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WTH is CDB? Acronyms and Nicknames of the Walking Dead

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This thread will be dedicated to defining and describing all of the acronyms and nicknames that we tend to use when discussing the show or referring to specific characters, places or events.


The purpose of this thread is to act like a Wikipedia of sorts. Its intent is to be a bit of a reference manual for those who are not sure what certain acronyms or short forms actually mean or what they refer to.


This thread will be open to anyone to post in, however we will be taking the best definitions of the lot (maybe even multiple definitions) to make clear what the various terms means. That means expect that I WILL be making edits to some of your posts, to remove repetition or add clearer definitions as needed. I will ensure that each of you is credited with your additions though, but because you guys can't edit each others posts, this will probably be like this for the time being. For now, It's a work in progress.


ALSO - Could everyone BOLD the nickname or Acronym so that it stands out if scanning the page quickly!! Thanks!


I look forward to everyone's contribution and also your suggestions. PM's are always welcome! So come one come all and post away!!

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CDB = Camp Dinner Bell

  • Rick's group at any given time/any given make-up of members. Origin: "Guts" when Rick was loud enough he might as well be "ringing a dinner bell" for the walkers. It continues to reference the lack of stealth our group seems to show even after all this time.


  • It stands for Camp Dinner Bell, which has been a nickname for Rick's group since season one. In Guts, when Rick  comes into the mall after shooting his way down the street, and now there are walkers pressed all up on the doors, Andrea tells him that his noise "just rang their dinner bell". And then the group continues to do idiotic things that practically bring walkers down on top of them. (ghoulina's definition from the Forget episode thread)
Edited by HalcyonDays
Added ghoulina's CDB definition
  • Love 7

Yosemite Sideboob, or YSB:

  • Is a nickname for the the big-breasted, red-haired, and dramatically mustachioed Abraham. Lately we've been using his actual name, because he's been making some effort to cover up, but whenever he tries to squeeze back into his old tank top from seventh grade gym class the nickname always re-emerges.
  • He is also referred to, for the same reason, as Sergeant Moobs. (Originated by JBody.)
Edited by CletusMusashi
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ASZ = Alexandria Safe Zone

  • The perfect gated community that Rick and company find themselves currently residing in, complete with million dollar mansions, pastel clothes, excess booze and sheltered individuals whose most pressing concerns tip toward pasta makers and holding elegant cocktail parties. Area introduced in episode 5.11 - The Distance. (HalcyonDays)



  • Inhabitants of said Safe Zone
Edited by HalcyonDays
Added my snarky definiton of ASZ/moved Unfair Wolves def'n
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Unfair Wolves:

  • While exploring Noah's destroyed home, there is a quick flash of graffiti which at first a few posters here on PTV thought said, "Wolves Not Fair." It was quickly corrected by other posters (Wolves Not Far), but the humor of Unfair Wolves was too powerful to overcome with logic and hilarity ensued. Origin: "What Happened and What's Going On," 5B opener.
  • Possible hooligans out carving "W"s into walker foreheads.(ghoulina)


(If someone has a pic of just the graffiti, that would be better!)



Edited by HalcyonDays
Added ghoulina's Unfair Wolves def'n.
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FruitPeople and/or FruitHippies:

  • Sam and Ana, two sweet, sincere, helpful, honest young lovers who of course were doomed to die horribly.
  • They appear together in Season 4 Episode 4  "Indifference", Ana gets eaten by walkers and Sam nevers returns from gathering fruit. He makes a surprise return---at the slaughterhouse trough in the premiere of Season 5.
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The Merles or the Merletones:

  • Name bestowed on Joe and the gang of "claimers" that drafted Darryl after Beth was taken by the Grady cops and also hunted Rick, Michonne, and Carl, and tried to kill them  So named because they were similar in manner and appearance to Darryl's very rough-around-the-edges brother Merle.


The Lollicops:

  • Term for cops at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta who ran the hospital through indentured servitude, intimidation, battery, and rape. "Lollicop" comes from when one of them (Gorman) found a contraband lollipop that Noah had given to Beth. He licked it and then put it in Beth's mouth.
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  • Just watch the scene between Carol and Sam in 'Forget', and you have all the explanation needed on this one.


Porch Dick

  • Started by Chris Hardwick on Talking Dead, in reference to Pete, when he & Rick first *meet* in 'Remember'.  Pete sitting in the shadows on his porch, and giving Rick his heavily sub-texted "stay the hell away from my woman" greeting.
  • Hardwick first came up with the term Porch Dick, and Kevin Smith ran with it.(Nashville)
Edited by HalcyonDays
Added Nashville's line about PD
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  • Rhymes with clu*ter*uck; designates another horrible decision by the Ricktator;  often leading to the destruction of any camp he enters. Derived from Andrew Lincoln's real last name "Clutterbuck".



  • The Governor, whose name was Phillip but AKA Brian.



  • The alter ego of mild-mannered Rick Grimes, who frequently flips out like a shithouse rat and is distinguished by taking away everyone else's rights, throwing himself a pity party, rejecting good advice from people who are still in touch with reality, throwing himself a pity party, talking to dead people on his Insanity Phone; did I mention the pity party?
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AL = Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes)

MM or MMB = Melissa McBride (Carol Peletier)

NR = Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon)

EK = Emily Kinney (Beth Greene)


I haven't noticed many of the other actors being referred to by their initials but I probably missed that, these seem to be the most common one's.

Edited by HalcyonDays
Added BrokenRemotes MMB def'n and CletusMusashi EK def'n
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  • On the ill-fated bus trip, the acronym Tara came up with to describe Glenn, Rosita, Eugene, Abraham, herself, and Maggie. 



  • The (hilarious) nickname of Woodbury's self-described amazing archer, who was gunned down in the blink of an eye by Maggie during the rescue from Woodbury 


Couple names - Part 1


Caryl - Carol and Daryl

Bethyl - Beth and Daryl

Rickyl - Rick and Daryl 

Daaron/Daron - Daryl and Aaron

Richonne - Rick and Michonne

Dixonne - Daryl and Michonne

Glaggie/Gleggie - Glenn and Maggie

CareDare - Carol and Daryl (CletusMusashi)

Jessick - Jessie and Rick. (Pete Martell)


For Couple Names - Part 2, click here

Edited by HalcyonDays
Moved your Terminus definition / added CletusMusashi def'n/added Pete Marrell's Jessick, added link to paigow's post.
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TD = TTDThe Talking Dead:

  • Post-show discussion panel hosted by Chris Hardwick of The Nerdist empire. The show began with Season 2 of The Walking Dead. It was 30 minutes long until the middle of TWD Season 3, when it was extended to 60 minutes. The panel is usually two to three guests, plus Chris. Although it varies, the line-up is often two people associated with the show (usually at least one actor) and one famous fan.
  • Like its inspiration, Talking Bad (Hardwick-hosted panel for Breaking Bad), the show also features a sneak peak of the next episode that differs from the general promos.
  • Notable insightful famous fans: Yvette Nicole Brown, CM Punk and Kevin Smith
  • Notable WTH? famous fans: Marilyn Manson
Edited by HalcyonDays
Editing + removed the PD comment since its a repeat
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  • Shorthand to refer to Karen and David, who went into isolation in Season 4's "Infected" during the flu outbreak at the prison. Later Tyrese discovered their charred bodies. When confronted by Rick, Carol acknowledged killing them, which she later told Tyrese.
Edited by HalcyonDays
Changed formatting
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Lord Fluffington:

  • An escaped guinea pig, befriended and named by Daryl. The character is not actual canon, but during the early part of the hospital arc, when we waiting to find out who Daryl was about to introduce to the group, guinea pig hypotheses were popular. Some of us believe he is still out there. Probably leaving clues for Morgan.
  • Do not even ask about Lorgan shippers.
Edited by CletusMusashi
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Couple Names - Part 2


Rikissie - Rick and Jessie

Morganne - Morgan & Michonne

Hand Solo: Eugene & Eugene

Hope Solo: Eugene & Any Living Human

Rositara = Rosita + Tara (diebartdie)


For Couple Names - part 1, go here

Edited by HalcyonDays
Added link to couple names part 1, added diebartdie's def'n
  • Love 5

Should we dopplegang this thread over onto the " F the Dead" forum? 

I mean, there are "Angel" fans who never got into Buffy, as weird as that seems to some.

And there are DS9 fans who never particularly liked TNG.

Weirder yet, there are people who loved TNG, because they apparently thought a Frenchman with a British accent was more exciting than William Shatner banging green chicks and smacking everybody in sight with his two-fisted hammer smack.

But if FTD or whatever we end up calling it does end up being a significantly different show than its parent, the new fans will still have to contend with the "old farts" of the franchise.

"Who the hell are Brillip and Katmiss?" and "What the fuck is an Unfair Wolf?" are likely to be communication issues, even if the terms are only tossed out in a passing joke.

And it works both ways. Maybe the new show and/or its forum, is not quite as consistently entertaining as this one. So if there ends up being a character on it who the fans are calling... I got nuthin... just looking around the desk and... this character's nickname is... A1 Sauce McScissorston von Keyboard... the Fortieth... it would be nice if I could look up what the hell that was a reference to. 

Names, of course, tend to be easy. I mean, there's no mistaking which character is probably called Father Pee Pants. But it's 2015. Abbreviations can and will happen, more and more often. And, really, with a spinoff, as spoilerphobic as I am, I'm just not sure the same rules apply. For example:

If a "Laverne and Shirley" fan was angry at me for spoiling the end of the Fonzie/ Pinky Tuscadero arc.. I would punch them unconscious in mid-sentence, pour applesauce into their mouth until they drowned, and then feed their newborn children nothing but slightly ground raw acorns. And I would sing to them. And... you have not heard me sing. But I am still very confident that you would prefer Beth.

Just saying.

Neither show is running right now. Seems like a good time to bounce opinions around.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I will hence forth make to my life's mission to find a way to give someone the nickname of, "A1 Sauce McScissorston von Keyboard, the Fortieth" somewhere on this site.


Two things:  1. I agree it might be good to have a way to at least easily cross-reference this thread/list over at FTWD (god, I hate the title and the acronym), with hefty spoiler warnings, of course, and 2. Cletus, you have A-1 sauce by your computer?

Edited by morgankobi
  • Love 5
Should we dopplegang this thread over onto the " F the Dead" forum?


Honestly, I think that I would just put a note at the top of the FTWD thread, and link it directly to this thread, if anyone wants clarification of terminology and nicknames. That's the easiest to do.


With the spinoff though, I not sure we are going to be getting a big amount of cross-discussion, except to talk about how the virus started and spread and maybe when Rick was in the hospital. The events of FTWD take place in the past technically, where CDB hasn't even met up yet but there will be cross-talk.


But good point about the spoilers. Inevitably, someone will mention Walking Dead, but any mention will most likely be about past episodes, which has aired already and no longer are considered spoilers. So basically read at your own risk, I guess.


I'm open to suggestions though.

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I will hence forth make to my life's mission to find a way to give someone the nickname of "A1 Sauce McScissorston von Keyboard, the Fortieth" somewhere on this site

Will you marry me, cuz I totally had that same thought.


Have not yet seen an entry for "Hungry Hungry Hipsters" as an alternate name for the Termites (credit Chris Hardwicke.)

My favorites that you all have coined are FPP and Coral. 

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No kidding! That's awesome, Nashville.  Does this mean Hardwicke is a lurker here? :D

Him personally? Doubt it. But if TD is like most shows these days, TPTB probably have a couple of production assistants or interns or such whose sole job is keeping a finger on whatever social media pulse they can find. :)

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I see characters often being called a "Mary Sue" character. Can someone please explain what exactly that means and where it originated from? Thanks.


The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of wish fulfillment.… [T]he term "Mary Sue" is generally slapped on a character who is important in the story, possesses unusual physical traits, and has an irrelevantly over-skilled or over-idealized nature.

The name "Mary Sue" comes from the 1974 Star Trek fanfic "A Trekkie's Tale."

What is the origin of Dolphin Smooth in connection with Abe?

When Glenn, Rosita, Eugene, Abraham, Tara, and Maggie are making their way from the Gabriel's church toward DC (before that fell apart), there's a discussion of what life could be like after all the walkers are wiped out. Abraham says to Rosita, “Maybe I’ll let you shave me down all over. Dolphin smooth.”

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