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Small Talk: The Impala

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Are you talking Comcast/Xfinity?  Because I can get it on my home cable box.  (Of course, I have the old Comcast box, not the new fancy Xfinity one, which seemed way too confusing to me.  But I had the woman in the store demo it for me by finding Supernatural on it.)  On mine, I go to TV shows/by network/The CW...which is at the end of the "c"s.  I think you can also just search for the show by title.  


The online on demand says it has the last ep free for two more days.  


You can also watch online at the CW site.  


Hope you've found it by now!

Edited by ahrtee
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Totally off topic, but....  Does anyone know a way to make grocery shopping not suck?  I can't describe how much I hate grocery shopping.

Online shopping. Most cities have it now. For example Harris Teeter has a 4 hrs lead time and they bring it to your car. Pea Pod Hausa longer lead topi me but they come to your home.

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Online shopping. Most cities have it now. For example Harris Teeter has a 4 hrs lead time and they bring it to your car. Pea Pod Hausa longer lead topi me but they come to your home.


This is fortuitous. I jacked up my foot and I'm in a walking cast right now. Unfortunately, it's my right foot so driving seems like a really bad idea.  I was looking at Amazon.  But it's kind of pricey.


Vons/Safeway deliver. I wish Trader Joe's delivered. I need my trader joe's fix. 

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Totally off topic, but....  Does anyone know a way to make grocery shopping not suck?  I can't describe how much I hate grocery shopping.


Personally, I think starving would be more fun. Hate it. Hate it will a passion. But then again, I hate everything, so...


SueB, I wish I lived somewhere where online shopping was an option...did I mention I hated it? I've been trying to convince a co-worker to be my personal shopper for years, but for some reason he doesn't find the idea enticing. 

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As a Michigan grad... I would like to spend the next 12 hours in a drunken stupor.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, google "Michigan vs Michigan State Final Play".


"Just because it kills your liver doesn't mean it ain't medicine." -- Bobby Singer

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As a Michigan grad... I would like to spend the next 12 hours in a drunken stupor.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, google "Michigan vs Michigan State Final Play".


"Just because it kills your liver doesn't mean it ain't medicine." -- Bobby Singer


Man....that was brutal. 

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Totally off topic, but....  Does anyone know a way to make grocery shopping not suck?  I can't describe how much I hate grocery shopping.


Personally, I think starving would be more fun. Hate it. Hate it will a passion. But then again, I hate everything, so...


I must be such a weirdo. I love grocery shopping even though now I have to generally shop at two different places to get everything I want. Of course I don't drive, so hubby does the driving part, but he's cool with it... I generally make it worth his while by getting him something he likes. He's not a stand in line person, while I don't mind it at all, so I generally do it for him all the time. We trade off like that.


Anyway, how to make shopping not suck... Well I like to cook, so I'm generally already thinking of what I want to make for dinner, thereby getting me up for shopping for the stuff to make said dinner. Next - get myself a treat. Our Kroger's has a Starbucks, and while I don't really drink coffee, I like to get a small Cafe Vanilla Frapaccino, half the coffee, skim milk, no whip cream. If I have to make a WalMart run, there's a yogurt place nearby, so I treat myself with that or a McDonald's caramel or hot fudge sundae (for $1.25 it's a bargain). Also if possible, I take my time - usually that's when hubby drops me off and goes in to the lab or something, and I'll call him when I'm ready. If hubby's waiting in the parking lot listening to the game or working on his computer, I'll go faster. Finding a bargain helps. I get a rush if I find something on sale that I can stock up on, because I'm saving money in the long run. I'm not a coupon person though - that would be annoying. I used to do coupons, but nowadays, coupons are generally lame and not for stuff I want. Lastly - and this for me is important - I use canvas and those other kind of reusable shopping bags. I have many and it makes shopping soooo much easier. You can fit so many things in those, especially the canvas ones and they last for years. I use mine all the time and still have some that are like 15 to 20 years old.


Oops hubby needs me to check the barbequed steak (which is a bargain where I live)... more later...


Okay back with some more (maybe) helpful tips...


Grocery shop in weird places when possible. And by weird, I don't mean WalMart - though where I live, shopping there can be a weird experience sometimes. I generally only get a few oddball things there. I mean someplace like Big Lots. And I actually do quite a bit of grocery shopping there now. They usually have a Bob's Red Mill section - where I tried some new grains that I totally came to love, and our diet is much more diverse for it - a small international section, a killer snack section where I can get stuff much cheaper and things I can't get elsewhere - like Beanitos which are like snacking without feeling guilty. My favorite is the nacho cheese navy bean chips. They aren't much lower in fat, but they have a bunch of fiber and are low in salt, and count as a "slow carb", because they're made from beans. A good-sized bag is $2.00.


You never quite know what's going to be there, so it's a surprise. Sometimes they'll have a new cereal - like a new flavor a brand wants to try out - and so you can find a big box of a new type of Cheerios or Special K or Shredded Wheat for $1.00. This won't last, so if the date is good - like good till next year - I'll buy like 10 boxes. There's a good chance I'll like it, but if not - what the hell, I'll donate it to the food pantry. No big deal. Sometimes I'll buy extra for the food pantry and save up a few different types before donating, and then I'll feel good about finding a bargain that's also helping someone who needs it. The international section there has some interesting stuff. They had some great whole wheat pasta from Italy a few months ago that tasted great - some whole wheat pasta can have an odd taste to it - was high in fiber and was $1.00 a box. I bought all they had left and am sad it's gone. They have strange cookies and candies, and I'll try one every once in a while. Generally: French and Italian cookies are delicious. Sometimes I find extreme dark chocolate Le Petit Ecolier cookies for $2.00 a box... so delicious. If I lived in a town with International grocery stores, I would shop there every so often also, to make things interesting.


But I think it generally helps that food is not extremely expensive here - if you know where to shop that is. Our former Piggly Wiggly is now a Food Depot, but the meat department generally stayed. I know it sounds weird to buy meat at a Food Depot, but it is awesome there at ours. The meat is real meat - not what they do in our Kroger where they call it "moist and tender", but what that means is that they pump salt water into it. I made the mistake of buying that once and hubby was like "what happened to the pork chops? They're so salty." Nope, nope nope... not again. The Food Depot has lean pork chops, with almost no fat (they label all the meats with fat content and such) and much cheaper than the big stores. The London broil is amazing, so lean, and almost always under $5.00 a pound. They carry Purdue brand ground turkey and turkey sausage - I like them because they are not caged. Sadly they don't have a seafood section, so it's Kroger for that, but most of the rest of the meat I get at Food Depot. Our Kroger recently took away the Purdue turkey stuff and replaced it with some other brand I don't like... Boo!


Well, I guess that's it. That probably didn't help, and sadly I can't grocery shop for you all - wish I could, just give me a ride to the grocery store and some money and you'd get a great bargain in foods for your trouble - but maybe there might be a tip of two that maybe might possibly help... If nothing else, try some alcohol... slip it in your coffee. That should make grocery shopping more enjoyable.. I can't guarantee you'll come home with the food you needed, but...

Edited by AwesomO4000
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I don't mind shopping, mostly, but these days I loathe clothes shopping with my daughter. I used to have a good idea of what she likes, but now...I think she takes me with her as an "Okay, she thinks I might like it, it's off the list now!" check. ;-)

And she takes way too long. Too picky. ;-)

All in all, though, she's a good kid.

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Yeah I actually don't mind grocery shopping, but I LOATHE shoe shopping.


Oh, man, I'm so with you there. I'm so picky about my shoes. I generally won't buy made in China shoes which greatly limits my choices. I will pay good money for shoes I like. The  problem is finding those shoes. I lucked out last time I went. There was a pair of Life Stride loafer-like (but attractive) shoes - not made in China - on sale, and it was actually my size. I love them, but that is very much the exception to the rule. I don't know what I'm going to do when my Asics sneakers (also not made in China) wear out.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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As a Michigan grad... I would like to spend the next 12 hours in a drunken stupor.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, google "Michigan vs Michigan State Final Play".


"Just because it kills your liver doesn't mean it ain't medicine." -- Bobby Singer


 Oh man Sue! I'm a huge football fan, so I know your pain! Wish I could come by with some good whiskey! 27/23 will kill you!


I consider myself fortunate, never went to a football school. Vassar, Columbia and MIT don't exactly scream football. But if it's any help, I'm a Giants fan.


I might die Monday night....

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AwesomO4000, I'm with you, I love to food shop! Since I retired, I've been getting into cooking, and Mick helps all the time. We go to cheese stores, Chinese stores, Greek stores, you name it! We love trying out new recipes and different ethnic meals. We cook together and have a blast!

Edited by Mick Lady
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London Broil under 5 bucks! Hell, I'm in the middle of cattle country, and if it goes over 2.99, people around here riot!


We usually get it around $4.20 or so, and on sale it can be around $3 - it's often influenced by time of the year - but one state over in Florida, it can get expensive. We're in chicken country, so it's chicken that's cheap here. It's not uncommon to find drumsticks on sale for $0.59 a pound. And not uncommonly, you can get a 10 pound bag of chicken leg quarters for $3.90. Lean pork is also not bad, generally below $3.00 a pound, so overall food is fairly inexpensive... Except fish. For fish we generally have to shell out the big bucks.

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As a Michigan grad... I would like to spend the next 12 hours in a drunken stupor. If you don't know what I'm talking about, google "Michigan vs Michigan State Final Play".

"Just because it kills your liver doesn't mean it ain't medicine." -- Bobby Singer

Sorry! As a Badger alum it brought glee to my heart.

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Sorry! As a Badger alum it brought glee to my heart.


And look... You can watch that same play every 10 FREAKIN' minutes on ESPN for the rest of our lives. Because seeing it the first 32 times was not enough. This was worse than Appalacian state.

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Appalachian State! I bring it up every time we get a Michigan fan here at work. I'm in Arizona territory now though and I get the hard-eyed stare when I support Wisconsin in post-season basketball games. 'Cause we keep beating them. Bringing in a Bucky Badger might have been overkill though. Though probably not.

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Sue, I was sick to death over that UM loss - to State no less!!!! I really feel sorry for that punter although I think he got a low snap so he's not totally at fault. But with Harbaugh at the helm, I think good things will come our way very soon. And the Chicago Tribune, who never covers Michigan, had a huge headline saying that Michigan State saves the best for last. I ripped it up!!! (In case you're wondering, big fans of Notre Dame here in Chicago so therefore Michigan rivals).

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And look... You can watch that same play every 10 FREAKIN' minutes on ESPN for the rest of our lives. Because seeing it the first 32 times was not enough. This was worse than Appalacian state.


Okay, I live and die by the Giants. Maybe we could bond and, I don't know, go get drunk?


I'm NOT watching ESPN for a few days.


OMG OMG OMG the new STAR WARS trailer.  HALP.  All my goosebumps! AHHH I'm such a child!


Highlight of the game! I'm a total Star Wars geek, saw the first one 12 times, in the theater! The first 6months it was out.


Lol...so what is it when you do it and you don't have the excuse you're old?  lol   cute one.  Needed, the laugh.  Students are killing me.  lol. 


Why do I try to direct middle school students in a play?  Can you answer that???


 Heh. No but teaching is a calling, and you've obviously been called. Take pride in that!


What play are you guys doing?

Edited by Mick Lady
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OMG OMG OMG the new STAR WARS trailer.  HALP.  All my goosebumps! AHHH I'm such a child!

I know, I know, I know!!!!!

I have been waiting for this for 20 years (which was when we first heard rumblings of a 'sequel')  I always hoped they'd make the Thrawn series (books) into the sequels, but I.will.take.anything!  So excited.  So are my boys (daughter not so much).  We will totally skip school to stand in line for this!

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Sue, I was sick to death over that UM loss - to State no less!!!! I really feel sorry for that punter although I think he got a low snap so he's not totally at fault. But with Harbaugh at the helm, I think good things will come our way very soon. And the Chicago Tribune, who never covers Michigan, had a huge headline saying that Michigan State saves the best for last. I ripped it up!!! (In case you're wondering, big fans of Notre Dame here in Chicago so therefore Michigan rivals).

Anyone a METS fan? I am losing my mind! The tension is killing me!

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Highlight of the game! I'm a total Star Wars geek, saw the first one 12 times, in the theater! The first 6months it was out.



 Heh. No but teaching is a calling, and you've obviously been called. Take pride in that!


What play are you guys doing?

Loved the original Star Wars - I think I saw it twice at the Theatre.  lol  Hoping the new one is awesome.  Wasn't a fan of the last three released.


Our play is a murder mystery.  Murder in the Knife Room.  We have a Southern Belle, Santa, Pirate, Cheerleader, Model, Comic and a Mysterious Host.  Of course there has to be a plot twist.  The inspector will investigate, but will the killer be found.  I have over 50 students unless they start dropping like flies.  We will have to put the set up and then take it down, then put it back up again.  It is a nightmare that I feel I'm starting to feel old doing.  :)  But it should be fun and this one if they forget lines they can make them up and keep going.  Wait...don't they do that in real TV too???   Hmmm Jensen and Jared...how guilty are you???  lol

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So I forgot to update ya'll. Got my groceries delivered from Von's earlier than expected on Sunday. A couple of things were unavailable or substituted. It wasn't particularly cheap but I had to get TP and Paper Towels and cleaning stuff that is a bit more expensive. But overall, I was satisfied. 

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Loved the original Star Wars - I think I saw it twice at the Theatre.  lol  Hoping the new one is awesome.  Wasn't a fan of the last three released.


Our play is a murder mystery.  Murder in the Knife Room.  We have a Southern Belle, Santa, Pirate, Cheerleader, Model, Comic and a Mysterious Host.  Of course there has to be a plot twist.  The inspector will investigate, but will the killer be found.  I have over 50 students unless they start dropping like flies.  We will have to put the set up and then take it down, then put it back up again.  It is a nightmare that I feel I'm starting to feel old doing.  :)  But it should be fun and this one if they forget lines they can make them up and keep going.  Wait...don't they do that in real TV too???   Hmmm Jensen and Jared...how guilty are you???  lol


So, sort of like Clue huh? I loved that game, and introduced it to Mick. We play board games in the winter with friends. This is northern Idaho and our winters are brutal!

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So I forgot to update ya'll. Got my groceries delivered from Von's earlier than expected on Sunday. A couple of things were unavailable or substituted. It wasn't particularly cheap but I had to get TP and Paper Towels and cleaning stuff that is a bit more expensive. But overall, I was satisfied. 


I have subscriptions to Amazon for toiletries and non-perishables. It might work pretty well for you, too.


They give discounts (5-15%), the products are usually cheaper online than in the store anyway, and shipping is free. When you sign up for the subscription, you tell them how often you want the product delivered (anywhere from once a month to once every six months). Then, your stuff just shows up at your door periodically and your card is charged automatically. The shipments come once a month, at the end of the month. You can cancel a subscription or skip a month if you want, you just have to do it pretty early (like a couple weeks before the delivery is due). All this doesn't cost anything extra.


Tbh, I try to automate everything that I possibly can. There's just so much to keep on top of.

Edited by rue721
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We live way up on a fairly steep hill, so Trick or Treaters don't come to our house... so Mum and I go to to them! We've been doing it that way for a few years now.


A bit down the street is a road that lots of Trick or Treaters go down, so we bring chairs and our bowls of candy and sit under a street light on one of the corners and give out candy to the kids and adults that go by. The kids usually recognize pretty quickly what we're there for and come right up to say "Trick or Treat!" We handed out two huge bowls of candy (3 80-piece bags of Tootsie pop minis - which are awesome by the way. Much better than the regular ones, in my opinion. One 120 piece bag of assorted Kit Kat minis: white, milk, and dark chocolate.  And one 40 oz bag of assorted minis: Milky Way, Milky Way Midnight, 3 Musketeers, Snickers, etc.) I had a giant fuzzy spider (made out of pipe cleaner type matierial) on my shoulder. The kids liked patting it. Each kid got 3-4 pieces, and we'd handed out everything in about an hour and a half (8 o'clock). Then we went out to dinner and had a yummy meal. A good Halloween indeed.

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Went to a Halloween Party.  Just got home.  On the whole it was a nice day except for the rain.  But I saw kids in costumes as I was leaving.  A few homes went all out on decorations. 


I know I would be bummed if I had gone to the trouble to get the candy and no one showed up.    I know it's late but Happy Halloween everyone.  Hope you had a good time with friends.  :)

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So the Walking Dead totally stole "Then' and 'Now' from SPN for their episode tonight.  Like they literally put the words "Then" and "Now" on the screen just like SPN. I don't know whether to be irritated or flattered.

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Rough day...the kids are high on   CANDY.  Had a student be rude, he looked like he was pouty and about to cry, so I asked "are you 3?"  His reason for cussing and being rude, he was asked repeatedly to leave the area and move to where can be seen.  I got tired of his attitude I don't have to do what you say, so I used my theatre voice and yelled, move now.  He had to leave to get away from my voice...That's when he liked like he might cry and I asked if he was 3???


His comeback:  "At least I won't be dead in a few years." 


I started laughing.  My students were like Ms.  stop laughing.  In my head I'm thinking really this is the worst you can do???  I really don't think you nail the mark when the person you're trying to make mad, starts laughing at ya. 


This is going to be a rough week.

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