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Meanwhile, when Kurt and Blaine finally reunite as a couple they are all too aware of the mistakes and regrets of their past, but supportive words from family and friends inspire them to take a sudden and daring leap,



Let me get this straight.   Blainosky apparently is alive and well at least for the first 5 or 6 episodes, aka the UHAUL fucking  the moped.  Then , either as late as Episode 6.07 or even 6.08 Klaine reunite, and in 6.08 actually  get married.   I{m guessing that Burt tells his son he needs to marry Blaine even though hes been fucking his son{s ex bully like nobodys business.


ONly the most demented Klaine shippers would swallow that hook, line and sinker.

Edited by caracas1914
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ONly the most demented Klaine shippers would swallow that hook, line and sinker.

They don't care, they're fixated on the wedding, while the writer stans proclaim Season 6 as some of the best writing for the couple ever  - Kurt and Blaine are in therapy (yeah, right) , and being adult (?!) about things, and the writers are showing their relationship evolving and getting closer (?!). They're LOVING IT (allcaps not mine). 

Anyone who doesn't think Kurt and Blaine will end up bitter divorcees before the age of 25 is smoking something good. Including the writers.

I keep hoping for a flash forward in the last episode that shows that is exactly what happened ( i.e the crash and final burnout of Klaine). That would really give me gleeful satisfaction. Edited by Casual Viewing
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I keep hoping for a flash forward in the last episode that shows that is exactly what happened ( i.e the crash and final burnout of Klaine). That would really give me gleeful satisfaction.


I'm hoping for a flash forward of Klaine divorcing, Brittana stuck in some crummy apartment with Santana working to support Brittany because no-one will hire her, Santana having dropped out of college again. I'd like to see Rachel on Broadway but in a small part, I'd like to see Sam loveless and alone, Mercedes winning a grammy, Tike together and happy, him dancing while she sings, I'd like to see Quinn in a great job and Puck flying planes, not to bothered if their together, and I'd like to see Artie married to Becky, because that's the worst fate i can think of for either.

  • Love 1

Weirdly, I'm actually mildly optimistic about the final two episodes for Brittany and Santana, all things considered.  Granted, that's gone poorly for me in the past many times, but I like the sound of the material relating to them.


On a side note, the synopsis regarding Sue appears to confirm that the two of them met in high school, which goes back to one of the writers' choices that I always found very weird: the lack of any pre-high school relationships between characters, even when it would clearly make no difference (as with Brit and Santana) whether they met in high school or not.  None of the characters seem to have any attachments from their first 8 years of schooling.

  • Love 1

according to a reliable source one who has given  correct info so far this season



Kurt/ Blaine -  Somebody loves you

Rachel/Sam- Rachel/Sam


Really more duets by the same people?


Why can't Rachel sing with Will or Kurt sing a solo or any other combo?    Free Kurt and Rachel.

Edited by tom87
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There had better be at least one Kurt solo this season. I guess that's one (only) good thing about Kurt never being able to break free from Blaine's orbit (as long as it's a true duet), or else he'd barely get to sing except in group songs.

You would think Rachel and Kurt would have a duet at some point considering they're co-directors of a glee club. Plenty of opportunities. They could've easily had a singing version of their little struggles for equal leadership time. But who needs comedy if it doesn't involve Sue hijinks.

  • Love 2

I don't understand the push for Sam and Rachel to sing duets. They have completely different vocal types that don't mesh all that well. Time After Time is a particularly bad choice as it suits neither. I know he's the last straight guy standing, but can't he sing mediocre country songs at her while she belts power ballads at him? It would sound better and they could still try to sell the same lame romance with it.

  • Love 4

according to a reliable source one who has given correct info so far this season



Kurt/ Blaine - Somebody loves you

Rachel/Sam- Rachel/Sam

Really more duets by the same people?

Why can't Rachel sing with Will or Kurt sing a solo or anything other combo? Free Kurt and Rachel.

Will/Unique probably sing " Same Love," which is new.

I think that's what this still is from:


I know he's the last straight guy standing, but can't he sing mediocre country songs at her while she belts power ballads at him?

No thank you to that either. I'd rather Rachel sing and Sam just accompanies her on piano or guitar (or not be there at all). Rachel and Sam singing at and to each other (especially if playing piano in a moving vehicle type setups are involved--ugh) does not an interesting romantic relationship make IMO.
  • Love 1

Lea would sound fine on Time after Time if they just let her sing it as a quiet ballad.

But they won't, they have her belt it like she's going to blow the roof off.

I'm not sure if this is Lea or Rachel but they're maybe a bit too polished for me, even if they let her do it as a quite ballad.

The man I'd love to hear on this song is Mark Salling.

FOX - February 2015 Sweeps Press Release

GLEE (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)

On Jan. 30, the new New Directions has its first group performance, and Sue (Jane Lynch) steps up her plans to reunite Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Criss). Then, GLEE celebrates its 700th performance with the classic Burt Bacharach song, “What The World Needs Now Is Love,” and Mercedes (Amber Riley) returns to Ohio to convince Rachel to pursue her Broadway dreams on Feb. 6. Coach Shannon Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones) returns as “Sheldon,” and Rachel (Lea Michele) and Sam (Chord Overstreet) get closer on Feb. 13. On Feb. 20, you are invited to a special wedding! http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/01/fox-february-2015-sweeps-press-release.html

Edited by tom87

Glee: The Music, Transitioning
You Give Love A Bad Name (Glee Cast Version)  - Can't find source but seems VA has yet another song in this episode.
Same Love (Glee Cast Version) -  As mentioned Will/Unique
All About That Bass (Glee Cast Version) -  Speculation from Amber's tweet it is Mercedes
Somebody Loves You (Glee Cast Version) Kurt/Blaine
Time After Time (Glee Cast Version) - Rachel/Sam
I Know Where I’ve Been (Glee Cast Version) - Unique per filming of trans choir.


Not all 100% confirmed but reasonable speculation at this point.

Edited by tom87

I don't understand the push for Sam and Rachel to sing duets. They have completely different vocal types that don't mesh all that well. Time After Time is a particularly bad choice as it suits neither. I know he's the last straight guy standing, but can't he sing mediocre country songs at her while she belts power ballads at him? It would sound better and they could still try to sell the same lame romance with it.


I think the show is trying to say "see there is something to the nothing there" by having them sing a ridiculous amount of duets. I mean this will be the 3rd for them with 6 episodes still left to go. 


Well they can have them sing all day and all night and it won't make a difference. I guess that the audience is suppose to forget that Sam was still under the influence of hypnosis in episode 5 but by episode 6 he is battling some "real feelings" about Rachel and they are getting closer to the point of singing "Time After Time" by episode 7. So what Sue has stopped her influence, his will to be with the girl that the writers ignored until this final season has some how over powered the hypnosis? Oh Glee whatever. 


I really don't think they want anyone to take this final season seriously, cause if they truly did I think they would be writing better than these inconsistent, man-hole size character assassination plot story lines, and just throwing folks together either by marriage, hypnosis or whatever to get to their finale.


Tina proposing to Mike after not having being too cordial with him since Season 4 okay, yeah, whatever Glee. SMH!

  • Love 1

Okay, there better be some time jumps this season.  Because if they try to tell us that Coach Beiste, present in 6.03, has had surgery and transitioned by 6.07, I'm calling major fucking bullshit.  Especially when 6.04/6.05 are the same 'week' or whatever.  A week/episode would make that three weeks, which is just ridiculous.


I was assuming there was a time jump before 6.06, to explain why B&S would leave and return to plan the wedding.  But since for all we know they're living in Lima, okay, maybe no time jump before 6.06.  But for the Beiste storyline to make even a LITTLE bit of sense, there should be a time jump before 6.07.  Which would also add some reality to the wedding storyline, since people don't plan weddings and have them the two weeks later.


When has the timeline E V E R made sense on this show. When trying to get out a message, they won't let a little thing like facts get in the way.

And, B&S are not living in Lima....maybe Lima Adjacent, but not Lima!

I had been wondering when Glee would do "Time After Time". I'm surprised it took them this long.

But why isn't it Tina? She'd sound good on it. It would even fit her sudden desire to marry Mike Chang.  I'd also accept her doing David Duchovny since she's certifiable and it would be funny. If we have to make her a joke, make it a good one.

Tina proposing to Mike after not having being too cordial with him since Season 4 okay, yeah, whatever Glee. SMH!

Their last conversation was in 'Glease' which was about getting back together. But that was dropped obviously so Tina could have her bizarro crush on Blaine. In Wonder-ful she says something about loving all her exes but she clearly pissed he's there.

I mean my head canon says they never lost touch and have slept together a few times since they broke up, but that's head canon!

Same Love is the ONE song I wanted Glee never to touch. I guess, at least it's not at Klaine's wedding, and it's not Chord rapping (not that I want this anyway, but, nope).

And Samchel, a couple that's just now existed, will have almost the same number of duets as Brittana. Ew.


Probably will have more by the end of the show especially since they're essentially selling them as a main couple.

Edited by Hookian

I'm hoping for a flash forward of Klaine divorcing, Brittana stuck in some crummy apartment with Santana working to support Brittany because no-one will hire her, Santana having dropped out of college again. I'd like to see Rachel on Broadway but in a small part, I'd like to see Sam loveless and alone, Mercedes winning a grammy, Tike together and happy, him dancing while she sings, I'd like to see Quinn in a great job and Puck flying planes, not to bothered if their together, and I'd like to see Artie married to Becky, because that's the worst fate i can think of for either.

Well Quinns last episode was 603 so you wont see her in a great job - but i hope the rest of your wishes come true.

I am I kind of surprised at the number of Samchel people I have seen on tumblr, and other forums.


Of course in true glee fashion the point of  Rachel dating Sam should have been her moving forward and dating again but at this point it just seems a way to give Sam something to do.

I'm kind of surprised there are that many Sam fans out there, but probably they're people who find Chord attractive and weren't happy to see him paired with Mercedes (take your pick about their reasons) and prefer to see him with the leading lady because Chord's guaranteed to sing if he's paired with Lea. For some unfathomable reason, they like Chord's singing.

Edited by fakeempress
  • Love 4

I am I kind of surprised at the number of Samchel people I have seen on tumblr, and other forums.


Of course in true glee fashion the point of  Rachel dating Sam should have been her moving forward and dating again but at this point it just seems a way to give Sam something to do.


Or a way to do what they've wanted to do since S5. Which I've always said was the case, and looks like I was right. They're not wasting anytime. 3 duets in 4 episodes, and probably more on the way. That's a pretty clear signal. They're not trying to be subtle with what they're setting up.

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