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Behind The Scenes: The Drama Behind the Drama

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EW is certainly taking every opportunity to write about it because a story from a dumb tweet? Journalism at its best, LOL.  IMO, Shonda should have just ignored because that had to be a tween/teen tweeting "I HATE YOU".  I'm not sure what anyone, even a tween/teen, would expect in response.

Edited by windsprints
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Shonda Rhimes to Grey's haters: 'Do not waste your valuable time tweeting me'

I'm guessing that EW was bored today...


But why, why does Shonda pick the immature tweets? I mean, come on. It's almost like she's asking for that teenage reaction. (Note: I do not mean the hateful racist death threats, just the general teenage hate kind of thing).


No one else in the near future will go on record. I guarantee that.

Probably. My guess is that ABC & PD must have had a confidentiality agreement over it. Although not sure if this is precedented in the exits that GA has had. I know there is the mandatory exit interview with the actor leaving but I can't recall if the actor/actress has spoken about it in the space of a year. 

Edited by AnitaM86
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I agree that the tweets are inappropriate, but Shonda should just choose to not engage.  Most of the time she's just as bad as Isaiah Washington was last year when all those pre-teens and teens were tweeting crap to him.  And if these celebs can't take the heat, then they should stay out of the kitchen.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
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And if these celebs can't take the heat, then they should stay out of the kitchen.

I agree to a point. I think they expect criticism and even some juvenile nastiness. Unfortunately people cross the line and I don't think anyone should be expected to "take the heat" just because they are famous. 

Shonda should have just ignored because that had to be a tween/teen tweeting "I HATE YOU".  I'm not sure what anyone, even a tween/teen, would expect in response.

I wouldn't automatically assume its a tween/teen. Very rude comments have been being made to Shonda by MerDer fans going way back to the old writer's blogs, many who have claimed they are adults (no way to tell of course on the internet).  I used to read those every week and there were plenty of comments that were pretty much the same as now. Season 11 just completed and I thnk Shonda is mostly desensitized to the hate. She'll comment here and there, probably just to acknowledge it in some way.

Edited by maasa
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I think she responded to that girl to pretend to acknowledge the fans. If she really wanted acknowledge the fans, giving them the answers they rightfully needed and asked for, Shonda should have done an interview, or write a post like on her blog (like she did when she killed mcsteamy and lexie) to explain her choices, at least creatively. She'll never say anything about patrick's firing, and I'm okay with that, but I think she should explain why she decided to go with the Derek cheating storyline and then his death; or other choices she made: for example, I don't see continuity or the sense for most storylines in all season 11 -consider the transgender storyline, the love interest policeman for callie, and others. 

To acknowledge her fans, She should have picked tweets with interesting questions and answer to that, instead of responding to stupid, racist or insignificant tweets (that I agree are deplorable). She chose that hateful tweet like she needs to show that she's mistreated, and she's sassy and fierce about it. And it's her right to do that, don't get me wrong; what bothers me is that she finds time to responds to hateful people, but she never responds to tweets with relevant questions, or rightful critics (not during and after the dempseygate at least). She avoids any kind of criticism, even when is constructive. To me, the heart of the matter is that her relationship with the public is unhealthy, but that's my own very personal opinion.

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I think she responded to that girl to pretend to acknowledge the fans. If she really wanted acknowledge the fans, giving them the answers they rightfully needed and asked for, Shonda should have done an interview, or write a post like on her blog (like she did when she killed mcsteamy and lexie) to explain her choices, at least creatively. She'll never say anything about patrick's firing, and I'm okay with that, but I think she should explain why she decided to go with the Derek cheating storyline and then his death; or other choices she made: for example, I don't see continuity or the sense for most storylines in all season 11 -consider the transgender storyline, the love interest policeman for callie, and others.

To acknowledge her fans, She should have picked tweets with interesting questions and answer to that, instead of responding to stupid, racist or insignificant tweets (that I agree are deplorable).

I don't think this one tweet is reflective of her addressing fans, that headline came from the media outlets that picked it up. Shes been telling the overzealous tweeters to peace out for years upon years.

In terms of her explanation as to why Derek dies when she had to write out Dempsey I think the answer is clear in that the Derek she created and wrote for 11 seasons would not willingly abandon his wife and children endlessly. Could he have been presumed dead and turn up later? Well I suppose so but when you fire someone you don't often say look I'm firing you now and writing you out buuuuut in X years when we end this show can you pop in to meet back up with Meredith and the kids?

I think the dropped storyline for Ben's brother, callies new officer boyfriend and even storylines for Alex and Jo were abruptly ended or dropped due to the drama with Patrick's firing , reworking of the end of the season and what seems to have been an unexpected suspension(the dropped DC story being picked back up) I think the cheating bit was started as a way to set up Derek's deep love of his wife and family before he left, reminding you in a way that this guy wouldn't leave his wife(this wife) and kids unless something like death forced him to.

Edited by noname1
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I think the dropped storyline for Ben's brother, callies new officer boyfriend and even storylines for Alex and Jo were abruptly ended or dropped due to the drama with Patrick's firing , reworking of the end of the season and what seems to have been an unexpected suspension(the dropped DC story being picked back up)

I would really like to believe they weren't dropped because PD's dismissal didn't affect any of those storylines. That would be just another example of laziness of the writers, which I've come to expect, but I find this to be just an excuse. My guess is that the writers never expected these stories to become long term and went away after it. This show rarely develops a story well, so I didn't find it surprising but, at least IMO, this is a stretch. 

Edited by AnitaM86
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This might sound crazy but PD is under contract still. I said it once before and I will say it again. I think Shonda might make the last season or the last part of it a dream Mer had. She wakes up and looks over at PD and says she had the worst dream ever. She could still have had a baby but the accident was a dream. If Shonda ends the show I could see her giving fans their happily ever after (no pun intended). They are very secretive and I could see it happening. It is not out of the realm of possibilty PD told her he needed a large amount of time away from the show due to his racing and a pending divorce. I have seen shows do dream scenarios to keep characters. Soaps did it all the time.

I do believe that there were statements from shines and co that some stories had to be dropped unexpectedly(Alex and Jo) due to reworking of other storylines

Can you point me out where? I missed them, so I'd like to read them. Thanks.


So, essentially, they can't develop other storylines because they can't figure one that is completely unrelated to them? Then why do they add more cast if they can't do anything other than focus on one thing? This is just lazy, if true.


This might sound crazy but PD is under contract still.

If he was fired from the show, shouldn't that mean he was terminated from such? I could see part of the arraignments of his exit package being like another contract but I doubt this means that he's still on the show as a character.

This might sound crazy but PD is under contract still.


ABC picks up actor's contract options each June.  Technically he may still be under contract until whatever the June date is but IMO its clear he's not returning. He himself said so as did ABC.


Shonda said it on Twitter, Anitam86. I don't have a link to the tweets but I quoted/posted it in the Alex thread back in March. I speculated then that PD's schedule was the reason and it seems now that its likely that was the case:


Jamie ‏@greysfordays247 

@shondarhimes you said there would be "so much more Alex and Jo" this season but they barely share any scenes. Did something change?!

Shonda Rhimes ‏@shondarhimes

@greysfordays247 Storytelling plans do change for HUNDREDS of behind the scenes reasons. I hate to disappoint but that is how it works...




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I would imagine that Patrick's departure played a big role in all of the storylines, even if they didn't directly involve him. Not only did they have to write the death and the aftermath, they also needed to lay the groundwork for his return from DC and absence next year. And apparently much of that was done at the last minute. So they had the stupid cheating stuff and they built Amelia into a superhero surgeon and a major character, so that those who didn't watch PP would care about her and her reaction to Derek's death (although I don't and I didn't.) They also needed to fortify Mer's support system going forward without Derek and Cristina. Hence Alex being at her beck and call and the new friendship group with Maggie and Callie. All of this needed screen time, so other stuff got sidelined.

Some of these developments may have previously been in the works, but may have needed to be tweaked to fit the situation. Storylines that were started at the beginning of the season got completely dropped for the entire middle of the season and then picked up again in the last 2-3 episodes. There were other factors as well, such as Sarah Drew's pregnancy and perhaps Geena Davis's schedule, but the loss of a major character clearly shifted things and that impacted just about every storyline to some degree.

Once again, behind the scenes issues dictated storylines, and once again it was handled badly. You would think that TPTB would have a default plan for this stuff by now, but apparently not. I just hope that things get back on track next season. Let's be honest, this is not an extremely well written show in the best of times and every new backstage drama just chips things away even further.

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Once again, behind the scenes issues dictated storylines, and once again it was handled badly.

Indeed. I'd love to know what the original arcs were going into the season. I hate how bts stuff changes things, because I feel like a lot of times it's not necessarily for the better. 

And it's unfortunate that the story about Ben's brother's transition has been altogether dropped. Thanks to the one year time jump, I don't see how we'll get a story about his/her transition now. Maybe at some point there will be mention of her. 

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Shonda said it on Twitter

Thanks. I thought it had been reported on TV Guide or similar.


You would think that TPTB would have a default plan for this stuff by now, but apparently not.



This is what strikes me as so frustrating. I would assume that his exit was already planned or at least in the works and SR had communicated that with the writers to have to take that into account with the stories and make changes to it but like you say, it was handled badly. As they usually do. 

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I read a few of the interviews with Ellen in Italy. I'm now thinking something happened between she & Patrick before his departure. I'd never expect any big public goodbye or declaration of caring and I get that she is speaking to promote her story and the show for next season. I also don't buy the theory that Shonda scripts every word she says. I'm finding it odd that she not only doesn't mention Patrick in any context but doesn't even mention Derek. There are dozens of ways she could have made the smallest reference while still promoting Meredith's story for season 12.  Even a simple statement like 'Patrick is happy racing now so Meredith's story moving forward will be.......". A few of the cast members have managed to say neutral statements yet acknowledge Patrick's/Derek's existence.


Or, maybe she is truly insulted by all the bashing tweeted to her in the days following the episode. In one of the interviews she did say she was insulted and if people only watched for one character they can go (paraphrased).



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I haven't wanted to comment about this, especially because I don't like saying negative things about other groups of fans, but it kind of needs to be said at some point...



As someone who has been watching this show since the pilot, I'm kind of deeply saddened by all the backtracking that's going on. Shonda, Ellen, the cast, the producers, and also the new 'Netflix generation' of fans on Twitter are fully rewriting history at this point. It's one thing to kill off Derek, it's another to pretend like he wasn't important or the show was never about his relationship with Meredith. That's not only legitimately and objectively false, it's insulting to those of us with half a brain who can see that that's always been one of the MAIN storylines of the show, often times taking precedent over Meredith and her character's personal development.


I've seen fans on Twitter responding to people saying Alex didn't get enough screentime apart from being Meredith's person this past season with statements like "Alex doesn't need a story. The show is called GREY's Anatomy". That seems to have become a new mantra around the fandom and it's clear to me that a heavy level of brainwashing has taken place, whether that includes a new image on facebook or twitter saying "her story continues" with only Ellen's picture, or Ellen giving an interview, or Shonda sending out a tweet. Whatever it is, it's a deliberate tactic used to keep the teenagers (who want the show to continue for another 12 seasons since most of them only caught up a season or two ago) interested, and also to make the storytelling feel less...shitty and convoluted. We have to kill Derek off? Easy. We just say the show was never about him or his relationship with Meredith, we belittle the character's importance. And in doing so, make the old fans feel less intelligent or that they were wrong to think he was important in the first place. I won't even get into the drama with Patrick. The show has always been an ensemble, no matter what comes out of Ellen Pompeo's mouth. She's making herself look super ungrateful and extremely unaware of reality to those of us who don't have fan twitter accounts with her name in the username. Patrick Dempsey helped build this show. Meredith and Derek's relationship built the show. It's easy to think that isn't true when you didn't watch the show being built and only tuned in when it had already been on for nearly a decade. And, in the cast/crew's case, it's easy to get defensive, put on a mask, and say those things when it's your job and you're covering up a story (both on-screen and off) you know is ugly. I like Ellen and Shonda, but they really have no right to be annoyed with fans asking questions about Derek and MerDer. That's literally like JK Rowling getting offended about Hermione questions and going "the books are about Harry". It really makes no sense and is disrespectful to our mental capacity.


It's clear to me that those of us who have stuck around for 11 years aren't really valued in the viewership anymore. We just don't have a place in it. I guess it just makes me kind of irritated that this is the place we've gotten to with this show. I have nothing but fond memories of watching the early and middle seasons (hell, even the last few ones), but knowing that the cast and crew are sweeping the show's history under the rug to continue making millions off it just leaves me with an icky feeling that won't go away. And I'd feel differently if the fans weren't doing the same. It all just once again makes me think of money, contracts, behind-the-scenes drama, pettyness and cover-ups instead of the show and the story they're telling. And this time is 500 times worse than Katie Heigl or Isaiah Washington because of Derek and Patrick's importance to the show. I really didn't expect the show to go this way. I learned to 'follow the journey' after the plane crash (and the show was still good for a couple of seasons there) but it's getting to be a bit much - the longer the show runs, the more character assassinations occur (literally and figuratively) and I can't help but think maybe those of us who are like-minded should just leave this burning ship once and for all, throwing away our hopes of seeing an ending that's tied with a nice bow (since it's clearly too late for that).

Edited by stopthestatic
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I've watched (mostly live every week) from the very first episode. I absolutely agree that Patrick Dempsey was a huge part of the show's success in the early years. He was the breakout star and the face of the show, at least in terms of the media. His face and the McDreamy persona were everywhere.


I don't agree that there is any "brainwashing" going on in regards to "Its GREY'S Anatomy". Its not something recent at least not from the fanbase. IMO its been the mantra of many a MerDer fan from the very start. Anytime the show was referred to as an ensemble (articles, etc.) or anytime another character had a significant story arc out came the "its GREY'S Anatomy", "the only true fans of the show are Meredith/MerDer fans", "Meredith is the Grey in Grey's Anatomy", "I will not watch <insert character with a storyline>'s Anatomy, its Grey's Anatomy" arguments. I can recall it as far back as season 3, all over the old writer's blog comments, twop and every other platform. Its definitely not something new by any stretch. 


Whatever it is, it's a deliberate tactic used to keep the teenagers (who want the show to continue for another 12 seasons since most of them only caught up a season or two ago) interested

Its unfair to assume that only teenagers and not any long term fans would be interested to watch going forward. As you said the show is an ensemble and there are plenty of fans like me who watched for the ensemble and not for MerDer.  IMO, its rather insulting to imply that fans who want to keep watching aren't long term fans who have invested in the show for all these years. I guess the "MerDer fans are the only true fans" attitude is still alive and well all these seasons later.  


I also don't agree that downplaying the MerDer relationship is new for Shonda. She has said season after season that Meredith & Cristina were the true love story of the show and Cristina is Meredith's soulmate. I don't remember when she first said it but I'm pretty sure it years and years ago.  Ellen is the one who has done a 180 (IMO) but I don't think its fair to fault her. She's still part of the show and will continue for at least another season so of course she is going to promote the show and her character when asked. I also can believe that after 11 years of MerDer that, as an actress, she may be looking forward to a new story to play. I don't see that as anything against Patrick or MerDer but just a chance to play something new. Personally I find it rather appalling that she (and others in the cast) is getting so much hatred on twitter because she's not mourning Patrick & MerDer every moment of her life.  Actors leave jobs. The other actors on the show can still like their job and be excited to play their characters when someone leaves. 


On another note: I want a crew member to write the tell all. This is old and really doesn't say much but shows that the crew knows all the goings on.

Edited by windsprints
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On another note: I want a crew member to write the tell all. This is old and really doesn't say much but shows that the crew knows all the goings on.

The AMA was an interesting read. He didn't seem to be a big fan of Patrick and Ellen. Can't believe she asked a crew member to cut the crusts off her sandwich. Interesting that Patrick and Sandra would get testy with each other. And his take on the TR/Katherine situation.

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The AMA was an interesting read. He didn't seem to be a big fan of Patrick and Ellen. Can't believe she asked a crew member to cut the crusts off her sandwich. Interesting that Patrick and Sandra would get testy with each other. And his take on the TR/Katherine situation.


Unbelievable for me,too. She hit the rock bottom for me. Money destroys your character, she treats crew members like servants. I´m utterly shocked by her horrible manners. What a queen of Sheba. Awful behaviour. She can´t eat some crusts because it might spoil her delicate stomach, and she can´t hurt her delicate fingers either. What a terrible attitude Pompeo has! Disgusting!


No wonder she hired and paid millions to a woman to give her a child instead of adopting one although she already has her own biological child. Most likely Pompeo has found her weird role model of life attitude and wrong morale in Rhimes herself.


"Chandra and Sandra are great! totally nice and sweet."    Truth. They come off genuine off screen, you can see nothing false.And Sandra was always so so nice to crew,what a difference with Pompeo.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I found the crust thing funny, probably because I don't know anyone over the age of 4 who has the crusts cut off.  And, in the realm of actor "bad" behavior crusts off a sandwich seems like a pretty nothing issue IMO. 


No wonder she hired and paid millions to a woman to give her a child

Surrogacy is a legal and valid option for many couples. Whatever reasons Ellen and her husband had for choosing a surrogate to bring their daughter into the world are private. I would never, ever, ever judge any woman/couple for how she chooses to expand her family. 

Edited by windsprints
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No wonder she hired and paid millions to a woman to give her a child instead of adopting one although she already has her own biological child.

I have more to say about the Ellen/Patrick stuff but I wanted to address this first. Season5OwenHuntfan, i hope you are not calling Ellen a diva for using a surrogate? There are many many reasons why a woman or a family would chose to use a surrogate. Surely any woman (or man) is entitled to having more than one biological child.

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I read a few of the interviews with Ellen in Italy. I'm now thinking something happened between she & Patrick before his departure. I'd never expect any big public goodbye or declaration of caring and I get that she is speaking to promote her story and the show for next season. I also don't buy the theory that Shonda scripts every word she says. I'm finding it odd that she not only doesn't mention Patrick in any context but doesn't even mention Derek. There are dozens of ways she could have made the smallest reference while still promoting Meredith's story for season 12.

I have also thought that something may have happened BTS with Ellen and Patrick, but then I remebered that he posted that pic of her on his Instagram on what would end up being one of their last days shooting together (could have even been their final day). She must have been ok with him posting it and why would he even have done it if they were on bad terms?

Does anyone here happen to speak Italian? I feel like Ellen's words may be getting a little twisted. I don't speak Italian but the question in which she responded that Greys was "Meredith's story", seemed to be asking about Shonda writing strong female characters. So if she was answering a question to that effect, it makes sense that she wouldn't have mentioned Derek or Patrick. Aside from that question, I do agree that she probably could have thrown in something like "Patrick will be missed but we are excited to continue on" but I'm not personally ready to crucify her for not saying anything like that.

As someone who has been watching this show since the pilot, I'm kind of deeply saddened by all the backtracking that's going on. Shonda, Ellen, the cast, the producers, and also the new 'Netflix generation' of fans on Twitter are fully rewriting history at this point. It's one thing to kill off Derek, it's another to pretend like he wasn't important or the show was never about his relationship with Meredith.

I have also been watching since season 1, but I do have to disagree with you a little. I think this show WAS intended to be Meredith's story, but it became the "MerDer" story 1) because Patrick was so likeable and 2) Patrick and Ellen's fantastic chemistry. Think about how many people continued to love Derek (myself included) even after finding out he was married, got up and left his wife after she cheated, decided to then stay with her anyway only to end up cheating on her. And yet he still was "McDreamy" through it all. Isn't it also known that it was ABC who told Shonda to end the will they/won't they in seaon 4? Anyway, I think this just shows that MerDer became the main story even though maybe it wasn't meant to be from the beginning. I don't disagree that Patrick for sure helped build this show to what it is today, and probably even what has kept it alive.

I find it interesting you think they are catering to the teenagers or newer fans. I hate to generalize but it seems to me like it's the teenagers who are like "Merder4ever, OTP, blah blah blah" and are most upset about about MerDer not having a happy ending. I feel like it's the older fans who feel that Derek's death was sloppy and poorly written but not that Meredith can't exist without Derek. Of course we can respectively disagree here.

Thanks for posting that AMA windsprits. Defintely an interesting read. I agree though, if the worst thing Ellen Pompeo did was ask for the crusts cut off her sandwich, I don't think that sounds too horrible. I wonder if she was caught up in stardom early on because she seems much more down to earth now. I actually noticed In that video of her panel at the Taormina film fest, the first thing she did when she sat down was pour everyone on stage a glass of water. It looked like she went to get herself a glass and then offered to everyone. It's a small thing but honestly it's not something I'd expect from a celebrity.

Edited by Greysaddict
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I have more to say about the Ellen/Patrick stuff but I wanted to address this first. Season5OwenHuntfan, i hope you are not calling Ellen a diva for using a surrogate? There are many many reasons why a woman or a family would chose to use a surrogate. Surely any woman (or man) is entitled to having more than one biological child.


I find it strongly immoral,most likely poverty urges women to be surrogates,and stars like Pompeo have the money to buy a child. Sorry, I have a very strong opinion on this one, but this is not the right forum to discuss it, so I will end with this and yes, these are diva manners. Yes, every man or woman is entitled but there is always ethics and morale to take into account. And the terrible trauma after the baby is taken away,many don´t even look at it for fear, the surrogates develop a bond with the child,willingly or not,these are emotions, you cannot control them. Highly immoral. Never ever would I ask another woman to bear me a  child, however, desperate I was to have my own biological child even if I didn´t know what to do with money.Never ever would I cause such a terrible pain to another human being. I would use the money to support children´s orphanages so that they live a life of dignity to fill my motherhood instinct or I´d adopt chidren to become a mother.  End of story for me. As many people, so many opinions.


I only mentioned this aspect in relation to her being called a handful plus the manners she has as described by the crew member in the link provided. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I find it strongly immoral,most likely poverty urges women to be surrogates,and stars like Pompeo have the money to buy a child. Sorry, I have a very strong opinion on this one, but this is not the right forum to discuss it, so I will end with this and yes, these are diva manners. Yes, every man or woman is entitled but there is always ethics and morale to take into account. And the terrible trauma after the baby is taken away,many don´t even look at it for fear, the surrogates develop a bond with the child,willingly or not,these are emotions, you cannot control them. Highly immoral. Never ever would I ask another woman to bear me a  child, however, desperate I was to have my own biological child even if I didn´t know what to do with money.Never ever would I cause such a terrible pain to another human being. I would use the money to support children´s orphanages so that they live a life of dignity to fill my motherhood instinct or I´d adopt chidren to become a mother.  End of story for me. As many people, so many opinions.


I only mentioned this aspect in relation to her being called a handful plus the manners she has as described by the crew member in the link provided.

While I'm sure that there are instances of surrogates being taken advantage of, there are also plenty of instances of surrogates who are happily willing to give a couple the chance to become parents and are paid handsomely for their service. I would imagine that they go into knowing that they are "working" for someone else and while it may be difficult at times, they are hardly suffering the pain of having "their" child wrenched away from them. It is a business transaction. A much more emotional one perhaps, and emotional for both sides I'm sure, but a business transaction nonetheless.

I have known people on both sides of the issue, two couples who used a surrogate, and one person who was the surrogate for one of these couples. No one was forced into anything and both sides walked away with positive experiences. The couples got a healthy child (one was 100% theirs biologically but the woman was not able to carry) and the surrogates got the opportunity to help those who would not have been able to have a child otherwise. They tried adoption and that was not successful either. The surrogate I know was paid enough to set up college funds for her own kids and then some. The people I know who used a surrogate were relatively well off but not rich by any means. I'm sure that Ellen and her husband took great care of their surrogate financially and perhaps other ways as well. I would be shocked if Ellen's surrogate felt abused or suffered any pain whatsoever. It certainly isn't my place to judge what any woman legally does to have a child or what someone else does to make a living..

Speaking of Ellen, I think that it is pretty clear that something happened behind the scenes with Patrick. Maybe all of the rumors are true and there was a lot of bad behavior on his part or maybe she just got tired of him not wanting to be there when she (and many, many others who have been there from the beginning) work really hard to keep the show going. I vaguely remember her tweeting something about someone being obviously bored on set or something g like that, and maybe she was referring to him. It just seems to me that she is taking the "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything" route. And if it was just annoyance at him for wanting to leave or being over it all after signing his contract, I don't think that she would have a problem saying so.

As for the sandwich crusts...meh. I guess I don't see the difference between telling someone extra mayo or hold the ketchup. If someone is making you a sandwich or getting you a sandwich, you want it the way you want it. The person in the AMA was a producer's kid, so if they were so bent out of shape cutting off crusts, then maybe they could have gotten a job on their own. God, all of these topics make me cranky apparently.

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I saw this article reblogged on tumblr today. It was written by Patrick for some racing magazine.


I missed the mandatory driver's meeting as well as the first practice session for the 2015 WEC opener at Silverstone. And the reason for that? I was filming my last day as Dr. Derrick Shepherd on Grey's Anatomy on location in Seattle. I think most people would look at leaving a tv hit show (not fired, contrary to the media feeding frenzy) as a demonstration of serious intent.

Odd that he misspelled his character's name but the interesting part is that he is saying outright that he was not fired.

I saw this article reblogged on tumblr today. It was written by Patrick for some racing magazine.

Odd that he misspelled his character's name but the interesting part is that he is saying outright that he was not fired.

Makes it sound like he thought he had enough clout to think Derek could just hang in DC and he could just come and go as he pleased while still getting paid, and was surprised he wouldn't be catered to, in a way.

It is direct contrast to his post episode interviews though. Wasn't he all "I don't know why I was offed?"

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It is direct contrast to his post episode interviews though. Wasn't he all "I don't know why I was offed?

IIRC he never said directly in the article that he was fired. He said it evolved organically or something to that effect. The person who did the interview had tweeted that he would have stayed if they didn't kill Derek off (later deleted the tweet) and from there it became that he was fired and Shonda/ABC were blamed for everything that occurred.


not fired, contrary to the media feeding frenzy

This statement, along with the interviews that are around, sure make it seem (IMO) that he either wanted off the show completely or, wanted off for extended periods of time and the show/studio/network said no so the decision was made that Derek would leave/die. I don't see any reason why he would lie about not being fired. 

Edited by windsprints


It is direct contrast to his post episode interviews though. Wasn't he all "I don't know why I was offed?"


Oh, I can't blame him playing up to whatever audience he is in front of, but I can laugh.  To the Grey's audience, he was like "not my fault, I don't know why I'm gone, I has a sad too:(".  To the racing audience, he's like "look at me, I said no to all of that to be here, that's how committed I am:)"!

Edited by pennben
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Oh, I can't blame him playing up to whatever audience he is in front of, but I can laugh.  To the Grey's audience, he was like "not my fault, I don't know why I'm gone, I has a sad too:(".  To the racing audience, he's like "look at me, I said no to all of that to be here, that's how committed I am:)"!

I had the exact same thoughts as you Pennben.  He is definitely catering his words to the target audience but he's an actor, celebrity and public figure...who can blame him for that?  And, as been discussed in the Patrick thread, he needs sponsors to keep racing, so it makes sense he is spinning it to being fully committed to racing for a racing magazine.  

I find it strongly immoral,most likely poverty urges women to be surrogates,and stars like Pompeo have the money to buy a child.


Your opinion is your opinion and I'm not looking to change it, just wanted to say though that I live in a country where it is illegal to pay someone to be a surrogate and yet there are plenty of women who act as surrogates because they want to help someone as an act of altruism. 

  • Love 4

Taken with a grain of salt - Blind Item from 2007 revealed 6/28/15

Nothing to do with the blind, but I hate that site's redesign. I haven't been back since.


That being said, this...sounds like a story. Well, it sounds like a story somebody told somebody else. It just has all the hallmarks of a tall tale, to me: Lots of shock value and makes a great story, but you realize it'd be almost impossible for it to happen in the way it's described and have nobody find out for eight years.


If I had to guess, this sounds like a story someone heard from a publicist -- "Patrick Dempsey is such a diva. He practically threw food at this waiter one time in this restaurant I was in." Then someone searched through the unsolved blind items, matched the description, slapped a name on it and called it a day.


Put it this way: how many vague "This A+ list actor is totally cheating on his wife" blind items were revealed the day after the Affleck/Garner divorce?

Edited by Eolivet
I have a really hard time believing that anyone, much less a recognizable celebrity would throw food at a waiter because he burger wasn't perfect.


Agree! I can't imagine how much of a dick someone is to throw food like that. The increase in phones/camera/video & social media would likely have something like that all over the internet immediately if it ever supposedly happened (to anyone) in today's world.

Put it this way: how many vague "This A+ list actor is totally cheating on his wife" blind items were revealed the day after the Affleck/Garner divorce?


Agree. But, there was also truth to the blinds when he put a names to them even if they were fabricated or about someone else when initially written. I'm not a lawyer but some of the reveals are pretty damning (drug use, etc) - wouldn't he be open to lawsuits if there were no basis of truth (obviously not for something stupid like a hamburger being thrown)?


Anyway, there's another: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2015/07/blind-items-revealed-27-4.html


I doubt we'll know anytime soon what really happened but I won't be surprised if things like this continue to come out.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 1
I'm not a lawyer but some of the reveals are pretty damning (drug use, etc) - wouldn't he be open to lawsuits if there were no basis of truth


Have you ever read the disclaimer of CDAN?



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What exactly is the role of Debbie Allen on the show? She is one of the directors and has recently become one of the executive producers,so what can she influence? Can she also influence how all storylines are written?Like can she have a say what will happen on the show as for storylines? What do you all think?

What will her presence behind the scenes mean? 


I hope she can´t.


I like all actors on the show except Allen and Scorsone. I dislike both of them. With Allen I always get the feeling "I´m better than anyone else!"

A very snobbish smug woman - that´s the vibe I get from her. On the contrary, Karin Gleason is also one of the producers, but what a lovely friendly nice woman.


I know how I view actors should not influence the characters they play and vice versa, but boy, do I hate Catherine Avery! Poor, poor Richard.  Although there is something rotten in Richard,too. I will never forgive him for cheating on Adele (while she was sick!!!) with this woman.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I feel like, with rare exceptions, executive producer/producer credits are generally vanity titles for actors (less about the work and more about the extra money). And in my opinion, Allen will only get her way on storylines if her way lines up exactly with Shonda's way.


This might be the case.


What made me wondering is  this recent tweet from Pompeo :"Sorry to put you on blast @msdebbieallen but  the fans deserve to know how you and @shondarhimes plan to set it off!"

It sort of equalises their positions,so I am just curious how powerful Allen will be.

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