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LIVE CHAT: Operation Mongoose Parts 1 And 2

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Ok how does Captain Swan manage to be adorable when one of them don't even remembers the other?


Emma Swan actual bad ass no matter what realm or time she's in. My favorite Princess.

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So, if a character is killed in this AU, are they permanently dead?

And, this is not going to end well for Hook and Emma, is it?  Things are going too well for them.

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I mean, I know it's AU and all but NoooOOOOOoooooOOOoo 


Again, nice job on the death scene Jen and Colin. I also really loved Killian trying to look menacing in the background. Charming and Hook's fight to the death, may be one of the hotter moments of this show. I need a cold shower and a kleenex.


Also, kudos to Ginny on the seamless switch from sounding like Mary Margaret to super duper Evil. 

Edited by satrunrose
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