's still a possibility or maybe I've been burnt so many times before with this books/show that I'm just used to expect the worst. 

10 minutes ago, Edith said:
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But there's no certainty that the election is after the battle, so there's still a possibility or maybe I've been burnt so many times before with this books/show that I'm just used to expect the worst. 


That account of Jon's election posted earlier in this thread pretty clearly indicates it is, as it features a bunch of houses apologizing for not fighting in the battle.

It's going to be a pretty obvious parallel to Robb's crowning in 110

Edited by SeanC
6 minutes ago, CofCinci said:
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He says something like "You were late/What kept you so long?" after the battle's done.

Perhaps that is said more as a joke?  And not evidence that Sansa is turning into Littlefinger v2.0.


That's one way I thought it could be played (or else it's a sincere question and there's a more prosaic answer).

It's clear enough that Sansa is being set up as more of a calculating player, but there's a difference between being mindful of one's position and straight-up setting Jon to potentially die.  That's just pure villainy.  Not to mention, as I said, that if Sansa's that far gone, her plan seems curiously lacking in follow-through (indeed, if you're going to withhold the charge and are that callous, why rescue them at all?).

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