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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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Going back to my earlier spec about Yara's lady friend being the "sublime courtesan" cast (hired by a highborn woman for a party)...I remember there were rumours floating around that Yara and Theon wound up in Volantis after fleeing the Kingsmoot, and that there was a scene Yara had an army with her and was trying to persuade Theon to do something. According to certain rumours, these scenes were filmed in Ireland on a closed set.


So, assuming the sublime courtesan is the lady with Yara, there aren't many "courtesans" running around Westeros. It stands to reason they're in Essos instead. The warmish orangey colours used in the filter for the shots of Yara, as opposed to the cooler blueish colours used for the Iron Islands, made me think of Essos. Maybe this wild rumour about Yara and Theon fleeing to Volantis isn't as crazy as it sounds.


I wish I'd kept better track of those Reddit rumours--many of which are now deleted--since enough information is emerging to sort the wheat from the chaff. (As an example, the poster who claimed that a Stark died during the big battle also claimed that the Karstarks and Umbers were opposing the Boltons, which we now know to be untrue.)


Sue the Fury, one of the mods at WOTW, said on her Twitter that the promo contained one of two spoilers she knew about but hadn't revealed to the WOTW readership and which she used to tell fake leaks from real leaks. I guess these spoilers are "tells" because no one is likely to guess them or come up with them on their own. One of these, she indicated, was Yara and her lady friend. I wonder what the other one is.

Edited by Eyes High
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So Show Jaime really isn't snapping out of his Cersei addiction until he kills her.


No idea what will happen to Yara and Theon if they go to Essos. What other characters can they interact with? Yara decides to go to Meereen and Dany/Tyrion accept an ironborn with no ships as the captain of the ships she got back in season 4?


Davos looks amazing, but it's hard to enjoy that since he's such a good candidate to be yet enother Ramsay victim.


The wintery shot of Littlefinger seems like it's from later in the season.


Looks like Margaery takes the hand of the High Sparrow. That must be before the confrontation on the stairs where she reveals she's a believer now.


The shot of a man twirling two swords in the TOJ fight looks ridiculous, not badass (so much for this being "realistic" fantasy). I still hope Show Lyanna is good, though.

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No idea what will happen to Yara and Theon if they go to Essos. What other characters can they interact with? Yara decides to go to Meereen and Dany/Tyrion accept an ironborn with no ships as the captain of the ships she got back in season 4?

If Show Euron is after the dragons, perhaps Theon and Asha will warn Dany or Tyrion about him? Maybe even steal his dragon horn, if it exists in the show. They can serve Victarion's role from the books, which I think will ultimately be to get the dragon horn to her and provide her with a fleet (which she already has in the show so Theon and Asha won't need to bring one), only with none of Victarion's grossness and stupidity. 


Theon and Asha interacting with Dany, Jorah, or Tyrion is something I never even thought about or knew I wanted until I read about the rumor that they go to Essos. Jorah because of the history between Bear and Island and the Iron Islands and Jorah's actions in the Greyjoy Rebellion, Dany because, well, I just think seeing Dany and Asha interact would be cool, and Tyrion because both he and Theon have had quite the reversal of fortunes since their little spat back in 1.04. Also, all of these characters (except for Theon) see themselves as dispossessed of their rightful lands and titles. This is a show change that I would really like.


And hey, Dany would certainly empathize with Asha about getting felt up by her brother. Tyrion just can't escape the incest.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 6

"I Choose Violence".  I have never and will never like or feel empathy for Cersei Lannister (no matter how woobefied the TV Version) but I couldn't help but say "Go Cersei" at that line.   And  that is how I see her book character ultimately working out, just initiating a free for all in every way.   I do hate her haircut though, I wish she could have gone completely bald like in the book but realize that's a lot to ask of LH.


Very interested in Margaery's scenes with The Faith Militant. 


Euron looks great.   And has me mildly intrigued by the House Greyjoy activities which is much more then the book managed.


It looks like another epic battle is coming with whomever's burning body and the army lined up behind it.


Wonderful shot of Sansa in the fur.   I can't believe I'm sayin this but I think I like her Northern Looks more then the attire one finds in Kings Landing.   From the her arrival at the Vale going forward, I've preferred Sansa's wardrobe to Margaery's (accept for the dress and shall Margaery wore when she was arrested by the Faith).   Anxious to see what happens if she reunites with LF.   Great shot of him in the snow as well.


Can't wait to see what happens with the Others.

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At 1:16-17 in a battle scene there is a fuzzy image of a rider with long black hair on a white horse.  That must be Jon,right?


And at 0:44 there is a blond woman who sure looks like Dany but I can't figure out what the scene might be.  It is obviously Westeros but I can't make out the flags.  (Oh, wait, that's probably a flashback to the ToJ.)  Edited to add WotW says this is a photo of the Iron Islanders, making the white haired figure probably Damphair?  Why does Euron look so much younger than his brothers?


And of course Mel takes her clothes off.  


Is there a scene by scene analysis anywhere?

Edited by Haleth

Mel's expression when she disrobes is interesting. There's nothing seductive or coy about it; she looks terrified.

As for Margaery's wardrobe, it looks like she'll be wearing that brown shift through 6x06 at least according to spoilers.

Not a fan of Cersei's wig; the colour looks really fake. FrankenGregor is great, though.

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I'm curious about this too. Maybe it's because she's uncertain of what the outcome will be? 


Or maybe it's because she's about to trade her life for Jon's. (Dun dun dunnnn.) 


I could have sworn I saw some sort of rumour or spoiler months ago to the effect that Jon isn't resurrected until four episodes in or something like that. That can't be right, can it? 


There's been speculation that Tyrion is about to free the dragons in the scene where he's down near the dragon pit, but it appears that Varys is in the background of the shot, and we also know thanks to spoilers that Varys ditches out on Tyrion at some point during Season 6. I don't think Tyrion would be releasing dragons earlier on in the season, if at all.


I wonder whom Tyrion is addressing with his "great game" comment. Missandei? Grey Worm? Dany? The "wheel" speech from last season's trailers was from pretty late in the season, so maybe Tyrion is addressing Dany after the two are reunited (which we know will happen thanks to filming spoilers around the filming at Mesa Roldan).

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Or maybe it's because she's about to trade her life for Jon's. (Dun dun dunnnn.) 


I could have sworn I saw some sort of rumour or spoiler months ago to the effect that Jon isn't resurrected until four episodes in or something like that. That can't be right, can it?


I think Mel will live, she just has a crisis of faith before she figures out that Jon and not Stannis will win the victory she saw (she was also given that line about meeting Arya again). There is something less confident about her in that shot though.


I don't think there's been any real rumors, just general speculation about the timing. GOT not sending any screeners could be because of the piracy last year, but I'd guess that by episode 2 Mel is at least considering resurrecting Jon (she either sends Davos to get the body or he decides to give Jon a decent burial and takes him away from the traitors) and they don't want anyone even hinting at that in reviews, even though everyone knows it's coming because of that Jon set photo.

I think Mel will live, she just has a crisis of faith before she figures out that Jon and not Stannis will win the victory she saw (she was also given that line about meeting Arya again). There is something less confident about her in that shot though.

Then again, she's admitting she's wrong about everything so perhaps her line to Arya means nothing in the end. Alternately, and going along with the idea that what she's seeing in the flames is in at least some sense true, but misdirected, then perhaps what she sensed with Arya was that her life force and Arya's would meet again... not realizing that her life force would end up in Jon (i.e. the resurrection is literally Jon living Mel's allotted years instead of his own, which ended when he died) and its Jon who one day sees Arya again (and Jon who walks the walls of Winterfell with the Bolton banners lowered).

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User Docmantistobogan over at Reddit has been posting information over the last few months about Season 6, including a photograph taken on the field of the banners. He/she purports to have been present at the filming of the Battle of the Bastards and to have worked on Season 6. This user spoiled things several months ago which have now been confirmed, so for interest's sake I'm going to post some of the things this user has stated about Season 6 (mostly about BOTB):


1. Rickon, Tormund and Davos are not on the crosses (the corpses flayed and burned by Bolton forces in the BOTB.) Rumours on set were that they were Stannis or Osha, but the user doesn't claim to know for sure.

2. The burning flayed body isn't Ramsay. Ramsay is leading the Bolton army.

3. Jon leads the "initial" pro-Stark army. Sansa and LF arrive later on.

4. Davos is in attendance at the BOTB. No sign of Mel at the BOTB.

5. On a comment from another user that they doubt that the Karstarks and Umbers would put up with Northern children being burned: "You'd be surprised."

6. The exact alignment of forces will be "House Mormont, Stark, Hornwood, the Wildlings, House Mazin and assorted 'Northern Allies' versus House Bolton, Karstark, Umber, and Sellswords at the northern battle. The army of the Vale joins in toward the end of the battle."

7. House Mazin is mentioned but doesn't have specific costumes in the battle. (House Mazin is a show-only house mentioned in Season 5, named for Craig Mazin, the screenwriter who told D&D after viewing the first pilot that they had a big problem.)


The user also claims that the following deaths occur (all in the Northern storyline), which I'm putting under a cut because this user seems to be legit:

Jon's killers, Rickon, Osha, Ramsay, Roose, and Smalljon Umber.

Edited by Eyes High
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1. Rickon, Tormund and Davos are not on the crosses (the corpses flayed and burned by Bolton forces in the BOTB.) Rumours on set were that they were Stannis or Osha, but the user doesn't claim to know for sure.

2. The burning flayed body isn't Ramsay. Ramsay is leading the Bolton army.

3. Jon leads the "initial" pro-Stark army. Sansa and LF arrive later on.

4. Davos is in attendance at the BOTB. No sign of Mel at the BOTB.

5. On a comment from another user that they doubt that the Karstarks and Umbers would put up with Northern children being burned: "You'd be surprised."

6. The exact alignment of forces will be "House Mormont, Stark, Hornwood, the Wildlings, House Mazin and assorted 'Northern Allies' versus House Bolton, Karstark, Umber, and Sellswords at the northern battle. The army of the Vale joins in toward the end of the battle."

7. House Mazin is mentioned but doesn't have specific costumes in the battle. (House Mazin is a show-only house mentioned in Season 5, named for Craig Mazin, the screenwriter who told D&D after viewing the first pilot that they had a big problem.)


The user also claims that the following deaths occur (all in the Northern storyline), which I'm putting under a cut because this user seems to be legit:

Jon's killers, Rickon, Osha, Ramsay, Roose, and Smalljon Umber.


1. I hope this one is true because seeing Tormund surrounded by Bolton soldiers in the trailer gave me a really bad feeling about his fate in S6. Although, after everything she's done for the young Stark boys, I'd hate to see poor Osha flayed and burned.

3. I figure things will not go smoothly for Jon and Co at the BOTB. We've been told numerous times that the Wildlings may have the numbers but they are not a disciplined army. I just hate that Littlefinger will ride to the rescue and get to play hero.

4. After seeing the trailer, yeah, I'm pretty sure Davos is going to be Team Jon from here on out and will be at the BOTB. I'm not surprised Mel won't be anywhere near the battlefield.

6. I love that the Old Bear's house is firmly with Jon and his Wildlings. I hope we get to see at least one of the Mormont daughters participate in the BOTB.


That Rickon rumor just won't go away. I'm starting to believe it. And if Osha and Rickon die, what does that mean for Shaggydog? Even when they win, the Starks still lose. :-(

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I thought Stannis was beheaded by Brienne, which would make him unlikely to wind up upside down and intact on the cross. Also, the flayed corpse in the trailer looked kind of...fresh? Cold temperatures could prevent the decaying of the body, I suppose, but I'm guessing a fair amount of time will have passed between Stannis' death in Season 5 and the battle in 6x09.


The whole flaying specific people to intimidate one's opponents doesn't make a lot of sense, given that the flaying strips the corpse of its identifying features:


Ramsay: Behold...the flayed corpse of Stannis Baratheon. I've brought down a king!

Team Jon: How do we know it's Stannis? The body's completely flayed.

Ramsay: Uh....


When he tried that tack with Sansa, he at least had the good sense to leave the old woman's head untouched for identification purposes.


The other thing about these potential spoilers, which suggest that Jon is failing against the Bolton forces until the Vale army rides to the rescue, is that they're at odds with a scene that we know takes place at Winterfell, where there's some sort of confrontation involving Ramsay, Jon, Sansa, and LF, which is interrupted by a giant trying to bust down the walls. If Docmantistobogan's spoilers are correct, this is unlikely to take place before the battle, since I'm guessing Sansa and LF showing up is supposed to be a big surprise. It's also unlikely to take place after the battle, unless Jon's forces manage to take Ramsay alive. So it's possible these spoilers are foilers and that this business about LF and Sansa riding to the rescue during the battle is garbage. We do know that Sophie Turner was there at least briefly during filming of the BOTB, though.


After seeing the trailer, yeah, I'm pretty sure Davos is going to be Team Jon from here on out and will be at the BOTB.

Liam Cunningham said as much in an interview a while ago...something about Davos looking for a new cause to support, or words to that effect. Davos being on Team Jon was set up pretty clearly last season, though, so no surprises there.


I hope this one is true because seeing Tormund surrounded by Bolton soldiers in the trailer gave me a really bad feeling about his fate in S6.

I think all we know at this point for certain is that Tormund makes it to the battle intact. With that said, someone with inside information (not Docmantistobogan...maybe WOTW?) said that "we'll be saying goodbye to some characters" during the BOTB. So someone's going to get the chop.


Usually, the trailer people take care not to give away major plot developments in the trailers, even though the trailers will typically include shots from all 10 episodes. With that said, fans (especially the book readers) are a savvy bunch when it comes to sussing things out. That shot of Selyse on the ground in agony in the Season 5 trailer was enough for some fans to deduce that Shireen would be burned in Season 5. So it might be that the shot of Tormund surrounded by Bolton soldiers doesn't bode well for him.

Edited by Eyes High

For someone who claims more than once to be the source of one of the Snowbowl pics, that guy has yet to provide any proof of that or any other evidence linking himself to the shoot. Also, though he could well be entirely legit, naming yourself after Frank Reynolds on It's Always Sunny would be a perfect troll move, js.


He absolutely could be a troll, but he's only providing information about one aspect of Season 6. Usually trolls claim to have much more knowledge than that. Also, I'm not certain about the timing, but I believe he revealed information that later turned out in other respects to be corroborated by WOTW (Sansa being at the battle, e.g., which we later found out was true).

He absolutely could be a troll, but he's only providing information about one aspect of Season 6. Usually trolls claim to have much more knowledge than that. Also, I'm not certain about the timing, but I believe he revealed information that later turned out in other respects to be corroborated by WOTW (Sansa being at the battle, e.g., which we later found out was true).

For the sake of argument, he could have guessed Sansa was at the battle, seeing as she was last seen in the Northern storyline and, from Littlefinger's plans in Season 5, it's not unreasonable to assume that the Valemen would show up there, which means that whether Sansa ends up with Jon or Baelish initially the probable plot trajectory would be similar.


The other thing about these potential spoilers, which suggest that Jon is failing against the Bolton forces until the Vale army rides to the rescue, is that they're at odds with a scene that we know takes place at Winterfell, where there's some sort of confrontation involving Ramsay, Jon, Sansa, and LF, which is interrupted by a giant trying to bust down the walls. If Docmantistobogan's spoilers are correct, this is unlikely to take place before the battle, since I'm guessing Sansa and LF showing up is supposed to be a big surprise. It's also unlikely to take place after the battle, unless Jon's forces manage to take Ramsay alive. So it's possible these spoilers are foilers and that this business about LF and Sansa riding to the rescue during the battle is garbage. We do know that Sophie Turner was there at least briefly during filming of the BOTB, though.

I think that Jon taking Ramsay alive is the most likely read on that.  Probably he'll then be executed in some formal fashion.


Still no idea what's going on with the giant though.


I do wonder how they're going to handle Littlefinger's role this season.  If the spoilers about the Valemen being the cavalry at Snowbowl are correct (and that's been asserted by a few different potential sources; that part I think is eminently probable, regardless), based on the show's past practice (with Tywin and the Tyrells in Season 2 and Stannis in Season 4 -- actually, now that I think about it, every major battle in this show ends with a surprise cavalry charge by a heretofore-uninvolved third party; that may also be how Dany and the Dothraki resolve whatever crisis is engulfing Meereen this season), they'd presumably want to obscure as much as possible that the were coming.

Edited by SeanC
For the sake of argument, he could have guessed Sansa was at the battle, seeing as she was last seen in the Northern storyline and, from Littlefinger's plans in Season 5, it's not unreasonable to assume that the Valemen would show up there, which means that whether Sansa ends up with Jon or Baelish initially the probable plot trajectory would be similar.

Possible, but unlikely. The fact that he called that the Umbers would be supporting the Boltons could be a lucky guess (he had a 50% chance of being right if he did guess about that, after all), but it would be a counterintuitive choice.




I think that Jon taking Ramsay alive is the most likely read on that.  Probably he'll then be executed in some formal fashion. Still no idea what's going on with the giant though.

It almost sounds like a season-ending cliffhanger, doesn't it? The battle is won, Jon, Sansa, and LF have taken Ramsay alive, they're just about to execute him formally, and then BAM! Big, unfriendly giant attacks! However, WOTW spoiled this, and the WOTW folks usually sit on spoilers that are too revealing (unless it's widely spoiled elsewhere, like the photograph of Kit Harington in costume on set).




I do wonder how they're going to handle Littlefinger's role this season.  If the spoilers about the Valemen being the cavalry at Snowbowl are correct (and that's been asserted by a few different potential sources; that part I think is eminently probable, regardless), based on the show's past practice (with Tywin and the Tyrells in Season 2 and Stannis in Season 4 -- actually, now that I think about it, every major battle in this show ends with a surprise cavalry charge by a heretofore-uninvolved third party; that may also be how Dany and the Dothraki resolve whatever crisis is engulfing Meereen this season), they'd presumably want to obscure as much as possible that the were coming.

Hee. There's a definite pattern established. As for Littlefinger, even assuming that this Reddit guy is a troll, he's definitely going to link up with Sansa at some point. The only question is, how soon and where? I wouldn't put it past this show to have Littlefinger telling Yohn Royce he intends to head North in 6x01 and intercepting Sansa in the North in 6x02.

Edited by Eyes High

As for Littlefinger, even assuming that this Reddit guy is a troll, he's definitely going to link up with Sansa at some point. The only question is, how soon and where? I wouldn't put it past this show to have Littlefinger telling Yohn Royce he intends to head North in 6x01 and intercepting Sansa in the North in 6x02.

My thinking on that has gone round and round.  Putting her back with Littlefinger early would in some respects put her more in line with what her book story would most likely be (if that's even relevant to this plotline).  But I've struggled to make it fit with what we know about the season, both in terms of incident and what people involved with the show have said about this season (Sophie, of course, is always game to try to make whatever the show is giving her sound epic; but Liam Cunningham, unprompted, also brought it up).  What would Sansa and Littlefinger do between then and episode 9 (and more specifically, what exactly would Sansa being doing that would pay off her supposed arc to date)?  How would the Valemen being in the North that early still allow for Snowbowl to happen between Jon's army and Ramsay's?

I think that Jon taking Ramsay alive is the most likely read on that. Probably he'll then be executed in some formal fashion..

It has also been put out there that the reason for Jon holding back is that Ramsey may have taken Rickon hostage (and the figures on the crosses at the start of the battle are whoever was supposed to be protecting Rickon) and that Rickon will be killed by Ramsey in a sort of final 'F you' to the Starks.

That spoiler with Jon, Littlefinger, Sansa and Ramsay sounds so weird. I feel like Littlefinger will be involved with Rickon's death (if it's true that Rickon does die.)

Also looking at the trailer I think that the shots of Littlefinger (I hate speculating based on only a trailer but he doesn't look at ease in this shot, since his face is usually set on self-satisfied) and probably Sansa are when they're in Winterfell.  Only six more weeks to go!

Edited by amanda5858

I thought Stannis was beheaded by Brienne, which would make him unlikely to wind up upside down and intact on the cross. Also, the flayed corpse in the trailer looked kind of...fresh? Cold temperatures could prevent the decaying of the body, I suppose, but I'm guessing a fair amount of time will have passed between Stannis' death in Season 5 and the battle in 6x09.


The whole flaying specific people to intimidate one's opponents doesn't make a lot of sense, given that the flaying strips the corpse of its identifying features:


Ramsay: Behold...the flayed corpse of Stannis Baratheon. I've brought down a king!

Team Jon: How do we know it's Stannis? The body's completely flayed.

Ramsay: Uh....


When he tried that tack with Sansa, he at least had the good sense to leave the old woman's head untouched for identification purposes.


Given the proportions of the remaining face, cheekbones, etc....and the angle of the ears, I'm pretty confident that's Roose hanging upside down. He must have said something to Ramsey that made Ramsey feel that now was the time to eliminate his father before said father had the chance to take back the legitimacy and the title.

  • Love 3

Given the proportions of the remaining face, cheekbones, etc....and the angle of the ears, I'm pretty confident that's Roose hanging upside down. He must have said something to Ramsey that made Ramsey feel that now was the time to eliminate his father before said father had the chance to take back the legitimacy and the title.

Has enough time passed for Walda to have her baby? Maybe that's the tipping point?

Has enough time passed for Walda to have her baby? Maybe that's the tipping point?


Maybe the tipping point is that she lost it, and having had a taste of what that was like Ramsey never wants to feel that way again, so farewell, father. The wife can live, actually, as long as there's no baby, but knowing Ramsey he'll get rid of her.

I'm sure Rams kills Roose, but Ramsay proclaiming the patricide publicly by displaying his flayed and burning corpse, and still having the Bolton army loyally follow him would be a hell a lot more unbelievable than shirtless fighting or his bringing down Stannis with 20 good men.

FWIW, WiC appears to have the most complete description of the clip shown at SXSW.

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Well that clears things up quite a bit. It is Jon she saw fighting at Winterfell. I wonder if that's something she's seen in her flames before and never revealed or if it's something she saw in her flames after she abandoned Stannis to his fate.


This bit guts me: 

A wolf who can only be Ghost howls in the background. The howling sounds both sad and angry.
Edited by bunnyblue

"I can't speak for the flames, but he's gone" is such a Davos thing to say (TV Davos, anyway).


I'm kind of surprised Davos is able to keep himself from throttling Melisandre, given what happened to Shireen.


I'm sure Rams kills Roose, but Ramsay proclaiming the patricide publicly by displaying his flayed and burning corpse, and still having the Bolton army loyally follow him would be a hell a lot more unbelievable than shirtless fighting or his bringing down Stannis with 20 good men.

Ramsay (to Stark forces): Look what I did to Roose Bolton...my own father! Think of what I'll do to you!

Bolton soldiers: ....Yeah, we're out.

  • Love 3

Honestly, on the implausibility scale in this series that doesn't rate especially high for me.  Bolton's men already follow him despite his being a traitor and violator of guest rite, which suggests they're a mix of sadists and people who follow him out of fear.  The former obviously wouldn't be turned off by Ramsay killing Roose, and the latter would have as much (or more) reason to fear Ramsay.  Roose's style of lordship doesn't really inspire loyalty of a sort that would endure after he himself died (compared to what we see with, say, Ned Stark and Jon Arryn).

Edited by SeanC
  • Love 2

Spoilers L7R podcast

- Yara will visit a place that has not visited in the books. Javi said it was an "exotic" place and that he was really surprised when he learnt about it. And that kissing scene involving her will end up in more that just kissing... (Victarion/yara?)

-There will be a very surprising death. Isn't specified where it happens but it's a toss-up between the Riverlands and the North. It's not related to the flayed bodies

-The scene of Dothraki on horseback charging at something from the trailer happens in the finale. It's the climax in Meereen.( is Dany not making it to Westeros until season 7 at the earliest?)

- A main character will die and that it is completely unexpected.

- The Riverrun storyline will have way more action that it had in the books. The shot from the trailer where an army shoots a lot of arrows are Lannister guys.

- The scene that looks like a group of women stabing someone are actually children and this is the Epilogue of A Dance with Dragons. He said this is confirmed but that the scene will play different compared to the books. Others characters involved.

Edited by Edith
  • Love 2

Spoilers L7R podcast

Ohoho, the plot thickens!


Random thoughts on the podcast stuff:

1. It would take a lot for a main character death to be "completely unexpected," given that ASOIAF and GOT fans are a jaded lot accustomed to GRRM killing willy-nilly. Also, we don't know whether main character means Tyrion+Dany+POV Starks or whether it means the wider "main cast," which usually involves 30 people at any given time (Cersei, Jorah, Davos, Mel, etc. etc.). Jon, Tyrion, Dany, Sansa and Arya are out. Were it not for the valonqar stuff, this Riverlands conflict could be Jaime's last hurrah.

2.I'm going to guess that the "very surprising death" non-main death is Rickon. I'd guess that someone's going to die in that Riverlands clash involving Blackfish, Jaime, Brienne, Pod, and Bronn, but I don't know if that's what's being referenced here.

3. The list of characters who aren't at the ADWD little bird stabbinating of Kevan and Pycelle who could plausibly be present is a short one. By the end of the season, who all's going to be in KL? Olenna may or may not be heading off to Dorne, as per rumours. Jaime will have decamped to the Riverlands with Bronn in tow. That leaves Mace, Loras, Margaery, Lancel, Cersei, the High Sparrow, the Mountain, Tommen, and Septa Unella. Maybe Varys takes out one of them as well as Kevan and Pycelle? I could see D&D killing off a bigger fish than Kevan and Pycelle for the appropriate dramatic oomph.

4. Sounds like the Dothraki ride to the rescue in Meereen, then? Sigh.

5. Yara is going to a place that Asha hasn't been in the books, or that hasn't yet been visited in the books by anyone? Because if it's the former, I would say Volantis. If it's the latter, I have no idea. Lys, maybe? Have any POV characters visited Lys?


On a possible Yara/Victarion composite plotline...it would be pretty great if Yara sails to Meereen with the intention of wooing Dany, Victarion-style.


It seems like a lot of plot threads--Greyjoys coming back, Jaime in the Riverlands, etc.--in Season 6 will be cleaning up plot points from AFFC/ADWD. I doubt Season 6 will be the spoiler bonanza many expect it will. To seasoned book fans, many of the seemingly big "spoilers" will be confirmation of things that the ASOIAF readership already takes as a virtual given (Jon is resurrected, R+L=J, etc.). I think that Stannis burning Shireen in the books is a bigger spoiler than anything we might see in Season 6.

Edited by Eyes High

Spoilers L7R podcast

- Yara will visit a place that has not visited in the books. Javi said it was an "exotic" place and that he was really surprised when he learnt about it. And that kissing scene involving her will end up in more that just kissing... (Victarion/yara?)

-There will be a very surprising death. Isn't specified where it happens but it's a toss-up between the Riverlands and the North. It's not related to the flayed bodies

-The scene of Dothraki on horseback charging at something from the trailer happens in the finale. It's the climax in Meereen.( is Dany not making it to Westeros until season 7 at the earliest?)

- A main character will die and that it is completely unexpected.

- The Riverrun storyline will have way more action that it had in the books. The shot from the trailer where an army shoots a lot of arrows are Lannister guys.

- The scene that looks like a group of women stabing someone are actually children and this is the Epilogue of A Dance with Dragons. He said this is confirmed but that the scene will play different compared to the books. Others characters involved.


I don't doubt there will be lots of action in Riverrun, but I'm pretty sure the shot of the archers in the trailer are of Bolton soldiers. Those are clearly the armor and helms of the Boltons, plus we can see the Bolton banners as well as the Umber banners behind the archers.


About Yara going to an exotic place: I hope she'll take Victarion's role and head to Essos in search of Dany. If Theon tags along, even better.

 I really want to see characters start to come together and their stories merge. Last season was a good start with Tyrion & Dany, and Stannis & Jon. I hope to see more of that this year.

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Ohoho, the plot thickens!

Random thoughts on the podcast stuff:

1. It would take a lot for a main character death to be "completely unexpected," given that ASOIAF and GOT fans are a jaded lot accustomed to GRRM killing willy-nilly. Also, we don't know whether main character means Tyrion+Dany+POV Starks or whether it means the wider "main cast," which usually involves 30 people at any given time (Cersei, Jorah, Davos, Mel, etc. etc.). Jon, Tyrion, Dany, Sansa and Arya are out. Were it not for the valonqar stuff, this Riverlands conflict could be Jaime's last hurrah.

2.I'm going to guess that the "very surprising death" non-main death is Rickon. I'd guess that someone's going to die in that Riverlands clash involving Blackfish, Jaime, Brienne, Pod, and Bronn, but I don't know if that's what's being referenced here.

3. The list of characters who aren't at the ADWD little bird stabbinating of Kevan and Pycelle who could plausibly be present is a short one. By the end of the season, who all's going to be in KL? Olenna may or may not be heading off to Dorne, as per rumours. Jaime will have decamped to the Riverlands with Bronn in tow. That leaves Mace, Loras, Margaery, Lancel, Cersei, the High Sparrow, the Mountain, Tommen, and Septa Unella. Maybe Varys takes out one of them as well as Kevan and Pycelle? I could see D&D killing off a bigger fish than Kevan and Pycelle for the appropriate dramatic oomph.

4. Sounds like the Dothraki ride to the rescue in Meereen, then? Sigh.

5. Yara is going to a place that Asha hasn't been in the books, or that hasn't yet been visited in the books by anyone? Because if it's the former, I would say Volantis. If it's the latter, I have no idea. Lys, maybe? Have any POV characters visited Lys?

On a possible Yara/Victarion composite plotline...it would be pretty great if Yara sails to Meereen with the intention of wooing Dany, Victarion-style.

It seems like a lot of plot threads--Greyjoys coming back, Jaime in the Riverlands, etc.--in Season 6 will be cleaning up plot points from AFFC/ADWD. I doubt Season 6 will be the spoiler bonanza many expect it will. To seasoned book fans, many of the seemingly big "spoilers" will be confirmation of things that the ASOIAF readership already takes as a virtual given (Jon is resurrected, R+L=J, etc.). I think that Stannis burning Shireen in the books is a bigger spoiler than anything we might see in Season 6.

A place Asha hasn't been in the books.

I don't doubt there will be lots of action in Riverrun, but I'm pretty sure the shot of the archers in the trailer are of Bolton soldiers. Those are clearly the armor and helms of the Boltons, plus we can see the Bolton banners as well as the Umber banners behind the archers.

About Yara going to an exotic place: I hope she'll take Victarion's role and head to Essos in search of Dany. If Theon tags along, even better.

I really want to see characters start to come together and their stories merge. Last season was a good start with Tyrion & Dany, and Stannis & Jon. I hope to see more of that this year.

Agree! But he specifically mention this scene as a spoiler of aFoC so idn.

Edited by Edith

I'm going to guess Yara makes a stop at Lys as it's basically a giant brothel and it's on the way to Slaver's Bay.  D&D never pass up an opportunity to show off some naked boobs. Rickon dying makes sense as I think Jon and Sansa will have to sort out who inherits Winterfell - the oldest Stark female or the (possibly undead) male bastard Robb legitimized and named as his heir.  I hope nothing bad happens to Shaggydog.

Edited by GreyBunny

I'm going to guess Yara makes a stop at Lys as it's basically a giant brothel and it's on the way to Slaver's Bay.  D&D never pass up an opportunity to show off some naked boobs. Rickon dying makes sense as I think Jon and Sansa will have to sort out who inherits Winterfell - the oldest Stark female or the (possibly undead) male bastard Robb legitimized and named as his heir.  I hope nothing bad happens to Shaggydog.

Jon was never legitimized or named as heir in the show.


Regarding some of the other spoilers:


This is most likely not correct, but could the surprise death be Theon?  Javi just talks about Yara visiting somewhere.  And I'm pretty sure that, whatever Theon does in TWOW, it's probably not going to involve galavanting off to Essos.  There are a bunch of theories around Theon dying in the North in the books, so maybe the writers decided to make the manner of his death different?  On the other hand, there is that supposed spoiler about Yara and Theon going to Volantis, so maybe he is along for the ride with Yara anyway.

Edited by SeanC

Edith, you're a hero for listening to three hours worth of podcast for the spoilers. I wouldn't have lasted ten minutes.


On SeanC's point:


The rumours were that Theon and Yara go to Volantis. Since it seems likely at this point that Yara does wind up in Essos, I don't know how the rumours would get that right and Theon's death wrong.


I agree that if Theon does die in the North in TWOW, and in particular dies by Stannis' hand, the writers will need to contrive a new way to off the character.


Of all the plotline/character mashups in the show, I wouldn't have expected Yara/Victarion. Stranger things have happened, though.

Edited by Eyes High

I don't doubt there will be lots of action in Riverrun, but I'm pretty sure the shot of the archers in the trailer are of Bolton soldiers. Those are clearly the armor and helms of the Boltons, plus we can see the Bolton banners as well as the Umber banners behind the archers.

It's definitely their banners and helmets. I don't know how Javi got Lannisters from that, their soldiers dress very differently.

There were so many filming spoilers from Spain as well as tidbits from WOTW and other sources that it seems like there's already a pretty good idea of how these plotlines will go (although to be fair it's nothing like the seasons where the show roughly followed the books), even without reference to any of Javi's podcast spoilers:


1. Braavos: Arya is blind for about four episodes but gets her vision back. She spends some time with a theatre troupe, who are putting on a play featuring KL drama (with a "Tyrion," a "Ned," a "Sansa," a "Joffrey," a "Cersei" and a "Margaery"), as in the books. Unlike in the books, Arya doesn't appear to play any roles. The theatre troupe's role appears to be expanded, and some great actors are involved as well; I'm guessing the writers will have some fun with play-within-the-show meta commentary as in the Ember Island Players episode from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Arya is chased through the streets of Braavos by the Waif. She eventually kills the Waif and makes it back to the Riverlands by the end of the season. She also takes a dip in a body of water fully clothed at some point. Maisie Williams has said that Arya's storyline is less prominent this year.

2. Ironborn: Balon comes back, probably dies on the bridge (a bridge was used during filming) Euron was seen on in the trailer. Theon and Yara wind up at the Kingsmoot, where Euron is given a dunking by the priest. Yara later ends up in Essos. (Not clear what happens to Theon.)

3. North/Wall: Jon Snow is most definitely dead and is most definitely resurrected; Davos protects his body. Davos winds up following Jon. Rickon and Osha are back. The Northern lords come back into play, notably Smalljon Umber and Lord Karstark. There's a big Northern lords meeting at some point. Littlefinger heads back north after a stint at Runestone and Sansa links back up with him. Jon leads an army comprised of the wildlings as well as some Northern houses against Ramsay in an epic battle in 6x09, a battle at which Sansa is also present. The Karstarks side with Ramsay in this battle. At some point, Jon, Sansa, Littlefinger and Ramsay are at Winterfell and a giant tries to bust down the gates.

4. KL: Cersei grieves Myrcella upon learning of her death. Cersei uses Frankengregor to menace Lancel and co. Margaery appears to convert (not clear at this point whether it's a ploy or it's genuine). Jaime goes to the Sept to demand Margaery's release at the head of a bunch of soldiers, but the Faith surrenders Margaery peacefully (6x06). Loras supposedly has a dark storyline. Judging from the trailer, we're going to get some version of the little birds assassination scene in ADWD.

5. Dorne: Can't really remember much about this one. I think the Sand Snakes are back, but that they didn't film a lot of scenes. There were rumours about Diana Rigg (Olenna) being in Spain around the same time the Dorne scenes were filmed.

6. Riverlands: Ian McShane has cheerfully blabbed about bringing back the Hound, and he appears to be a mashup of Septon Meribald and the Elder Brother. Jaime heads to the Riverlands later in Season 6 with Bronn in tow, and Lannister forces lay siege to Riverrun. Brienne and Pod wind up at the Riverlands, too, leading to some comical Pod/Bronn interactions and a fight between Jaime and Brienne. The Blackfish is back. Brienne is involved in a knock-down, drag-out, "thuggish" fight at some point. Apparently, Jaime travels some more after whatever goes down at Riverrun, so he's going to be a busy guy. (I think Edmure is back, but I'm not sure.) Some outlaw characters have been cast who appear to be similar to the BWB, in terms of an organization that has gone to seed (these include "Lachlan" and "Flynn").

7. Meereen: Starvation, explosions, clashes, mass unrest...you know, the usual. Varys takes Tyrion into what appears to be the dragon pit (the subterranean corridors from the trailer). Varys also ditches Tyrion at some point. A new Red Priestess character has been cast. Tyrion hallucinates Shae. Tyrion and his group are reunited with Dany at the end of the season (Mesa Roldan filming spoilers).

8. Dothraki: Dany is taken prisoner and is taken to Vaes Dothrak. Jorah and Daario successfully track her to the Dothraki encampment where she winds up. Dany's treated like garbage until Drogon swoops in and sets fire to a temple, whereupon all the Dothraki bow down to her. By 6x06, she's at the head of a group on Dothraki accompanied by Daario (no sign of Jorah). By the end of the season, she has reunited with Team Tyrion (Mesa Roldan filming spoilers).

9. Bran: Bran experiences visions with Bloodraven. He has a vision of the Night's King. He has a vision of a scene which appears to be from Ned's childhood (involving two other young boys). Finally, he has a vision of the Tower of Joy fight. Meera is back. Bran appears to leave the cave at some point, judging from a picture of him wearing furs and seemingly outside the cave. An actress was cast to play a "young stunner of a brunette" between 18 and 22, speculated to be Lyanna.


There's a lot more, but those are the broad strokes, I think. There are some plotlines for which we know pretty much everything (Arya's), and others that are something of a blank (KL, apart from the big "Jaime springs Margaery" set piece).


Judging from the above list, a lot of the plotlines seem to be cleanup from material that's already been published:


1. Braavos: Blindness arc in ADWD, Mercy chapter in TWOW.

2. Ironborn: Kingsmoot and Euron in AFFC, Victarion in ADWD (assuming Yara is taking over for Victarion).

3. North/Wall: Ramsay vs. Jon conflict in ADWD.

4. KL: Margaery's release in AFFC, Cersei's chapter in ADWD.

5. Riverlands: Jaime's trip to the Riverlands and Riverrun siege in AFFC, Elder Brother introduction in AFFC.

6. Meereen: More of Meereen's downward spiral in ADWD, maybe the dragons being released in ADWD?

7. Bran: Backstory on Tower of Joy.


There are some storylines that look like they will be 100% spoilery (Dany's stint with the Dothraki, Bran's), but there looks to be a lot of cleanup from AFFC and ADWD.


ETA: Paul Kaye (Thoros) when asked very recently about whether he would be appearing in Season 6 said he "couldn't say." 

Edited by Eyes High
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Liam Cunningham interview

TVLINE | Is there any possibility that those two might be coming to a place where they could be allies?
I’m throwing you a hypothetical situation here. There’s one or two things that’s going to happen. First of all, they are very, very strange bedfellows, as they say, but they are in a very weird situation. For two people who have an abhorrent dislike of each other, they’re both in the same boat. We both lost Stannis. We both lost our reason for being in the show. Also, both of us have found ourselves leaning towards Jon Snow. She has seen something in the flames about this dude. I have found, while talking with Stannis to Jon, that this guy is a fellow traveler. He’s the real deal. He’s a good guy. He’s definitely got leadership qualities, and he has a heroic and charismatic quality to him. Davos will obviously be drawn to that kind of character. Davos isn’t a leader.
So [Davos and Melisandre are] both in Castle Black, in a terrible spot in the same s—t, and they hate each other. [Laughs] It’s brilliant drama. Brilliant! What a set-up. It’s a series by itself!
I do not know what’s happened to Shireen or Stannis. As an audience , you’re going to look at [Davos] and assume that he’s going to assume she was killed in the battle or whatever. So to return to your question, if I found out at the end of [season] 5 or in the break that she’s responsible for it, there’s no f–king way I’m going to team up. So you have to figure out for yourself where that’s going to go as the season progresses.


TVLINE | Back to the trailer: Ghost is in the scene with Davos and Jon.
I do frequent Twitter. Somebody did accuse me of wanting to behead Ghost. Is that what you’re talking about?
TVLINE | I never thought you wanted to behead Ghost.
They saw a sword, me, and Ghost in the shot and went, “Is he going to kill Ghost?!” [Laughs] …The term “clutching at straws” does strike me. [Laughs]
TVLINE | Davos apologizes for not being much of a fighter, and it appears that he’s looking at two brothers of the Night’s Watch when he says that. Can you confirm?
Well, if you think about this logically, let me help you out here. Where we leave this, with Jon being dead, there’s still a few of his loyal people around that certain parties in Castle Black are not going to want to have around… There’s a threat implicit in the thing. I’m obviously in some way about to defend or attack or whatever it may be. It’s evidently still Castle Black, Ghost’s there. So there is a certain threat there, but who it comes from would be remiss of me to inform you.


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