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S05.E12: Remember

Tara Ariano
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Deanna also said that the community was sold out.  So where are the people that bought those houses?  Did they not make it, did they kill them, or is she one of them and made up the Army story?

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I'm wondering about Deanna's husband the professor of architecture, the one who brilliantly designed that awesome wall with the braces on the outside. is it possible he was big old con-artist with fake-ass qualifications  a secret Ponzi scheme and maybe even a second now undead family? Maybe the jig was up when Deanna saw that dummass wall and she dropkicked him out of there and told him to go join his damn undead second family if he couldn't figure out which side to brace on a wall made out of unused shopping centre parts. Or maybe he really was a professor of architecture  and he despised the aesthetics of bracing on the inside but liked the lines they made on the outside, sort of the same thinking that results in gorgeous buildings that win design prizes but have leaky roofs.


There's got to be some explanation as to why that wall looks so arse-backwards. 


It bugs me.


A lot.


Rick should have brought this up to her. 


"If your hubby is such a genius at designing and building things, why in the hell did he put the wall supports on the outside of the wall??   Now, I'm no Frank Lloyd Wright, but I've asked myself why he put the things in the least defensible spot and also the most advantageous to sabotage.  And when I do question it, all the answers I can come up with are 'wtf was he thinking & doing!?'.  Hell, I'm surprised he didn't go the extra mile and include rope ladders thrown over the outside of the wall, too.......  The things and stuff I've seen since we walked in the gate;  it really is a good thing we're here."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I can't remember that part.

But it's on their third night when Rick, Daryl and Carol have their little pow wow on the porch, and Rick says he thinks it´s safe to sleep in their own homes, settle in.


I don't remember Deanna telling them they have to sleep in separate houses either. At all. I got the impression that it would totally be the group's decision as to when, if ever, to split up. 


As for their separate jobs, well....what other option do they have? Can they ALL be constables? Can they ALL make meals? No, there's going to have to be SOME separation. But I think if the ASZhats really wanted to divide them up on purpose, for some nefarious reason, they'd split up Rick and Michonne. Two of the strongest, most connected members of the group. Yet they'll be working together. 

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I am actually in the camp that thinks there is already a known threat, aside from the Walkers of course, and that is why the group was recruited.


What I have more trouble getting is why she is letting her idiot sons lead any runs. Seems like those two might need more supervision than Judith,  It's one thing for a mother to be blind to her kids faults, but she seems too smart to allow them to put into that much danger, being that they're idiots and all. 


I do like the idea of a group of survivors seeking out strong people who aren't psychopaths to "join" them in their nice little community, in the hopes that the strong ones will defend the place against the bad people who are around. Hell, maybe the alleged 4 people they recently lost didn't happen because of a run. It seems that they were all more impressed with CDB's sense of family than their particular strengths. I think that's important. Once you're in CDB, you're one of them (unless you kill and burn two of them, then you get a time out). ;) I think the community wants CDB to see them and their 'safe' place as worth protecting.


I could see a parent, at the end of their rope with their kid's bullshit, sending him off to get smacked down (or worse). He's an adult so she can't discipline him as one would a child. So, let him feel some humility by realizing that he is not all that and a bag of chips. And if that fails, Darwinism will triumph eventually. :D


I imagine Douche pants will end up getting a big old wake up call when something inevitably goes down...


I now want there to be an attack and watch Douchbag's face as 'soccer mom' Carol goes all fucking Rambo on any invaders. That would be a thing of beauty, IMO. :)

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Deanna also said that the community was sold out.  So where are the people that bought those houses?  Did they not make it, did they kill them, or is she one of them and made up the Army story?

I missed her saying they were sold out, but I remember her saying that that part of Virginia had been evacuated and that she and her family were on their way to Ohio when the Army put them there, then never came back. So, I just assumed the residents were part of the evacuation?


I still have a good deal more trouble with the overall concept of how come  the Army didn't come back and how a bunch of walkers overcame tanks and such, but I digress. I have to suspend my issues with how the overall ZA could have wiped out Army, Government and such and concentrate on the current story. 


I think the ASZhats are basically OK. Yeah, sure they are going to have douches, what community doesn't?  But I don't think they are evil. I think there is definitely a known threat that they are keeping from our group for some reason. But I think they wanted them there for protection more than anything and seeing how the douche son and his sidekick handle runs, no surprise there.


I think a good deal of the reason they picked our group was expressed when Deanna said she would like to be part of their "family". I mean they watch out for Father Pee Pants and, aside from the fact that it might be handy to travel with a guy that can speak at burials in a ZA, exactly WTF does he add to the group?


She probably figures they will watch out for her and her stupid son as well as the rest of the community. And she's probably right.

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Rick....*nice shower scene, Mr. Lincoln....mmmmm...ahem* He shaved and cut his hair!!! You know what - I like his hair longer, and prefer trimmed beard Rick.


I completely agree, when the blonde woman offered to trim his hair I asked: "Noooo, why???".

I liked the episode, but I must confess the sight of Andrew Lincoln shirtless, with wet long hair and trimmed beard, distracted me a lot! For a few moments I just stared at him, forgetting I was watching TWD, lol! :D


That said, I'm curious to see what lies ahead. But please, PLEASE Daryl... I get your point, but a shower will not damage you, quite the opposite!

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I would like Jessie to give Daryl a haircut, too. And then when her husband tries to menace Daryl about his wife giving him a haircut, Daryl can just give him one of those Daryl Dixon patented mountain goat head butts.


If I were Rick, there's no reason to overthrow Deanna unless there's some crazy twist where she turns out to be an evil dictator (though after everything that has happened on this show, I wouldn't be so much surprised, I'd be more like "oh FFS, not again"). Somebody has to be the one to deal with boring day to day tasks like figuring out who's on elder care duty. I can't see Rick having the patience for that kind of mundane minutiae.


Maybe Deanna's "nefarious plan" is simply to give everyone a sense of belonging and having a voice in the community, so that they would be invested in protecting it. It's possible to protect a community without taking over as its Ricktator.


Maybe instead of being a retread of Woodbury and the Governor, ASZ is more like a bigger version of the Greene farm, and Deanna is like Hershel.


But then we all know the farm got destroyed when CDB descended upon it. Can they ever go somewhere nice without ruining it? I know they can't stay forever, it would make for a boring show, but it would be nice if just once they don't leave a place in ruins.


It would take a lot longer for ASZ to get boring compared to the farm or the prison. Maybe they can stay a while. Put a time jump in there between this season and the next so Carl's age will catch up to his height and Judith can be played by some child actress, which would be easier on production than wrangling babies.

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All I can say is that y'all are the most impressively paranoid folks I've ever met. You will all do fine when the zombies hit the fan.


Thank you.  Also, if people from this group are around when the ZA starts, we'll stop that nonsense immediately.  We're not going to be messing around wondering what to do about them.  Head shot.  HEAD SHOT!  


(Slightly OT but related to your comment.  There's a thing around here called "Trapped in a Room With a Zombie", a sort of interactive performance where you're, well... trapped in a room with a zombie who is chained to a wall.  You have to solve the puzzle of how to get out of the room.  As time passes, the zombie's chain is released further out until you escape, or the zombie gets to you.

I want to do this so badly... but I'm also afraid of how hard it might be NOT to attack that poor actor playing the zombie.  Because of all of the strategies and paranoia that I soak up around here, I *know* what to do when there's a Walker in the room with me... yikes!


Oh, I worry about my sense of reality.)

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I find the whole scouting thing difficult to believe, and especially difficult to believe if it really did go on for a couple of weeks.  I just don't see how you leave the ASZ and start wandering around looking for random groups of people and then watch for awhile, close enough to observe who and what they are but not so close that you would be detected yourself.  And at the same time avoid walkers and wild life and feral dogs and crazy people. 

Hee. I just had a mental picture of CDB walking around for a week with the RV following not far behind and they just never noticed. I think "a week or two" is far fetched - I could buy 3-4 days. Maybe. I don't think Aaron and Eric are stealthy enough to avoid being seen by CDB for 1-2 weeks.



She is breaking them up. Sasha will be at the med clinic, Carol will be the old folks caregiver, Abraham is going to work on construction (deleted scenes discussed openly) Rick and Michonne constables, pantry, solar power, etc. They aren't going to be together


I've seen this concern a few times on this forum and I don't understand it. Of course they're all going to have different jobs around the community. ASZ doesn't need 15 constables, 15 caregivers, etc. I don't think giving them different jobs in different parts of the community is part of Deanna's strategy to break them up. She's putting them where they seem most suited and quite frankly, I think having CDB in different parts of the community gives the advantage to CDB to start running things on all fronts. With the exception of maybe Eugene, FPP and Noah, I think 1 member of CDB = 2-3 ASZhats in terms of capability, know-how, etc. At this point, I'm even confident in Carl's ability to handle himself. 

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I think it would be nice if AMC began to plan the end of the series. Wind the show up in season 7.

I think that is highly unlikely. Breaking Bad is gone, Mad Men has only 7 episodes left. Better Call Saul did way better than I expected (probably because of BB withdrawals), but I hardly think it is going to make up for the other two major losses.


I don't think this show is going anywhere for quite a while.

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Once you're in CDB, you're one of them (unless you kill and burn two of them, then you get a time out). ;)



Rick: Carol, you can't just burn sick people. You go sit in the corner and think about what you did!

Carol: *muttering* You're not my real dad. Tell me to go to the corner...I'll burn your beard off. Shane would have let me do it. You're gonna need me to burn people some day and I won't help you!

Rick: What was that, Carol?

Carol: *glowers*...nothing. 


I apologize, Carol apparently turned into my 4 year old for a minute there.


It would take a lot longer for ASZ to get boring compared to the farm or the prison. Maybe they can stay a while. Put a time jump in there between this season and the next so Carl's age will catch up to his height and Judith can be played by some child actress, which would be easier on production than wrangling babies.



I hope they do a time skip of some sort and stay in Alexandria for a while. I was rewatching season 3 yesterday and was so distracted by Chandler Riggs then vs. now. They need to age Carl up some more. Especially since I doubt Carl would be getting the proper nutrition in the ZA to facilitate the growth spurt Chandler has had.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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Deanna also said that the community was sold out. So where are the people that bought those houses? Did they not make it, did they kill them, or is she one of them and made up the Army story?

She said when they arrived they found brochures saying the houses sold for 800k. I didn't think she said one way or another if they'd already been sold. I'm assuming if they were occupied those people were evacuated just like Deanna was. Just Deanna went later or took a different route (she said she was on a back road) that the Army knew wasn't safe to let her continue on. The Army knew about the area and sent here there. They probably knew about it because they'd already evacuated everyone out of there, if anyone lived there yet.

Edited by BrokenRemote
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She said when they arrived they found brochures saying the houses sold for 800k. I didn't think she said one way or another if they'd already been sold. I'm assuming if they were occupied those people were evacuated just like Deanna was. Just Deanna went later or took a different route (she said she was on a back road) that the Army knew wasn't safe to let her continue on. The Army knew about the area and sent here there. They probably knew about it because they'd already evacuated everyone out of there, if anyone lived there yet.

She did say that they all were sold. I remember because her tone was sort of like "can you believe it?  $800K and they all sold".

But that doesn't mean they were occupied. They could have been pre-sold by the developer. 

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Rick should have brought this up to her. 


"If your hubby is such a genius at designing and building things, why in the hell did he put the wall supports on the outside of the wall??   Now, I'm no Frank Lloyd Wright, but I've asked myself why he put the things in the least defensible spot and also the most advantageous to sabotage.  And when I do question it, all the answers I can come up with are 'wtf was he thinking & doing!?'.  Hell, I'm surprised he didn't go the extra mile and include rope ladders thrown over the outside of the wall, too.......  The things and stuff I've seen since we walked in the gate;  it really is a good thing we're here."


There's an architecture firm down the hall from my office and I'm so tempted to go ask them their opinion on the wall. Anyway, the wall's construction does seem super counter intuitive (especially for us as viewers at this point in the ZA) but I *think* I saw that the ground has a slight elevation behind the houses. That may be why the braces are on the outside if there is more level ground on the outside. When Mr. Deanna designed the wall at the beginning, it's possible that since N. VA was evacuated, he didn't take into consideration what might happen if a herd of walkers crowded against the wall. He probably didn't consider living people a threat at that time since everyone was probably just trying to save their own ass and get the hell out of dodge. They probably figured the wall would encounter the occasional walker and no big deal. 


From a story telling standpoint, it highlights one of the many tactical flaws of ASZ and shows that these people truly aren't road tested (which Deanna has basically admitted to, and I believe it). I think we'll see some changes once CDB gets adjusted, such as sentries along the perimeter, maybe figuring out a way to re-brace the wall from the inside. (Sorry to drag on more about ASZ itself than the episode but there's no ASZ thread yet, right?)

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She did say that they all were sold. I remember because her tone was sort of like "can you believe it?  $800K and they all sold".

But that doesn't mean they were occupied. They could have been pre-sold by the developer.


That's what I figured. That this community had been sold, maybe even before it was built, but nobody had moved in yet. 

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That's what I figured. That this community had been sold, maybe even before it was built, but nobody had moved in yet. 

Yeah, but they were all furnished.  And what was up with the empty picture frames by the door?  It was like they rounded up all the frames in the house, removed the pictures, and stacked them there.  That scene is what made me think "where are the people that originally lived there?"

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Yeah, but they were all furnished.  And what was up with the empty picture frames by the door?  It was like they rounded up all the frames in the house, removed the pictures, and stacked them there.  That scene is what made me think "where are the people that originally lived there?"

They were evacuated. Remember her comment about that portion of Virginia having been evacuated? She threw out a number of people, but I don't recall it offhand. 

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(Am I acting paranoid? Did someone say I'm paranoid? Who thinks I'm paranoid?)


Hearing voices now, are we?


Deanna also said that the community was sold out.  So where are the people that bought those houses?  Did they not make it, did they kill them, or is she one of them and made up the Army story?



Rick: What is this place?

Deanna: This is the start of sustainability. That’s what the brochures we found say. This was a planned community, with its own solar grid, cisterns, eco-based sewage filtration. Starting in the low 800,000s... (laughs)...if there is such a thing. And they sold ‘em all.

Rick: How did you end up here?

Deanna: Well, my family and I were trying to get back to Ohio so I could help my district manage the crisis. And...the army stopped us on a back road and directed us here. They were supposed to come later. They didn’t. But there were supplies here and we made the best of it.

Rick: You put up the wall?

Deanna: Well, there was this huge shopping mall being built nearby. And my husband Reg is a professor of architecture. And who he was mattered quite a bit. He got the first plates up with our sons. And after a few weeks, more people arrived and we had help. We had a community.

Edited by Raven1707
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Yeah, but they were all furnished.  And what was up with the empty picture frames by the door?  It was like they rounded up all the frames in the house, removed the pictures, and stacked them there.  That scene is what made me think "where are the people that originally lived there?"

With new "planned communities", the units are often in a wide state of "done-ness". There'll be a 'model home', decorated/staged down to the last detail, which is often used as the sales office. Then you might have units that are already being lived in next to units where construction hasn't even finished yet. If a unit hasn't been pre-sold, building can only go so far. Once it's sold and the builder knows what "upgrades" are wanted - choice of flooring, counters, fixtures, etc.. - then it can be completed.So you can have fully furnished completed units next to units that are still under construction next to units where construction is finished but the details (floors, fiixtures, etc...) haven't been done yet. 


All that said, I too was perplexed by the empty picture frames stacked on the bench by the door. Also, I took the virtual tour of ASZ and what I most noticed was the amount of books in the Monroe's unit. They were everywhere, some neatly displayed in the bookcases, others just messily piled.  Also there were two things that looked like antique spotting scopes? in there, and an industrial stapler sitting on the mantle.  I can explain to myself the books and the scopes? but that stapler - what the heck? Does that have some significance or was it just an odd choice of props by the set designers?

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But please, PLEASE Daryl... I get your point, but a shower will not damage you, quite the opposite!


Umm,yeah. I'd watch that and he's gonna need a long one.


Rick: Carol, you can't just burn sick people. You go sit in the corner and think about what you did!

Carol: *muttering* You're not my real dad. Tell me to go to the corner...I'll burn your beard off. Shane would have let me do it. You're gonna need me to burn people some day and I won't help you!

Rick: What was that, Carol?

Carol: *glowers*...nothing.


Is this the best forum or what? Hahhaha!

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 Also, I took the virtual tour of ASZ and what I most noticed was the amount of books in the Monroe's unit. They were everywhere, some neatly displayed in the bookcases, others just messily piled.  


Since you mentioned that, I revisited the virtual tour and you're so right - so many books. Does Deanna's living room also act as the town library? Doesn't seem right for her to be hoarding all those books, and I highly doubt Douchebag Monroe is an avid reader. Nice touch with the plans/blue prints in the corner behind the couch though.


ETA: Just re-toured the main house and there are still some frames with pictures of a couple inside them on the shelves in the living room. Maybe this couple had A LOT of pics around the house that got cleared. Or maybe Aaron also collects picture frames.

Edited by Samx
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I never did chime in on what I thought of this episode. Not much to say that hasn't already been said. I liked the episode but I also hated it because of how uncomfortable it made me feel, if that makes sense. I get that we were seeing how things used to be, how things could have been, if the ZA hadn't of happened. I get that our gang finally has arrived at a place and way of life they think they want to get back to and we are supposed to be relieved and happy for them. But I don't like it. Not one bit.

Carl having to go to school and ask permission to go visit friends? No thanks. Having jobs, having to keep up appearances, having to make nicey-nice with neighbors. No thanks. And noone puts Daryl in a corner, LOL.

Our gang has been through hell, sure, but they have also been free. FREE! I just can't get on board with them having to or being willing to going back to the constraints of a "civilized" society. 


When Deanne(sp?) checked in on them that first night and said something about how remarkable it is that people from such varied backgrounds with nothing in common can form such strong family bonds ...   Everyone was looking around at each other. I think she is trying to drive a wedge between them all. It may have sounded nice but it was a "backhanded compliment" so to speak. It was insidious. 

She's making them all question their associations with each other (which wouldn't have come about in the Before) and I don't like it. I think in her interview with Rick she actually said that what you were Before DOES matter. It doesn't matter with our group but she is trying to make them think it does. I don't know what her motives are yet but I don't like it. 


I loved that they all spent the night together, not just in the same house but in the same room. They did it for practical reasons, sure, but still, it speaks to how comfortable they all are with each other, showered or not, LOL. That's a slumber party I want to be part of. 







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Yeah, but they were all furnished.  And what was up with the empty picture frames by the door?  It was like they rounded up all the frames in the house, removed the pictures, and stacked them there.  That scene is what made me think "where are the people that originally lived there?"


Okay, yea, good point. They were furnished. So maybe they were all evacuated. The original dwellers were sent somewhere else, ostensibly for their safety, but then other random people were sent there? Sounds like a total cluster, which is typical of our government.  So I can buy it. Wouldn't it be nice to be just some random, working class family fleeing on the backroads and diverted to this off-the-grid Eden? Upgrade!

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Deanna also said that the community was sold out.  So where are the people that bought those houses?  Did they not make it, did they kill them, or is she one of them and made up the Army story?


Zombie Apocalypse foreclosure clauses are standard in mortgages these days.


It really puts the Mort into mortgage, and avoids all those nasty inheritance disputes about who owns the property after a homeowner dies and returns as a walker.

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Zombie Apocalypse foreclosure clauses are standard in mortgages these days.


It really puts the Mort into mortgage, and avoids all those nasty inheritance disputes about who owns the property after a homeowner dies and returns as a walker.

Yah, but it's to be challenged by the Undead Rights Equality Amendment currently working it's way up the Hill.

SURELY you've heard of UREA.

The bill was sponsored by some brain-dead (pardon the pun) Congressperson from some pissant backwater Ohio district....

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Okay, yea, good point. They were furnished. So maybe they were all evacuated. The original dwellers were sent somewhere else, ostensibly for their safety, but then other random people were sent there? Sounds like a total cluster, which is typical of our government.  So I can buy it. Wouldn't it be nice to be just some random, working class family fleeing on the backroads and diverted to this off-the-grid Eden? Upgrade!

The ASZ 360 they put up is interesting....The Monroe place has diplomas on the wall, two of them.  One says Boston University and I can't make out the other one.  When you are running for your life do you grab your diplomas, or was someone else living there?  I mean I'm proud of my degree, but if there was a ZA going on and I had to get the hell out of dodge I wouldn't go "wait!  I need my College Diploma!!"


There is also a scorch mark going up the wall towards the kitchen.  Maybe water damage?  I dunno, seems more like a scorch mark.  What's up with that?


When you check out the ruins it has an open camcorder on the ground like someone was filming.  Man I want someone to find that and see what's on it!


The second house has paper towels.  The morons must be a little good at doing runs if they have paper towels 2 years into the ZA.  The 1st house has a yellowed newspaper on the table but you can't zoom enough to see how old it is.  I wonder if the previously mentioned people that met their doom a month ago lived there?

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The Monroe place has diplomas on the wall, two of them.  One says Boston University and I can't make out the other one.  When you are running for your life do you grab your diplomas, or was someone else living there?  I mean I'm proud of my degree, but if there was a ZA going on and I had to get the hell out of dodge I wouldn't go "wait!  I need my College Diploma!!"


The second house has paper towels.  The morons must be a little good at doing runs if they have paper towels 2 years into the ZA.  The 1st house has a yellowed newspaper on the table but you can't zoom enough to see how old it is.  I wonder if the previously mentioned people that met their doom a month ago lived there?


The other diploma is from Northwestern, both have the name "Esmond Robert Overton" on them. Probably was already living there when ZA happened.


Deanna mentioned there were supplies already at the community. Can't say there were 2 years worth though. If it's to be believed that the area had been evacuated then the ASZhats probably don't encounter too much trouble on their runs (except the 4 that died before - which seems like a lot of people to die on a run unless they ran into a herd...but since Dbag Monroe was really vengeful about 1 walker, I can't imagine there was a herd. Now I just talked myself into completely questioning his entire story. Gah.)

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Since you mentioned that, I revisited the virtual tour and you're so right - so many books. Does Deanna's living room also act as the town library? 


Michonne has decided that it's going to no matter what Deanna's intention is, and good for her.  


The more you all talk, the more I see all of these tiny little control measures.   

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I took the empty frames to indicate that the house had been previously occupied and those residents were gone, they had been either evacuated and had enough time to take the photos out of the frames or the photos had been left and the Alexandrites had removed them as part of prepping the house for newcomers. 




When Deanne(sp?) checked in on them that first night and said something about how remarkable it is that people from such varied backgrounds with nothing in common can form such strong family bonds ...   Everyone was looking around at each other. I think she is trying to drive a wedge between them all. It may have sounded nice but it was a "backhanded compliment" so to speak. It was insidious.
She's making them all question their associations with each other (which wouldn't have come about in the Before) and I don't like it. I think in her interview with Rick she actually said that what you were Before DOES matter. It doesn't matter with our group but she is trying to make them think it does. I don't know what her motives are yet but I don't like it.


I don't know if it's a calculated bit of manipulation but regardless of that I don't like those comments in combination. She also made a comment about along the lines of "looks like the communists were right after all" in regards to how things get done in their community. It was an odd remark, maybe just a wry joke, perhaps a bitter observation. She could potentially be a person who still gives weight to the markers of class differences that mattered in the pre-apocalypse world, which is an unfortunate bit of baggage.

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Deanna mentioned there were supplies already at the community. Can't say there were 2 years worth though.


I think it is possible that there were 2 years' worth - I shop at Costco and amass that much.  I don't think it's a stretch (although the paper towels, for instance, may be starting to disintegrate).

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She also made a comment about along the lines of "looks like the communists were right after all" in regards to how things get done in their community. It was an odd remark, maybe just a wry joke, perhaps a bitter observation. She could potentially be a person who still gives weight to the markers of class differences that mattered in the pre-apocalypse world, which is an unfortunate bit of baggage.

Considering more than half of Congress has a net worth of $1M or more, I think bitter might be an understatement. :)

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Yanno the more I think about the Enid situation the more I am thinking she was sneaking out to give some exiles some supplies.  Think about it, Deanna said they hadn't let people in for a long time, and Enid has been there 8 months.  If the exiles are recent they would probably be from her group.  If they are thinking of staging a coup it could explain her attitude towards Carl.  She'd be ticked that people who were potentially dangerous were now inside the wall.

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I think that is highly unlikely. Breaking Bad is gone, Mad Men has only 7 episodes left. Better Call Saul did way better than I expected (probably because of BB withdrawals), but I hardly think it is going to make up for the other two major losses.


I don't think this show is going anywhere for quite a while.

Especially when it's drawing 12-17 million people a week.  Highest rated scripted cable show.  I doubt they will even think about it until it goes below 10 million on a regular basis.

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I put an article in the media thread from the actress that plays Deanna....She sheds some light on how many people there are in Alexandria and how she came to be there...

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With Enid, it might be possible that her excursions are her just wanting to get out of there, needing a periodic escape from "civilization" after so long in the wild. Maybe Daryl can join her every once in a while! She can be his surrogate Beth.

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Not only were there blueprints but there was a carpenter's level and a surveyor's tool (telescope thing) on the fireplace mantel. There was a second surveyor's telescope tool by the window.

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Considering more than half of Congress has a net worth of $1M or more, I think bitter might be an understatement. :)

She made that weird comment about her husbands career title and that counted for something {paraphrase, someone must know the exact words?) so Rick must have been thinking and I should give a shit why?

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She made that weird comment about her husbands career title and that counted for something {paraphrase, someone must know the exact words?) so Rick must have been thinking and I should give a shit why?

I think she meant it counted because he knew how to build things....even if it looks like he built things rather badly to us.  I really hope they explain why the damn supports are on the outside of the wall.  It's driving me crazy.

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If given the walls were constructed in the manner they were because that is how the script character wanted it. And not because the real homeowners told the production crew those support braces cannot not block our streets. I think the walls are correct.


Given the grid construction on one side which would make for very easy human scaling, in spots it is almost like a ladder.  2nd, all the gridding would give multiple grip points for cognitive humans to attach ropes or chains to pull down the wall. 3rd, the walls are near streets which braces would interfere with vehicle movement, swift movements in an attack is crucial. There are other factors to consider also like the proper angle of the supports and how they are anchored to the ground, the terrain, and the proper spacing of the braces.


Given the limited people and equipment they must have had, this was masterfully built in my opinion. Any construction or engineering design comes with strengths and weaknesses. 

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What does CBD mean? I've seen it in many posts and can't figure it out.


It's the nickname someone gave Rick's group way back when (like season 1 or 2). They were christened as such, because almost everyone in the camp made the stupidist decisions with regards to safety and survival, to the point that they might as well have been ringing the dinner bell for the Walkers to come and chow down on them. That group did things so idiotic and made things so easy for the Walkers. I think Rick, Carl and Carol are the only remaining originals of CDB, and all three of them have come a long, long way.

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Glenn and Daryl too!


Oh yeah, that's right. So the originals of CBD were Rick, Carl, Carol, Daryl and Glenn. Glenn was the only one who actually had some sense at times. Rick just pontificated on doing the right thing. Daryl was eyeing everyone with a 'fuck you.' Carol was absolutely meek as can be (which is why her taking out Terminus on her own was extra special and awesome) and Carl has really grown up and become very sure of himself and the realities of the 'new world'.


Yeah, I like season 5 CDB. A lot!

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The design of the ASZ wall is perfectly logical if you remember it was designed by a PROFESSOR of architecture. Those that can, do. Those who cannot, teach. I know it's an old saying, but it is SO true.


If you had the diagonal supports on the inside you could attach a walkway around the wall, so that people on the inside could patrol the walls and, you know, keep watch, or shoot over the wall. Instead of now where they have to wait until someone actually breaks in before they can fight back.


Only 2 gates, period. A gate is a designed weak point in a wall, it's why people in every movie you've seen attacks a castle's gate. Keep gates to a minimum, two which lets you flee in either direction when necessary.


And for crying out loud, knock down all the buildings outside your wall for at least a block or two. Rick even commented that Shirewilt wasn't a good option for  a home because the woods were too close and they couldn't see anyone coming. ASZ has too much clutter around it.

Edited by Bongo Fury
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Man power man power man power supplies supplies supplies. To do what they did with as little people as they had with as little construction experience. The truth is having to haul materials from a site with, what, had to be a task and a half. Dig a hole 3 feet deep 3 feet wide 3 feet long and you began to understand the nature of mostly manual construction.

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Man power man power man power supplies supplies supplies.


OK, fair enough. 


The teenagers go to school half a day then hang out and read comics and play video games. Utterly impractical in a ZA, that labor can't be wasted like that. So get those kids to help tear down the houses around the wall and bring the usable lumber back to ASZ. To build the walkway around the inside of the wall that I talked about, all it takes is a horizontal cross member attached to the wall beam and the diagonal support. Then lay boards across these cross pieces. Teenagers with crowbars can take boards apart and pull nails out of them, while the little kids can carry the boards (even long ones) back in groups (for example, Mika and Lizzie could carry a 2x4 together). Securing your settlement is much more important than educating the children. There is time for school and rebuilding a semblance of a normal society, AFTER you have a secure home.


Speaking of which, to hell with the idyllic suburban community, esthetics be damed. Every house should have all the ground floor windows covered with bars or even chain link fence. You need to have more than one line of defense. What happens if walkers or evil humans get inside the wall, each house should be secure in and of itself just in case.

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