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S30: Jenn Brown

Donny Ketchum
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Yeah, Jenn is spirited and funny ... but I can't quite shake off my earlier impression of her and Hali (and maybe Joe) of being shallow and privileged and a bit mean.  It's kind of telling that all of the older people who have played with them seem to dislike them, tried to remove themselves from their alliance and targeted them.  Nina, Vince, and Kelly have all said something to that effect, and from what I'm hearing from Kelly's interviews, Will and Carolyn appear to have distanced themselves for similar reasons.


I don't remember Vince saying he didn't like them; just that he didn't trust them.  I do wonder if its just personality clashes.  Joe/Jenn/Hali are all young, unmarried, no kids, no concrete professional careers (at this point), and seem to live up to the 'no collar' free spirited label.  And there could still be some bitterness about getting played, which is what I felt with Nina and Kelly's exit interviews.  I do wonder what it was about Joe that made Joaquin/Tyler not want to work or interact with him while they were together, unless that had to do with Joaquin's bromance with Rodney.  I can see why the trio of Joe/Jenn/Hali (and even Shirin) aren't for everyone, but I love them.  They are what's saving this season for me.


I read in one of Kelly's exit interviews that Jenn told her Nina had already played the idol, which is why they never even thought she had it.  I guess the plan that originally started with Vince didn't go to waste after all.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I read in one of Kelly's exit interviews that Jenn told her Nina had already played the idol, which is why they never even thought she had it.  I guess the plan that originally started with Vince didn't go to waste after all.


Just one more thing Nina will bring up against Jenn:)!   'Why would she lie about me even when I'm gone?  Would she lie about me if I weren't deaf?......don't answer that, I have my own theory.'

Edited by pennben
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I don't remember Vince saying he didn't like them; just that he didn't trust them.  I do wonder if its just personality clashes.  Joe/Jenn/Hali are all young, un-married, no kids, no concrete professional careers (at this point), and seem to live up to the 'no collar' free spirited label.  And there could still be some bitterness about getting played, which is what I felt with Nina and Kelly's exit interviews.  I do wonder what it was about Joe that made Joaquin/Tyler not want to work or interact with him while they were together, unless that had to do with Joaquin's bromance with Rodney.  I can see why the trio of Joe/Jenn/Hali (and even Shirin) aren't for everyone, but I love them.  They are what's saving this season for me.


I read in one of Kelly's exit interviews that Jenn told her Nina had already played the idol, which is why they never even thought she had it.  I guess the plan that originally started with Vince didn't go to waste after all.


I think this is what it is as well. We know from Kelly's interviews that she didn't like the no collar women at all but in one of Hali's secret scenes that I posted on her thread the feeling was quite opposite from them. They did like Kelly a lot hence why they took it personally at the merge when she "dumped" them and started hanging out with the blue collars all the time.


On another note can only young women be mean girls?  That is what it seems like sometimes on this forum.

Edited by LanceM
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It's kind of telling that all of the older people who have played with them seem to dislike them, tried to remove themselves from their alliance and targeted them.  Nina, Vince, and Kelly have all said something to that effect, and from what I'm hearing from Kelly's interviews, Will and Carolyn appear to have distanced themselves for similar reasons.


My immediate reaction, as an NC4 fan, is that Vince is a semi-psycho, who tried to anoint himself king from the start (with Jenn as his queen)... Nina requires so much attention and hand-holding, she probably didn't belong out there in the first place... and Kelly admits she spent her entire time with them lying and misleading them. 


It appears the only ones Will has NOT distanced himself from are Rodney, Dan and Mike.  Carolyn, more than anyone else, might deserve the "mean girl" title.  The way she treated Shirin was not only mean and unnecessary: it was counter-productive.


To sum up, all the people you cited have plenty of issues of their own. 



I read in one of Kelly's exit interviews that Jenn told her Nina had already played the idol, which is why they never even thought she had it.


That makes me love Jenn even more. 

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On another note can only young women be mean girls?  That is what it seems like sometimes on this forum.


Yeah, I hate the "mean girl" thing.  OMG a woman who's not absolutely kind and selfless like a Dickens heroine!  MEAN GIRL!  Jenn (and Hali, who doesn't seem to have a mean bone in her body to me) don't have to like everybody or be liked by everybody in order to be acceptable human beings.  Really, if some of these people (Vince, Carolyn) don't like them, it seems like a plus to me. 

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The fact that Kelly doesn't seem to take issue with Rodney, who (according to Lindsey) was way worse than what we were shown on TV is a red flag for me.  Vince seemed to being trying to do more damage control in his interviews, and Nina was definitely bitter.  Kelly still seems confused why she was targeted over someone stronger, even though it seems to make perfect sense.  Maybe saying it was a personal vote softens the blow a little.  Will seems like he's phoning it in at this point.  I think after Vince and Nina left, it might not have been easy being the oldest one left on a tribe with a bunch of 20 something fly by the seat of their pants people.  I never really got the impression the tribe was excluding him.  I don't really know what Carolyn's problem is, unless the first three days of being called old and weak by a younger girl, plus being used as Max's pawn to blindside So, has gotten into her head a little too much.  In her case, though, I really think it's more the age/culture difference, if you want to call it that.


Ultimately, it seems like almost everyone out there and that's been voted off is totally oblivious to what's really going down (or went down, for the people voted pre-jury).  

Edited by LadyChatts
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Knowing that Jenn told Kelly that Nina already played the NC idol solidifies her as who I'm rooting for to win. That was a great play by her. And it helps to explain why the BC didn't just split the votes. Although, really, they're still dumb for not doing that because you never know.

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Knowing that Jenn told Kelly that Nina already played the NC idol solidifies her as who I'm rooting for to win. That was a great play by her. And it helps to explain why the BC didn't just split the votes. Although, really, they're still dumb for not doing that because you never know.

And with their superior numbers, they should've split them, too.  Not that I'm not upset, of course, since Jenn is still around due to their absentmindedness.  But still, it was something they should've done just in case.

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Knowing that Jenn told Kelly that Nina already played the NC idol solidifies her as who I'm rooting for to win. That was a great play by her. And it helps to explain why the BC didn't just split the votes. Although, really, they're still dumb for not doing that because you never know.


And why on Earth wasn't footage of this clever ploy by Jenn aired? Did a cameraman forget to take a lens cap off? Do we have to read through interviews to figure out what's going on?

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The other possibility is that Jenn never said it and Kelly is just spinning now when she's asked why the BCs didn't split the vote. A lot of what Kelly says doesn't really make sense, that the BCs couldn't find an idol so they assumed there were no idols this season, but also, Jenn told them that Nina played her idol. She seems to be throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks.

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I posted an interview in Kelly's thread where she sort of contradicts herself on the idol.  She said she thought Jenn told her Nina had it (though in a different interview she said Jenn told her Nina had it), but then she says the reasons the blues never found their idol was they didn't think there were idols this season.  Much like some of the other boots this season, I continue to believe Kelly's just upset and agree with others that she's trying to spin things around in her favor.  I'd have to go find the exact interview, but she was asked a question about setting Will up to test loyalty, and I felt like she didn't even answer what she was asked.  It was more about her and Mike's bond and loyalty.


They seem to be leaving a lot out this season, so I can't say I'm surprised at this point at what gets revealed in interviews.

Edited by LadyChatts
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The one 'mean girl' I can think of was Whitney, who took Cochran aside his first season and told him he made her sick (for playing his game, not hers).  


I don't think Jenn seems mean.  I doubt she hates Jeff, either.  I think that was just Jeff just trying to be cute with words.  Sometimes he doesn't make a lot of sense but seems to be going for a soundbite, like his 'jump the shark' comment earlier.  

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The other possibility is that Jenn never said it and Kelly is just spinning now when she's asked why the BCs didn't split the vote. A lot of what Kelly says doesn't really make sense, that the BCs couldn't find an idol so they assumed there were no idols this season, but also, Jenn told them that Nina played her idol. She seems to be throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks.


They don't have to be mutually exclusive.  The BCs may have assumed there was no idol, and Jenn may also have told Kelly Nina played hers.  Kelly doesn't come across to me as the brightest light: she may not have seen the contradiction.  In fact, Jenn's statement may have served to reinforce the lesson she took from the BC search, i.e. they didn't have to worry about idols. 


Kelly doesn't seem to me creative enough to think of the Jenn story.  But I admit my bias in favor of the NC4. 

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My favorite thing about Jenn's sense of humor is that it's the kind of humor that seems based in keeping herself entertained, more than anything. People who try too hard to be funny and seem to be "workshopping" jokes to see what gets an effect can be tiresome and are overrepresented on reality TV. Jenn just seems like she's constantly amused by what's going on around her and is going to laugh about it, even if nobody else is on the same wavelength.

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Very surprised (but extremely happy) that Jenn survived the vote.  I figured they would take her as a bigger threat than Hali.  At any rate, I think I looked as depressed as her, Joe, and Shirin sitting there when Hali got her torch snuffed.  Unless someone flips, and flips fast, they are done for.  Right now its 7-3, so they would need at least 2 people to flip to their side to make it even, 3 people to take the majority.  So at this point even Tyler/Carolyn flipping might not save them.  The only thing that'll get me through next week is to believe something good will happen to change their fortunes.  At this point even the odd men out on the other side may run out of options.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I don't know why I like Jenn. She's sour and immature. I really hope that Joe is not dating her and that they are just fucking with us.

I find her bragging or trolling or whatever it is on twitter about dating Joe weird. If she's bragging it seems immature and if it's trolling then it just seems kind of mean, like she's making fun of fans for wondering if they're dating. It also doesn't seem like a very "No Collar" thing to do. 

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A few weeks ago Jeff said he loves Jenn.


So let's hope she makes FTC and wins, and that's how this season could still be awesome :-) 


Yes, I'm feeling optimistic today.

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It's over for NC.


You may very well be right, but if there is one thing I've learned watching Survivor it is that what people see as inevitable during the season often doesn't happen. Hence why I'm staying optimistic - delusional ? A foregone conclusion would not make a good season, after all! Which is why I'm choosing to read the edit as misleasding us.


I'm conforted in that view by the preview (ok, apparently I cannot talk about it here, but those of you who saw it wil understand what I'm referring to), which I choose to read as a big red herring).

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It's over for NC. Rodney, Mike, Taylor, and Carolyn can win. Joe can win, longshot. Will, longshot.


I don't believe Rodney can win, unless it's a final 2 and he's sitting next to Dan.  I question if Carolyn could win.  I think this jury will likely vote by tribal lines and likablity over game play.  Which isn't anything new, but just a vibe I'm getting.  Especially if NC is picked off, and then the rest have to start going at each other.  Mike is the one that I feel has the best chance of winning, followed by Tyler and Joe.

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Yea, Rodney can't win. I'm just thinking if I'm a jury, I would consider voting for his misogynistic ass. I agree with his assessment on Mike's decision. He has a plan to go deep. We'll see. But yea, he can't win with so many women jurors.

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I was disappointed in Jenn tonight, but I will give her a break if she rebounds next week.  I'm sad that Joe is gone, but hopefully with him out of the way, Jenn and Shirin can make some moves and wiggle into the group a little more.  I hate anyone that quits, and I am glad the rule is in place now that quitters have to potentially forfeit prize money and a spot on the jury.  Since I didn't want to hate Jenn, I am glad she didn't quit.  I mean, asking to get voted out is the same thing, but it didn't happen, so I'll give her this one pass.  


I figured with all the hype surrounding her attitude, the quit was going to be a red herring.  However, once she was willing to give up immunity for Joe and was fine with getting voted off I wondered if maybe it wasn't such a bluff after all.  Jenn had a lot of promise and the makings of Parvati 2.0 early in the season.  I can't blame her for wanting to throw in the towel.  The writing's on the wall and it doesn't seem like anyone back at camp is making it less obvious.  It's unfortunate that she got dealt the low end of numbers at the merge.  It's how many have ended up however.  Since my favorites are getting picked off, I hope it come back to bite those that don't flip.  I am hopeful that she gets new life breathed into her.


I am confused about Shirin's vote: she voted for Joe, but was she supposed to vote for Jenn?  But then she was talking to Mike, and I missed that conversation.  Did she flip because of what Mike said?  To paraphrase what Tyler and Rodney said, I had no idea what was going on.   

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Did she flip because of what Mike said?


I'd say she voted for Joe for many reasons: 1) to show Mike she's trustworthy; 2) to keep Jenn around; 3) to get rid of Joe who a) is a challenge beast and, last but not least b) as long as he stays, makes the last three of Shirin+Jenn+Joe a very obvious voting bloc. With him gone, they (Jenn+Shirin) appear much less threatening to the BC males, especially because they (or at least that's how Dan saw it, but I'm not sure the other had a different opinion) thought these two (and especialy Shirin) were riding Joe's coattails.

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Love Jenn, and I understand the feelings she's having, but Joe is right, this is what they all signed up for, you know going in that you could end up on the wrong side of a Pagonging. Hope she bucks up and starts to fight, she would be practically guaranteed a spot on an All Star season if she does, if she rolls over and mopes to the end, then no way does she get an invite back.

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Well, that episode drained all of my respect for Jenn. I can imagine how hard it is to be out there, and to be surrounded by a group of total morons who are also in charge of the game, but suck it up, lady, this is Survivor.

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I hope Jenn rebounds but I think it is really easy for us to say you know what you signed up for. Joe gets, it. He has watched forever and is out there now. It is so massively different then what we see. The 24/7 game play, lack of food, lack of sleep, challenges, bug bites, injuries that are not going to heal all must suck in a manner which I don't want to understand. Toss in losing your best friend and you can easily see why Jenn would be in a rough spot. I think this season might be even worse then normal because there are so many player who are fans and the level of strategy talk sounds like it is insanely high. Not that we are seeing it but Hali commented that Jenn was the only person she could hang out with and discuss things that were not game related.

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I don't think she really wanted to quit.  I think she just got down in the dumps about losing her close ally and was feeling hopeless about her position in general (which, can you blame her?).  It's like the old "I'm going to break up with you before you break up with me because that way it'll hurt less" gambit.


Immature, sure, but I can understand her despair.  Especially as she said "this would suck less if these people sucked less."


Either she'll rally and we'll see her fighting spirit return, or she'll fixate on the idea of her two best buds partying it up at Ponderosa without her and will try even harder to get ousted.

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I thought the tweet about the Asian movie character was absolutely vile. According to the reddit page there was also a tweet that she deleted after it got posted online that said "The mall smells like fat people, soup and Mexicans. I wish there was another way to get to Aldo #whitepeopleproblems" and apparently there were/are way more offensive tweets than just the screen-captured ones.


If Joe and Jenn are dating it makes me lose a lot of respect for him.


I'm sorry, but she seems awful. And I know people are going to say "well, those tweets are from a few years ago and she was young, every young person does that!", but I don't agree with that. Those tweets are awful and an 18/19 year old should know better. I read the comments on reddit and I totally agree that I've never even thought those things before, let alone said them.


And even if she doesn't tweet stuff like that anymore she has shown herself on the show to be very intolerant of anyone different from her. The way she dealt with Nina, the way she talked about wanting to work with guys instead of girls in her pre-game interview, etc. shows me that she still has a lot of internalized prejudice, sexism, etc. 

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I don't know if Jenn and Joe are dating.  They seem to be having a lot of fun pretending, though.  I would love it if they are, they seem perfect for each other.  But I have a feeling they are just very close friends.  Jenn along with Mike, Sierra, and Tyler were visiting Joe in AZ a couple of weeks back.  It's always nice to see a close cast, but I'm more surprised who seems the closest with who outside of this group.

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Yea, Jenn's tweets are why I hated her pre-show.


Jenn did tweet an apologize today:


I said some terrible stuff and I’m embarrassed that I ever typed those words. They aren’t representative of how I feel at all - they were a stupid attempt to be funny. My words weren’t funny, they were just offensive. I can’t unsay them. I can’t excuse them. But I can take responsibility for what I’ve done and apologize to everyone whom my words have hurt. It was insensitive and I've grown up a lot since then. I have removed it all. I love all people.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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No, Jenn's a nice girl. Best friend with Hali. Jenn can play nice with girls.

Somehow I don't think that posting bigoted, racist and homophobic tweets and being exclusive to people with disabilities qualifies someone as being "a nice girl"

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Honestly, that was a pretty much stand up and take responsibility apology.  I appreciate that.  I hope she really means it and has learned from it.


Yeah she was just a kid really when she said most of that stuff. It doesn't excuse it, and it certainly makes me wonder about her upbringing, but we all tend to shed several skins between the ages of 18 and 23. 

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Honestly, that was a pretty much stand up and take responsibility apology.  I appreciate that.  I hope she really means it and has learned from it.


I thought is was a good apology, too. Very sincere and she actually accepted responsibility. I too hope she has learned from it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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