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From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series - General Discussion

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I liked DJ Catrona as Seth: he captured Clooney's no-nonsense arrogance without outright copying his characterization.


Brandon Soo Hoo was a HUGE improvement as Scott Fuller over Ernest Liu in the film. I hadn't realized how terrible Liu was until I watched the series.


Zane Holtz was also an improvement as Richie, as he was actually playing a character, as opposed to Tarantino in the film who was basically playing a psychotic version of himself.

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As the second season approaches I thought it would be nice to have a Media Thread to keep track and discuss casting news and such.


So here we have out first news about the new season: Danny Trejo Joins From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series


Trejo has been cast in the role of “The Regulator,” a horrifying agent of evil who has been summoned to perform a deadly errand. Trejo appeared in the From Dusk Till Dawn film franchise as “Razor Charlie.”
Briana Evigan (Step Up 2) has also joined the cast of “From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series” as Sonja – an American expatriate working as a tattoo artist in a Mexican Mercado – who also has a sideline forging papers and passports out of her back room. The returning cast includes: D.J. Cotrona (Dear John, G.I. Joe: Retaliation); Zane Holtz (Holes, The Perks of Being a Wallflower); Jesse Garcia (Quinceañera, “Sons of Anarchy”); Eiza González (“Lola: Érase Una Vez”); Wilmer Valderrama (“That ’70s Show,” “To Whom It May Concern”); Madison Davenport (Noah, “Shameless”); and Brandon Soo Hoo (Tropic Thunder, Ender’s Game).
Season Two explores a new chapter in this supernatural crime saga that travels from Mexico to the edgy, tricked-out Texas of Robert Rodriguez. It also deepens and complicates the core relationships between the characters, while adding new faces and new dynamics. Season Two begins with our characters in their separate worlds – Santanico (Gonzalez) and Richie (Holtz) are outside Houston, living like Bonnie and Clyde; Seth and Kate (Madison Davenport) are scraping by South of the Border; and Freddie Gonzalez (Jessie Garcia) is protecting his wife and young daughter in a Houston suburb. And Carlos Madrigal (Valderrama) and Scott Fuller (Brandon Soo-Hoo) emerge from the Titty Twister, changed men. They will all come together once again – this time facing off against an even bigger threat.


So... presumably The Regulator works for the Nine Lords of the Night. They probably sent him to hunt down Santanico.


As for the rest, since the synopsis says that the action moves from Mexico to Texas, this Sonja character is going to provide Seth and Kate with fake papers to get back in the US.


And speaking of those two, I wonder what the nature of their relationship will be. They both had all the family they had left turned into vampires, after all. They make look to each other to form a new one, but in what configuration? Surrogate father and daughter? Brother and sister? Criminal master and apprentice?


Or will the show actually go there and have them hook up?

I liked Kate's new Vampire buddy, he was cute and there was some chemistry there.


Unfortunately it didn't last long. Poor Rafa.


So far I'm intrigued where everything is going in S2 since they basically exhausted the plot of the first movie in S1, so everything in S2 is brand new.  Glad Jake Busey is still alive because he brings the crazy. Wilmer's character gets an upgrade -- silver fangs.  Still not sure exactly what Danny Trejo's character is all about -- what his motivation is.  I like Esai Morales' coat -- it's made of human facial skins.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Seth and Kate does have chemistry, their friendship is very cute, though when I think about the age difference and the fact that he kidnapped her once, it would be messed up for them to get together as a romantic couple.


Is the tattoo artist some kind of bank-robber groupie or something? "I know you're leaving and you're on a bunch of most wanted lists, but I don't mind!" Okay, he is pretty hot. But come on, she's hot, too, so it was odd that she came off so... desperate.


Is Narciso's face going to stay like that forever? *am shallow*


I forget why there are some pieces missing from that map made of bonds. Did Seth give some to his ex-girlfriend or something?


And I guess it's hard to act opposite a tombstone, but that scene with the Ranger at Earl's grave was so overdone. I usually don't notice actors "acting", but definitely noticed it there.

Seth and Kate does have chemistry, their friendship is very cute, though when I think about the age difference and the fact that he kidnapped her once, it would be messed up for them to get together as a romantic couple.


They are running a marathon right now.  This is the first time I'm seeing it.  I like it enough that I'll have to go catch it from the beginning.  I came across it in the kidnapping episode.  What I found  especially funny (so far)about Kate and Seth is how fast they went from being kidnapped to Seth pointing a gun at Busey's character along with her dad and brother when he learned that Busey had previously hit on her.

I didn't even know that this show existed until I saw a gifset on tumblr.  I marathoned the first season this weekend and made it about halfway through the first episode of season 2.  I'm glad that Kate and the Gecko brothers made it out of the bar in Mexico (that seemed to go on FOREVER), but I'm not happy that the brothers have split up.  The bickering was my favorite part...I found Richie quite funny, actually.  I don't care about the Culebra lady that Richie is dealing with and I hope that she goes away soon.  And poor Scott, I just don't care about him, either.  D.J. Cotrona  growing out his facial hair this seaon...yes please!  I don't know what the age difference is supposed to be between him and Kate, but I don't think I'd be able to resist the guy if I was staying in hotel rooms with him.  Just saying.     

I'm not seeing the reason why they needed to insert the actress from Step Up and split up Seth and Kate.  I was enjoying their partners in crime thing.  It makes me suspect that Seth's suspicion that she has an ulterior motive that is very bad for his health is right on the nose.


Richie was a little more back to himself this episode.  I'm hoping his 'monkey brain' wins the little war going on in his head with the snake.  Its not just because I like the look with the glasses:)


One thing I have noticed.  Before Carlos went into the labyrinth, I was impressed by Valderrama's performance.  Ever since he came out and has been playing-acting at being defanged, I've been like 'Its Fez"



So, Richie goes from being haunted by Santanico/terrorizing young women/mutilating the poor bank teller because of these visions... to sleeping with Santanico and giving her a tennis bracelet (very high school, btw).  WTF, show?!  I actually prefer crazy/hallucinating Richie to the version we have now.  At least he was funny and wore nifty glasses.  


Santanico spent the entire episode...giving girls dance lessons.  Pointless.  Not a fan.


I also find the tattoo girl pointless.  Don't appreciate that she seemed to replace Kate in this episode.  I'm conflicted...I don't know that I ship Kate and Seth (she seems SO young), but I do enjoy their dynamic.  BUT I wouldn't blame her for falling for him cause he's so pretty.  I find both Gecko brothers attractive, actually, but in very different ways.  Richie is brainy and sort of boyish looking, and Seth is sex on a stick, ha!  Yes, I'm shallow.


If Freddie is immune to the culebra venom, does this mean that he could be used to produce some sort of anti-venom or cure?  I admit, I don't know how these things work!

How in the world did this episode have a TV 14 rating?  There were multiple naked ladies on screen!


Again with the dancing?  Please make it stop!  


I was so sad to see Seth's beard go.  #shallow


There are too many separate stories going on, and most of them aren't interesting.  The girls as sex slaves thing is disgusting and Tattoo Girl is boring.  I'm most engaged in Kate's story, I think.  Poor poor Kate.  Seth just ditched her (what a dick move), her dad is dead, her human boyfriend from the first season is dead, her Culebra boyfriend is dead, she had to help cover up her friend's murder, and her brother tried to eat her for dinner.  This girl could use a break.  

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Yeah, Kate finally understands you gotta be prepared. Not all snakevamps are the same. Loved the wings! Poor Carlos


Kate finally gets it -- she's going to have to kill Scott.  I was just so surprised when Satanico up and flew away -- could she always do that ?  The banter between Richie and Seth was pretty funny -- especially with Seth snarking on Richie about being a vamp.  Also liked having more Jeff Fahey.

Bye bye, Jeff Fahey .... err .... Uncle Eddie.


It was a kind of a big waste of Danny Trejo's character -- wandering in and out of scenes for a bunch of episodes only to be easily killed off with no real explanation of what the hell he was doing.


I do like that Seth and Richie are back together again -- despite the bickering they do work well together.  Not quite sure where they are going with Kate now that she is with Scott and Carlos.

I mainlined Season 1 over the weekend.


Wow - it was awesome!


I actually preferred the series to the actual movie.


While I am waiting for Banshee to return in January - FDTD - the series has been a nice filler.


I guess I'll have to mainline Season 2 next.  (isn't the season 2 finale tonight on El Rey?)

Finally finished Season 2 -- the finale was certainly action packed.


Carlos is dead --- kind of.  They cut him up and distributed the body parts far away in different locations, but he's not really dead.  but you just know that since Maia survived somehow she is going to put him back together again.


Malvado died in the penultimate episode, so Esai Morales won't be back.  


Kate was dead, but now might be alive or might be turned, it's unclear.


The Geckos are in charge of the Callebros crime syndicate based out of Jacknife Jed's bar.  


Santanico is free from anyone's control for the first time since she was turned -- and looking quite fine in the process with that pink leather jacket and red motorcycle.


Scott is alive, but not quite sure where he went, maybe back to go bury Kate.


Looking forward to Season 3.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

How did I miss this show? I'm only a few eps into the first season but I'm loving it. It's hard to remove Clooney and Tarantino from the scenes sometimes but am really enjoying DJ and Zane(?) in the roles.

I totally shipped Seth and Kate in the movie but it's a little harder with Madison looking so young in the series.

And Wilmer! Don Johnson! Jesse Garcia! A great cast all around. Can't wait to get through the rest of eps.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Am I the only who gets the impression that Kate and Richie might somehow end up together. The last scene of the second season appeared to be a callback to Richie's vision of Kate when he first saw her in the pool. And Kate was responsible for her own death in my opinion. Everyone tried to help her but in her quest to save Scott she made some dumbass decisions; don't know why everyone was blaming Richie.

  • Love 1

I just finished the first season, so I have all of season two to get through (though I've been spoiled on how S2 ends), but Kate really is the only one who "deserves" a happy ending from what I've seen so far. Depending on how long the series runs, I could see them ending with Richie dying like in the movie, and perhaps Seth and Kate together, or Seth and Vanessa back together, or Kate being the only survivor out of all of them.

I really hope she somehow gets "cured", maybe along with Scott, and can have some of her family back together. But I can't really root for Richie. The character & actor are great, but so disturbed. Not that Seth is much better, but he does have more of a moral code than Richie. They were fun together though. I love the humor in this show.

Onto S2...still loving the show and can't wait for S3 and maybe a couple more seasons after that. The cast is wonderful.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 1

Am I the only who gets the impression that Kate and Richie might somehow end up together. The last scene of the second season appeared to be a callback to Richie's vision of Kate when he first saw her in the pool. And Kate was responsible for her own death in my opinion. Everyone tried to help her but in her quest to save Scott she made some dumbass decisions; don't know why everyone was blaming Richie.


I have to admit being annoyed by her 'holier than thou' act 90% of the time and she definitely was responsible for her death.   It looks like though she may be getting a second chance...perhaps as the Savior of the souls of the 1000s of victims in that mass grave.    That was their blood that reached out to her open wound, right?   Maybe vampires sucking on her will cure them of their "hunger" for blood.   I also found it funny that neither Rich nor Scott took the time to bury her.      I guess the always pristine and clean white cloth was there at least...*LOL*.


In other news.....what marvelous eye candy this show has....Carlos, Seth, Malvado...YUM!    Hope Carlos and Malvado somehow get reincarnated in Season 3.

Edited by Meedis

I realized this was back about 30 seconds before Seth saw Kate alive.  So I won't have a ton to say until I find a rerun that isn't in the middle of the night or streaming.

I have just this to say right now.

Manifesting the new Queen in Kate's body through acting, pasty face make up, and a crap ton of mascara is not working for me.  I say this as a viewer who has always liked Kate and never complained about her acting; but I'm not sure the actress can pull this off.  I'm glad they made it clear that Kate is still trapped in there somewhere.  Please let her come out soon and wash her face because I'm not sure I can take a whole season of this.

Also, very gory.

Did my eyes deceive me or did Gonzalez's partner shake off the bad guy putting his fist through her stomach?  Is she supernatural or something?

Edited by ParadoxLost

I wish this show was more popular! I enjoyed the two-part premiere overall. The new demons were fairly entertaining, and watching the beast just twist heads of Culebras was actually kind of amusing Yet the whole group of Culebras barely fought back, but Kisa took him out single handedly? She is a badass who wants her freedom.

Really enjoyed Kisa wearing way less makeup. She looked great. But she just can never have nice things, can she?

I wasn't sure about whether Madison could pull off the evil queen bit, but I think she did OK.  Since there was a the line about Kate still being in there, I'm thinking Seth/Scott will either save her or have to pull a Buffy and kill her. I really want Kate and Kisa to end up with some sort of happier ending.

Love Seth's reaction at seeing "Kate" and had to laugh at Richie just being Richie. At least Seth seems to feel some remorse over Kate's "death" whereas Ritchie is all "not my fault!" Maybe I just can't get past how damn creepy and gross QT was in the role in the movie, but I'm just not as big a fan of Richie, except he does get some good lines and Zane plays the psycho well.

I totally laughed when Seth shot Richie in the head.

The Ranger and his new partner are a nice match.

I thought S2 was lacking a little humor, so I hope they keep that going. Richie with his booze and cigar was pretty fun.

Edited by CrazyDog
3 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I thought S2 was lacking a little humor, so I hope they keep that going. Richie with his booze and cigar was pretty fun.

I think the missing humor in season 2 was that they had Richie and Seth separated for most of it.  I am so glad they are back together.

When Seth decided to adopt Richie's shoot them all in the head to prove they are snakes,  I burst out in inappropriate laughter multiple times.  I also never noticed the amount of pop culture and movie snarking banter they did before.  I wonder if that was just the writer from the first episode. 

I like that Seth sincerely wants to stay human and mortal.  I nearly died when he claimed that being called a feed bag was a micro aggression because I've been watching too many reruns of last season's South Park.  I think at some point this is going to become unbearable for Richie as it means that Seth will leave him someday.  I think that will become a conflict down the road.

So I've now seen all of Madison's performance and I have to say she was fabulous in the mental ward.  I still think her makeup and wardrobe is wearing her and she can't pull that look off.  But now I'm wondering if that is intentional so Seth will see a hint of a kid playing dress up and temper any impulse to end the threat.  I think that more than anything is why they had Seth recognize that Skull guy said things Kate would say, sounded like Kate.  It wasn't just to reinforce that she was behind this.  It was to give Seth the kernel of knowledge that Amaru knows things Kate knew and that she might still be in there somewhere.  I think Seth, Richie, and Kisa are going to end up at odds on what to do about Kate.

I hope they keep Seth and Richie's rotating band of flunkies around.  They are kind of amusing.  I'm even enjoying Gonzalez.  I don't know what's happening.

Now if only I could find a way to tune out the ripping, slurping, and dripping when I can't watch the gore.  But that won't happen because I might miss Gekko brother banter.

I'm enjoying this season (and thank you On Demand for removing the commercials). So many random thoughts...

  • Richie sure is getting shot a lot this season...he deserved the last one, and I admit I didn't see it coming. But "several years" since her dad was shot? I thought only months had passed since the Twister.
  • Where did Kisa, Burt, etc. go last night?
  • I loved seeing Scott ("your music sucks" ha) back, and I love that Kate is able to come back here and there and tried to warn him. I like them together, and I'm glad he's found some sort of haven. Hopefully he can help Kate survive.
  • Poor Peaches
  • The latest warriors were badass, but the sidekicks were sure offed easily enough
  • Enjoying Amaru - I think Madison is pulling it off pretty well (though the reunion in hell line was cringe-worthy)
  • Brasa needs to meet a stake
  • Tanner is gross, but adds some humor, especially with Gonzalez around
  • Still loving Gonzalez - I hope he ends up reunited with his wife and daughter
  • I wonder if Seth's ex will show up again - she has to be pissed she's serving 20 for helping him escape
  • The show better not kill Kate off if/when Amaru is defeated 
On 9/9/2016 at 7:37 PM, ParadoxLost said:

 I think Seth, Richie, and Kisa are going to end up at odds on what to do about Kate.

Seth seemed really defeated last night until he heard Kate coming from Amaru. Now he better knock off the idea that she needs to be put down.

Overall, this show really seems to be the Seth and Kate story, together (in whatever way) and separately, about their love for their families and humanity. Maybe it's just my little dislike for Richie (I just can't truly root for him to get a happy ending, given his kill of their dad (even Seth didn't think he deserved to be burned alive) and his killing of the innocent hostage, even if it was under Santanico's influence, his just walking away from Seth at the end of S1.  He's too power hungry.

I wouldn't mind if he ended up with Kisa towards the end though. They can deal with each other and he seems pretty happy as a Culebra.

I think we've just seen a lot more of Seth and Kate's angst (her mom's death, his abusive dad and anger over losing Ritchie) to where I feel like they are just more the heart of the show.

I don't doubt the show will be renewed...but I'm curious where they will go after Amaru. The Queen of Hell is a pretty big villain to top.

Finally caught ep. 4.  Missed it last week and it wasn't streaming in the usual place.

I always like the episodes where the gang is all together instead of off doing their own story arcs.  I didn't really follow Seth and Richie's reversal on Kate. From last episode it seemed like Seth lost hope whereas Richie believed she was gone from the beginning.  Now all of sudden Richie thinks Kate is in there and Seth thinks she is gone they need to kill whatever mangy thing is left.

News came out today that at least DJ  and Zane have been released from their contracts, as they were set to expire and the future of the show is up in the air. There is still chance of renewal or possibly coming back (with the same actors) as a limited series or miniseries.

I've really enjoyed the show and could see at least one or two more seasons. I hope it gets some sort of closure. The FB page keeps calling the last episode the season finale so I'm really hoping we don't get stuck with some sort of cliffhanger that possibly won't get resolved.

The last couple scenes were kind of clunky to keep the surprise that Kate had joined Seth and Richie as bank robbers.

It felt they knew that the odds of the show coming back were pretty low.  Having Kate, Seth, and Richie embarking on a life of crime together is kind of the predictable "happy" ending to the series.

But I've always loved Seth and Kate's relationship so I can't say I'm unhappy that the episode spent time exploring their relationship.

The end of Amaru was kind of WTF and anticlimactic though. Kate and Seth both make a sacrifice by letting her go through the gate.  But then it turns out it doesn't do anything and it just allows her to bring Richie back a couple seconds later.  Then Kate cuts Amaru and I guess the souls she has sucked send her through the gate and it closes.

The whole thing with the culebras being able to exist in the sun sometimes and other times not is kind of random.  "If concentrate, I won't burn up'  But sure have all of them part ways in the finale in daylight rather than seeking shade.  And Richie can just go back to his old clothes to rob banks during the day, no extra UV protection needed.

Having Kate end up with Seth and Richard is as close to a happy ending for her as the show is capable of.  There really isn't much else except her going off with her brother or her becoming a Ranger both would seem exceptionally hollow.  Kate is one of those examples of "can't go home again".   It was actually a fun ending for the show and I did appreciate it. 

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