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S31: Spoilers

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I'd be fine with Stephen going next. I like him, but his Tocantins game has always been overrated. He didn't get to the end because he was a mastermind, he got to the end because the dysfunctional Timbiras fell in love with JT. Stephen does understand the game, but he hasn't been able to translate that into his own gameplay. I'm just glad he outlasted Savage. Savage' s comments about Stephen being disgusting were over the line.

I always found Erinn a better strategic player than Stephen (she suggested the Tyson blindside and was a much better speaker than Stephen) but people hated her for some reason.

  • Love 2

I would definitely rather Stephen go before Joe...though most of that is because I am tired of Stephen's whining. I will take boring (although I am finding Joe much more interesting this season than last) over whiny any day.

Joe going at some point seems a given which is why I am hoping it's not! In a season where things have not always been predictable, Joe being voted out would be predictable because everyone has said that from day one.

On a completely different note, this episode interested me for a completely different reason - Wigglesworth. She was much more vocal this time around and after Probst's comment about how she had a story to tell maybe that's finally coming.

  • Love 3

I'd rather Stephen go over Joe first. Just because Stephen is a tad too obsessed with getting out the golden boy. However, if Joe does end up going before Stephen, I don't believe it will because Stephen had a hand in it-just that Joe finally lost immunity and was deemed too big of a threat. Stephen would be another goat this season, because I don't see him having any shot at winning, and he'd probably be a mess at the FTC (with all the crying and whining he's done so far). I'm hoping the original boot list does hold up, and that Stephen goes next. Maybe Savage and Stephen's placements were swapped.

The only reason I'd want it to be wrong is it isn't my ideal final 3 anymore (Jeremy wins way too easy, Tasha's a goat, and Spencer is accused of riding coattails-I really think almost going home second scared him). I'd much rather Wentworth sneak in there. I also don't want to lose Ciera, Kelly Wigles, or Joe anytime soon. In addition, it looks like a predictable pagonging.

Yes! Which is another reason why I liked the second spoiler's final 3 better. Joe vs Jeremy is a much less easy one to pick! Jeremy vs Tasha vs Spencer is pretty much guaranteeing Jeremy almost ALL the votes. Boring

Um, if Savage and Stephen are swapped, that means Stephen does NOT go next. Which is perfectly fine with me. I hope he cockeroaches to F3.


Sorry, I should have clarified that maybe he goes when Savage was supposed to.  He's gotten a big edit, but I honestly hope it doesn't mean he has a redemption and ends up in the final 3.  Still, I don't think he wins.  Unless he was in a final 3 of Tasha/Abi, but even then...

Sorry, I should have clarified that maybe he goes when Savage was supposed to.  He's gotten a big edit, but I honestly hope it doesn't mean he has a redemption and ends up in the final 3.  Still, I don't think he wins.  Unless he was in a final 3 of Tasha/Abi, but even then...

Stephens tweet I think revealed a lot. I don't think he tweets that if he is just next to go. I think the list might spiral out of control now. 

Lets put the bootlist aside for a second. Would you be showboating about something when you know your chances are doomed and you are destined to fail in the near future? Probably not.

I don't disagree with you regarding Stephen's tweet. I would doubt he is the next to go after his tweet. Just pointing out that his original tweet is silly because it still doesn't mean that bootlist is incorrect since it never purported to be completely accurate after the merge.

Pretty interesting post on reddit:




I can't believe production would leak a bootlist and I don't think they did, but they do have a lot of good points.


Edit it got deleted but this is what it said:


Do you think the editors just fucked the hardcore fanbase up?
I wrote this in a sucks post, I am pretty darn sure the editors were playing the long con on this one:
> Tonight's blindside was hilarious in a meta-edit sort of way. In that there was NO WAY (in my opinion) the editors didn't fuck with the entire fan base.
>Fishbach was "spoiled" to go today in an up-til-now totally accurate bootlist.
>Fishbach was mentioned heavily in last week's promo.
>Fishbach was not able to do any podcasting for American Horror Story this week, making it seem to fans that he couldn't make it due to doing post-voted out interviews etc.
>Fishbach had a huge increase in visibility a la Monica.
>Fishbach had the "I didn't get to go on the reward last season and it screwed me over" subplot.
>Fishbach looked screwed when we saw Savage looking over him as he was gathering votes, and Savage promptly went to Joe.
>Savage was also built to look like he would be a major narrator/player over the past several episodes, in addition to an edit where he was portrayed so that everyone watching was annoyed by him, but still positively skewed enough to make us think the editors wanted us to like him.
>Not to mention Kelley even said in a confessional "it should be Savage OR STEPHEN tonight" right before tribal, so that Fishbach was still considered a possibility by the viewers no matter which side ended up winning.
>And it ended perfectly with Abi throwing shade and Savage flicking the tribe off. Priceless. And screwed over, by ANOTHER twist! This is better than Marcus getting a "winner's edit" in Gabon.
I forgot to mention Sthephen's tweet, and obviously Kass "confirming" the bootlist this week hahah. Does anyone else think we were just duped on an epic level?

Edited by anthonyd46

If this means Stephen wins I will be very, very disappointed.  Just for his whining alone I don't want to see him anywhere near the final 3.


If next week, someone in the alleged final 6 goes then I'll debunk the bootlist.  The person who posted it said "close to order" but that the final 6 was correct.  For now, I'm sticking with it.  Also, I don't really understand what the big deal is if people want to know spoilers and why a big deal to create fake ones.  This is CBS we are talking about, the same people who had it in promos that certain people survived to a tribe swap or that someone won immunity (and gave away 2 of the final 4 last season).  Are they really that smart to pull off a conspiracy?


I'm sure Stephen has been taking a few hits for his nerd edit this season, so he may feel the need to gloat that the boot list was wrong to his naysayers.  Majority of whom probably don't even read spoilers.


In regards to the Ciera's tweet, one of the bonus clips this week is Joe talking about playing both alliances.  He says he uses Ciera's words about taking out big threats (like himself) to his advantage with the majority alliance, but mentioned that telling Ciera/Abi/Wentworth who were on the outs that he knows how bad it sucks not to have numbers, essentially giving them a glimmer of hope that they have a shot.  It makes me wonder if Joe, is in fact, in two alliances and that this might be the deciding week where he decides where to go.  Since he's a target he may be taking any opporunity he can get.

Edited by LadyChatts

The person who had the most, or tied for the most, confessionals was booted next episode since Woo. I would hafta see Pressic to confirm but Stephen had the most confessionals this ep (all by his lonesome) which means he is on schedule to leave next.

6 - Stephen

5 - Joe

4 - Andrew/Ciera

3 - Kelley

2 - Jeremy

1 - Keith/Kimmi/Spencer

0 - Abi-Maria/Kelly/Tasha

anthony, has the FB messenger spoiler from Kimmi already passed?  I thought she was online around day 24, which would bring us to the next boot.

This episode ended on Day 21. Kimmi has to be out on Day 24 or before for it to be right  and she's right on schedule. Maybe Kimmi really is next?





Kimmi is really starting to look frail in the face in this video too.

Edited by anthonyd46

Thanks!  I thought it was day 24ish but I couldn't remember exactly.  I figured if we were too far removed from it it probably wasn't true.  Kimmi getting vooted sooner rather than later might go along with what Monica said about her being sorry for voting her off.  If Stephen plays a hand in voting Kimmi out, that might be what she meant.  Stephen looked probably the most worried tonight once the idol was played, so I'll be curious what he'll do next week (especially if it is a free for all).  Kimmi seems like an odd choice to be booted over some others, unless she either opens her big mouth, or is a split vote/idol casualty.    


I don't know about Kimmi, she still isn't looking like she's lost the amount of weight she did in her post game pics at this point.  However, I've heard Survivors who were voted off and lost a lot of weight kept it off.  Maybe she doesn't overdo it in Ponderosa?  On the plus side, Wentworth isn't looking like her post game skinny minnie pics, either.  If Kimmi goes next, I'll toss that bootlist right out.  Which kind of makes me sad that I won't know what's happening lol  But hopefully the idol was a turning point, especially with what Jeff said.

Edited by LadyChatts

Thanks!  I thought it was day 24ish but I couldn't remember exactly.  I figured if we were too far removed from it it probably wasn't true.  Kimmi getting vooted sooner rather than later might go along with what Monica said about her being sorry for voting her off.  If Stephen plays a hand in voting Kimmi out, that might be what she meant.  Stephen looked probably the most worried tonight once the idol was played, so I'll be curious what he'll do next week (especially if it is a free for all).  Kimmi seems like an odd choice to be booted over some others, unless she either opens her big mouth, or is a split vote/idol casualty.    


I don't know about Kimmi, she still isn't looking like she's lost the amount of weight she did in her post game pics at this point.  However, I've heard Survivors who were voted off and lost a lot of weight kept it off.  Maybe she doesn't overdo it in Ponderosa?  On the plus side, Wentworth isn't looking like her post game skinny minnie pics, either.  If Kimmi goes next, I'll toss that bootlist right out.  Which kind of makes me sad that I won't know what's happening lol  But hopefully the idol was a turning point, especially with what Jeff said.

Only reason I'm putting some stock into it is the Facebook hasn't been wrong yet. However, like you said why Kimmi? Maybe she is one of the ones who jumps for the advantage shown in the preview? Something like that could put her on the chopping block for sure since why jump for it if she's on Jeremy's good side and not on the outs? Regardless I think the list is going to be wrong again I don't think its Kelly Wigles this time. I don't get why they haven't shown her more in the secret scenes she gives some good confessionals. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the boot order that says 'close to order' really is just that: 'close to order'.  I just can't believe CBS would have some big conspiracy that would have the bootlist right up until this vote, to purposely mess with fans.  Unless the person who leaked it either got super lucky with their guesses, or were fed misinformation.  Kass seemed like an easy vote, so that one I didn't put much stock into anyway.  Now it'll be more telling.  If Ciera/Stephen/Kelly Wigles go next week, that would still kind of be 'close to order' since the final 6 is the only thing that person said is, in fact, correct.  If it is someone in the final 6, then I won't believe it.  The only way I can see Kelly going is the same way I'd possibly see Kimmi going, in that she was a pawn/split vote or idol casualty.  Right now, Jeremy's the only one left that has an idol.  Why he would knowingly target Kelly knowing he was safe I don't know.  I don't know what the advantage is (double vote again?  Maybe it'll actually make an impact this time) but maybe that has something to do with it.  We know Kelly has the compelling story, according to Jeff, and even tonight she didn't get a ton of airtime.  I am hoping that means she is going to be around for the long haul.  I would rather lose Stephen or Tasha next week, personally.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1

Recovering from that snafu. Joe seems to be gone pretty soon, Jeremy and Kelley gave him the kiss of death tonight, there was also the shown Ciera warning.  Ciera and Stephen both have their exits setup as well, but I feel that either Ciera or Joe is next.


Well on the bright side, at least the Joe wins spoiler list is officially debunked so we're down to one list again.

As a Joe fan, I'm disappointed that one wasn't true (which I figured anyway).  I'm realistic, and Joe is sadly in the same position he was last season.  People will be part of his numbers until he loses immunity.  I'm hoping that some of the bottom of feeders of the other alliance will wake up and be willing to work with him, just because they need an extra person for now.


I'll believe Stephen's exit when it happens at this point.

  • Love 1

As a Joe fan, I'm disappointed that one wasn't true (which I figured anyway).  I'm realistic, and Joe is sadly in the same position he was last season.  People will be part of his numbers until he loses immunity.  I'm hoping that some of the bottom of feeders of the other alliance will wake up and be willing to work with him, just because they need an extra person for now.


I'll believe Stephen's exit when it happens at this point.

As long as Stephen is on Jeremy's good side and as long as Jeremy is in charge and needs Stephen he isn't going anywhere. I think that was made super clear. However, remember Jeremy lied to Stephen about finding the idol? That has to come back at some point right?

Edited by anthonyd46
Looks like you guys are up to some new tricks next week by offering an advantage in the middle of a challenge. What can you tell us about what’s on tap?

Ah, yes, that was a really fun idea that fell under the dome of “let them play.” It’s a big advantage. Question is: Will anybody go for it? And if they do, will it help them? Good times ahead! This season just keeps on truckin’!



Jeff's teaser for next week: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/12/survivor-jeff-probst-cambodia-second-chance-episode-8-blindsideThe episode is titled "Witches Coven"


Shermie, fv does mean family visit.  According to the person who posted the list, everyone at the final 6/fv are correct, but the order of the others was up for debate.  Which is why I'm not entirely convinced that it is 100% wrong.  Looking at that final 6, unless they are really screwing with us in editing, I can see how that is a reality (except Abi, but she may be seen as expendable down the road).  And I still don't know what would lead to Kelly Wigles boot, but that'll be made clear if /when it happens.  


I do find it humorous how, on other sites, people are gloating and acting like the sky is falling since the boot list was wrong this week.  I know Savage was down further than what some people may call 'close to order', but I still don't think its any reason to discount it.  Another reason I've seen people say they don't believe it now is that the person who posted it didn't mention Kelley's idol play.  But there's no mention of this advantage being put to use, or Jeremy's idol being play (though he's in such a good spot that he may not ever need to play).  I am curious what this advantage is.  I'm assuming, from what Jeff said, it is different than the double vote advantage from last season.  Since it was hinted at in the promo about the idol being in plain sight, I'm guessing that's what it is but some special power idol like in Cagayan.  I wonder if Joe takes the risk and swims for it.  


One thing I am worried about, and that some people may be right about, is that in regards to the boot list they might have had the Kelly's mixed up, and that Kelley Wentworth actually goes next, and Kelly Wigles finishes 4th.  That might make more sense given what we've seen, but I'm still holding out hope it is Stephen.  I'd be fine losing Tasha or Kimmi, too.  Though I really like everyone else left.

Edited by LadyChatts

My assumption is even if the boot-list is still right in regards to the F3, the order of everybody else is going to be way screwed up going forward. Outside of a lot of immunity wins, I can't see Kelley making it close to the F3. If she was already considered dangerous enough to target, she's going to look like even more of a threat going forward. 


And it's kinda hilarious how Stephen has been flirting with disaster all season long and he continually slips by without even realizing it. 

Kimmi was spotted online day 24 on FB messenger-which several other castoffs were also spotted on, right around the time of their perspective boots.  So that spoiler has been right so far, and the next boot will fall on day 24.  The only thing holding me back is the weight loss.  Same with Wentworth.  It's possible that if alliances flip that Wentworth does make it to the final 4.  Without knowing what will happen next week (will people flip, does Wentworth ditch Ciera/Abi, does everything stay predictable and one of the 3 of them goes?) I won't rule out anything now.  I can logically see Stephen and Ciera being the next two to go, and possibly Kelly Wigles will do something in the next couple of episodes to justify her boot (or she's the casualty of a vote gone wrong).  


Next week should be interesting!  Jeff didn't give too much away in his teaser so we'll see what the previews bring.  I'm still not sure exactly what this evolution is or the change in game play he's talking about could possibly be, so I'm intrigued.

There was a picture I found on Kimmi's Facebook that looked like it was at an airport right after the game ended. Kimmi, Joe, Kelly Wigles, and Ciera were in the picture. Kelly looked great and didn't seem like she lost any weight, so I don't think she's F4 or anywhere near. I don't know how to post pictures on here but if somebody knows how, go to Kimmi's FB and look for the picture. 

My assumption is even if the boot-list is still right in regards to the F3, the order of everybody else is going to be way screwed up going forward. Outside of a lot of immunity wins, I can't see Kelley making it close to the F3. If she was already considered dangerous enough to target, she's going to look like even more of a threat going forward. 


And it's kinda hilarious how Stephen has been flirting with disaster all season long and he continually slips by without even realizing it. 

Well Chris in Vanuatu was a first episode boot candidate. 

There was a picture I found on Kimmi's Facebook that looked like it was at an airport right after the game ended. Kimmi, Joe, Kelly Wigles, and Ciera were in the picture. Kelly looked great and didn't seem like she lost any weight, so I don't think she's F4 or anywhere near. I don't know how to post pictures on here but if somebody knows how, go to Kimmi's FB and look for the picture. 


As much as I read the forums here, for some reason I never read this thread. I looked after someone mentioned the bootlist to me.

I am still not discounting it. I am sort of bummed, because I do not think Spencer will beat Jeremy. 


I don't know what all of you think of Missyae on Twitter, he frequently has spoilers....has had good and bad seasons, in terms of being correct. He tweeted today that the F3 on the bootlist was correct.

Edited by nutty1

As much as I read the forums here, for some reason I never read this thread. I looked after someone mentioned the bootlist to me.

I am still not discounting it. I am sort of bummed, because I do not think Spencer will beat Jeremy. 


I don't know what all of you think of Missyae on Twitter, he frequently has spoilers....has had good and bad seasons, in terms of being correct. He tweeted today that the F3 on the bootlist was correct.

He's an idiot. Don't ever listen to him. 

He's an idiot. Don't ever listen to him. 


Seriously. I remember when he was "spoiling" Redemption Island on Sucks and claimed that Kimbo Slice and Carrie Prejean were both cast on the season and that if I recall correctly that Carrie Prejean saved Boston Rob from getting voted out by playing an idol.

Edited by LanceM

One night he was tweeting a lot, answering questions, whether people went far, left early, etc. So far he has been correct. I miss the days when we had true spoilers.


What are you talking about he has been wrong on so many things.


Missyae tweeted spoilers.

Abi Maria - "Pre merge"

Jeff - "Does very poorly"

Andrew Savage - "Not much better then Jeff"

Ciera - "Not so great"

Joe - "Didn't do so well"

Vytas - "Pre- Merge"

Terry - Confirmed Pre Merge (Quit over son)


Peih Gee - "Middle"

Kass - "did okay"

Fishback "not bad but not great"

Deep Merge

Kelley S29 - "Done very well"

Kimmi - "Went very very deep also one to watch"

Spencer - " Did great"

Didn't mention Woo, Tasha, Monica, Keith, Jeremy, Shirin or Borneo Kelly.


What are you talking about he has been wrong on so many things.


Missyae tweeted spoilers.

Abi Maria - "Pre merge"

Jeff - "Does very poorly"

Andrew Savage - "Not much better then Jeff"

Ciera - "Not so great"

Joe - "Didn't do so well"

Vytas - "Pre- Merge"

Terry - Confirmed Pre Merge (Quit over son)


Peih Gee - "Middle"

Kass - "did okay"

Fishback "not bad but not great"

Deep Merge

Kelley S29 - "Done very well"

Kimmi - "Went very very deep also one to watch"

Spencer - " Did great"

Didn't mention Woo, Tasha, Monica, Keith, Jeremy, Shirin or Borneo Kelly.


This is what I was talking about. He doesn't know shit and he likes to pretend he does. He's been saying on twitter that Stephen will get screwed over by Spencer at one point. He's also been claiming that Spencer is the winner. Ya okay, sure.

That is the first post game pic I've seen of Kelly Wigles.  In that photo, Kimmi looks different than a couple other post game pics I saw that made it look like she lost a considerable amount of weight.  

She still looks like she lost quite a bit just not at zombie levels like the other pics. Weight loss pictures never are guarantees Ciera finished 5th last time and lost what a pound? 

  • Love 1

She still looks like she lost quite a bit just not at zombie levels like the other pics. Weight loss pictures never are guarantees Ciera finished 5th last time and lost what a pound? 

The conditions this season are MUCH worse than BvW, which BTW was one of the easiest seasons weather wise. It barely rained on that season and Ciera went on every reward. Kelly Wiglesworth would look very gaunt if she lasted to F6 or above.

“Witches Coven” – One castaway risks their safety in the game in order to gain an advantage. Also, another castaway steps up in a brutal individual immunity challenge to further their game, and three castaways deemed the “Witches Coven” stir the pot at camp, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 18 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

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