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IMO I don't think they treated Samcedes asa  fling, Close To You was hat was told by Sam in the s5 finale.  Bram was treated lk a fling (they ain't said shit to each other), but its Glee and yeah they wasted Samuel but they had no substance, not even that phooshopped pic changed it for me!


I agree, I don't think Samcedes was treated as fling at all this season. Not when you had Sam bluntly telling Rachel that he couldn't date her because he was still in love with Mercedes and he wasn't dating for 6+ months after breaking-up with her. Sam a serial dater actually took a break after the break-up. Then you had him still telling Rachel that his feelings for Mercedes were bigger than any feelings he for her after not showing up to meet her. Then you had him sing a love song to Mercedes, when she came back. Mercedes telling him to trust in their love and go heal Rachel's heart.  Mercedes cheerleader of Satchel is the only thing I can think of that seems weird considering everything but then I have to remember, she told Sam to heal Rachel's heart. So she was trying to play her part in the situation. 


I also don't think the writers dismissed Finchel . I think the writers didn't want to write about Rachel finally moving on from Finn. They didn't want to deal with the type of writing that would require. So they ignored the real reason Rachel haven't been dating, in order to ignore the Finn elephant in the room because it would require them to actually show us how Rachel is dealing with the fact that she is at a place where she feels that she needs/wants to move-on. The writers didn't want to deal with those pesky little things, so they ignore the Finn part in the equation. 


So while I truly dislike the way they want about telling Samchel story-line, I can honestly say that I don't think the writers dismissed either the Finchel or Samcedes relationship in favor of Samchel. 

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They had me at Hello (sorry, had to do it)

I kinda like all the songs this week. I don't even hate the VA songs, ugh. Except on principle I do.

I also like the songs. 


Tbh, I like the rock sound of Max George, he has a steely edge to his voice that makes those classic rock tunes work. It's just that he was given an unwarranted amount of singing. VA also sound very energetic - maniacally so, to match their automatons reputation. ND though could have added a more upbeat song to Take Me to Church, I think Chandelier makes it a bit of overkill in the overwrought emotional department -- but I guess it's Will and Rachel's style.


Lea and Groff can do no wrong. 

Edited by fakeempress
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You know, I haven't watched much of this season, besides the season premiere, but JGroff being back may actually make me watch this upcoming episode. Also, listening to the Groff/Michele duet and....yeah, yeah, I might push through the other crap just for St. Berry. I'm pleased that it seems that they're endgame. That's the one smart thing RIB have done in a while for me. I get they didn't want to show Rachel moving on because of Finn/Cory fans (ok, I was one of them) but if Rachel had to have an endgame, Jesse is the only logical choice...well, besides maybe some new guy, but they'd never do that.


But yeah, St. Berry for life. At this point, Rachel's storyline is significantly better because of Jesse. If she's on Broadway too, I wouldn't even be disappointed. I'll just pretend that the second half of season 5 and most of this season hasn't happened, and I'll just let myself bask in Jesse/Rachel/Broadway possible threesome.


And everyone else can do whatever they want, because the only endgames I care about are Jesse/Rachel and Emma/Will.

Edited by jessied112
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I think it's been a blessing in disguise that "Looking" spared Jonathan Groff from too many appearances on Glee this year. Having Sam be Rachel's fuck buddy ready to be disposed once the real contender, Jesse, enters the building is one of the few things Glee got right.

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Have they said Rachel and Sam actually slept together? The only time they showed them more than a quick kiss is in her bedroom but they were down in the basement pretty quickly so unless Sam also has Finns early arrival problems I don't think they had sex.

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Since neither Rachel nor Sam are blushing virgins I assume they slept together.  The problem is Glee tried to make it more than that by retconning Sam into an important part of Rachel's high school experience, and in the process retconning Finn into some dude in the choir.  It would have been far better if Glee simply stuck to two people screwing each other's pain away.  

Edited by camussie
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Having Sam be Rachel's fuck buddy ready to be disposed once the real contender, Jesse, enters the building is one of the few things Glee got right.


One of the only things Glee has been consistent with over the past 5 years: Sam - always the mid-game, never the endgame.

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Roderick hasn't yet had any romantic storyline, how the hell can you call him a Nice Guy already?

A whiny talentless moron, I'm going with Nice Guy.

In the end, I think he will get his endgame LOL

Glee leave a white man single? Never. Even if it's a woman who would never look twice at him in any reality.

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There's also speculation of Kitty/Roderick and Artie/Tina endgames.

Please no.  It’s already obvious that RIB and Company stan for the mediocre white guy, but this really would be too much.   How would the hapless Roderick pull a Kitty Wilde or a douche like Artie end up with Tina? Frankly, I’ll add Samcedes to this rant as well. Mercedes Jones would never settle for a dim bulb piece of birthday cake like the current Sam Evans. Season 2-3 Sam? Sure.  Sam from the 4th season on? Puhleeeze. This sh*t is ridiculous.


I’m taking the rest of my rant to the Breadstix thread.


I actually about threw my breakfast back up at the thought of these two relationships. That the show has destroyed these two women's character's so much these intelligent, attractive women would reduce themselves to these ugly, talentless douchy 'nice guys' is awful. I'm pretty sure it must've been written by douchy, ugly, talentless 'nice guys' still bitter the prom queen/head cheerleader wouldn't date them.

Add popular jock to the list of people that wouldn't date the writers and you’re on to something.  In fact, considering the above scenario describes every Judd Apatow movie starring Seth Rogan ever written, this seems to be the case with a lot of Hollywood writers.

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Roderick may not be a "Nice Guy" right now, but that's only because Glee is ending.  If they had the time, I have no doubt they'd end up making him a "Nice Guy".  After all, it's Glee.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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I liked early seasons Tina and hate what they have done to her but I fail to see how current Tina is so much better than Artie.  Current Tina is hardly some prize.   As for Roderick, while he isn't the most charismatic of people, he doesn't seem to be a douche or mean.  I don't get why Kitty is supposedly so much better than him given that her hobbies have included taunting people in hopes of triggering an eating disorder.  


I just don't prescribe to this idea that the women on this show are all so much better than the men. Some are.  Some are worse.

Edited by camussie
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I think everyone is terrible on the show, I think it just depends on what flaws are intolerable and which you can let go of.

Characters that Glee portrays as terrible, and know they're terrible, tend to bug me less than the secretly misogynistic but totally hero worship worthy white dude. Which is why Sam right now is the worst for me, and season 2/3 Finn I used to hate.

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I think everyone is terrible on the show, I think it just depends on what flaws are intolerable and which you can let go of.



Glee, in a nutshell.

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I don't think Tina deserves better than Artie at this point. I think she's awful now, sadly. It's also why I stopped feeling bad that people use her as the butt of their jokes because she's generally been awful to people for awhile. The only reason I even care about Tina in any way is because I like Jenna a lot. She seems sweet.

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Tina is pretty awful (I really started hating her when she was bitching about Marley passing out on stage causing them to lose. Seriously?! Who DOES that?), but I still feel bad about her being the butt of the jokes because she was so mistreated by the show, and Jenna deserves better.

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Tina has always been a nonentity to me. They waited 4 seasons before giving her an personality and then that personality  didn't work imo.


There's also speculation of Kitty/Roderick and Artie/Tina endgames.


Haha this whole speculation comes solely by who they are standing by in Rachel 's future apartment.  The set of pictures that sparked the Rachel is Klaine's surrogate rumors.  

Edited by tom87
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Haha this whole speculation comes solely by who they are standing by in Rachel 's future apartment.  The set of pictures that sparked the Rachel is Klaine's surrogate rumors.

Geez. I certainly hope that's all that it is.  They ruined enough.  They don't need to ruin anything else.

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The suspense of who will win is killing me.

I'm on tenderhooks.

I've seen pictures of the glee club dressed for sectionals. It puzzles me that Becca Tobin looks maybe not 18 but certainly well younger than her 29 years... Until she' s dressed and made up as Kitty and I have no trouble believing she's 29.

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I don't think Artie deserves any woman until he learns what consent is


Based on...? 

Meaning when has he treated his love interests poorly? 

(I assume you're referring to his reaction to Ryder's molestation)

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I'm guessing that Mr. Will Schuester will get the credit and glory for ND winning Nationals, Rachel will probably be back at Broadway/ NYADA ,Blaine is the Warbler emeritus director whereas Kurt as Glee co-director is lost in the shuffle.

Edited by caracas1914
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I still can't believe how Glee wants or thinks people will get excited about another Sectional competition. I mean they just reestablished the club, brought back Will from VA, threw the same old threat of disbanding it if they don't win out there, and spent an entire final season of nonsense centered around Rachel and that Glee Club so do they really think anyone is going to be on the edge of their seat wondering if New Direction will win? I can't with the rehashing of ridiculous story lines with this show. The majority of the final season has been filler episodes and Rachel worshiping I hope they are not wondering why the viewership slipped even more.

Edited by Ann Mack
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 No  one story, character or ship seems to  really be affecting viewership one way another.  Even the wedding of 2 big ships didn't do much..

Edited by tom87
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No  one story, character or ship seems to  really be affecting viewership one way another.  Even the wedding of 2 big ships didn't do much..

I have to agree with that.There is more than enough blame to go around on this one.

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One of the upsides to leaving Lima was no more competitions. I haven't really cared about one since Original Song. Doing songs for the sake of doing songs doesn't move me. Unless a song connects to the story, I give no craps unless it sounds really good. Even then, a bad context can ruin it for me (like I loved Lea doing the Rose but the context was totally wrong).

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Glee's pilot introduced two main SLs: Rachel Berry's rise to stardom and ND's march to a championship. DSB guaranteed both and thereby provided full closure, should that be necessary. Later episodes added a third SL: Kurt's search for acceptance and love. By the finale of S3 all was well in the Land of Lima, Rachel had invaded Broadway, and that could/should have been it. But, noooooo. Glee:NYC was of another genre, and Glee:Lima was same old, same old. Contrast the latter with the great "Friday Night Lights", which had the Taylors switch to a school with an entirely different demographic, so there were not merely new students but different and more challenging issues, both on and off the football field.

That Glee, as originally conceived, lasted as long as six seasons, is a miracle of flickering endurance almost on a par with the Jewish Chanukah story with its eight days of oil-lit candles. Glee's ultimate demise was encoded in its DNA, just as it is with humans. There is no point in looking for scapegoats.

The only idea I have ever had that I thought might invigorate and prolong the series was to introduce student characters who were instrumentalists, choreographers, set/costume designers, and, especially, song composers. I would have scrapped most of the covers, and held worldwide contests for brand new songs submitted by non-professionals. (Anders, Anders, and Anders could still do the arrangements and tweak the lyrics.) "Rise" was fine, better than a lot of bubblegum pop junk I had to endure, and I expect "This Time" to be even better, because of you know who.

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One of the upsides to leaving Lima was no more competitions. 


The other positive of NY Glee was that show could concentrate on 5-6 core characters.  It was a no brainer, so of course Ryan Murphy had to haul everyone back to Lima so he could have his usual 15-20 characters ill served once again.

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One of the upsides to leaving Lima was no more competitions.

I just watched the sneak peek for 6x11, with the ND kids looking open-mouth baffled at VA's performance again, and then them and their coaches nervously awaiting the result of the competition again (when we already know ND is going to win, as they basically spoiled it in the promo).

How often have we seen this before?


They're just going through the motions this season. There is no emotional involvement at all anymore. Who cares if they win or not?  The NNND/Warblers super choir is now almost as soulless and anonymous as Vocal Adrenaline.


The only character who still seems to matter is Rachel, and they're doing an absolute chickenshit job on her 'comeback' storyline.

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I just watched the sneak peek for 6x11, with the ND kids looking open-mouth baffled at VA's performance again, and then them and their coaches nervously awaiting the result of the competition again (when we already know ND is going to win, as they basically spoiled it in the promo).

How often have we seen this before?

They're just going through the motions this season. There is no emotional involvement at all anymore. Who cares if they win or not? The NNND/Warblers super choir is now almost as soulless and anonymous as Vocal Adrenaline.

The only character who still seems to matter is Rachel, and they're doing an absolute chickenshit job on her 'comeback' storyline.

I don't care who wins. And a dog is voting to determine this win, so this obviously is not a merit-based.

Probably doesn't help that I hate these new Warblers. They seem more bratty than the old ones (who I stopped caring about once the Bubs left).

I wish that they had some goal other than winning a competition that I have no investment in, and found other ways to perform. When I was in middle school band, we went on a trip to Disney World to play there. Glee should've had more of those type of performances, rather than a ton of competitions with unimportant consequences. Although Glee's problem in general is that there's no stakes, and consequences never really matter.

Edited by phoenixrising
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Other than fulfilling Ryan Murphy's fantasy to fuck prep school boys, the actual make up of New Directions is a joke.


Putting them in Warbler Blazers with the majority of the choir being transplanted Warblers, what is the point of that? 


Again, Ryan Murphy "listened" to fans demands to make New Directions a variation of the Warblers.  It's funny because he's managed to piss off most of the fandoms all at the same time in spectacular fashion.


Blaine stans are upset that he's reduced to little singing, Sam fans are not happy he's disposable fuck boy, Kurt fans are upset he just makes cameo appearances and his endgame is a rushed marriage, Mercedes,Artie, Tina , Puck fans are like "WTF did they bring them back for?".  Throw in giving an unknow singer who doesn't even interact with any of the characters not named Will the majority of solos for the year, a creepy child who gets a whole episode devoted to him, MORE Becky, Sue versus Will again, etc.


The spoilers for the last few episodes...just wow...

Edited by caracas1914
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Hell he even managed to piss off fans of a character who died by erasing him from the past.  It really is quite a feat.  


As far as major characters the only one who seems to have a semi decent story this year is Will but he still hasn't sung enough,

Edited by camussie
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Sam fans are not happy he's disposable fuck boy, 


Most of Sam fans have/had no problem with this except for the fact that they fear he might end-up being Mercedes' fuck boy again. If he doesn't end-up with Mercedes, they are good with him being a disposable fuck boy this season, since they had no problem with the writing for him this season except when it became a great possibility that Mercedes be in his future. 


But I agree with you, the writers managed to make this season one of the worst season ever, when I thought it might be one of their best so that they can go out on a high note, not in rating, but in reviews and praise for the writing. 

Edited by SevenStars
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Eh , they're not thrilled the epic BLAM! was a no show this season.

Have they actually exchanged more than a handful of lines?


In the first episode, I think they had a quick flashback scene and in the last episode when they were talking about Rachel's future. So some have been complaining about the lack BLAM but I only really start seeing this complaint recently. 

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Glitter bombs? Have VA and Sue outsourced their intimidation pranks to the Joker from the 60s Batman TV show?


The different reactions were fun to watch: Blaine immediately getting his husband out of the bomb's range, Will protecting Rachel, Warblers embracing, and the twins spontaneously reveling in the glittery explosion.


They all look good in those blazers; it should make for pleasing visuals in performance. I like those new Warblers; they are not full blown characters, but their little snippets of behaviour, from their pleas in favour of uniforms last episode, all the way back to the hilarious council in episode 602 (squirrels!) inject sympathetic notes of humour. They're rather endearing in their single-mindedness


It will be interesting to see if they can bring ND's dancing and choreography up a few notches.


It's a good thing we got to know the new kids a little more last episode; it will make it easier to care about the competitions, although I think that the outcome is probably predictable; there is still the prospect of good performances from ND/Warblers though. The show could have spared us another shot of them terrifiedly watching with open mouths as VA perform.

Edited by Florinaldo
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The other positive of NY Glee was that show could concentrate on 5-6 core characters.  It was a no brainer, so of course Ryan Murphy had to haul everyone back to Lima so he could have his usual 15-20 characters ill served once again.


Was it?They were the poorest episodes of season 5. Who wants to watch a show about selfish awful people being selfish and awful?

They all look good in those blazers; it should make for pleasing visuals in performance. I like those new Warblers; they are not full blown characters, but their little snippets of behaviour, from their pleas in favour of uniforms last episode, all the way back to the hilarious council in episode 602 (squirrels!) inject sympathetic notes of humour. They're rather endearing in their single-mindedness


It will be interesting to see if they can bring ND's dancing and choreography up a few notches.


The blazers make them look like a hebephile's fantasy. They look ridiculous. I have no doubt without spoilers or watching the episode that New Directions will win though. 


The choreography cannot be saved. The choreographer has obviously given up and gone home. Can't really blame him when he only has Sammie and Becca to work with. The rest make Lea Michele look like Julianne Hough when it comes to dancing. 

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