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Supernatural Obsession: Quotes, Memorable Moments, etc

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I agree with all the ones you guys named! Other random openings which spring to mind as being favorites for whatever random combination of reasons: Salvation, In My Time of Dying, Hunted, Bad Day at Bad Rock, It's a Terrible Life, a million others that are slipping my mind.  

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All my favorites probably include music, I'm a sucker for a good musical interlude. So, I'll second Hunted, It's A Terrible Life, Nightshifter and add the ending to Folsom Prison Blues with Rooster playing and even though I'm not fond of S8 the opening to We Need To Talk About Kevin is pretty good.


Music or not though, probably my very favorite opening has to be Lazarus Rising. Ironically, I'm just as much of a sucker for a quiet interlude, as well. Which leads me to another great ending with Castiel's appearance--some good shit there.

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I was so busy rambling about openings that i forgot to mention any final scenes. So, for starters: Yeah, what everyone else has said :) 


I also have an eternal soft spot for the final scene of the Pilot ("We've got work to do..."), Nightshifter (for the same reasons as everyone else), Fresh Blood (Dean teaching Sam to care for Metallica in tacit acknowledgment that he'll no longer be around to do it himself---*sniff* THAT'S how you do a more subtle yet infinitely more poignant scene, SPN, not with 172 lines of clunkily chick flick-y, repetitive dialogue!), and so many more that I'll remember after my third cup of coffee :)  

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Fresh Blood (Dean teaching Sam to care for Metallica in tacit acknowledgment that he'll no longer be around to do it himself---*sniff* THAT'S how you do a more subtle yet infinitely more poignant scene, SPN, not with 172 lines of clunkily chick flick-y, repetitive dialogue!), and so many more that I'll remember after my third cup of coffee :)  


Ahh, @mstaken, that is indeed a fine one. And if we are going to be talking about our ::gasp:: feelings, might I also submit the ending to A Very Supernatural Christmas. Oh crap, now I have something in my eye and nobody EVER believes that it's really something in my eye...I am NOT crying people, stop looking at me like that.


Wasn't I promised no chick-flick moments? ;)

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might I also submit the ending to A Very Supernatural Christmas.


Yes, that look on Sam's face (Jared does an excellent job there I think)... So hopeful, but at the same time like he'll be crushed if Dean doesn't like it or says it's stupid or something. That's definitely a great ending in my book.

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Mine would be the same as the original order of his episodes!  Love Tall Tales, like Mystery Spot, don't mind Changing Channels, not a fan of Hammer of the Gods or Meta Fiction. Did I miss any?

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I think only Mystery Spot and Tall Tales should count as real Trickster episodes.


Because Changing Channels is when they pulled that retcon right out of their ass and made him Gabriel. And then it's Gabriel in Hammer of the Gods and notGabriel in Meta Fiction. 

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What @ElleryAnne said. I was very fascinated by whole idea of the trickster and thought it was interesting how they turned him into an angel in the end, but the first two episodes were pure gold, IMO.


I used to wish that they would run across a real trickster now, but then I keep being reminded how they keep ruining some of my favorite things from the early days...I think I will wish with caution on this one.

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@mistaken: Here's one that came up briefly on another thread: What were some of your very favorite opening and/or final scenes? And feel free to name your least favorites as well :)


Very late to the party, but I didn't have the time before now to give this question the attention that I thought it deserved, so even though likely no one cares anymore... I'm gonna do it anyway!


Favorite openings:

(In chronological order)


Hunted: "Go Ask Alice," the whole psychiatrist's interview with Scott, the atmosphere of Scott's walk to his car. It was all good. Awesome opening.

Nightshifter: Great use of the fake camera footage. Well done.

Hollywood Babylon: I thought that the whole movie scene was really well done.

Mystery Spot: Just the right amount of annoying "Heat of the Moment," head bopping and gargling Dean, and put upon Sam.

Ghostfacers: Including the fake credits of course.

Changing Channels: Ditto. And the set design is fantastic.

Lazarus Rising: the beginning is the best part.

Dark Side of the Moon: Even though we knew they wouldn't stay dead, this was well done.

My Bloody Valentine: The actor and actress just really go for it, making this so gross, but also so much fun.

The Man Who Knew Too Much: I enjoyed the mystery and the claustrophobic feel.

Slash Fiction: Leviathan Sam's expression as he admires his "handiwork" at the end of the scene seals the deal for me.

Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: Poor, poor Sam... and hee.


Favorite ending scenes:

(also in chronological order)


Bloody Mary: The Rolling Stone's song is perfect, the brother's conversation is perfect, and Sam's expression when he thinks he sees Jessica gets me every time.

Provenance: I like Sam and Sarah

Devil's Trap: Wait, what? *Monica  Gellar wail* Nooooo!

Nightshifter: duh.

What Is and What Should Never Be: I love that Dean gets himself out and I love what Sam says.

All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1: Sam was so happy and relieved to see Dean...Ouch.

A Very Supernatural Christmas: I have something in my eye. Shut up.

Mystery Spot: Sam's hug of Dean and his haunted look back at the hotel room.

Lazarus Rising: Enter Castiel.

The Monster At the End of This Book: Poor, poor Chuck. Zach is evil.

Free To Be You And Me: The Lucifer reveal was effective for me.

Point of No Return: Dean killed Zachariah and didn't say "yes." Loved it.

Mommie Dearest: Dean kills Eve through a brilliant plan. I'll never hear "Miracles" the same way again.

The Mentalists: This is how you solve a conflict.

Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: the brothers laughing together and a giant slinky. Perfect.

Time After Time: When including the cut scene

Edited by AwesomO4000
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I suck at lists, but the retcon of the Trickster into Gabriel was one of the VERY few (I'm looking at the corporeal reapers!) that worked for me. It actually made more sense that he would be so invested in the Winchesters in Mystery Spot. I remember at the time thinking that it was odd that he was so invested in Sam not going down that path. He must have had a change of heart in Changing Channels after all his interference didn't help and the apocalypse had started.


With that, I think the trickster legends are probably due to him. So, I don't think there are any "real" tricksters.


Ok, lists, lists:

I will restrict myself to seasons 1-3 since I don't have a good memory after that.


Favorite Final Scenes:

Supernatural Christmas

Mystery Spot

Devil's Trap

Route 666 (speaking of subtlety, there was a quiet understanding between older and younger brother that I adore)

Night Shifter

The Magnificent Seven: It's hellfire, Dean!

No Rest of the Wicked: Sam! I must be one of the few people who wasn't surprised that they sent him to hell. It still was incredibly effective.


The one I hate the most with the fire of a thousand supernatural nuns:

Dean tells Sam he was in Hell for 40 years and feels guilty for breaking after 30. My reaction then: Are you kidding me? That's ridiculous! He is 70 years old now? He held out for 30 years? What is he, Superman?

My reaction 5 years later: Whatever. Fast forward. I don't think that's what they were gong for.

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In that same scene,  Dean said every time they tore him apart they would repair him like magic so they could start the torture all over again which I always thought meant return him to his current state (and age).  And everytime Cas heals him I assume that just keeps the aging process slowed way down. So if Dean is resurrected once more from demonity and if he's never resurrected again I figure he'll age normally.

Edited by catrox14
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Yes, I didn't mean physically 70 years old.

I felt he mentally aged since he remembered it all. That's where my reaction came from. If he remembers hell and feels guilty about it he remembers a lifetime.


The whole thing is so overblown and exaggerated that it falls completely flat on its face for me. No matter how much Jesen ackts his little heart out, it does not work for me and I hate it oh so much.

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I'm with ya @supposebly. That was one of the biggest WTF moments I've ever had on this show. I just couldn't (and quite frankly still can't) wrap my little pea brain around the notion that Dean had been tortured for an entire lifetime in Hell and comes out the other side basically the same and making jokes to boot! A fifth of whiskey in the morning and he's good to go. Sorry, but Dean or not, there's no way I can make this work for me so I generally rewrite it in my head to 4 months instead of 40 years. That seems reasonable to me...hell, I could have believed 4 days easier than 40 years.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I'm with ya supposebly. That was one of the biggest WTF moments I've ever had on this show. I just couldn't (and quite frankly still can't) wrap my little pea brain around the notion that Dean had been tortured for an entire lifetime in Hell and comes out the other side basically the same and making jokes to boot! A fifth of whiskey in the morning and he's good to go.



I'm only in the first third of S7, so I any comments from me should be taken with a large grain of salt....but I guess the way I've wrapped my little pea brain around the 4 months/40 years issue is that it functioned like a dreamscape - or nightmare-scape, in this case - where time and sequence and logic have no meaning. Once back on terra firma, his brain did what we all do when we dream: it took all the images and memories and events and created a narrative that assigned the whole event a sense of time, sequence and logic. So it felt like a lifetime, and most of what he remembered did actually happen, but the lived experience was, in fact, only four months.


Having said that, from what I know of Dean so far, I see him as entirely capable of shaking four actual decades of hell off with a few drinks and some bad jokes.


I think the "best" (or at least the most compelling) thing about him is what I've come to think of as the Great Wall of Dean. With Sam's re-soul-ination, Death seems to have tossed up a barrier made of damp drywall and spackle; Dean, on the other hand, had been working on his own wall for almost twenty years before his trip to Hell, and I can see that thing as being strong enough to carrying him through the worst of the post-torture fallout.


Unlike Sam, he was old enough to remember Mary's death, the loss of family normalcy, and Johndisintegrationion. He was assigned (or assigned himself) the job of Sam's protector - not just in terms of his physical safety but in shielding him from the reality of their lives. Later, he became a hunter himself, and had to learn how to maintain an outwardly normal facade while confronting real horror. All that is only possible if you learn how to repress on an Olympian scale: "You shove it down and you let it come out in spurts of violence and alcoholism."  


Also, I think his "safe" place (if not necessarily his happy place) lays in maintaining this little family ecosystem. He comes back from Hell and he's back in the saddle in the Impala and, more importantly, with Sam at his side- his world is intact enough that he can move on....right into the next set of crises, where he falls into his role as Sam's protector, and there's no time to think about himself or what he's endured.


(First-time poster here, so hopefully I didn't screw up anything too badly!)

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People that are good at building up walls will do it till they hit bottom.  Then once they start talking they might not be able to stop.


Dean drank to keep from talking and he wasn't really sleeping in season 4.  But the writing also refuses to deal with the issues, so I can see both sides. 


I wish they had played out the mystery of who is after Dean longer instead of Sam turning bad due to his addiction of the demon blood.  But then again it is always easier to see the mistakes they made in hindsight.

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I was always quite bitter about them never really addressing Dean's post Hell pretty much EVER.  They had the opportunity to address it again in S6 and instead it's largely ignored again because Sam's time in the Cage had to be explored. I really do hope they use s10

to address it since we are getting demon!Dean.


Hey I have a question. Should we be spoiler tagging stuff here at all? Or is it assumed to be a spoiler filled zone.

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Hey I have a question. Should we be spoiler tagging stuff here at all? Or is it assumed to be a spoiler filled zone.


If a thread is not specifically prefixed as being 'Spoilers' or 'No Spoilers', then spoilers should be tagged in there, so yes please tag info for season 10, as some members may not want to know what is coming up beforehand.



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The dialog, silent acting, and music cues are often a highlight for many for a particular episode.  I thought I'd start a thread where people could put out "highlights". Be it a line of dialog, an action scene...whatever sticks with you.


For Black:


Best Line: Crowley (he had at least three I loved) so I had to down-select to just one

"Your brother and I were beginning to wonder if you hit another dog."


Musical Cue: Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western Music pre-foosball


Best Look: EPIC Sam bitchface during conversation w/ Crowley


Honorable Mention: Mickey (Gas-n-Sip attendant): "..I was having a Code Brown moment in my favorite freakin' pants." 

That guy almost stole the episode.

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My favorite lines and moments from




Gas N Sip attendant : That guy was fantastic.  But I liked Jared's response 'So what you just keep on  keepin' on?"  Something about the way Jared landed that really worked for me.  So good. Sometimes Jared's voice hits a certain way that is like butter.  Like when he Latinates.  /whew


Dean: The scene with Ann-Marie in the bedroom when he calls her a skank. I think he was just brilliant there. So layered.


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I loved the gas station attendant, too, with the reenactment of Dean killing the demon and the "Say my name! Say my name! Say. My. Name." and the "Did I conduct field interview?...No."

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As much as I already love the Bitterness Thread and relate to most of the sentiments expressed there, I thought it might be fun to counterbalance it with a thread devoted to why we love the show. How and when did you first fall in love with it? What are some of your very favorite characters, scenes, episodes and seasons? What are some of the funny and touching moments that still get to you no matter how many times you've watched them? This is the place to remind ourselves and each other of why we love(d) SPN! 

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I remember before the pilot aired I kept seeing promos for it and thought it looked good.  Plus I watched Gilmore Girls and liked Jared and it was going to premiere right after it, so why not stick around and watch?  So, I did and I enjoyed it.  I kept watching week after week, but full-blown obsession didn't start until around mid-season.  Then I started rewatching the episodes and learning more about Jared and Jensen and their careers and came to love the actors too.  


I watch this show for two reasons - Sam and Dean.  Everything else comes second to them and their relationship.  Like I would seriously just watch (and love) and episode of the two of them sitting in a room talking for 40 minutes.  They have their flaws and I haven't always loved what the writers have done with them (especially Sam), but I will always watch for them.


Jared and Jensen's off screen relationship makes me love the show even more, if that makes sense.  I love their friendship and this really fun, unique bond they seem to have.  I think they're great and will continue to shell out money to see them play off each other at conventions haha


As for the show itself, most of the time I love it.  There have been times where I'm like "ugh, seriously?" but 90% of the time I'm excited to each new episode.  Most of the stories keep me interested and I've liked most of the season story arcs and how they affect the boys.


It's amazing that this show has been in my life for so long and I've made some great friends and had some great experiences because of it.  It's weird to think about it ending one day.  I hope that's still far off!

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I didn't come to SPN until last year. I'm a binge watcher fan.


2005 me: Fuck this show. These jerks cancelled by favorite show "Angel" and replace it with these  pretty boys who obviously can't act their way out of a paper bag.  Assholes." Bitter as bitter can be.


2013 me: Well, boy am I an idjit. LOL at me. Seriously. H


Holy crap was I wrong.  I think Jensen is one of the 5 most talented actors I have ever laid eyes on and Dean Winchester is one of the most compelling characters I have ever had the pleasure to meet. He sits alongside Wesley Wyndham Price, Gaius Frakking Baltar, Walter White, Jack Harkness,Peggy from Mad Men. Don't get me wrong, I love Sam, I love the boys relationship and their angst. I love the saving people, hunting things. But for me, it's about Dean Winchester.  I am in it for him. And Baby.  And Pie.  And angst.

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I love the chemistry between the characters onscreen and the chemistry between the actors off screen. 


I love that this show awakened a love for myths and legends that I didn't know I possessed.  


I love that, as much as I mock the show for trying too hard to be 'dark' and epic sometimes, there are still always certain interesting, philosophical ideas about our universe, life, death and just being human that still engage me and make me think. 


I love that episodes like Tall Tales, Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Changing Channels, The Real Ghostbusters, Sam Interrupted, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, The French Mistake, Slash Fiction, Plucky Pennywhistle and others can still make me laugh no matter how many times I watch them. 


I love that no matter how much the characters infuriate me and how frustrated I am by their interactions, somehow I still can never say goodbye to them---SPN is like that family member you will always love even when you don't necessarily LIKE him much at all! 

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As another late-bloomer to the show, I love that I have this massive vault of storytelling at my fingertips.  I too dismissed the show early on.  Looked to me like two pretty boys out of WB central casting.  I'm a fan because the internet teased me with insights that seemed like it had more worth. Then an on-line friend talked me into giving it a try and BAM. Right up my alley.  Right away I was grabbed by:

- A REALISTIC relationship with brothers.  Sam stomping on Dean's foot on the bridge, Dean smacking Sam on the back of the head.  BROTHERS.  Sold from the Pilot with great bro-namics.  It made me feel like I was watching a fully developed family relationship that I could relate to.  It's the little shit that makes family family.  So. complaining about the music -- SPOT on.

- Which leads me to MUSIC.  This is MY MUSIC. Every episode had a great set of tunes. 

- Americana. They're from Kansas and I'm from Iowa.  These are my peeps. I recognize the signs of working-class life as my own growing up. At the start, it definitely was pinging my "authentic self" vibe with regards to making-do and muddling on.

- Supernatural themes with moral consequences.  I mainline that shit.

- Angst and self-loathing and yeah... I find some relating there too.

- But then they had to go and introduce Team Free Will.  And shazaam! This is now like adding the fudge sauce to the chocolate cake, with a little bitter black coffee to go along.  I love this shit.  This idea of having the free will to do the right thing, no matter how much you can rationalize doing the wrong thing?  Yep.  That's important to me. 


Finally, I'll add in characters and actors.  This show is nothing without J2.  Kripke must have made a crossroads deal to get these two.  Right time, right place. They sell the central relationship so very very well.  And both handle their individual story lines skillfully.  But it also goes beyond J2.  Misha took it next level. And so did Jim Beavers.  Jim provided that stability the show needed for so very long.  He was like a comfort blanket.  Mark Shepard just steals every f*cking scene he's in but he's so witty I just don't care. And then there's the second tier: the long line of brilliant recurring cast they get and the way they flesh them out so well in the script.  Finally there's the mighty one-offs.  Gas-n-Sip dude from "Black" just being the latest example of someone who comes in and between script and actor just LANDS a scene.  "Kinda bummed" teen and cougar-lady from S9 also come to mind.  


In short, I could gush all freaking day about just any ONE of these topics.  I'm kinda a fan.  Did 'ya notice?   

Edited by SueB
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But then they had to go and introduce Team Free Will.  And shazaam! This is now like adding the fudge sauce to the chocolate cake, with a little bitter black coffee to go along.  I love this shit.  This idea of having the free will to do the right thing, no matter how much you can rationalize doing the wrong thing?  Yep.  That's important to me.


Beautifully said! I'm loving the fifth (and even sixth) seasons more and more as I rewatch, and those kind of philosophical themes are one major reason why. Castiel actually didn't do much for me initially, but now that I'm watching again I find myself really enjoying him and appreciating his role. So I guess I can add 'I still find new things to love and to change my mind about for the better' to the list I posted above yours! 

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When I saw the pilot, I was in the late stages (slowly coming down) of a late-bloomer obsession with the X-files. So, when I saw John Shiban in the credits (who wrote one of the most ridiculous episodes of the X-files), I was not impressed.

Overall, I had this feeling that they were trying to catch lightning in a bottle again with two main characters and the atmosphere of filming in BC, and I kinda felt Supernatural was a cheap ripoff. Add to that some local actors that I had come to love through the X-files and I thought, nah. I related to Sam from the start (although I'm the oldest, I'm also the one who moved away from the family at an early age). I didn't think much of Dean. I also had seen Dark Angel with Jensen, so it felt like it was the same character as Alec with the leather jacket and the one-liners and the car. I watched maybe three episodes and then went back and tried to find something good with season 8 of the X-files. Needless to say, I didn't find much.


Summer 2007, I was bedridden for quite a while, and I thought, ok, worst case scenario, I fall asleep. Best case scenario, I might not hate it. I started again and for some reason, the brothers' chemistry and the way their relationship felt real enchanted me this time. So, I caught up on season 1 and 2 within the span of a week, and the rest is history and I've been watching and complaining and obsessing ever since.


I watch for their relationship, how it has changed over time. I try to ignore the main issues I have had with the show since about season 4 and oddly enough, I'm getting the feeling it is moving back to focus on their relationship. I repeatedly thought that the writing is rather subpar and especially for Sam, more plot-driven than character-driven and there are so many missed opportunities and often I get banged on the head with too many heavy anvils, but once I focus on the brothers, I'm mostly happy.


And overall, they've managed to keep it somewhat fresh, which is quite an accomplishment because I can't think of a serialized show that hasn't seriously lost quality after 5 years. Not that this hasn't happened with Supernatural, but there is still enough freshness and the brother's relationship is still relatable enough that I keep watching. Having said that, I think it's time to end it. 10 years is an exceptionally good run and one should end a story at some point before it gets altogether too mired in its own retcons and new writers who can't be bothered to pay attention to canon in the desperate search for new stories or the inevitable happens and people can't wait until they end it and run away before that.


Supernatural is my second TV obsession and it seems, I might not find time or energy for another one. But then, that's ok.

Edited by supposebly
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Attempting to answer...


Season 1: Pilot, Hell House and The Benders

Season 2: In My Time of Dying, Born Under a Bad Sign and Tall Tales

Season 3: Bad Day at Bad Rock, A Very Supernatural Christmas and Mystery Spot

Season 4: In the Beginning, Wishful Thinking and It's a Terrible Life

Season 5: The End, Changing Channels and Sam, Interrupted

Season 6: Weekend at Bobby's, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, Frontierland 

Season 7: Slash Fiction, How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters, Plucky Pennywhistle  


I didn't like Seasons 8 and 9 enough to watch them more than once, so I can't really pick favorites from those seasons!  

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There weren't as many outstanding lines IMO for this episode.  Obviously the quoting of The Princess Bride was excellent but I'm looking for original lines.  Here's my thoughts:





Best Line: "If the wife's not dead, I don't get the soul. It's Math." Crowley explaining Demonology 101 to Dean, who has no f*cks to give.


Best  Non-Verbal: The choreography of the Dean/Cole fight scene.  Dean just p'wned that dude.  I noticed that when Cole used Kung Fu, Dean used Kung Fu.  All of Dean's moves were open-handed. Like -- meh, barely a sweat.  Nicely done IMO.


Honorable Mention: "Like I said Loser, with a capital "L", rhymes with "You Suck."  Even Demon!Dean was better than misogynistic pig Lester. 

Edited by SueB
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My favorite moment from Reichenbach is the moment right before Dean shoves Crowley across the room and the stare down after that. The way Dean just flashes is endlessly intriguing for me.  Some of Jensen's best work ever IMO. And that is saying something.


Best Line: "Whatever I want".   Just the way Jensen infused it with every ounce of clarity and purpose. Chilling

Edited by catrox14
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...You actually spend money to become the proud owner of movies like Stonehenge Apocalypse, My Bloody Valentine and Cry Wolf. 


...You waste several hours a day staring at YouTube clips of the show *despite* already owning the DVDs and recording episodes on TNT. 


...You drink out of a coffee mug that features Metallicar and then decide that just ONE Metallicar coffee mug isn't enough for any human being, so you order another.  


...You routinely make goofy jokes about being 'touched by an angel' that no real life friends understand. 


...Instead of counting sheep when you can't sleep, you challenge yourself to name and rank episodes of SPN. 



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Just coming here to post that. The mp3 I have just called it Dean's Dirty not sure why lol. The riff at the beginning is my twitter notification. Yes I'm pathetic

Edited by catrox14
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If that counts as pathetic, then at least you're not alone. :-)


You know you're obsessed with Supernatural when you record the ringtone that plays from Dean's cell phone off an episode so you can have it as your ringtone too.

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For Halloween karaoke tonight, I'm planning on singing:


Don't Fear the Reaper

Carry On, Wayward Son

White Rabbit

Space Oddity


Bad Moon Rising


And, if I can manage it without cracking up too badly:


Eye of the Tiger

Rock of Ages

One Way or Another


I've been practicing.  *sheepish grin*

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Fan Fiction was (for me) one long series of memorable moments so I'm going to stick with quotes that are "keepers" IMO:


Dean: "I'm going to need 50 jello shots and a hose down to get this stink off me."

I can see this working into my everyday lexicon.


Dean: "...then Cas and Dean got stuck in Purgatory, Sam hit a dog..."

That Sam hit a dog makes the highlights reel! Dean really didn't get over that did he?  Personally I think it's another fandom shout-out because WE didn't get over it.


Callopie: "There's robots and tentacles. In space. I can't even."

Speaking for the fandom on many a plot.


Maeve: "Okay, we're through the looking glass people."

It's all in the delivery...she just pulls this off so well IMO.

Edited by SueB
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I asked this in another thread, but I think it may be more appropriate here! Now that we've hit 200 episodes, what are the 10-15 episodes that you love most? Not even necessarily the highest quality episodes, but your personal favorites that you're forever wanting to rewatch :)

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Okay making this list surprised the hell out of me. The first surprise being that I ended up cutting all of season 1 out of the list - which I did not expect to do at all, but there just wasn't any room and I realized I liked watching the other episodes on the list multiple times more often. Odd.


This list does not at present include "Fan Fiction", but I suspect that eventually it will. I just don't know what I would kick off to replace it with.


Okay here it is in chronological order...


1) Hollywood Babylon
2) Tall Tales
3) What Is And What Should Never Be
4)  A Very Supernatural Christmas
5) Mystery Spot
6) It’s A Terrible Life
7) The Monster At the End of This Book
8) Changing Channels
9) The Real Ghostbusters
10) Point of No Return
11) Mommy Dearest
12) The Man Who Knew Too Much
13) * Hello Cruel World
14) Slash Fiction
15) Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie **


* "Meet the New Boss" would usually go here - I like to watch those as a three-for

** Tough choice there - could be replaced by "Ghostfacers," "Weekend At Bobby's," "Fronteirland" or "Clap Your Hands..." on another day


(Okay so it's more of a top 20. I did my best.)

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Well, I'll bite. Mine tend to be based more on interactions, reactions, and they way the guys play off each other -- I guess that's what sticks with me.

In chronological order (for the sake of my internal fandom):

1. Phantom Traveler

2. In My Time of Dying

3. Everybody Loves a Clown

4. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

5. Mystery Spot

6. Jus in Bello

7. No Rest For the Wicked

8. Lazarus Rising

9. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester

10. Wishful Thinking

11. The End

12. Sam, Interrupted

13. Point of No Return

14. Frontierland

15. Hello Cruel World

There are a few more that should probably have some place on my list (Playthings, My Bloody Valentine, Two and a Half Men) because as weird and/or disturbing as I thought they were, I used to watch them repeatedly. But i guess this is official unofficial list for me -- at least until I figure where Fan Fiction is gonna squeeze in.

Edited by RandomMe
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This is nearly an impossible task for me--there's probably 15 in S2 alone that I adore--however, I do hate to leave a challenge unanswered, so here goes. For me, it's the more creative episodes where they took a risk and stepped outside of the standard format. And of course I do prefer the banter to the bicker, so most of mine are from the first few seasons.


  1. Pilot
  2. Scarecrow
  3. In My Time of Dying
  4. The Usual Suspects
  5. Nightshifter
  6. Born Under a Bad Sign
  7. Tall Tales
  8. Hollywood Babylon
  9. Bad Day at Black Rock
  10. A Very Supernatural Christmas
  11. Dream a Little Dream of Me
  12. Mystery Spot
  13. Wishful Thinking
  14. It's a Terrible Life
  15. The Monster at the End of This Book
  16. Changing Channels
  17. Weekend at Bobby's
  18. Death's Door
  19. Time After Time
  20. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie


Sorry, I can't figure which other five to cut and I've already spent too much time pondering this to begin with.

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