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Continued Adventures: The Fanfic Thread

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"When Doves Cry" is Killing me right now! That fic is amazing!

Isn't it?  The wait for new chapters is killing me, though.  I'm in the middle of like 6 stories right now that I binge-read and now I am impatiently waiting for updates.  I have them all open in their own browser tabs and keep refreshing them throughout the day to see if there's anything new.  Apparently, this is what my life has become, lol.

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And Sharky--I did end up putting my fics on AO3--thanks for giving me the push I needed! :-)


"When Doves Cry" is Killing me right now! That fic is amazing!

Saw you on AO3.

Yes "When Doves Cry" is killing me. In the good way of course.

Isn't it?  The wait for new chapters is killing me, though.  I'm in the middle of like 6 stories right now that I binge-read and now I am impatiently waiting for updates.  I have them all open in their own browser tabs and keep refreshing them throughout the day to see if there's anything new.  Apparently, this is what my life has become, lol.

If they are on AO3 I subscribe and have it set so I get an email when updated. On FF.net I keep my browser open to story alerts and refresh for updates. Works pretty good.

And yes, what is my life, tumblr, ff and impatiently waiting for Phx comicon this weekend.

I love When Doves Cry. It reminds me of some of the awesome Lizzy/Darcy marriage of convenience fanfic I've read in the past. 


Msgenevieve's Every Day I Write The Book is probably my favorite post-finale Captain Swan fanfic right now. Warning for those that don't like smut: things get pretty steamy in Chapter 3.


YES!!! I am so pleased someone else feels like that.... A little bit creepy.... in my opinion. That stuff just doesn't float my boat.

Well, I actually like smut, I just prefer not to see images of the characters in the corner of my screen while I'm reading it.


angelwoody, if you're trying to find Captain Swan fic, check out the CS FF tag on tumblr.

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There are only a couple of fics I follow solely on AO3, but the ones that put their multi-chapter fics only on tumblr are the hardest to keep track of!


I can imagine. Unless it's a dedicated writing blog or tagged very, very well, blogs of any kind are hard to navigate. When I upload things to LJ, I link back to the previous chapter and then go back and edit the previous chapter to include the link for the next one, so the story can be followed from the first chapter to the end, but it's a lot of editing and remembering to edit. Basically, it's a nightmare, haha.

Enchanted Forest Serenade by PirateOwl is a multi-character/canon couples fic that has great plot possibilities. Everyone but Emma and Henry, including baby Neal, gets sent back to the Enchanted Forest with no memory of anything that occurred after the first curse was cast. This time, Emma and Henry must find a way back to their family in the Enchanted Forest. I was giving it a few chapters to see where it was going, but the twist in the latest chapter (chapter 5), just completely sold me on this fic. It's something I (and quite a few others if the old spoiler thread is any indication) have wanted to happen on the show for months now.

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Enchanted Forest Serenade by PirateOwl is a multi-character/canon couples fic that has great plot possibilities. Everyone but Emma and Henry, including baby Neal, gets sent back to the Enchanted Forest with no memory of anything that occurred after the first curse was cast. This time, Emma and Henry must find a way back to their family in the Enchanted Forest. I was giving it a few chapters to see where it was going, but the twist in the latest chapter (chapter 5), just completely sold me on this fic. It's something I (and quite a few others if the old spoiler thread is any indication) have wanted to happen on the show for months now.

I'll give it a go!

Sounds somewhat like "What Could Have Been" plot wise, except Emma and Henry instead of Hook and Tink.

I love that the fan fic thread is in the main section. It gets so much more attention here.

Edited by daxx
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I'm not a huge reader of fanfic but I Want to Start a Petition! kills me because it's so right on. It's random people of Storybrooke essentially writing letters to the editor and bitching about all of the crap that goes on in town. Some of the complaints aren't always the best, but I'd love an episode that would deal with stuff like this.

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Thanks for the rec, I really enjoyed this fic. The character voices were really convincing to me.

I'm glad you liked it. I enjoy all of msgenevieve's work, her Emma is especially believable to me.


Storybrooke PD - A Day in the Life is cute, touching, and funny all at the same time. Lots of Daddy Charming feels with a little Captain Swan thrown in for good measure.


Question: What exactly are Lieutenant Duckling stories? Seems like they're all over AO3. I can't decide if they're AUs of Killian still in the royal navy, or if they're just pre-Liam's death stories.

I'm not a huge reader of fanfic but I Want to Start a Petition! kills me because it's so right on. It's random people of Storybrooke essentially writing letters to the editor and bitching about all of the crap that goes on in town.

That was fun. And reinforces my belief that the locals keep a wary eye on the royals so they'll know when to activate the phone tree.

Edited by coppersin

Lieutenant Ducking are usually Killian before Liam's death meeting Princess Emma. Although I do consider any pre-curse fics with Killian/Hook interacting with Emma to be Lt. Ducking but I'm sure they're probably called something else I can't remember. So many pairings! I can't keep some of the names straight. I think there was a comic-con interview last year when Lana came up with Hooker Queens [Hook/Regina] and I think I may have to actually try and find a fic like that even though I'm a total Captain Swan fan.


And holy crap, Put Me In Coach! Off to read now!

Edited by sharky

What exactly are Lieutenant Duckling stories? 

Lieutenant Ducking are usually Killian before Liam's death meeting Princess Emma.


Not necessarily. Basically, these are fics where Hook is still a Lieutenant. Liam may or may not be alive. Emma never left the Enchanted Forest, and is usually a princess in these fics (hence Duckling, as opposed to Swan--hehe). When Doves Cry is definitely my favorite LD fic right now. Dark!Hook fics are when Emma meets a darker version of Hook (Rotten Heart, White Light on a Black Sea). I don't think there are any particular names for some of these AUs. haha


Yay! Another amazing chapter of Put Me In Coach... 

Edited by Rumsy4
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I just assumed when Killian tossed off the Navy and rechristened her the Jolly Roger, that he wasn't a lieutenant anymore. Although I've also seen post-curse fix labeled as Lieutenant Ducking with Emma back in the forest as a princess with Killian leading Charming's navy. Anyway, labels are good but I'm not a stickler about them.

I just assumed when Killian tossed off the Navy and rechristened her the Jolly Roger, that he wasn't a lieutenant anymore. Although I've also seen post-curse fix labeled as Lieutenant Ducking with Emma back in the forest as a princess with Killian leading Charming's navy. Anyway, labels are good but I'm not a stickler about them.

That is definitely a case of mislabeling. LD is only for the "younger" versions of the character. The ponytail versions, if you will.

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I've seen Lieutenant Duckling fics with Lieutenant Jones and young thief Emma from our world. They usually consist of Emma somehow falling through time and space before she meets Neal. Those are actually my favorite kind of LD fics. VickyVicarious' Storybrook is about young thief Emma and was the first LD fic I ever read and it's still my favorite.

You people are evil, and I am doomed. I've been resisting reading any fanfic--not wanting to be disappointed by lackluster or hackneyed writing, or afraid of getting sucked into an amazing obsession--but I finally gave in about a week ago and I'm a goner. I have 6 different stories open now, and I check each one daily for updates. (Truthfully, some more often.) What sealed the deal was Put Me In Coach. I'm a die-hard baseball fan (go White Sox!), and to marry that with CS is brilliant!

Is there a 12 step program for this? Or a support group I can recommend to my family?

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 What sealed the deal was Put Me In Coach. I'm a die-hard baseball fan (go White Sox!), and to marry that with CS is brilliant!

Is there a 12 step program for this? Or a support group I can recommend to my family?

*waves* Hey there fellow AL Central, fanfic friend! ;-)  I'm a Twins girl, myself  *sigh...Joe Mauer.*  And yes, "Coach" is pretty much straight up crack for us baseball loving Oncers.  It's wish fulfillment x1000.  And I'm pretty sure we are the support group, lol.  Fanfics are what make the hiatus bearable.


I just recently compiled a huge list of well recommended CS fics.  I'll scan this thread and post over any new ones that haven't already been listed.  Some of them are post season 2 (new when they were posted), so the are definitely AU/not canon.  But many of them a well written and have interesting plots.  *shrugs*  A good read's a good read.  And with the amount of fics I can demolish in one sitting, beggars can't be choosers!

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So I found a cool little trick for those of you on AO3. You can actually bookmark external works if you have an AO3 account! So for example I have a bunch of ff.net stories that aren't on AO3 so I have them favorited on ff.net only -- or maybe if there are stories that are only on tumblr that you want to be able to go back and find later. If you go under My Bookmarks under your username, there's a box on the top right labeled "Bookmark External Work" and then you just grab the URL and go from there. There may also be a bookmarklet that you can add on as a browser extension too, but I only saw that on my tablet and not my desktop so I'm not sure. I tried it and it seemed to work for at least one story but figured the rest of you would like to play around with it as well, especially considering how many different places there are to post fanfiction online right now.

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There's a great list of fics on this thread now. 


For those who have been reading fanfic for years, how would you classify "hot steamy meaningful sex where if the show was on HBO it would totally be in character"? Cuz  there is a definite difference (IMO) between smut and and that kind (each has their place) but I have no idea how to label it. And the latter is much harder to find.

I donno what's happening to me. I started reading another modern CS AU (http://gp28writer.tumblr.com/post/88502756759/catchlight-au-cs-fanfic-4). I just read Ch 1, and there are three more chapters written already. Next thing you know, I'll be reading Lost Boys and Scarlet, and be knee deep in Modern AUs. :-p

Hmm... If I start getting caught up in modern AU's I blame you. :)

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i don't normally do modern AU but this one was real cute.

That was great!!

I usually try to stay away from really AU AU's because it can be a total rabbit hole to crazy town, but my more canon-ish fics aren't being updated fast enough to slake my fanfic thirst.:)

Here's a seriously cute little modern AU by madj https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10421275/1/The-Favor

Meant to quote this. I suck at quoting from my iPad, apparently.

There's this fic that I've been following.  Chasing Light.  It's AU.




It's actually kinda sweet.  Reactions are very human and there's a chapter in here with David thinking of Emma and how she's all grown up and going to be married and have her own life.  Reminded me how own dad had a hard time when I got married.

I've finally posted my hiatus fanfic to help get us through the summer! Both FF.net and AO3 links below depending on which you prefer.


Tokens of Good Will




It's my take on Cursed!Killian since I assume it's mandatory for every Once fanfic writer to do one of these, right? ;) It's all written for the most part but I'm still editing so hopefully there won't be a long wait between chapters. And it's by far the longest fanfic I've ever written -- still short by most standards -- so fingers crossed I don't blow the whole thing up.

I've finally posted my hiatus fanfic to help get us through the summer! Both FF.net and AO3 links below depending on which you prefer.


Tokens of Good Will




It's my take on Cursed!Killian since I assume it's mandatory for every Once fanfic writer to do one of these, right? ;) It's all written for the most part but I'm still editing so hopefully there won't be a long wait between chapters. And it's by far the longest fanfic I've ever written -- still short by most standards -- so fingers crossed I don't blow the whole thing up.

Since I am subscribed to you on AO3 I already have it downloaded and will read it tonight, or at least get started on it. Excited for a new cursed killian fic.
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