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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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New TGIT promo reveals shocking Grey's, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder moments




thanks for posting....i was just coming here to discuss.  I guess my earlier prediction of EP playing two roles is out because it is clearly it's Meredith (in a trauma gown) laying on the floor.  Ugh, i was so hoping for something, i don't know...believable? to happen in 12x09.  I really don't need to see Meredith in "danger" ever again because its not even remotely interesting to me anymore (even as a huge Meredith fan).  


Secondly, according to this post Meredith is fine and operating in 12x14 so gee i can't imagine the suspense.  Will Meredith Grey live or die??  /sarcasm https://m.facebook.com/KevinMcKiddOnline/posts/10153778170578815:0


and in other semi-spoiler news....Zola is back! Meredith's children actually exist (or at least one of them)



The actress says her episode is airing in Feb but i can't seem to find which episode, so it might be her coming to see Meredith in hospital in 12x09, or perhaps Meredith spends time with her children when she is recovering in episodes 10 or 11

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thanks for posting....i was just coming here to discuss.  I guess my earlier prediction of EP playing two roles is out because it is clearly it's Meredith (in a trauma gown) laying on the floor.  Ugh, i was so hoping for something, i don't know...believable? to happen in 12x09.  I really don't need to see Meredith in "danger" ever again because its not even remotely interesting to me anymore (even as a huge Meredith fan).  


Secondly, according to this post Meredith is fine and operating in 12x14 so gee i can't imagine the suspense.  Will Meredith Grey live or die??  /sarcasm https://m.facebook.com/KevinMcKiddOnline/posts/10153778170578815:0


and in other semi-spoiler news....Zola is back! Meredith's children actually exist (or at least one of them)



The actress says her episode is airing in Feb but i can't seem to find which episode, so it might be her coming to see Meredith in hospital in 12x09, or perhaps Meredith spends time with her children when she is recovering in episodes 10 or 11

Thanks for the info, Greysaddict!

I can't wait to see the kids again. This is literally my favorite "spoiler" so far lol

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I really don't need to see Meredith in "danger" ever again because its not even remotely interesting to me anymore (even as a huge Meredith fan).


I really hope there's more to it than another Meredith-in-peril episode.  Feelings about the character aside, its just been done too much. If there's at least some bigger story/concept it could at least be interesting.


If it is another disaster at SGM I'm going with bomb/explosion of some kind - maybe its a nod to the bomb episode. Didn't the original bomb episodes air around the same date 10 years ago?

Edited by windsprints
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I'm totally confused about this episode. Last we saw Meredith she was at the center of a lot of contention: between Alex and Jo, with Amelia, the Owen situation, not to mention still grieving her husband's death with 3 kids (who we'll apparently finally see, yay!) and with Penny around. Anyway I think there must be some larger story here. I thought before that it might have been a nervous breakdown but it doesn't look like that. If it's a shooting, I'm not really sure what to think. I'd like to think it's something totally different, because this would be the third shooting at the hospital. I am excited to see it play out though, I don't think it will just be some disaster for disasters sake. With Ellen in every scene, it must serve some importance. 

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Apparently an ambulance explodes, so I'm guessing Meredith's injuries have something to do with that.

Her poor kids, though. They only come around when something horrible is happening. Kind of like Shonda.

Edited by funnygirl
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I'm totally confused about this episode. Last we saw Meredith she was at the center of a lot of contention: between Alex and Jo, with Amelia, the Owen situation, 


I am confused too....i'm hoping its worth the build up and hype!  I can't believe we have to wait 5 more weeks still to find out.  Given that this accident occurs at the GSMH i think its somewhat possible to tie up some of the loose ends from the mid-season finale.  I am going to guess we won't get to see Jo's answer to the proposal and just hear about it from Alex.  Ugh, those two deserve real screentime.  


I don't think those quick scenes of Mer look like she was shot so an explosion makes more sense.    I am sort of ok with an ambulance exploding, definitely more so than a shooting, but I feel like that's happened at least twice already though?  Maybe it some kind of dream-y/AU scenario after the explosion.  

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I am sort of ok with an ambulance exploding, definitely more so than a shooting, but I feel like that's happened at least twice already though?

I remember 2 ambulance accidents - one that crashed into the hospital and Meredith helped the guy trapped. The other was Meredith & Alex coming back from somewhere in an ambulance with a patient and there being an accident.  

The explosions I remember are Kyle Chandler exploding, the oxygen when the patient lit a cigarette and the bus explosion where Jackson walked out with the kid.


We need a reference list of SGM disasters to help us in times like this :)  

Maybe it some kind of dream-y/AU scenario after the explosion.


I'd like that better than "WILL SHE LIVE?!" (when we all know, yes she will). What could it be about? Her life if she never met Derek? Life if she never dates again? Life if she starts dating again? Maybe Zola ties in via the dream (if there's one).

Edited by windsprints
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What could it be about?


I was thinking more of what would happen to the kids if she died and they had no parents.  This could bring her to make amends with Amelia.  Or possibly what would it would be like if she died instead of Derek or what Derek felt when he died---though these two would be hard to pull off with Patrick.  


I have a feeling that Penny is going to be the one who "saves" Meredith, even though she couldn't save Derek.  I think she'll be the one who discovers an unknown bleed, or pushes for some kind of scan that everyone else is ignoring.  Especially ironic if it is a head ct/MRI.  


(and then hopefully she celebrates her save getting the hell of the Seattle Grace Mercy Death hellmouth)

Edited by Greysaddict
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I have a feeling that Penny is going to be the one who "saves" Meredith, even though she couldn't save Derek.  I think she'll be the one who discovers an unknown bleed, or pushes for some kind of scan that everyone else is ignoring.  Especially ironic if it is a head ct/MRI.


I could definitely see that. Maybe Nathan carries her in too, setting him up for her too. LOL, its not like GA is subtle.


I remember seeing gifs of the explosion and Meredith in a chair awhile back but can't find them. Anyone have them?

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We need a reference list of SGM disasters to help us in times like this :)  .


Ask and ye shall receive:)  I'm not sure this is a comprehensive list (and it's missing a biggie that happened after its publish date) but it's a start. I don't think we've had a locust swarm yet, that would be different for the future.

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Maybe it some kind of dream-y/AU scenario after the explosion

Or another NDE for Meredith to give a reason for Shonda to bring Denny back for an episode.


I'm not a Meredith fan and have zero interest in this episode regardless of who is directing it. If Alex and Jo don't get scenes alone that show the resolution to the cliffhanger I'm going to be annoyed. If they wanted to do an "All Meredith" episode they should have picked one after the first one back after such a long break.

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Or another NDE for Meredith to give a reason for Shonda to bring Denny back for an episode.


I'm not a Meredith fan and have zero interest in this episode regardless of who is directing it. If Alex and Jo don't get scenes alone that show the resolution to the cliffhanger I'm going to be annoyed. If they wanted to do an "All Meredith" episode they should have picked one after the first one back after such a long break.


I would prepare to be annoyed if I were you. Ellen said she was in every scene of the episode, which means it's unlikely we'll see a scene of Alex and Jo alone during the first ep back. 


Not that it means much, but the writers don't pick the break lengths. When they were shooting they had Jan 28th as the premiere date, and ABC ended up pushing TGIT's return back by 2 weeks. Either way, at the end of the day it's Meredith's show. The ensemble may take the spotlight a lot of the time, and certainly many fans prefer other characters, but she is the Grey in Grey's Anatomy. It shouldn't be too much of a stretch to have the lead be the lead for one episode. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I would prepare to be annoyed if I were you. Ellen said she was in every scene of the episode, which means it's unlikely we'll see a scene of Alex and Jo alone during the first ep back. 


Not that it means much, but the writers don't pick the break lengths. When they were shooting they had Jan 28th as the premiere date, and ABC ended up pushing TGIT's return back by 2 weeks. Either way, at the end of the day it's Meredith's show. The ensemble may take the spotlight a lot of the time, and certainly many fans prefer other characters, but she is the Grey in Grey's Anatomy. It shouldn't be too much of a stretch to have the lead be the lead for one episode. 

I know Meredith is the Grey in Grey's Anatomy. Trust me, any fan of any other character who posts on the internet about Grey's knows. For 11 and 1/2 seasons ts the #1 comeback whenever any fan isn't hailing Meredith Grey. She's The Sun, got it.


I mostly have no problem with character centric episodes for ANY character. Its the timing that I take issue with. I also know that the writers do not control the breaks but they have a very long hiatus to make adjustments. They could edit in an Alex/Jo scene or the could modify the episode order. They have done these type of things in the past so its possible to do.

I am going to guess we won't get to see Jo's answer to the proposal and just hear about it from Alex.  Ugh, those two deserve real screentime.

I meant to quote you in my earlier reply. It was just the two of them when Alex proposed and fans deserve to see the followup.  Wanting to/expecting to see the answer to a proposal that was used as a cliffhanger isn't about screen time. Its about giving fans of a character who has been there from day 1 a two minute scene to give some payoff for a 2+ season long romance. Its a big moment for Alex and Jolex so of course their fans would want to see it.

Edited by maasa
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I still think that this is going to be Meredith's "come to Jesus" episode in some way.  But other characters will be on the periphery.  


My prediction for Alex and Jo:  We finally cut to them for the first time at the end of the episode and Jo is about to respond to the proposal when Alex's phone rings and its Meredith (to make sure that she is in every scene) letting him know that she has been in yet another accident/shooting/bombing. Alex cuts Jo off and instead of muttering "JFC, not again, I'm too old for this shit" like a normal person would, he tosses the ring at Jo and races to Meredith's side.  Which will make Jo the bad guy again because god forbid Alex deal with his own crisis and not Meredith's.  I just hope that the next episode starts with Alex returning home to an empty apartment.


My alternate prediction is that we pick up days after the proposal with Alex telling Meredith Jo's response.  Which sucks in every way.  Imagine, Mer and Der on the elevator back in season five, only instead of answering, Meredith gets off at the next stop to find Cristina for whatever reason.  I'm sure that would go over wonderfully.  Its not that I begrudge Meredith getting her own episode, its that it comes smack dab in the middle of episodes where other characters have FINALLY gotten something to do


I also don't understand why a show that has started to rebrand itself as the Meredith Grey show again, insists on adding 2-3 characters every season, especially when Meredith doesn't have real relationships with half of the cast on the show now as it is.  I hope that many characters are leaving at the end of the season and I especially hope that Alex is one of them.

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My alternate prediction is that we pick up days after the proposal with Alex telling Meredith Jo's response.



This is scenario I'd hate the most but the one I think we'll see. 


My other thought is that maybe the proposal response won't be shown at all in the episode. Perhaps this is a stand alone/one off like the AU episode was with no resolution on past stories or impact on future ones. I think its possible that its some big action episode written just for Denzel to direct then it will go back to the normal episodes. It wouldn't be difficult to do. For example, episode begins showing Meredith at the hospital, BOOM!, whatever goes on with Meredith, end. Even easier to do if its some kind of dream (as has been speculated around various sites). If not a dream they could just show whatever happens with her then the following episode could show a flashback to the finish of the Alex/Jo cliffhanger then move ahead with their storyline. Meredith is always completely fine in the episode following whatever injury she had during her peril episodes (exception is liver transplant when EP was pregnant) so I don't see that as something they'd worry about.

Edited by windsprints
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This is scenario I'd hate the most but the one I think we'll see. 


My other thought is that maybe the proposal response won't be shown at all in the episode. Perhaps this is a stand alone/one off like the AU episode was with no resolution on past stories or impact on future ones. I think its possible that its some big action episode written just for Denzel to direct then it will go back to the normal episodes. It wouldn't be difficult to do. For example, episode begins showing Meredith at the hospital, BOOM!, whatever goes on with Meredith, end. Even easier to do if its some kind of dream (as has been speculated around various sites). If not a dream they could just show whatever happens with her then the following episode could show a flashback to the finish of the Alex/Jo cliffhanger then move ahead with their storyline. Meredith is always completely fine in the episode following whatever injury she had during her peril episodes (exception is liver transplant when EP was pregnant) so I don't see that as something they'd worry about.


This would be my hope.  I really do think that they have been writing Meredith in this way on purpose, so I would be thrilled if they address it in this episode and that will make way for her to be there for others and to pave the way for her friendship/romance with the new guy.  

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I meant to quote you in my earlier reply. It was just the two of them when Alex proposed and fans deserve to see the followup.  Wanting to/expecting to see the answer to a proposal that was used as a cliffhanger isn't about screen time. Its about giving fans of a character who has been there from day 1 a two minute scene to give some payoff for a 2+ season long romance. Its a big moment for Alex and Jolex so of course their fans would want to see it.


 I think you meant me...but we are agreeing on the same thing here.  I 100% agree that fans deserve to SEE the answer to the proposal.  However, as you said, when we last saw them they were alone together in their loft, so with Meredith in every scene it seems highly unlikely we will pick back up in that moment.  It seems more so that the episode will be a day, or a few later and the "answer" will come by way of Alex telling Mer.  Perhaps Ellen was a little too literal in saying that she was in every scene so its also a possibility our guesses are wrong and we WILL see Jo's answer.  


What i meant about screentime is the writers seem to barely care about their relationship and I think both actors deserve more than their big moment being told and not shown.  Its all a guess right now, so I truly hope that isn't the case.  

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My other thought is that maybe the proposal response won't be shown at all in the episode. Perhaps this is a stand alone/one off like the AU episode was with no resolution on past stories or impact on future ones. 


Based on this interview from Jerika I don't think the episode is a stand alone one.  


The fun thing about this year is that they get to break open a whole bunch of boxes that they kept themselves constricted in and tell a whole bunch of new stories from a lot of different angles and deal with some recurring themes in new ways. So the fact that something of this nature is happening in the middle of the season can’t help but make you feel “Okay, well, then where are we going to be by episode 24?” And also, don’t forget that this is the episode that Denzel Washington directed. Never forget about that!


full interview here: https://www.yahoo.com/style/greys-anatomy-jerrika-hinton-shopped-her-closet-135121664.html


I think this might be where the rumor of someone leaving in 12x09 are coming from.  


Also, I seem to remember another article that said we would definitely get a resolution to the Jolex proposal in 12x09.   I can;t seem to find it so I don't know how reputable it was.

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With the title being "The Sound of Silence I've read some speculation that Meredith temporarily loses her hearing in the explosion and then there is no speech during the rest of the episode. Buffy had a highly acclaimed episode with no speech and Shonda is a huge Buffy fan.

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I know Meredith is the Grey in Grey's Anatomy. Trust me, any fan of any other character who posts on the internet about Grey's knows. For 11 and 1/2 seasons ts the #1 comeback whenever any fan isn't hailing Meredith Grey. She's The Sun, got it.


I mostly have no problem with character centric episodes for ANY character. Its the timing that I take issue with. I also know that the writers do not control the breaks but they have a very long hiatus to make adjustments. They could edit in an Alex/Jo scene or the could modify the episode order. They have done these type of things in the past so its possible to do.


I'm a fan of several other characters, some more than Meredith (including Alex), all I'm saying is that no one should be surprised when they do episodes that use her as the lead. I'm not saying you should like it, but you shouldn't be surprised or hold it against the writers. And it seems like the episode is pretty specific and built around whatever event affects Meredith. I don't think it would make any sense to just shoe-horn in an Alex / Jo scene so that a few fans don't complain. It would make even less sense to just swap the episode order, especially considering how many things are going on. That creates huge continuity issues in most cases. 

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With the title being "The Sound of Silence I've read some speculation that Meredith temporarily loses her hearing in the explosion and then there is no speech during the rest of the episode. Buffy had a highly acclaimed episode with no speech and Shonda is a huge Buffy fan.

And Stacy McKee wrote the episode. She's the resident gimmick episode writer.

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With the title being "The Sound of Silence I've read some speculation that Meredith temporarily loses her hearing in the explosion and then there is no speech during the rest of the episode. Buffy had a highly acclaimed episode with no speech and Shonda is a huge Buffy fan.


I forgot about that speculation, that could be interesting, although I wonder how "stand alone" it will be.  That scenario would also make sense as I could imagine Denzel being up for the challenge of directing that kind of episode.  I'm kind of finding it hard to imagine how they will fill all 42 minutes with silence from Meredith's perspective, but I guess we'll see.  Maybe some characters (like Jo and Alex) won't even be in the episode, which I would actually prefer, especially since it would make sense that the entire would take place at the hospital.


And to be fair to the writers, its possible that they had to take Denzel when they could get him, hence this episode kind of coming in the middle of a bunch of other stuff.  I am okay with that as long as it doesn't set a huge precedent.  When Will and Grace, for example, started planning their episodes around guest stars, it really affected the show in a negative way.  I would hate for Grey's to become a go to for every friend of Shonda's or Debbie Allen's who decides that what they really want to do is direct.  That is a worst-case scenario, of course, but I am wary anyway.

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Thanks, GreysAddict. Oh well, one idea out the window! I knew it was too much to hope for.  

The fun thing about this year is that they get to break open a whole bunch of boxes that they kept themselves constricted in and tell a whole bunch of new stories from a lot of different angles and deal with some recurring themes in new ways.

I hadn't seen the JH interview. What does this even mean? LOL maybe we'll all be blown away by all the new out of the box stories. Here's hoping.


Also, I seem to remember another article that said we would definitely get a resolution to the Jolex proposal in 12x09


If it is and Meredith is in every scene then I can't see any way that I'd be happy with the way it plays out. Who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

With the title being "The Sound of Silence I've read some speculation that Meredith temporarily loses her hearing in the explosion and then there is no speech during the rest of the episode. Buffy had a highly acclaimed episode with no speech and Shonda is a huge Buffy fan.

It would also be the opposite of when Derek was injured/dying - he could hear but couldn't speak.  I've never seen Buffy to have an idea how it would play out.


Maybe some characters (like Jo and Alex) won't even be in the episode, which I would actually prefer, especially since it would make sense that the entire would take place at the hospital.

I'd prefer that too.

I don't think it would make any sense to just shoe-horn in an Alex / Jo scene so that a few fans don't complain

Yes, why do anything to make those *few* pesky fans happy after putting Jolex's story on hold for an entire season to accommodate an actor's exit (per interviews)?  As an Alex fan from the start I know they will always shortchange his storylines but it doesn't stop me from wanting/wishing for better.


Hoping we get some more spoilers about the episode. 

Edited by windsprints
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Yes, why do anything to make those *few* pesky fans happy after putting Jolex's story on hold for an entire season to accommodate an actor's exit (per interviews)? As an Alex fan from the start I know they will always shortchange his storylines but it doesn't stop me from wanting/wishing for better.

Hoping we get some more spoilers about the episode.

I never said anything about "pesky" fans. Alex is my favourite character, as he has been since S1, and I've always been vocal about his lack of stories and screentime the past few years. All I'm saying was that if the episode is written as an all-Meredith hour, it makes no logical sense for the writers to just add in a random scene to make a minority of fans happy. There's a (too) huge cast, so it's impossible for everyone to be happy. April and Jackson fans recently had the same complaint about suddenly seeing them in bed together with no direct lead-up or aftermath. And I agree, I wish there was more time taken to focus on each story, particularly the characters I like. But this is only episode 9 out of 24. I want all of the Alex scenes they'll give us, I just won't be surprised or upset if it's not in the premiere. I could see how fans who don't like Meredith wouldn't be excited I guess. But right now we really don't know anything, it could play out any number of ways. I do believe Shonda is commited to telling more Alex / Jo stories, and the fall finale was a good first step. Edited by BaseOps
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I never said anything about "pesky" fans.

I never said you did. Pesky was my word. 


All I'm saying was that if the episode is written as an all-Meredith hour, it makes no logical sense for the writers to just add in a random scene to make a minority of fans happy.

I understood what you meant. I don't agree. 

Imagine, Mer and Der on the elevator back in season five, only instead of answering, Meredith gets off at the next stop to find Cristina for whatever reason.  I'm sure that would go over wonderfully.  Its not that I begrudge Meredith getting her own episode, its that it comes smack dab in the middle of episodes where other characters have FINALLY gotten something to do

Thank you for explaining it far better than I could.

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I forgot about that speculation, that could be interesting, although I wonder how "stand alone" it will be.  That scenario would also make sense as I could imagine Denzel being up for the challenge of directing that kind of episode.  I'm kind of finding it hard to imagine how they will fill all 42 minutes with silence from Meredith's perspective, but I guess we'll see.  Maybe some characters (like Jo and Alex) won't even be in the episode, which I would actually prefer, especially since it would make sense that the entire would take place at the hospital.


It would also be the opposite of when Derek was injured/dying - he could hear but couldn't speak.  I've never seen Buffy to have an idea how it would play out.

So for Buffy the episode starts out normal. It begins with her in a lecture at college listening to a professor talk about communication, which you then see all the characters have issues with. About 15/45 minutes in everyone's voices are stolen by ghouls. There is no speech, but still diegetic sound and a heavy musical score, silent film style. They fight the ghouls while learning to communicate with each other. The last 5 minutes their voices have returned.


For Grey's I could see it being like this: Episode starts the next day, Meredith voiceover about communication. We see some short scenes or mentions of the current conflicts- Meredith/Amelia, Owen/Amelia, Owen/Riggs, Jo/Alex, April/Jackson etc. Meredith is receiving an ambulance, there is an explosion leaving her hearing impaired. She is in the hospital being treated by the others and we see the other characters from her perspective. E.g. Meredith watches Alex and Jo talking outside her room but we can't hear them, just body language and heavy use of music to express what's going on. Everything comes to the surface for Meredith- she reflects on her life, Derek and her grief, has a bonding moment with Amelia, maybe Amelia puts their issues aside and is really there for her as her quasi sister. The experience is clarifying for Meredith, she realizes she isn't coping as well as she thought and has some issues to work on. That would fit with her being back in therapy in 12x10. I hadn't thought about the Derek callback but it fits and Grey's does love parallels.


Anyway sorry about the rambling, I have some free time today and have been thinking about it.

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So for Buffy the episode starts out normal. It begins with her in a lecture at college listening to a professor talk about communication, which you then see all the characters have issues with. About 15/45 minutes in everyone's voices are stolen by ghouls. There is no speech, but still diegetic sound and a heavy musical score, silent film style. They fight the ghouls while learning to communicate with each other. The last 5 minutes their voices have returned.

For Grey's I could see it being like this: Episode starts the next day, Meredith voiceover about communication. We see some short scenes or mentions of the current conflicts- Meredith/Amelia, Owen/Amelia, Owen/Riggs, Jo/Alex, April/Jackson etc. Meredith is receiving an ambulance, there is an explosion leaving her hearing impaired. She is in the hospital being treated by the others and we see the other characters from her perspective. E.g. Meredith watches Alex and Jo talking outside her room but we can't hear them, just body language and heavy use of music to express what's going on. Everything comes to the surface for Meredith- she reflects on her life, Derek and her grief, has a bonding moment with Amelia, maybe Amelia puts their issues aside and is really there for her as her quasi sister. The experience is clarifying for Meredith, she realizes she isn't coping as well as she thought and has some issues to work on. That would fit with her being back in therapy in 12x10. I hadn't thought about the Derek callback but it fits and Grey's does love parallels.

Anyway sorry about the rambling, I have some free time today and have been thinking about it.

Hush is such a genius episode of Buffy because of exactly what you described. Without any dialogue, it moved along arcs, gave the characters and audience new perspectives, was truly scary, and it did everything in such a unique way. It's one of my favourite TV episodes ever. What you described for Grey's could be really impactful, and I could see it playing out that way. I just hope that whatever it ends up being it isn't treated as a crazy one-off event episode, but that it really reverberates throughout the season. Edited by BaseOps
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I bet that is similar to what actually happens. I also thought they'd make it so Nathan is Meredith's doctor in this episode to give them some kind of push.

I would be more than okay with that scenario if that episode happened pre-season 10, honestly. But now the emotional impact of something like that would be minimal because we'd probably get acoustic covers of NSync or Britney during it.

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Hush is such a genius episode of Buffy because of exactly what you described. Without any dialogue, it moved along arcs, gave the characters and audience new perspectives, was truly scary, and it did everything in such a unique way. It's one of my favourite TV episodes ever. What you described for Grey's could be really impactful, and I could see it playing out that way. I just hope that whatever it ends up being it isn't treated as a crazy one-off event episode, but that it really reverberates throughout the season.

I completely agree. I watched the promo with Meredith in danger and didn't even blink- Meredith in danger, what's new? For it to have an impact it needs to go beyond the standard disaster and have some greater meaning and purpose.


I bet that is similar to what actually happens. I also thought they'd make it so Nathan is Meredith's doctor in this episode to give them some kind of push.

I would be more than okay with that scenario if that episode happened pre-season 10, honestly. But now the emotional impact of something like that would be minimal because we'd probably get acoustic covers of NSync or Britney during it.


I could also see Penny being Meredith's doctor and redeeming herself in some way by discovering something.

Edited by Marni
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So for Buffy the episode starts out normal. It begins with her in a lecture at college listening to a professor talk about communication, which you then see all the characters have issues with. About 15/45 minutes in everyone's voices are stolen by ghouls. There is no speech, but still diegetic sound and a heavy musical score, silent film style. They fight the ghouls while learning to communicate with each other. The last 5 minutes their voices have returned.

I remember reading some speculation about the episode having no/limited spoken dialogue when the title came out and it's definitely a good theory. I love the way you laid it out Marni....sounds extremely plausible (in the GA universe).

I remembered something else EP said, i think she said 12x09 was her best work yet and her favorite episode. It sort of makes sense she would feel challenged by having to portray emotion without speech, using just her eyes/facial expressions (i'm assuming she won't be able to speak).

Seems like a huge challenge for a first time director!

Edited by Greysaddict
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It sounds like a good idea if it's done well. I definitely prefer the gimmicky episodes or the ones that play around with the format (I Saw What I Saw, These Arms of Mine, Golden Hour, Song Beneath The Song, If/Then, Beautiful Doom, Do You Know?, etc) over the disaster ones.

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Meredith is "brutally attacked" according to EW:


“Meredith gets attacked by someone you would least expect and it is just as terrifying, shocking and harrowing as it appears,” Kelly McCreary tells EW.

“She’s attacked really brutally, really viciously and in a completely surprising, weird way,” Sarah Drew adds, noting that everyone else is really on the sidelines during the Meredith-centric episode directed by Denzel Washington — which means you won’t find out what Jackson (Jesse Williams) wanted to say to April (Drew) right away.

So, yea... I doubt we'll see the results of the Alex / Jo proposal or anything else.

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Please let it not be a rape. So very few shows do the follow up well and I wouldn't trust Grey's within a 10 foot barge pole with that. On PrP it wasn;t the worst way its ever gone but I didn't think it was great. Even a just plain brutal non sexual attack I'm cringing at for the sake of a VSE. I'd have preferred an exploding ambulance.

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Meredith is "brutally attacked" according to EW:


“Meredith gets attacked by someone you would least expect and it is just as terrifying, shocking and harrowing as it appears,” Kelly McCreary tells EW.

“She’s attacked really brutally, really viciously and in a completely surprising, weird way,” Sarah Drew adds, noting that everyone else is really on the sidelines during the Meredith-centric episode directed by Denzel Washington — which means you won’t find out what Jackson (Jesse Williams) wanted to say to April (Drew) right away.

So, yea... I doubt we'll see the results of the Alex / Jo proposal or anything else.

Meredith brutally attacked is the last thing I want to see. Ugh.

I wouldn't care about not picking up with the cliffhangers so much, but pacing has already been a huge problem for Alex/Jo and April/Jackson's stories.

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So Meredith is attacked...hmmm definitely not what I was expecting. I too hope its not a sexual assault/rape. But I guess this is what leads to Mer seeing the therapist. Interesting that Sarah Drew said everyone else is on the sidelines because I was thinking the episode would be like the drowning episodes or Callie's accident in the musical episode with basically every doctor on hand scrambling to save her.

There's a ton of speculation on twitter that it's Owen who attacks her. I don't know if the character of Hunt could ever come back from attacking Meredith, even if it because of PTSD. I mean he did choke Cristina and is still here but I just don't know how he could stick around after that.

Maybe it's Riggs and he also was abusive and attacked/killed Owen's sister. But again, I also don't think he would have been made a series regular if this was his arc.

Edited by Greysaddict
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So Meredith is attacked...hmmm definitely not what I was expecting. I too hope its not a sexual assault/rape. But I guess this is what leads to Mer seeing the therapist. Interesting that Sarah Drew said everyone else is on the sidelines because I was thinking the episode would be like the drowning episodes or Callie's accident in the musical episode with basically every doctor on hand scrambling to save her.

There's a ton of speculation on twitter that it's Owen who attacks her. I don't know if the character of Hunt could ever come back from attacking Meredith, even if it because of PTSD. I mean he did choke Cristina and is still here but I just don't know how he could stick around after that.

Maybe it's Riggs and he also was abusive and attacked/killed Owen's sister. But again, I also don't think he would have been made a series regular if this was his arc.

What I think is interesting is that there's very clearly another doctor unconscious on the ground behind Meredith in one shot. So, whoever attacks her doesn't just attack her. That makes me think it definitely isn't rape. "A surprising, weird way" could be anything. The only thing that makes me believe maybe Owen is somehow involved is the Amelia quote from the article, but even then I'm not sure, but I think that would be ballsy and really interesting, honestly. I definitely don't think it's Riggs. They want us to like this guy, they're not going to have him 'brutally attack' our lead in his 3rd episode.

Edited by BaseOps
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The more I think about it, the more I think this has to be a major catalyst for whatever is coming. This is only episode 9 - I don't think they're pulling a stunt for the sake of it, especially so soon after Derek. I really think whatever happens will have consequences that run throughout the rest of the season and drive the storytelling.

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They want us to like this guy, they're not going to have him 'brutally attack' our lead in his 3rd episode.

sorry, I didn't really finish my thought (my fault). But what I was trying to say was, what if we aren't supposed to like Riggs? We've been assuming we are supposed to like him because he was made a regular off the bat, and well honestly because he is good looking. But what if he isn't a good guy? He's been sort of an ass to Maggie, we know Owen has issues with him. I'm sure this is most likely not at all what will play out but its an interesting possibility.

It's much more likely the attacker is a patient or random person rather than a cast member but who knows. I do hope you are right and whatever happens will have an impact on the rest of season and not just be forgotten after an episode or two.

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sorry, I didn't really finish my thought (my fault). But what I was trying to say was, what if we aren't supposed to like Riggs? We've been assuming we are supposed to like him because he was made a regular off the bat, and well honestly because he is good looking. But what if he isn't a good guy? He's been sort of an ass to Maggie, we know Owen has issues with him. I'm sure this is most likely not at all what will play out but its an interesting possibility.

It's much more likely the attacker is a patient or random person rather than a cast member but who knows. I do hope you are right and whatever happens will have an impact on the rest of season and not just be forgotten after an episode or two.

In terms of storyline, I'd love for them to make Riggs an ass or some type of villain. But I never really saw him as being a jerk to Maggie, though I knew a few people definitely did. I sort of thought it was the other way around. She was pushy and he was just trying to do his job. But I'd be so pleasantly surprised if the writers tried something different here. Certainly all of the characters can be jerks at times (Meredith, Alex, Bailey, Derek, Cristina, Callie, etc.) which is something I like about this show. But having Riggs brutally attack Meredith for some reason seems like a pretty far jump to me. I never thought of Owen as a possibility but now it's probably my favourite idea. It would have such far-reaching reverberations. But I remember back when the shooter episode was announced, people thought it would be Owen. The writers have yet to go there (although his choking Cristina was dealt with really well back in s5, I thought.)

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Meredith brutally attacked is the last thing I want to see.

Same. It may be a powerful storyline but I was looking forward to the lighter season they said S12 would be. I also struggle with this type of storyline on Greys because of the way they tell the stories. Everything is told in 60 second snippets and there's never much depth to give justice to the more serious stories (IMO). Some are done better than others though so we'll see.

Owen being the attacker is an interesting speculation, especially with Kevin McKidd talking about reupping with the show, etc. I agree with those that are saying I can't see a way for any character to recover from being the attacker.

I don't think it will be Riggs. I don't think Owen's mother would have been hugging him if there was any chance he brutally attacked her daughter. If anything I think he may be the one to help Meredith afterwards. He's an army doc & has likely dealt with PTSD. His acceptance/redemption with Owen could be tied to helping her. It would also likely win the audience over (if done well) and pave the way for Meredith/Riggs down the road.

"attacked by someone you would least expect" - Bohkee did it. (j/k)

I don't think its a random patient given that statement. Everyone would expect some random person to be the attacker. If its not a regular who are the options? Perfect Penny snaps? Thatcher comes into the ER drunk and snaps? The blond quiet intern is really a crazy person?

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More from TVLine:

Of course, over the ABC serial’s 11-1/2 seasons, Meredith has “had a lot of brushes with death,” McCreary acknowledges. “But this time is different because, as Sarah Drew has actually pointed out, in other instances where Meredith came close to death, she has had a little bit of control over the situation. She could save herself in some way, or make a choice that might help herself. But in this case she’s physically impaired in a way that she has not been before.”

All told, McCreary previews, “As bad as things have gotten for Meredith, this is bad in a whole different way.”

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Here's a wild thought. What if it's Jo? She has known history of violence and it could set up huge ramifications for Alex and jolex as a couple. It could also set up an exit for Camilla. Ive heard tons of chatter on Twitter she could be looking to move on.

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I read it and groaned...Meredith has had everything thrown on her and now this? Color me disappointed. I feel it may have some undertones to ER and the whole Lucy/Carter stabbing and that always gets me! It could set up some great stuff but I feel this show just throws so much at these people all the time!

And count me as I think it's going to be Owen who does something to her.

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I still think it'll be a patient. Just because they say it's 'someone you'd least expect' doesn't really mean it'll be a regular character, it could just be a patient who seems really nice and sane at first. This is Grey's, they love to raise expectations so I think the attacker's identity is being implied as someone much more shocking than it will be.

If it is a regular character, I'm going with the blond intern, or someone equally disposable, although I really would love for it to be Owen or Penny. I don't see them going there for anyone they hope to keep around long-term (i.e. longer than a few more episodes) because there's really no viable redemption for such a (seemingly) brutal attack.

Edited by Kate213
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I still think it'll be a patient. Just because they say it's 'someone you'd least expect' doesn't really mean it'll be a regular character, it could just be a patient who seems really nice and sane at first. This is Grey's, they love to raise expectations so I think the attacker's identity is being implied as someone much more shocking than it will be.

Excellent point. They do overhype most things. The ER storyline of Lucy/Carter was mentioned above. I wouldn't be shocked if she is attacked while trying to help another doctor (like Carter was). That could be the surprising, weird way. At least it would be for people who never watched ER.

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