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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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On 11/14/2018 at 10:50 PM, 4ofUs said:

Hi All, brand new here, and have just started watching 7LJ the last few weeks (need to binge-watch to catch up!).  Love this very REAL, no-nonsense happy family, raising great kids with RULES, discipline, and love!  

All the talk about Anna, and I can't help wondering if she might have ADD/AdHd?  I say this because our daughter does (dx'd at 7, & meds)  Our daughter is 15... responsible, kind and thoughtful, very creative, an A-student in high school, and wonderful with kids and animals.  Having said this, when not on her meds, she can be impulsive, rambunctuous, sneaky (lots of fibs), pesty to her brother, and she can definitely test my patience!  The scene with the sleeping bag slumber party in the new house and Anna acting up/driving her siblings nuts was SOOOOooo like our daughter could act!  There have been a few snippets where her actions scream ADD and I think "C'mon, focus, girl! Behave!"

Just to add, with Elizabeth and her beautiful artwork... our daughter also has the love of drawing.  She did this sketch of our dog for her Art class last year in Grade 9

2018-05-11 10.48.46.jpg

Wow, 9th grade? Very talented! You must be proud. :)

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On 11/30/2018 at 7:19 PM, Bridget said:


I teach high school and I can affirm that peer pressure and/or “love” makes the students do crazy things! Trent & Amber have every right to parent their kids, especially Anna, the way they see fit. As a teacher, it’s refreshing to know there are parents who exist who have pre-requisites for certain things, like driving.

We’ve seen that Anna is a follower when it comes to socializing at school. She was a great leader at the summer camp, but she wasn’t trying to impress her peers. In school, it’s a different ballpark. I sincerely hope that she’s able to maintain some of her newfound maturity and realize how good that self-confidence makes her feel.

I also have to say that while Trent & Amber are being ragged on for embarrassing their kids, I couldn’t help but find it odd that during her TH, 18 year old Anna burped and didn’t even say “excuse me”, but managed to add “I had to get that one out.” Add that to her line about the stinky fruit probably smelling “like a bag of farts” and I literally shook my head at the TV. Anna’s bathroom humor & belching aren’t normal behavior choices for most adolescents, let alone teenagers.

It’s almost like she channels Alex and his immaturity at times, undoubtedly in a desperate approach for some warmth from Amber. That is a relationship that baffles me. I don’t know what goes on between them or if Trent is “the nice parent”, but if Anna really doesn’t know how to show her parents her mature side, then maybe she needs therapy to learn how to try to communicate with them, especially Amber. I agree with those who have said the parents need therapy, but I’d hate to see Anna suffer or be miserable because she can’t get through to her parents. 

If Anna were my kid, I’d be terrified of her going to Russia, especially if it was a solo trip. If Anna doesn’t even keep track of her learner’s permit or even realize it’s a necessity to practice driving, I’d be all kinds of irritated.  Poor Anna might get stuck in Russia if she lost her passport, ID or plane/train tickets during a moment of flightiness. 

It’s almost like she’s an 18 year old stuck in a 10 year old’s body. These are the times that make me super curious about humans and how important the first few years of life play in terms of overall personality along with the whole “nature vs nurture” debate.

'Nature vs nuture" - I agree.  If Anna had zero ability to communicate at 4 years old - they said she hadn't any speaking skills at all - I could only imagine her sitting in a crib, alone and unable to speak, for 4 long years.  The first 3 years are said to be the most crucial in learning, growing and attaching with others. When I see Anna connecting with her siblings - messing around, joking, being silly and smacking each other - I feel relieved that she can interact normally. I still think therapy would help her to develop emotionally. I deduct those 4 years she spent in Russia and see her as beginning her 'real' life when Trent and Amber adopted her, which would make her closer to 13 or 14 as far as maturity. 

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On 12/18/2018 at 6:02 PM, Honey said:

I've watched every episode of this show, and this is the first time that I've felt that Trent was unfair to one of the kids.  I thought he was an asshole to Elizabeth.  It was her very first time behind the wheel, and to make her cry?  He was nothing but a bully.  I get that he wants to teach her the right way to do things, but he was awful.

I am very glad that he came to her and apologized.  Parents can teach their kids so much by admitting their wrong and apologizing.

Now, for episode #2.

I agree completely. It was terrible to watch. 99% of the time Trent seems like a great dad but I was disgusted by his behavior in the car and continued to be when he called her downstairs to continue berating her. I appreciated his apology to her and was very impressed with how wonderfully Elizabeth handled herself - she was logical and reasonable at all times in speaking with her dad, although of course, emotional and teary. 

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On 12/19/2018 at 12:44 PM, TipseyGirl said:

On an extremely shallow note - Jonah needs to size up on his shorts.


Lol....he does! After reading your comment I took notice and in the episode where he is waving 'bye' to Kara his shorts were too tight and his shirt was riding up to show his belly. (although seeing him with Kara was really sweet) Time for Jonah to go shopping especially because he's entering college. Speaking of appearances - Trent and his diet. Weighing yourself at night before bed? After you've eaten all your meals? No ma'am. Not me. It must be a guy thing  :/

Edited by CaliCannoli
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The parents treat their home like an ORPHANAGE! Not a military base exactly. There is no reason Trent and Amber cannot put pieces in a consignment shop or go to antique fairs or craft shows when they have enough to sell. The kids can help with what they know how to do this way and no one worries about insurance or losing a house. This seems all just another storyline drawn up for entertainment drama!

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I swear a few episodes before the one where they announced they were going to start a consignment shop and were considering quitting their jobs there was preview where Trent comes home and tells Amber that he got fired. I said as much on the fan page and Trent replied saying that he was not fired and he was still working.  So obviously he decided against quitting his job. I think this was a good decision. Much better to refurbish the furniture on his days off and see how it sells first.

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On 12/14/2018 at 12:49 PM, TipseyGirl said:

Actually, I think that was Anna. She also said that she would cover her farts in chocolate when they had their talking head at the chocolate shop. She seems much like a child Alex's age with the poop and fart humor. She also talks quite a bit about peeing in her pants. It's a little weird for an almost 18 year-old girl.

No, it was Jonah. I just saw that episode and caught it. They come down really hard on Anna but Jonah can be pretty immature too. But I think Anna's immaturity is a bit more scary - going into a room alone with someone at the LP Convention, not telling anyone where she was then lying when her parents confronted her. Honestly, I'd be worried to pieces about her too. Big difference between her brother - who could defend himself - and Anna, who's immaturity could lead her into precarious situations without parental supervision. I still see her as a 13 yr old, rather than 17 because of her first 4 years in Russia.

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6 hours ago, CaliCannoli said:

No, it was Jonah. I just saw that episode and caught it. They come down really hard on Anna but Jonah can be pretty immature too. But I think Anna's immaturity is a bit more scary - going into a room alone with someone at the LP Convention.

 I just got a chance to watch, and I'm pretty positive that was Jonah's voice too.

On 12/28/2018 at 6:02 AM, Calibabydolly said:

The parents treat their home like an ORPHANAGE! Not a military base exactly. There is no reason Trent and Amber cannot put pieces in a consignment shop or go to antique fairs or craft shows when they have enough to sell. The kids can help with what they know how to do this way and no one worries about insurance or losing a house. This seems all just another storyline drawn up for entertainment drama!

Exactly! Straight to renting a store, no baby steps here. I saw a few of their first episodes and their home was really dirty and they didn't have furniture. So, they've finally created a safe, lovely place for their children to call home and they immediately want to jeopardize it all to be business owners? Not only is it illogical, its foolish and I hope it is a story line and no more than that for the kids sake.

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On 11/30/2018 at 12:03 PM, Chalby said:

What annoys the heck out of me is how Trent and Amber cater to Alex while calling him the 'baby' of the family. Meanwhile Emma is the same age as him and Trent and Amber should be making a fuss over her because she is so laid back and accommodating. Every time Alex whines and complains he's hungry should be their cue to lavish attention on Emma while ignoring Alex completely. Jonah could do with some ignoring as well. I don't understand his slack-jawed demeanour, while raising his arms like he is a T-Rex. I swear that stance is a teen thing as my mom sent me a pix where I am walking around, arms bent at the waist dangling limp wrists and all. I looked like a female Jonah. Lol.

I heard Trent mention in an episode that Jonah's arms are bowed due to his dwarfism. Can't imagine how cruel his schoolmates might have been because of it.  I think you're right about Alex concerning the babying but I'm beginning to think it's also due to his medical issues. Brain surgery, spinal surgery and sleep apnea (stop breathing 50 times a night??) all happening to a 9 year old? Heartbreaking. But I totally get how irritating it can be to listen to him yell so much. Hopefully he'll grow out of it.

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On 6/23/2017 at 9:09 AM, gunderda said:

Did we know that Elizabeth had hearing problems?  Looking on their instagram she got an implant back in January

My heart hurts that these kids go through so much. Nothing is easy for them. I hope all types of wonderful things happen to them in 2019. 

On 12/5/2018 at 2:40 AM, readheaded said:

I just took a look, too and Liz looks fantastic and not just because of the weight loss-she looks radiantly happy.

'Radiantly happy' - perfectly said! She does look radiant. I wonder if she's in love again. Such a pretty girl.

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On 12/14/2018 at 12:40 PM, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

Oh it is exhausting. My grandson won't try new foods, and doesn't eat the normal kids fare. He cries bloody murder and it's exhausting. He's 7 and slowly trying things with great motivation and coaching. You just have to help them push through or they won't try new things. My grandson is so excited to call and tell me when he actually does try new things and likes them. He's proud of himself, but, that pride doesn't translate into excitement to actually try it.

Your sweet grandson is lucky his Nonna has patience! Lol...in my Italian family if you didn't eat, you grew skinny. Nowadays, there is more understanding and compassion which is so much healthier. :)

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On 12/30/2015 at 9:00 PM, CalicoskiesNC said:

Amber and Trent are handling Jonah's car quest well. Since when do 16yo kids without jobs get to tell parents what car they want?

No one I know!  I hate when parents give kids cars.  Buy a junker for kids to share and pay for gas and insurance - sure.

On 12/14/2018 at 3:40 PM, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

Oh it is exhausting. My grandson won't try new foods, and doesn't eat the normal kids fare. He cries bloody murder and it's exhausting. He's 7 and slowly trying things with great motivation and coaching. You just have to help them push through or they won't try new things. My grandson is so excited to call and tell me when he actually does try new things and likes them. He's proud of himself, but, that pride doesn't translate into excitement to actually try it.

Do what we do.  We never give the kids food and pretend its "too good tasting" for their whiny antics.  I mean we give them food but if they are picky they get a hot dog and we relish and savor the flavor of our food.  Pisses them off.  Works every time.  I learned that little kids bitter taste buds are very active so we do stay away from bitter vegetables and such.

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Did Anna really run into the parking lot of the car wash, stop, squat and urinate in front of the crew, her family and any random passerby in the "I Just Tinkled" episode?? I'm playing catch-up on past episodes and when I saw this I was shocked. Is that just the car wash hose water dripping from her clothes or is she actually urinating in front of everyone? That is NOT normal behavior, if so.  They're all laughing about it afterward but I was appalled.

Screenshot 2018-12-31 at 6.07.50 AM.png

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I gave this show up I think season 3 when Alex needed brain surgery.  The kid bothered me so much and I couldn't stand to watch him. But I was also so sad for him.

Fast forward to now.  Out of total boredom I started watching again and I’m all caught up. I find Alex so endearing.  There’s just something about him. 

Good for Liz and her art, but all of those pieces look like what you'd do at one of those drinking and painting places.

The guy at zip lining was like ‘and we’ll do our best to catch you. Does that sound good?’ That made me laugh. Alex’s reaction was funny. He’s thinking ‘of course you should catch me!’ 

I wonder what causes him to have such deep fears. 

And their little cousin Ella (think that’s her name) is so adorable. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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If Anna showed emotion, she would be looked at as immature, when she  just accepts her rightful punishment they think she’s not ‘getting it’. I agree there needed to be discipline... but for an entire semester?   Seems to me a month should be enough. Especially since she is 18. Do they realize that someone as immature as she is could get a wild idea and move out into a really undesirable situation?  I realize they were trying to prevent a ‘me, too’ situation or a situation Anna wasn’t prepared for... but they go overboard on her punishments.  They can’t keep applying punishments because they are actually still mad about something she did two years ago. 

Why did they not let Elizabeth have a driving experience until 5 months after she got her learners permit? One of the reasons you have a learners permit for a long time is so you get a lot of experience before you drive alone.  Trent is a jerk to yell at her so much on her first time. Her 10th yes, not her first.  She’s not an expert.  Trent owed her a real apology .. not the ‘ I’m sorry you are overly sensitive... put your big girl panties on’ crap. Glad to see he finally accepted his attitude was wrong.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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Yes, Trent said that people were already saying that Cara (Kara?) looked like she could be Amber's daughter.

On 1/10/2019 at 6:35 PM, mythoughtis said:

Trent- Cara just met you. She doesn’t need the entire story of how you and Amber got together yet. 

I think he was just excited to have Jonah's new girlfriend in their home. I thought it was sort of sweet how silly Trent & Amber got.:)

Edited by CaliCannoli
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I binge watched a bunch of their episodes on my day off and I'm really looking forward to their next season. Their instagram post shows Anna looking at colleges which I think is awesome. I didn't quite get her at first but now I love her humor. I wish they'd do an episode on just old video's of their family, I love seeing all the ones of a 6 months old Alex crying with his dad but settling right down when his mother holds him and little Anna, fresh from Russia, crying "Nyet! Nyet!" and tiny Jonah rumbling around the house in his diaper. So cute.

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On 12/25/2018 at 9:03 AM, CaliCannoli said:

I agree completely. It was terrible to watch. 99% of the time Trent seems like a great dad but I was disgusted by his behavior in the car and continued to be when he called her downstairs to continue berating her. I appreciated his apology to her and was very impressed with how wonderfully Elizabeth handled herself - she was logical and reasonable at all times in speaking with her dad, although of course, emotional and teary. 

Yeah, I found Trent's behavior regarding the driving as quite verbally abusive. I realize that anyone can have a bad day, but, that type of thing was so over the top that I just can't get past it.  It makes me wonder if he is a fake person. The kind of person who seems really nice and wonderful on the outside, but, has a whole different side to them that only certain people see. I've known people like that before.  They get a charge out of controlling others and belittling them.  They only bully those that they know they can bully.  They would never try it with a co-worker or friend, only those underneath them.  I really hate it too, because, I actually liked this whole family and thought that he and his wife were very good parents and role models.  No more. 

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On 12/15/2018 at 1:02 AM, Linney said:

COMPLETELY AGREE!  For a ‘family show,’ there is way to much ‘sex talk’ and it’s getting uncomfortable to watch especially with children.   Trent realy needs to tone it down or they may start losing their audience.

Yes the teens don't want to hear anything that comes out of the adults' mouths. However, I do know that Trent and Wife have taught them all to be mindful, be of service, always caring, Godly, and good samaritans. Any behaviour outside of that list is on the kids individually. We can all attest to the fact that they do recognize the right path. What they choose will be their story.

On 12/18/2018 at 8:12 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

I agree, I re-watched that episode this morning and had missed that comment the first time so I specifically listened for it today. When they are leaving you can see Anna's face when the comment is being made, you can read her lips so I think she is the one that said it.......also agree how weird it is for her to use that type language. But when I look at the parents and what they say & do.......I can imagine it could be worse.

I guess there's no accounting for people's humour. Thank goodness there's someone out there for all of us, lol.

On 11/9/2018 at 3:41 PM, camom said:

The previous owners obviously knew there was a problem (the towel or whatever it was stuffed in to  where the water damage was).

Poor Trent was really upset that he missed that. He prides himself and his helpers when it comes to looking for things wrong with property or buildings. Apparently he also prides himself on finding things (if there are things to be found). Bottom line, it was dirty of the sellers to hide the mold with towels etc. Karma will get them.

On 4/10/2015 at 11:01 AM, TEEVEE said:

Jonah seems a little slow maybe, or perhaps he is just depressed. He has this far off look a lot of the times, and seems immature for 15.  The other kids seem right on track and are cute LP kids. Is dwarfism considered a disability? If so, this family could qualify for SS benefits. Which maybe Amber doesn't consider as welfare.

I know what you mean. It seems as though Jonah is waiting for his life to beginning. I remember being that way until I woke up and realized I had to get out there if I wanted things to start changing. There's no guide book to the teens.

On 9/24/2017 at 7:01 PM, Suzy Rhapsody said:

 Fortunately, the Johnstons appear to be holding it together better than most of their predecessors (*cough* Gosselins *cough*).

The biggest compliment I can give the Johnston's is how they refuse to complain because the world was not adapted for them. Trent mentioned that they are clever enough to figure out their own tools. They are constantly problem solving, and that is attractive.

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Anybody else see the upcoming Season 7 preview on their Instagram page? Looks like Trent & Amber head to counseling and they show Jonah screaming at Trent which was really surprising. Amber does not look happy but she's lost weight and certainly looks happier now in her new posts. Wish them well. Can't wait for the new episodes.

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12 hours ago, CaliCannoli said:

Anybody else see the upcoming Season 7 preview on their Instagram page? Looks like Trent & Amber head to counseling and they show Jonah screaming at Trent which was really surprising. Amber does not look happy but she's lost weight and certainly looks happier now in her new posts. Wish them well. Can't wait for the new episodes.


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On 11/30/2015 at 7:18 AM, winsomeone said:

Saw a preview last night..Trent says he can swim, and Amber yells "bull crap." Nice. Last week she made him return a power tool that she didn't approve of. Is he afraid of her that he doesn't stand up to her? Myself, I think both of them are border line slow. Also, the children mind her too well, and after seeing the fire in her eyes many times, I would not be surprised if she isn't physical with them.

Wow! I've never seen the things you are seeing.

I like them both and see a lot of compromising which is good.

Their kids seem fine... No one in the family seem  "slow"  to me.... Quite to the contrary.

There's zero evidence that anyone is getting "physical"

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20 hours ago, CaliCannoli said:

I'm really looking forward to seeing the season premiere tomorrow night.

Me too!! That was a nice interview they did with Strahan & Sarah. I watched it on YouTube here: 

Thanks for the heads-up CaliCannoli! The all look great and the girls are so pretty.

Edited by TipseyGirl
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(Spoiler Alert!) Please don't read any further if you haven't seen the premiere! 🙂

I'm really happy the Johnston family is back with new episodes. I enjoyed the premiere and am posting about some things that stood out to me. Firstly, I had no idea why Amber's mother passed away so young (early 50's) and was surprised when the medium/psychic lady went into detail about it. So sad. She speaks at length about her father's but is quiet about her mother. 

And surprise, Trent has three siblings? Had no idea. Just heartbreaking that he lost his brother due to sleep apnea and now he has to watch his son deal with it too. His brother doesn't look anything like the other siblings, was a bit surprised. I wonder if he was adopted. 

That haunted house trip was just abysmal. They all looked miserable. And I've never seen poor Alex look so sweaty and scared after being chased by the buzz saw clown but I had to laugh when Liz said he ran like the Roadrunner and included sound effects; "Beep Beep!" ...lol. And look at Alex as a little baby lion! So adorable! It seems so fitting that they filled all the Wizard of Oz parts and were waiting for little Emma to come join them as the Good Witch. 

The sisters looked so pretty! Emma in her sweet spring dress, Liz in her denim and lace and look at Anna! A rose pink dress and pearls! Just lovely.

Seeing Trent alone in the hospital parking lot after being treated in the ER was really, really sad. They are such an awesome family, such good people, that you just want life to be a easier for them. I hope his ailment is emotional, not physical, and I hope it passes soon.

I'm really looking forward to next weeks episode. 

Screenshot 2019-04-03 at 5.54.30 AM.png

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Screenshot 2019-04-03 at 5.56.45 AM.png

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Alex is in a gifted program at school? That was surprising to hear. Not that I think he's stupid, but, he doesn't come across as the studious type. 

As of this episode, Anna is still planning on going to cosmetology school.


Amber commented on their Instagram back in October that Anna is going to become a dental hygenist.

That pumpkin cannon was cool.

As far as Trent's health goes...


Just as a note, an early premiere of next week's episode is on TLC's website, just sign in with your cable log in.

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6 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

Alex is in a gifted program at school? That was surprising to hear. Not that I think he's stupid, but, he doesn't come across as the studious type. 

As of this episode, Anna is still planning on going to cosmetology school.

  Reveal spoiler

Amber commented on their Instagram back in October that Anna is going to become a dental hygenist.

That pumpkin cannon was cool.

As far as Trent's health goes...

  Reveal spoiler

Just as a note, an early premiere of next week's episode is on TLC's website, just sign in with your cable log in.

Dental Hygienists go to cosmetology school?

Edited by flyingdi
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5 hours ago, Talky Tina said:

Isn't Alex too old to be screaming "mommy, mommy" and clutching onto Amber's arms?  Is there a reason he acts like such a baby?  He's 13! 

It's a little disturbing how spoiled he is. If I didn't know his actual age, I would assume that he is 8 or 9 years old. He is constantly crying when he doesn't get his way. Amber and Trent did a disservice to him, because when he gets older, he is going to have a hard time dealing with life. 

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As someone said on the episode (I think Amber), Alex is scared of everything.  That poor kid was told by a psychic he was going to break his ankle or something and to be careful. Way to scare the eff (even more!) out of him.  And also, if you're a psychic, wouldn't you know this child is scared of everything and maybe lay off with the broken ankle thing?

Emma is adorable but she looked like she came straight from The Golden Girls set whenever she had a talking head on the couch.  Think it may have been the shoes.

On a more positive note, their party looked fun and their costumes were great!

Edited by woodscommaelle
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I'm all for Amber making Alex try things at least once but the haunted house is a big NOPE!  I don't care how lame they all thought it was, I don't do haunted houses either and I'm 36. And how awful of that person to run after him!

I did go on a haunted hay ride a few years ago and I was not prepared for how in your personal space the 'actors' plan to be. But thankfully we had a little girl really freaking the eff out so they nearly all broke character to make sure she was ok. And she was even excited to go on it. But I am thankful for her because it made my trip much more pleasant lol 

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On 4/4/2019 at 2:17 PM, gunderda said:

I'm all for Amber making Alex try things at least once but the haunted house is a big NOPE!  I don't care how lame they all thought it was, I don't do haunted houses either and I'm 36. And how awful of that person to run after him!

I did go on a haunted hay ride a few years ago and I was not prepared for how in your personal space the 'actors' plan to be. But thankfully we had a little girl really freaking the eff out so they nearly all broke character to make sure she was ok. And she was even excited to go on it. But I am thankful for her because it made my trip much more pleasant lol 

I thought that clown actor with the chainsaw was way out of line chasing Alex. I would have told him off if I was Amber. No one looked like they enjoyed the haunted house. And Amber mimicking them - "Do you wanna plaaay with meeee??"- while they were getting in the Oz costumes was too creepy.

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