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MLB.tv went balls up today, Tuesday's games weren't available and there are no games available tomorrow.  Having a monopoly must be nice.  They can charge an arm and a leg for a service that isn't worth a tenth of what they're charging for it.  


(Sorry in advance if this gripe is inappropriate here.)

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The Cardinals are often mocked as boy scouts or choir boys, and this is going to give the whole organization a black eye


It's going to be a bruise, but I'm not sure how deep yet.  This does nothing to negate their onfield performance.  I grew up a Cardinal fan, dropped off when I moved to where I couldn't follow them day to day. I still root for them from my new home as my second favorite team. I appreciate fans like you that don't dismiss this issue. It's a federal offense that is being discussed.  It is not something to be dismissed as many fans have.

Edited by pennben
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Phillies lost to Baltimore 19-3.  Philadelphia brought in Jeff Francouer to pitch the last two innings and he threw 48 pitches.  Apparently the Phils couldn't get a reliever up in the bullpen because the bullpen phone wasn't working.

Chase Utley was clearly not pleased with the decision to leave Jeff in for so long and risk him injury. He threw 50 pitches! Weird stuff going on in Philly.

MLB.tv went balls up today, Tuesday's games weren't available and there are no games available tomorrow.  Having a monopoly must be nice.  They can charge an arm and a leg for a service that isn't worth a tenth of what they're charging for it.  


(Sorry in advance if this gripe is inappropriate here.)

Weird, I had no issue watching the Dodgers/Rangers last night (thanks, Rangers!). 

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Weird, I had no issue watching the Dodgers/Rangers last night (thanks, Rangers!). 

It's working now, sort of, the spinning circle of white death, restarting to the beginning a couple of times.  I checked on their support forum, which I can't post on for some weird reason, and there were a few folks in there that were complaining about it, so I knew it wasn't just me since they always tell you it's you, you, you.  


I'm Mariners, so woe is me, and no thanks, Rangers.  

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It's working now, sort of, the spinning circle of white death, restarting to the beginning a couple of times.  I checked on their support forum, which I can't post on for some weird reason, and there were a few folks in there that were complaining about it, so I knew it wasn't just me since they always tell you it's you, you, you.  


I'm Mariners, so woe is me, and no thanks, Rangers.  

Well, I hope it works well tonight because I am really looking forward to watching King Felix vs. Bumgarner tonight! 

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So A-Rod got to hit 2999 tonight and he was up in the bottom of the eighth with the chance to get to 3K. He was walked on four way inside pitches.

The crowd...did not like it. When A-Rod took first the crowd serenaded the Marlins pitcher with a boisterous cheer of "asshole...asshole...asshole." It amused me, anyways.

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How do you know A-Rod didn't pay off the pitcher to give him the BB, so he can get hit 3K at home on a Friday night vs Detroit (bigger audience than a Marlins game, right?) in the embrace of boisterous Yankee fans, and team management can deny him money for achieving another milestone?


It's like you're on this television website and no nothing of conspiracies!

Edited by King of Birds
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Ahahaha I just do not think that way. But knowing what I know about A-Rod it would sadly not surprise me.

So does anyone know what picture Panda liked on Instagram that got him into trouble? They keep saying she's a pretty girl so that is apparently an important part of the story and now I'm curious to see for myself.

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Hahaha, I love David Price. 




David Price ✔@DAVIDprice14
So I could have been the first to give up 3k hits to 2 different people?!?! Let me get that first inning today brad...I can do it!!

 Remember that he gave up Jeter's 3,000th hit. And 3,001st. And he was perfectly ok with that.

Edited by rippleintime17
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I saw some bitching that the batter leaned in so he would get hit. I don't know if I believe that someone could be that cynical to WANT to get hit by a 90 mph pitch.


Especially trailing 6-0


But if Ron Hunt didn't get a HBP ...

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What's up with the Tigers? Yanks are kicking their butts. That Simon pitcher is slower than molasses. He is actually the 9th slowest pitcher in the league (it may be all of MLB, not sure). Slow in regards to time between pitches. Apparently David Price is the slowest.

Simon threw about 70 pitches in less than 4 innings!

Old Timers day at Yankee Stadium was beautiful! Mel Stottlemeyer and Willie Randolph got plaques in Monument Park and deservedly so.

I was around to see the Randolph years and man, he was just so wonderful at 2nd base. KC's Frank White got all the pub back then because he was just a bit more flashy than Willie. Not dissing FW because I saw him play. He was a great player on some really good Royals teams.Those days of the KC/NY rivalry were so exciting.

Willie seemingly flew under the radar and I kind of think of him as Jeter like in his understanding of the game. Love the guy.

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I know there's a rule that the umpire can deny you first base if he feels you didn't make enough effort to get out of the way. I wonder when was the last time it was involked.

I knew Willie Randolph was going to be honored, but Mel Stottlemeyer was a complete(and pleasant)surprise.

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I knew Willie Randolph was going to be honored, but Mel Stottlemeyer was a complete(and pleasant)surprise.


Yes, smittykins it was kept hush hush from everyone except Mel's wife and family. The fact that both men wore number 30 was way cool and Mel is still fighting cancer so while not a woe is me move by management it may have been a wakeup call to honor Mel because he was a great Yankee and a final link to the old 1960's teams before it all went south. A good man. 


Also both guys were Mets. Go figure. 

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I know, I'm such a Sox fan. Ortiz totally flipped the bat in a WTF manner, and I've no idea what he was jawing about at the plate. But throwing out the ump? I totally love this.   It's like an Oprah moment- YOU'RE outta the game, and YOU'RE outtta the game and YOU'RE outta...  Another case of 'We didn't go the game / watch the game to see the Umpire Make A Statement.'

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"If I never get to come to another Old-Timers' game, I will take the memories that I have today, and I will start another baseball club, coaching up there whenever they need me."

Damn onions...

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The Yankees had a couple of pitchers that made their major league debut today. One pitcher was a kid from the Island ( a relative local) that got tagged pretty hard. The very next pitcher gave up a home run on the very first pitch he threw in the major leagues. 


During these two innings Paul O'Neill talked about his debut as a hometown kid in Cincinnati, and John Flaherty told the story about how he caught a no hitter in his debut and his team lost the game. Kenny Lofton got on base a couple of times, stole a couple of bases, some sac flies, game over.

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Now days with elbow pads and such (Yeah still gonna sting still), I do think players do not make much of a effort to get out of the way sometimes.


I read a story yesterday where the Pirates batter (damn, forgot his name already) said that it's his job to get on base so I have a feeling he didn't do much to get out of the way.  Kind of a dick move in that situation if you ask me.

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Pete Rose epitomizes the comment:  How do you know when he's lying?  Because his lips are moving.


I wonder if he is still setting up a table outside the Hall of Fame to disrupt the Induction ceremonies.  Such a horrible guy.  I have always loved Bart Giamatti for emphasizing that he could not comment on Pete's guilt or innocence "in his professional capacity" and for the reporter who quickly understood that meant his follow-up question should be how Giamatti felt personally.  My heart broke when Giamatti died so soon after getting this mess cleaned up, before he could enjoy the game he loved after sweeping out the trash.

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I've got to admit, I'm kind of interested in seeing what lie Rose will concoct in an attempt to worm his way out of this.


An evil twin perhaps? 


ETA: I forgot, baseball has a history of evil twins!



Edited by xaxat
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I've got to admit, I'm kind of interested in seeing what lie Rose will concoct in an attempt to worm his way out of this.


An evil twin perhaps? 

Multiple personalty disorder.

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Darryl Hamilton news is stunning & sad.  My heart goes out to his family and friends, and colleagues at MLB Network.  

I always enjoyed his "teaching" moments on the faux-field.  I can't get over this.  

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I'm cleaning up the DVR and watching Old Timer's Day and they mentioned it was the 69th version. So now I'm curious as to how many current teams the Yankees celebration is older than.

And I'm super way late to the party but I'm pretty much in love with Willie Randolph now.

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This is over WILLIE RANDOLPH?  I figured, sure, I'll eye-roll the Jeter love, but... WILLIE RANDOLPH?


BTW I had to suppress the vomit today when they called Donaldson's catch "full Jeter."  I recall various SS/ 3Bs doing foul ball dives into the crowd once or twice, pre- ESPN. I just get all stabby because I cannot stand Jeter.  Forget the Confederate flag, can we banish any more mentions of the foul former Yankee SS?

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This is over WILLIE RANDOLPH?  I figured, sure, I'll eye-roll the Jeter love, but... WILLIE RANDOLPH?


BTW I had to suppress the vomit today when they called Donaldson's catch "full Jeter."  I recall various SS/ 3Bs doing foul ball dives into the crowd once or twice, pre- ESPN. I just get all stabby because I cannot stand Jeter.  Forget the Confederate flag, can we banish any more mentions of the foul former Yankee SS?

Donaldson totally took out a 6 year kid in the process.

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I always liked Willie Randolph and I was pissed at the Mets for dumping him as manager.


Forget the Confederate flag, can we banish any more mentions of the foul former Yankee SS?


Can we banish both?

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Aww King don't hate. Willie was super charming during his speech. I laughed when he said people come up to him on the street and tell him how much they hate the Mets for what they did.

For the record, while I am incredibly fond of Jeter (Der-ek Je-ter! Clap clap clapclapclap.) I really completely and totally adore A-Rod and that has been unwavering. So yes, I can make it go from bad to worse, ha!

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Willie's in his 60s, and is still exceedingly callipygian. Plus, he's funny and adorbs. I'm not fighting for him, but I get how some folks would want to.


Chris Hayes interviewed the Cubs fan who caught a foul ball while holding (and feeding!) his infant son. Even though it was eventually ruled fan interference, he's hoping it can be a Bizarro Bartman kind of thing, i,e, a good luck charm for his Cubbies.

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You made me look up callipygian. I always feel I should learn more. But, upon reflection, I didn't need to know that word.


So yes, I can make it go from bad to worse, ha!

Quite an achievement, there. You just pole-vaulted over the line - WAY over the line.

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But, upon reflection, I didn't need to know that word.


You say that now, King. But someday, you'll spy a behind that deserves more syllables than 'Dat ass, tho!' And then you'll be happy to know it.

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You say that now, King. But someday, you'll spy a behind that deserves more syllables than 'Dat ass, tho!' And then you'll be happy to know it.


And it's something you can say in polite company without getting smacked...

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Willie's in his 60s, and is still exceedingly callipygian.


You know, I didn't even have to look to see who posted this, because I already knew.

 attica! between this and "pantsfeeling" your way around the cast of Ripper Street, I see that you are all about the bass.*


The problem with baseball players is that those unis do nothing for any part of the anatomy.  Though that's never stopped me from worshipping Alex Gordon.

(screw Donaldson -- there's your Catch of the Year!)


* yes I went there

Edited by gutette1
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Honey, I am a GROWN ASS WOMAN (and a callipygian one myself, if I do say so myself, and I do) and I don't have a thing for boys.  I want a GROWN ASS MAN, callipygian a plus of course.

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