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Days of Our Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome, or SORAS

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When is gabi you going to have a birthday?? Her birth year is 1992 I think 🤔 Eli grant birth year is 1985 ,1984,1983,

Ciara age is 21/22 Claire is 20/21 trip is 22/23 

when is Johnny Allie Sydney going to be aged ???

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So I haven't watched in a really long time.

I saw somewhere that Jack was back.

On Demand has like three months of old episodes so I found the one where he is revealed at the New Year's party.

I think I have seen an outbreak of SORAS that is going to make me violently ill.

So Eve has been giving me a recap of this horror show.

I'm mildly ill that Eve has been involved with JJ and Brady.  But different actress.  I can cope with this.

But OMG, Jennifer and Eric.  I think I need to throw up.

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8 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

But OMG, Jennifer and Eric.  I think I need to throw up.

I feel like it's less SORAS than trying to pretend that Jennifer is still only in her 40's like Eric is.

Kind of like how post-SORAS Claire isn't allowed to have any scenes with Hope and if it does happen, you can guarantee she's not ever going to call her grandma.

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

I feel like it's less SORAS than trying to pretend that Jennifer is still only in her 40's like Eric is.

But the two of them are only six years apart in age. Real life isn't icky. 

I suspect that they had no idea that the slow death of Soaps would lead to legacy characters staying as viable leads long past when they would have been relegated to matriarch/patriarch who give advice give with no story of their own.

And that is great.  The age part, not the soap dying part.

But hindsight being 20:20, there should be a rule that once a kid is SORASed all subsequent post - teen recasting should freeze or slightly reverse the age of the character until they reach their "natural" age.  Lest the only viable love interests are people who were infants/not born when the rest of the cast were fully grown adults and friends of their parents/grandparents.

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9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Kind of like how post-SORAS Claire isn't allowed to have any scenes with Hope and if it does happen, you can guarantee she's not ever going to call her grandma.

I like Claire as a character, but as someone who graduated the same year as the Last Blast kids, the whole situation bugs me so much. It’s easier to SORAS the kids of older parents rather than have me keep wondering if Belle and Shawn must now be approaching 50. 

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It's a SORAS no doubt but Shawn and Belle did have Claire young.  To me it is all about how you play it and what is perceived versus what is shown.  I'm personally ok with thinking of Shawn and Belle as really late 30's in order to believe that Claire is 20.  Yeah it's a SORAS but it not that huge of one.  Same with Hope as "Grandma".

Let's not forget that Hope was very young when she had Shawn as well.

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3 hours ago, JBC344 said:

It's a SORAS no doubt but Shawn and Belle did have Claire young.  To me it is all about how you play it and what is perceived versus what is shown.  I'm personally ok with thinking of Shawn and Belle as really late 30's in order to believe that Claire is 20.  Yeah it's a SORAS but it not that huge of one.  Same with Hope as "Grandma".

Let's not forget that Hope was very young when she had Shawn as well.

They also deaged Shawn to put him with Belle. Claire being aged limits their story potential and ages them as well in my opinion. I would have preferred Shelle to be driving stories and for Claire to age naturally as they have other children. Claire and Ciara didn't need to age so fast. Ciara had so much potential as a grey hat. A badass female Kiriakis who would make Victor look like a pussycat would have been awesome to see. Lauren Boles is the only Ciara for me. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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On 2/5/2019 at 2:40 PM, Apprentice79 said:

They also deaged Shawn to put him with Belle. Claire being aged limits their story potential and ages them as well in my opinion. I would have preferred Shelle to be driving stories and for Claire to age naturally as they have other children. Claire and Ciara didn't need to age so fast. Ciara had so much potential as a grey hat. A badass female Kiriakis who would make Victor look like a pussycat would have been awesome to see. Lauren Boles is the only Ciara for me. 

Shawn was never deSORASed.  Belle was significantly SORASed to be paired with him.

Shawn was born in 1987.  He aged pretty naturally (having the standard 1-2 year jump in early childhood casting changes) up until he was briefly sent to boarding school in the late 98/99 ish as a 12 or 13 year old and then returned months later a 16 year old HS junior (Jason Cook) with the Last Blast set.  At that point he was approximately 4 years older than his on screen birth would have him. 

Belle, on the other hand, was born in 1993.  She was a 5 or 6 year old flower girl  at her parents' wedding in 1999, and then John and Marlena return from their honeymoon and suddenly Belle, too, was a 16 year old junior in the form of Kirsten Storms.

Phillip was the most SORASed of the group having originally been born in 1995. 

I think the Last Blast kids graduated from HS in 2000.  But they had a 10 year reunion in 2007 when Chloe first returned without Brady.  And they've been age-vagued as late 30s ish ever since. 

Claire and Ciara were born in 2005 and 2006, respectively.  So they have been aged quite a bit. They were aged to about 17 in 2015 and are now both 21 ish. 

Hope, being barely mid 50's with a son in his late 30s and a granddaughter just over 21 is stretching things.  But it's still slightly better that when Scotty Banning returned to Salem the 20 year old grandson of a 45 year old Julie. 

Edited by RachelKM
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On 4/24/2019 at 11:23 AM, RachelKM said:

Shawn was never deSORASed.  Belle was significantly SORASed to be paired with him.

Shawn was born in 1987.  He aged pretty naturally (having the standard 1-2 year jump in early childhood casting changes) up until he was briefly sent to boarding school in the late 98/99 ish as a 12 or 13 year old and then returned months later a 16 year old HS junior (Jason Cook) with the Last Blast set.  At that point he was approximately 4 years older than his on screen birth would have him. 

Belle, on the other hand, was born in 1993.  She was a 5 or 6 year old flower girl  at her parents' wedding in 1999, and then John and Marlena return from their honeymoon and suddenly Belle, too, was a 16 year old junior in the form of Kirsten Storms.

Phillip was the most SORASed of the group having originally been born in 1995. 

I think the Last Blast kids graduated from HS in 2000.  But they had a 10 year reunion in 2007 when Chloe first returned without Brady.  And they've been age-vagued as late 30s ish ever since. 

Claire and Ciara were born in 2005 and 2006, respectively.  So they have been aged quite a bit. They were aged to about 17 in 2015 and are now both 21 ish. 

Hope, being barely mid 50's with a son in his late 30s and a granddaughter just over 21 is stretching things.  But it's still slightly better that when Scotty Banning returned to Salem the 20 year old grandson of a 45 year old Julie. 

Its no secret that I find sarah Horton's de-SORASing to be an insult to the point where i refuse to recognise Lynsey Godfrey as Mickey and Maggie's daughter. The show should rather de -S0RAS Scotty Banning.

This is the only de-SORAS i would get behind

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Abby and Will are probably the least SORASed characters on the show. In Abby's case, her SORAS was kind of followed by a holding pattern where she stayed in college for what seemed like a really long time until she was more or less caught up to where she should be. She seems placed in the late 20's/early 30's crowd which is where she should be.

Belle's SORAS led to a mindfuck moment where she and Will met up after he came back from the dead, and she told this lovely story about what an adorable little kid he was, and you remember that they should have been peers. But I don't think anyone would have been buying 1999 Sami as the mother of a teenager. LOL.

Will's cannon birth year seems to be 1992 now, which is only 3 years older than his on-screen birth.

I would have added Shawn to this, because at one point he was only 4 years older than he should be, but Claire's SORAS kind of pushed his age up to at least 40. If we go with his Last Chance Blast age he should only be about 35. His on-screen birth would make him 32.

On 4/24/2019 at 5:23 AM, RachelKM said:

Hope, being barely mid 50's with a son in his late 30s and a granddaughter just over 21 is stretching things.  But it's still slightly better that when Scotty Banning returned to Salem the 20 year old grandson of a 45 year old Julie. 

Hope herself was a pretty heavy SORAS- she was born on-screen in 1975 and was an 18-year old by 1983.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 3/7/2015 at 6:49 PM, bobcat1946 said:

Ali is a Horton and female Horton has never done anything wrong and never will.  A male sometimes like Nick but never a female. I did learn that much from abifail.

Nope, it looks like they're going with suddenly 22-year old Allie being a pregnant troublemaker. I'm surprised they didn't make her 16 but I guess this show wants her in Ciara's cohort.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 10/3/2019 at 8:28 AM, methodwriter85 said:

Abby and Will are probably the least SORASed characters on the show. In Abby's case, her SORAS was kind of followed by a holding pattern where she stayed in college for what seemed like a really long time until she was more or less caught up to where she should be. She seems placed in the late 20's/early 30's crowd which is where she should be.

Belle's SORAS led to a mindfuck moment where she and Will met up after he came back from the dead, and she told this lovely story about what an adorable little kid he was, and you remember that they should have been peers. But I don't think anyone would have been buying 1999 Sami as the mother of a teenager. LOL.

Will's cannon birth year seems to be 1992 now, which is only 3 years older than his on-screen birth.

I would have added Shawn to this, because at one point he was only 4 years older than he should be, but Claire's SORAS kind of pushed his age up to at least 40. If we go with his Last Chance Blast age he should only be about 35. His on-screen birth would make him 32.

Hope herself was a pretty heavy SORAS- she was born on-screen in 1975 and was an 18-year old by 1983.

Shawn and Belle were SORAS'd back in 1999 and their year of birth was re adjusted to 1984. Philip's year of birth was stated to be 1985 when he was sent to hospital after his leg got blown off by a landmine . 


So technically , Shawn and Belle should be 36 years old now . And Claire should be 15 since her onscreen birth was back in 2005 .  And then that hack Dena Higley forgot all that and made Claire an 18 year old in 2015 ,totally forgeting Belle and Shawn's 1999 SORAS. that was incompetence at its finest . They should have rather SORASed Ciara alone since Bo and Hope were realistically able to have an  a semi adult daughter .


This why Abby wasnt SORASed when Brady got SORASED . Its cause Jennifer was 29 years old in the year 1999 since her year of birth was re-adjusted from 1976 to 1970 . It would have been outlandish for Jen to have a teen daughter at that age . 


Claire should have just grown in real time because her parents werent old enough to have an adult daughter . They should have brought in Joy Wesley ,Chloe's sister and have her be Ciara's frenemy. 

Edited by Rafael
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6 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

John referring to Brady as a "young man" made me giggle due to Brady currently being played by a guy pushing 50. Eric Martsolf looks pretty good but "young man" he is not. 

And isn't Brady supposed to be significantly younger than Sami?  He actually looks older than her now.  Belle should also be about 15 years younger than Sami but in order for her to have a daughter as old as Claire she needs to be late 30's as well.  

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Again though, nothing will ever compare to the mindfuck of the EJ Soras, as I watched the character I saw born in the summer of 1997 when I was 11 come back as a 27-year old in 2006 when I was 20. if they were going to SORAS EJ he should have been in the Ashley Benson Abigail/Chad/Chelsea/Max/Stephanie teen scene. Then there was the moment where EJWill is reading "his" birth certificate and Susan put peanut butter on the year, presumably because EJ is so much older than Will. Meanwhile Will was born onscreen two years before EJ was, but now EJ is over a decade older.

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On 9/16/2020 at 4:35 PM, methodwriter85 said:

Again though, nothing will ever compare to the mindfuck of the EJ Soras, as I watched the character I saw born in the summer of 1997 when I was 11 come back as a 27-year old in 2006 when I was 20. if they were going to SORAS EJ he should have been in the Ashley Benson Abigail/Chad/Chelsea/Max/Stephanie teen scene. Then there was the moment where EJWill is reading "his" birth certificate and Susan put peanut butter on the year, presumably because EJ is so much older than Will. Meanwhile Will was born onscreen two years before EJ was, but now EJ is over a decade older.

That was the worst soras even for a soap.  Chad should have been EJ and the actor who played EJ should have been either Tony and Anna's son raised by Stefano or the 1986 baby of John and Marlena when she was presumed dead.. Marlena was in a coma for 5 years it would not be implausible that Stefano kept their child and raised him as his son. Plus, it would have spared us the gemini twins in Rex and Cassie who should have been Orpheus kids. They should have come back to Salem years ago seeking revenge on John Marlena and Roman..

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On 9/16/2020 at 10:30 AM, DaphneCat said:

And isn't Brady supposed to be significantly younger than Sami?  He actually looks older than her now.  Belle should also be about 15 years younger than Sami but in order for her to have a daughter as old as Claire she needs to be late 30's as well.  

Off the top of my head, here are the ACTUAL birth years of some of the characters whose ages were jacked around. And yeah, SORAS (and de-SORAS!) really fucked with the timeline.

Mike Horton: Born 1973 (and yet was MARRIED that same decade!) Note: Other sources say 1968. But the rest stands. From birth to marriage in less than a decade!

Scotty Banning: Born 1974

Hope Williams (Brady): Born 1975

Jennifer Horton (Deveraux): Born 1976

Carrie Brady: Born 1978

Sarah Horton: Born 1981

Sami and Eric Brady: Born 1984

Shawn-Douglas Brady: Born 1987

Brady Black: Born 1992

Abigail Deveraux (DiMera): Born 1992

Isabella (Belle) Black (Brady): Born 1993

Will Horton: Born 1995

Phillip Kiriakis: Born 1995

E.J. DiMera: Born 1997

Claire Brady: Born 2005

Ciara Brady (refuse to add the serial killer's name): 2006

Allie Horton: Born 2007


Soooooo...the bulk of these characters grew up (or reversed course!) at warp speed. Brady and Abby were born just 5 months apart, but Abigail is now about a DECADE younger than Brady, as one example.

A few prominent characters, I did have to look up. (For example, Mike the character was born only a year after me, so I didn't know his, but knew he had quite the SORAS (and De-SORAS) history...)

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4 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Off the top of my head, here are the ACTUAL birth years of some of the characters whose ages were jacked around. And yeah, SORAS (and de-SORAS!) really fucked with the timeline.

Mike Horton: Born 1973 (and yet was MARRIED that same decade!)

Scotty Banning: Born 1974

Hope Williams (Brady): Born 1975

Jennifer Horton (Deveraux): Born 1976

Carrie Brady: Born 1978

Sarah Horton: Born 1981

Sami and Eric Brady: Born 1984

Shawn-Douglas Brady: Born 1987

Brady Black: Born 1992

Abigail Deveraux (DiMera): Born 1992

Isabella (Belle) Black (Brady): Born 1993

Will Horton: Born 1995

Phillip Kiriakis: Born 1995

E.J. DiMera: Born 1997

Claire Brady: Born 2005

Ciara Brady (refuse to add the serial killer's name): 2006

Allie Horton: Born 2007


Soooooo...the bulk of these characters grew up (or reversed course!) at warp speed. Brady and Abby were born just 5 months apart, but Abigail is now about a DECADE younger than Brady, as one example.

So THAT explains Allie's behavior.  She should only be about 13!  (For the purposes of a pregnancy story line I'll accept a 2-3 year SORAS - which would make her 15 or 16 - someone you wouldn't be surprised if she acted the way she does.)

Course if you went by the actual dates, Belle had Claire when she was 12 so....

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2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Great list - thanks! And yikes!


Were Brady/Abigail ever hinted to be soulmates in the making way back when?

No, not that I recall. But Jenn/Isabella grew friendly (as Isabella/Jack were the main friends) since they were pregnant at the same time, if I recall.

I also recall that the show - back when it was good and could tug at emotions - had Isabella dying in John's arms in Italy (with baby Brady also around with a nanny) while Jenn was giving birth to Abigail back in Salem (with Jack delivering since they were at Tom and Alice's cabin) in the same episode. (Sobbed like a baby in my dorm room watching it when it aired.)

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11 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Great list - thanks! And yikes!


Were Brady/Abigail ever hinted to be soulmates in the making way back when?

Yes, they were hinted as being a destiny couple.  Jack and Isabella's kids loving each other and eventually having kids would have a been a great homage to their awesome friendship..

Edited by Pearson80
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17 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Sarah Horton: Born 1981

So Sarah was de-SORASed?  Because her real age fits better with Xander.  I understand that the actress is younger, but I would buy Sarah as 39 years old, with Xander being the actor's age of 40.  (Except for the fact that the actress plays her as so immature.  She basically talks to Xander in baby-talk, and it's incredibly annoying.  I don't remember her acting like that before the time jump or when she was with Eric.  I can't even watch her scenes anymore when she does that.)

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21 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

So Sarah was de-SORASed?  Because her real age fits better with Xander.  I understand that the actress is younger, but I would buy Sarah as 39 years old, with Xander being the actor's age of 40.  (Except for the fact that the actress plays her as so immature.  She basically talks to Xander in baby-talk, and it's incredibly annoying.  I don't remember her acting like that before the time jump or when she was with Eric.  I can't even watch her scenes anymore when she does that.)

Sarah was aged up the last time she was on the show to be Carrie's peer, then, she de-sorased when she came back on the show..  The actress would have been better as Stefanie Johnson..

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wow, she is younger than I thought.

I don't think she comes off much younger than 38 at all tbh.

I'm sorry, I think she comes off as 14 a lot of the time.  The baby talk, the recent wardrobe... she's like an immature teenager lately.

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I was rewatching clips of the Broe storyline and it was funny to see Young Dark-Haired Abigail who looked about 11 (which was pretty close to right) in a hospital scene where they're doing the bone marrow drive for Chloe. Brady was of course celebrating his 21st birthday at about this time in 2002, meaning his SORAS had been pushed back to 1981. Kyle Lowder was born in '80, I think. And Eric Martsolf was born in '71, I believe.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 9/21/2020 at 3:17 PM, Pearson80 said:

Sarah was aged up the last time she was on the show to be Carrie's peer, then, she de-sorased when she came back on the show..  The actress would have been better as Stefanie Johnson..

Abigail was aged up a few years, then she went into a holding pattern where she was in the college crowd FOREVER, so she's more or less where she should be in the 30-ish crowd. She and Will are the most gentle cases of SORAS (about 3-4 years)  I can think of for legacy characters that grew up on the show. (I would have added Shawn D, but there's no way this show maintained his SORAS of 1984...it had to have been pushed back at least to 1979 because Claire was now born circa 1998.) The average is usually 7-10 years, i.e. Claire and Hope, who if you noticed almost never called her Grandma when ORK came on the scene. Lol I think NuClaire has called her Grandma Hope, though, although she generally avoids referring to Ciara as her aunt. I'm kind of surprised this show hasn't brought in a hunky 22-year old underwear model to play "16"-year old Parker who hates Kristen and schemes to get Brady with Chloe. Of course that is a story that would actually be good classic family soap so we can't have that. I also get the feeling this show will never do another teen scene after the Last Chance Blast redux failed so badly.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Allie and Johnny's SORAS birth year is now 2000, back from 2007. Total par for the course for this show. So they're 22 as they're supposed to be living in spring 2023. I don't know if the show even acknowledges that time jump anymore.

It's still funny to me that Parker, Ariana, and Sydney probably SHOULD get SORAS to young adulthood, but there doesn't seem to be any peeps about that.

Why the hell hasn't Joy shown up yet? She was born in 2003, so she should be about 35 years old and with teenaged children now. Maybe she's too busy with her own crumbling marriage.

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

Why the hell hasn't Joy shown up yet? She was born in 2003, so she should be about 35 years old and with teenaged children now. Maybe she's too busy with her own crumbling marriage.

Joy and Parker took advantage of Craig and Nancy's absence and sold the New York apartment, pocketed the money, changed their names and took off for parts unknown.

They're no fools - unlike their Salem relations.

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16 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Allie and Johnny's SORAS birth year is now 2000, back from 2007. Total par for the course for this show. So they're 22 as they're supposed to be living in spring 2023. I don't know if the show even acknowledges that time jump anymore.

It's still funny to me that Parker, Ariana, and Sydney probably SHOULD get SORAS to young adulthood, but there doesn't seem to be any peeps about that.

Why the hell hasn't Joy shown up yet? She was born in 2003, so she should be about 35 years old and with teenaged children now. Maybe she's too busy with her own crumbling marriage.

Sydney has been SORASED, she is in college.  Sami and EJ talked about her before Sami was kidnapped last year. 

Joy missing from the Craig/Nancy storyline is a glaring omission.  We have wanted Joy to show up for years. 

I'm guessing we will get late teen, Parker and Ari next. 

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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope Parker absolutely hates Chloe. He should lol.

I feel like CB and CM still look too young to have a late teen as a kid.

I would love it Parker was like the way Kyle Lower's Brady started out, all moody and angry.

I'm starting to think the reason why there hasn't been an re-establishment of the teen scene in the show is because the show just doesn't have the money to do one and the Salem High set has been dismantled and they don't have the money to build new one.

As for CB/CM, I think it's like AS...Sami just couldn't be believed as the mother of a teenager because she was like 19 when she "had" Will. It's why Will is one of the most gentle cases of SORAS on the show (1992 vs. 1995)...once AS got old enough they didn't mind SORASing her other kids because by now it's believable she could have young adult kids.

Edited by methodwriter85
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20 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Sydney has been SORASED, she is in college.  Sami and EJ talked about her before Sami was kidnapped last year. 

She was about nine years old on Beyond Salem last year.


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4 hours ago, RedElf said:

She was about nine years old on Beyond Salem last year.

That was just a fantasy though; a movie Will was writing. 

I think if they bring her onto the actual show she'd likely be college-aged, like they've apparently said on the show. Although, I thought they said she was in boarding school lol.

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On 5/1/2022 at 3:00 PM, peachmangosteen said:

That was just a fantasy though; a movie Will was writing. 

I think if they bring her onto the actual show she'd likely be college-aged, like they've apparently said on the show. Although, I thought they said she was in boarding school lol.

Sydney is only two years younger than the twins.  I think they used the term "school" people assumed it was boarding school as opposed to college not knowing her age. 

Sydney should be 21/22 now. 

Edited by JBC344
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On 5/5/2022 at 9:32 PM, JBC344 said:

Sydney is only two years younger than the twins.  I think they used the term "school" people assumed it was boarding school as opposed to college not knowing her age. 

Sydney should be 21/22 now. 

Again though, that means nothing. Sami as a teenager set up Belle to be adopted into the black market, and now they look like Irish twins even though by actual age, Sami is 38 and Belle is 29. Will was born on-screen before EJ was, and EJ was his stepfather. When Will came back to the show, Belle talked about Will being a little boy that she'd babysit and that always kind of made me giggle.

Then that takes us to Kristen/Susan. They SHOULD be roughly the same age because the show established the EJ paternity stuff and switcheroo Parent Trap shenanigans. Eileen Davidson is in her early 60's while Stacey Haiduk is in her mid-50's. If Kristen was able to have a child without using a surrogate egg/IVF, she basically couldn't be older than early 50's, mid-50's by now. EJ is now supposed to be roughly around 42 years old, so basically this means that Susan had him in her early 20's, while Kirsten was a 15-year old. That's funny to imagine. LOL

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 5/5/2022 at 9:32 PM, JBC344 said:

Sydney should be 21/22 now. 

This doesn't mean much but according to good ol' Wikia, the Devil Twins were now born in 2000 so if the age difference was maintained, Sydney was born in 2002-ish now. So the twins are 23 while Sydney is 21 because it's supposed to be 2023. Again, that's ONLY if the age difference was maintained and that's a big if with this show. LOL

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Personally, if the show brings Sydney to canvas, I hope they deSORAS her to a teenager. We, the audience, didn't get a chance to see EJ raise a teenaged Johnny, and I do think we lose something from a character when we don't see them raise teenagers. So much of who Marlena and Sami are today are because of those teenaged years. The same for Jarlena and Belle, Jarlena, Roman and Carrie. Bope and Shawn. I wasn't around then, but I've even read how Alice/teenaged Jennifer allowed for a different version of Alice to be shown. The teenaged years allow for a unique characterization for both the parent and the child, and I think EJ, Brady, Chloe, Eric and Nicole all need those moments.

That last line brings me to my second thought as to why I want a teenaged Sydney.  A Sydney vs. Holly rivalry seems like it has years/decades worth of potential and it brings characters together who have little reason to interact but should. Sydney vs. Holly brings a natural EJ vs Nicole/Eric dynamic. Because of the Nicole/Sydney/EJ and even Brady history there's a lot of reasons for that rivalry to impact the adults, as well.

A Parker/Sydney teen pairing not only impact the Parker/Holly sibling relationship but it can impact the Chloe/Brady and Nicole/Eric dynamic as well. It could also reawaken the Brady/EJ rivalry. 

There's also whatever stepsibling dynamic they give Parker/Rachel and whatever cousin dynamic they give Sydney/Rachel.

Personally, I would add a teenaged son of Peter Blake or a heavily deSORASED Pocket Kirakis - this would give Bonnie a legitimate reason to be on canvas, Kate would have more reason to meddle into a teenaged grandson's life and of course there's Pocket's history with Stayla and Shelle. I realize the Shelle history would be difficult to reference with the heavily SORASED Claire, but soaps have done stranger things.

I think a Sydney/Holly/Parker/Rachel/Pocket/Peter Jr. teen scene could work. 

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On 10/14/2022 at 4:16 AM, Chellfairy said:

I agree, we need a new teen scene.

Gabi did just say that Ariana is almost a teenager and this might be her last year trick or treating so I think an SoRAS is probably imminent.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 10/9/2022 at 3:29 PM, 4evaQuez said:

Personally, if the show brings Sydney to canvas, I hope they deSORAS her to a teenager.

EJ just mentioned that maybe Sydney could be a flower girl for his wedding to Nicole, which made me go, "What the fuck?" Even without SORAS, Sydney would be 14 years old now. You ask a 14-year old girl if she wants to be a flower girl and be prepared for a long rant about how she's not a little girl anymore.

If we go with typical SORAS, Sydney should be 22 years old, if we go with the twins having been born in 1999 and she being born in 2001.

It would be funny though if Sydney showed up to Salem still a little girl, just because all of her siblings are either in their 20's or early 30's now.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I think that was either a writing flub or Dan F read the line wrong. In either Tuesday or today's episode they had Nicole clear it up. When speaking with Johnny she tells him they wanted Sydney to be their witness, acknowledging she is an adult currently.  But yes Sydney is only 2 1/2 yrs younger than the twins so 22-23 is about right. 

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