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Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting

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McKidd replied to whether there would be anything good for Omelia with yes.


This s...tty storyline continues in S12. 


The writers ignore every feedback from fans, every plea for reconsidering OA being together and still go ahead with  this nonsensical pairing.


Unbelievable ignorance to the fans in the Grey´s writer´s room. To any feedback not just OA crap on whatever storyline there is. Ignorance.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

McKidd replied to whether there would be anything good for Omelia with yes.


This s...tty storyline continues in S12. 


The writers ignore every feedback from fans, every plea for reconsidering OA being together and still go ahead with  this nonsensical pairing.


Unbelievable ignorance to the fans in the Grey´s writer´s room. To any feedback not just OA crap on whatever storyline there is. Ignorance.


Are you surprised though? Fan reaction to that pairing was negative before it even happened, because it became painfully obvious Shonda was going to do it the second Amelia joined the cast. They had plenty of opportunity to shake things up and move them apart during S11, but they kept it going despite fan reaction. It's unfortunate, but I think we all knew O/A was going to be a big part of S12. I'm struggling to find something to get excited about. 

  • Love 2

Are you surprised though? Fan reaction to that pairing was negative before it even happened, because it became painfully obvious Shonda was going to do it the second Amelia joined the cast. They had plenty of opportunity to shake things up and move them apart during S11, but they kept it going despite fan reaction. It's unfortunate, but I think we all knew O/A was going to be a big part of S12. I'm struggling to find something to get excited about. 


Are you surprised though? Fan reaction to that pairing was negative before it even happened, because it became painfully obvious Shonda was going to do it the second Amelia joined the cast. They had plenty of opportunity to shake things up and move them apart during S11, but they kept it going despite fan reaction. It's unfortunate, but I think we all knew O/A was going to be a big part of S12. I'm struggling to find something to get excited about.

But that happens to every new potential pairing.

People hated Owen on principle because he wasn't Burke. People hated Arizona on principle because she wasn't Erica. People hated Jo on principle because she wasn't Izzie, etc.

  • Love 2

But that happens to every new potential pairing.

People hated Owen on principle because he wasn't Burke. People hated Arizona on principle because she wasn't Erica. People hated Jo on principle because she wasn't Izzie, etc.


I liked Owen and Arizona as soon as they were introduced. I never really liked Jo but it has nothing to do with Izzie, her character just bores me and in 3 years she's yet to have a memorable, exciting storyline with Alex. But I get what you're saying about some more radical fans getting upset any time a character moves on... I don't think it's necessarily the norm though. I wanted Owen to move on a long time ago, actually, because his story with Cristina got tedious and repetitive. I just think Amelia is a God-awful character being portrayed by a subpar actress, and it makes Owen even less interesting to me. 

  • Love 1

I liked Owen and Arizona as soon as they were introduced. I never really liked Jo but it has nothing to do with Izzie, her character just bores me and in 3 years she's yet to have a memorable, exciting storyline with Alex. But I get what you're saying about some more radical fans getting upset any time a character moves on... I don't think it's necessarily the norm though.  I just think Amelia is a God-awful character being portrayed by a subpar actress, and it makes Owen even less interesting to me.   


I also agree.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I liked Owen and Arizona as soon as they were introduced. I never really liked Jo but it has nothing to do with Izzie, her character just bores me and in 3 years she's yet to have a memorable, exciting storyline with Alex. But I get what you're saying about some more radical fans getting upset any time a character moves on... I don't think it's necessarily the norm though. I wanted Owen to move on a long time ago, actually, because his story with Cristina got tedious and repetitive. I just think Amelia is a God-awful character being portrayed by a subpar actress, and it makes Owen even less interesting to me.

The thing I like about Amelia is that she is a fleshed out character in her own right outside of any potential relationship. Granted it was because she came from another show, but someone like Arizona or Jo or even Alex have all this surface level bits and pieces that the writers don't elaborate on. Heck,Maggie got to be more fleshed out than them in less than half a season.

I guess what I'm saying is, I feel like I know why Amelia is the way she is, and Owen is the way he is, and why that kind of whatever would happen between them. I just wish others got the same courtesy.

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The thing I like about Amelia is that she is a fleshed out character in her own right outside of any potential relationship. Granted it was because she came from another show, but someone like Arizona or Jo or even Alex have all this surface level bits and pieces that the writers don't elaborate on. Heck,Maggie got to be more fleshed out than them in less than half a season.

I guess what I'm saying is, I feel like I know why Amelia is the way she is, and Owen is the way he is, and why that kind of whatever would happen between them. I just wish others got the same courtesy.


I know what you mean about Amelia 100% even if I really (really) hate her lol. I think that's why I also really liked Arizona when she came on... she had a storyline with Bailey first, and she quickly developed relationships with other people in the hospital. So, to me, she was always more than just a potential love interest for Callie. How that's been handled since may be a different story (I agree that Arizona has been under-developed the past few seasons) but I get what you mean. I was discussing in a thread a while ago how someone like Matthew, for instance, was never introduced as anything other than a complication for Jackson / April, which made the whole storyline so boring and predictable to me. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 1

My issue with Arizona is they keep throwing crap at her, but don't tell us why she's not dealing well, and then all the sudden they have her do something OOC and it becomes the "poor, victimized Callie" storyline.

Arizona's brother died, we only find out because Callie is being a jerk. Arizona's leg is amputated, we only get how everything is so hard for Callie, and how dare Arizona be mean to her. Arizona has a miscarriage, we get, here's a 4 second info dump in a Callie centric episode where she was busy operating on the patient that's now suing her. All I want is for her to be allowed to deal, but all we get from Shonda is "Arizona wouldn't talk about it, don't you wonder why she's like that?"

Sorry, I ranted.

  • Love 2

My issue with Arizona is they keep throwing crap at her, but don't tell us why she's not dealing well, and then all the sudden they have her do something OOC and it becomes the "poor, victimized Callie" storyline.

Arizona's brother died, we only find out because Callie is being a jerk. Arizona's leg is amputated, we only get how everything is so hard for Callie, and how dare Arizona be mean to her. Arizona has a miscarriage, we get, here's a 4 second info dump in a Callie centric episode where she was busy operating on the patient that's now suing her. All I want is for her to be allowed to deal, but all we get from Shonda is "Arizona wouldn't talk about it, don't you wonder why she's like that?"

Sorry, I ranted.

No I totally get it. I think that's the biggest problem with the too-large cast... things just happen to these characters now, and there's no time to really deal. With such small bits of screentime and stories, we have huge stuff happen to characters but never work through them or deal with after-math (Jackson/April and their baby, Meredith losing Derek, Callie and Arizona's divorce, etc.)

  • Love 1


I wanted Owen to move on a long time ago, actually, because his story with Cristina got tedious and repetitive. I just think Amelia is a God-awful character being portrayed by a subpar actress, and it makes Owen even less interesting to me.

I actually liked Owen with Emma. Marguerite Moreau is a fine actress and I thought her and Kevin McKidd had some nice chemistry. Owen and Emma started off slow and if it had gotten a chance to, it could have become something pretty great IMO. They could've kept Marguerite on as a recurring much like they did with Jason George for however many seasons it's been. But of course that potential lovely pairing got sacrificed for Cristina and Owen's last romp before she left. 


Now we're stuck with Amelia, who, though already a Shondaland character fixture thanks to Private Practice, has somehow jumped all the other characters before her to basically be second-position to Meredith. And now with Derek dead, Owen/Amelia are probably going to be billed as the next!great!romance! 


Are you surprised though? Fan reaction to that pairing was negative before it even happened, because it became painfully obvious Shonda was going to do it the second Amelia joined the cast. They had plenty of opportunity to shake things up and move them apart during S11, but they kept it going despite fan reaction. It's unfortunate, but I think we all knew O/A was going to be a big part of S12. I'm struggling to find something to get excited about. 


McKidd quickly added a new reply to the same person who is 100% an Omelia fan as a romantic couple who asked about anything good for Omelia to which he replied Yes,but added now this


"but ..depends what you think is good ... It's all relative yknow"


BaseOps to the rescue,please. How would you analyse this? Is there hope they just might be friends and they will not continue them as a couple?

Or did he get scared he spoiled too much so is he trying to do some damage control in fear of Shonda´s reaction?

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

No I totally get it. I think that's the biggest problem with the too-large cast... things just happen to these characters now, and there's no time to really deal. With such small bits of screentime and stories, we have huge stuff happen to characters but never work through them or deal with after-math (Jackson/April and their baby, Meredith losing Derek, Callie and Arizona's divorce, etc.)

So true, this was the biggest issue with this season for me. It seems the writers realised they had a huge cast and decided giving each character short arcs would give more depth then trying to juggle them all, but it made the season so disjointed for me. I found it really unsatisfying to miss the aftermath. So many storylines felt unfinished as only half the story was told. The story doesn't end after the decision to get a divorce or after a child or husband passes, there is also seeing how the characters deal with it. Even Alex and the board seat and Arizona's time with Herman. The time jump compounds this even further, now this stuff happened ages ago for the characters.


I was reading a post Shonda wrote on the old Grey's writers blog before the season 3 premiere that pretty much sums up why time jumps are so frustrating.

“The first episode is going to take place pretty much where the end of Season Two left off.  Because I don’t believe in jumping ahead three months and leaving people scratching their heads and muttering, “Dude…what happened while we were away?”  I feel like SO much happened at the end of last season that I owe it to the characters to have them deal with the aftermath.  And I owe it to you to let you watch the aftermath.  Cause Denny died (yeah, I’m still not over that) and Burke got shot and Meredith lost her panties…"


Edited by Marni

No I totally get it. I think that's the biggest problem with the too-large cast... things just happen to these characters now, and there's no time to really deal. With such small bits of screentime and stories, we have huge stuff happen to characters but never work through them or deal with after-math (Jackson/April and their baby, Meredith losing Derek, Callie and Arizona's divorce, etc.)

I do wonder exactly when the decision to off Dempsey happened, because it seemed like a last second thing that derailed the season.

I remember Shonda specifically saying that Jo and Alex as well as Jackson and April would have big storylines and that never really happened except for the Japril baby but I think that was because Sarah's baby was a premie and Jesse ended up needing knee surgery, so that might've hampered that too. The Callie/Arizona umpteenth breakup just seemed like an out for Arizona if Jessica didn't renew knowing what we know about her contract now.

Hopefully, those that are reupping will happen early (if the show itself is renewed, obviously) so that they can stick to a more cohesive season.

Edited by CED9
  • Love 1

I liked Owen and Arizona as soon as they were introduced. I never really liked Jo but it has nothing to do with Izzie, her character just bores me and in 3 years she's yet to have a memorable, exciting storyline with Alex. But I get what you're saying about some more radical fans getting upset any time a character moves on... I don't think it's necessarily the norm though. I wanted Owen to move on a long time ago, actually, because his story with Cristina got tedious and repetitive. I just think Amelia is a God-awful character being portrayed by a subpar actress, and it makes Owen even less interesting to me. 

I agree with you re; Owen & Arizona and Jo. Loved Owen at first, love Arizona. Hate Jo, because I just don't care for the actress playing her. And I, too, wanted Owen/Cristina to be over ages ago. 


My problem with the Owen/Amelia pairing is the opposite of yours, though. I haven't liked Owen since at least Season 8. Amelia deserves better. And I love Caterina S. as an actress. As time has gone on, I've liked Kevin McKidd as an actor less and less. For me, he's completely failed to make Owen in any way sympathetic. 


As time has gone on, I've liked Kevin McKidd as an actor less and less. For me, he's completely failed to make Owen in any way sympathetic. 


I think he is  a great actor, but writing for Owen has been pure s....t for a couple of seasons now.

With Sandra still on the show despite the awful writing they were able to elevate each other´s acting performance, but now when he is left mainly in scenes with Scorsone, who I find a terrible actress, he is insufferable,too.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Very brief Sarah Drew interview where she talks about the show being able to continue without Dempsey, etc. The interesting part (to me) was:

And - after a particularly depressing season of Grey's - Drew added that this year's episodes will be more optimistic.


"I think the next season is all about hope, and we saw a taste of that at the end of the season 11 finale."


I'll be glad to see a lighter season after the past couple of seasons.

  • Love 3

I've been following the TCA panel for work purposes, but it looks like ABC exec Paul Lee did address Patrick leaving/Derek's death.  I thought this was funny that two different reporters seem to have a different spin on the same exact words.  


TVLine.com ‏@TVLine  3m3 minutes ago
#GreysAnatomy Killing McDreamy Was 'Difficult,' Says ABC Boss, Suggests Exit Was PD's Decision





Hollywood Reporter ‏@THR  10m10 minutes ago

ABC Boss Defends Patrick Dempsey's #GreysAnatomy Departure http://bit.ly/1DnJykl #TCA15





TVline seems to be implying it was Patrick's decision to leave, whereas Hollywood Reporter is leaning more towards it being Shonda/ABC's decision.  


Either way, he definitely said "We’ve seen the pitch for next season and the show reinvents itself again.".  


I am personally wondering if they are going to cut back on Meredith this season so that if Ellen decides to leave the show can continue without her.  I am definitely interested in seeing the direction the show goes and hope they can pull it off.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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I am personally wondering if they are going to cut back on Meredith this season so that if Ellen decides to leave the show can continue without her.  I am definitely interested in seeing the direction the show goes and hope they can pull it off.



Considering the amount of post-McDreamy/Patrick Dempsey publicity the show and cast has been spouting, I would imagine that they have to have the idea that Ellen is staying past season 12.  They talk about the show going on and on and about how it is Meredith's journey, etc., and I doubt that would do that to the degree that they have if she was only going to be there for one season longer.


I am more interested in the other cast whose contracts are up after season 12 (Chambers, Wilson, PIckens, Ramirez).  The fates of those characters are going to affect my continued viewing as much as Pompeo and more than Dempsey, so I hope that the decisions will be made soon or at least before whatever certain cliffhanger we get at the end of the season.  It will really affect storylines for this season as well.

  • Love 5
TVline seems to be implying it was Patrick's decision to leave, whereas Hollywood Reporter is leaning more towards it being Shonda/ABC's decision.


Patrick himself said he was not fired:

I think most people would look at leaving a hit TV show (not fired, contrary to the media feeding frenzy) as demonstration of serious intent


Are people now thinking he was lying? I just don't see the point, why would he? He specifically chose the words "not fired". He could have worded it differently or not specified whether or not leaving was his choice. 

Considering the amount of post-McDreamy/Patrick Dempsey publicity the show and cast has been spouting, I would imagine that they have to have the idea that Ellen is staying past season 12.  They talk about the show going on and on and about how it is Meredith's journey, etc., and I doubt that would do that to the degree that they have if she was only going to be there for one season longer.


Completely agree. I think they knew last season and that is why Derek died instead of just being off screen. If it was for one season they could have had him off in DC. Patrick still would have been off the show and they'd have an easy exit for Meredith - she leaves to join Derek in DC. Instead they set up a new, potentially years long, story arc for her.



  • Love 1

Patrick himself said he was not fired:

Are people now thinking he was lying? I just don't see the point, why would he? He specifically chose the words "not fired". He could have worded it differently or not specified whether or not leaving was his choice.

I think someone previously said it best on here. To his racing fans, he said "it was my choice, I wasn't fired" etc, to Grey's fans, he was all "I don't know why Shonda wrote me off, Derek could've stayed in DC" blah blah blah, I think it was Shonda doing what Patrick wanted, but he didn't expect it to go down like that.

If that makes sense.

  • Love 4

Agree with CED9.  Also, there was a lot of ambiguity around the reasons for him leaving.  The EW reporter who wrote the hard copy article had originally tweeted that Patrick would have stayed if he could and he got teary eyed/sad about leaving.  So most of the fans assumed that meant he was fired or at least surprised by the decision.  Then a few months later he himself turned around and said (in a racing magazine), it was his choice and how it showed how dedicated he was to racing.  


But, basically this goes with what I was trying to say earlier.  I don't think either party is lying per se, its just different interpretations. Like with the TVline vs. THR above, both reporters heard and reported the exact same quote but spun it differently.  


I will add that I think its perfectly normal to get sad about leaving job even if its your choosing, so in hindsight just because he was "sad" over it, doesn't mean it wasn't his decision.  I am not sure if we will ever know what really happened.  

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 1

I think the main issue for some was how it seemed like a split second decision.

The season was setting up certain storylines, then all the sudden nearly everyone was backburnered for this Derek is an ass about staying/Derek goes to DC/Derek cheats/Derek comes back/Derek dies group of episodes, followed by a ridiculous time jump where the other characters are given a line or 2 about how and why they've changed or haven't changed.

So, with it being such a split second decision, the knee jerk reaction was to blame Shonda, because people assume that they'll be given a heads up about these things.

Wanted to add also about the Shonda blaming that I'm sure there's a certain number of fans who think Patrick, or whoever for that matter, could do no wrong.

Edited by CED9
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Pompeo has always been grateful for the show, but her tune has changed over the past few years. I think she's now on board for the long haul because she will be compensated extraordinarily and, if last season is any indication, given meatier material than she was in the middle years when her future was questionable (and people were jumping ship). The show would have to become unbearable for her to leave now, I think, as her plan seemingly is to reap all the financial benefits Shondaland has to offer and then retire indefinitely. Her tweets on the series' 10th anniversary reveal a loyalty that wasn't as implicit in interviews of the past. So I don't think she's going anywhere.

And frankly, no matter how close they were, I don't think Pompeo minds that Dempsey left, especially since his participation hadn't been significant as of late. In fact, she probably secured a raise from what is now being saved in the budget.

  • Love 3


The EW reporter who wrote the hard copy article had originally tweeted that Patrick would have stayed if he could and he got teary eyed/sad about leaving.

Stayed with what conditions? That he take months off to race in the European series he announced he'd be in last November?  Most people would gladly stay in a job that pays millions if they're given tons of time off.

To his racing fans, he said "it was my choice, I wasn't fired" etc, to Grey's fans, he was all "I don't know why Shonda wrote me off, Derek could've stayed in DC" blah blah blah, I think it was Shonda doing what Patrick wanted, but he didn't expect it to go down like that.

So basically he just talks out of both sides of his mouth instead of being truthful to fans.


I really hope that the panel doesn't talk about McDreamy or Dempsey but instead focuses on the future. There are plenty of characters (and actors who are happy to be on the show). I want to hear from them.

Edited by maasa
  • Love 5

Stayed with what conditions? That he take months off to race in the European series he announced he'd be in last November? Most people would gladly stay in a job that pays millions if they're given tons of time off.

So basically he just talks out of both sides of his mouth instead of being truthful to fans.

I really hope that the panel doesn't talk about McDreamy or Dempsey but instead focuses on the future. There are plenty of characters (and actors who are happy to be on the show). I want to hear from them.

Racing is so expensive to keep up with that he probably had to look fully committed to keep his sponsors. Without his steady Greys paycheck, and however his divorce pans out financially, he needs those sponsors just to keep his car(s).

I thought I was done rehashing the Shonda v. Patrick stuff but I guess not :)  I think that both of Patrick's statements could sort of be correct.  He was probably willing to stay through season 12, but needed the same or more time off or other considerations and perhaps ABC and/or Shonda balked.  Rather than give him further time off they killed off his character.  Its also probable that at some point, Ellen made her intention to stay past 12 known, so killing Derek off was a win/win as far as releasing Dempsey from his contract and giving Ellen storyline to go beyond season 12.


So when he tells Grey's fans that he wanted to stay, that is probably true in that he did, provided he was able to come and go as his racing warranted.  When he tells the racing crowd that he left the show of his own accord and wasn't fired, that is also true in that he decided not to give up his racing commitments for the show going forward. 


Either way, I really hope that everyone involved with the show is refreshed and ready to bring their A game (however tired and tarnished that may be).  They are going to have a lot of pressure on them now and I hope that they are either up for the challenge and can come up with some new ideas for the characters, or they just graciously decide that the show has run its course organically and not because of who is or isn't there anymore.

  • Love 5

Deanie87, I just liked your post but I wanted to say that I agree 100% with everything you said.

I mentioned in the spoiler thread, but the panel seemed to be a little bit of a bust. I got the impression several reporters were bored and unimpressed. Seems like Shonda and co gave really short answers.


I saw a couple of tweets about it from some tv critics that I follow and they seemed pretty impressed with the way that Shonda was able to completely answer only what she wanted to answer and shut down the stuff that she didn't.  I'm sure that she has her Dempsey answers thought out and memorized because OF COURSE she was still going to get asked about it.  I've read that some think that she and ABC are using Dempsey's name for more publicity, but this was a press conference after all, and therefore the press ask about it.  I'm sure that given the choice, she and the cast would never have to answer a question about it again.


All in all, I thought that she was pretty honest about the situation (taking responsibility for writing his death but not for creating the situation in the first place, but also not totally throwing Dempsey under the bus either),   She was positive about the future of Grey's, gave some information about the premiere, but still a little taciturn and wary of the press.  I certainly don't blame her.

  • Love 4

Agreed Deanie87.  Some of the critics I follow also noted that Shonda just is not going to talk about her "legacy" and is done talking about diversity on shows.  As noted in other places, she is often asked to address diversity on tv, when she is the one who has been casting shows that look like the real world for a decade.  The question would be better put to shows that don't have diversity. 


Also, given that she doesn't discuss spoilers, and her shows aren't new this year, it was a bit odd to me that they were at the TCAs.  Perhaps ABC had nothing better for their allotted time.


ETA:  Nice highlight piece on the session (note, includes discussion of Scandal/HTGAWM)

Edited by pennben
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Also, given that she doesn't discuss spoilers, and her shows aren't new this year, it was a bit odd to me that they were at the TCAs. Perhaps ABC had nothing better for their allotted time.

I think ABC only has 1 or 2 new shows that are creating buzz in general. The Muppets (which isn't technically new) and Quantico. In terms of fall premieres, I mean.

They really are hellbent on making this TGIT thing stick, and marketing Ellen, Kerry and Viola as a package deal (plus Shonda).



Some Shonda BS in here where she says she "didn't know what the fan reaction was (to Derek's death) because she didn't go online for a few days".  OK sure Shonda.  


She also talks about the show continuing without Ellen, and Ellen's contract renewal on going.  And she clarifies the "no love interest for Meredith...for now" (shocker)




While Grey's Anatomy is currently proving that it can go on without Dempsey, could it ever go on without Pompeo?
"I think the show is Ellen," Rhimes says. "I don't think that's ever been a question. I think for me creatively the show has always been Ellen; that is the heart of the show. I am not going to comment on whether the show will fold without her. I am telling you, that is where I am interested in writing."
Edited by Greysaddict


Some Shonda BS in here where she says she "didn't know what the fan reaction was (to Derek's death) because she didn't go online for a few days".


She said a little more than that, she knew folks were angry, just stayed away from online reactions, from the article:



I know enough to know that it was a big deal because I got personal emails from people I know who were angry and I saw an article in Time Magazine about how to cope with a fictional character's death.


Also, from the Pompeo article windsprints linked to above, a quote from Pompeo:



"I mean, I'm not a writer. But we had a lot of discussions about the aftermath and the onslaught of death threats [Rhimes] received and things,"


I guess where I come out is that I don't blame Rhimes one bit for not acknowledging the sewage and hate that was thrown at her in the immediate aftermath on twitter, etc.; and lots of us saw it happening in real time. 


If she didn't read tweets for a couple of days, or chose to give them no power, go her...the vile haters were lost in the ether, where they should be. 


I know not all responses were like that, and lots of fans simply voice legitimate anger and sadness, but it was ugly for awhile.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 4

I totally agree with you pennben.  If she was getting threats she knew what would await her on twitter because people can't separate fiction from real life.


I'm not a Meredith fan and am neutral on Ellen but I have to say I don't recall her ever coming across so invigorated for a season. Its nice to see. In the past she always seemed to me like she was there for the check but now she seems to want to tell the story. 

  • Love 1

She said a little more than that, she knew folks were angry, just stayed away from online reactions, from the article:



Also, from the Pompeo article windsprints linked to above, a quote from Pompeo:



I guess where I come out is that I don't blame Rhimes one bit for not acknowledging the sewage and hate that was thrown at her in the immediate aftermath on twitter, etc.; and lots of us saw it happening in real time. 


If she didn't read tweets for a couple of days, or chose to give them no power, go her...the vile haters were lost in the ether, where they should be. 


I know not all responses were like that, and lots of fans simply voice legitimate anger and sadness, but it was ugly for awhile.

Well I certainly don't condone death threats, and don't even question Shonda's (lack of) response in the aftermath, however this was the full quote from Shonda

"I don't know what they felt. I actually don't know what the fan response was, because I knew enough to know that I was going to write Derek's death and I was not going to go online for a while," Rhimes says. "I know enough to know that it was a big deal because I got personal emails from people I know who were angry and I saw an article in Time Magazine about how to cope with a fictional character's death."

I feel like she is being a bit coy here bc she clearly did know what the fan reaction was, and that's why I called it bs.

  • Love 1

Of course she had some idea what the reaction was. Any person who went online saw some reference to it in the days following. I took her statement as her saying she knew Derek dying would anger people so she didn't read to seek out reaction. It was the end of S11 and its not like she had no idea what kind of tweets would be coming her way. Go back and read even the old writer's blogs comments from S4 (probably even earlier) when Rose showed up, she's been getting rude/nasty comments for years. She knew the comments she'd get after killing off Derek.


+1 to every thing pennbenn wrote above.


Ellen ExtraTV interview: http://extratv.com/2015/08/05/ellen-pompeo-dishes-on-hot-new-mcdreamy-and-greys-anatomy-season-12/


Hoping we see some from the other cast members who attended the TCA party tomorrow. There were interviews going on so they should appear soon.

Edited by windsprints
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People article - http://www.people.com/article/abc-killing-patrick-dempsey-greys-anatomy-difficult-decision

Though his costars, like on-screen wife Ellen Pompeo, only had nice things to say after his exit, a source tells PEOPLE "there was no love lost" between Dempsey and some of the veteran members of the cast – many of whom did not comment on the departure.

So many of the cast didn't comment on Dempsey's departure so its hard to say who is part of the "no love lost". It does say veteran so that would rule out anyone fairly new to the show such as Caterina or Kelly.


Somebody wanted to clarify that Dempsey wasn't the star - Ellen interview - http://www.tvweeklogieawards.com.au/news/articles/2015/8/ellen-pompeo-mcdreamys-death-doesnt-matter


Pet peeve - why can't people writing articles spell the character names correctly? Its not specific to Grey's but I just don't understand why they wouldn't spend the 30 seconds to make sure they got it right.

Hoping we see some from the other cast members who attended the TCA party tomorrow. There were interviews going on so they should appear soon.

Did the majority of the cast attend? Some new interviews would be welcome.

Edited by maasa

Interesting.  I didn't think that Ellen really commented on PD, I thought that she was more interested in talking about the future of Greys.  Maybe I missed it, but I thought that she and JC were the only ones of the orginals left who were "not available for comment."   On the one hand its an unnamed source, but on the other hand, its People and they are usually pretty reliable.


Somebody wanted to clarify that Dempsey wasn't the star



Um, damn.  If she wasn't misquoted or anything like that, then I guess Ellen has been unleashed LOL!  The press for season 12 should be interesting to say the least.  

Somebody wanted to clarify that Dempsey wasn't the star - Ellen interview - http://www.tvweeklogieawards.com.au/news/articles/2015/8/ellen-pompeo-mcdreamys-death-doesnt-matter


Did something happen to this article?  When i click on the link the headline say "Ellen Pompeo: ‘McDreamy’s death doesn’t matter’", but the article itself is all about The Bachelor Australia?  Anyone else see that?  Curious as to what she said


Edit: I got it to work now.  Is this site reputable?  I find some of these things that Ellen said hard to believe.  While she hasn't exactly been showering PD with praise since he left, these two quotes are just weird and untrue.  



“I mean, it’s always been called Grey’s Anatomy,” the 45-year-old actress explains. “The funny thing is, if you watch the show, Derek Sheppard really never had more than two minutes of screen time every episode.



“Sandra Oh [who portrayed Meredith’s best friend Cristina Yang from season one to 10] and I really worked way more scenes than Patrick and I ever did.  He never really had a lot of screen time.”


If these are direct quotes, then yikes....she seems to be wanting to throw PD under the bus.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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Did something happen to this article? When i click on the link the headline say "Ellen Pompeo: ‘McDreamy’s death doesn’t matter’", but the article itself is all about The Bachelor Australia? Anyone else see that? Curious as to what she said

Edit: I got it to work now. Is this site reputable? I find some of these things that Ellen said hard to believe. While she hasn't exactly been showering PD with praise since he left, these two quotes are just weird and untrue.

If these are direct quotes, then yikes....she seems to be wanting to throw PD under the bus.

It's not really untrue though. Friendships trumped relationships for a huge chunk of the series before they became settled down adults. Not just Meredith/Cristina over Meredith/Derek.

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Well,well, she really doesn´t appreciate Dempsey at all, as an acting partner of 11 years, wow, she does not realise Dempsey helped her a great deal to become famous,too.   I guess Pompeo couldn´t bear standing in Dempsey´s shadow anymore. She is the sun after all not him.


She is grateful to Shonda but ungrateful to Dempsey.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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