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Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold

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I think she's debating who on the ship she wants to tickle first. That, or how many ways you can kill someone with a feather, but the first one is more fun.

Edited by KirkB
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I also think she should wear that has her White Canary hair. That slicked back look is awful anything else would be better. 


As for Hawkman, I would really like if he didn't show up again until the ep 11 in the Old West. Then he can show up as Nighthawk, a masked gunfighter that was friends with Jonah Hex. 

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Is the actor playing Hawkman a regular?  I thought he was only reoccurring for some reason.  I really hope Kendra gets a few episodes without him around.


And from that preview, it sure looks like Ray has shrunk down into someone's blood - I'm guessing Kendra's to clear a clot or something?

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It does look like Ivo... Interesting.... he doesn't seem so quasi-noble trying to find a cure for his dying wife in that photo.


Oddly, I greatly enjoy all these people from the past shows randomly showing up on LoT.

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I just saw that too. That could be interesting since it looks like that's the guy Sara about to kill with a sword. If it is Ivo I wonder if Rip will have to get her to not kill him? Sara would want too and be pissed at Rip for not letting her do it. She had Stockholm Syndrome and tortured people for that guy.


However I would think we would've heard about that casting news, no?

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Yeah I think it would have already been talked up? I first thought I had maybe missed a spoiler but nobody knew it so that is why I checked the trailers. I think the guy just looks like Ivo in that screen shot. Not so much in other ones. 

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Dr Anthony Ivo, (spoilers for Arrow Season Two)

played by Dylan Neal in the Arrow season two flashbacks, was an evil scientist type aboard the Amazo, the tanker that rescued Sara from the ocean after the shipwreck. She ended up working for him apparently in exchange for protection from the rest of the crew, and had a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome going on when the Amazo came to Lian Yu and she and Oliver met up again. Ivo was after a miracle drug called Mirakuru, and when he didn't get it, he threatened to kill Sara and Shado and tried to force Oliver to choose between them. Oliver wouldn't choose, but jumped between Sara and the gun when it appeared that Ivo was going to kill her, so Ivo turned and shot Shado instead. Later his hand was cut off by Slade Wilson, who had been in love with Shado, as punishment, and Ivo begged Sara to kill him, but Oliver killed him instead, wanting to save Sara from becoming a killer. Sara was shortly thereafter washed out to sea (again) during a battle on the Amazo, and Oliver believed her lost (again), but she was apparently rescued by Nyssa some time after that and taken into the League of Assassins.

Edited by Starfish35
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THE TEAM ORCHESTRATES A PRISON BREAK - After some of the Legends are captured and thrown into a Russian gulag during the height of the Cold War of 1986, Snart (Wentworth Miller) leads the team in an elaborate escape plan to free their comrades....

I'm a bigger fan of "Wentworth Miller leads the team in an elaborate escape plan." Where have I heard that before?  :)


I just found out about this. They're killing me with the Prison Break references! Looking forward to the in-jokes.

I wonder if they knew about the PB revival when they wrote this? Anyway, more clips to add to Wentworth's demo reel of escapes.

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Sara is such a badass, I love it!


I also love how she's mindful of her surroundings and knew exactly who everyone was and what type of training they had. And she took out the woman with the gun first. 

Edited by Sakura12
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This sounds interesting. 




Mostly because I'll be happy to get some Sara and Oliver scenes even if it is older Oliver. Sara wasn't allowed to interact with anyone except for Because Comics, probably because it would've showcased even more how much better Sara fits with Team Arrow than she does. 

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From MG's recent tumblr postings at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/...

ipikaboo asked:
Is there a specific reason why RipHunter's son is named Jonas?

Yes.  Stay tuned!

aimingforolicity asked:
Hey Marc, the first episode of Legends of Tomorrow was SO good! I can't wait to see how this show plays out!... I just had a quick question. Rip's son was named Jonas and Oliver's middle name is Jonas. Coincidence or is there a connection?

That’s a coincidence.  But good catch!

screamlikeacanary asked:
Hi, just popping in to say that Legends is officially the coolest thing on this earth. It feels like all the JLA/JSA movies/series rolled into one. I couldn't stop smiling for 40 mins I think you gave me permanent wrinkles... Anyway, there was something I found very curious. The name of Rip's son. "Jonas". Was that name picked randomly or not?

Thank you so much.
Jonas’ name was not a random selection.  We’ll be revealing its backstory in a future episode this season.

mrdavisdnerd asked:
In light of news that Connor Hawke will appear as well as a future Oliver Queen, I have to know. Will we get to see Lian Harper also make an appearance on Legends of Tomorrow?

No plans at the moment, but you never know.

Edited by tv echo
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.....Access: I was kind of curious -- going back a couple of episodes -- what you think Leonard thinks of Sara Lance? He stood back and watched her just [fight] in that bar after she had [a] dance, and he just seemed fascinated by her.
Marc: I think he's very intrigued by her, and I think she's intrigued by him. They're both complex individuals, but I think as you'll see in future episodes, they have chemistry. They straight up – they've got chemistry and we're playing that in a… in keeping with their characters being very unusual, we are playing with that in an unusual way....


...Access: There's a clip for this week's episode and it's got a Time [Master] in it. What are the consequences for Rip [for what he's done]? Is there some sort of Time [Master] law and order? Is there some sort of... Time [Master] purgatory or jail or something like that?

Marc: In the latter half of the season, you're going to learn about something called the Omega Protocol, which is basically -- that's like the death penalty. That's the most severe punishment that the Time Masters can give out, and it won't be just Rip facing that. It'll be the entire team.


Edited by tarotx
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No wonder Sara and Rip are going to Clash. He really does want her to be the killer when she thought she was getting to be in the light. Next week does look good though. Luckily Sara won't have to kill Stein but it'll be cool to see what happens. I do kind of not like that Sara's off by herself because it probably will limited her screen time again. It still looks awesome. 


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Ok in the comics Valentina is a member of the Soviet airforce that defects to the US and eventually becomes Negative Woman (a superhero).  Any chance Ray is going to get a win here and she'll help them escape and perhaps even fulfill her comic book destiny?

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Ray needs a win so maybe.


Episode 1.7 synopsis



DC’S Legends of Tomorrow

“Marooned ” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD ) (HDTV)

PIRATE ATTACK – After receiving a distress call from another timeship stranded in space, Rip (Arthur Darvill) decides to answer the call in order to use the other ship’s computer to track Savage (guest star Casper Crump).  The team is suspicious and warns him this could be a trap but he moves forward with his plan.  Ultimately, the team was right and they have to battle time pirates.  With most of the team captured, it is up to Professor Stein (Victor Garber) to rescue them all.  Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Anderson Mackenzie & Phil Klemmer (#107).  Original airdate 3/3/2016.



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Well, he didn't choose them because they are good at time traveling missions, he choose them because it makes no difference if they die while helping him.

Of course judging by these past few eps I'm going to guess it's either Ray's fault or Rip's.

Edited by Sakura12
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Every time they have come close to killing Savage Kendra, the only person who can, is conveniently not around. So what they need to do is leave Ray on the ship, stick Kendra in his suit, and keep her shrunk in Sara's pocket. The next time they find Savage, Sara just gets close to him, Kendra pops out, kills Savage, and they all go for a cold beer. On Rip.


I still can't get past the fact they had Savage dead, for a while at least, and down and made no effort to get him back to the ship for Kendra when she was feeling up to stabbing him a few dozen times. Instead, they left him behind. Why? Did Savage have too many more of his followers coming? If so, how did they manage to get away in the first place?


I get that they can't defeat Savage in the first couple of episodes, unless they do a reveal where he was never the real enemy. But they set up an absolutely perfect capture scenario and did nothing with it and it bugs me.

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I thought only RP could shrink because of the nanites injection? If another person puts the suit on, I don't think the shrinking works for them. Perhaps, I'm wrong. It's only recently that I really started paying attention to stuff related to RP.

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