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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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Brandi's blog






There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Brandi did NOT write this. I doubt she even knows some of these words.


I bet after having to take down that little twitter pearl against Andy yesterday that some Bravo PR handler has been sent over to muzzle this gal.

  Brandi Glanville


I think this is what Brandi's mother was referring to -after going after several of the women Brandi decided she is over it and they should all obey and honor her wishes.  No remorse for her behavior just empty words. 

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Wait, what? What happened?


Also, I'm scrolling through Kyle's Instagram. She doesn't have any recent pictures up of her and Kim. There's one from last week, but it looks like a photo from taping last fall when she and Kim met up for lunch after the spa day/wine tasting event. In the picture, they're both wearing the exact same outfits from that episode. The most real-time recent photo seems to be from 12 weeks ago at someone's Halloween party (Kyle, Kim, and (I think) Alexia are in the picture)

I think the dog bite, which happened in November, put a huge chill on what was already a very fragile relationship.  Brandi might wish it were different so that it would fit her narrative, but the fact is, these gals don't air their dirty laundry about everything that is going on in their private lives on Twitter. They haven't really spoken much about it (except for the brief statements that each gave), but from what I understand Kim is refusing to get rid of the dog, which has pissed Kyle off royally. Who knows if that is true, but in the past Kyle would send tweets to Kim, and I haven't seen many of those since the dog bite.

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I keep forgetting to mention: Lisa R's confusion in her TH about not knowing what 'tops and bottoms' meant was funny and self-depreciating and why I like her. But then she had to ruin it by continuing:

"Sorry gays" "I let my gays down" "Gays will you ever forgive me?" Thud. So unacceptable. Have the rules changed and suddenly it's okay to marginalize people like that? Would she call her Hispanic friends, 'My Hispanics'? Her Jewish friends, 'My Jews'? No.

So far, I like Lisa and I know she is currently the fan favorite but things like that start adding up for me.

God, this is such a plague among Real Housewives. They act like all gay men are Cabaret cast members. It bothers me so much. Of course while I think I kind of get what a Top & Bottom party is, gross. Kyle should never try to be funny. She's really bad at it. Edited by FozzyBear
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I think the dog bite, which happened in November, put a huge chill on what was already a very fragile relationship.  Brandi might wish it were different so that it would fit her narrative, but the fact is, these gals don't air their dirty laundry about everything that is going on in their private lives on Twitter. They haven't really spoken much about it (except for the brief statements that each gave), but from what I understand Kim is refusing to get rid of the dog, which has pissed Kyle off royally. Who knows if that is true, but in the past Kyle would send tweets to Kim, and I haven't seen many of those since the dog bite.


Not only Kim refuses to get rid of the dog but in true Kim's fashion she has placed the blame on Alexia, I know that Kyle is blind or pretends to be blind to her sister antics but in this case I am thinking that Mauricio threw a fit about it and that has had an impact in their relationship.


Kyle might not realize it yet but this in itself is a blessing in disguise, she will have to learn to love her sister from a distance and that is going to be the best not only for her but also for her family.

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Stupid Brandi tweeted Andy that all the talk about her on WWHL (when Eileen and Whitney Cummins were on his show) was too much and felt like bullying


She took that tweet down which is something that Brandi has never done before, so I am assuming that TPTB have had enough of her non-sense and have sent an official Bravo handler just like they had to do after she had the tampon string incident and when she revealed the RHBH salaries , basically somebody to muzzle her.


Bravo helped create this monster IMO so it couldn't have happened to a better person, added that just few weeks ago she had the fortunate idea of "joking" about the throwing wine and got pissed when Andy basically didn't back her up. I am starting to see the cracks between Brandi and Bravo,

These are my thoughts on that, for whatever it is worth.


The Joanna lawsuit could be ugly for Brandi. She made the original comments on WWHL, which were all on her. She also made the comments (in a different form) a couple of months ago, again on WWHL.  Afterwards when she got slammed for it, she said that she had been given cards to read and that those comments weren't actually hers.  She seemed concerned at that point, because a few days later she said that Joanna was a lovely person and that she would never mention any of that again.  Then, a couple of weeks later comes the lawsuit. The lawsuit specifically mentions both WWHL appearances in which Brandi make the comments. I believe that Brandi is pissed because she thinks that she was kind of set up during her second appearance, and if that hadn't happened, perhaps no lawsuit (since Joanna had never filed one after her initial comment, but did after the 2nd comment).


I also think that Bravo is probably worried.  Brandi will out a lot of people if the case ever gets so far where she needs to defend herself. She will talk about the fact that WWHL gave her the words to say. She might talk about how she is paid to act in a certain manner for ratings. That she is paid to ramp up the drama. She might say it is not real. I am just speculating here, but I think that Brandi has made folks at Bravo nervous, but that Bravo has also made Brandi very nervous.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. 

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All the exhausting addiction talk aside -- (see Therese Odell for a great, funny recap of last week's debacle -- sorry I can't link) -- these past two episodes have made me even more incredibly grateful for my sister.  She's 20 years younger than I am -- we have different mothers -- and is a bright, bright light in my life.  I just adore her and feel her love for me, even when we've had our little moments -- (not many and always my fault!, followed by immediate and real apologies even when I've been in not great shape).  My little niece and nephew have been blessed with a wonderful woman for a mama. 


Like they say, you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends.  It's great to have a sister who is both -- I love her, of course, and I also just really really LIKE her, which in many ways to me is much more important.  This is what I don't see  between K and K.  I don't doubt the love -- I just don't see the like -- maybe because it's considered too boring or maybe because there is just too much competition and animosity between them.  When you are going at it with a sibling, the liking can help inform better behavior with more force than a whole lotta love.  Love is prone to blow up in your face -- liking and respecting can be the better way to go.


I can see Kim, with Monty evidently living at her house and being tended to, being able to say no cameras at my place. Glad to have missed any more wedding planning.  That stuff puts me to sleep. 


Co-signing on the Lisa V dog talk.  I also thought she was a real bitch to Denise Richards.  Maybe because, I dunno, Charlie S. and the Maloofs were once close-ish.

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These are my thoughts on that, for whatever it is worth.


The Joanna lawsuit could be ugly for Brandi. She made the original comments on WWHL, which were all on her. She also made the comments (in a different form) a couple of months ago, again on WWHL.  Afterwards when she got slammed for it, she said that she had been given cards to read and that those comments weren't actually hers.  She seemed concerned at that point, because a few days later she said that Joanna was a lovely person and that she would never mention any of that again.  Then, a couple of weeks later comes the lawsuit. The lawsuit specifically mentions both WWHL appearances in which Brandi make the comments. I believe that Brandi is pissed because she thinks that she was kind of set up during her second appearance, and if that hadn't happened, perhaps no lawsuit (since Joanna had never filed one after her initial comment, but did after the 2nd comment).


I also think that Bravo is probably worried.  Brandi will out a lot of people if the case ever gets so far where she needs to defend herself. She will talk about the fact that WWHL gave her the words to say. She might talk about how she is paid to act in a certain manner for ratings. That she is paid to ramp up the drama. She might say it is not real. I am just speculating here, but I think that Brandi has made folks at Bravo nervous, but that Bravo has also made Brandi very nervous.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. 

I watched that WWHL 1 on 1 with Brandi. Yes, she read a question to Andy that was already written for her about Joanna but she added in the "smell" comment after Andy gave his answer. She is not the victim of WWHL/Andy forcing her to go there once again. Brandi could have turned that question around and offered an apology to Joanna but chose to stick to her initial nasty comment instead. That question could have just as easily have been seen as an opportunity for Brandi to do the right thing as much her claim of it being a set up against her. That is on her, no one else IMO. This is just more example of her claiming "victim" status to excuse her vicious/vile behavior on the episode and WWHL. Brandi can most certainly dish it but she can not take it, not in the slightest. JMO

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I also think that Bravo is probably worried.  Brandi will out a lot of people if the case ever gets so far where she needs to defend herself. She will talk about the fact that WWHL gave her the words to say. She might talk about how she is paid to act in a certain manner for ratings. That she is paid to ramp up the drama. She might say it is not real. I am just speculating here, but I think that Brandi has made folks at Bravo nervous, but that Bravo has also made Brandi very nervous.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.



I don't think Brandi can hurt the Bravo network in any way. She can screech and holler and yell and tweet all she wants about Andy's "bullying" (people, get a new word! Not everything is bullying.) on WWHL, or that Bravo coerced her into saying things, but I seriously doubt that any of it will have an impact on Bravo - or even the RH shows in general. I don't think any viewer thinks these shows are 100% reality. I'll admit that I'm one of the few that don't think everything is contrived and planned or that these women are all master manipulators of the highest order with grand schemes and plots that they puppet master over. I chose to believe that the situations are set up and we're watching the women react genuinely, for the most part. Not always, but generally. I just truly don't believe any of these women, Lisa V. included, are savvy enough to have the foresight and ability to manipulate the viewing audience to the degree that they are given credit for. 


But to say that Brandi makes Bravo nervous is laughable to me. This girl, who is barely able to tweet a coherent, legible statement in 140 characters or less is not going to make a successful network nervous. I'm sure Bravo has hours and hours and hours on the cutting room floor that they could use to discredit anything that Brandi says and thoroughly embarrass her. If anything, Bravo's probably got her by the short and curlys and she's too dumb to know better. 


Methinks that Brandi places more importance on who will listen to her drivel AND take her seriously than she has any right to. 

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Monty Brinson has terminal lung cancer.  (Think Breaking Bad)


Cancer patients can have good and bad days, as far as activity levels.  That doesn't mean they aren't dying.    Chemo just means "chemical therapy" and there are hundreds of different drugs, and many more different drug combinations.  Not all cause hair loss.  Many cause nausea.  Some chemos, or chemo combinations cause you to lose your hair. Others causes hand/foot syndrome. Radiation treatment can also make you sick if the tumors are near your digestive system.  Some chemos are taken every single day in pill form for as long as they work.  Some are infusions which people may have daily, or weekly, but sometimes in on/off cycles.  2 months on, check, months off, start again. 


They may still drive when between cycles or having a good day, or go buy groceries, or even take vacations, (or, you know, run meth labs) but they are still dying.  Monty may have opted out of future chemo treatments because his end is inevitable, and he doesn't want to face his final months sick as a dog.  He's still dying.  It's still awful.  Kim giving him a place to stay and be loved and cared for is something not many are willing to offer, because it's damn hard, damn sad, and emotionally wrenching.


Was this too much for her, and a bad idea?  We can speculate and certainly see the issues it could cause.  I've known many caregivers, and cancer patients, and I've seen stronger (MUCH stronger) people than Kim crumble under the weight of this. 


Kim said Monty took off for a few days, and had returned the night of the poker party.  Kim didn't really want to go, but it was work and she did.  As far as why Monty took off with no word to Kim?  His own grief, or hers, or any number of reasons could have caused that.  There are as many possible explanations as kibble in a bag of dog food.  Final days can be tense, and very emotional, for both caregivers and patients.  I know one woman, married for over 20 years, and her (dying) husband started screaming horrible things at her and the kids.  That was the way his pain and despair manifested, and it tore her heart out.  Maybe Monty suddenly decided he wanted to see the Rockies, or to see a Vegas show, or make amends to someone he hurt who now lives in Arizona.  It could have been anything, including a fight with Kim, or feeling guilty about imposing.  


The idea that Kim saw Monty dying painfully and immediately though "Woo Hoo!  Free drugs!" is just beyond the pale for me. 

Edited by Umbelina
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Because it's kinda obvious that she can barely take care of herself?  And, under the influence, might be the very last thing the man needs?  And cause on top of everything else she's got a poor dog around that she has trouble dealing with?  No Woos Hoos -- Just some Look Out Nows.   


It's up to them, of course, and one wishes them the very best under these and any other circumstances. 

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The idea that Kim saw Monty dying painfully and immediately though "Woo Hoo!  Free drugs!" is just beyond the pale for me.

Well it is a common addict behavior.  It's sad but true.  And that is the difficulty people have with living with an addict so much of the behavior is beyond the pale.  They take a car that they have been forbidden to use to go get drugs.  Crazy and sad stuff.


It strikes me that the biggest problem with Monty living at her house is the dog.  Is the dog still at 'school'?  Because this could be ugly.

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The idea that Kim saw Monty dying painfully and immediately though "Woo Hoo!  Free drugs!" is just beyond the pale for me.



She probably would have just thought that she would take care of him and be a great caregiver--and happily put aside the obvious problem of having all those drugs in the house even though subconsciously that was a plus for her. Which has been proved true with this story about her being in great pain that the doctors couldn't do anything about until Monty gave her a pill that came from...somewhere. 

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I don't think Brandi can hurt the Bravo network in any way. She can screech and holler and yell and tweet all she wants about Andy's "bullying" (people, get a new word! Not everything is bullying.) on WWHL, or that Bravo coerced her into saying things, but I seriously doubt that any of it will have an impact on Bravo - or even the RH shows in general. I don't think any viewer thinks these shows are 100% reality. I'll admit that I'm one of the few that don't think everything is contrived and planned or that these women are all master manipulators of the highest order with grand schemes and plots that they puppet master over. I chose to believe that the situations are set up and we're watching the women react genuinely, for the most part. Not always, but generally. I just truly don't believe any of these women, Lisa V. included, are savvy enough to have the foresight and ability to manipulate the viewing audience to the degree that they are given credit for. 


But to say that Brandi makes Bravo nervous is laughable to me. This girl, who is barely able to tweet a coherent, legible statement in 140 characters or less is not going to make a successful network nervous. I'm sure Bravo has hours and hours and hours on the cutting room floor that they could use to discredit anything that Brandi says and thoroughly embarrass her. If anything, Bravo's probably got her by the short and curlys and she's too dumb to know better. 


Methinks that Brandi places more importance on who will listen to her drivel AND take her seriously than she has any right to. 

She might not be able to hurt them, but she can piss them off by saying things they don't want her to say. Remember that Bravo has a PR person that is supposed to be with Brandi during every interview she does. They assigned this to her after she went on the Howard Stern show last year and revealed the salaries of the other HW's. She said that she was pretty much yelled at by every important person at Bravo after that, and her punishment was a babysitter from then on. She did an interview a few months ago and the interviewer noted when the PR person would step in to tell Brandi "not to answer that" from time to time. From what I understand, this is unprecedented for Bravo.  True, she might not hurt the network; certainly talking about the gals salaries doesn't "hurt" them, but it could cause them problems and give them headaches. Might have had  nothing to do with it, but not long after Brandi did this the entire cast of the NY show got together and demanded substantial increases in pay. She is just able to give them headaches, which will make some folks at Bravo nervous about what she  might say next. 

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Watching the scene of Kyle tripping over herself to get to her mind altered sister tells me she is either the most uneducated person on dealing with an addict or just a camera whore. The level of hysteria and panic she displays during that whole scene is painful. I've dealt with several alcoholics and addicts in my time and I learned fairly quickly that when they poke at you, like Kim did with the "thanks" comment is a plea for attention in their altered state. I have such a hard time believing that Kyle is that daft that, after all these years, she hasn't learned that confronting someone when they are using is pointless. The previous poster who said, for Kyle, this is all about Kyle, not Kim. No matter how much she claims she was just concerned about her sister.

Not to say living with a loved one who is an addict is easy, it isn't. But Kuyle loses credibility with me when she does this. She should know by now if Kim is going to use, she's going to use, period. It is insincere for her to go on and on with this martyr act. When Kim poked her the only response should have been "bye, talk to you tomorrow, hope you feel better" the screechy reaction like she was some 15 year old whose boyfriend just broke up with her theatrics bothered me more than Kim's behavior, Kim is an addict I don't expect much, but Kyle for Gods sake, get a hold of your own emotions and reactions. Sheesh.

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Didn't mean to diminish anyone else's experience. Was more trying to make the point that my perception of Kyle (and it is only my perception) is that her sisters issues appear to be more about her than Kim. When Kim was telling Lisa R the whole bit about "no one thinks about MY pain, what I go thru at night", it seems to me Kyle reads from the same playbook. Kim's addiction is about her more than Kim. ( again my personal observation). I totally understand everyone reacts differently to these thing , but in the moment I read Kyles behavior to be more about Kyle. YMMV

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Didn't mean to diminish anyone else's experience. Was more trying to make the point that my perception of Kyle (and it is only my perception) is that her sisters issues appear to be more about her than Kim. When Kim was telling Lisa R the whole bit about "no one thinks about MY pain, what I go thru at night", it seems to me Kyle reads from the same playbook. Kim's addiction is about her more than Kim. ( again my personal observation). I totally understand everyone reacts differently to these thing , but in the moment I read Kyles behavior to be more about Kyle. YMMV

I've noticed that too. Both Kim and Kyle talk about things in this very self focused way. They are always the stars of the narrative.

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Didn't mean to diminish anyone else's experience. Was more trying to make the point that my perception of Kyle (and it is only my perception) is that her sisters issues appear to be more about her than Kim. When Kim was telling Lisa R the whole bit about "no one thinks about MY pain, what I go thru at night", it seems to me Kyle reads from the same playbook. Kim's addiction is about her more than Kim. ( again my personal observation). I totally understand everyone reacts differently to these thing , but in the moment I read Kyles behavior to be more about Kyle. YMMV

No problem, I think that a lot of folks would agree with you.


Kim's comment in the Limo about "how do you think I feel" when Lisa R talked about Monty being sick pretty much said it all to me. I have always rooted for Kim, but I saw a darkness and selfishness that I hadn't seen before and I didn't like it.


I will be rooting for Kyle when she flips Kim off next week.  Can.  Not.  Wait. 

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This restricting (as much as real cigarettes) E cigarettes in California immediately made me think of RHBH!  Too bad Kim and Alison Dubois, fun time is almost over.  How weird that my brain went straight to this show when the story popped up. 

Edited by Umbelina
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I don't think Brandi can hurt the Bravo network in any way. She can screech and holler and yell and tweet all she wants about Andy's "bullying" (people, get a new word! Not everything is bullying.) on WWHL, or that Bravo coerced her into saying things, but I seriously doubt that any of it will have an impact on Bravo - or even the RH shows in general. I don't think any viewer thinks these shows are 100% reality. I'll admit that I'm one of the few that don't think everything is contrived and planned or that these women are all master manipulators of the highest order with grand schemes and plots that they puppet master over. I chose to believe that the situations are set up and we're watching the women react genuinely, for the most part. Not always, but generally. I just truly don't believe any of these women, Lisa V. included, are savvy enough to have the foresight and ability to manipulate the viewing audience to the degree that they are given credit for. 


But to say that Brandi makes Bravo nervous is laughable to me. This girl, who is barely able to tweet a coherent, legible statement in 140 characters or less is not going to make a successful network nervous. I'm sure Bravo has hours and hours and hours on the cutting room floor that they could use to discredit anything that Brandi says and thoroughly embarrass her. If anything, Bravo's probably got her by the short and curlys and she's too dumb to know better. 


Methinks that Brandi places more importance on who will listen to her drivel AND take her seriously than she has any right to. 

She does have this fan base that buys into everything she says, much like Teresa Guidice does.  I think most HWs do but these 2 have very vocal fan bases.


Monty Brinson has terminal lung cancer.  (Think Breaking Bad)


Cancer patients can have good and bad days, as far as activity levels.  That doesn't mean they aren't dying.    Chemo just means "chemical therapy" and there are hundreds of different drugs, and many more different drug combinations.  Not all cause hair loss.  Many cause nausea.  Some chemos, or chemo combinations cause you to lose your hair. Others causes hand/foot syndrome. Radiation treatment can also make you sick if the tumors are near your digestive system.  Some chemos are taken every single day in pill form for as long as they work.  Some are infusions which people may have daily, or weekly, but sometimes in on/off cycles.  2 months on, check, months off, start again. 


They may still drive when between cycles or having a good day, or go buy groceries, or even take vacations, (or, you know, run meth labs) but they are still dying.  Monty may have opted out of future chemo treatments because his end is inevitable, and he doesn't want to face his final months sick as a dog.  He's still dying.  It's still awful.  Kim giving him a place to stay and be loved and cared for is something not many are willing to offer, because it's damn hard, damn sad, and emotionally wrenching.


Was this too much for her, and a bad idea?  We can speculate and certainly see the issues it could cause.  I've known many caregivers, and cancer patients, and I've seen stronger (MUCH stronger) people than Kim crumble under the weight of this. 


Kim said Monty took off for a few days, and had returned the night of the poker party.  Kim didn't really want to go, but it was work and she did.  As far as why Monty took off with no word to Kim?  His own grief, or hers, or any number of reasons could have caused that.  There are as many possible explanations as kibble in a bag of dog food.  Final days can be tense, and very emotional, for both caregivers and patients.  I know one woman, married for over 20 years, and her (dying) husband started screaming horrible things at her and the kids.  That was the way his pain and despair manifested, and it tore her heart out.  Maybe Monty suddenly decided he wanted to see the Rockies, or to see a Vegas show, or make amends to someone he hurt who now lives in Arizona.  It could have been anything, including a fight with Kim, or feeling guilty about imposing.  


The idea that Kim saw Monty dying painfully and immediately though "Woo Hoo!  Free drugs!" is just beyond the pale for me. 

I don't think anyone questions Monty's illness, IMO, his hair is a toupee/not real. He does not live with Kim full time though, he comes and goes as he wants and I do think that drives Kim nuts. We also do not know if he stays with her during his treatments, after them to recoup or just to give her some attention because he is in town. I get the impression that Monty has stayed with her time to time over the years because they are on good terms.


Also, I do not think Kim took him in to get access to his meds but that at some point after he started staying with her, she saw this as a side benefit of him staying with her and I do not buy into that this was a 1 time only thing.


Kyle expressed concern about the wisdom of Monty staying with Kim because of the stress that would bring her, I think Kyle was correct.

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Well, like an idiot, I kept reading Brandi's blog.


"Lisa R. is charming and delightful to my face but a snake behind my back. I barely know this woman, but if she truly thinks that I have a problem, the proper thing would have been to come to me before talking to Kyle about it behind my back. I really don’t want to believe that she is this careless, because everyone on the show has kids that can be affected by comments like these. These are very serious accusations and throwing them around for public fodder is simply irresponsible, and she should be disappointed in herself. This show centers around social activities, and I'm a social drinker--that is it. This group of women can be intimidating and stressful and when we are socializing together there is ALWAYS alcohol around, so I partake."


If you're worried about your kids, don't act like a drunken fool on camera. Last time I checked no one was forcing drinks down your mouth.  You don't have to partake.

Yes Brandi it;s careless to make accusations that could affect your kids. Acting like the drunkest slut, making every offensive comment you can think of and cussing like a drunken sailor, while constantly drunk, is a Mother of Year behavior for sure.


Lisa R. should be disappointedin herself? Yeah, OK. 


Brandi Glanville  todays version of June Cleaver.


If June Cleaver was a drunken slut.

Edited by chlban
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Watching the scene of Kyle tripping over herself to get to her mind altered sister tells me she is either the most uneducated person on dealing with an addict or just a camera whore. The level of hysteria and panic she displays during that whole scene is painful. I've dealt with several alcoholics and addicts in my time and I learned fairly quickly that when they poke at you, like Kim did with the "thanks" comment is a plea for attention in their altered state. I have such a hard time believing that Kyle is that daft that, after all these years, she hasn't learned that confronting someone when they are using is pointless. The previous poster who said, for Kyle, this is all about Kyle, not Kim. No matter how much she claims she was just concerned about her sister.

Not to say living with a loved one who is an addict is easy, it isn't. But Kuyle loses credibility with me when she does this. She should know by now if Kim is going to use, she's going to use, period. It is insincere for her to go on and on with this martyr act. When Kim poked her the only response should have been "bye, talk to you tomorrow, hope you feel better" the screechy reaction like she was some 15 year old whose boyfriend just broke up with her theatrics bothered me more than Kim's behavior, Kim is an addict I don't expect much, but Kyle for Gods sake, get a hold of your own emotions and reactions. Sheesh.

When Kim went to leave the first time, Kyle did not try to stop her and did not say a word about it. It was only after Kim came back to say "goodbye" to everyone and got that dig into Kyle, the "Thanks again" guilt trip, that Kyle responded. I really do not believe that she understood why Kim was mad at her when just a few minutes before all was fine between them. Kyle was in the kitchen and did not hear or see what transpired between Kim and Brandi and Kim did not hear the full reason as to why Kyle was "embarrassed". Kyle wanted to know what the heck happened to set Kim off but Brandi refused to allow that to happen and it went from miscommunication/misunderstanding to hell in a hand basket in seconds. Yes, both sisters have a very bad habit of making it about themselves but Kyle did not go there that night without cause IMO.


It just ticks me off to no end that I even feel the need to defend Kyle, I do not really care for her at all and dislike Kim and Brandi even more for me feeling some sympathy toward Kyle! LOL

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Watching the scene of Kyle tripping over herself to get to her mind altered sister tells me she is either the most uneducated person on dealing with an addict or just a camera whore. The level of hysteria and panic she displays during that whole scene is painful. I've dealt with several alcoholics and addicts in my time and I learned fairly quickly that when they poke at you, like Kim did with the "thanks" comment is a plea for attention in their altered state. I have such a hard time believing that Kyle is that daft that, after all these years, she hasn't learned that confronting someone when they are using is pointless. The previous poster who said, for Kyle, this is all about Kyle, not Kim. No matter how much she claims she was just concerned about her sister.

Not to say living with a loved one who is an addict is easy, it isn't. But Kuyle loses credibility with me when she does this. She should know by now if Kim is going to use, she's going to use, period. It is insincere for her to go on and on with this martyr act. When Kim poked her the only response should have been "bye, talk to you tomorrow, hope you feel better" the screechy reaction like she was some 15 year old whose boyfriend just broke up with her theatrics bothered me more than Kim's behavior, Kim is an addict I don't expect much, but Kyle for Gods sake, get a hold of your own emotions and reactions. Sheesh.

I don't think Kyle is uneducated and thanks for the reminder about how Kim and Brandi called her stupid repeatedly. To me, Kyle's anxiety is just as valid as Kim's.  Kim and Brandi said some pretty humiliating things to Kyle and Lisa at the poker table.  They are filming a TV show, they are actresses, there has to be some communication so camera time is a given-they are in front of live cameras.  Kyle removed herself from Kim and Kim went tagging after her.   What I feel the problem is and has always been in the Richards sisters' lives is they have a very strong desire to be public personas and then think or feel that they can withhold or keep secret reasons for incredibly bad public behavior.  Whether it is tossing your groceries on the floor at Whole Foods (see Kim thread) or having a daughter do a sex tape you have to own it-it is the price of fame.  In contrast you have someone like Brandi who seeks attention by behaving as outrageously and publicly as possible (and is her only claim to fame) and then gets upset because people criticize her.


It was amazing, and not in a good way, that somehow the conversation in the limo between Kyle and Brandi wherein they discussed the importance of things being out in the open, somehow left the building when they were confronted with Kim's voluntary impairment.  Would there have been anything wrong with Kim or Kyle after Kim admitted to using, going into the kitchen and saying, "earlier this evening I (or Kim) took any medication that was new to me(her) and it has had an adverse effect.  I (Kim) apologize and am going to grab a quick bite and make my way home. Please go on and enjoy the evening and I (she) will see you soon"   Now I realize this would go to the crux of the situation that f&*^%& Kim thinks everything is a state secret when it comes to her alcoholism/addiction.  Put it out there and move on.  No one, and trust me no one, wants to go into an impromptu intervention or even ask a question.  Kyle can't do it without Kim's permission and Kim is to self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself.


So as much as Brandi will say-Kyle should tell her privately, or Kyle is only there for Kim for the cameras, or I said out loud what the others are talking about behind her back (most recently Eileen's choice of décor last season it was the Mauricio cheating scandal) there has to be some standard.  For Kim she needs to let those around express themselves when she takes leave of her senses through misuse of medication-instead of the umbrage she employs of others questioning her sobriety.  For Brandi she just needs to STFU and stop using words like judgmental.

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When Kyle was in the kitchen telling Mauricio that Kim was in the hospital, could he be any less interested ? It's pretty clear that the family has been to this rodeo many times before with Kim and he is over it. 


I think Mauricio already knew about Kim.  The scene called for Kyle telling Mauricio, so the audience would know.


Kyle needs to calm down and stop following Kim into bathrooms for private chats when she's on a bender.


Kim followed Kyle into the bathroom. 

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Monty Brinson has terminal lung cancer.  (Think Breaking Bad)


Cancer patients can have good and bad days, as far as activity levels.  That doesn't mean they aren't dying.    Chemo just means "chemical therapy" and there are hundreds of different drugs, and many more different drug combinations.  Not all cause hair loss.  Many cause nausea.  Some chemos, or chemo combinations cause you to lose your hair. Others causes hand/foot syndrome. Radiation treatment can also make you sick if the tumors are near your digestive system.  Some chemos are taken every single day in pill form for as long as they work.  Some are infusions which people may have daily, or weekly, but sometimes in on/off cycles.  2 months on, check, months off, start again. 


They may still drive when between cycles or having a good day, or go buy groceries, or even take vacations, (or, you know, run meth labs) but they are still dying.  Monty may have opted out of future chemo treatments because his end is inevitable, and he doesn't want to face his final months sick as a dog.  He's still dying.  It's still awful.  Kim giving him a place to stay and be loved and cared for is something not many are willing to offer, because it's damn hard, damn sad, and emotionally wrenching.


Was this too much for her, and a bad idea?  We can speculate and certainly see the issues it could cause.  I've known many caregivers, and cancer patients, and I've seen stronger (MUCH stronger) people than Kim crumble under the weight of this. 


Kim said Monty took off for a few days, and had returned the night of the poker party.  Kim didn't really want to go, but it was work and she did.  As far as why Monty took off with no word to Kim?  His own grief, or hers, or any number of reasons could have caused that.  There are as many possible explanations as kibble in a bag of dog food.  Final days can be tense, and very emotional, for both caregivers and patients.  I know one woman, married for over 20 years, and her (dying) husband started screaming horrible things at her and the kids.  That was the way his pain and despair manifested, and it tore her heart out.  Maybe Monty suddenly decided he wanted to see the Rockies, or to see a Vegas show, or make amends to someone he hurt who now lives in Arizona.  It could have been anything, including a fight with Kim, or feeling guilty about imposing.  


The idea that Kim saw Monty dying painfully and immediately though "Woo Hoo!  Free drugs!" is just beyond the pale for me. 

I agree with you about Kim NOT taking care of Monty to take his drugs...even though it crossed my mind.  She said he was her friend and isn't he the father of her daughter?  She seems a lonely person so I wouldn't be surprised, if sad as it is, she saw him as a companion also. 


If Monty had just come back to Kim's home after being away for a few days, I can believe she did not want to go to the Card Party.  Did she have bronchial pneumonia and hurt her ribs coughing and have a hiatus hernia who knows...but the doctors keeping her there for 9-days  for absolutely nothing doesn't make sense.  Kim may have been mentally and physically exhausted and she never should have taken a pill to magically make her feel better...it was an epic fail and only drew another wedge between Kyle and herself.


I don't believe Kim should have attended the wine tasting or poker night based on her current obligations.  She should never have signed on for this season...I suppose the money is a reason she did.  Probably didn't want to ask her family for financial support especially in light of her daughter's wedding.  She would have been better off living a more conservative lifestyle and had her daughter and husband taken out a loan for the wedding.  IMO, exposing her family to this season's addiction/sister woes was not worth it.


If Kim was worried about Brandi not having anyone to film with...than that was one huge mistake!

Edited by RealityTVSmack
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I posted all of that because of several comments questioning whether Monty was really sick, or even on chemo since he had his hair, and that Kim took him in because of easy drugs.


Lung cancer spread to the brain and spine, he's terminal, barring a last minute drug discovery (which has happened.)  Not many people will take a dying, sick person in, it's just too much.  For Kim, I think it was worse, since she already did it for her mother, it had to bring back flashbacks too.


It just ticks me off to no end that I even feel the need to defend Kyle, I do not really care for her at all and dislike Kim and Brandi even more for me feeling some sympathy toward Kyle! LOL


That's kind of how I feel about Kim.  Ha, just switch the K names in your above for me.


I don't hate Brandi, and I think without her the show would be deadly dull.  I also think she will pull it together, or she has a very good chance of that.  I think the fame and popularity went to her head.  This season should bring her up short, and I think somewhere in there, possibly with her former addict friend's help (off camera) she will be able to do some self reflection and make some changes.  We shall see.


Kim and Kyle though?  I see no hope for either of them. 

1.  They aren't very bright or self reflective.  Both of them immediately blame others, have a problem with taking responsibility.

2.  They have too many SERIOUS  childhood issues and jealousies and resentments.  I think far too many of these are based in self worth issues and myths they've created from a very young age to justify actions.

3.  It would involve admitting dear dead mommy had faults.  That pedestal is the foundation of their lives, it's not going to fall or crumble.  See # 1.


It's actually kind of fascinating to watch, if I step back and just observe.  This is what happens when one child is the "star" and breadwinner and working pretty much non-stop throughout her childhood.  The other, less preferred by directors kid, gets even by rubbing in how popular she is, how many friends she has, how she learned to put on make up herself, and go to a real school, and dances, and football games, and all of that.  Kim probably rubbed it in a bit when she compensated by buying Kyle's car, or getting roles.  They were just kids, both trying to prove to themselves, and to each other, and to mommy that they were valuable. 


They still are.

"I'm the best, it's HER fault!" played out all over again some more on RHBH.

Edited by Umbelina
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Lisa R. is charming and delightful to my face but a snake behind my back. I barely know this woman, but if she truly thinks that I have a problem, the proper thing would have been to come to me before talking to Kyle about it behind my back.

This was from Brandi's blog.


Does Brandi not know that Lisar and Kyle are long-time friends, way pre-dating this show?  Lisar and Eileen clearly have no interest in getting to know Brandi on anything other than a superficial level.  I mean, who can blame either of them?  Eileen has already told Vince that Brandi is 'toxic'.  And that's on-camera.  Who knows what she's said when the cameras aren't rolling?


Oh, and Brandi?  We all think you've got a problem.  The line to tell you that would be longer than the one to get pictures taken with Santa at the mall during the holidays. 

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Monty Brinson has terminal lung cancer.  (Think Breaking Bad)


Cancer patients can have good and bad days, as far as activity levels.  That doesn't mean they aren't dying.    Chemo just means "chemical therapy" and there are hundreds of different drugs, and many more different drug combinations.  Not all cause hair loss.  Many cause nausea.  Some chemos, or chemo combinations cause you to lose your hair. Others causes hand/foot syndrome. Radiation treatment can also make you sick if the tumors are near your digestive system.  Some chemos are taken every single day in pill form for as long as they work.  Some are infusions which people may have daily, or weekly, but sometimes in on/off cycles.  2 months on, check, months off, start again. 


They may still drive when between cycles or having a good day, or go buy groceries, or even take vacations, (or, you know, run meth labs) but they are still dying.  Monty may have opted out of future chemo treatments because his end is inevitable, and he doesn't want to face his final months sick as a dog.  He's still dying.  It's still awful.  Kim giving him a place to stay and be loved and cared for is something not many are willing to offer, because it's damn hard, damn sad, and emotionally wrenching.


Was this too much for her, and a bad idea?  We can speculate and certainly see the issues it could cause.  I've known many caregivers, and cancer patients, and I've seen stronger (MUCH stronger) people than Kim crumble under the weight of this. 


Kim said Monty took off for a few days, and had returned the night of the poker party.  Kim didn't really want to go, but it was work and she did.  As far as why Monty took off with no word to Kim?  His own grief, or hers, or any number of reasons could have caused that.  There are as many possible explanations as kibble in a bag of dog food.  Final days can be tense, and very emotional, for both caregivers and patients.  I know one woman, married for over 20 years, and her (dying) husband started screaming horrible things at her and the kids.  That was the way his pain and despair manifested, and it tore her heart out.  Maybe Monty suddenly decided he wanted to see the Rockies, or to see a Vegas show, or make amends to someone he hurt who now lives in Arizona.  It could have been anything, including a fight with Kim, or feeling guilty about imposing.  


The idea that Kim saw Monty dying painfully and immediately though "Woo Hoo!  Free drugs!" is just beyond the pale for me. 

Agreed. It's very possible that he is using just radiation for palliation to shrink the tumors and buy some time and pain control.


Well it is a common addict behavior.  It's sad but true.  And that is the difficulty people have with living with an addict so much of the behavior is beyond the pale.  They take a car that they have been forbidden to use to go get drugs.  Crazy and sad stuff.


It strikes me that the biggest problem with Monty living at her house is the dog.  Is the dog still at 'school'?  Because this could be ugly.


See that's where I disagree. There are different types of substance use. One type you have dependence which is a physiologic process where you have tolerance and withdrawal and dependent people are more likely to have escalation of drug seeking behavior to avoid physical discomfort of withdrawal. These are the people who steal and do anything to get the drug. Then you have substance abuse which is a chronic disorder of use and is a behavioral disease. These users are unlikely to go to those lengths to use.



This restricting (as much as real cigarettes) E cigarettes in California immediately made me think of RHBH!  Too bad Kim and Alison Dubois, fun time is almost over.  How weird that my brain went straight to this show when the story popped up. 

This is a very bad idea. Millions of smokers have quit using these devices and while they may not be totally healthy, there is no doubt that they are healthier.

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I don't hate Brandi, and I think without her the show would be deadly dull.  I also think she will pull it together, or she has a very good chance of that.  I think the fame and popularity went to her head.  This season should bring her up short, and I think somewhere in there, possibly with her former addict friend's help (off camera) she will be able to do some self reflection and make some changes.  We shall see.


Kim and Kyle though?  I see no hope for either of them. 

1.  They aren't very bright or self reflective.  Both of them immediately blame others, have a problem with taking responsibility.

2.  They have too many SERIOUS  childhood issues and jealousies and resentments.  I think far too many of these are based in self worth issues and myths they've created from a very young age to justify actions.

3.  It would involve admitting dear dead mommy had faults.  That pedestal is the foundation of their lives, it's not going to fall or crumble.  See # 1.




I guess everyone's definition of "hope" is probably different, so I won't speak for anyone but me. For Kim, it is hard to tell what will become of her. Can she pull herself out of it? Not sure at this point. I think that Kyle is going to be just fine by the standards of most folks, so I don't know if she needs any "hope".  If the cameras go away and Kyle is never in front of one again, I think she will be just fine. She has more money than she will ever need, a husband who seems to love her, and a huge family also of substantial wealth. She is beautiful, seems to take good care of herself, and from what I have seen doesn't seem to need anyone to help her with her priorities. She seems all set.  Of course by nature of even considering being on this show she is somewhat of a narcissist, so she will always want more. 


Brandi may pull it all out eventually. The thing that I cannot picture is how Brandi would be OK right now if there were zero cameras around her. What does she have? A rental house and a leased car? Her boys 50% of the time? The reputation as the town drunk, town slut, and keeper of no secrets? A girl who use to be beautiful but has done things to her face that have turned her into something so different.  She is 5 years younger than Kyle and looks 10 years older. She apparently cannot find a man at this point, although she has certainly tried. She has been relegated to sticking with a guy she has humiliated on national TV and admitted cheats on her (and we know how Brandi feels about men who cheat).  What man of quality would ever want Brandi? Can you imagine taking her home to your family and telling them that this was the girl for you? Imagine those Thanksgiving dinners. There may be hope for her, but I would think that Kyle wins this bet every single time, which I am sure drives Brandi nuts. 

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So, I really do not believe that this show would be dull without Brandi. She came on during the second season and was a FOH (meaning her role was limited). The first season was successful without her. The idea that somehow RHOBH needs Brandi is simply not one I can get behind.

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Well, whatever condition Monty was in at the time, if he left the house, knowing what an anxiety-ridden person Kim is, without telling her, without letting her know where he was going, etc, not so good, Monty.  When she told that tale in the limo, I was, going, wow, that's not really very nice and he must know how she is and how she gets.  Leave her a note, man!  That said, glad he got to go out and don't blame him for splitting.  That looked like the back end of a bender that had been going on for a day or two. (I don't think I'm incorrect in saying that she said she didn't know where he was and that he hadn't told her--deciphering what comes out of her mouth when she's messed up can be challenging.)


If, on the other hand, Kim made up this all of a sudden don't know where he went story about Monty, then, wow -- Kim, you're grounded.  Though I'd love to see Kim, you're fired. 


I'd have some real hardcore respect for her, for Kim, if she could just come out and say, even now months later, I had a slip -- I relapsed.  No need to apologize or anything.  Just, please, stop lying and sucking all the damn air out of the show.  Kyle, too -- Really, how great would it be to see her just fess up -- I'm a co-dependent wreck and need to get some help for myself because I can't go on like this anymore. Wouldn't even have to mention whatever big sis was up to.  Just own it for herself.  That would be killer, right there.  Courage and smarts -- oh, wait ... Kyle and Kim ... I'm dreaming of course.


I always wonder when we go down this Richards sisters crazy house of mirrors road, what got left on the cutting room floor since Bravo insists on trotting this sad story out any and every time it happens.  What gets cut might be boring as hell but surely this drama is getting beyond tired.  And audience members get fed up when they feel like they're lied to over and over again about something serious that affects many of their own lives--just look at all the heartfelt comments here!


Lisa R is great and gutsy to call a spade a spade but that still leaves the two sisters out there writing really dumb blogs all about how nothing is basically their fault (cuz they say so) and the rest of the cast having to comment on another family's dirty laundry and sometimes feeling forced to take sides.


Kyle is an idiot to keep blaming Brandi -- It's easy to see what Brandi is doing.  Let her hang and twist in the wind on her own. Anyone dumb enough to engage Brandi at that level deserves what they get. All this childish business about how Brandi is getting between "my sister and me."  Calm down and either deal with it sensibly or don't.  I'd go for don't at this point.  Get selfish in a good way and tend to your immediate family unit. Here's to hoping she's doing just that even as I type. 


And Kim -- wow -- this latest blog is such an insult to anyone watching this stupid show.  She's got no shame. At all. 

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First season we had a completely different cast though.  The glorious Camille, the trainwreck Taylor, and weirdo Adrienne, along with Kim and Kyle, and a much more involved Lisa V.


Now we have sedate, ladylike Eileen, checked out sedate, ladylike Lisa V, sedate, ladylike, and ill Yolanda,  along with Kyle's buddy, Lisa R, who is fun, happily married, and pretends not to know what tops and bottoms are, so pretend ladylike?  Kyle and Kim's endless dysfunction continues, but Brandi is the trigger, the only thing (other than Kim's sobriety) that they are talking about other than their fabulous lives.  She's the match lighting the fuses to create "story."  Along with, of course, the Kim crap.


Unless you want to watch polite card games, tea and dogs with Lisa, or weepy sending the kids off to school or jobs stories non stop.  House porn goes a long way, but it doesn't keep viewers forever.

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This was from Brandi's blog.


Does Brandi not know that Lisar and Kyle are long-time friends, way pre-dating this show?  Lisar and Eileen clearly have no interest in getting to know Brandi on anything other than a superficial level.  I mean, who can blame either of them?  Eileen has already told Vince that Brandi is 'toxic'.  And that's on-camera.  Who knows what she's said when the cameras aren't rolling?


Oh, and Brandi?  We all think you've got a problem.  The line to tell you that would be longer than the one to get pictures taken with Santa at the mall during the holidays. 

I am going to retype in the Brandi quote because I can't get it to quote from your post.


"Lisa R. is charming and delightful to my face but a snake behind my back.  I barely know this woman but if she truly thinks I have a problem the proper thing would be to come to me before talking to Kyle about it behind my back."  from the Brandi Glanville blog dated 01/29/15 (emphasis added)


First off it is patently offensive for Brandi to instruct anyone, including barn animals, on the proper thing to do in any situation.


If Brandi "barely" knows this Lisar-what duty does she have to share her thoughts privately with someone who just openly and publicly called her stupid?




I posted all of that because of several comments questioning whether Monty was really sick, or even on chemo since he had his hair, and that Kim took him in because of easy drugs.


Lung cancer spread to the brain and spine, he's terminal, barring a last minute drug discovery (which has happened.)  Not many people will take a dying, sick person in, it's just too much.  For Kim, I think it was worse, since she already did it for her mother, it had to bring back flashbacks too.


That's kind of how I feel about Kim.  Ha, just switch the K names in your above for me.


I don't hate Brandi, and I think without her the show would be deadly dull.  I also think she will pull it together, or she has a very good chance of that.  I think the fame and popularity went to her head.  This season should bring her up short, and I think somewhere in there, possibly with her former addict friend's help (off camera) she will be able to do some self reflection and make some changes.  We shall see.


Kim and Kyle though?  I see no hope for either of them. 

1.  They aren't very bright or self reflective.  Both of them immediately blame others, have a problem with taking responsibility.

2.  They have too many SERIOUS  childhood issues and jealousies and resentments.  I think far too many of these are based in self worth issues and myths they've created from a very young age to justify actions.

3.  It would involve admitting dear dead mommy had faults.  That pedestal is the foundation of their lives, it's not going to fall or crumble.  See # 1.


It's actually kind of fascinating to watch, if I step back and just observe.  This is what happens when one child is the "star" and breadwinner and working pretty much non-stop throughout her childhood.  The other, less preferred by directors kid, gets even by rubbing in how popular she is, how many friends she has, how she learned to put on make up herself, and go to a real school, and dances, and football games, and all of that.  Kim probably rubbed it in a bit when she compensated by buying Kyle's car, or getting roles.  They were just kids, both trying to prove to themselves, and to each other, and to mommy that they were valuable. 


They still are.

"I'm the best, it's HER fault!" played out all over again some more on RHBH.

I think Kyle would be fine on the show without Kim.  I do not think Kim would survive two weeks of shooting because she is unwilling or incapable of forming even perfunctory relationships with her co-stars.  Brandi is a recent exception and between the kissing and the "I love yous" I doubt any of the present cast has any desire to even form an association with Kim.  It works both ways the rest of the cast gets to see up close and personal how crappy Kim was to Kyle.


I do think there is a bucket full of resentment on Kim's part that she has been unable to shed.  As far as jealousy I have never heard either sister claim to be jealous of the other and due to their age difference they would have never competed for the same childhood roles.  My friend who grew up with the Richards, who always has been most fond of Kim (Kyle was a lot younger) has said that when Kim was working she certainly didn't express any regrets about not attending regular school and in fact all three girls were enrolled in private school and Kim did not want to go. Kim, in spite of her rather dismal description of her childhood did enjoy the best of everything.  She was allowed a fairly unlimited budget when it came to clothes and all things important to teenage girls and her mother banked her required earnings and then some.  She did say the three sister fought all the time (physically) which makes me scratch my head -how does a nine year wallop on a four year old? 


If one familiarizes themselves with the child acting laws in California Kim's claims just ring false.  Right up there with other  RH stupid comments -Kim of all people was having and putting make up since she was a small child and she needed friends to perfect this?   Kyle actually worked all through high school on a sitcom and attended school when they weren't shooting.  Kim had about two guest star roles after she turned 16 and would not qualify for on set instruction but she chose not to go to school.  There is such a significant difference in age that Kim would not have been around for Kyle to rub in doing regular high school thing.  I mean really when you are 20 years old and have a baby on the way and married to a wealthy man would one be concerned what their 15 year old sister was doing?  Because if she was she would have discovered that her sister was attending school on set as she had a lead on a sitcom and when she wasn't filming went to school-the exact same opportunities Kim had. 


Big Kathy may have been a lot of things but I do believe Kyle when she said they were all excited when one of them enjoyed a success.  The solidarity between the sisters when Brooke got married I thought was touching.  Both sisters seemed very happy for Kim and Brooke.  Maybe the problem is Kim wanted her sisters to be jealous of her success or maybe Kim feels they owe her gratitude that she feels she hasn't received.  In any event Kim needs to get over it -thirty five, forty years later this rumination is not doing her a bit of good.  Trying to sell Brandi on it is a not a good idea.  Kim doesn't need any more reasons to drink.


I don't see where blaming your dead mother is healthy at all.  Acknowledge as they both have done their mother was tough.  Beyond that is just unseemly.

Edited by zoeysmom
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First season we had a completely different cast though.  The glorious Camille, the trainwreck Taylor, and weirdo Adrienne, along with Kim and Kyle, and a much more involved Lisa V.


Now we have sedate, ladylike Eileen, checked out sedate, ladylike Lisa V, sedate, ladylike, and ill Yolanda,  along with Kyle's buddy, Lisa R, who is fun, happily married, and pretends not to know what tops and bottoms are, so pretend ladylike?  Kyle and Kim's endless dysfunction continues, but Brandi is the trigger, the only thing (other than Kim's sobriety) that they are talking about other than their fabulous lives.  She's the match lighting the fuses to create "story."  Along with, of course, the Kim crap.


Unless you want to watch polite card games, tea and dogs with Lisa, or weepy sending the kids off to school or jobs stories non stop.  House porn goes a long way, but it doesn't keep viewers forever.

Well when you put it like that....


As much as I hate the thought, I think you're right. Without Brandi, it would be boring.  Bravo should replace her with someone a little less polarizing.  She's just too much. 

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Kim and Kyle discussed the whole school/not school jealousy thing during season 1.  (I believe.)  Kyle still denies being jealous of Kim's success, and her lack of it, I don't believe her.  I specifically remember one scene where Kim was saying she never got to do "normal" things, like learning to put on make up.  Kyle was applying make up to Kim at the time.  There were others.


As far as child protection laws in Hollywood, they have improved, yet we still hear about abuses, including sexual today.  They weren't as strong when Kim was young.  She was a busy child.  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001668/


Also, rejection for roles is hard enough for adults to deal with, I certainly can imagine it left scars or kids, both when Kim was no longer the young kid/quick study or as desirable for roles, and the many times Kyle wasn't chosen.


I also wonder who gave Kim the first drink or pill.  Druggie big sister Kathy?  Big Kathy to wake her up for an early call, or calm her enough to sleep after a long or exciting day on the set?  Or some Hollywood sleaze just for kicks?  I also wonder how old she was.  Has she ever said?


ETA I don't think they should BLAME their mother, just accept that mom was not perfect, and did the best she could, but that may not have been the best thing for them.  If they could accept that mom made some mistakes that they are still paying for, and talk about them, they might be able to heal.  Saying "mom did the best she could, but I wish..." is not unhealthy.  That pedestal is.

Edited by Umbelina
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My goodness. Lisa's writing is awful. Anyway, it's funny that she also claims that she tried to warn Kyle. Lisa has conflated her (super duper, rapid fire, butt buddy) friendship with Brandi with Kyle and Brandi getting to know each other in a much slower fashion. 


As I recall from a talking head, Lisa not only said she was not going to warn Kyle, she smiled gleefully and said - let's let her find out for herself, shall we?

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First season we had a completely different cast though.  The glorious Camille, the trainwreck Taylor, and weirdo Adrienne, along with Kim and Kyle, and a much more involved Lisa V.


Now we have sedate, ladylike Eileen, checked out sedate, ladylike Lisa V, sedate, ladylike, and ill Yolanda,  along with Kyle's buddy, Lisa R, who is fun, happily married, and pretends not to know what tops and bottoms are, so pretend ladylike?  Kyle and Kim's endless dysfunction continues, but Brandi is the trigger, the only thing (other than Kim's sobriety) that they are talking about other than their fabulous lives.  She's the match lighting the fuses to create "story."  Along with, of course, the Kim crap.


Unless you want to watch polite card games, tea and dogs with Lisa, or weepy sending the kids off to school or jobs stories non stop.  House porn goes a long way, but it doesn't keep viewers forever.



Well when you put it like that....


As much as I hate the thought, I think you're right. Without Brandi, it would be boring.  Bravo should replace her with someone a little less polarizing.  She's just too much. 

We will never know if the rest of the cast could put out an interesting season because Brandi has managed to make it all about her.  Next week she even crashes Kyle's party.  On their own these women might be just as interesting.

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My goodness. Lisa's writing is awful. Anyway, it's funny that she also claims that she tried to warn Kyle. Lisa has conflated her (super duper, rapid fire, butt buddy) friendship with Brandi with Kyle and Brandi getting to know each other in a much slower fashion. 





In her blog Lisa is sure to remind everyone that she tried to warn Kyle about Brandi. She says it like she was the first one to discover what an asshole Brandi is, when the reality is she is one of the last. It's like she completely forgets running around in S3 and S4 trying to convince everyone that Brandi was just a misunderstood gal with a big heart who sometimes said the wrong thing. 


Someone pages back it was mentioned that Lisa had one of the best lines of the night when she talked about how Brandi often says things just to provoke. It is how she makes herself feel important and relevant. I agree that it was a good statement, but I liked it just as much the first time it was said, almost word for word, by Faye. Obviously Faye was unlikeable and not the right person to deliver the message, but she was 100% right and for that had to go into hiding because of the death threats she received for saying something so terrible. The one thing that stands out is that Lisa accused Kyle of using Faye as her mouthpiece with those words. Funny, because if true that would mean that Kyle understood it all way before Lisa did, which of course is the truth. 

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First season we had a completely different cast though.  The glorious Camille, the trainwreck Taylor, and weirdo Adrienne, along with Kim and Kyle, and a much more involved Lisa V.


Now we have sedate, ladylike Eileen, checked out sedate, ladylike Lisa V, sedate, ladylike, and ill Yolanda,  along with Kyle's buddy, Lisa R, who is fun, happily married, and pretends not to know what tops and bottoms are, so pretend ladylike?  Kyle and Kim's endless dysfunction continues, but Brandi is the trigger, the only thing (other than Kim's sobriety) that they are talking about other than their fabulous lives.  She's the match lighting the fuses to create "story."  Along with, of course, the Kim crap.


Unless you want to watch polite card games, tea and dogs with Lisa, or weepy sending the kids off to school or jobs stories non stop.  House porn goes a long way, but it doesn't keep viewers forever.


I still don't buy it. I feel like with all of these shows, proclamations are made about how if so-and-so weren't there, it'd be dull. I know that I've thoroughly enjoyed RHONY without Jill Zarin on it. I anticipate enjoying the show even more now that Aviva is gone. I stopped watching RHOATL two episodes into this season in large part because of Nene, but also in small part because I can't with Phaedra and Kandi anymore and could never with Porsha at all. I know that I enjoyed the show much more when Nene was on in limited capacity because of The New Normal. 


In her blog Lisa is sure to remind everyone that she tried to warn Kyle about Brandi. She says it like she was the first one to discover what an asshole Brandi is, when the reality is she is one of the last. It's like she completely forgets running around in S3 and S4 trying to convince everyone that Brandi was just a misunderstood gal with a big heart who sometimes said the wrong thing. 


Someone pages back it was mentioned that Lisa had one of the best lines of the night when she talked about how Brandi often says things just to provoke. It is how she makes herself feel important and relevant. I agree that it was a good statement, but I liked it just as much the first time it was said, almost word for word, by Faye. Obviously Faye was unlikeable and not the right person to deliver the message, but she was 100% right and for that had to go into hiding because of the death threats she received for saying something so terrible. The one thing that stands out is that Lisa accused Kyle of using Faye as her mouthpiece with those words. Funny, because if true that would mean that Kyle understood it all way before Lisa did, which of course is the truth. 


Oh, of course. But Vanderpump is gonna Vanderpump, so...

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I am going to retype in the Brandi quote because I can't get it to quote from your post.


"Lisa R. is charming and delightful to my face but a snake behind my back.  I barely know this woman but if she truly thinks I have a problem the proper thing would be to come to me before talking to Kyle about it behind my back."  from the Brandi Glanville blog dated 01/29/15


First of all, you know damn well that if Lisa R went up to Brandi and told her she had a drinking problem, Brandi would be all like, "You don't know me! I'm an adult and I can do what the fuck I want to do!"

I don't think Brandi realizes that every time you drink, you don't have to get super drunk and wasted. I mean, I know bravo supplies them with alcohol at these events, but most of the time everyone else seems to still act like functional human beings. Obviously there have been times when everyone has gotten out of hand. Once people get to a certain age and they drink, they know their drinking limits and how to handle themselves. That doesn't mean they don't go a little crazy once in a while and that's okay. Sometimes people just want to let loose. But Brandi seems to get super drunk at every event and that's why people say she's got a problem.

Also, I don't why Brandi was complaining about being hungry at Eileen's house when she has $1000 worth of groceries she spends in one month at home.

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Kim and Kyle discussed the whole school/not school jealousy thing during season 1.  (I believe.)  Kyle still denies being jealous of Kim's success, and her lack of it, I don't believe her.  I specifically remember one scene where Kim was saying she never got to do "normal" things, like learning to put on make up.  Kyle was applying make up to Kim at the time.  There were others.


Kyle wasn't as successful as Kim but compared to most child actors she was very successful. Not that the difference didn't matter at all, but I doubt she thinks of herself as lacking in success in general.


I hated Kim's stories about not getting to do normal things--it was ridiculous. Kim was having make up applied by professionals at the time (not Kyle) and claimed that Kyle, going to high school more often, had time to learn things like putting on make up. As opposed to Kim on movie sets surrounded by and chatting to professional make up artists who could show her what they were doing. That was one of Kim's stand out moments to me, that she could make herself such a victim as to actually imply that being a child movie actress kept her from learning things like putting on make up. She might as well say that she never got a chance to learn how to hold a job or act like Kyle did in high school!

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In her blog Lisa is sure to remind everyone that she tried to warn Kyle about Brandi. She says it like she was the first one to discover what an asshole Brandi is, when the reality is she is one of the last. It's like she completely forgets running around in S3 and S4 trying to convince everyone that Brandi was just a misunderstood gal with a big heart who sometimes said the wrong thing. 


Someone pages back it was mentioned that Lisa had one of the best lines of the night when she talked about how Brandi often says things just to provoke. It is how she makes herself feel important and relevant. I agree that it was a good statement, but I liked it just as much the first time it was said, almost word for word, by Faye. Obviously Faye was unlikeable and not the right person to deliver the message, but she was 100% right and for that had to go into hiding because of the death threats she received for saying something so terrible. The one thing that stands out is that Lisa accused Kyle of using Faye as her mouthpiece with those words. Funny, because if true that would mean that Kyle understood it all way before Lisa did, which of course is the truth. 

Gotta love these TWOP refugees with long memories! So very true. MCM65!


Yeah, I don't think Lisa V has had an original thought in her entire life.  Her commentary has always seemed quite scripted and rehearsed to me, like someone else has fed her ready-to-use "witty" remarks for her THs.  And to steal a line from the One Who Must Not Be Named?  Ouch, Lisa! You need to hire a new ghost writer- stat!

Edited by BluishGreen
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I posted all of that because of several comments questioning whether Monty was really sick, or even on chemo since he had his hair, and that Kim took him in because of easy drugs.


Lung cancer spread to the brain and spine, he's terminal, barring a last minute drug discovery (which has happened.)  Not many people will take a dying, sick person in, it's just too much.  For Kim, I think it was worse, since she already did it for her mother, it had to bring back flashbacks too.


That's kind of how I feel about Kim.  Ha, just switch the K names in your above for me.


I don't hate Brandi, and I think without her the show would be deadly dull.  I also think she will pull it together, or she has a very good chance of that.  I think the fame and popularity went to her head.  This season should bring her up short, and I think somewhere in there, possibly with her former addict friend's help (off camera) she will be able to do some self reflection and make some changes.  We shall see.


Kim and Kyle though?  I see no hope for either of them. 

1.  They aren't very bright or self reflective.  Both of them immediately blame others, have a problem with taking responsibility.

2.  They have too many SERIOUS  childhood issues and jealousies and resentments.  I think far too many of these are based in self worth issues and myths they've created from a very young age to justify actions.

3.  It would involve admitting dear dead mommy had faults.  That pedestal is the foundation of their lives, it's not going to fall or crumble.  See # 1.


It's actually kind of fascinating to watch, if I step back and just observe.  This is what happens when one child is the "star" and breadwinner and working pretty much non-stop throughout her childhood.  The other, less preferred by directors kid, gets even by rubbing in how popular she is, how many friends she has, how she learned to put on make up herself, and go to a real school, and dances, and football games, and all of that.  Kim probably rubbed it in a bit when she compensated by buying Kyle's car, or getting roles.  They were just kids, both trying to prove to themselves, and to each other, and to mommy that they were valuable. 


They still are.

"I'm the best, it's HER fault!" played out all over again some more on RHBH.

I am not so sure how well  Kim did in caring for her mother. Both her parents died close to each other time wise and Kim was an addict, a full blown addict, when her father died. Kim had him stay at her house when he came to LA for treatments as well but he could not take her wacked out behavior, her kids jumping on his bed as he lay there in enormous pain. That is according to Kim's step-mom who was present the whole time. It was so bad in her house that they decided to leave and go back to Vegas to stay with her daughter until the end. When he was in the hospital dying, Kim went to Vegas to see him but went to the casino's instead to drink, get high and party. She never saw her father alive again after he left her house. I think it is most likely that Kim was abusing when she was caring for her and that she had a lot of help, not just her sisters but Hospice help.


ETA, Ken Richards died in 1998, 2 years before Big Kathy and Kim was an active, very active addict then. Big Kathy died in 2002, I highly doubt that Kim was clean/sober when she got sick or if she was, that she stayed clean throughout her mothers final months. JMO


Agreed. It's very possible that he is using just radiation for palliation to shrink the tumors and buy some time and pain control.



See that's where I disagree. There are different types of substance use. One type you have dependence which is a physiologic process where you have tolerance and withdrawal and dependent people are more likely to have escalation of drug seeking behavior to avoid physical discomfort of withdrawal. These are the people who steal and do anything to get the drug. Then you have substance abuse which is a chronic disorder of use and is a behavioral disease. These users are unlikely to go to those lengths to use.

This is a very bad idea. Millions of smokers have quit using these devices and while they may not be totally healthy, there is no doubt that they are healthier.

The e-cigs that are harmful are the fruit "vapor" cigs. Not the tobacco flavored e-cigs, they do not contain the garbage the fruit tasting ones do.

First season we had a completely different cast though.  The glorious Camille, the trainwreck Taylor, and weirdo Adrienne, along with Kim and Kyle, and a much more involved Lisa V.


Now we have sedate, ladylike Eileen, checked out sedate, ladylike Lisa V, sedate, ladylike, and ill Yolanda,  along with Kyle's buddy, Lisa R, who is fun, happily married, and pretends not to know what tops and bottoms are, so pretend ladylike?  Kyle and Kim's endless dysfunction continues, but Brandi is the trigger, the only thing (other than Kim's sobriety) that they are talking about other than their fabulous lives.  She's the match lighting the fuses to create "story."  Along with, of course, the Kim crap.


Unless you want to watch polite card games, tea and dogs with Lisa, or weepy sending the kids off to school or jobs stories non stop.  House porn goes a long way, but it doesn't keep viewers forever.

Any and all of the HWs are replaceable, all of them. IMO, all they need to do is hire a wealthy bitchy woman that does not behave as if she were raised in a primordial pit of slimy ooze and fire Brandi and Kim. They can keep Kyle, she is a foundation HW, like Lisa V and they both bring enough on their own to the show, both class/drama/wealth/house porn. They need to keep Lisa R, talk Eileen into staying and it does not matter to me if Yolanda stays or goes (her house is great but I am tired of hearing about Lyme's/the King/her perfect daughters/how perfect she is though). Bring in 2 newbies that have no real ties to any of the remaining cast.  JMO

Edited by WireWrap
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