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S02.E15: They All Asked for You

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More detailed episode description:

When a dangerous run-in with a coven of vengeful witches forces Rebekah to align with Marcel, they quickly discover that the body Rebekah is currently inhabiting has a checkered past. Upon learning that Rebekah is in danger, Elijah seeks out a respected elder witch, Josephine, in the hopes she might offer her assistance. Meanwhile, tensions build when Klaus clashes with Hayley and Jackson over how best to protect baby Hope from Finn. Elsewhere, Freya, convinces Finn to bring her to Mikael, the father she hasn't seen in over a thousand years. Lastly, a confrontation with Freya leaves Elijah and Klaus questioning whether they can trust their long-lost sister.




I don't know if I was overly distracted this episode, but I didn't love it the way I usually do with this show. 


I found the mythology and magic interesting (what's up with crazy Deliah? Uh oh, Becky! I don't really trust Freya, as she vibes the same crazy her mama did) and elements of the show's usual pace was there, but the Haley/Jax and Elijah/Vamp Chick sexy time felt a bit shoehorned in.  I feel like there wasn't much build, especially to the Elijah/Vamp Chick. I'm a little more comfortable with Haley/Jax,  as that has been strong from his side, but her side was surprising.  That said, I suppose I wouldn't kick Jax out of bed for eating crackers on a normal day and him cuddling Hope was awfully yum.  Heh. 


Frankly, I'd forgotten that Marcel didn't know new Rebecca was Rebecca.  I need Marcel to have something going on plotwise that's a little stronger than he's been given recently.  I think the actor is capable and I'm feeling that he's a bit sidelined.


Klaus always has a plan up his sleeve, doesn't he?  Let's see if it works.

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I love how the baby loves Jackson. The 3 of them in bed together at the end was cute.


I miss Kol. 


Really hope the wolves don't follow Klaus's new dumb plan. He wants Jackson out so he can manipulate the wolves to do his bidding and basically get them killed by his father. Jackson's the reason they all won't turn anymore and they'll show loyalty by ousting him?


Any Cami? If not, great! The fact I can't even remember shows how useless a character she is. 

I like that Rebekah refuses to hook up with Marcel while she's in someone else's body. On a related note, it was a good point for them to show the real Vincent waking up after Freya put Finn in her necklace (ha, that's a sentence I never thought I'd type!). Not only are their bodies stolen from them but they wake up not knowing what's going on. It's definitely a violation.


Always nice to see the Grunwald being her Grunwaldy self - creepy and mysterious but powerful and slightly helpful.


I'm glad that Jackson and Hayley aren't just blindly following Klaus's orders. He can claim this is about protecting Hope but it's really about him having the hybrid army he has wanted since TVD. Of course, Jackson's defiance will just make Klaus move up his murder date on the calendar. I'm sure he will keep Hayley around though since he can barely bring himself to hold the daughter he claims to love so much.


I am totally not into this Gia/Elijah hookup.

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No Cami made this another great ep for me and, AND, the addition of Pretty Little Liars and Ravenswood's The Grunwald made it all so much better. Squee!


Gia and Elijah...hm. I liked their chemistry before last night, I'm not really sure what happened to make me pause and rethink this. I do like how she can poke fun at him, talk strategy with him, just BE with him without cowering because he's an Original. And I don't know what it is about CMD, I think those are his initials, but Marcel seems to have chemistry with everyone, I loved his scenes with the actress now portraying Rebekah.


I like how Freya totally ignored Esther and woke Mikael up (and not just because of my never-ending Sebastian Roche crush), I can see how she hates her mother for giving her away as a child to Dahlia...whom I cannot WAIT to see. I don't know if she's already here in the form of Freya or is on her way to town or what but I really want to see who this woman is and what she can do. Also like how devoted Freya is Finn, saving his soul (I'm assuming) from Vincent's body, whom I hope is ok and is returned to his coven. And I must add, I've said before how I love how YG moves and walks as Finn, I noticed the same thing with Freya last night. Don't know if the actors collaborated on that or what but I like it.


Not liking Aiden's seeming willingness to usurp Jackson, and I say this as someone who usually opens mail or dusts during most of the non-Aiden woof scenes, can I hope against hope that Aiden totally knows what Klaus is trying to pull. And I'll admit to loving how gentle and natural Jackson is with Hope, that has totally made me like him about 50% more than I did. This show has really lucked out on finding the babies that portray Hope. :-)

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Meg Foster certainly has the market cornered on creepy witch ladies on teen shows!


Well said!


Also this:

I miss Kol.




I was disconnected last night because I *thought* the gang was focused on keeping NotRebecca alive and finding out why baddies want NotHer dead. But I was wrong. Instead...


There was all this arguing between wolves and Klaus. Shocker.


And Elijah went to chat with Meg Foster- but Gia had to play violin?


And Marcel allowed himself to be poisoned. Er, what? "You need to drink too Marcel, it's your house." or whatever. Really?!? Since when did Marcel get beaten with the stoopid stick?


Then almost everybody had or talked about sex.


And Freya has daddy issues. 







Not liking Aiden's seeming willingness to usurp Jackson, and I say this as someone who usually opens mail or dusts during most of the non-Aiden woof scenes, can I hope against hope that Aiden totally knows what Klaus is trying to pull. And I'll admit to loving how gentle and natural Jackson is with Hope, that has totally made me like him about 50% more than I did. This show has really lucked out on finding the babies that portray Hope. :-)



I worry about Aiden and his upcoming storyline, only because he may be buying into Klaus' whole 'I won't ever ask you to do anything but protect Hope' spiel. I don't buy that for a minute; for all we know, Klaus will use Hope to get what he wants from the hybrids. "Oh yeah, this plan is totally going to help protect Hope, just like you promised you'd do...yeah, totally....". Right. Josh better talk some sense into his boyfriend on the dangers of listening to Klaus, or else there's going to be problems all over the place.


This episode wasn't what I expected, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I love more Marcel, as he's been underused, but he was...not smart this episode. I liked his chemistry with NuRebekah, but I worry about Marcel this season. He hasn't done much, while everyone else gets to do stuff. 


I LOL'd when Gia got through to Elder Witch and Elijah couldn't. I used to like Gia/Elijah's chemistry, but this episode had it way too forced and the randomness of their hookup. They barely are in scenes together anyway, so maybe that's why. Jackson/Hayley's hookup made more sense, because it's been a long time coming. And then everyone seemed to be thinking about sex at the end, there. 


Freya now only seems to like one sibling at a time; this time around, it's Elijah so that's cool. I actually now love Freya; she's a smart Mikaelson. Ok, her whole thing with Mikael is weird, but she seems to want to have everyone working together to defeat Dahlia, and she hates Esther, so yay! And she's willing to work to get Elijah to trust her, so double yay! Elijah needs a sibling that actually respects him. Klaus doesn't, Rebekah's not around much, Finn's definitely not that guy and Kol's dead now so....go Freya? 


Well, now I see why they made Yusuf a series regular. He won't actually be Finn anymore...unless they decide to put Finn back in the body later on. They probably will when Dahlia shows up. 


Yeah, this Dahlia storyline is definitely going to be the most interesting part of the season and I can't wait. 

And thank god Sebastian Roche is Mikael, because his scene with Freya was cheesy, but Sebastian made it work. 

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I was disconnected last night because I *thought* the gang was focused on keeping NotRebecca alive and finding out why baddies want NotHer dead. But I was wrong. Instead...


Yeah it wasn't clear how Elijah's meeting with the Witchy Woman was connecting up with saving Bex from the people out for her, he treated it like a completely separate strategic alliance meeting in service of Save Hope, which I didn't mind but it very much was re-setting the table episode, moving everyone into place.



I miss Kol.


I miss Kol.Vina! I'm really bereft about this. Sniff, the Gia/Elijah hook up did help a bit with that, otoh it was rushed, but I think that is her purpose, she both figuratively and literally ruffles his tie and takes him out of his very dutiful head. Man does the actress ever remind me of Eliza Dushku.


This one definitely suffered from too much Werewolf stuff, though I was shocked that this was the first time I sensed any real chemistry between Haley/Klaus, he has such an impossible time sorting his romantic feelings from his family feelings, that I think, his bitchiness about Jackson for once seemed just as much about real feeling for Haley and the family that is forming without him than every before. 


I do wish the mythology had left out the part where the witches are just "riding" someone's body and subjugating their soul (though perhaps that is one was establishing that Eva is fighting for her right to drive the bus). Especially when Witchy Woman insisted vampires are soulless monsters wearing the skin of the human they used to be which is more of the Buffy mythology that I hated like hot burning fire, not the TVD/TO conception of being one continuous being/soul. Meanwhile her witch buds Esther and Dahlia and I'm sure others utilize a body snatching spell that is literally just wearing the skin of someone else. Weird. 

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I wasn't feeling this episode either.


Freya's motivation confused me. If Finn was in the way then why didn't she remove him before? She doesn't seem to like her siblings but she hates Dahlia more? But now I'm afraid she IS Dahlia because her loyalties are shifting and make no sense..she didn't want to see Esther who would maybe recognize her as her sister...I mean all this body jumping makes you suspicious of everybody.


I don't like Mia all that much so the Elijah scenes weren't interesting. She has like...giant sunken eyes (which totally worked when she was supposed to be a starving vamp. I thought it was makeup but nope.) and ooh look she's so spunky. Please. She just doesn't appeal to me.Still think Pheobe is a bad actress so her sexytimes were bad even with hot Jackson.  Marcel was an idiot for drinking from the cup and I miss Kol.  Unpopular opinion. I miss NEW Kol. Old Kol did nothing for me.


Why Aiden would ever listen to Klaus is stupid and also...as said upthread Jackson just got them all superpowers.  A little loyalty would be nice.


Yeah. REALLY didn't feel this episode.  Although I did laugh when the Grunwold showed up. That actress makes a good living off of playing creepy.

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I think Freya is just manipulating everyone to save her own ass from Dahlia, so she's making overtures to each of her siblings/family (Bex I like you, I hate our brothers, Finn I love you, boo on Kol/Klaus/Elijah, Dad I love you, screw mom, Elijah here's Vincent, because I want mutual trust between us...). I don't think she IS Dahlia, because she is too close to Hope to not just go snatch her.


I definitely am mourning the loss of NuKol, I also was w/e about Nate's version.

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I'm glad that Jackson and Hayley aren't just blindly following Klaus's orders. He can claim this is about protecting Hope but it's really about him having the hybrid army he has wanted since TVD. Of course, Jackson's defiance will just make Klaus move up his murder date on the calendar. I'm sure he will keep Hayley around though since he can barely bring himself to hold the daughter he claims to love so much.

I have to wonder with Jackson's connection/closeness to the baby, and Klaus's lack being show if the baby's powers won't make an appearance if Klaus does try to hurt Jackson. That would be pretty awesome to see Klaus's reaction to that.

Edited by Artsda
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Mikael continues to be the baddest motherfucker in New Orleans.


I don't know why everyone is so down on Klaus about using the werewolves.  Mikael IS a threat to Hope.  Mikael hates anything to do with Klaus and thus Hope is a very likely target.  And I don't know where Hayley gets off saying "No, Mikael is a threat to you."  He's the father of your child, at least pretend to care.  I liked how Freya loved Mikael but hated Esther, that's pretty much what you'd expect if your mother sold you into a 1000 year slavery with your sadist aunt.  I hope they manage to somehow bring Mikael into the fold, he's too good to be killed off.  Moreso than any of the Originals except for perhaps Elijah, he's exactly what I'd expect a 1000 year old warrior vampire to be like.  

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I think Freya is just manipulating everyone to save her own ass from Dahlia, so she's making overtures to each of her siblings/family (Bex I like you, I hate our brothers, Finn I love you, boo on Kol/Klaus/Elijah, Dad I love you, screw mom, Elijah here's Vincent, because I want mutual trust between us...). I don't think she IS Dahlia, because she is too close to Hope to not just go snatch her.

I'm really hoping that Freya is just Dahlia playing the long con, because otherwise nothing she really does makes much sense. It's easy to see Dahlia using Freya's body and memories to turn everybody against each other and take out the rest of the family one by one while finding out where the baby is and stealing it in the process, not to mention that it doesn't make sense that she would just steal Freya away not to take her body from her or kill her for her power but as some sort of disciple or something, but if she is genuinely Freya trying to get the family together to fight Dahlia off as she claims she's doing a pretty terrible job of it.


Besides, it would just be a more interesting plotline anyway than the "we all know this all powerful witch is coming, but let's all not care in the least about it and do absolutely nothing until she's already right on top of us" like the route everybody except Freya seems be on.

Edited by immortalfrieza

Yeah it wasn't clear how Elijah's meeting with the Witchy Woman was connecting up with saving Bex from the people out for her, he treated it like a completely separate strategic alliance meeting in service of Save Hope, which I didn't mind but it very much was re-setting the table episode, moving everyone into place.

The witch matriarch was in charge of the group that was going after Eva and put her in the crazy house. Elijah went there to bargin for Eva's life since Rebekah was in Eva's body.

In exchange for stopping witches from trying to kill Eva, Elijah had to remove Finn from Vincent's body.

Hayley bugs me because it's like she *cannot understand* that Mikael's problem with Klaus isn't just some family feud or about Klaus acting like a psychotic asshole. Mikael thinks that hybrids should be cleansed from the face of the earth and that Klaus's very *existence* is an abomination, that his *being* is inherently monstrous. Hayley's daughter has Klaus's blood -- so YES, Mikael is a gigantic threat to Hope because YES Mikael is going to think she's inherently monstrous, too. Has Hayley never heard of bigotry before?


I want to march her down to the library and show her antisemitic propaganda, because like half of what Mikael says about Klaus is taken directly from it. Not that all he says is specific to antisemitism, but the way he seems to not just see Klaus as "cursed" or "corrupted" by being half wolf, but as a literal devil in disguise (as his son or a human or whatever), and how he talks about cleansing the world by killing him...I mean, Mikael might as well be heading up a pogrom, he already has the lingo down.


Theoretically, I think it makes sense that Hayley still sees herself as a wolf and sees her daughter as a part of her pack, and is planning to only worry about Mikael when he starts threatening *the wolves.* But it's like HAYLEY OMG LISTEN TO KLAUS ABOUT THIS. He's not worth much but he at least does have a handle on why it's a big deal that he's a hybrid and that it's *not* just that he's a wolf+ or something. When she was telling Klaus that Mikael wasn't her problem, I was like, "First they came for the [hybrids], and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a [hybrid]..." :P


That said, when Klaus was talking to Aiden about him becoming Alpha, he *did* seem like Satan whispering in his ear -- which I thought was hilarious and fun! Klaus at his best. Or most Klaus-like, anyway. I love when he tries to play puppetmaster. Last week my favorite moment was him standing creepily on the balcony watching over Jackson and Hayley's wedding, and this week it was when he was working Aiden in that empty bar. While afaik, Jackson and Hayley were hooking up practically within shouting distance, those poor fools!

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Yes, if you are even slightly related to the Mikaelsons, vampires, or hybrids in any way and Mikael knows it he is a threat to you, especially if you're Klaus' kid, as a bargaining chip to use against him and the others if nothing else. Mikael is a completely psychotic bastard driven to kill Klaus and anyone that gets in his way and eventually anyone that doesn't for shits and giggles, and if Haley doesn't realize that by now after having seen everything he's done she's a complete idiot.

  • Love 1

I'm really hoping that Freya is just Dahlia playing the long con, because otherwise nothing she really does makes much sense. It's easy to see Dahlia using Freya's body and memories to turn everybody against each other and take out the rest of the family one by one while finding out where the baby is and stealing it in the process, not to mention that it doesn't make sense that she would just steal Freya away not to take her body from her or kill her for her power but as some sort of disciple or something, but if she is genuinely Freya trying to get the family together to fight Dahlia off as she claims she's doing a pretty terrible job of it.


Besides, it would just be a more interesting plotline anyway than the "we all know this all powerful witch is coming, but let's all not care in the least about it and do absolutely nothing until she's already right on top of us" like the route everybody except Freya seems be on.


If Freya was Dahlia, as powerful as she is, why not just attack the Mikaelson house and kill anyone in her way?  There was a wedding where Hope was introduced to a bunch of werewolves and they surely must have talked.  Freya has to know where Hope is.

If Freya was Dahlia, as powerful as she is, why not just attack the Mikaelson house and kill anyone in her way?  There was a wedding where Hope was introduced to a bunch of werewolves and they surely must have talked.  Freya has to know where Hope is.

Divide and conquer. Dahlia may be powerful, but that doesn't mean she's invincible. Even if Dahlia was powerful enough to take everybody out on her own power alone, it's easier and less surprises in store to take the Mikaelsons and the werewolves out not to mention get her hands on the baby before anyone knows what's going on if she gets them fighting each other rather than her, and/or distracted preparing for a threat that is actually among them. She'd also be able to deal with any countermeasures Team Klaus set up if she's privy to them in advance or even had the chance to set up some to backfire. We don't really know how powerful Dahlia is anyway, she could barely be above Esther or Finn's level for all we know.


Not that I really think the writers will actually write a plot that interesting, but I hope for it all the same.

Edited by immortalfrieza

Jackson is way too good for any of these fruitcakes.
Run Jackson, Run!!!



Hayley bugs me because it's like she *cannot understand* that Mikael's problem with Klaus isn't just some family feud or about Klaus acting like a psychotic asshole. Mikael thinks that hybrids should be cleansed from the face of the earth and that Klaus's very *existence* is an abomination, that his *being* is inherently monstrous. Hayley's daughter has Klaus's blood -- so YES, Mikael is a gigantic threat to Hope because YES Mikael is going to think she's inherently monstrous, too. Has Hayley never heard of bigotry before?


I want to march her down to the library and show her antisemitic propaganda, because like half of what Mikael says about Klaus is taken directly from it. Not that all he says is specific to antisemitism, but the way he seems to not just see Klaus as "cursed" or "corrupted" by being half wolf, but as a literal devil in disguise (as his son or a human or whatever), and how he talks about cleansing the world by killing him...I mean, Mikael might as well be heading up a pogrom, he already has the lingo down.


Theoretically, I think it makes sense that Hayley still sees herself as a wolf and sees her daughter as a part of her pack, and is planning to only worry about Mikael when he starts threatening *the wolves.* But it's like HAYLEY OMG LISTEN TO KLAUS ABOUT THIS. He's not worth much but he at least does have a handle on why it's a big deal that he's a hybrid and that it's *not* just that he's a wolf+ or something. When she was telling Klaus that Mikael wasn't her problem, I was like, "First they came for the [hybrids], and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a [hybrid]..." :P


That said, when Klaus was talking to Aiden about him becoming Alpha, he *did* seem like Satan whispering in his ear -- which I thought was hilarious and fun! Klaus at his best. Or most Klaus-like, anyway. I love when he tries to play puppetmaster. Last week my favorite moment was him standing creepily on the balcony watching over Jackson and Hayley's wedding, and this week it was when he was working Aiden in that empty bar. While afaik, Jackson and Hayley were hooking up practically within shouting distance, those poor fools!


Don't even get me started on this moron..... Queen, my ass!

I was unhappily surprised Klaus just took Hayley’s threat and whole speech……. It made me miss 12 hybrid killing Klaus.


I was kinda "Meh.." on the rest of the episode.

I just got done marathoning the show because, well, I guess because I'm masochistic and thought why not watch another CW show. Anyway, I'm ashamed to admit I really love this show. 


I was really into Elijah/Gia but it actually didn't work for me at all in this episode.


This was probably my least fave ep so far and I hope it's not the start of a trend.

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