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Small Talk: So You Think You Can Talk

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I'm starting to feel really bad for Jessica.  She's become the black widow of season 11 and it's really not her fault.  She has not danced with the same partner two weeks in a row and each time the person she's newly paired with is in the bottom, based on a routine in which she didn't participate, and then booted.  The girl is going to develop a rep (and possibly a complex) not to mention she hasn't been given an opportunity to develop much of a relationship with any of her partners unlike others who have danced in the same pairing week after week.

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But I still want to call her a partner killer, even though you're right that it's not her fault. At this point I kind of want all of her partners to only last a week until top 10 just for the humor of it. I haven't connected with Casey so I wouldn't mind if he went home next week. I'm mean.

I would love to see Casey gone, he bores the shit out of me.  Which is part of what got me on this thought.  I can be pretty mean myself, but I admit that even I feel a touch guilty for snickering at the idea of him going when I realize it will cement Jessica's reputation as the Marjorie Tyrell of SYTYCD Season 11. And really, let's be honest, he was a total mess in his number this week and could easily fall into the bottom.  And I believe next week is a four person elimination, so I doubt he'd make it out.  

Edited by RachelKM
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Their continued lack of black female dancers just bugs the hell out of me.  How many have there been in all of these seasons - 5, 6?  I see them passing through the night in the audition rounds.  They look pretty good to me but they never get focus.  Or if they do get some audition focus they have disappeared by the vegas/la round.  Black guys have done better but this season (and someone will correct me if I'm wrong because I missed an audition show - the two that made the show were virtual unknowns.  Did they get any major focus before the top 20?  


Both Stanley and Marcquet's auditions were shown.  Stanley had a sob story too.  Here are links:





Is it me or is there too much contemporary this season?




Or maybe it's just that I am so done with contemporay.  All it is is jazz on muscle relaxants with the pretentiousness dial turned to ten and the knob snapped off.  And now it's gone and infected my other dance show DWTS!  Where does the madness, the oh so boring, slow motion madness stop!?!?



Before this season, I always thought there were too many contemporary and jazz numbers.  I was hoping that with six ballroom dancers in the top 20, we would get more ballroom.  But it hasn't changed.   It's worse when they make the waltz look like contemporary and they include lyrical hip-hop.

Edited by realdancemom
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God, I'm so CONFLICTED about this show. On the one hand, I love dance, I studied dance extensively as a child/teen, I recognize that there are so very few venues for great dancers to perform at all, let alone on television...so I'm all on board with that stuff. The dancers are so incredibly talented and most of the numbers are stellar.

And then the ferkockta judges start talking and I want to claw my own eyes out. Nigel is everyone's pervy Uncle and Mary's voice should be put to sleep. And then there's whatever semi-coherent guest judge they've dredged out of the career back waters.

I try. I try again. Even with the sound off, I fail and surf on.

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II've seen this referred to in a lot of threads (none of which I can find), so I thought I'd put this here ...


I had dragged my heels about watching the Shaping Sound episodes (featuring lots of SYTYCD people, most notably Travis and Nick L. and Jaimie), mostly because I haven't always been the biggest Travis fan.


Well, I finally watched the pilot and first two episodes last night, and it was so much fun.  Soap opera x dance x opportunities to be a superfan of SYTYCD.  So many personalities, being natural and funny and raw!  And what we see of the dancing is outstanding. 


I also came away liking Travis ever so much better as a person, and realizing how little we really see of personalities on SYTYCD.


Thanks to all the posters who kept saying to watch All the Right Moves.  I don't know how many episodes there are, but I am sure I'll watch them all.

Yeah. That was one of the most transparent whose-sweet-on-who producer manipulations we've seen for a long time. What is interesting about it is that both Rudy and Jacque understood that it was to their benefit to go along and not challenge the set up. They knew what they knew about them NOT being an item, but they also knew that if the voters "shipped" them they might get farther along in the competition. The other thing that is interesting is that the whole set up actually did work in their favour. Sometimes those kind of things can backfire.


BTW, I don't believe Jacque & Rudy orchestrated the "love story", I just think they decided to go along with it - kind of like omitting reference to the fact you've trained in other styles when it's clear the producers want the public to think you haven't.

If any of you are looking for a dance show to watch, there's a new British show called Dance Dance Dance (there was a German version too). There are five British celebrities who chose a friend to be their partner on the show. Each pair learns a dance from a well known music video or movie and then one of the pair (apparently they alternate each week so it isn't just the celeb doing everything) learns a second dance. Some of the routines are big group numbers with backup dancers (Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire) and others are just the celebrity and their partner (Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran) but they make a pretty concerted effort to recreate the sets, costumes, and choreography. The show just started a few days ago so you can catch up in an hour! We have a Dance Dance Dance forum here so come discuss if you guys end up watching!

My gf and I want to do a rewatch of SYTYCD's best routines from past seasons in preparation for the premiere of S14 (can you tell that we're excited to have this show back after that kids season that we didn't watch?). Please rec your favorite routines, especially if you feel they are under-appreciated/need more love and attention!

An unfairly overlooked (because its incredibleness did NOT match the narrative that they were building about Jessica) favourite of mine is Will and Jessica's hiphop from s4 (starts at 2:24):

Will and Jessica east coast hiphop 2:24

A widely acknowledged amazeballs routine is Lacey and Danny's samba choreographed by Dmitri Chaplin:

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I also love watching Alex Wong and Twitch's hiphop followed by Ellen and tWitch's version.  Even though it's a whole lot simpler, Ellen must have worked for a VERY long time to get that down and I loved the surprise of it.  I remember yelling at my TV screen and being so sad that I didn't have any non-virtual friends who are watchers who I could call up and scream about it on the phone to.

Many of the faves that come to the top of my head instantly are SYTYCDa routines.  Denys is going to be on World of Dance this week btw.  Maybe that's why my brain is going there.

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The routine that always pops in my head (and makes me smile) is the West Coast Swing that Pasha and Sara did in S3 with choreo by Benji. 

As for audition pieces, it's tough to beat Pasha and Anya's, Philip Chbeeb's first audition, Michael "Onion" Kim's two different audition pieces, Bryan Gaynor's 'Fireflies', Katee's friend Natalie's contemporary audition (stop the presses, I actually loved a contemporary piece)...and the end of Alexis Juliano's tap audition will always stick with me for just how simple not simple and cool it was. So many more I'm not selecting. Can't wait for Monday night to get this season started!

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I can't find anywhere else to post this so here I go.

I've been a fan of SYTYCD since the 1st season. I used to participate in the discussions eagerly and frequently. But over the years my on line participation has dwindled. Perhaps it was the machinations of the judging, but I think it's been the "tweaking" that's got to me. For that I blame Fox network execs.

But, I still love the show and enjoy the dancing.

So, I have to confess that my engagement in the show must have been lower than I realized because it was just today, and due to catching up with World of Dance with its $1 million prize, that I realized that Cat wasn't constantly announcing what the winner would... win. I had to do research to find out when they stopped offering a monetary prize and it was Season 12 (Gabby's win) which was billed as Stage vs Street and seems to be the start of the Fox exec's major interference with the format. Ricky Ubeda (Season 11) won a quarter million dollars.

Clearly, this wasn't why I was not as engaged as before, but now I wonder if the contestants are receiving some less visible form of compensation? They invest a lot of time (and risk of injury) just to increase their public profile so they can get in the door of auditions. (at least, to me, that seems like not enough compensation for providing entertainment to millions)

As a side note, I guess the prize money wasn't any of the reasons that I watch 'cuz I didn't notice when it was gone. I probably won't watch World of Dance again despite the $1 mil prize. It became just Wo of Da to me 'cuz there was so little dancing and so much smoke and mirrors.

Thanks for enduring my somewhat embarrassing rant.

Edited by Anothermi
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21 hours ago, Anothermi said:

 Thanks for enduring my somewhat embarrassing rant.

Not embarrassing at all! I'm a little embarrassed now that I hadn't even noticed this change.  Like you, I can't find anywhere online that mentions what the prize is for winning S14 of SYTYCD, and Cat hasn't mentioned it on the show at all.  How very strange...and suspicious.

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