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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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I always found it particularly interesting that she actually stumbled over those words in that sit down with Andy a couple of times before she actually said it.

I can't find a clip of that scene at the moment, but I distinctly remember it as Mr. Persnickety and I were snarking about it. Yes, we're evil that way.

I totally agree with your guess that she's been indulging in far more than just alcohol so maybe that's why she stammered...some subconscious reaction or slip, maybe.

BTW, found this little gem on YouTube whilst looking for that clip of Kim stammering. It has an interesting quote from season 6 where Kim states that Brandi "needs help" after the racist comment she made to Joyce in Palm Springs:


Holy batshit....

Also found this interview clip where Kim appears to be higher than a fucking kite describing her decision to tell Adrienne and Paul about Brandi outing their surrogacy situation. WELL WORTH A WATCH...

Wowzers. She is FUBAR in that second clip.

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This probably has already be mentioned, but didn't Kim say something about her kids disowning her if she relapsed again. Well, they must of seen the poker night episode and the entire season, not to mention the arrest at the Polo lounge. Yet most of them are with her at the Dr. Phil show where she refuses rehab. One of her excuses is that she doesn't want to miss Brooke's wedding. I guess she lied and they didn't cut her off. Brooke should tell Kim she can't come unless she goes to rehab. Never mind…what's the point….Kim doesn't want to stop pills and booze. 

  • Love 7


Please keep in mind that when I make my posts I'm describing my history and I'm also thinking in terms of Kim and Kyle. Using what is said here to refer to my thought process but again my posts reflect what I'VE done and how I apply my thinking to Kim and Kyle. I use the examples posted here as a guideline of topic for my suggests for THEM.



I'm wondering if the difference for you is that the person(s) you were dealing with were different in that they weren't narcissists? As many have said, there are addicts who don't blame everyone else for their problems, aren't manipulative and bitter, and aren't complete soul suckers. I certainly have known people with addictions that one could not help having compassion for. And then there are the others. People stuck with those who don't care a whit about anyone but themselves under any conditions can't be faulted for having a lack of love, patience or compassion, when they decide to protect themselves, IMO.

  • Love 10

I had a very close relationship with an addict who was NOT a narcissist. She was always kind and sweet although addicted to drugs. She was never hateful, mean or accusatory. Not once did I ever hear her accuse anyone else for her problems. She was reared in a good family by good parents/siblings and in a good community. By good, I mean loving, caring and close to family members and friends. She was also a liar who stole from family members to support her habit. She finally admitted that her problem was out of control, went to NA and stayed in that program for 9 years. After that, she went back to college, got a Master's Degree in Biology and Chemistry and is now teaching high school students. She has such compassion for her students who come from very dysfunctional families, unlike her own. She has told me stories about her students that reduced both of us to tears.  She's an exceptional human being and teacher now. So I know for sure that recovery is possible, human beings can be rescued and can go on to do remarkable things with their lives.


However, this is not a description of Kim Richards. I don't ever say that recovery isn't possible since I've witnessed it myself but Kim is not willing to do this. It's so much easier to blame everyone else for the decisions you've made for yourself. Forget your parents, your siblings, your husbands, your children, your past, your childhood notoriety, etc. Kim makes the decisions for her life and it's finally time for all of her family to stop supporting her/enabling her/making excuses for her/listening to her excuses. Go to rehab. Or not. And suffer the consequences. Enough, Kim.

  • Love 13

I watched the episode again on demand and this time really watched Kim instead of just listening. FYI: You cannot fast forward on demand! While reading your posts, I thought everyone was embellishing the story in a snarkalistic way on the forum. But no! She literally jumped the beam into a lane of traffic. I wonder if this was the film she sent in for the cameo for Sharknado?

  • Love 3


She finally admitted that her problem was out of control, went to NA and stayed in that program for 9 years. After that, she went back to college, got a Master's Degree in Biology and Chemistry and is now teaching high school students.


She's lucky … high schools today wouldn't hire someone with a history of hard drug use.  


That's another thing Kim needs to think about … she won't be hired if there's a chance she'll go off the wagon.  Production companies can't get insurance if they lose money by having to re-shoot etc.  I think Robert Downey Jr. had to pay for the insurance for his first film because he was considered unemployable … 

  • Love 9

After seeing Kim at Poker Night it got me to thinking maybe Kyle and her friends and family just don't really like being around her as a person. I am not talking her totally off the rails behavior but both Game Night and Poker Night she is not really fun to be around. I always get the impression from Kim her hobbies include chain smoking and twirling her hair extensions. She seems fairly comfortable being at home and having her kids around but not really a ball of fire as a guest. Listening Kyle and Kim at the Reunion it may just be they don't click socially. So why would Mauricio subject himself to Kim? To me Kim seems like she finds Kyle and her friends barely tolerable and that goes way back to Season 1. I also think Kim's proclamation of Brandi being her BFF is pretty much hooey. I think Kim, sober or drunk makes these gushing comments. What she liked about Brandi is she was single and she didn't have to deal with a husband.

In a totally different direction-why is it no one ever calls truth cannon Brandi on the fact that she has a boyfriend and just seems to break up with him during filming? I would love for someone to do that someday. Maybe next season.

Interesting idea about the Kim/Brandi relationship. Like me, many have felt this was not going to be a long lasting relationship. I saw Brandi the other day on WWF and Andy asked has she been seeing Kim since the reunion. "Oh, yes, I texted her once a couple of days ago." Just as I thought. I had already felt Brandi wasn't enjoying her time with Kim. Then, she couldn't have had worse body language toward her at the reunion. She was sitting as far away as possible on that couch.

Regarding the boyfriend, interestingly enough, she also told Andy on WWHL that she has a new beau.

Sorry if this is old news to you all. I'm always way behind in reading the boards.

My heart goes out to all of you who have shared your difficult times with illness and narcissistic family members. Thanks for sharing.


Edited because WWF does not equal WWHL. LOL.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 5

On Kim going to 'rehab' in Malibu. It is my hope that she had a come to Jesus after the Dr. Phil debacle, hit bottom, and actually, on her own terms, decided she needed help and decided to get honest with herself. It is my hope that she gets that help, stays, as Dr. Phil so eloquently says, not for an allotted amount of time but UNTIL, she can actually be sober, for real, without the lies, and with humility. Do I think this is the case? Not for a minute. What I think actually happened? Bravo said, no rehab, no contract. She called Promises, or Passages, whichever. Checked herself in for 30 days, or whenever Monty dies, whichever comes first. Gets let out for Brooke's SECOND wedding. What happens next? She shows up for next season, saying she's 'sober', meaning she's not drinking. Continues the pill regimen she's always done because she's never gotten help for that part of her addiction, and she can hide that part. She's sober, right? Blah, blah,blah,blah. Hijacks yet another season. Do I want this to happen? Of course not. But also quoting Dr. Phil, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

  • Love 9

On Kim going to 'rehab' in Malibu. It is my hope that she had a come to Jesus after the Dr. Phil debacle, hit bottom, and actually, on her own terms, decided she needed help and decided to get honest with herself. It is my hope that she gets that help, stays, as Dr. Phil so eloquently says, not for an allotted amount of time but UNTIL, she can actually be sober, for real, without the lies, and with humility. Do I think this is the case? Not for a minute. What I think actually happened? Bravo said, no rehab, no contract. She called Promises, or Passages, whichever. Checked herself in for 30 days, or whenever Monty dies, whichever comes first. Gets let out for Brooke's SECOND wedding. What happens next? She shows up for next season, saying she's 'sober', meaning she's not drinking. Continues the pill regimen she's always done because she's never gotten help for that part of her addiction, and she can hide that part. She's sober, right? Blah, blah,blah,blah. Hijacks yet another season. Do I want this to happen? Of course not. But also quoting Dr. Phil, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.


Add to that the fact that once the previews of her sit down with Dr. Phil started to air, she probably saw what the public's reaction was (primarily "Go to rehab, you dumb bitch!" on all the forums and pages I frequent) and she figured no one was going to buy her woe-is-me act airing on Tuesday.


I'm a terrible person for saying this but I have not a single fuck to give whether Kim gets better or not.  For the sake of her children, I hope she does but other than that...eh, whatever, Kim.  

Kim is sooo drunk and high. You can see it and hear it in her voice!


Maybe Monty was slipping her "a pain pill" even back then?


She was definitely not in 100% goddamned pain in that interview.  

  • Love 9

I'm wondering if the difference for you is that the person(s) you were dealing with were different in that they weren't narcissists? As many have said, there are addicts who don't blame everyone else for their problems, aren't manipulative and bitter, and aren't complete soul suckers. I certainly have known people with addictions that one could not help having compassion for. And then there are the others. People stuck with those who don't care a whit about anyone but themselves under any conditions can't be faulted for having a lack of love, patience or compassion, when they decide to protect themselves, IMO.

I don't know what they were but they weren't sweet, warm and fuzzy balls of fur 100% of the time and they weren't complete raving lunatics either. The were regular flawed people who had really proud and accomplished moments in their lifes and spiteful evil moments as well. Probably in today's world where everything and I mean everything gets some sort of "diagnoses" they most likely would have be diagnosed with something else. Either way, not a walk in the park by any means but you take the good with the bad and try your best to maneuver around it as best you can. It all depends on what your heart can take, what your heart can dish out and the ability to pace how its dispensed or else you'll run out before it's all over.. whatever "over entails".

  • Love 1

I had a very close relationship with an addict who was NOT a narcissist. She was always kind and sweet although addicted to drugs. She was never hateful, mean or accusatory. Not once did I ever hear her accuse anyone else for her problems. She was reared in a good family by good parents/siblings and in a good community. By good, I mean loving, caring and close to family members and friends. She was also a liar who stole from family members to support her habit. She finally admitted that her problem was out of control, went to NA and stayed in that program for 9 years. After that, she went back to college, got a Master's Degree in Biology and Chemistry and is now teaching high school students. She has such compassion for her students who come from very dysfunctional families, unlike her own. She has told me stories about her students that reduced both of us to tears.  She's an exceptional human being and teacher now. So I know for sure that recovery is possible, human beings can be rescued and can go on to do remarkable things with their lives.


However, this is not a description of Kim Richards. I don't ever say that recovery isn't possible since I've witnessed it myself but Kim is not willing to do this. It's so much easier to blame everyone else for the decisions you've made for yourself. Forget your parents, your siblings, your husbands, your children, your past, your childhood notoriety, etc. Kim makes the decisions for her life and it's finally time for all of her family to stop supporting her/enabling her/making excuses for her/listening to her excuses. Go to rehab. Or not. And suffer the consequences. Enough, Kim.

I guess to me it makes sense to me to feel sorry for someone who obviously can't seem to get a hold of something that is so obviously destructive to her whole life and well being.

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I question whether Kim sees her alcohol and drug abuse as destructive, except that her kids think so. Face it - Kim likes drinking and likes drugs and likes being drunk and high. I think the only problem she sees with that is everyone else wants her to be clean and sober but she doesn't.

I agree, although I doubt she thinks she abuses other drugs. In my opinion, Kim only sees her alcohol consumption (yes, alcohol is a drug too), as the problem and that other medication is prescribed so mustn't be drug abuse.

Plus: no one else seems to understand her REASONS for drinking/medicating.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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I question whether Kim sees her alcohol and drug abuse as destructive, except that her kids think so.  Face it - Kim likes drinking and likes drugs and likes being drunk and high.  I think the only problem she sees with that is everyone else wants her to be clean and sober but she doesn't.

See that's the part I find sad. The hold it has over her and her lack of determination to get passed it or let herself acknowledge it to the degree that allows her to really make an effort. I don't believe that other people's success in getting a handle on addiction should be a factor in someone else's struggles. I mean I get that it's easy to do comparisons especially when reaching a point of frustration with a particular addict but it's also an example of how differently everyone is built. There's no excusing the negatives that come out of Kim's addiction but at the same time there's only so far the outside battle can be taken when the addict isn't fully committed to conquering the disease. And the commitment of a person is determined by so many different factors. In Kim's case, I'm inclined to believe that she's pretty sure she isn't strong enough to resist the self medication and can't commit to cutting such a escape from her life so she convinces herself that her problem isn't that big. I don't think she just want to be drunk and high for shits and giggles. I think the self medication is about so much more which is why I do have sympathy. It's just a shame that she can't get a handle on it. It's not an exact science and I advocate some kind of handle whether it be cutting back, kicking it completely, keeping her shit together with the right prescription of drugs. Whatever works for her but yeah, she needs some course of action, some determination and some consistency in her life.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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