Hookian January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 (edited) I don't think it is Mercedes pushing Sam and Rachel together because she is pushing Rachel towards Broadway, NYC. I don't think Mercedes would be that stupid or cruel to push Sam and Rachel into a relationship, knowing that there is a great chance Rachel might be leaving Sam behind. So I'm thinking it is Sue who is the interesting party. It's not sue. Why would she care at all after the crap she pulls in the next episode? It's likely Mercedes and it will be used to kill 2 birds with one stone. Show Mercedes has moved on and is happy completely burying samcedes and show that she wants her friends to be happy. Even if she's setting up this opportunity for Rachel if her friends confine in her that they have feelings for each other of course she's gonna give them advise and likely her input which I'm sure will be positive. Pretty sure 6 is going to bury samcedes.and they may want to do that before going full force for samchel. Edited January 20, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742545
tom87 January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 Rachel has not stabbed anyone in the back. The writing for a lot of those scenarios (Santana/Kurt/FG, Tina/NYADA. Quinn/Prom) have been and sound like they will be dreadful (Rachel/Mercedse/Sam), but Rachel did not stab any of those characters in the back. She also did not ask most of them to do anything for her. She never asked for Prom Queen, she didn't call Santana to help her nor did she ask Tina for help, she didn't ask Kurt to go out of his way to sign her up (while he was there anyway for himself). Rewrites. I don't think it is Mercedes pushing Sam and Rachel together because she is pushing Rachel towards Broadway, NYC. I don't think Mercedes would be that stupid or cruel to push Sam and Rachel into a relationship, knowing that there is a great chance Rachel might be leaving Sam behind. So I'm thinking it is Sue who is the interesting party. Not sure why Sue would want Rachel to to comfortable in Lima since she is trying to close down glee club. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742548
SevenStars January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 She also did not ask most of them to do anything for her. She never asked for Prom Queen, she didn't call Santana to help her nor did she ask Tina for help, she didn't ask Kurt to go out of his way to sign her up (while he was there anyway for himself). Rewrites. Not sure why Sue would want Rachel to to comfortable in Lima since she is trying to close down glee club. It's not sue. Why would she care at all after the crap she pulls in the next episode? It's likely Mercedes and it will be used to kill 2 birds with one stone. Show Mercedes has moved on and is happy completely burying samcedes and show that she wants her friends to be happy. Even if she's setting up this opportunity for Rachel if her friends confine in her that they have feelings for each other of course she's gonna give them advise and likely her input which I'm sure will be positive. Pretty sure 6 is going to bury samcedes.and they may want to do that before going full force for samchel. There was never any reason for Sue to cares abut Klainers being apart but suddenly she is their biggest fan. She hypnotized Sam to distract Rachel, when she could have just made him sabotage their show. Simply put, Sue is there for the writers to use as they please this season when they can't come up with a logical ways to reach their goal. So her being use as the interesting party wouldn't surprise me. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742594
dizzyizzy01 January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 (edited) Let's see: there's Rachel not wanting Santana to be her understudy, there's Rachel saying to Kurt's friend Elliot that Kurt was a traitor and had done nothing for her since they moved to New York, also Rachel not allowing Kurt to be part of her benefit concert, her fight with Mercedes in '100' and now her dating Sam behind her back. Hmmm, I have to think about Tina..... you're right, she didn't stab Tina in the back directly, she just still felt entitled to the solo and the duet at Nationals after Tina expressed she thought it was her turn for once and helped her out with going to Carmen. But I agree the Tina one is debatable It's true though that Rachel never asked for those things. OMG. I get you don't like Rachel, but way to skew things. I mean I don't consider any of those "stabbing someone in the back", BUT The Santana thing didn't even happen as a result of your supposed example of stabbing someone in the back. The understudy fight happened before she helped out Rachel. Rachel saying Kurt is a traitor is her being over dramatic. Nobody took her seriously, but whatever. I seriously don't understand what your definition of "stabbing someone in the back" is but not including them in a benefit concert seems pretty weak; also, that wasn't a Rachel only stance. Santana if I recall correctly was in on that also. We don't know how Sam/Mercedes/Rachel plays out yet, but you can't stab someone in the back by dating someone they apparently don't care about. It's not a well-written story line. Maybe Mercedes' POV isn't given enough gravity but don't put that as Rachel stabbing someone in the back. Rachel didn't freaking assign herself the solos/leads. Edited January 20, 2015 by dizzyizzy01 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742596
jaytee1812 January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 It's not sue. Why would she care at all after the crap she pulls in the next episode? It's likely Mercedes and it will be used to kill 2 birds with one stone. Show Mercedes has moved on and is happy completely burying samcedes and show that she wants her friends to be happy. Even if she's setting up this opportunity for Rachel if her friends confine in her that they have feelings for each other of course she's gonna give them advise and likely her input which I'm sure will be positive. Pretty sure 6 is going to bury samcedes.and they may want to do that before going full force for samchel. If they show Mercedes happy that's an even worse storyline than him cheating on Mercedes with Ravhel and completely dismisses Mercedes as a character as more than anything but a prop. Also Mercedes just moving on and letting Sam and Rachel be happy moves way to near magical negro territory for me. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro Their only existence is to help white people find their dreams. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742605
Glorfindel January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 (edited) OMG. I get you don't like Rachel, but way to skew things. I mean I don't consider any of those "stabbing someone in the back", BUT The Santana thing didn't even happen as a result of your supposed example of stabbing someone in the back. The understudy fight happened before she helped out Rachel. But it happened after Santana and Quinn gave her Prom Queen. And yes, you're right that Santana helped her out after that whole understudy fight, but how ironic is it that Rachel needed saving by the same understudy she didn't want in the first place? And even more ironic is that Santana actually did it. Rachel saying Kurt is a traitor is her being over dramatic. Nobody took her seriously, but whatever. I seriously don't understand what your definition of "stabbing someone in the back" is but not including them in a benefit concert seems pretty weak; also, that wasn't a Rachel only stance. Santana if I recall correctly was in on that also. Rachel may have been over dramatic (which btw is not an excuse) but she still said those exact words to Elliot, who could not know she was telling the truth or not. And true, Santana was in on the benefit concert too, but why would that have stopped Rachel from saying to Kurt he could be in it too when she saw how upset she was, especially after he got her a 'Funny Girl' audition too when she was upset and felt left out. We don't know how Sam/Mercedes/Rachel plays out yet, but you can't stab someone in the back by dating someone they apparently don't care about. It's not a well-written story line. Maybe Mercedes' POV isn't given enough gravity but don't put that as Rachel stabbing someone in the back. Well, some people take issue with that, if only for them doing it behind Mercedes' back after her history with Sam (if I interpret the spoilers correctly), although we indeed won't know how it plays out. "It's not a well-written storyline" can be said about 99% of Glee's storylines though, but that still doesn't make the canon that comes from it disappear. Rachel didn't freaking assign herself the solos/leads. No, but she also apparently didn't think anyone else deserved to be in the spotlight with her, and greedily accepted both the solo and the duet. It was the Troubletones who gave Tina some spotlight time in their song. Point is yes Rachel is not going to win BFF any time soon but they all have done questionable things to each other. Real reason: Her more cause she is the lead and they have to have her interact in with many people to keep the stories more intertwined. Of course all have done questionable things, but I was talking strictly about Rachel here and how she treats her friends. But maybe backstabbing was a too harsh word. The emphasis of my original post was on Rachel getting handed things by people when she's not always courteous enough to return the favor or even remember that favor at moments when she really should. As for her being the lead: maybe that's so now, but that doesn't mean the other characters only excist in the Glee universe to prop her up and hand her things, with often those characters losing something they want in the process, even when Rachel isn't directly to blame for that. -ETA- It all comes down to lazy writing, with characters being slotted into a propping up Rachel storyline without it making really sense for them considering their history with Rachel, nor with their own characterisation and individual storylines (although I find the word "storylines" rather ironic here, as these characters mostly have no individual storylines at all). Also without the writers caring about continuity, character development, and without them connecting the dots between one storyline and the other so things become a mess in canon when these storylines do excist together in the timeline. Edited January 20, 2015 by Glorfindel Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742739
Hookian January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 If they show Mercedes happy that's an even worse storyline than him cheating on Mercedes with Ravhel and completely dismisses Mercedes as a character as more than anything but a prop. Also Mercedes just moving on and letting Sam and Rachel be happy moves way to near magical negro territory for me. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro Their only existence is to help white people find their dreams. I think that's looking way too much into it. If Mercedes shows that she has moved on and sees that Sam and Rachel have feelings for each other why wouldn't she put in her word? Why wouldn't she want to support her friends being happy? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742741
ComfySweater January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 As someone who used to like Rachel until the sole purpose of the other characters became to move mountains on her behalf, I'd like to see her earn her way back to Broadway. Not have it handed to her by a friend who wants to do her a favor. That's what bugs me most about this plot. It's stopped being entertaining to see everybody else work to fix things for Rachel after she's completely screwed up her life. No wonder she has an enormous ego and does whatever she wants. People will fix it for her. They always do. She has no reason for character growth. It would have been more fun to see her have the only gigs she could land be some terrible children's theater thing like Teletubbies Live where she's buried in a ridiculous costume or a tiny ensemble role in a Branson type area. Make it something really humbling where she'd have to prove her reliability to be able to climb up the rungs like normal people. Toss in some catty co-stars to mock her fall from grace and it could be a really good arc of her finally learning how to walk the walk. Instead Mercedes will magically make some calls for her and probably hand her a boyfriend on a silver platter while she's at it. That choir room obsession prevents them from telling decent stories with the original characters. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742758
jaytee1812 January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 I think that's looking way too much into it. If Mercedes shows that she has moved on and sees that Sam and Rachel have feelings for each other why wouldn't she put in her word? Why wouldn't she want to support her friends being happy? Because it would be a case of yet another racist stereotype perpetuated by a show that loves to pat itself on the back for its diversity. Also Mercedes being one of the few characters to end the show single perpetuates another, the single black woman who 'don't need no man'. Add to that the times they've called Mercedes lazy or had digs at her weight and it becomes offensive. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742766
SevenStars January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 I think that's looking way too much into it. If Mercedes shows that she has moved on and sees that Sam and Rachel have feelings for each other why wouldn't she put in her word? Why wouldn't she want to support her friends being happy? Actually I don't think she was really talking about the Rachel/Sam situation. I think she was talking about the fact the writers constantly have Mercedes be there for her friends and help them out but when it comes time to return the favor, usually on Sam is there for her. I think Mercedes is more than that but I can understand why others see it that way. What have they given up for her? Did they even have it in the first place? Did Rachel ask them to give it up? If she didn't why is she being blame for it? They either had it and give it to her or step aside for her to have it. I'm not blaming Rachel for this. I don't think anyone is blaming Rachel for this, most people I see posting about this are blaming the WRITERS, not Rachel. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742767
Ann Mack January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 (edited) The only way it becomes "apparent" that Mercedes "don't care about" Sam is if the writers write it that way. Which again would be a stretch since the writers did write Mercedes saying "Sam I love you so much" plus "It's gonna burn me to see you with other girls" imagine how hot that burnin scar will be when "the girl" is her friend. No I'm not giving Sam a pass because I would expect better of him. But once again Glee is reminding us that Sam falls in and out as quickly as a revolving door revolves. So yeah I see NO great love here between Sam and Rachel (but I have no fear that the writers may try to write it that way, bollocks!), but as stated before any opportunity to once again let Rachel get what she wants without consequence or thought of anyone else's feelings but her own (which isn't always a bad thing but definitely not the most decent thing to do to a friend IMO). Edited January 20, 2015 by Ann Mack Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742770
tom87 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Here's the 6x04 Sneak Peek: http://fyeahgleeclub.tumblr.com/post/108658355816/glee-sneak-peek-the-hurt-locker-part-one#notes the end of the preview they gave ET. Nice job Fox. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742877
SevenStars January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 the end of the preview they gave ET. Nice job Fox. WOW, lmao, they really don't care over there. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742914
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I'm assuming that they're filming Sectionals now given this picture from Becca's Instagram. http://instagram.com/p/yFuV3OutlM/ There's also a picture of the female incest twin and gay jock in similar outfits. the end of the preview they gave ET. Nice job Fox. I'm confused, was any of that meant to be funny?! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742924
dizzyizzy01 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I'm assuming that they're filming Sectionals now given this picture from Becca's Instagram. http://instagram.com/p/yFuV3OutlM/ There's also a picture of the female incest twin and gay jock in similar outfits. I'm confused, was any of that meant to be funny?! Says Thursdays instead of Friday. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742943
tab19 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 So, for people who I *thought* were regulars this season, Kevin and Amber sure haven't been on much. Both in episode 2, and currently scheduled for 6x06, 6x08 and 6x09. Any more after that? I wonder why they weren't in 6.03? The writers had no problem letting Puck sit in the room and do nothing. I'm assuming that they're filming Sectionals now given this picture from Becca's Instagram.http://instagram.com/p/yFuV3OutlM/There's also a picture of the female incest twin and gay jock in similar outfits.I'm confused, was any of that meant to be funny?! Do you suppose Kurt's in a matching outfit as well? When did the teachers start wearing matching clothes? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-742998
camussie January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I am half thinking there will be some loophole that will allow Rachel and/or Kurt to perform. Annoying but it wouldn't surprise me. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743022
shoregirl January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I saw pictures of Sam,Will and Sue in sparkly outfits too, so maybe it's a fantasy sequence or something. http://gleespoilers.tumblr.com Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743034
Sara2009 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) This song is apparently performed at the Bar Mitzvah. The spoiler source said that Kurt and Blaine aren't part of it as far as she knew. This stuff is posted at GleeForum. There's just WAAY too much for me to copy and paste. Edited January 21, 2015 by Sara2009 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743046
spiritof76 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 If they show Mercedes happy that's an even worse storyline than him cheating on Mercedes with Ravhel and completely dismisses Mercedes as a character as more than anything but a prop. Also Mercedes just moving on and letting Sam and Rachel be happy moves way to near magical negro territory for me.http://tvtropes.org/...in/MagicalNegroTheir only existence is to help white people find their dreams. This is exactly what is sounds like to me. Look I like Rachel. But in no world does dating the ex-boyfriend of someone you consider a friend, someone who confided in you about the relationship and went to you for advice, in no world is that ok. And Sam, doesn't get off here either. Both Sam and Rachel look all kinds of shady. And I do not care if they have Mercedes offer to perform their wedding and be the surrogate mother for their children, it is still a bad look. This is not something friends do to friends. If they are going to go this route the least they could do is allow Mercedes to have some real feelings about it. Obviously she is going to be all, "Cool beans!" but if she were hurt I certainly wouldn't blame her. Sure Sam and Rachel have a right to do anything they want. But if Mercedes said, "You know what.I'm sorry. This is something that I just can't be around." that would be her right too. And if she wanted to distance herself from them I wouldn't blame her for that either. Then the question would be for Sam and Rachel, are the feelings they have for each other a passing fancy or something they are willing to lose a friend over. It might be that deep. I don't know. But I do know that adults are willing to accept the consequences of their actions. SMH. Anyway, I don't know why I'm surprised. They are just putting the finishing touches on checking all of the boxes of black women stereotypes. No man? Check! Don't need a man? Check! Help friend (who is white) with their love life while ignoring your own? Check and check! Bonus, also help same said friend with their career goals, while still struggling with your own? Check! The whole thing is embarrassing. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743134
Sara2009 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 PR for 6x07 is out: http://fyeahgleeclub.tumblr.com/post/108694400226/gle-607-transitioning-press-release#notes Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743167
Hookian January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 So that means all the songs are probably dedicated to Rachel in this epsiode. I would assume Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743216
Sara2009 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Nope. Unique has a song. I wouldn't be surprised if Will and Kurt and/or Blaine did too. There's Klaine and Wemma stuff in the episode. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743221
Hookian January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 And clearly Rachel stuff as well which likely means some songs will be about her storyline. Mercedes solo might be that. I mean hey Mercedes came back for Rachel why not also have a song about her,lol? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743269
SadieT January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) So tell me again how this doesn't make Rachel and Sam look horrible. None of the other kids were considered horrible for dating or pursing their friends' exes or exes' friends, so don't see why it's wrong for Sam and Rachel. And with a group as incestuous as the New Directions, it's happened more times than I could count. I honestly like the sound of this. And I am beginning to think the speculation is correct, Rachel goes back to NY and we see a time jump where she winds up with Sam. I'm not exactly a fan of Rachel dating Sam but I would mind it a hell of a lot less if it was just temporarily thing, a nice little safe relationship with a familiar face to get her back into the dating scene after losing Finn. So while I'm all for Rachel ending up back in NY, I hope she doesn't take Sam with her. Sam is clearly happy in Lima and not every relationship has to be everlasting love. They could just date and then decide to be friends when Rachel returns to NY. Interesting that ND win the Invitational. I wonder what that means for Blaine and Will going forward. I didn't even know you could win an Invitational. Since when were they judged? Unless it's an informal win. Nothing about this pairing is screaming love. I mean it had to start with hypnosis to even get him to look her way. Oh and then Rachel "feels something" okay get over it. Sam looked her way last season when he and Blaine visited NY. But the writers thankfully backed off going there at the time because it was gross. It's still pretty gross... not because of the Mercedes angle, but because of the Sam as a stand-in for Finn angle. And what thanks is Mercedes going to get? Rachel taking the man she loves. Wonderful. Mercedes isn't with Sam anymore. She ended it with him willingly, nothing and no one was forcing her to do that except her decision that they couldn't work because they had different expectations from the relationship. Also no one can take Sam from Mercedes because she does not own him. And Rachel stabbed each and everyone of those people in the back somehow afterwards (well except for Quinn, unless I forgot something). Let's see: there's Rachel not wanting Santana to be her understudy, there's Rachel saying to Kurt's friend Elliot that Kurt was a traitor and had done nothing for her since they moved to New York, also Rachel not allowing Kurt to be part of her benefit concert, her fight with Mercedes in '100' and now her dating Sam behind her back. Hmmm, I have to think about Tina..... you're right, she didn't stab Tina in the back directly, she just still felt entitled to the solo and the duet at Nationals after Tina expressed she thought it was her turn for once and helped her out with going to Carmen. But I agree the Tina one is debatable It's true though that Rachel never asked for those things. Literally none of those things you listed could reasonably considered stabbing someone in the back. They're not even close. Backstabbing is deliberate and devious and malicious. Rachel is a lot of things but she isn't deliberately cruel to her friends and never has been, to say otherwise is ridiculous. The things you listed were fights between friends where both sides contributed, or thoughtless actions on Rachel's behalf. I understand why you might want to stretch the truth in order to make a character you don't like look bad, but you're straight up rewriting the show here. Oh Kurt being a traitor he was so upset by this he gave her a big hug before she left. I guess him calling her a slut in season 4 was backstabbing too. Or him just having to have diva off to hopefully public humiliate her so she would stop hogging the shower. Or pretending to be her friend in season one so he could give her a horrible makeover with the sole intent of humiliating her in front of the boy she liked. Was that more or less backstabby than the time Rachel called Kurt a traitor? I don't think Rachel's necessarily a backstabber or a horrible friend. But she does come across as not giving too much of a shit about their hopes and dreams, especially if they interfere with her own. The example of Tina in Props, I couldn't see Rachel doing that for Tina. And had Tina needed the spotlight at Nationals for her chance at college I couldn't see Rachel giving it up. Just like I could never see Rachel helping Quinn be Prom Queen, or giving up being an understudy to make Santana happy. Except she helps her friends all the time. There's plenty of examples of Rachel helping out her friends that people seem to conveniently forget about because they're too busy rewriting history in order to turn Rachel into the devil. But in no world does dating the ex-boyfriend of someone you consider a friend, someone who confided in you about the relationship and went to you for advice, in no world is that ok. And Sam, doesn't get off here either. Both Sam and Rachel look all kinds of shady. And I do not care if they have Mercedes offer to perform their wedding and be the surrogate mother for their children, it is still a bad look. This is not something friends do to friends. If they are going to go this route the least they could do is allow Mercedes to have some real feelings about it. Was it ok when Mercedes did it to Quinn? Was she shady and a horrible person for that? Because they were supposedly good friends when Mercedes started secretly dating Sam, Quinn's ex-boyfriend. Dating a friend's ex might be a line some people are not willing to cross, but it's not taboo on this show and never has been seen as a problem. Just about every character has dated someone who had previously been with a friend because New Directions is so incestuous and no one's allowed to date outside the club apparently, so why is it only wrong for Rachel to do it? Edited January 21, 2015 by SadieT 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743499
phoenixrising January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Here's the 6x04 Sneak Peek: http://fyeahgleeclub.tumblr.com/post/108658355816/glee-sneak-peek-the-hurt-locker-part-one#notes I think I lost a little bit of my soul when I saw that Klaine shrine. Also, last time Sue had any word about Karofsky, she was upset that she didn't see him trying to kill himself and she felt bad about being hard on him. Now, I guess that doesn't matter? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743515
Hookian January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) I'm not exactly a fan of Rachel dating Sam but I would mind it a hell of a lot less if it was just temporarily thing, a nice little safe relationship with a familiar face to get her back into the dating scene after losing Finn. So while I'm all for Rachel ending up back in NY, I hope she doesn't take Sam with her. Sam is clearly happy in Lima and not every relationship has to be everlasting love. They could just date and then decide to be friends when Rachel returns to NY. Who says we have to see that. They could literally just be shown saying "I love you" "this isn't over" in the series finale flash forward to a couple years and we get Rachel accepting a Tony w/ Sam there clearly showing that they stayed together. We don't have to see anything on screen. Plus Sam can change his mind and he's not gonna be the head coach at Mckinley since that's gonna be Sheldon's job so he could be a head coach anywhere including in the suburbs of New York away from the city. Heck it could be still be shown that Rachel will choose willingly the ND's kids over going back to broadway and she decides to be their coach permanently because she's fallen in love with them and with teaching. I do not believe it's just a temporary thing especially when the writers were willing to start it 3 episodes after Finn died. I think this is it, they're using episode 6 to bury Samcedes and to start going full course for Samchel. Edited January 21, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743630
dizzyizzy01 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I didn't even want to bring up the makeover thing since it was so long ago, but that was the first thing that popped into my head when "backstabbing" was brought up. Kurt's actions were the very definition of backstabbing someone. Rachel has never done anything of that sort to her friends. I can't even describe how much I don't want to see Sam and Rachel together, but there is nothing wrong with what Rachel and Sam are doing. Mercedes doesn't own Sam, and unless the spoilers are very wrong, Mercedes doesn't even want him and doesn't care that he's dating Rachel. There's no stealing of boyfriends. There is no great betrayal. People make Mercedes and Sam to be some great love as if they were together for years and years. In reality, they dated a few months in high school and a couple of months when they were 19, and when this latest series events occurs, I'm pretty sure they haven't been together for almost as long as their entire relationship. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-743918
SadieT January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 The difference, to me, between the class president and understudy "betrayals" was that if Rachel won class president, then she would be actively taking away from Kurt something he was working for. Santana winning the understudy part took absolutely nothing away from Rachel (despite her outlandish belief that Funny Girl needed to be about her and her alone). One was a zero sum game and the other wasn't. Rachel felt Santana's intention was to take the part from her, which Rachel had worked for, and it is possible for an understudy to replace a lead. Kurt felt he needed to win the election in order to get into NYADA, which he was working for. Same thing. Neither had a claim to the part/presidency, but they both felt they did and were hurt by their friends disregard for their feelings. But to sum up your assertion: Rachel was wrong in both scenarios, despite the situations being basically the same and her role reversing from one case to the other? No matter what end of the equation she's on, Rachel's just automatically wrong all the time? How does that work? And to bring this back to the spoilers, it's like every little spoiler Rachel is mentioned in is twisted by certain posters in order to paint Rachel as the villain before we even know what happens. It's happening with this Sam/Rachel/Mercedes nonsense and it happened before the season started when it was spoiled that Rachel and Kurt would butt heads as co-directors, which turned out to be a very minor plot point where Rachel didn't even do anything wrong. We could get a spoiler tomorrow that says "Rachel drinks a smoothie" in episode 7 and the same people will turn that into, "That smoothie should have been Kurt's! Or Mercedes'! That selfish horrible bitch stole their smoothie!" 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744244
Craphole Island January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Apparently episode 10 or 11 will feature at least these songs "I Want to Break Free" by Queen (sung by Mason) "Break Free" by Ariana Grande (sung by Rachel, at least) "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (sung by Roderick, Jane, Spencer, Mason, Madison, Kitty) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744467
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (sung by Roderick, Jane, Spencer, Mason, Madison, Kitty) No no no no no no. Unless they get Jacob Artist back that song should not be touched. Apart from Kitty's involvement it sounds brutal. But that's just Becca's dancing, she cannot sing that song. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744476
truthaboutluv January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I was waiting for that one (Uptown Funk). Frankly, after seeing too many performances to count of this, I believe NO ONE should attempt this but Bruno Mars. Just don't... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744493
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I was waiting for that one (Uptown Funk). Frankly, after seeing too many performances to count of this, I believe NO ONE should attempt this but Bruno Mars. Just don't... There was actually a superb performance on the British X Factor. They ended up releasing the song early because her version was so popular. But yeah, none of those voices work for that song. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744501
truthaboutluv January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) Yeah I saw that X-Factor performance and it was okay but still nothing compared to anything Bruno has done. Of course I'm a wee bit biased as I firmly believe Bruno Mars is unquestionably the most talented male artist out right now (sorry Justin...) Edited January 21, 2015 by truthaboutluv Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744511
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Yeah I saw that X-Factor performance and it was okay but still nothing compared to anything Bruno has done. Of course I'm a wee bit biased as I firmly believe Bruno Mars in unquestionably the most talented male artist out right now (sorry Justin...) I agree with you about Bruno Mars. I also wish this show wouldn't try and fit square pegs in round holes. No-one on this show can sing that song. This is going to be worse than Sam and Blaine singing Destiny's Child. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-744538
Hookian January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Apparently episode 10 or 11 will feature at least these songs "I Want to Break Free" by Queen (sung by Mason) "Break Free" by Ariana Grande (sung by Rachel, at least) "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (sung by Roderick, Jane, Spencer, Mason, Madison, Kitty) Break Free is the thing they were filming last night with the sparkly blue vests. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745008
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Break Free is the thing they were filming last night with the sparkly blue vests. And another Queen classic murdered by Glee. They've managed one decent performance out of 5 attempts (Somebody to Love). And can Kitty get a solo please. She's the only decent one left to watch. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745023
Myrna123 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 The guy who plays Mason was in the touring production of "We Will Rock You" so he might do okay on a Queen number. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745037
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) The guy who plays Mason was in the touring production of "We Will Rock You" so he might do okay on a Queen number.Can't see who he played but I doubt he'd have the voice for Gallileo. The new kids are a patch not on the season 4 newbies. I pity them having to perform with Becca's. She'll show them up big style. Edited January 21, 2015 by jtrattray Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745060
SNeaker January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) I don't really care about this one since I have no plans to watch, but as for Queen songs on Glee, I thought "Another One Bites the Dust," "We Are The Champions," "Fat Bottomed Girls," and "Bohemian Rhapsody" were all excellent. That last one especially was one of the best sequences on the show ever, with the intercut VA performance and Beth's birth, and "Champions" will forever be the last group number with all the originals, so I have a soft spot for it. Edited January 21, 2015 by SNeaker 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745072
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I knew I forgot one, Fat Bottomed Girls was hilarious. We Are The Champions would've been fine if they'd cut Lea and Naya's screeching. Or let all the seniors sing regardless of whether they suited the song. I like Jonathon Groff but no. Another One Bites The Dust and Bohemian Rhapsody were awful. Pale imitations if what they should be. Although they did fit the character try to be a tough guy and a leading man, and failing miserably at both. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745093
Ceeg January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my favorite things Glee ever did. And Lea slays We Are the Champions. I like these new kids about 1000000000000x better than the last batch, and I think they're more talented and have more charisma, so, I don't know but at the very least, I'm going to assume that Billy Lewis Jr will be able to sing and perform a Queen song better than Darren did in season 4. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745140
Craphole Island January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I think they have performed like 9 Queen songs. "Somebody to Love" "Another One Bites the Dust" "Bohemian Rhapsody" "Fat Bottomed Girls" "We Are the Champions" "We Will Rock You" "Don't Stop Me Now" "You're My Best Friend" and now "I Want to Break Free" To be honest, I liked all of them except the two Blaine solos, which bummed me out because "Don't Stop Me Now" is probably my favorite Queen song. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745150
indeed January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I'm going to assume that Billy Lewis Jr will be able to sing and perform a Queen song better than Darren did in season 4.Low bar--that was pretty, pretty, pretty bad. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745172
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I like watching We Will Rock You just for Jacob's spins. But the actual song wasn't that great. I don't know who told Darren, Chord or Kevin they could sing Queen. My cats could do a better Queen number than Blaine. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745175
Hookian January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) You know hate this storyline with Samchel all you want but at least they're being honest with it. You know, and if Mercedes is gonna be the third interested party which does seem like a major possibility that essentially will kill Samcedes. While also setting up Samchel completely. If Mercedes shows that she's happy and has moved on and wants the same for Sam and Rachel then that's just gonna be it for Samcedes. At least the writers though are gonna be honest. I think this is a better scenario then them dangling Samcedes until the series finale knowing that it's not gonna happen in the end. Writers are just being upfront now with what they're gonna do and they're not playing any teasing games. There's absolute 0 indication of a triangle and heck there's absolutely 0 indication that Mercedes even has a big role at all in the final season. So if they're doing Samchel 100% completely, at least they're not dangling Samcedes shippers along. At least they're being honest with them. Which they've kind of been doing already. Brennan's quote from the S5 DVD had a sense of finality to Samcedes, Falchuk saying that Sam and Mercedes are both and will be very happy in the end was another sly indication and these spoilers are sure painting a clear picture. Edited January 21, 2015 by Hookian Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745182
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my favorite things Glee ever did. And Lea slays We Are the Champions. I like these new kids about 1000000000000x better than the last batch, and I think they're more talented and have more charisma, so, I don't know but at the very least, I'm going to assume that Billy Lewis Jr will be able to sing and perform a Queen song better than Darren did in season 4. Lea's brutal in We Are The Champions. I always assumed Bohemian Rhapsody wasn't meant to be good. That Vocal Adrenaline were meant to miss the point of the song and go for flash over substance. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745185
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I like these new kids about 1000000000000x better than the last batch, and I think they're more talented and have more charisma, so, I don't know but at the very least, I'm going to assume that Billy Lewis Jr will be able to sing and perform a Queen song better than Darren did in season 4. I look forward to seeing them in Oscar nominated movies! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745214
Ceeg January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I look forward to seeing them in Oscar nominated movies! Appearing in an Oscar nominated film =/= being charismatic or compelling on a dying tv show where you are essentially playing a sad, secondary version of a more interesting character. Part of the reason I like these new kids better than the other ones is because they're playing actual new characters. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745243
jaytee1812 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Appearing in an Oscar nominated film =/= being charismatic or compelling on a dying tv show where you are essentially playing a sad, secondary version of a more interesting character. Part of the reason I like these new kids better than the other ones is because they're playing actual new characters. Never got that as a criticism of Melissa. I never thought the writers made Marley like anyone. That was projection from Lea fans. They may be new characters, doesn't make them better actors or singers, and they're definitely not better dancers. Even Melissa and Alex can dance rings round this lot, they make Lea look good. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/2307-spoilers-and-discussion/page/67/#findComment-745258
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