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Small Talk: The Impala

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19 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

It looks like on the older posts that quoted posts are indented but that who said them isn't shown... at least not on my computer (which is a laptop which is at present on a docking station.) This might be confusing for any newbies trying to follow a conversation. But *sigh*, I don't like new format changes. They seem to be doing it to our work e-mail every other month... I'm like "wait a minute, wasn't that a square icon thingy yesterday? Why is it a circle now?" At present here, the new paragraph space thing is bugging me, because I keep hitting the enter key twice like usual and ending up with too many spaces.

I'm sure there are probably some fancy new abilities, but I don't twitter or facebook or any of that so that kind of upgrade is going to go right over my head anyway, and wait a minute...

"Hey you kids get offa my lawn! I know your parents!"

Now, wait what was I talking about? *Wanders off, muttering to herself*

I think I read yesterday, before the site went down again, the quotes were not entirely functional until all the posts were finished being copied across. I scrolled up the thread and looks like they're functioning now.

But yeah, those Damon kids! ;)

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What's Amazon's deal? Season one, disc 3 has a pretty deep scratch on it. I got to "Scarecrow" and the disc stopped playing.  Except for Meg, I really like that episode. I couldn't watch "Faith" either. 

Anyway, I went to Amazon to exchange it. They won't let me exchange it for an identical item. I can either exchange it for Season 3 or I can have a refund. They used to have an 800 number. I can't find one now. I think it's odd that they won't just replace season 1 straight up. 

5 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

What's Amazon's deal? Season one, disc 3 has a pretty deep scratch on it. I got to "Scarecrow" and the disc stopped playing.  Except for Meg, I really like that episode. I couldn't watch "Faith" either. 

Anyway, I went to Amazon to exchange it. They won't let me exchange it for an identical item. I can either exchange it for Season 3 or I can have a refund. They used to have an 800 number. I can't find one now. I think it's odd that they won't just replace season 1 straight up. 


I talked to a nice guy who was really pretty helpful. Amazon seems to be out of stock on season 1. I just took the refund. I was a little skeptical when the discs arrived anyway. Amazon gets it's season 1 from some other seller. The outside box was sealed, but it looked pretty worn. The inside box looked kind of worn as well. 

So.  On Sunday night/Monday morning, it was snowing here.  Today, it got over 80F.  All the scrub oak has exploded with new green leaves, I've seen paintbrush and cactus blooming, the iris that has sat bloomless by the edge of our driveway since we moved here has burst into flower.  ?

(Out of curiosity, are my emojis showing up for folks?)

3 minutes ago, Omegamom said:

So.  On Sunday night/Monday morning, it was snowing here.  Today, it got over 80F.  All the scrub oak has exploded with new green leaves, I've seen paintbrush and cactus blooming, the iris that has sat bloomless by the edge of our driveway since we moved here has burst into flower.  ?

(Out of curiosity, are my emojis showing up for folks?)

They sure are. ;)

The emojis look perfect to me, ΩMom!

Guys, so much has been going on here lately. Personal details that you might not be interested in (and I won't blame you if you aren't! I'm putting everything in spoiler tags so that you won't be inundated by my personal info if you just don't care) but that I wanted to talk about because after years of lurking around here, I feel pretty close to you guys: 


My grandma is 90 y/o and had a stroke last week. She's having to relearn how to feed herself, and is extremely confused. I'm her only grandchild, and have always been close to her, and it's horrible to see her like this. And I'm not sure what I should/can do. I'm also planning to leave my job soon (the company is contracting, and my opportunities here are contracting along with it) -- so I've been putting out a lot of applications and getting some calls from people interested in recruiting me. The thing is, I want to somewhat shift to a different kind of job; right now, I'm working in a restaurant (technically, I'm a manager, but also end up bartending or waiting on tables more often than not, for a lot of boring but practical reasons), and I'm hoping to shift to event management or fundraising/development. I want the better hours and the better prospects. And to not have to constantly deal with the dirty dishes and the drama, etc etc etc, that come from working in a restaurant full time. It's frustrating and intimidating to try and get a new-and-better job, though. I've been out of the white collar world for a long time, if I was ever really in it in the first place, so I'm a little shaky! Everyone -- strangers, friends, even freaking JOB INTERVIEWERS -- act like of course someone like me could/will get a "good" job, but I'm not actually sure how to do that. Also, I met a pretty amazing guy about a month ago. Things are going wonderfully so far!!! But of course, I'm preoccupied and in a constant state of nearly shattered nerves because it's like every hormone in my body is telling me THIS GUY IS AMAZING YOU SHOULD PROBABLY SPEND EVERY WAKING SECOND EITHER WITH HIM OR THINKING ABOUT HIM. And my terrible hours are making it difficult for us to see each other more than two or three times a week (and often at weird times at that), which is difficult. Probably/hopefully that's just temporary, but still difficult. Although I'm so happy to have met him. So anyway, that's my life right now :) Just felt like spilling the beans.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. What kind of recovery is she expected to make? My mother had a stroke several years ago. It's a pretty scary situation. Good luck in whatever future plans you make.


I'm going to Vancouver later on this year. Have any of you been there? I understand the film studios don't do tours. I would like some suggestions though of things I should not miss. 

I've been to Vancouver once. I was AWESOME. Like my 4th fave city that I've been to.

-- Stanley Park
-- Go to the top of Grouse Mountain and watch the sunset over the city. It is literally one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.
--Walk over the Capilano Suspension Bridge
-- Cruise up and down Granville which is the main drag. There was an awesome legit Irish pub owned by some legit Irish folks with legit Irish music sung in Irish that was fantastic and I think that was at the end of Granville. I hope it's still there
--Victoria Island is supposed to be amazing but I never went.

That's what I can think of for right now.

I'm not sure about studio tours but maybe you could pick up like a map of SPN locations. Tweet at the VYRshoots people and that might be able to help you with some places to go?

2 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

I'm going to Vancouver later on this year. Have any of you been there? I understand the film studios don't do tours. I would like some suggestions though of things I should not miss. 

I haven't been to Vancouver in ages. The last time I can remember, I was in college and my friend and I went on the spur of the moment for spring break. But, that was some very many years back, so I'm not sure I'd have good advice now...although, Stanley Park probably is still a must!  

If you were going during Van Con I'd suggest you try to get on the locations tour.

1 hour ago, Commando Cody said:

I'm waiting in line - on the internet - to buy a ticket to Oldchella. The Desert Trip with all the old rockers. Are any of you planning to go to this?


I wish! That sounds awesome. And the name "Oldchella" is hilarious.


If you're planning to go, what kinds of things are you going to wear? I'm trying to imagine the kind of outfits that people wear to Coachella, but for "old people," and I can't really wrap my head around it. Maybe lots of caftans?!

Even if you can't get any tickets today, I think there will probably be plenty coming onto craigslist within a month of the actual festival.

Are the festival's producers selling the tickets the same way they do for Coachella, and putting limits on how many each person can buy? If so, then I'm sure there will be plenty of random people buying themselves an extra ticket just because they can (and because they have "a scarcity mindset" :P ), and they'll eventually try to unload those tickets by doing some amateur scalping...but since they're *amateurs,* they're probably going to end up listing/selling those extra tickets at more-or-less face value. Well, that's always what seemed to happen with Coachella, anyway (ime). If you really want to go, I think you can make it happen :D My fingers are crossed for you!

11 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

I got into week one. I won't pay for any of the tickets they have left. I didn't notice any limits, but it's typical to have them. 

Congrats! That sounds super fun.

Although dude, are you really going to wear JEANS in the desert? You're going to melt! :P

Ugh speaking of, I'm supposed to pack right now (flight's in a few hours) and don't feel like it. I don't have any warm weather clothes anyway. Some dresses, but the same old ones I always wear (AwesomO has even seen one of them. That's how blah my wardrobe is. I apparently wore the exact same things last time I took a vacation, like a year ago). I almost feel like just showing up at the airport and buying clothes at my destination :P But I've done that before, and...it was kind of a disaster. OK, I'm getting up and actually being semi-responsible. Grumble grumble grumble. :)

10 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

I'm waiting in line - on the internet - to buy a ticket to Oldchella. The Desert Trip with all the old rockers. Are any of you planning to go to this?

Okay, I'm going to admit it. I read this as a dessert trip, and I thought "How odd; a dessert trip with a bunch of old rockers," but at the same time I imagined that that would be awesome. I imagined sitting around a table or in a tasteful dinner theater, eating elegant desserts while talking with a bunch of old rockers. and then maybe they'd put on a show...

I was kind of disappointed to figure out that it was desert trip. Hee.

  • Love 3
Just now, AwesomO4000 said:

Okay, I'm going to admit it. I read this as a dessert trip, and I thought "How odd; a dessert trip with a bunch of old rockers," but at the same time I imagined that that would be awesome. I imagined sitting around a table or in a tasteful dinner theater, eating elegant desserts while talking with a bunch of old rockers. and then maybe they'd put on a show...

I was kind of disappointed to figure out that it was desert trip. Hee.

I legit guffawed at this. Thank you so much.

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Neither tea nor wine in the house.  I am sadly unprepared.  There have been many tears, plus mom pulling out the "I am SO disappointed in you" card.  Child is being ferried to the feed store tomorrow by dad to apologize.

The whole thing is a balance between potential horror (baby chick at a school dance?!  Squished chick, broken wings, traumatized chick, dead chick?!) and the slightly comedic aspect (I mean, really.  Stealing a baby chick from the feed store?!  So rural! ?).  And the whole "stealing is wrong, don't be pushed by peer pressure" blah blah blah...

Edited by Omegamom
On 5/21/2016 at 10:53 PM, Omegamom said:

Young teen drama.  It involves a baby chick stolen from the local feed store plus a school dance, a call from the principal, a furious mom (that would be me) removing said child from the school dance early blah blah blah.

Parenting is hard.

Hopefully she's past middle school.  Good luck on surviving the drama, since you're not prepared maybe you should write a story with her being the victim and then force her to read it.  You can decide if Dean or Sam save her...

By the way, the one time my heart stopped was when my dad used, "I'm disappointed in you."  He had never said that before and it hurt worst than all the yelling my parents did. 

By the way, I used it on a student this year, and saw his tears welling up.  I knew he would remember that more than anything else his parents had tried.  He's the type of kid that pushes the limits all the time doing stupid stuff.  If he hadn't shown up, our entire one act would have been disqualified.  I didn't have a replacement for him, so to say I wanted to strangle him was a understatement.  :)  I can smile now but I wasn't smiling then.

Graduates middle school on Monday, yay! 

Thanks, 7kstar...I just tell myself that my best friend as a young teen went through all sorts of horrible decision-making, including dropping out of high school and drugs and the whole ball of wax...and now she's an ER doc with a good life, respected and successful and happy.  And with a great relationship with her mom!

(I was wondering where you've been!)

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