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Behind The Scenes: The Drama Behind the Drama

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because in stories they often lay out and good guy/bad guy scenario.


And who benefit this? Just the newspaper that satisfy people's curiosity with lies and earns money with that? Sorry but I don't understand the logic of tabloids, thankfully I don't buy or read them. I am pragmatic and what I thought I read from that article is a free publicity to Shondaland. Again, This is just my perception, I may be wrong about it.

Edited by Elle8

Has there been something new invented already? Did Patrick join a terrorist organization? Skin puppies? Is the evil twin that threw his other twin from the rooftop with a shovel? 


Maybe a disgruntled crew member or lower level employee. I just don't believe that Shonda herself or one of her representatives has the time or inclination to make up lurid stories about one of her former colleagues. She has lots of different irons in the fire and PD and even Greys just isn't THAT important to her, IMO.

Given the ridiculousness of the gossip, I agree here. I think that if it'd be a more substantiated rumor, maybe it came from higher rankings and it would've been published in a more reliable gossip site (if those exist) but since this is a changing rumor, I heavily doubt SR is in her computer rubbing her hands and deciding what ridiculous rumor to implant next. Maybe she could be an inactive participator (as not doing anything to stop them and only leaving that to PD's PR guys to solve it) but this doesn't seem her work.


Or the same celeb pregnant 50x like Jennifer Anniston, lol.


Don't forget the breakup/no wedding covers. I'm sure they have a stash ready to publish at any minute. 


I'm not sure who else in the cast had extra marital affairs and I'm not sure it's that important either (and if ABC cares, that's just stupid) to get fired over. This is the easiest kind of gossip in Hollywood to make up as many of these stars have to be extra nice to everyone and that can be mistaken for an affair of sorts. Many have faced these rumors and never substantiated into anything. 

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And I actually tend to believe gossip sites, because I view Hollywood how Scandal views Washington D.C.: a covert corrupt enterprise run by underground movers and shakers, fixing and planting stories and covering up bad deeds. Like there is a B613 that covers up all the underage sex parties, who's gay and who's not and which arranged relationships are worth nothing more than the paper they're printed on. It is the only way things like the Oscars and the billion-dollar movie industry could exist, in my mind.


That is not to say that I believe all gossip sites, but I think at least Blind Gossip doesn't make stuff up (because they don't name people). I also think they were careful not to state that Dempsey (or "Affair Guy") was or was not having an affair, but if he was, that's not why he was fired.


Most popular guesses for that blind item appear to be Pompeo and Oh, Dane and Chambers. Based on that, I would say Pompeo and Chambers, since they're both still on and haven't been fired. Interesting stuff (to me anyway!).

Edited by Eolivet
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And who benefit this? Just the newspaper that satisfy people's curiosity with lies and earns money with that? Sorry but I don't understand the logic of tabloids, thankfully I don't buy or read them. I am pragmatic and what I thought I read from that article is a free publicity to Shondaland. Again, This is just my perception, I may be wrong about it.

yes, the tabloid benefits from the customer/reader curiosity and a voyeuristic nature. Its why they sell millions upon millions of tabloids world wide. Its bad here in the US and well as in Europe. Actually tabloid journalism in the UK even led to celebrity wire tapping.

It just a different way to make money, then there are the non celeb tabloids that prey upon people who really believe that alien babies have been born etc.

Edited by noname1
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And I actually tend to believe gossip sites, because I view Hollywood how Scandal views Washington D.C.: a covert corrupt enterprise run by underground movers and shakers, fixing and planting stories and covering up bad deeds. Like there is a B613 that covers up all the underage sex parties, who's gay and who's not and which arranged relationships are worth nothing more than the paper they're printed on. It is the only way things like the Oscars and the billion-dollar movie industry could exist, in my mind.


That is not to say that I believe all gossip sites, but I think at least Blind Gossip doesn't make stuff up (because they don't name people). I also think they were careful not to state that Dempsey (or "Affair Guy") was or was not having an affair, but if he was, that's not why he was fired.


Most popular guesses for that blind item appear to be Pompeo and Oh, Dane and Chambers. Based on that, I would say Pompeo and Chambers, since they're both still on and haven't been fired. Interesting stuff (to me anyway!).

That is actually why they can make stuff up... because they don't attach the name and can attach it to anyone. Ted casablanca formerly of Eonline was a big blind gossip person. he had this gossipy bit about toothy tyle a gay actor posing as straight who had even gone so far adopting a child with his male lover even though he was married to a female actress. It was long speculated the jake gylenhall was part of that equation. it went on for years never proven but Ted kept pushing his tale, He was eventually let go from E because he included an actor name unitentionally in a piece of blind gossip.

a covert corrupt enterprise run by underground movers and shakers, fixing and planting stories and covering up bad deeds.

Obviously. I also think that they plant fake stories to damage someone's reputation and give an advantage to someone else. I do think Hollywood is a shark infested town but I do think that the newcomers are the ones mostly subjected to this kind of gossip, not much more established actors as they do have better people to navigate the boats for them and be able to avoid this kind of issues. 


That is actually why they can make stuff up... because they don't attach the name and can attach it to anyone.


I agree. It's fairly easy to leave this in doubt because while there's some truth to it, perhaps not to the person that it's being assumed. Someone's PR people can make the mistake of letting the 'who' out and boom! You got a story. But these are general rumors. Who knows how many people have an affair or are divas. It could be anyone and they're just waiting for that mistake.


He was eventually let go from E because he included an actor name unitentionally in a piece of blind gossip.


I had no idea it was because of that. Interesting. 

What does everyone think of the timing of Shonda's #TBT photo?


shonda rhimes ‏@shondarhimes 58m58 minutes ago

ANOTHER #GreysAnatomy #TBT photo: @PatrickDempsey waits to meet Mer in the House of Candles.  Love this photo!



This feels like doth protesting too much somehow...


Probably, but still, the fans were angry at her for ruining their ship, and she's acting on twitter like she doesn't know how bad was the reaction to derek's death was. I'm not sure this is an appropriate choice. but she obviously doesn't care about that. After all that's her show, her twitter, her pics. 

Edited by Elle8
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I don't think any of these tabloid stories from the last couple of days came from Shonda or ABC's PR people because they were such a low level tabloids. The  one in the NY Post about him being a diva that came out a couple days before I could definitely see coming from Shonda or ABC. Also its pretty well known how family centric Shonda is I remember reading years ago I think during Scandal's first season that she had a nursery near her office. Also majority of her actors/actresses have said how accommodating she is to people's families like how the day she wanted to meet with Kevin McKidd it was the same day as his son's birthday and it was also the first day he was back in the States after shooting a movie overseas and pretty much said he wouldn't meet with her and she was impressed that he put family first. Also she let Justin Chambers kids perform at that Grey's benefit.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Ok, let's assume this is all true and he is a cheater of the worst kind. His wife knows and divorces him. You fire him because...? There was no scandal before he was (presumably) fired, not even after the news of the divorce. I still don't get why the need to "suspend" him for six episode and then get rid of him in such hurried, sloppy way. Is Shondaland so puritan? Considering that all her shows are about affairs? The only way I could believe he was fired for that (always assuming the blind item is true), is if he was cheating and consequently unprofessional at work.

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I haven't been following the story that closely but a couple of items came across my Twitter feed. The first was from Jezebel and in the comments some insider mentions that the intern was married and she spent a lot of time in PD's trailer which was causing a lot of problems with the crew. She gave the impression that PD didn't care and also caused a lot of hold ups himself partially due to this affair.

Another Twitter item (from some gossip site, RadarOnline maybe?) claimed that Shonda sent an email out to every cast and crew member forbidding them to talk about the affair or any problems it caused and that they would be fired if they did.

Clearly this should all be taken with lots of salt, but if any part of this is true, it sounds like it was more than the affair and it could also maybe explain why PD and SR are back to being Twitter friends. They both have a huge interest in getting this story and related topics to blow right over. And why all info is coming from anonymous sources. Who knows how much of this is true, but I do think that there is enough info floating around to conclude that it may have been more than just his racing schedule.

It's also possible that everything is coming out now because the uproar over his firing/death was so huge and various insiders, if not Shonda or ABC, got tired of taking all of the heat for it.

Also clear: I may want to upgrade the educational quality of my Twitter feed.

Edited by Deanie87
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LOL, Deanie87.

Who knows how much of this is true, but I do think that there is enough info floating around to conclude that it may have been more than just his racing schedule.


in the comments some insider mentions that the intern was married and she spent a lot of time in PD's trailer which was causing a lot of problems with the crew. She gave the impression that PD didn't care and also caused a lot of hold ups himself partially due to this affair.

If true then I hope the intern was fired as well because that makes it sound like she also caused problems on set. It takes two.


If this reveal is true and the Mrs. was gathering photo evidence I'm going to guess that it wasn't Shonda/ABC who gave out info about the affairs even though they've been blamed left and right by fans.

Edited by windsprints
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I can't believe that in Hollywood, where actors, directors and others who alledgely beat their SO or/and are involved in child abusing scandals still thrive in their careers, an actor would be fired for "merely" cheating on his wife. For the record, if I were the wife in question he would get the Theon treatment,  Bolton-style. But unless his wife is the showrunner's wife, sister, daughter, or niece, I don't believe that anyone would fire him for cheating on her.


I don't know the whys and hows and I believe that we'll all know one day. Maybe, only when Shonda Rhimes falls from grace. And probably, it's something very insignificant like a parking space, or not enough butt-kissing. 

  • Love 5
Ten other women?! That is nasty lol

I had to admit, I was one of them. At this point, I might be. Who knows how many more will be revealed!


And why all info is coming from anonymous sources. Who knows how much of this is true, but I do think that there is enough info floating around to conclude that it may have been more than just his racing schedule.


Generally, when high profile stars get divorced, especially with lots at stake -as PD seems to have given his no prenup plan, if there was infidelity, it's pretty quick to know as it might benefit the scorned spouse. If any of this is true and if there are 10 women as this blind item claims to be, you'd think that at least one would've leaked the info already for money or to damage him. The fact that his is being known by blind items (and not picked up by more reliable tabloids) seems really sketchy. To me, anyway. If someone really wanted to inflict serious damage to him, this would be in the front page of People way long ago. 


That being said, in relation to Grey's, I doubt a simple affair (if any of them it's true, which I'm still leaning to no), would've get him fired, unless it was sexual harassment or the woman in question is underage, or the woman in question was creating problems on set. All of this would immediately shift the blame to PD but I don't believe ABC or Shondaland would fire someone over an affair issue. It's not like PD had problems like the other guy in Scandal. So I'm not sure how this would factor in (unless his contract had some sort of clause in relation to it).


I'm really starting to believe that it was a pure plot decision because the writers wrote themselves into a corner and didn't know what to do with PD anymore and with PD rather being racing, they took the shot, didn't tell him and surprise! Next script he's dead. I would really like to believe that it was for professional, not personal, reasons that he was dismissed. 


If this reveal is true and the Mrs. was gathering photo evidence I'm going to guess that it wasn't Shonda/ABC who gave out info about the affairs even though they've been blamed left and right by fans.



Certainly has a better sense of trash level info that could hurt him and benefit her in the settlement. And it makes better sense than the "PD was fired because he did the nasty" headline. Although, the diva one...that one had to be leaked from the set. I doubt that would benefit anyone other than Shondaland. But who knows how this rumor will turn next. It seems to get adapted to something different day by day. 


Also clear: I may want to upgrade the educational quality of my Twitter feed.

That is always a good advice to take. I shall follow your lead. 

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None of us know.  In that article, seven years ago, he is talking about "one night stands" before being married.  What is in tabloids now, when he is married, is about an ongoing affair with a married woman in the workplace that led his bosses to not re-up his contract for next year/fire him.




As for the rest of the women, not my business. I'm only concerned about what happened to affect the show.  Maybe not my business, but well, still curious and on firmer ground because it changed the show. 


Who knows what's true, neither he, nor Shonda nor ABC is as pure as the driven snow, but I bet all three are in concert together to keep this (whatever the hell the "this" is) inhouse.

Edited by pennben
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Generally speaking his revealed blind items are usually true but who knows. The reveal date was April 28th. I saw it on tumblr earlier today.


Crazy Days & Night Blind Item Revealed


If that's "true" would this Ellen one have to be also? This same website has been declaring Ellen's marriage over because of cheating for 7 or more years. 


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I mentioned this earlier in the thread no idea if it's true, but the Chris Ivory cheating rumors are pretty common they come up at least once a year. I don't know if the Patrick cheating rumors are true, but I think a lot of them are coming from his ex-wifes camp. Plus he would have a lot to loose if  they were true he definitly has a family friendly image.


I've seen many revealed blind items from him that were true (reported in mainstream media, confirmed) but I posted "but who knows" because of course no one here knows for sure. Well maybe Anitam86 since she was one of the 10 ;)

As for the rest of the women, not my business. I'm only concerned about what happened to affect the show.  Maybe not my business, but well, still curious and on firmer ground because it changed the show.

Who knows what's true, neither he, nor Shonda nor ABC is as pure as the driven snow, but I bet all three are in concert together to keep this (whatever the hell the "this" is) inhouse.

Totally agree. I'm only interested to find out what happened because of the mess it caused on the show. Other than Patrick Dempsey can screw a dozen people a day for all I care. I can easily believe an actor could have an affair but get that some will view him as McDreamy.

Edited by maasa
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I can't believe that in Hollywood, where actors, directors and others who alledgely beat their SO or/and are involved in child abusing scandals still thrive in their careers, an actor would be fired for "merely" cheating on his wife. 


I agree. I'm very much against cheating, but I can't get that worked up about the idea of an actor cheating when well known wife-beaters are still popular celebrities. 

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I've seen many revealed blind items from him that were true (reported in mainstream media, confirmed) but I posted "but who knows" because of course no one here knows for sure. Well maybe Anitam86 since she was one of the 10 ;)

I can only confirm about myself. ;) 


Although just to be sure, what you refer as "true are blind items that were true" is it about PD specifically or the site in general? Sorry about this but it's confusing me to hell.


Plus he would have a lot to loose if  they were true he definitly has a family friendly image.

The "positive" side is that with good PR, it's fixable and maybe could benefit his own career, so people stop seeing him as McDreamy and start seeing him as someone else. (This does not way in hell condone what he maybe did but I digress the "a lot to lose" since like many have posted, there has been worse and carry on.)

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The "positive" side is that with good PR, it's fixable and maybe could benefit his own career, so people stop seeing him as McDreamy and start seeing him as someone else. (This does not way in hell condone what he maybe did but I digress the "a lot to lose" since like many have posted, there has been worse and carry on.)

I do agree it could be worse. I just remember when his film career was hot I think he said he only wanted to do movies his children would watch. I could be mixing him up with another actor.

None of us know.  In that article, seven years ago, he is talking about "one night stands" before being married.  What is in tabloids now, when he is married, is about an ongoing affair with a married woman in the workplace that led his bosses to not re-up his contract for next year/fire him.




BUT, in the first paragraph, Patrick is described as a "serial monogamist," which means that he would never be with more than one woman at a time, let alone 10.  That is an argument against the affair(s).  It was the overall gist of the article that I was referring to, not the hair-splitting detail of one night stand vs. affair.

Just because you describe yourself as a serial monogamist doesn’t mean it’s true, especially during a “mea culpa, I admit to my past scandals” interview. Nor does something that might have been true 7 years ago preclude him from theoretically cheating in recent years. Plus people can have remarkably different standards for what they consider cheating a long term relationship than their SO does, going right from making eyes and flirting to “only actual penetration counts”.

I’ve no idea what is actually going on but even if it’s true I agree with those who think that alone can’t have gotten him fired or raised the giant “if you gossip about PD you will be fired” threat to everyone on the show. That's the most curious thing and may or may not have to do with his personal life, but probably does in some way because they've not been shy about "diva-ing" him.

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Although just to be sure, what you refer as "true are blind items that were true" is it about PD specifically or the site in general? Sorry about this but it's confusing me to hell.

I was referring to all blind items where he reveals the name(s) of the people, nothing specific to Patrick Dempsey.

The "positive" side is that with good PR, it's fixable and maybe could benefit his own career, so people stop seeing him as McDreamy and start seeing him as someone else. (This does not way in hell condone what he maybe did but I digress the "a lot to lose" since like many have posted, there has been worse and carry on.)

Even if its true I don't think his image would be tarnished very much. I'm sure there would probably be people who wouldn't believe it & many  people that just don't care. As of now no further PR is really needed. "McDreamy" leaving Grey's is out of the news cycle.

Edited by maasa

Just because you describe yourself as a serial monogamist doesn’t mean it’s true, especially during a “mea culpa, I admit to my past scandals” interview. Nor does something that might have been true 7 years ago preclude him from theoretically cheating in recent years. Plus people can have remarkably different standards for what they consider cheating a long term relationship than their SO does, going right from making eyes and flirting to “only actual penetration counts”.


That was not a "mea culpa, I admit to my past scandals" interview.  There was a quote from him, and that part of the article alluded to the possibility of him having one night stands in the past, IF you read into his comments rather than taking them at face value.  Also, while the passage of time can allow change, it certainly does not mean a person HAS changed, therefore  this article should not be dismissed solely because it is 7 years old.


For the record, I am not in a "Patrick is Saint McDreamy who can do no wrong" camp.  I know that he's an imperfect human just like the rest of us.  I AM in a camp of "Patrick is innocent until PROVEN guilty and there has yet to be any proof of wrongdoing on his part."  I am also in a camp of being fed up with people across the internet who believe unfounded gossip about anyone, then go about bashing that person and drawing even more negative conclusions about them.  And I'm in a camp of being fed up with people across the internet who find it necessary to post a contradictory (and many times unfounded) comment about anything positive said about or in defense of someone or something just for the sake of arguing.

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I'm in the camp of wanting to know what happened here. I guess I'm also in the camp that Shonda is not beelzebub because Patrick is gone. Something went down and none of us know what happened.


Patrick spoke on record because he is no longer under contract for future money.  However, he parsed all of his words carefully and as favorably as he could to himself (a nondisclosure agreement could still be in effect).  No one else in the near future will go on record. I guarantee that.


As I stated above:



Who knows what's true, neither he [Patrick], nor Shonda nor ABC is as pure as the driven snow, but I bet all three are in concert together to keep this (whatever the hell the "this" is) inhouse.


I suspect we won't know for a long while (if ever). Until then, we are where we are.

Edited by pennben
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I was referring to all blind items where he reveals the name(s) of the people, nothing specific to Patrick Dempsey.

Oh! I was confused because I didn't see the author of the blind items, so I thought it was PD related. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


I guess I'm also in the camp that Shonda is not beelzebub because Patrick is gone. Something went down and none of us know what happened.

With each passing day, I'm guessing most will be severely disappointed and turn up to be that it was nothing but a (stupid, very stupid IMO) creative decision. The rumors have been changing and adapting to a new circumstance that it's hard to decide what it was: was it the racing? diva behavior? being a slut? There's not even consistency on the alleged rumors and as one new turns up, the dirty tabloids will pick it in, then go to their usual "Jennifer Aniston is 4 months pregnant" and something about Taylor Swift (because why not) and same old routine.


For the record, I do believe that something happened (not the affair/diva behavior alleged routes) but that it was perhaps a serious disagreement of opinion on Derek's potential SL and/or PD's time off, as stupid as the latter is as ABC had been ok with it for a while. I just find it very hard to justify the rumors that have been out for a case of dismissal (in case of the affair) or that it wasn't reported before (diva attitude).


But we will probably know when Ausiello writes his tell all. I will hold him to his word.


I AM in a camp of "Patrick is innocent until PROVEN guilty and there has yet to be any proof of wrongdoing on his part."


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With each passing day, I'm guessing most will be severely disappointed and turn up to be that it was nothing but a (stupid, very stupid IMO) creative decision.


Why would people be disappointed?  Regardless I don't think its as simple as a creative decision. If that's all it was there wouldn't be so much secrecy surrounding his departure. Shonda would have been out there giving interviews talking about her creative decisions as she's done in the past.

I'm in the camp of wanting to know what happened here. I guess I'm also in the camp that Shonda is not beelzebub because Patrick is gone. Something went down and none of us know what happened.




There seems to be a double standard IMO. PD should be considered innocent until everything is proven yet every costar, writer and ABC employee is accused and raked over the coals without anything being proven. Comes across as a hypocritical view to me.



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There seems to be a double standard IMO. PD should be considered innocent until everything is proven yet every costar, writer and ABC employee is accused and raked over the coals without anything being proven. Comes across as a hypocritical view to me.


Unfortunately there are a lot of people acting that way.  The only person I'm convicting of anything is Shonda for writing such a craptastic final episode for Derek and lack of decent aftermath following his death.

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Why would people be disappointed?

Because some seem to thrive on the gossip that has been going around in terms of explanation that when a plausible reason is presented, people will be like "that was it?" kind of attitude. Others might be relieved it wasn't. Either way, when gossip gains traction, makes a wave of feelings. But it's how I've seen things to have turn out in terms of the show as previous departures have been full of massive problematic gossip (like KH's or IW's or BS's) and it was somewhat expected here, especially with the weight that Derek had on the show. 


How about if we all agree that we not proclaim the other side guilty of something until otherwise proven?

 We can agree on that in terms on the cause of the dismissal. 



I had to Google this because of my dictionary ignorance. I will use this word from now on. 

Edited by AnitaM86
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