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Season 7 Reunion - Gossip, News, Previews etc.

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If you, like me, are so ready for this season to be done and see the reunion then it's time to get excited. The first of three parts airs either April 26th or May 3rd!





Claudia - Cynthia - Kandi - Kenya - ANDY - Nene - Phaedra - Porsha



So from all the rumors I've read online (some reliable, some probably not): 

  • Porsha was read for filth by damn near everybody and no one defended her. 
  • Kandi ripped Nene apart, and wasn't comfortable with Phaedra
  • Demetria wasn't at the reunion. Apparently she was fired but she claims she had prior plans for the day of filming. 
  • Nene shows a lot of emotion
  • Dr Jeff made an appearance which apparently sends Nene into a meltdown and she leaves the stage.
  • Cynthia pulls out texts to use against Phaedra.
  • Phaedra does a lot of crying.
  • Everyone wore white and apparently looked good.
  • Kandi reveals she is going through with IVF treatment
  • Something 'epic' happened 


Reunion looks:

Nene -  

Kandi - 

Cynthia - 

Phaedra - 

Kenya - 

Porsha - 

Claudia - http://www.allabouttrh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Screen-Shot-2015-03-30-at-7.12.23-AM.png

Edited by nowcheckthat
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Porsha was read for filth by damn near everybody and no one defended her.

This one seems suspect to me.  I could understand Cynthia and Claudia having words with her since they had problems with each other this season, but she was fine with the other women.


Since this didn't happen on the show, it probably won't be brought up at the reunion, but in case it is,  I hope Claudia got nailed for that 'teeth and eyes' comment and for the nasty shit she said about Tiny.

Edited by Sheenieb
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  • Dr Jeff made an appearance which apparently sends Nene into a meltdown and she leaves the stage.



Please excuse me while I make my Big Surprise Face.  What a coward.


I understand why Demetria wasn't there (LOL at her excuse), but why was Porsha there if she was demoted to FOH?  Since she was included in the seating arrangement given above it seems like she was there from the beginning of the reunion instead of being brought in somewhere in the middle as a guest.


ETA:  I feel like Atlanta's cast needs to be overhauled, very few HWs I would keep if it were up to me.

Edited by link417
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So from all the rumors I've read online (some reliable, some probably not): 

  • Porsha was read for filth by damn near everybody and no one defended her. 


Please, please, please, for the love of all things good and holy in the world, let this be true. Seeing that smug, mean-spirited, dumb, posturing woman get a major verbal smackdown would be the most glorious thing I have ever seen on these Housewives shows. I cannot stand her.

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Please excuse me while I make my Big Surprise Face. What a coward.

I understand why Demetria wasn't there (LOL at her excuse), but why was Porsha there if she was demoted to FOH? Since she was included in the seating arrangement given above it seems like she was there from the beginning of the reunion instead of being brought in somewhere in the middle as a guest.

ETA: I feel like Atlanta's cast needs to be overhauled, very few HWs I would keep if it were up to me.

Apparently Porsha was there most of the time but not at the very beginning. Claudia was sat next to Phaedra at first I think.

I know a lot of people hate Porsha but at least this season she hasn't even been a bother.  She did the half ass apology to Kenya(which I'm ok with, because Kenya always half asses hers but with tears), she met with Cynthia and smiled throughout the whole thing, she let Claudia know that Claudia wasn't going to get away with her BE FRIENDS WITH ME OR YOU ARE UNPROFESSIONAL shenanigans...



She did her job without wallowing in the mud or screaming but not being "above it all".  If she's getting dragged it HAS to be from other season's foolishness.

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So Andy has said in an interview Nene didn't storm off but something happened when Dr Jeff came out. He said there was a lot of fighting but everyone listened to each other. It seems like they reached resolution, which is good coming out of the Beverly Hills reunion. Supertrailer is coming sunday then, if not before!

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Bravo just released a snippet of the Reunion and it gets very intense at points.  It also shows a bit of what was going on with Nene and it had nothing to do with the other women and yes, she broke down and cried profusely.


The situation between the groups were its usual nastiness with team petty constantly going after Nene, Phaedra and especially Porsha.

here's the link


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I thought NeNe's mother died? This link, scroll down to a long post in bold letters, and it says according to her book, her mother abandoned her and then later on never really had a relationship with her. I have no idea if this is accurate or not.


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I read she was raised by her aunt (just like Kenya).  Her mother raised her sisters (from another father) but not her which is why there is a strain on the siblings relationship.  There is a lot of bad blood with the siblings.  Nene only identifies her borthers as actual siblings.


it was also why she was so angry when Phaedra invited the sisters to the sip and see for Aiden.  The funny thing is Nene is just as private with her family as Phaedra is with hers.  I'm guessing that is why they have become friends of late.  Even though neither is very trusting but they seen to open up to each other.  Her father was pretty much unknown as well.  She has had a very hard life which is probably why she brags about what she has. 


I have searched the net for anything on her mother and only found a picture with her mother and brothers but no information on her mother other than the picture and the book that her sisters wrote. 

Edited by Aging Goth
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After seeing the clip last night of the reunion, and NeNe's exit, crying with Dr. Jeff going after her (again), telling people not to talk about her mother. ??? She's talked about her mother before. She talked about her when she was trying to find out who her true father was. I personally think NeNe needs some serious therapy because there's more going on there, and the sooner she deals with it head on, the better. I feel empathy for anyone who's had a hard childhood, and been raised by someone other than their own parents....it hurts, deep. It's the kind of emotional pain that you can't just turn off like flipping a light switch. It affects your life, your relationship with others.

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Did Nene ever figure out who her biological father really was?

This storyline was so complicated.

Was he the guy who waited outside the house?

Yes, from everything I've read, it was the gentleman who was there for her when she was growing up. The man she'd always considered her dad anyway.

lovestowrite73, I totally get what you're saying, trust me. But I always wonder why when a subject is brought up one time, it's OK to talk about it, and later on it's not. I guess we'll have to wait and see the context of the conversation to understand what's going on.

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AgingGoth, the reunion was filmed a few weeks ago, and there's been a lapse between the end of NeNe's Broadway appearance and that taping. I don't think she was doing much in between, except for buying the house. My fear is that she'll go into that mode of spending money to give herself a high from the depression (seen it happen too many times). If she doesn't get another acting gig, and the only thing on the horizon is the show with Kim, I do worry.
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There was a lapse on the show but not on twitter, talk shows, facebook and the like.  It is like a war of words where the three have been on a constant smear campaign against Nene so much so that her fanbase spent two days sending suggestions and well wishes to Nene to prepare her for the reunion. She went into that reunion, apprehensive and paranoid due to all the crap Claudia and Kenya have posted on twitter and said on talk shows. It has gotten brutal to the point as to why Nene had her lawyers send a cease and desist letter to both Claudia and Kenya.

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There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that we are not privy to. And the cease & desist letters are useless unless a threat was made. And even that would be hard to prove if the tweets were deleted or edited. NeNe needs to learn to rise above and ignore them, and to kill them with kindness. Every time she reacts, runs or breaks down....they win. And once someone figures out they can push your buttons, they won't stop. NeNe strikes me as being very insecure and cannot back up all of her bravado with her actions.

Also, NeNe has done her fair share of making fun of people or putting people down. It's part of being on the show, which is why I think it would be in her best interests to move on and find herself a comedy to be a part of on another network.

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All Claudia or Kenya would have to do to challenge the C&D is show footage of NeNe calling them "whore" or worse.

ETA: With several sites reporting that Bravo hired Claudia specifically to rumble with NeNe, if NeNe were smart she'd have kept her mouth quiet during a lot of those scenes, then file a lawsuit against Bravo for encouraging a hostile work environment, harassment, etc. But, too late now.

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All Claudia or Kenya would have to do to challenge the C&D is show footage of NeNe calling them "whore" or worse.

So true.  I was about to say she can't send a C&D about people harassing her with rude comments and lies when she told someone on camera that she's such a whore her clit rubbed off, or whatever the hell phrase she used.  Nene has always been the type to dish it out, but when her turn comes around, she can't take it.  And it probably stems from most people being too afraid (or polite) too confront her back.

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So true.  I was about to say she can't send a C&D about people harassing her with rude comments and lies when she told someone on camera that she's such a whore her clit rubbed off, or whatever the hell phrase she used.  Nene has always been the type to dish it out, but when her turn comes around, she can't take it.  And it probably stems from most people being too afraid (or polite) too confront her back.

Sheree was great in that aspect. She had great lines and did not back down for anything.

If only she hadn't made that unfortunate comment.

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New clip - Cynthia vs Porsha




Kenya is super annoying and rude, laughing over Porsha so no one can hear her.


"Proceed, 'friend of the show'."  Lol!  And the top of Porsha's dress does not look her right.  One of her boobs is about to make a slow escape.

If I were Cynthia I'd keep my mouth shut.  She looks like a frog in a blonde weave and her nasty husband is stealing from her.  


Interesting how Kandi can get Nene but she still can't stand up to her mother.

That's what I think every time she tries to check Nene..yeah you got the "moose"  but get your mother together.

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