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Spoilers And Spoiler Speculation: Anarchy In The USA

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7 hours ago, Gobi said:

I'm guessing it will be Negan. Hear me out. It's his origin story. He starts out as a nice guy, maybe a minor league ballplayer. He keeps joining up with groups of similarly nice people, but each time he does, Madison and her brood show up to destroy everything. Thanks to them, Negan becomes the embittered, soulless man we've come to know and despise. Eventually, he heads east to Georgia to get as far away from the Clarks as he can. What do you think, sirs?

The only way that it is Negan is if they want the show cancelled. Just one of his monologues will be enough for most of the remaining audience to tune out.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

Since the showrunner said the crossover won't occur until some time in 2018, that gives the Clark family enough time to get to Houston so Madison can somehow manage to wipe out Abraham's entire community.

Aw hell, getting to Houston is the easy part.  Once Madison & Co. destroy the dam, the surge wash alone down the Rio Grande will carry them halfway there.

  • Love 2

This Sunday we get two episodes for the finale.  Episode 3.15, "Things Bad Begun" and episode 3.16...don't know the title of that one yet.  I'd expect episode 16 spoilers by sometime tomorrow.

From Fear the Spoiling Dead Fans facebook page, here are the spoilers for episode 3.15. 


Q&A - 3.15 - Things Bad Begun

1- How does the episode begin? The episode begins with Nick collecting walker heads so that he can sell them to the guy at El Matadero for their locus ceruleus. But, he's interrupted by Troy who has figured out that the Proctors are planning on attacking the dam.

2- Does Strand betray the group? Yes. He made a deal with Proctor John to facilitate a takeover of the dam. However, Strand did make sure the deal would include protection for Madison, Nick, and also Alicia, if she showed up.

3- What is the conversation Daniel has with Nick? He seems angry! Yes, Daniel is grieving and becomes quite fixated on finding out what happened with the horde. He rightfully believes that the horde didn't just appear out of thin air, because every herd has a "shepard." That is, someone led it there, and he interrogates Nick to find out who. Daniel finally gets it narrowed down to either Troy or Jake, and somehow (perhaps because Nick is good at lying to people??) Nick convinces Daniel it was Jake.

4- Who/what is proctor and what he/it wants? Proctor John is the leader/founder of a group that he simply calls "The Proctors." John is from Santa Barbara, and the Proctors originally was just a humble group in southern California. However, he made plans for expansion and for the creation of a series of interconnected outposts from the Gulf Coast of Texas to San Diego [I bolded this because there's the Texas Nexus.  Hide, Abraham, hide!]. In other words, their mission is to create a massive trade route, with the added detail that they take their locations by force which includes killing people.

5- What are the rules in the dam? What does Lola want? N/A, we don't see that since they are quickly alerted by Nick and Troy that the Proctors are planning an attack on the dam.

6. Does Daniel have a plan? Daniel's plan for the defense of the dam against the Proctors is to first try and hold them back. But, if they can't, then plan B is to use the C4 left over from when the dam was built and blow the dam up. That's because he knows that if the Proctors gain control of the dam, they start forcing people to pay tribute for water just like Dante, and the explosion will release all of the water to the people. So, at least they'll have a fighting chance of not dying of thirst.

7- Is there any fight or confrontation? There's a huge fight between Strand and Daniel and Lola. According to the orders of Proctor John, Strand is supposed to kill Daniel and Lola, but in the end, Strand can't do it. However, Daniel does try to disarm Strand, and in the process, the gun goes off and shoots Daniel in the face. The bullet enters right under Daniel's chin and then, exiting through his cheek. After the Proctors arrive, Strand lies and says they're both dead. Also, Alicia and Diana are attacked in an attempt to steal their supplies, and while they are able to fight them off, Diane's leg is broken in the process. So, Alicia heads back to the Trading Post in search of a doctor.

8- Is there any important decision a character makes? After it becomes known that the Proctors are coming for the dam, Walker and Crazy Horse decide to leave. Walker appreciates Daniel's generosity, but he's not willing to die there for the dam. So, they decide to head North where supposedly some of his people went after the infection began.

9- Does anyone die? If so, who and how? Madison finds out that Troy led the horde to the ranch and when Troy goes off on a rant that he was right because the native americans were there and they didn't belong, Madison bashes his head in with a hammer. Efrain is shot to death by the Proctors when they begin to invade the dam at the end of the episode.

10- How does the episode end? The episode ends with the Proctors invading the dam, and Strand making a desperate attempt to save Madison and Nick. He knows Proctor John won't be happy because this was supposed to be a surprise attack, and so, he locks Madison and Nick in a room, hoping they won't find them.

BONUS: About the Proctors, Efrain knew who they were and said they were affiliated with the Narcos before the infection began. Really bad group of people and absolutely no regard for human life. They ride motorcycles and have black leather jackets.


*********Remember there are 2 episodes this sunday. We'll be posting spoilers for episode 3.16 soon*******

 Well, crap.  Bye bye, Troy.  You were one of the very few interesting characters and competent actors in this cast.  Therefore, you must die.  How much more could I hate Madison?  Not much more.  I don't guess that bashing Troy's head in is going to make you very popular with Nick either. 

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That's a seriously weak ending to the triangle of ewww.  Troy had decent chemistry with Nick and his crazy ass strangely made Nick more tolerable in giving him someone to react off of rather than just listen slack jawed to whatever pronouncements are being made while other characters fluff his nonexistent "leadership skills."  But yet again Madison gets to show what a big bad hardass she is with a hammer to the skull.  Yawn.  It's not like her expression will change any.

Of course they're going to blow up the dam because of course they are.  

  • Love 3

Part 2 of the two-part finale episode (Cont'd from Part 1 above) - episode 16 - "Sleigh Ride"

From Fear the Spoiling Dead Fans facebook page:


Q&A - 3.16 - Sleigh Ride

1. How does the episode begin? A vision of Madison on the perfect Christmas morning. Decorated house, Christmas music, and her cooking a turkey. Nick and Luciana arrive and they have a baby. But it turns out they're not there to see Madison. The house is out in the middle of nowhere, and the other thing on the property is a graveyard. It seems Nick and Luciana are there only to see Alicia's grave, and they immediately leave. Message is Madison is all alone, and the only family she has left wants nothing to do with her because of her past deeds.

2. How do Nick and Madison escape from the room where Strand lock them in? Strand comes and lets them out after Alicia shows up with Proctor John. Strand's entire plan has gone to shit, and he begs Madison to leave with Nick. Madison finally agrees, and Strand's plan is for them to put on dam uniforms and he is to escort them out of the dam, claiming they are traitors and Proctor John instructed him to execute them himself. It might have worked too, until Lola shows up and starts shooting.

3. What really happend with Daniel? Is he dead? Lola is able to hide him down in one of the underground tunnels and then goes and try to find Efrain. She does find him, but he’s dead. So she takes the gun Daniel gives her and goes out like a boss. She opens fire on the Proctors, does get a few kills, but is finally shot in the head by Proctor John. Daniel ends up dragging himself out and is a total badass even with the hole in this face. He makes it to the bridge of the dam just as Nick sets off the C4.

4. Where is Alicia? What’s going on with her and Diana? In the first episode, Diana breaks her leg when she and Alicia are attacked, and so, Alicia races back to the trading post to find a doctor. She does find a doctor, and he helps Diane. In return, the doctor, noticing Alicia has some medical training (we learn she volunteered at a hospital), asks her to stay for a while as his assistant. She agrees, and it turns out their next patient is Proctor John. He is in need of a surgery, and Alicia assists. Proctor John takes a liking to Alicia and ends up forcing her to come to the dam with him.

5. How does the episode end? Nick and Daniel are on one of the bridges of the dam as everything starts to collapse after the C4 detonates. We don't see what happens to them. Madison, Alicia and Strand try to escape before the explosion by boat, but it's too late, and they are sucked up into the whirlpool created by the flood from the explosion. Madison is the only one we see emerge from the water in the end. Walker and Crazy Dog show back up at the very end. It turns out they hung around after all and also, Crazy Dog is a hell of a sniper (probably from his military days as we learned a couple episodes back). Crazy Dog takes out a bunch of the Proctors from hundreds of yards away.
NOTE: Troy doesn't reanimate, but I'm not sure he would because of the massive head wound. Anyways, he has a huge hole in the side of his head, and at the end, the water rushes inside the dam, and we see the water flooding the room he was left in and it covers him. So, unless he magically wakes up and somehow swims out of there, he's dead. We'll see if he's in the In Memoriam on Sunday.

The ONLY characters we know with 100% certainty survive are Madison, Walker, Crazy Dog, and Proctor John.
BONUS: Travis is in another vision at the end. Madison is being pulled down into Jeremiah Otto's grave and she looks up and sees Travis extending his hands trying to pull her back. This is happening at the same time Madison is being pulled under the water in the flood and starts drowning.

When Lola appears and kills a bunch of Proctors, that's when Proctor John figures out that Strand had lied to him because he said he killed both Lola and Daniel. That's when the deal with Strand falls apart, which includes the protection for Madison, Alicia and Nick.


Okay--- Dam blown to hell with C4. Lola dead. Efrain dead. Strand and Daniel status unknown.  Madison for sure alive.  Of course there's no question Alicia and Nick are both still alive.   The Clark Family, destroyer of worlds, must continue to survive!

Copying TWD mothership with Rick's flash forward season opener with a seemingly parallel finale opener of flash forward Madison.  Also, isn't this the first FTWD season finale that's ended with an always annoying season finale cliffhanger à la TWD?

What a bunch of lame plot points all leading to this effed up season finale.  There are only so many seasons that viewers should reasonably be expected to tolerate Madison.  I may not be back for season 4. 

With the fate of so many characters up in the air, it's time to start speculating on who did or didn't survive the season finale. This is for characters returning as humans; anyone who comes back as a zombie won't be around long. Outside information is welcome, such as one of the stars signing on for another show. Here are my thoughts.

Madison: We know she survived, unfortunately.

Nick: Alive, although exposure to that much water might leave him with PTSD.

Alicia: Alive, makeup and air unscathed.

Daniel: Tough call. He was killed off before and brought back, I could see this show doing that again. He is one of the more popular characters. 50/50.

Victor Strand: The actor is very good, the writers don't know what to do with his character. Also a fan favorite. 75% chance of surviving.

Taqa and Crazy Wolf: Neither was in danger of death, but they were moving far away from the Clarks (smart choice). If we see them again, I expect it to be in one or two episodes mid-way through the season. Crazy Wolf will either have died off camera or will die. Taqa will probably die, too.

Frank Zappa (Proctor John): Dead.

That woman whose name I've forgotten. The one Alicia met, who seemed to have been fighting zombies for years: Good chance she won't even be mentioned again. 25% chance of returning.

Any ideas?

Edited by Gobi
9 hours ago, Gobi said:

Frank Zappa (Proctor John): Dead

I can't remember now where I read this, but it was from one of the producers, I think.  He said that next season will begin with the survivors going to war against Proctor John.  Frank Zappa is dead, but Proctor John will apparently go on.

ETA: - I just checked and it was departing showrunner, Erickson, who told Entertainment Weekly that he built Season 3's finale around his plan for Season 4 to have Proctor John as the Big Bad the survivors would war against.  I guess it's possible that Scott Gimple may have a different vision for Season 4 once he gets his grubby paws on it.  So, Proctor John's fate is TBD, as is everyone else's (except, ugh, Madison), pending Gimple's plans.

Edited by SnarkyTart
  • Love 1

Is it a vain hope that Glenn is the crossover character?  Maybe a trip to the Baha brought him there. Maybe he was on a three day Carnival cruise with some friends and then the shit hit the fan? So he meets up with Madison et al and slowly makes his way back to Atlanta, with Clark and co departing for greener pastures, and Glenn decides to stay in Atlanta, where he eventually meets up with Rick.

Why can;t this happen? I've been good all year, please Santa, puleeezuh!

20 hours ago, Jel said:

Is it a vain hope that Glenn is the crossover character?  Maybe a trip to the Baha brought him there. Maybe he was on a three day Carnival cruise with some friends and then the shit hit the fan? So he meets up with Madison et al and slowly makes his way back to Atlanta, with Clark and co departing for greener pastures, and Glenn decides to stay in Atlanta, where he eventually meets up with Rick.

Why can;t this happen? I've been good all year, please Santa, puleeezuh!

It will probably be somebody they killed off in TWD, expecting that we will all get super emotional and cry and talk about it for another year. So,  Glenn, Abraham, Tyrese. The only others that may have been traveling around during that time could be Carol and her family, or Machonne and her family. Either of them would be cool to see. It would be amazing if it was Shane but we all know he was hanging out, screwing Rick's wife and whatnot. My guess is the crossover character episode will be anticlimactic. 

On 10/21/2017 at 6:56 PM, Jel said:

Is it a vain hope that Glenn is the crossover character?  Maybe a trip to the Baha brought him there. Maybe he was on a three day Carnival cruise with some friends and then the shit hit the fan? So he meets up with Madison et al and slowly makes his way back to Atlanta, with Clark and co departing for greener pastures, and Glenn decides to stay in Atlanta, where he eventually meets up with Rick.

Why can;t this happen? I've been good all year, please Santa, puleeezuh!

Pre-ZA Glenn was delivering pizzas in Atlanta; not much of a budget there for cruise ships or junkets to Baja, I'm afraid.


On 10/22/2017 at 9:28 PM, Bongo Fury said:

The crossover character is clearly someone from Houston, as Proctor Whatshisname mentioned repeatedly as heading to. So most probably Abraham.  Though it could be Eugene. Least likely Rosita.

I agree on the Houston connection - as to who depends upon what's most important to TPTB:

  • Storyline continuity: Rosita.  Rosita's backstory implies some degree of military background, so I could see Rosita and the Clarks crossing paths as Rosita worked her way back from a California or other Southwest post - Irwin, Pendleton, Twentynine Palms, etc. - back to her family in Texas.
  • Actor availability: Cuddles is the only one not currently filming on the mother ship.
Edited by Nashville
Baja, not Bahamas. Damn autocorrect.
  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Pre-ZA Glenn was delivering pizzas in Atlanta; not much of a budget there for cruise ships or junkets to Bahamas, I'm afraid.


I agree on the Houston connection - as to who depends upon what's most important to TPTB:

  • Storyline continuity: Rosita.  Rosita's backstory implies some degree of military background, so I could see Rosita and the Clarks crossing paths as Rosita worked her way back from a California or other Southwest post - Irwin, Pendleton, Twentynine Palms, etc. - back to her family in Texas.
  • Actor availability: Cuddles is the only one not currently filming on the mother ship.

Aww, but a three night Carnival cruise can be had for $279. Or, maybe his parents paid. Maybe he was on a family trip. Or at a pizza convention. Perhaps he was the Dominos driver of the year award winner, with the prize being, you guessed it, an all expenses paid, three night Carnival cruise to the Baja, sailing out of Long Beach, CA.

(I'm just not ready to abandon the dream.)

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I saw that they hired Jenna Elfman to be a regular in season 4. Such an odd casting, I suppose because I think of her as mostly a comedic actor. I wonder what role she will be playing. She must have cost which shows how desperate AMC is to get the show's ratings back up. If the TWD crossover is Abraham, I plan to watch next season so we'll see. And the "The World's Collide" poster, dumb.

Edited by SimoneS

They've also added Garret Dillahunt, who I've loved in nearly everything else I've ever seen him in, and moved the production from Mexico to Texas.  Nicotero may want to claim otherwise, but that also makes me believe more and more that we're right in thinking we're going to see early Abraham and crew.  Because otherwise who else can they even line up between the timelines?  Dillahunt and Elfman are both listed as regular cast going forward.

Yeah, the Worlds Collide poster is dumb.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

Nicotero may want to claim otherwise, but that also makes me believe more and more that we're right in thinking we're going to see early Abraham and crew.  Because otherwise who else can they even line up between the timelines?  

It has got to be Abraham. It is the only move I think they could make to help FTWD's ratings rebound. Cudlitz would bring Abraham's TWD fans and he could become the de-facto co-lead for several years. However, it is most likely Abraham before he meets Rosita and Eugene. They cannot afford to complicate their backgrounds since they are still on TWD. Maybe Abraham is looking for his wife and children or is with them. FTWD can recast the wife.


4 hours ago, Gobi said:

With all these cast additions, I'm guessing there will be some subtraction, too.  Garret Dillahunt is terrific, he should bring some improvement to the show.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look good for hotties Walker and Crazy Dog.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

They've also added Garret Dillahunt, who I've loved in nearly everything else I've ever seen him in, and moved the production from Mexico to Texas.  Nicotero may want to claim otherwise, but that also makes me believe more and more that we're right in thinking we're going to see early Abraham and crew.  Because otherwise who else can they even line up between the timelines?  Dillahunt and Elfman are both listed as regular cast going forward.

Yeah, the Worlds Collide poster is dumb.

With the ginger hair and beard, I'm wondering if they've recast Abraham to be played by Dillahunt.  That way Nicotero could skate around the letter of the law in claiming that Abraham is not the crossover character.


2 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Unfortunately, it doesn't look good for hotties Walker and Crazy Dog.

I would hate to lose them and not just because they're our resident hotties.  I do like Garret Dillahunt though.  Jenna Elfman, why?  I would rather have kept Ofelia.

8 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

With the ginger hair and beard, I'm wondering if they've recast Abraham to be played by Dillahunt. 

I don't know...Cudlitz has pretty much cemented himself as Abraham.  Maybe Gillahunt will be a new bad guy and he'll wipe out the proctors. 

Any word on Dickens, Dillane or Alycia? Even with a long-term contract, I’d be worried if I were they. I think they’d, some or all, would be kept for a little while to get the reboot up and running. But then...one by one...

I don’t think Ruben Blades needs to be worried, but I bet he’s looking for a back door to get through.

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, JackONeill said:

Any word on Dickens, Dillane or Alycia? Even with a long-term contract, I’d be worried if I were they. I think they’d, some or all, would be kept for a little while to get the reboot up and running. But then...one by one...

I don’t think Ruben Blades needs to be worried, but I bet he’s looking for a back door to get through.

So you think that this is an attempt to reboot?  I didn't view the crossover or the new cast additions through that lens, but together it does suggest that they are trying to do a major fix of the show's problems and reboot it.  I never considered that Madison and her children might be eventually be gone. I wonder about Colman Domingo. Strand is pretty popular, but I hope that he is looking for a new job just in case.

Since we saw Madison unfortunately be the one person to walk away from the dam explosion and TPTB seem hellbent on continuing to sell her as the center of the show, I'm guessing Dickens probably isn't going anywhere.  I haven't read anyone definitively saying this will be a reboot, but switching showrunners to bring this one under the original's umbrella and ending on a literal bang that left the fates of the bulk of the existing cast unknown while announcing fairly well known cast additions and a crossover from the mother ship in the face of poor to plummeting ratings, well, it does have a certain smell about it doesn't it?

  • Love 3
On 11/17/2017 at 6:53 AM, nodorothyparker said:

Since we saw Madison unfortunately be the one person to walk away from the dam explosion and TPTB seem hellbent on continuing to sell her as the center of the show, I'm guessing Dickens probably isn't going anywhere.  I haven't read anyone definitively saying this will be a reboot, but switching showrunners to bring this one under the original's umbrella and ending on a literal bang that left the fates of the bulk of the existing cast unknown while announcing fairly well known cast additions and a crossover from the mother ship in the face of poor to plummeting ratings, well, it does have a certain smell about it doesn't it?

Maybe my view is overly simplistic, but IMHO a crossover means one thing: a successful TV series trying to give a much-needed last-ditch shot in the ratings arm to a failing sister or child series.

And I do mean last-ditch, because introducing the crossover storyline oftentimes requires disruption of the successful series’ existing storyline, and THAT maneuver is not without risks of its own.

  • Love 1

The advantage that TWD has over other shows when it comes to this crossover is that it can insert a dead character into FTWD without risking impacting its present. While I don't think that FTWD is in danger of being cancelled, there is no way that AMC can be happy with a 1.4 +3 day key demo 18-49 rating. The show's budget has got to be pretty high for an AMC show and ratings are constantly declining. At some point, AMC is going to have to slash the budget if this keeps up so they are attempting to stick a finger in the dyke before it overflows so to speak.

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

The crossover character is Morgan and it is permanent. I am totally shocked. I don't even understand how explain the timeline change. I will miss Morgan. However, this is definitely FTWD's gain. It will finally have a talented actor in a leading role.

Timeline-wise?  The bullshit, it horrifies.

  • Love 2

I am far from the one who keeps up with exactly how many days have elapsed on either show, so keep that in mind.

I think that we’ll see is the Morgan BEFORE Rick first saw him. Remember Rick woke up AFTER the shit hit the fan. Maybe Morgan, as things were getting bad, had to travel to Houston on business. So, maybe we’ll see him in Houston with the Fear people. But then, at a point, he’ll have to return to Atlanta to take up his known storyline.

Another possibility is that chunk of time between Morgan/Rick’s meeting. Maybe we’ll see how/why Morgan went bat-shit crazy. Maybe he and his son were kidnapped by military types and driven/flown to Houston for s9me nefarious reasons. (We’ve seen airplanes and helicopters all throughout.)

The thing that annoys me is that I think I heard Morgan will be back on TWD in the last half of season 8.

So I think Morgan’s appearance on FTWD is temporary. He will be there...then gone. ((Like most characters on these shows.) I don’t think he is the new lead. Obviously this is a ratings ploy, but because of the time structure, there is no way they can have him STAY in FTWD universe.

7 hours ago, JackONeill said:

So I think Morgan’s appearance on FTWD is temporary. He will be there...then gone. ((Like most characters on these shows.) I don’t think he is the new lead. Obviously this is a ratings ploy, but because of the time structure, there is no way they can have him STAY in FTWD universe.

Unfortunately, I don't think that Morgan will be a temp on FTWD. I think that he will be the new lead or co-lead with Dickens. On TD, he and Melissa made it sound like a permanent move. Lennie was crying and talked about saying goodbye to the crew and how much he would miss them and the cast. Melissa teared up, saying that she thought she had said her goodbyes, but that it still hurt. Even the statement from Gimple talked about “it was also important to see Fear‘s world and characters through new yet familiar eyes.” 

Gawd, boy was I wrong about the crossover character, and damn, am I ever sorry that I was wrong. Morgan belongs on TWD, not this dreck. Hopefully, he lives long enough to return to TWD before the end.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Unfortunately, I don't think that Morgan will be a temp on FTWD. I think that he will be the new lead or co-lead with Dickens. On TD, he and Melissa made it sound like a permanent move. Lennie was crying and talked about saying goodbye to the crew and how much he would miss them and the cast. Melissa teared up, saying that she thought she had said her goodbyes, but that it still hurt. Even the statement from Gimple talked about “it was also important to see Fear‘s world and characters through new yet familiar eyes.” 

Gawd, boy was I wrong about the crossover character, and damn, am I ever sorry that I was wrong. Morgan belongs on TWD, not this dreck. Hopefully, he lives long enough to return to TWD before the end.

But Hardwick said that Morgan would be back on TWD in the second half of season 8, which I guess will be on sometime early part of 2018. 

Honestly, if he goes full-time to FTWD, then he will be the lead, sorry, Kim. But I can’t figure out how they’ll deal with the time period Morgan is in on TWD. That time has’t happened yet on FTWD. And when he’s on FTWD, he will have none of the Walker knowledge he acquired while on TWD and with Rick. He will be like a blank skate. How is that going to work.

I have a headache.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, JackONeill said:

But Hardwick said that Morgan would be back on TWD in the second half of season 8, which I guess will be on sometime early part of 2018. 

They finished filming the second half of season 8 last week and this will air February 2018. Lennie went directly from there to start filming FTWD. I don't get how they will explain him being in both shows since FTWD is years behind TWD either. We'll have to see.

Edited by SimoneS

'Walking Dead' favorite Lennie James to Exit, Joins 'Fear" Spinoff

From the article: James move to Fear the Walking Dead also confirms news that THR previously reported — that the prequel series is moving its filming location to Texas — a shift that was set up in the finale's narrative as a new villain (Ray McKinnon) set sail for "what's left of Houston" with Alicia (co-star Alycia Debnam-Carey).

So I think we're to assume from that that Ray McKinnon's Proctor John survived.  Between this and reports of Coleman, Frank Dillane, and someone else I'm blanking on being spotted in Texas, did anyone actually die in the big explosion?

1 hour ago, nodorothyparker said:

'Walking Dead' favorite Lennie James to Exit, Joins 'Fear" Spinoff

From the article: James move to Fear the Walking Dead also confirms news that THR previously reported — that the prequel series is moving its filming location to Texas — a shift that was set up in the finale's narrative as a new villain (Ray McKinnon) set sail for "what's left of Houston" with Alicia (co-star Alycia Debnam-Carey).

So I think we're to assume from that that Ray McKinnon's Proctor John survived.  Between this and reports of Coleman, Frank Dillane, and someone else I'm blanking on being spotted in Texas, did anyone actually die in the big explosion?

Maybe the explosion blew them all into the future.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I have a headache now.  Is the story of FTWD before TWD, or vice versa?

FTWD is a prequel to TWD.  At the end of its most recent season, FTWD’s timeline was about two months into the ZA; TWD, about a year and eight months in.

Edited by Nashville

Below is the Deadline article on Lennie's first day. Poor guy that table read must have been hell. He went from have talented co-workers to not-so talented ones. The positive is that he still has a job (maybe even got a raise) and he and the other two black guys are sitting together. I still don't understand how Morgan will exist in the FTWD world or how he travels to Houston.


Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 1

To me, the “cleanest”thing for the writers to do is have a time jump. Have Fear catch up with TWD. And I think the shift to Austin will allow that. Some of the articles out there seem to suggest that.

I also think that except for Madison and Alysha, the cast might be on a short-term basis. We may see some “major”deaths this year.

4 hours ago, JackONeill said:

To me, the “cleanest”thing for the writers to do is have a time jump. Have Fear catch up with TWD. And I think the shift to Austin will allow that. Some of the articles out there seem to suggest that.

Okay, my next question is; why or how does Morgan trek all the way to Houston or Austin or wherever in Texas the show is now located?

4 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Okay, my next question is; why or how does Morgan trek all the way to Houston or Austin or wherever in Texas the show is now located?

When Morgan gets his Jedi Knight garb on, he tends to wander quite a bit. Remember he trailed after Rick et al from Georgia to Washington. Of course, that would just add to the number of days separating the universes of TWD and FEAR. SnarkyTart mentioned the helicopter. Rick recently saw one. Maybe it was some Texans who flew in looking for someone who could make cheese. And — voila — there’s Morgan looking for a ride. Call it kismet!!!

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Superclam said:

Posted an hour ago on the Fear - the Spoiling Dead facebook page - a picture of Lennie doing what looks like a table read with Strand, Alicia and Nick. So we know who will be back. 

So the Clark family can wipe out entire civilizations and infrastructure to sustain civilizations but survive an explosion powerful enough to take down an entire dam without losing anyone.  That's ... something.  They're like cockroaches apparently.

Hey, maybe that's a silver lining to this mess coming under Gimple's umbrella.  He's never met a family on the mothership that he couldn't whittle down to one surviving member in fairly short order.

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2 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

Hey, maybe that's a silver lining to this mess coming under Gimple's umbrella.  He's never met a family on the mothership that he couldn't whittle down to one surviving member in fairly short order.

You're right!  Maybe Morgan during his CLEAR phase can somehow make that impossibly short timeline trip to Houston and wipe out the entire Clark family, leaving only Strand to reboot the show.  I could almost forgive Gimple for this crossover idiocy if that was the outcome.

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