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S03.E21: Al Sah-him

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It's hard to find the bubbly optimistic Felicity of previous scenes these days but I liked the nod to her that she gave Thea Roy's address and told her to go be happy while her own heart was breaking.  That's Old School Felicity.


Felicity crying alone in the lair at the end of the episode is an example of what gets lost when scenes have to be deleted for time. There was a scene cut from the season 2 episode where Slade trashed the lair and after Felicity and Sara are trying to clean up and Felicity tells Sara that it felt like an even worse violation because the lair was where she felt safe and for the first time she felt she had a family there.  If you know that scene, Felicity going to the lair at the end of the episode and crying  means even more, that she's not only lost Oliver but her home and maybe her family.A


Although given how much Felicity has been crying this season, maybe it wouldn't have made that much difference after all.  There is only so much sympathy for one person's losses, and there's not much left for her.

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Something occured to me while watching the season over, and I wonder if Oliver is really going to be heir to the Demon right now, or if R'as Al Ghul is just using him, to get Nyssa off his hands, and to wipe out Starling City.


It started to pick at me when I rewatched The Climb and realised that R'as Al Ghul does not have a big-ass arrow brand on his back. Or any sort of brand. Then I wondered whether the Lazarus Pit would remove all scars, but didn't he say the pit wasn't working for him anymore. But on the other, other hand, didn't we see the pit heal him when some guy cut his hand?


And as regards Oliver, I really don't believe the whole "survived my sword, gets to be my heir". I'm starting to think poor Oliver is the patsy - there's so much he wasn't told about before (brainwashing, marriage to Nyssa, wiping out Starling), and R'as doesn't even show a hint of being ready to step down. I don't even believe that was his village that he showed Oliver - I think they were collateral damage in his battle with Dark (or however you spell it).


Of course, what I'm really saying is that's what would happen if I were writing it. It would make more sense to me than this cobbled together rehash of stuf I hate - the whole forced arranged marriage just pisses me off. It's such a misogynistic (and rapist) device.

Edited by arjumand
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Not sure I want to call Oliver a patsy. But you might be right that he may be a pawn in a larger chess match. It would not be the first time, although maybe first time in present so that is different.

But the problem for the writers then becomes, how do you write your character out of this corner you put them in? I want to believe in a hero, not a pawn. Its an interesting theory. ARJUMAND, I hope if you're correct even partially, ths writers have a good way out of it.

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It's hard to find the bubbly optimistic Felicity of previous scenes these days but I liked the nod to her that she gave Thea Roy's address and told her to go be happy while her own heart was breaking.  That's Old School Felicity.


Rewatching that scene knowing she goes from giving Thea hope to the foundry to weep hopelessly makes it that much more poignant.  I really wish they'd handled the Roy is alive reveal differently but I love Felicity giving Thea the push to go to him and try to find happiness.  It's not just that Felicity is trying to step in for Oliver and do what can to make his sister happy, but Thea must represent a connection to Oliver in Felicity's mind.   It seemed clear that Thea took comfort in being around the people that loved Oliver and knew him the best but the same was true for Felicity.


Darth Oliver or not, Felicity still loves Oliver.   Diggle morns the man lost but has no time for the one walking around.  Thea at least would understand what Felicity feels but rather than keep her around, Felicity is sending her away and as much as it's the right thing and what she wants for Thea, I think you can see in the scene between Thea and Felicity that it hurts her to lose that connection to Oliver on top of losing so much else.




If he's faking, what's his end game? He has effectively abandoned his friends and his city and is killing people and marrying Nyssa on orders from Ra's al Ghul. That's a hell of an undercover operation.


I think the ultimate reason is the Alpha Omega virus.  It would fit that before he took off to save Thea that he found out about the virus that Ra's was going to have his successor unleash.  I think the flashbacks with Oliver failing to stop it are his motivations for doing whatever it takes to succeed this time around.  Otherwise I think he would have rolled the dice and tried to escape with his team.   They'd all have to go underground but at that point, what did they have left in Starling?  


Felicity could have "found" them funds and provided new identities.  Diggle would call up Lyla and they would met somewhere and vanish.  Roy was already in the wind.  Maybe Oliver would have sent Thea to him since being presumed dead no one would be looking for him.  Nobody cares about what happens to Malcolm.  Felicity would have to do something to make her mom disappear too but I think Donna would have taken it in stride.   It's not a perfect solution but I think Oliver would have been willing to try to evade the LoA and Ra's until they could figure something out  if it hadn't been for the virus. 


He holds himself responsible for it.  They were the ones that let if fall into the wrong hands.  He'd go pretty far to stop the virus and if the side benefit was he could take care of his League problem once and for all, well, double the pleasure. 


I can see the argument behind the Oliver is faking theory (only the student can defeat the master). But it's really hard for me to explain a few things. First, he really did kill that guy. Second, he would have killed Diggle if Thea hadn't stopped him. And third, he would have killed Nyssa if Ra's hadn't stopped him. I'm not sure how any of those could be planned for or faked.

Yes he killed that guy.   I'm convinced (currently at least) that he knew it wasn't Diggle but that beyond that, he wouldn't know who he was killing but he would have had to make the conscious decision that he had no choice.  It's not an uncommon thing to do to the hero.  They did the same thing in Alias when Sydney was proving her loyalty (which naturally came back to bite her since she was actually guilty of it).  As for when he really was fighting Diggle, who is to say if he really would have delivered a killing blow.  I saw him NOT bringing his sword down and if he had, I think he could have harmed Diggle without killing him though he might not have had to even do that.  The rest of the team was allowed to live and they were not dealing with Oliver who might have been holding back.  (No one even tried to harm Felicity)  Seems to me a no kill order was placed on the LoA members by Oliver.


As for Nyssa, he might have tried to offer another option at the last second but then again he might have viewed Nyssa as an unfortunate cost.  She was not a bystander or an innocent.  She had blood on her hands.  If Oliver was faking being brainwashed it would have pained him to kill her but it would not have destroyed him like harming the team or Thea would have. 


But these very questionable choices are the perfect things to make Diggle wary of giving his full trust back to Oliver.  I'd expect him to start the 4th season with reservations but trying hard to put them in the past only for something else to happen to make him question if Oliver is really the man he thought him to be. Or maybe he'll stay upset over the hiatus and then it will all be resolved in one episode.   Who knows how much of any of this will last into the next season.


About Laurel.  I'm fine that she and Oliver aren't super close but she's acting like she couldn't care less about him in the least and that's just weird.  They could have had her worried about what was happening Oliver and the threat to Nyssa but it's like he doesn't even factor in at all.


Side note:  Did I imagine it or did Laurel say that she'd  known Oliver her whole life and they'd grown up together?  I can't bring myself to rewatch her scenes to verify my memory but I am always curious about anything that clarifies the origin of her relationship with Oliver.   

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Not sure I want to call Oliver a patsy. But you might be right that he may be a pawn in a larger chess match. It would not be the first time, although maybe first time in present so that is different.

But the problem for the writers then becomes, how do you write your character out of this corner you put them in? I want to believe in a hero, not a pawn. Its an interesting theory. ARJUMAND, I hope if you're correct even partially, ths writers have a good way out of it.

My question is why would Ra's feel the need to have a pawn or a patsy for his reason for unleashing the virus?  Who is to tell him no?  Someone in the League might mention that pesky code about not killing innocents but Ra's would just kill him and chances are the next guy wouldn't be so likely to question him again.  What could Oliver really give him that he couldn't just do on his own?  The only answer that pops into my mind it the grandkids thing.  Ra's seems genuinely against Nyssa becoming the next Demon's head so maybe he wants to get a shot at molding the next generation.


Maybe this thing about making Oliver his heir is just a way to oust Nyssa and then get the grandkid to mold from birth.  He could keep Oliver around for a while or just off him and appoint the future child as his heir.  The waters may not be working as much on him as they had in the past but even if he went cold turkey, he probably would stay fit enough for another 15-20 years to mold the mind of his next generation.  Sadly this whole scheme of Ra's just seems a way to get a second chance at immortality. 

New thought.  Ra's says the waters aren't working so well on him anymore.  Does that mean that Dahmian Dhark should be having the same problem?  And if not, why not? 

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My question is why would Ra's feel the need to have a pawn or a patsy for his reason for unleashing the virus?  Who is to tell him no?



My reason would be based on something a poster said here: it isn't the 17th century anymore, you can't just wipe out a city. If it's Some Guy from the League of Assassins, Nanda Parbat would be bombed out of existence within the hour. But if the guilty party is right there, ie Oliver Queen, damaged ex-millionaire, recently accused of being the Arrow, has come across the Alpha/Omega virus before, no-one is going to look for another culprit.


But it's just a theory!

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About Laurel.  I'm fine that she and Oliver aren't super close but she's acting like she couldn't care less about him in the least and that's just weird.  They could have had her worried about what was happening Oliver and the threat to Nyssa but it's like he doesn't even factor in at all.


Side note:  Did I imagine it or did Laurel say that she'd  known Oliver her whole life and they'd grown up together?  I can't bring myself to rewatch her scenes to verify my memory but I am always curious about anything that clarifies the origin of her relationship with Oliver.   

I saw it in a gif set. She said they had been friends almost her entire life but she didn't recognize him know. Comments like that highlight that I don't understand their relationship. I would argue she hasn't recognized him since he came back from the Island. And for such a lifelong friend, she cared a hell of a lot more about Nyssa in this episode then I would say she ever has about Oliver. Even in 3x10,  she really didn't seem to care that he 'died.' Her whole focus was on being the new vigilante. 


I've seen quite a few people talk about her being the one who sees in black-in-white and how she is very pragmatic, looks at the evidence and not the emotional ties. But she was very emotional were Nyssa concerned. 

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Re: oliver and Laurel, yes she said they grew up together. There was a reference to that in s2 as well, when Moira's lawyer objected laurels involvement bc Laurel "practically grew up in the Queen household". They totally have failed that relationship and Laurel in general in so so many ways.

I HATED Laurel saying she would totally kill Oliver to save Nyssa. She keeps going on and on about doing the right thing and then she says stuff like that. Does not compute, and does nothing to help my immense disgust over her messed up origin.

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Their whole plan in getting Lyla back and stopping Nyssa from being taken hinged on Al Sah-him listening to Felicity. Which means they were banking on there being something of Oliver left in him. I know that he still fought with Diggle, but he didn't kill any of them and he did listen to Felicity. It kind of bugs me that no one actually mentioned that; I would take that as a sign he isn't completely gone. 


Laurel offering to take care of Oliver so Diggle wouldn't have to face him. Its a nice, if not laughable, gesture. But she didn't hesitate at all, so it further undermines this 'friendship.' That being said, I'll take the lip-service over any actual scenes. I can't buy any connection whatsoever.

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I keep hoping that is a clue that Oliver and Felicity are in on a long con together and it wasn't just that she and the team thought there was something left of him and hoped he would listen, but that she knew he would. Not exactly sure how it would work though (did Felicity slip him some tech or something in NP that allows him to communicate with her or allows her to hear what's being said around him, IDK) or whether or not I think Diggle is in on it. I'm guessing he's not because of the whole rift thing.


I know I need to stop trying to make this make sense, because it won't but here I am.

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I keep hoping that is a clue that Oliver and Felicity are in on a long con together and it wasn't just that she and the team thought there was something left of him and hoped he would listen, but that she knew he would. Not exactly sure how it would work though (did Felicity slip him some tech or something in NP that allows him to communicate with her or allows her to hear what's being said around him, IDK) or whether or not I think Diggle is in on it. I'm guessing he's not because of the whole rift thing.


I know I need to stop trying to make this make sense, because it won't but here I am.

I would LOVE/HATE that. Love because it shows them being proactive and Hate because it means Diggle wasn't a part of it and I don't know if I could stand that.

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I would LOVE/HATE that. Love because it shows them being proactive and Hate because it means Diggle wasn't a part of it and I don't know if I could stand that.


I'm trying to figure out a way in which he could be - like, maybe he was until Lyla was kidnapped. But if Oliver and Felicity were in touch then I'm not sure why Diggle wouldn't have known about it and/or gone along with it. I'm also not sure why they'd keep Diggle out of the loop, so there are definite holes to the theory. I'm wondering if this rift thing is being overstated though, just to sell what's happening now, in which case Diggle could be in on the plan. But then I can't imagine a world in which he'd be okay with baby Sara being left alone. 


Basically, I have nothing, haha.

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But why would Felicity break down in the foundry like that? Her entire body cried. Would seeing him as Al Sahim cause her to break down like that regardless of having a long con?

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But why would Felicity break down in the foundry like that? Her entire body cried. Would seeing him as Al Sahim cause her to break down like that regardless of having a long con?


Maybe she found out that he was going to have to marry Nyssa thus adding a complication? Maybe because she was exhausted? I don't know - like I said, there are definite holes. 

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I was hoping the The Foundry scene included Felicity noticing something was out of place. Like her red pen was missing or a note asking her if she understood (I may or may not have read some fanfic), just something to hint at there being more to the story. 


It still could have caused a rift a Diggle. Imagine how upset he would be if he found out Oliver was in full control?

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They might show us Felicity seeing something in a flashback. This show does love those. Be like when they showed us Oliver knew about the cameras in the mansion.


I was thinking maybe she was crying because she knew Malcolm had put cameras in the basement and was putting on a show for him (because she knows that he's working for Ra's or HIVE), but those were introduced ten episodes ago and never brought up since, so I'm guessing they were just one time plot use only cameras. Sloppy!

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Maybe she found out that he was going to have to marry Nyssa thus adding a complication? Maybe because she was exhausted? I don't know - like I said, there are definite holes.

I just took it to be because of that whole convo with dig..."there's no getting him back is there?"

She lost him, got him back, let herself admit she loved him, shared her body with him, tried to get him out but couldn't. In previous ep she repeatedly expressed she would have a hard time forgiving herself for leaving him there. But she did leave him there, and I think she was able to keep going/not beat herself up for it bc she figured Oliver would still "be". She also just came from giving thea something to live for...a new start. As we discussed previously, she is the only one without anyone. She is totally and completely alone.thea still has roy, dig has his family, but now f is back to being without anyone.

I would love for her to be in on the long con. But I don't think she is (if there is one at all).

Edited by chaos is welcome
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I'm going to be really upset if Oliver is nothing but a patsy. He's lost so much this season. I won't be able to stand it if he's not got ONE thing up his sleeve.

I was thinking maybe she was crying because she knew Malcolm had put cameras in the basement and was putting on a show for him (because she knows that he's working for Ra's or HIVE), but those were introduced ten episodes ago and never brought up since, so I'm guessing they were just one time plot use only cameras. Sloppy!


This actually could be the case, because it parallels Slade putting the cameras in the mansion. Maybe they will be Chekhov's cameras.

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No, I don't think Felicity is in on whatever Oliver might have planned.  I don't think Oliver had enough of a plan to offer her more hope than the not goodbye. 

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Don't think Oliver has planned some long con prior to this ep. Think he only agreed to become the new ras to save his sister. The brainwashing/mind conditioning was not something he anticipated. So it took him by surprise, which is why it probably worked.

But once he got back to sc, things completely changed as he started to break through. The Lyla kidnapping was a hybrid between the 2 OQs. Believe he started thinking of a plan after the exchange & most def after the wedding announcement. So there has been no time to inform f&d. I can't imagine f&o would have a plan prior to all this that fs wouldn't read dig in on. FS crying seemed legit & not part of some big con.

Edited by kismet
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From the spoiler discussion thread, but a good point about this episode:


Also, random, but ras said in Alsahim that his predecessor destroyed Alexandria 300 years ago w cholera. But Naples ras has only ruled for 100 years. Math says your ras sucks dude. Half life of the previous ras. Bahahahaha



See, Ra's? This is what happens when you focus your attention on luxury romantic candlelit bedrooms, shirtless sword fighting and outdated inheritance ideas: your math goes to hell. I mean, I'm not saying all of your priorities are wrong - I'm on record as being very pro shirtless moments - but maybe some basic arithmetic lessons would also be useful. 

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The other problem is that while Alexandria was destroyed, it was destroyed by an earthquake, not cholera.  The first cholera pandemic was in India, 1817 - 1824.  So none of that makes sense, not having Oliver destroy the city that Malcolm was to die for killing a small part of its population, and not brainwashing Oliver to become Al Sah-Him because what happens when the brainwashing wears off, as it apparently did for this Ra's who regrets losing his wife and children, and not the way of destroying the city.  Have they forgotten we have access to the internet and might look that one up?


The only thing about this arc that makes sense is that Oliver would go to extreme lengths to undo his failure to contain the virus in the past.  Arrow has been about undoing past wrongs that Oliver feels he did (e.g. Ivo saying choose Shado or Sara; Slade making him choose).


I don't think Oliver would let Felicity in on his long con because he's still an idiot and still about doing things on his own to protect other people.  Also, no time to have told her.  If he had told her during pillow talk, she wouldn't have tried to drug him to get him out.


I think he decided it during The Fallen, maybe after sex with Felicity because we know that men get brilliant ideas after that, but I don't think he would have told her.


I've seen quite a few people talk about her being the one who sees in black-in-white and how she is very pragmatic, looks at the evidence and not the emotional ties. But she was very emotional were Nyssa concerned. 

Shippy!  Remember, these are the guys who think that sister-swapping is good storytelling. Now it's Nyssa's turn. And if Oliver and Nyssa get married and they've both been with Sara and Laurel, just think of the possibilties.

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There was an outbreak of avian flu in 2010 which would have co-incided nicely.


I expect the Flarrowverse to differ from real life but a viral outbreak (which seems to happen with regular frequency, e.g. in HK SARS in 2002) is different from destroying a city like Alexandria.  They could easily have made it the Bengal or London or any place where there was an actual cholera outbreak if they liked the idea of cholera so much.

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I guess I'll be the first to dissent and say I thought the canary cry was pretty cool.   I actually like Laurel now....I hated her in S1 and S2, and a little in S3, but she is growing on me.


I actually didn't like or dislike her in 1 and 2, but it is borderline ridiculous that she can fight as good as she can.  A couple of lessons with a boxer and a couple with Nyssa and she can hang in with some of the no-name League of Assassins.  It would take her years of training to even get close to that. 

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You know, except for Nyssa, Oliver could just unleash the A/O on Nanda Parbat and make his escape. Oliver and Maseo are immunized against it, after all, and it's not like he has any reason to not want to wipe the LOA off the globe. But he needs to get Nyssa out first.

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321 (Al Sah-Him) - Oliver Queen's voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name was Oliver Queen. For three years, I worked to save my city. But to save my sister, I had to become someone else. I had to become something else."

321 (Al Sah-him) – Laurel (as Black Canary) is almost defeated by an ordinary street mugger, but is saved by Nyssa; and Laurel tells Nyssa that Oliver has accepted Ra's al Ghul's offer to become the next Ra's:
Mugger: "Didn't you hear? Masks aren't wanted in Starling no more."
Laurel: "Tell that to the woman you mugged."
(They fight. The mugger pulls a knife and slashes Laurel in the arm. Suddenly, rope arrows fly through the air and tie around the mugger's legs, toppling him to the ground.)
Nyssa: "You underestimated your opponent again."
Laurel: "I should have known he had a knife."
Nyssa: "He didn't have a knife."
Mugger (looking up): "What the hell?"
Nyssa (kicking mugger): "He had two. (Knocks out mugger) Shall we continue your training?"
Laurel: "I'm starving. There's a diner near here that serves the best black-and-white milkshakes in Starling City."
Nyssa: "What is a black-and-white milkshake?"
*  *  *
Nyssa: "I never understood your country's need to fry everything."
Laurel: "That's because everything tastes better that way."
Nyssa: "This is more oil than potato."
Laurel: "Dip it in your milkshake."
Nyssa: "I sense you mocking me."
Laurel: "I'm serious. Here. Dip it in your milkshake. I have to admit, it’s fun seeing you like this."
Nyssa: "Like what?"
Laurel: "Like a normal person."
Nyssa: "I am a normal person."
Laurel: "I can't believe you just said that."
Nyssa: "Mmm. That's actually not bad."
Laurel: "And the student becomes the teacher."
Nyssa: "You have a point. For me, normal is a world where only the strong survive. One without simple pleasures. Thank you, Laurel. I was alone and adrift, and you have shown me kindness."
Laurel: "I'm only returning the favor. Isn't that what you did for Sara?"
Nyssa: "There's little comparison between my current situation and Sara's after her time with Oliver on Lian Yu… What's wrong?"
Laurel: "It's about Oliver. There's something that I haven't told you. He's in Nanda Parbat."
Nyssa: "I don't understand."
Laurel: "He's accepted your father's offer to become the next Ra's."
Nyssa: "You should have not kept that from me."
Laurel: "I'm sorry, it's just - it's just that you seemed so happy, and after what happened with your father, I -"
(Nyssa walks out)

321 (Al Sah-him) – Felicity and Thea have dinner with the Diggles:
Felicity (spooning food into Baby Sara’s mouth): “And here comes the Cat-5 prong into the Ethernet port!”
Lyla: “Even if she know what that was - even if I knew what that was, I think Sara's still a little young for chicken cacciatore.” 
Felicity: “Well, my Mom used to feed me nachos from the bar at The Grand before I was off the bottle, and I turned out normal.” 
Thea: “Ish.”
(Diggle enters and puts his gun on the table.)
Lyla: “John, what's the house rule?”
Diggle: “No Glocks on the dinner table.”
Felicity: “How'd it go out there tonight?”
Diggle: “Your Intel was spot-on. Caught four Halcones at the docks trying to unload a shipment of M16s.”
Lyla: “Well, I'm especially proud that you didn't get yourself killed.”
Diggle: “That was my favorite part, too.”
Felicity: “If you're going to keep going out into the field, we should really design you some sort of –“
Diggle: “Do not say ‘costume.’" 
Felicity: “Okay. Identity concealment. Look, eventually we're going to have to figure out a new status quo, a working one, now that...”
Thea: “Ollie's gone.”
Diggle: “How are you doing?”
Thea: “Having never been resurrected before, I don't really have anything to compare it to.”
Diggle: “I mean about Oliver. Being gone.”
Thea: “I don't know. Mornings are the worst. I can't really... leave the loft, so it's nice to be able to come here.”
Lyla: “You are always welcome in our home.”
Thea: “I just miss him. The fact that he's gone because of me –“
Felicity: “He wouldn't want you blaming yourself.”
Diggle: “In the military, they have a saying for a soldier that makes the ultimate sacrifice. Gone, but never forgotten.” 
Lyla: “Gone, but never forgotten.”
(They all toast to Oliver.)

321 (Al Sah-him) – Nyssa tells Laurel, Diggle and Felicity that Oliver will come to kill her, but they don’t believe her:
Laurel: "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Oliver earlier. That was your right to know. I just - things were going so well for you. You seemed happy, and I didn't want to upset you, but I still shouldn't have kept it from you."
Nyssa: "Were I so inclined, I'd question why your first instinct is to always keep matters secret. Even after doing so cost you a relationship with your father. But I have much greater concerns."
Laurel: "What's going on?"
Nyssa; "You should go."
Laurel: "No. I'm not leaving. Friends don't do that to one another."
Nyssa: “Now that Oliver has ascended to his position as Heir to the Demon, he will come for me, with as many men as it takes to see me dead. Tonight, Nyssa al Ghul faces justice for her betrayal.”
*  *  *
Felicity: "Wait a second! Oliver wouldn't. I don't see how."
Diggle: "I think what she's trying to say is that Oliver would never do anything to hurt you, Felicity. And the only reason why he joined the League is to protect the people he loves.”
Nyssa: “Now what you need to understand is that Oliver Queen is dead. He's a memory.”
Laurel: “Apparently, the League has some of their recruits undergo a process of reprogramming.”
Felicity: “Like brainwashing? Oliver never said that he was signing on for brainwashing.”
Nyssa: “The League's ways are shrouded in ritual and ceremony. Oliver would not even know what's happening to him.”
Felicity: “I don't care! Oliver, he is stronger than that!”
Nyssa: “I did not come here to debate. Laurel insisted that I bring this news to you myself, but I can see all I'm doing is damaging your memory of him. Perhaps it is better for you to not think of what Oliver has become. You can have that luxury.” 
Laurel: “Wait, where are you going?”
Nyssa: “To face him, and if necessary, my destiny. I will not cower in the shadows waiting for death.” (Leaves)
Laurel: “Great. Now what are we supposed to do?”
Felicity: “Nothing. No offense, but Nyssa is insane. Oliver is still Oliver.”
Laurel: “Nobody knows the League better than Nyssa. And did you see the look on her face? She was terrified. I didn't even think that was possible.”
Diggle: “Even if Nyssa's right about Oliver –“
Felicity: “Which she isn't.”
Diggle: “Getting between her and the League isn't an option. And since when does Ra's daughter become someone we stick our necks out for, Laurel?”
Laurel: “I know you're furious with Ra's for what he's done to Oliver. We all are. But Nyssa - she saved my sister's life. She gave her a home. She's a good person. In spite of everything that she grew up with. And the last time I checked, protecting good people - that is what we do.”
Diggle: “Fine. Nyssa does seem to have an idea where we can find Oliver and the League.”
Felicity: “Well, then I guess we shouldn't have let Nyssa leave alone.”
Laurel: “No, it's fine. I just put a tracking device on her. This isn't my first day.”

321 (Al Sah-him) – Team Arrowless track Nyssa:
Diggle (over comms): "Anything?"
Felicity (over comms): "Nyssa hasn't stopped moving, but I'm still getting a strong signal off the tracker.”
Diggle (over comms): “Copy that. Radio check every five minutes. (To Laurel) What?”
Laurel: “If anything happens with Nyssa, let me handle it on my own.”
Diggle: “Laurel, we're talking about the League of Assassins!”
Laurel: “I know that, I just - Oliver. You were closer to him than any two people I've ever known. You should not have to –“
Diggle: “What, fight him? Kill him? Laurel, it's not going to come to that. Look, I'm with Felicity. There's nothing that Ra's al Ghul can do that can turn Oliver against the people he loves.” 

321 (Al Sah-him) – Felicity tells Thea that it’s possible that Oliver is back in Starling City:
Thea (entering): "Nice secret headquarter upgrade. Mr. Palmer know you guys are in here?"
Felicity: "Yes. He's out of town. And how did you get in here?”
Thea: “My dad's a super villain, and you left your doors unlocked.”
Felicity: “Right. I’ve been distracted.”
Thea: “Cause you and Mr. Diggle are trying to save the city by yourselves? Look, I've been thinking. Um, maybe, rather than me sitting at home, alone, miserable, maybe I could… be out there helping you guys. You seem like you're shorthanded one, and vigilante skills run in my blood.”
Felicity: “Thea, this might actually be the worst week ever for this conversation.”
Thea: “What's going on?”
Felicity: “I - I can't.”
Thea: “Felicity, I cannot be handled right now.”
Felicity: “It's possible - and I stress possible - that Oliver is back in town with the League.”
Thea: “I don't understand. Why would Ollie come back here?”
Felicity: “They're after Nyssa.”
Thea: “Ollie would never –“
Felicity: “Nyssa thinks he's under some sort of League mind voodoo. But it's going to be fine. We're handling it.”
Thea: “You are a terrible liar.”
Felicity: “That is true.”
Thea: “Do you know where he is? I mean, maybe I could just talk to him.”
Felicity: “Thea, I don't know what doctor's orders are for when someone gets brought back from the dead, but I am pretty sure getting into a fight with the League of Assassins goes against them.”
Thea: “I can get through to him.”
Felicity: “Please, Thea. Oliver wouldn't want you involved. He did what he did so that you would stay out of harm's way.”
Thea: “Yeah, well. It sounds like Ollie's not here anymore.”

321 (Al Sah-him) – Oliver and Nyssa fight on the rooftop where Sara was killed, and Nyssa is saved by Diggle and Laurel:
Nyssa: "This is where my beloved's spirit departed this world. Do you even remember Sara? Or has my father already obliterated her from your memory?”
Oliver: “I'm here to bring you back to Nanda Parbat.” 
Nyssa: “To face justice? If so, for what crime? To face vengeance? If so, for what offense?” 
Oliver: “You told me… vengeance is justice.” 
Nyssa: “And you bested me in battle. That won't happen again.”
(They fight and Oliver defeats her.)
Nyssa: “Do it! If I would die, I would have it on the same ground as Sara.”
(Laurel uses her Canary Cry, as she and Diggle show up.) 
Felicity (seeing Oliver on her computer screen): “Oh, my God.”
Diggle: “We can't let you hurt her, man.”
(Oliver looks at Diggle and then jumps off the edge of the roof.)
Felicity (softly): “Oliver!” 
*  *  *
Nyssa: “You should not have interfered.”
Laurel: “Look, I am sorry, but I have lost a sister, a father, Oliver - there is no way that I was about to lose you, too.”
Nyssa: “You don't understand. You already have. I was marked for death the moment Oliver accepted my father's offer. Laurel, these past few weeks, they've enlightened me. To live a life outside of my father's rule, to be someone else, even for just a little while, brought me great happiness. But I am daughter of the Demon. Happiness is not something that was ever meant for me.”
Laurel: “I've known Oliver my entire life. We've been friends since childhood. But tonight, I did not recognize him.”
Nyssa: “I told you - he has been changed.”
Laurel: “Well, if he can change, then why can't you?”

321 (Al Sah-him) – Diggle and Felicity talk about Oliver:
Felicity: "How's Nyssa?"
Diggle: "She's with Laurel. She's going to be okay. How are you?”
Felicity: “Same as you, probably. Neither one of us believed Nyssa when she said Oliver had been turned.”
Diggle: “I'm still not sure I believe it. I heard about this kind of thing. Guy gets captured by the enemy. Gets broken. I just never imagined Oliver - still can't imagine - that Oliver would. Strongest man I've ever known, Felicity.”
Felicity: “When Oliver stayed behind, when he agreed to join the League, he never could have known that this is what he was agreeing to. The only way that I've been able to get out of bed these past few weeks is because I knew that Oliver was still alive.”
Diggle: “He is alive, Felicity.”
Felicity: “We thought that Oliver was just giving up his life to Ra's. But he gave up his soul.” 
(Diggle hugs her.)

321 (Al Sah-him) – Diggle and Felicity discover that Oliver has kidnapped Lyla and left Baby Sara alone:
Felicity: "Are you sure this is okay?"
Diggle: "Yeah. With Oliver and the League running around, it's best if we stay close. Especially if something –“
Felicity: “John?”
Diggle: “Something's wrong. Lyla?” 
(They hear Baby Sara crying and find her alone in her crib.)
Felicity: “Where's Lyla?”
(Cell phone beeps.)
Oliver (on phone): “John.”
Diggle (on phone): “Oliver?”
Oliver (on phone): “First, let me assure you that no harm will come to Lyla, if you do exactly as I say. Bring Nyssa to the warehouse at Fullerton and Halstead, and I'll let your wife go.”
Diggle (on phone): “Oliver, I swear, if you do anything to Lyla –“
Oliver (on phone): “You have 30 minutes.”

321 (Al Sah-him) – Diggle and Felicity argue with Laurel about exchanging Nyssa for Lyla:
Diggle (entering with Felicity): "Laurel!"
Laurel: "What happened?"
Diggle: "Oliver and his new friends took Lyla.”
Laurel: “What?! Where's Sara, is she okay?”
Felicity: “Yeah, she's with John's neighbor.”
Diggle (pushing Nyssa): “What's wrong with you?!”
Laurel: “Hey, it is not Nyssa's fault!”
Diggle: “No, just her people. You call yourself warriors. You claim to have honor. Well, if you knew the meaning of the word, you would know there are some lines you do not cross!”
Laurel: “Okay, John, back off.”
Diggle: “You back off!”
Nyssa: “I am truly sorry. I never meant for any harm to come to you or your family.”
Diggle: “Yeah, Nyssa? Then prove it. Hand yourself over to the League.”
Laurel: “What?! We're just going to negotiate with him now? Are we just going to give in? Turn over an innocent person?”
Diggle: “She's not innocent! She's the daughter of the Demon. She's killed hundreds of people.”
Felicity: “Enough! The only thing that matters is getting Lyla back.”
Diggle: “I don't care how we do it.”
Laurel: “Yes, you do. Trading one person's life for another - we're supposed to be better than that.”
Nyssa: “It's all right. Of course you should exchange me for your beloved. I won't see an innocent life taken for mine.”
Laurel: “No. I'm not going to let you commit suicide. Don't you remember what you said? These past few weeks have been some of the best of your life.”
Nyssa: “I remember. And I remember telling you that happiness is something denied to me. Where's the exchange take place?”
Laurel: “No. There has to be another way. Another way to save Lyla without turning Nyssa over to the League. And if there isn't, even if you get Lyla back safe and sound, Oliver won't be the only one who lost his soul.”

321 (Al Sah-him) – Oliver and League minions meet with Team Arrowless to exchange Nyssa for Lyla, but they fight instead:
Maseo (to Oliver): "They're here."
(Felicity, Laurel, Diggle and Nyssa approach.)
Oliver (to Maseo): "Search them."
Diggle: "Where's my wife? Where's my wife?! (Lyla is brought out by League goons) You son of a bitch. Whatever Ra's did to you –“
Felicity (to Maseo): “Don't you dare touch me.”
(Maseo looks to Oliver, who blinks his eyes in assent.)
Felicity: “Oliver, this isn't you. Look at me. I know you're still in there somewhere.”
Oliver (indicating Nyssa): “Bind her. (To Lyla) You're free to go.”
Lyla: “Johnny!”
Diggle: “It's okay, I'm here.”
Lyla: “I thought they were going for Sara.”
Diggle: “Everything's fine, Sara's fine. I told Felicity this is just like Jakarta.”
(Lyla goes to hug Felicity and gets the guns hidden in Felicity’s jacket.)
Maseo: “Kneel before the true Heir to the Demon.”
Nyssa: “I kneel before no one.”
(Lyla turns and shoots two League goons, and a fight breaks out among everyone. Laurel and Nyssa are subdued.)
Nyssa: “Laurel!” 
(Nyssa is dragged away by League goons and Maseo.)
Laurel: “Nyssa!” 
(Oliver fights Diggle and injures him.)
Diggle: “Aaah!” 
(Oliver stands over Diggle with a raised sword.)
Diggle: “You're still Oliver… I don't care if the hood is black or green. You're still you!”
(An arrow is shot through Oliver’s arm. Oliver turns and sees Thea standing on nearby scaffolding with bow drawn.)
Thea (to Oliver): “Get away from him. Get away from him, or the next one goes in your eye.”
(Oliver leaves.)

321 (Al Sah-him) – Team Arrowless finally accepts that the Oliver they knew is gone:
Diggle: "Lyla's got Sara. They're headed out of town until we can get things straightened out.”
Felicity: “There is no straightening this out.”
Diggle: “I don't know, Felicity. I can't see past tomorrow right now."
Laurel: “They're going to kill Nyssa. Oliver or her father, they're going to kill her.”
Felicity: “I'm sorry, Laurel.” 
Thea: “It's not fair.”
Diggle: “No. No, it's not.” 
Felicity: “I'll ask it to ask it - there is no way I'm getting him back.”
Diggle: “He's gone, Felicity. No one wants to believe that less than me. But he's gone. There's only one thing left of him now.”
Laurel: “And what's that?”
Diggle: “Us.” 
Thea: “Gone, but never forgotten.”

321 (Al Sah-him) – Felicity tells Thea that Roy is still alive:
Felicity (entering): "Thea? Door was open. Sorry to interrupt your staring into nothingness.”
Thea: “He should have let me die.”
Felicity: “That was never an option. That's why I love him.”
Thea: “I didn't know… about you and my brother.”
Felicity: “Yeah, well… it was complicated. But I did love him. Despite everything, I still do.”
Thea: “I do, too. How… is that even possible?”
Felicity: “After what he's become. I don't know. But I think John's right - I think we have to remember the best parts of him, and we have to move on.”
Thea: “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
Felicity: “Both of us. I don't know how, but we have to go on living. That's what Oliver - Ollie would want for you - to move on. To live. To be with the one that you love while you still can.”
Thea: “Roy is gone, so –“
Felicity: “You've had a lot on your plate, and I've been trying to think of the right time to tell you this… Roy's alive. We faked his death. It's a long story, as most fake death stories are. We were going to tell you, I promise. But then you were busy being mostly dead, and then Oliver signed on to become Darth Oliver.”
Thea: “I don't –“
Felicity (handing her folded note): “He's starting… a new life. One that hopefully includes you. If you want it.”
(Cut to montage of scenes, including Felicity entering the destroyed Arrowcave and collapsing into a chair, sobbing.)

Edited by tv echo
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