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S31: Spoilers

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Another 1 post person with info hilarious. Anyway Redmond hasn't been wrong yet on anything he has said. He even knew the people that were considered for the voting choices, but didn't make the final list. He is legit. He doesn't know the boot list. However, he does know enough to verify or deny somehow. My guess is whoever his source is maybe he just forwards the link without looking at it and the source says yes or no? His source hasn't been wrong yet and theres no reason for Redmond to hold anything back from us. 

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I know only names of players who made/didn´t make merge, and I can say that your bootlist is fake/wrong. 


Pre-jury and F3 is 99% correct. You are fake/wrong.

Anyway Redmond hasn't been wrong yet on anything he has said. He even knew the people that were considered for the voting choices, but didn't make the final list.


He was wrong many times.  "RIvals" season / some people "in" TOP 40 (Gregg, Bolton) / 1st June ...



How was Redmond wrong on Greg Buis? He was definitely considered Jeff Probst even confirmed that Greg Buis was considered. Natalie Bolton he admitted that bit of info was from a new source he had not used before and that fact proved that source was bogus. His trusted source has not been wrong.


https://twitter.com/JeffProbst/status/600693123740803073- Jeff confirming greg was considered. 


He also never said rivals was official just that it was an idea thrown around.


You expect us to believe you with your barely any posts over redmond?

Edited by anthonyd46

As I said, that bootlist was "fake" because my source is pre-jury boot, and he/she don't know exact boot order of jurors. Pre-jurors are 100% correct, F3 is 95% correct.

Your credibility keeps going down. First you say your bootlist is correct. Next you say its only the pre-jurors and F3. Now you say your F3 is only 95% correct. How would this pre-juror know the F3 but not the boot order of jurors? That makes no sense. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/survivorspoilers/comments/3fbqsc/premerge_7/This person claims a pre-merge spoiler too and its different than the list here.


There have been a lot of fake boot lists out, pre-jury trip sightings, and that poster claiming they were in Cambodia.  I think my favorite fake spoiler to date, which I almost wish was true, was the final 3 of Tasha/Shirin/Kelly Wigles, and that Kelly screwed Tasha over by voting her out even though they had a final 2 deal together (because that poster claimed it was a final 2, not a final 3).  But it's why I'm not buying into them.  Going by photos, it would appear Kimmi, Kelley, and Spencer all went far.  I would add Jeff Varner to that list, if the post game photos he posted were in fact, post game.  Most everyone else looked a little different or unchanged.  But there could be a hundred different explanations for the weight loss (or lack of).  Redmond is reliable, and I don't believe he's ever intentionally steered anyone wrong.  He gives info, and if it's wrong, it's due to his source.  I do wish he was more into game spoilers, however.  That would settle the fake boot lists out there (and give me peace of mind of what I'm up against this season lol).   

Edited by LadyChatts

There have been a lot of fake boot lists out, pre-jury trip sightings, and that poster claiming they were in Cambodia.  I think my favorite fake spoiler to date, which I almost wish was true, was the final 3 of Tasha/Shirin/Kelly Wigles, and that Kelly screwed Tasha over by voting her out even though they had a final 2 deal together (because that poster claimed it was a final 2, not a final 3).  But it's why I'm not buying into them.  Going by photos, it would appear Kimmi, Kelley, and Spencer all went far.  I would add Jeff Varner to that list, if the post game photos he posted were in fact, post game.  Most everyone else looked a little different or unchanged.  But there could be a hundred different explanations for the weight loss (or lack of).  Redmond is reliable, and I don't believe he's ever intentionally steered anyone wrong.  He gives info, and if it's wrong, it's due to his source.  I do wish he was more into game spoilers, however.  That would settle the fake boot lists out there (and give me peace of mind of what I'm up against this season lol).   

Yes but he has debunked any fake bootlists at least.

  • Love 1

It's been a month. I cant believe that someone cant even give the correct pre-merge group considering that TWO out of the seven is already known. Jeez.

Only 1 technically is 100%.  That is Terry. We have for a fact Terry left the game. Vytas you got the instagram thing , but only confirmed thing is he didn't win. We only know for sure that Vytas is not in the F3 because he was back in the US 2 days before FTC. That 99.9% puts his as pre-merge, but theres a slight chance he has a family emergency and had to leave, but again I would say 99.9% Vytas is pre-merge for sure and Terry we know is 100%.

Edited by anthonyd46

Does anyone know if Vytas actually showed up to that yoga class?  I said before, he is one that I wouldn't put past having his loved ones mess with fans back home by liking/adding things to SM.  However, the photo that was liked on IG was random (and just by luck someone saw it, IIRC) and the yoga post could have probably been easily disproved.  I'm betting on him going early. 


I am surprised (and a little sad) by the lack of spoilers.  Since Redmond is right with his info 99% of the time, I wish he was more into boot spoilers.  Is it confirmed that the tribes are splitting into 3 at 18?  I saw that speculated, and I think Shane started the rumor originally.  But on Sucks, the mod has it as a credible bit of info.  I wonder if that's why they merge at 13 with the jury-if they split into 3 tribes at 18, maybe one tribe went on a losing streak and we had a Ulong situation, or they weren't going to do another tribe swap before the merge so they had the merge earlier.  I figured that they might have been worried about medevacs, too.

I looked up S20 (the last it was full all-stars) and the entire, correct boot list was revealed a month after they came home. I hope some loose-lipped contestant comes thru for us. :-)


Is it wrong that I'm disappointed more contestants weren't bitter a) about not being picked, and b) having an earlier-than-expected exit so they came back and blabbed everything they knew.  Which, if Vytas was behind liking the IG post and teaching yoga when the game was still going on, that might be his way of being bitter.  Of course, the contestants not chosen by the vote or who may have been voted off early might worry it'll cost them another chance if they lash out.  Shane seemed to be the exception, but he said he's done with it.  And he wasn't really that bitter, though in his case I can't blame him.


Last season, there wasn't any concrete boot list, but Survivor Fever correctly predicted almost all of the pre-jury boots each week (only one they missed was Max, and they were off a week with Kelly and Joaquin).  After that, I think it was more a guessing game, and getting lucky since it was obvious people were getting picked off (and those in charge of promos/episode descriptions got lazy).  Predicting pre-merge might be easier to decipher anyway.  I am hopeful we get spoilers, but I'm wondering if a lot of the people who would have been super bitter with their exit if they went early actually made it far like they expected to, and those who weren't surprised by an early exit went pre-merge.  SJDS, I remember the final 6 I believe being spoiled, but I can't remember how accurate spoilers were prior to that.


My guess, from photos, speculation, and just my own feeling, is that the merge/jury crowd consists of Kelley Wentworth, Kimmi, Keith, Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer, Shirin, Ciera, and Peih-Gee, and the pre-merge crowd being Vytas, Terry (pretty much confirmed), Woo, Monica, Savage, Abi (I know photos aren't everything, but those 4 looked completely unchanged), Kass, and Kelly Wigles (I hate saying that, but if Kelly means it when she says she isn't going to go in getting into an alliance, she might be considered a liability to someone's vote and get voted off to prevent any flipping).  The ones I'm on the fence with are Joe, Varner, and Stephen. 


I thought Joe looked slightly different, and when I looked at the group photo Mike posted of the WA jury crowd at the airport, I never would have guessed that most of them made it as far as they did (Joe included).  Could be he's early jury, along with Woo, Monica, Andrew, and Abi, since they didn't look any different than when they left.  I guess it'll be fun to look back and possibly see how wrong I was lol  I'm sure there will be at least one surprising pre-merge boot (for me, that would be someone like Stephen or Spencer), but they practically make every vote a #blindside nowadays.

Edited by LadyChatts

The S20 spoilers came from Russell and Sandra mouthpieces. I have no idea what you are talking about. Speculation and guessing wk to wk are not spoilers.


I know Russell was the mole for S20 (and it's why I said in a previous post, where's Russell when you need him?).  What I was talking about was the last couple of seasons, spoilers weren't what they had been previously when contestants came home and spilled.  I don't know if SF had a source last season or just did a lot of guessing and got lucky.  Maybe they will have something when the season starts.  I can't remember the spoiler source for SJDS, but I do remember the final 6 being correctly spoiled (partly because I was bummed I was going to have to put up with Missy and Baylor that long).  I know there were some inaccurate spoilers for that season, though. 


I have to believe stuff will get leaked out.  I just hope it's not halfway through the season before that happens.

The thing with vytas is once he announced that class thing he liked prob 20 posts after that. Then he went and deleted the comment someone wrote a couple weeks earlier around the time of the instagram like. The comment he deleted said "The tribe has spoken? You are online not good news". So vytas has done a lot more than an instagram like to show he didn't win. Terry did not win based on the health issues. Everyone else I think is fair game. Even though Redmond doesn't do boot spoilers he knows somehow when things are fake I dunno how.

Stephen and Monica are part of the little NYC Survivor clique so I'm not surprised Eliza would pick them for a final 3 (or that she had such glowing things to say about Monica; I'm with Coby in that I barely remember her).  I thought it was interesting Eliza didn't want Kelley Wentworth included, but would have been fine with Stephanie Valencia (who I think did little her season and shouldn't have even been included in the first place).


I notice Coby said that the 3 SJDS didn't really deserve slots.  While I would have been much happier seeing way more earlier contestants represented in the voting to begin with (instead of 5 WA, 3 SJDS, and 4 Cagayan) I know Coby has always been somewhat bitter he's never been back.


One thing about Redmond I'm curious about-if he doesn't like spoilers, how would he know that the Survivors commenting on the upcoming cast have accurate spoilers?  I don't doubt it, and I'm sure some were way more needy than others in wanting to know.  I wouldn't be surprised if they are somehow some spoilers in these interviews to some extent.

Edited by LadyChatts

Ok, looking over the discussion on reddit about Redmond's latest tweet and examing his wording carefully, it's quite obvious that he is referring to Steve Helling, who works for People. Helling recently did a draft with those braindead D&D.


The keywords from Redmond were "podcast" "Survivor journalist" and "People" twice.


Helling picked Tasha as his  #1 pick. Combined with her return pix and some spoilers picking her in F3, I guess she may be the winner.

They dont pick for winning only. Theres all these things. So regardless if you think tasha wins I can see why she would be a number 1 pick, she wins immunities, likely to go deep jury at minimum, can find the HII, etc. Basically you pick someone who is not an immunity threat and wins you arent going to get many points. They need to do all of that. Tasha is like an all around player so i get the pick.


This is how their thing works :


Pre-merge reward 3 pt

Tribal immunity 5 pt

Castaway starts an episode 1 pt

First eliminated from game 15 pt

Confessionals 2 pt per

Title of ep 5 pt

blindside 1pt each time it is said

med vac 7 pt

cleaning teeth 2 pt per episode

quit 7 pt

spends $0 at auction 5 pt

Wins adv at auction 5

Ind rew 5 pt

post merge group new 3 

goes on post merge reward 2 pt

Individual immunity 5 pt

Merge immunity 2 pt bonus

FIC 2 pt bonus

HII 5 pt finding, 3 pts each episode it is in their possession, 7 pts played for self, 9 pts if played for someone else (If handed to someone else the 7 pts are transferred to that person)

5 pt if the play saves themselves or the person

3 pt if makes jury jury

8 pt FTC contestant

15 pt winner 

Basically, you want Carolyn from S30. A finalist who found the HII on e1 and kept it for a long time (you rack a shit load of pts there and is probably the key to winning this) and can give episode title quotes. Or, of course, S28 Tony.

Yea basically so just because he picked Tasha doesn't mean he has a spoiler I would pick Tasha too even if she doesn't win I think she can win immunities, find an idol and whatever. 

Ok looking into this further you are correct. Redmond flat out basically confirms it on reddit.


Tasha, Keith, Jeremy, and Kimmi are in the people.com guys picks. All 4 of those have shown great weight loss in pictures. My guess is one of those 4 is the winner and another one of those 4 must either find the idol or win a lot of challenges or something. Starting to think Kelley wentworth is not going as far as her pics show. 




That F3 that redmond debunked earlier in this thread. It was Tasha, Keith, Jeff maybe the source misheard and its actually Tasha, Keith, Jeremy? Both names are with a J.

Edited by anthonyd46

Hmm, not sure what I would think of a final 3 like that.  Not that I dislike any of them, but kind of disappointing Keith would make it that far.  As was already discussed upthread, he's probably the goat, and unless he has a really good game to back up, I can't see him winning.  Especially since I think Tasha and Jeremy will be the better gamers, and get more respect.  I will again say, Tasha FTW in this scenario.


I won't be surprised if Kelley Wentworth goes far, but maybe not final 3 like was originally suggested.  She just seemed so thin compared to some of the others, but then again, Kimmi's weight loss was far greater compared to what she looked like when she left.  Interesting that SJDS is an unpopular season, and there's the potential that the 3 people who made it on this season could be there in the end.  I don't think any of those 3 would have made it had their season been an earlier one.

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We really don't know their games. They don't always play the same way twice. I'm not saying Helling is the end all spoilers, but by redmonds crazy amount of hints as wonald originally pointed out. I would assume that Hellings picks all have success tied to them if he in fact knows things. (We don't know if he just knows F3 more more spoilers than that). So look for Tasha, Keith, Jeremy, Kimmi to have a big impact somewhere. Also gotta remember by the point thing having the HII for a lot of episodes is major points so one of those 4 could just be a long HII holder. 



This is about the HII for this season.  Idols are going to look completely different from each other, which could pave the way for fake idols to be believed as being real (assuming that came about due to last season).  According to Jeff, some will look professional, others purposely made to look fake but will be real.  I would love it if someone would pay homage to Micronesia and make a real idol that is essentially a stick.


Second, idols are not going to be hidden at camp, but rather at the actual challenges.  The clues will still be at camp, and it sounds like someone can end up costing their team a challenge in order to find the idol.  I'll have to see how that part plays out, but not sure I like it.  It beats hiding them in a particular spot at least, and having people followed around camp (even if those did provide some of the better moments in this series).  Apparently it's something both Dalton Ross and Jeff have wanted for years.  Usually when it's a Jeff idea I hate it.  I am intrigued how they can hide an idol at a challenge and someone will be able to find it without everyone seeing.  One thing I enjoyed about idols last season is that, for once, the idol holders didn't tell everyone they had one and it was a really a surprise when they produced it.  I'd hate for that element to go away because of this.  Caroline and Jenn's idol play were two of the best, and one of the few good things I can say about last season. 

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1


This is about the HII for this season. Idols are going to look completely different from each other, which could pave the way for fake idols to be believed as being real (assuming that came about due to last season). According to Jeff, some will look professional, others purposely made to look fake but will be real. I would love it if someone would pay homage to Micronesia and make a real idol that is essentially a stick.

Second, idols are not going to be hidden at camp, but rather at the actual challenges. The clues will still be at camp, and it sounds like someone can end up costing their team a challenge in order to find the idol. I'll have to see how that part plays out, but not sure I like it. It beats hiding them in a particular spot at least, and having people followed around camp (even if those did provide some of the better moments in this series). Apparently it's something both Dalton Ross and Jeff have wanted for years. Usually when it's a Jeff idea I hate it. I am intrigued how they can hide an idol at a challenge and someone will be able to find it without everyone seeing. One thing I enjoyed about idols last season is that, for once, the idol holders didn't tell everyone they had one and it was a really a surprise when they produced it. I'd hate for that element to go away because of this. Caroline and Jenn's idol play were two of the best, and one of the few good things I can say about last season.

I actually love this idea. It's a subtle nod to my favorite reality show The Mole where a player can sacrifice money for the group in exchange for a week of personal safety. But it would be nice if some were at camp and some were at challenges.

  • Love 4

I actually love this idea. It's a subtle nod to my favorite reality show The Mole where a player can sacrifice money for the group in exchange for a week of personal safety. But it would be nice if some were at camp and some were at challenges.


I'll wait and see how it plays out before I decide if I outright hate it or not.  As I said, I am intrigued how it will play out.  But if it turns into everyone knows who has the idol, and they don't target them, or something along those lines, I don't know if I'll be happy with that.  Like I said, I like the element of surprise at TC.  I never understood the mentality of being afraid to go after someone with an idol.  Get it out of play, even if someone gets sacrificed.  It will also be interesting if someone does cost their team a challenge looking for the idol, and if that ends up getting them voted off.   I will say, I am glad they are trying something different.  Where they were hiding them at camp was so obvious.


And The Mole *sigh* how I loved that show.


ETA: Here is a meet the cast video which shows clips of the marooning and the first IC (looks like it's the "quest for fire" which was the first IC the first 4 seasons).  Not sure if they are doing a RC the first ep, but there's also a clip of Joe trying to retrieve what looks like a key from between a gate, unless that's part of the IC.



Edited by LadyChatts

I'll wait and see how it plays out before I decide if I outright hate it or not.  As I said, I am intrigued how it will play out.  But if it turns into everyone knows who has the idol, and they don't target them, or something along those lines, I don't know if I'll be happy with that.  Like I said, I like the element of surprise at TC.  I never understood the mentality of being afraid to go after someone with an idol.  Get it out of play, even if someone gets sacrificed.  It will also be interesting if someone does cost their team a challenge looking for the idol, and if that ends up getting them voted off.   I will say, I am glad they are trying something different.  Where they were hiding them at camp was so obvious.


And The Mole *sigh* how I loved that show.


ETA: Here is a meet the cast video which shows clips of the marooning and the first IC (looks like it's the "quest for fire" which was the first IC the first 4 seasons).  Not sure if they are doing a RC the first ep, but there's also a clip of Joe trying to retrieve what looks like a key from between a gate, unless that's part of the IC.





Theres some still shots of that challenge there. It 100% confirms the tribe colors and tribe members.



Theres some still shots of that challenge there. It 100% confirms the tribe colors and tribe members.


Thanks!  So excited for this season to start.  Looks like everyone is even at the gate portion.  The still shot of Spencer and his tribe, they look either disappointed or really serious and into it.  I'll bet that's where one tribe ends up losing it.  Wonder if the idol being hidden at the challenge will have any impact this early.




The losing tribe heads immediately to TC.  They won't be allowed to go back to camp and strategize about who to vote off (love how this writer gives a shout out to Michelle from Fiji since that's what happened to her).

Thanks!  So excited for this season to start.  Looks like everyone is even at the gate portion.  The still shot of Spencer and his tribe, they look either disappointed or really serious and into it.  I'll bet that's where one tribe ends up losing it.  Wonder if the idol being hidden at the challenge will have any impact this early.




The losing tribe heads immediately to TC.  They won't be allowed to go back to camp and strategize about who to vote off (love how this writer gives a shout out to Michelle from Fiji since that's what happened to her).

Have to think Kass really would be not benefiting from that. She is a pre-show target and no strategizing if her tribe loses theres not good chances for her survival.

Have to think Kass really would be not benefiting from that. She is a pre-show target and no strategizing if her tribe loses theres not good chances for her survival.


I think it'll be interesting.  Kass could actually be more of a swing vote in a case like this, if they go into tribal and realize they are divided or someone group is unsure what the plan may be.  They could try and persuade her during tribal to vote with them.  I don't exactly expect that, since it is Kass we are talking about.  Since this season already has pre-game alliances made, if one alliance has a majority it might be a no brainer and predictable.  They'll just have a target and if they don't have time to discuss after the challenge, just give a hint at tribal to go with their original choice (maybe we'll see if Keith can keep from saying "stick to the plan!" again).  I actually like the idea, and while I wish every TC would go this way, the castaways would expect it and discuss before the challenge who to vote off.  I'm really surprised by the lack of confirmed boot spoilers for this season.


I already see quite a bit of "old school vs new school" being thrown around in interviews about the game this season.  Hope that's not something we get beat over the head with.

Edited by LadyChatts

Looking at that 'meet the cast' vid, it seemed like there was more focus on some contestants than others (I thought anyway).  I notice Monica said something about being underestimated about being the young, pretty girl but that they won't know what hit them-which probably means her strategy will likely fail and she gets blindsided.  That, or the fact that it did seem like there was a lot of her in there, maybe she ends up doing really well.  I seriously remember nothing about her, and I re-watched Samoa not too far back.  Joe seems a little different to me.  He mentions the cute girls out there (specifically Monica) and says he doesn't want to let himself get into that dynamic again.  Shirin already annoys me, and I also can't say I'm looking forward to Kelley Wentworth. 


When I read about the idols again, it said that the contestant would know where they are-or at least have a general idea (apparently instead of finding the idol at camp, they find the clue with a drawing as to where it is at the challenge).  So it could be something involving digging or sorting through puzzle pieces that could make someone take a really long time, and then end up costing their tribe the challenge.


Already I'm hearing that this is the strongest season yet, so we'll see if it lives up to the hype.  I do like the new twists they've thrown in.  I wonder if any of this was put in for S32, since that season filmed first.

Edited by LadyChatts

Looking at that 'meet the cast' vid, it seemed like there was more focus on some contestants than others (I thought anyway).  I notice Monica said something about being underestimated about being the young, pretty girl but that they won't know what hit them-which probably means her strategy will likely fail and she gets blindsided.  That, or the fact that it did seem like there was a lot of her in there, maybe she ends up doing really well.  I seriously remember nothing about her, and I re-watched Samoa not too far back.  Joe seems a little different to me.  He mentions the cute girls out there (specifically Monica) and says he doesn't want to let himself get into that dynamic again.  Shirin already annoys me, and I also can't say I'm looking forward to Kelley Wentworth. 


When I read about the idols again, it said that the contestant would know where they are-or at least have a general idea (apparently instead of finding the idol at camp, they find the clue with a drawing as to where it is at the challenge).  So it could be something involving digging or sorting through puzzle pieces that could make someone take a really long time, and then end up costing their tribe the challenge.


Already I'm hearing that this is the strongest season yet, so we'll see if it lives up to the hype.  I do like the new twists they've thrown in.  I wonder if any of this was put in for S32, since that season filmed first.

Look at 5:06 in that video. Is Monica holding the idol clue?

Look at 5:06 in that video. Is Monica holding the idol clue?


I couldn't tell.  At first glance it looked like a piece of fruit, then at a different angle it looked like paper.  I wonder if she and Joe are going to have a showmance together.  One thing I noticed, after reading the VO transcript at Survivor Fever, was that Joe was saying "me and you need to session a little bit" and Monica nods and agrees.  Since I think both of their strategy attempts may backfire, how wild would it be if Joe or Monica was actually the first boot?  




This doesn't have any spoilers in it, just the cast talking strategy.  Since it's only one tribe, I wasn't sure if tribal divisions were still considered spoilers so I put it in this thread just in case.


Stephen seems to really recognize what a target he's going to have.  So does Joe, but between the two, I think Stephen might be better at coming up with a new strategy that works.  Monica, I'm not sure what to think of her.  I don't remember her, and I don't care for her.  She wants to align with people older than her and that are different, but wants to be in control.  I'm getting the vibe she's going to play too hard, too fast and wind up getting voted off (or she says she'll make a bunch of big moves and never follows through).  Joe wants to be a little sneakier than last time.  Ciera wants to just find an alliance and sounds like get carried by someone, so perhaps she's trying the goat strategy this time.


There's been a lot of speculation and fake spoilers about Tasha winning, but I kind of see that being a real possibility after watching some of these cast interviews.  From a weight loss perspective, if it means anything, looking at her and Kimmi I would say those 2 definitely did very well since their weight loss seems the greatest from here.

Edited by LadyChatts

I couldn't tell.  At first glance it looked like a piece of fruit, then at a different angle it looked like paper.  I wonder if she and Joe are going to have a showmance together.  




This doesn't have any spoilers in it, just the cast talking strategy.  Since it's only one tribe, I wasn't sure if tribal divisions were still considered spoilers so I put it in this thread just in case.


Stephen seems to really recognize what a target he's going to have.  So does Joe, but between the two, I think Stephen might be better at coming up with a new strategy that works.  Monica, I'm not sure what to think of her.  I don't remember her, and I don't care for her.  She wants to align with people older than her and that are different, but wants to be in control.  I'm getting the vibe she's going to play too hard, too fast and wind up getting voted off (or she says she'll make a bunch of big moves and never follows through).  Joe wants to be a little sneakier than last time.  Ciera wants to just find an alliance and sounds like get carried by someone, so perhaps she's trying the goat strategy this time.


There's been a lot of speculation and fake spoilers about Tasha winning, but I kind of see that being a real possibility after watching some of these cast interviews.  From a weight loss perspective, if it means anything, looking at her and Kimmi I would say those 2 definitely did very well since their weight loss seems the greatest from here.

Yea definitely can see Tasha going far, but I guess until we see their games we do not know if their game at the end is respected or not. Tasha claims she is not going to be as nice, but does that alienate votes? I don't know. I'm sticking with Tasha, Kimmi, Jeremy, Keith group until we see otherwise. Now that we have more info we are going to be getting more of a picture. 

Here is the interviews with the Ta Keo tribe:




Woo seems to realize too little, too late that Survivor isn't always a popularity contestant (in explaining why he lost to Tony).  He's going to be the ninja assassin instead of playing ninja stealth mode.  The interviews I've seen of Woo so far bore me, and revolves around his stealing Spencer's idol clue or losing out to Tony.  I still believe if he hadn't been in a recent and popular season he wouldn't have made it back.  Spencer thinks he'll be targeted for being on a recent and good season (nice to see he isn't modest about Cagayan's popularity).  I feel like Kelly Wigles has no idea what is going on.  Still find Kelley Wentworth overrated.  However, unlike some of the other second chance choices that didn't make the final roster, I at least think she will make up for her early exit last time.  Vytas said he was too confident and cocky last time, but says he won't be cocky this time (still confident, but won't get comfortable).  Jeff said he and Kimmi are friends and working together.  Shirin, Terry, and PG didn't get much love in this.  Shirin seems very different this time.  I don't know if she's purposely downplaying her enthusiasm, but even when she was told she was picked to go back, she seemed over it.  She looks tired in this interview, compared to some of the others.  

Edited by LadyChatts

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